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Action! PC Baseball
The Most Comprehensive Stat-based Baseball Game
Action! PC Baseball is a product of Dave Koch Sports Inc. Copyright 2010 Dave Koch Sports Inc.

Action! PC Baseball 2010 1

Thank you for purchasing Action! PC Baseball!
Thank you for purchasing Action! PC Baseball ! When you play
Action! PC Baseball, you choose from thousands of coaching and
general manager options.
After only a few plays, you'll find that Action! PC Baseball is the
most realistic and exciting simulation you can buy. We use every
available official statistic, expert player ratings and hundreds of
coaching options to accurately portray the game of baseball.
Most importantly, Action! PC Baseball is fun to play! Whether you're playing against a friend
or the computer, replaying a season, playing in a draft league or playing on the internet, you'll
enjoy the real-life excitement of Action! PC Baseball!

Note: The following notation will be used throughout the manual:

Choose Play/Exhibition Game means
choose Play, then choose Exhibition Game from the subsequent menu.

Copyright Notices
Copyright 2009 by Dave Koch Sports Inc. The disks, including all files, and the documentation pro-
vided in Action! PC products are the property of Dave Koch Sports Inc. and as such are protected
under U.S. copyright laws. Neither the files stored on the disks nor the documentation may be cop-
ied, photocopied, reproduced, translated, or reduced to any electronic medium or machine-readable
form, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of Dave Koch Sports Inc., except in the
manner described in the documentation. You are permitted to make one (1) backup copy of the disks
for your own use.
Copyright 2009 by Stats Inc. Any commercial use or distribution of these licensed materials without
the express written consent of Stats Inc. is strictly prohibited.

Technical Support: Please send an email with your questions to [email protected].

Contact Us: We are constantly working to improve our product. If you have a question, comment, or a
2 Action!
for aBaseball 2010
future version of any of our games, please contact us at [email protected].
Table of Contents
Installation Era ............................................... 20
Game & Season Disk Installation ..... 5 Ballparks ..................................... 20
Copyright Notices ............................. 5 Schedule ...................................... 20
Edit Records ................................ 21
Generate Default ......................... 21
Playing Action PC Baseball
Player Search .............................. 21
Play Menu ......................................... 6
Model League ............................. 21
Exhibition Game ......................... 6
Transactions ................................ 21
Unscheduled League Game ........ 6
Create All-Star Teams................. 21
Scheduled League Game............. 6
Resume Saved Game .................. 7
Playoff Game .............................. 7 Reports
Selecting Teams ................................ 7 Reports Menu .................................... 22
Choosing a Park ................................ 7 Team Reports .............................. 22
Setting Game Preferences ................. 7 League Reports ........................... 22
The Game Screen .............................. 7 Leader Boards ............................. 23
Lineup Menu ............................... 7 News ........................................... 24
Options Menu.............................. 7 Records ....................................... 24
Game Screen Reports Menu ....... 8 Database ...................................... 24
Game Screen Strategy Options ... 8 Player Game Logs ....................... 25
Game Screen Shortcuts ............... 9 Box Search .................................. 25
Game Film .................................. 26
Encyclopedia ............................... 26
Organizing Teams & Players
What If ....................................... 27
Organize Menu.................................. 10
Team Information ....................... 10
Rosters ........................................ 10 Internet
Modify Team Form .......... 11 Internet Menu .................................... 28
Roster Form ..................... 12 Internet Connection Tips............. 28
Player Menu................... 12 Host Game Session ..................... 28
Edit Menu ...................... 13 Join Game Session ...................... 28
Roster Menu .................. 14 Find IP Address........................... 29
Manager Menu............... 14 Disconnect................................... 29
Lineup Tab..................... 14 Open Firewall Port 1452 ............. 29
Depth Charts Tab........... 15 Forward Port 1452—Router ....... 29
Rotation Tab .................. 15 Service Updates .......................... 29
Pinch Hit Tab ................. 15 Shop for Baseball Seasons .......... 29
Bullpen Tab ................... 15 Visit ...................... 29
Managers ..................................... 15 League Address Book ................. 29
League Reset ............................... 15 Create Website ............................ 30
Rules ........................................... 16 Chat ............................................. 30
Draft ............................................ 19

Action! PC Baseball 2010 3

Setup Menu ....................................... 31
Active Season.............................. 31
Game Preferences ....................... 31
Box Score Layout Preferences .... 34
Install Season .............................. 34
Play-By-Play ............................... 34
Sound Effects .............................. 34

