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Eid Milad Un Nabi Essay Maw
to the Ameena Mehmood
l i d
Quran, Muhammad is the last in a [ o f t h e P r o p h e t ] ' , a l s o
1. Riddle: What gets
chain of prophets sent by God transliterated as Maouloud,
(33:40). Throughout the Quran, Mevlid, Mevlit, Mulud and
bigger when more is
Muhammad is referred to as Milad) is the observance of the
“Messenger”, “Messenger of birthday of the Islamic prophet
taken away?
Answer: A hole
Prayer Position Guide Step by Step
God”, and “Prophet“. … In M u h a m m a d . I t i s
Muhammad Usman Mehmood
2. Riddle: I’m light as a
several verses, the Quran commemorated in Rabi' al-
c r y s t a l l i z e s M u h a m m a d ’s Awwal, the third month in the f e a t h e r, y e t t h e
relation to humanity. Islamic calendar. The history of strongest person can’t
In the Holy Qur’an, Allah this celebration goes back to the hold me for five
Almighty gives a clear order to early days of Islam when some of minutes. What am I?
celebrate and rejoice the raising the Tabi‘un began to hold
and coming of the Holy Prophet sessions in which poetry and Answer: Your breath
(saw). In Surah Yunus, (10:58) songs composed to honour 3. Riddle: I’m found in
Allah Ta’ala states Muhammad were recited and socks, scarves and
“Say: Because of the( fadl) sung to the crowds. It has been
Blessings of Allah and His said that the first Muslim ruler to
mittens; and often in
(Rahma) Mercy you should officially celebrate the birth of the paws of playful
celebrate (with happiness and Muhammad in an impressive kittens. What am I?
pleasure). That is better than ceremony was Muzaffar al-Din Answer: Yarn
what (wealth) they amass.” Gökböri (d. 630/1233). The
Nisaar Teri Chehel Pehal Par Ottomans declared it an official 4. Riddle: Where does
Hazaaron Eiden Rabee-ul- holiday in 1588, known as today come before
Awwal Mevlid Kandil. The term Mawlid yesterday?
Siwaa’e Iblees Ke Jahaan Mein is also used in some parts of the A n s w e r : T h e
Sabhi To Khushiyaan Manaa world, such as Egypt, as a generic
Rahe Hein term for the birthday celebrations dictionary
(O Rabee-ul-Awwal! Your joys of other historical religious 5. Riddle: What
surpass thousands of ‘ figures such as Sufi saints. Most invention lets you look
Eids. All in the world are denominations of Islam approve
rejoicing, except Shaitaan.) of the commemoration of
right through a wall?
There are many verses in the Muhammad's birthday; however, Answer: A window
Holy Qur ’an where Allah w i t h t h e e m e r g e n c e o f
Almighty states that the Holy W a h h a b i s m - S a l a f i s m ,
Prophet (saw) is Allah’s rahma Deobandism and Ahl-i Hadith,
and fadl. many Muslims began to
In Surah Al Imran, (3:164) Allah disapprove its commemoration,
Almighty states: considering it an illicit religious
“ Indeed Allah conferred a great i n n o v a t i o n . M a w l i d i s
favor on the believers when he recognized as a national holiday
sent among them a Messenger in most of the Muslim-majority
(Muhammad (saw)) from among countries of the world with the
themselves, reciting unto them exception of Saudi Arabia and
His verses, and purifying them, Qatar. Some non-Muslim
and instructing them (in) the majority countries with large
book and Al-Hikmah of the Muslim populations such as
Prophet (saw) while before that India also recognise it as a public
they had been in manifest error”. holiday.

