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1. How would you differentiate biological and cultural evolution?

Biological evolution refers to the natural changes which are identifiable by these given
variables: physical, morphological, hereditary traits, and the like. While cultural evolution
refers to the changes of the patterns of living, development of interaction between the early
ancestors, and practices that are acknowledged. Evolution comes in many forms, Biological
takes the place of genetics and organisms, while Culture can be observed by behavior and

2. How can you differentiate the hominids from homo sapiens?

Hominids, also known as the Great Apes, is a term used to categorize early humans that can
walk on two feet. They are the direct ancestors of the homo. Some species of them are
extinct: Pongo, Bornean and so on. But these early primates transcended to the present homo
sapiens. In short, hominids are the predecessor of the next succeeding species of man. On the
other hand, homo sapiens is the successor of many evolutionary transmutation. They are
what we consider as “the wise man”, as they now possess abilities of cognition and
intelligence way more advanced than those of the early species. They are also called the
modern humans, a product of years and years of evolution that has developed many
advancements in discovery and findings to further extend the knowledge of humankind,
which in this case, is studying our roots: the evolution of man itself.

3. Explain Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution and its connection to his

theory of natural selection.
Charles Darwin’s theory held the notion that all living organisms are connected to each other
and descended from one common ancestor that have survived and reproduced throughout the
course of time. He defined this as a “descent with modification”. While evolution describes
the arise of organisms through an existing descendant, Darwin proposed a mechanism to
explain how organisms evolve over time, by which they become more adaptive and better
suited to their environment. This theory was called, ‘natural selection’. In this theory, he
called out the process where nature wipes out species of organisms that are not able to adapt
and leave out those who can. Those who have survived reproduce from time to time. This is a
matter of survival among organisms and as they go along, they give out different variations
of species resulting in different inherited traits. Evolution and natural selection are connected
because evolution is the gradual changes made over time, natural selection on the other hand
is the process that makes evolution possible as it has made alterations and modifications that
motivates ‘change’. Therefore, evolution was made possible through natural selection.

4. How did the homo sapiens successfully control their environment?

For a million years, the early human’s life was based on finding and hunting for food. Since the
demand for food must be attained, the early humans learned ways to make the source of food
within their control, they made development in behavior in accordance to their needs in order to
survive a very challenging environment. They developed agricultural knowledge, and even
exchanged resources with one another. As time passed by, people gained even more knowledge
while they fought the challenges of nature. They invented tools that make their work more
efficient and according to their needs. Early humans settled down in villages and civilizations
arose, along with it the awareness and eagerness of man to improve the condition of life.
Through the course of time, when the homo sapiens recognized and adapted these developments
they acknowledged the growth and expansion of knowledge and how this can change their way
of living. They started to build, plant, make use of materials and even took down natural
resources in order to expand space. These, and many other factors are motivated due to the
endless demand on the necessity of man.

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