Utilities Menu ................................... 35
Export Games ............................. 35
Import Games.............................. 35
Import Managers ......................... 36
Copy Current Database ............... 36
Create Playoff Database .............. 36
Zip League Files ......................... 36
Clean League Folder ................... 36
Clean Photo, Logo, & Park Folder .. 36
Import Colors, Nicknames, Logos... 36

A—Player Ratings ...................... 37
B—Special Topics ...................... 39
C—Credits .................................. 41
D—General Abbreviations ......... 42
E—Scoresheet Abbreviations ..... 43

Technical Support ......................... 44

4 Action! PC Baseball 2010

Installing Action! PC Baseball
Game Installation
Note: If you encounter an access violation during installation, select “Ignore”. The installation will pro-
ceed without a problem.
1. Place the CD-Rom in your CD drive.
2. Select Start from the Windows menu bar and then Run from the pop-up menu..
3. Select and run setup.exe from your CD drive.
Example: If your CD drive is d, type d:setup.exe in the box. Press return.
4. Action! PC Baseball is automatically installed onto your hard drive. It’s ready to play.

Season Disk Installation D

The Season Disk Installation tool is used to install a season file to the Action! PC game folder
on your hard drive, where it can be accessed by the Action! PC game. It can also be used to
copy a season folder from one location on your hard drive to another location on your hard
1. Select Setup from the top of the opening screen and select Install Season from the
menu that drops down.
2. From the left side of the pop-up window, select the current location (drive & folder) of
the season file that you want to install/copy.
a) Select the drive that holds the season you want to install/copy.
Important: Always designate the correct drive. Failure to do so will cause an instal-
lation error.
 If you are installing a season from a CD onto your hard drive, select the name of
the drive that holds your CD.
 If you are copying a season from one place on your hard drive to another place
on your hard drive, select the name of your hard drive
b) Select the folder location of the season you would like to install. A list of zipped
season files residing in this folder will be listed in the box labelled Available Seasons.
3. Click the zipped season that you would like to install.
4. Click Begin Installation.

Copyright Notices: Copyright 2010 by Dave Koch Sports Inc. The disks, including all files, and the documentation pro-
vided in Action! PC products are the property of Dave Koch Sports Inc. and as such are protected under U.S. copyright laws.
Neither the files stored on the disks nor the documentation may be copied, photocopied, reproduced, translated, or reduced to
any electronic medium or machine-readable form, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of Dave Koch Sports
Inc., except in the manner described in the documentation. You are permitted to make one (1) backup copy of the disks for
your own use.
Copyright 2010 by Stats Inc. Any commercial use or distribution of these licensed materials without the express written con-
sent of Stats Inc. is strictly prohibited.

Action! PC Baseball 2010 5

Playing Action! PC Baseball
Exhibition Game: Stats are NOT compiled.
Unscheduled League Game: Play an unscheduled league game. ALL statistics and records are
compiled into your league stats.
Scheduled League Game: Play a scheduled league game. ALL statistics and records are
compiled into your league stats.
Resume Saved Game: Continue playing an unfinished saved game.
Playoff Game: Play a game from the playoff schedule.

Exhibition Game
Play a game at the stadium of your choice. Statistics are NOT compiled.

Unscheduled League Game

Play an unscheduled league game at the stadium of your choice. All statistics and records are compiled
into your league stats, but no changes are made to the schedule.

Scheduled League Games

Choose from a previously scheduled, unplayed game. All statistics and records are compiled into your
league stats. The Scheduled League Game form displays the current standings as well as winning
pitcher, losing pitcher, save pitcher and game scores for completed games. The following options are
available when Play/Scheduled League Game is chosen:
Calendar—Select Day and Month to view that day’s schedule.
Select Entire Day—Add the entire displayed day to the list of games to be played.
Select Entire Month—Add the entire displayed month to the list of games to be played.
Select Entire Season—Add all remaining unplayed games to the list of games to be played.
Select All Computer Games for Day—Add all computer vs. computer games to the list of
games to be played.
Unselect Entire Day—Remove the entire displayed day from the list of games to be played.
Unselect Entire Month—Remove the entire displayed month from the list of games to be played.
Unselect Entire Season—Remove all games from the list of games to be played.
Cancel—Return to main menu.
Play—Play all selected games. If both coaches for a game are computer coached, the games will be
played very rapidly.
C/H—Click C or H, next to the team name, to toggle between computer and human coach.
Status—Click the status box of an un-played game to add the game to the Play Now list.
Box Score—Click a column with a team name or pitcher name to view the complete box score from
the game.
Pause—Temporarily pause the playing of the selected games.