26 6
+44 7989 200678

by Mr. Khalid Javid
Having no routine or structure is patterns, that will take you them immediately…even working on, ensuring that you
so much more draining where you want to go in life, though you may have had plans are going in the right
mentally, physically, and helping you maximize yourself to work on marketing your own direction.Over the years I have
emotionally than any routine on every level possible.Now, side-business. Or if you open up heard about a time management
could ever be!A few years ago I let’s get into some of the things Facebook and see one of your system called the Pomodoro
decided to take a different you can do in your daily routine friends in a crisis, that becomes Technique. It seemed too
path…to listen to Aristotle and to reach higher mental levels your focus, potentially keeping simplistic, but as they say, the
actually work on creating (i.e. more brain power and you from concentrating on your simplest things often work best.
excellence in my life by clarity!).A successful daily own issues or concerns.Start I read the 2006 paper written by
establishing a positive daily routine helps you achieve razor your days focused on YOU and its creator, Francesco Cirilio, fol
routine.Establishing a positive like focus from the moment you you will be in a much better which explained the technique lowed by a 15 minute
daily routine is both a self- wake up in the morning…to the state-of-mind to help others and a n d a s i m p o r t a n t l y, t h e break.Simple, But…Now, you
investment and a way to do your time you close your eyes and get more accomplished all psychology behind it. This are probably thinking “Twenty
best for the rest of the world. It drift off to dreamland at night. day.Mentally prepare: Visualize revolutionary time management five minutes of work? That’s
also provides additional benefits Here are some ways to get it:Get your successSome of the worlds system is deceptively simple to nothing! This is going to be
such as giving you structure, positive: Start the day with a greatest athletes use learn, but life-changing when easy!” Not so fast… That’s 25
building forward-moving mantraAccording to the Mayo visualisation to help prepare a p p l i e d c o r r e c t l y. T h e minutes of steady, focused work
habits, and creating momentum Clinic, positive thinking helps themselves entally to excel in Pomodoro Technique can be on ONE task. No multitasking.
that will carry you on the days manage stress and even their sport. Aaron Rodgers, broken down into the following No emails. No phone calls. No
when you feel like you do not improves your health.“Today is considered by many to be the four basic principles.1. Work checking Facebook. Nothing!
have the strength to carry going to be the best day ever!”I best quarterback in the NFL, with time, not against it: Many No distractions allowed!For me,
yourself.Following a daily start every single day saying that talked about the power of of us live as if time is our enemy. this took some getting used to,
routine can help you establish simple sentence (out loud) as visualization in a 2011 interview We race the clock to finish and required some tools and
priorities, limit procrastination, soon as I get out of bed. And yes, with USA Today:Jack Canfield, assignments and meet hacks. Here is what I used:1) A
keep track of goals, and even I even tell myself this on co-author of the Chicken Soup deadlines. The Pomodoro kitchen timer (or an app);2)
make you healthier. It lowers mornings that have followed for the Soul series, suggests that Technique teaches us to work Airplane mode (the most
your reliance on willpower and nights that were too short or you practice visualisation 10 with time, instead of struggling important function on any
motivation because, as Tynan, mornings that I wake up feeling minutes a day to “harness the against it.2. Eliminate burnout: mobile phone!);3) A quiet place
the author of Superhuman by like the weight of the world is on power of your subconscious Taking short, scheduled breaks to work and/or a good pair of
Habit, says, habits are “action[s] my shoulders. Why?These nine mind.”Simply close your eyes while working eliminates the headphones or earplugs;4) Pen
that you take on a repeated basis words put me in the right and imagine yourself excelling “running on fumes” feeling you and paper (for those Pomodoro
with little or no required effort or mindset for the day ahead.What and being the best you. Put get when you push yourself too checkmarks);5) Five minutes
thought.”Today, I have more makes a day good or bad is not yourself in situations where you h a r d . I t ’s i m p o s s i b l e t o each morning to plan out the
drive, motivation, and passion, the events that occur, but rather shine, visualising the best overwork when you stick to the day’s tasks; and6) 30 minutes at
which makes reaching my goals your response to them. As Jim possible outcome. Include as system.3. Manage distractions: the end of each week to review
easier…and more fulfilling. I Rohn once said, “Either you run much detail in your Phone calls, emails, Facebook the past week and plan for the
have more physical and mental the day or the day runs you.”I visualisations as possible, using messages, or suddenly realising next.Positive thinking helps
energy to make it through my want to put my mind in a GOOD all of your senses and making you need to change the oil in with stress management and can
days…even the really tough state right away…because left your “training” even more your car – distractions even improve your health.
ones (which still show up). I feel unchecked it will try to tell me powerful.For people who have constantly bombard us. Usually, Practice overcoming negative
happier and more satisfied with the things that are trouble closing their eyes and these distractions can wait. The self-talk with examples
the quality and depth of my life.I WRONG…but through positive “seeing anything”, I recommend Pomodoro Technique helps you provided.By Mayo Clinic
admit it though; it isn’t always thinking, I can overcome it.Pick using a pen and paper and log your distractions and StaffIs your glass half-empty or
easy to create good habits. As a phrase or question that writing out how you want your prioritise them for later.4. Create half-full? How you answer this
Brian Tracy says, “Good habits resonates with you. It could be day to unfold. Be as specific as a better work/life balance: Most age-old question about positive
are hard to form but easy to live as simple as smiling and saying possible…and be sure to keep it of us are far too intimately thinking may reflect your
with. Bad habits are easy to form “Thank you” out loud and positive.The purpose of all of acquainted with the guilt that outlook on life, your attitude
but hard to live with.”Here’s acknowledging being gifted this is to pass command from comes from procrastination. If toward yourself, and whether
something really important to with another day.Be proactive: your conscious mind to your we have not had a productive you're optimistic or pessimistic
remember, what works for Don’t check your email subconscious mind. Your day, we can’t seem to enjoy our — and it may even affect your
someone else, might not work first!When you wake up in the subconscious mind wants to free time. As a Pomodoro health.Indeed, some studies
for you. That is why it is morning, do you immediately believe what you tell it (good or Master, you create an effective show that personality traits such
important to pick the activities check your email or social bad) and it will do whatever it timetable and achieve your as optimism and pessimism can
that resonate most with you, the media accounts? If so, you’re takes to turn those commands high-priority tasks, so you truly affect many areas of your health
ones that push you to become the starting your day off in reactive into reality.Take regular breaks enjoy your time off.“All this is and well-being. The positive
best you that you are capable of mode instead of proactive.As throughout the dayWhile all of great,” you may think, “but what thinking that usually comes with
being…and to keep doing Jocelyn K. Glei writes in these tips are meant to help you do I actually do?”It’s Simple:1) optimism is a key part of
those.Don’t be afraid to try new Manage Your Day-to-Day, “..the forage ahead, sometimes you Choose a task;2) Set a timer for effective stress management.
habits and see how they work for trouble with this approach is it just need to step back and give 25 minutes;3) Work on your task And effective stress
you. If they leave you feeling means spending the best part of your mind a break.Taking until the timer rings, then put a management is associated with
energised and inspired, keep the day on other people’s regular breaks keeps you from checkmark on a tracker;4) Take many health benefits. If you tend
doing them…if they don’t, keep priorities.”For instance, if you getting bored and losing focus, a five minute break (you just to be pessimistic, don't despair
trying new ones until you find receive an email asking for increasing your brain’s function completed your first — you can learn positive
ones that do.The key is to create work-related documents, you at the same time. It also forces Pomodoro!); then5) Repeat thinking skills
regular and consistent daily might be compelled to provide you to re-evaluate what you are steps 1-4 three more times,

27 6
+44 7989 200678



Dundee & Angus an event at Slesser Garden. Catherine and
Independence Group It was attended by pro- others expressed
arranged event by Believe independence activists and their feelings
in Scotland "Day of action individuals. Leading her about the start of
plan for Independent party, Jane Phillips spoke action plan.
Scotland" at Slesser about the upcoming local Soon another
Garden, Dundee Seven action program on Believe independence
years after the first in Scotland. Dundee's referendum is
referendum on Scottish famous award-winning there for our
independence, singer Sheena Wellington o w n
preparations for a second received a standing ovation Independent and
referendum in Dundee by singing about sovereign
have gained momentum. Qaiser Habib,
Scotland's independence. Correspondant, Dundee. c o u n t r y
The Dundee and Angus At the event, Councilor Scotland.
Freedom Group organized Beth White, Mackay,


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25 6
+44 7989 200678



A life dedicated to Kashmir and its people
‘Oppression does not last,’ updates about the health of scene from a dystopian I saw Ame, my mother, first and held his hand. It felt like a
my grandfather – now 91 and my grandfather. So that text movie. My brother, Anees, as I entered the house. Most skeleton with his skin
in ailing health – tells me as terrified me. was waiting for me at the of my cousins, aunts and hanging loose.
police line the roads outside. When I finally managed to airport. We quickly got in his uncles were also there, and He did not immediately
By Ruwa Shah get my mother on the phone car and started driving everyone was talking in recognise me. I told him I was
It was a frosty February and ask her about my Aba, she towards Aba’s house in hushed voices. his granddaughter. “Which
afternoon in the Turkish city confirmed that his condition Hyderpora. The roads leading I wanted to see Aba right one?” he asked. “Are you the
of Kayseri. I had just finished was worsening and told me to his house were lined up away, but there was a team of one who used to bring me
my exams, and was hoping to that he wants to be with armoured vehicles and I doctors in his room. Usually, gifts? You went to Turkey,
have a rare moment of respite surrounded by family. saw men setting up CCTV women do not enter Aba’s didn’t you?” he said softly.
after submitting all my At that very moment, I cameras on electricity poles room when he has male It made me smile. I was still in
assignments. But before I decided to return home. near his house. Authorities guests there who are not from his remaining memories.
could heave a sigh of relief “So far the cellphones are were clearly getting ready for our immediate family. So I sat We managed to speak a little
and relax, I got a text: “Just working. But we do not know my grandfather’s passing, near Ame and waited for the bit that day.
heard about your grandfather. when they (the state) will shut and the unrest they expect his doctors to leave.
I am so sorry.” it, if anything happens to funeral to cause. After almost an hour, I “Do not stop me here. It is
My grandfather, my “Aba”, is Geelani,” I overheard a A police vehicle was blocking walked inside Aba’s room. time I go,” he said in a hushed
Syed Ali Shah Geelani, one of woman say as I made my way the entrance of the house, but He was surrounded by his voice when we once again
the most prominent figures in towards the next plane to this did not surprise me. That daughters, his sons, his gathered around him. “You
the Kashmiri resistance Kashmir at the Delhi airport. police vehicle has been a grandchildren and great- should not be selfish. I am in
movement and the leader of Clearly, the rumours about permanent fixture at Aba’s grandchildren. pain.” And then he closed his
Tehreek-e-Hurriyat. He is 91 my grandfather’s health were gate since he was put under The man who once roared eyes and started reciting
years old, and his health is spreading rapidly across the house arrest for the first time like a lion and inspired verses from the Holy Quran.
ailing. community. When I landed in in 2008. thousands was now As he was humming “La
I have been away from home, Srinagar a few hours later, my Aba has barely left his home struggling to comprehend the Ilaha illhala…” he suddenly
studying towards a masters heart was racing – I had not in the past decade. The Indian most mundane things going stopped, raised his hand, and
degree in Turkey, since 2018. been home for over 17 authorities allowed him to on around him. He could not feebly shouted “Allah-u-
Due to the restrictions the months and I was eager to see make a few public even recognise the faces of Akbar!”
central government regularly my family, and especially my appearances in 2014, but his own family members. Aba dedicated his life to
p u t s o n l o c a l “Aba”, as soon as possible. since then, he only stepped Syed Ali Shah Geelani shouts Islam and Kashmir’s freedom
communications in Indian- The weather was very cold in beyond that police vehicle at slogans at a rally in Srinagar struggle. For him, the two
administered Kashmir, I often Srinagar, too. But unlike his gate a couple of times to on April 10, 2009 have always been
spend days without talking to Turkey, everything looked visit the hospital. [File:Danish Ismail/Reuters] inseparable. This is why, even
my family and getting colourless and dusty – like a Aba suffers from several Aba’s health deteriorated when he barely had the
medical conditions. He rapidly after August 5, 2019 – energy to breathe, he was
developed renal cancer in a the day the Indian either reciting from the Quran
jail in the Indian city of government scrapped or talking about Kashmir.
Ranchi in 2003. He had one Kashmir’s partial autonomy. “Do not give up on freedom.
of his kidneys removed as a He fell into a deep Zulm chu ne poshaan!
result. He has a pacemaker depression, and for good Oppression does not last!”
in his heart. He suffers from reason – since that day, Aba kept repeating as I
an acute chest infection that almost all members of his spoon-fed him. He kept
makes it difficult for him to party are behind bars. He is reciting it to himself, as if he
breathe. On the day of my sad and lonely. was trying to etch those
visit, the infection was so I walked towards Aba. He words to his memory so that
bad, Aba was on oxygen was barely visible under a he would not forget what he
support. pile of blankets. I reached out had stood for all his life.

29 6
+44 7989 200678


National Day of Saudi Arabia - Pak-Saudi relations

The 91st National Day of should underpin the future Washington’s growing
Saudi Arabia was of Saudi-Pakistan impatience with the Saudi
celebrated in Pakistan in relations, the urgency to crown prince’s
most splendid way on course correct the transgressions, should
Thursday by reaffirming relationship lies in shifting also help soften the
trust in the able leadership geopolitical realities. sectarian divide that has Rana Rashid Mehmood
of the two brotherly Analysts until rec-ently come to define the Middle
countries to lead the world had written off Eastern political and ensure that Pakistan’s to absorb the funding and
with their vision. Pakistan’s affiliation with landscape. This provides interests are protected is implement the projects.
Significance of unique the Gulf, citing the Pakistan an opportunity to with a well-articulated, That’s the kind of lag that a
relations between Pakistan former’s budding romance reframe its ties with Saudi independent and futuristic well-crafted foreign policy
and Saudi Arabia were with Turkey, and the Arabia, recognising that foreign policy vis-à-vis the would avoid.
highlighted through latter’s deepening links to Islamabad’s influence in Gulf. The recent spat A clearer policy vis-à-vis
seminars and symposium India. But that picture is Tehran may be waning and between the prime minister Saudi Arabia, and the Gulf
held at various places changing. it can no longer and foreign service more broadly, will also
across the country while We have a chance to convincingly offer to highlighted how articulate the parameters of
TV channels and radio e reframe our ties with Saudi mediate between Riyadh aspirational this ask might the much-touted
arranged special Arabia. and Tehran (even as it has be. As Zahid Hussain information and cultural
programmes to highlight The horrifying to continue balancing these wrote on these pages ties being pursued with
brotherly ties between developments in Gaza and relationships due to the recently, the failures of our Riyadh. Pakistan’s religio-
Pakistan and Saudi Arabia. Israel will throw into ever-present threat of diplomats stem from national identity remains
OPPOSITION politicians question Gulf states’ hotly contested. Efforts to
recently enjoyed detente with Israel in a bid Arabise society thr-o-ugh
criticising the 19,000 bags to unite against Iranian compulsory Arabic-
of rice distributed in influence. This will make language instru-c-tion and
Punjab and KP by a Saudi Pakistan — with its firm Saudi-funded madressahs
aid agency as a meagre anti-Israel stance — seem have also met with
benefit from a key ally. less anachronistic in terms resistance. If the goal is
What this politicking of its alignment with Gulf simply to better equip
missed was an opportunity policy. The divergence on future expat labour or
to meaningfully debate the Kashmir (co-m-ing on the facilitate trade, we should
f u t u r e o f P a k i s t a n ’s heels of differences on explicitly state that, rather
relationship with Saudi Yem-en, Qatar, Iran and than recast ourselves in the
Arabia. Israel) may become the Gulf’s image.
Such a discussion is much ex-c-eption rather than the proxy sectarian conflict). failures in foreign policy The world is becoming
needed. Gulf states, led by trend, and Islam-abad and Pakistan’s greatest value to positioning — actors are more complex. The US is
Saudi Arabia, will be key Riyadh might agree to Saudi Arabia will remain only as strong as the script receding to lick its
to Pakistan’s economic disagree. in defence cooperation. they’re provided. domestic wounds; China is
recovery in a post-Covid The Saudi-Qatar But the shifts mentioned And Pakistan’s ascendant, but has yet to
context. Pakistani labour rapprochement will also mean there will likely be engagement with Saudi clarify its position on many
needs access to Gulf enable Pakistan to smooth fewer scenarios in which Arabia since 2018 has global issues, including the
markets, and Pakistan things over with the Islamabad and Riyadh shown the consequences of political and sectarian fault
needs the remittances. The kingdom, even while don’t see eye to eye on a poor script (remember lines in the Middle East.
c o u n t r y ’s n e w pursuing deeper security issues. Khan’s clumsy withdrawal Saudi and China are toying
‘geoeconomics’ strategy engagement with Doha, Counterterrorism remains at the kingdom’s behest with the prospect of closer
must consider ways in including an LNG deal and an area where more from the conference in ties, creating an interesting
which Pakistan can be an plans for defence coordination is merited, Malaysia?). Writing for the facilitation opportunity for
attractive trade partner for cooperation and labour particularly as Pakistan Middle East Institute, Arif Pakistan. We cannot afford
its Gulf allies. Pakistan market access. stands on the cusp of a Rafiq reported that part of to muddle through our
also desperately needs the US re-engagement with domestic militant the reason why energy relationship with Saudi
renewable energy projects Iran on its nuclear resurgence. projects agreed with Arabia in this changing
that Saudi seeks to back. programme, and upcoming The only way to navigate Riyadh in 2018 have not scenario; we have much to
While mutually beneficial Iranian presidential the shifting sands of come to fruition is because gain from getting it right,
economic oppo-r-tunities elections, coupled with Middle Eastern geopolitics Pakistan was ill-prepared and more to lose if we

30 6
+44 7989 200678


International Day of Peace 2021:

Theme, History and Significance
United Nations General defines it, natural selection is
The International Assembly (UNGA), in 1981, the “survival of the fittest.”
Day of Peace was established the third Tuesday There will always be
established in 1981 by the of September, the opening competition because not all
United Nations General day of the regular sessions of species are
Assembly. the General Assembly, as equal. Much the same way,
The International Day of International Day of Peace. not all people have equal
Peace, also known as World Later, in the year 2001, the opportunity (e.g. some are
Peace Day is observed General Assembly declared born wealthy, some are born
every year on 21 21 September as with defects, etc).
September. This day is International Day of Peace. Competition arises when
celebrated around the world International Day of Peace: there are variations within a
to strengthen the ideals of Significance group, whether it is for
peace, through observing International Day of Peace is resources, shelter or security.
24 hours of non-violence celebrated as a period of By this principle world
and cease-fire. non-violence and cease-fire. peace would also not be
This day promotes global This day plays a significant attainable.
solidarity for building a role in promoting peace If peace is defined as cannot think the same way. If attentive and studious,
peaceful and sustainable around the world. It also harmony then it too cannot all members seem to agree, it ended up getting the same
world. promotes a green and be achieved. In order for is not peace, but rather score as a student that never
The United Nations sustainable global economy there to be harmony, there oppression, which, as history showed up to class, the
Security Council (UNSC), that produces jobs, reduces must be no disagreement, no shows, has lead often to war. hard-working individual
in February 2021, emissions, and builds conflict, no entropy. To War is primarily defined as would not be inclined to put
unanimously passed a resilience to climate the opposite of peace. in the effort anymore. Peace
resolution calling for impacts. During war, death and by definition is a utopian
Member States to support a A world where conflict does destruction, the total entropy ideal, one that can not
“sustained humanitarian not reside and everyone of the system, is acclimating ideally be achieved.
pause” to local conflicts. gets along is one that every exponentially. However, not Despite humanity craving
According to the official sentient being wants. all that comes out of waris and wanting peace, it is not
website of UN, the global However, exactly how bad. Many scientific backed scientifically or
ceasefire must continue to attainable is world peace, discoveries, technological logically. There is always
be honoured, to ensure really? In order to answer advancements and social going to be competition
people caught in conflict this question we must breakthroughs have been because there will always
have access to lifesaving define the word peace. coaxed out of wartime. be someone that has
vaccinations and
If peace is defined as order,
then from a physical sci
Bint Aam J. For example, during World something better. There will
War I, women were taking always be chaos in the
International Day of Peace ence perspective, peace is assume no disagreement is to over jobs that their husbands world because it is not
2021: Theme not attainable. The universe say that there is a definitive formerly worked at. When possible to make people
This year, the theme of prefers entropy. The second right and wrong way of the war ended women were agree on things.
International Day of Peace law of thermodynamics thinking. granted the right to vote; one However unattainable
is “Recovering better for an states that the entropy of the If a society seems to have the of the main arguments was peace may seem, it does not
equitable and sustainable universe is constantly same mindset displayed in that they helped keep the mean we should stop trying.
world”. It focuses on how to increasing. Entropy is every member then it is country’s economy running Making world peace may
help everyone recover defined as the measure of likely that the ones that differ during the war. Additionally, be an impossible task, but
b e t t e r, h o w t o b u i l d disorder in a system. This in mindset are merely being when the men returned, they making it a better place
resilience, and how to means the universe is suppressed. The entropy in had “shell-shock,” which isn’t. One small change at a
transform our world into a inclined to become more and the system is hidden and will was soon discovered to be time certainly wouldn’t hurt
place that is more equal, more chaotic as time passes. eventually explode forward. PTSD. If peace and war are anyone. Go out there and be
more just, equitable, Peace can be defined as There is no way to get every opposites, then during peace, kind to someone today. Add
inclusive, sustainable, and resolution. This would mean person to think the same way a society would not make a little positive chaos to the
healthier. mutual concurrence about everything. progress. entropy of this chaotic
International Day of Peace: throughout the world (i.e. no Even identical twins (who For example, if a student that world.
History competition). As biology are genetically identical) attended every class and was

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Patron: Tahir Inaam Shiekh - Chief Editor: Nadeem Azmar - Deputy Chief Editor: Amir Butt - Bureau Chief: Rana Rashid Mehmood


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