6 Action! PC Baseball 2010

Continue—Continue playing the selected games.
Quit—Stop playing the selected games.

Resume Saved Game

Continue playing an unfinished, saved game. All games are saved automatically after every play.

Playoff Game
A complete playoff may be played with up to 16 teams. The following options are available when
Playoff Game is chosen:
Seedings—Set from 1 to 8 seedings in each of two brackets. These teams must all be unique. Each
bracket must have at least one team. Teams will be re-seeded after each complete round of games is
Set Pairings—The computer will set up individual game matchups.
Clear Playoff—Erase all seedings and results.
Play Game—Click any game listed to proceed to the Game Preferences form.

After selecting Exhibition or Scheduled League Game, make team selections. Highlight your choice for
visiting and home teams, highlight a day and month, and select Play to proceed to the Game Preferences

Note: Statistics from Exhibition games will NOT be saved.

The home team’s park is the default park. To use a different park, highlight your choice from the list of parks.


The Game Preferences form appears after the date and teams are chosen. It may also be accessed by
selecting Setup/Game Preferences from the main menu or Options/Game Preferences from the game
screen. This form is used to select the managers, play speed, and game screen display preferences. For more
information on setting game preferences, see “Game Preferences” in the Setup Section of this manual.


The game screen is where all plays are called. The Lineup menu, Options menu, Reports menu, and Game
Screen Strategy box are found on the game screen.

Lineup Menu
Visiting Team—View the visiting team’s roster and make lineup changes. .
Home Team—View the home team’s roster and make lineup changes.
Bullpens—View the bullpen for either team. The defensive team’s bullpen may also be accessed by
clicking the pitcher label on the game screen.

Options Menu
The Options menu may also be accessed by right clicking the play-by-play text.

Action! PC Baseball 2010 7

Game Preferences—View the Game Preferences menu. For more information, see “Game
Preferences” in the Setup section of this manual.
Replay—View all previous play results.
Ballpark Info—View information for the current ballpark. For more information, see “Ballparks”
in the Organize section of this manual.
Ballpark Layout—Adjust the screen locations of the fielders, the base runners, and the batter.
Box Score Layout—Choose the statistics and display colors for a box score. For more
information, see “Box Score Layout Preferences” in the Setup section of this manual.
Mound Trip—Make a trip to the mound to check the pitcher’s fatigue status. Only one trip is
allowed per inning. Mound trips also allow more time for pitchers to get ready in the bullpen.
Save Highlight—Save the most recently completed play to the highlight file for viewing at a later

Game Screen Reports Menu

Box Score—View an up-to-date box score.
Scoresheet—View an up-to-date scoresheet.
Standings—View league standings.
Pitching Leaders—View league pitching leaders.
Batting Leaders—View league batting leaders.
Weather—View current weather conditions
Ticker—View scores of other games being played

Game Screen Strategy Options

Defensive Strategy Options
Pitch—Pitch to the batter in a normal fashion.
Around—Pitch around the batter. Greatly increases the chance of a walk; reduces the chance of a
Aggressive—Pitch aggressively to the batter. Increases the chance of a strikeout; greatly increases
the chance of a hit.
Int BB—Intentionally walk the batter.
Pickoff—Attempt to pickoff a runner. The chance of successfully picking off the runner is very low,
but it is increased if the runner was attempting to steal.
Pitch Out—Pitch out in an effort to catch a potential base stealer. Lowers the chance of a successful
steal by 15%; increases the chance of a walk during the current at bat.
Infield—Toggle the infield label to change your infield positions.
Normal—Play the infield at normal depth.
In—Play all infielders in. Improves defense on bunts and plays at the plate. Increases the
chance of a ground single. Decreases the chance of a double play.
Guard—Move the first and third basemen toward the foul lines. Decreases the chance of an
extra base hit down the line; increases the chance of a ground ball single.
Corners—Move first and third basemen in toward home. Decreases the chance of a successful
bunt; increases the chance of a base hit.
Outfield Depth—This option is only available in the 9th inning or later. The outfield may be
moved in to lower the chance of a game winning single.
No Throw—Don’t risk a throw on steal attempts if the runner gets a good jump or if the game is in

8 Action! PC Baseball 2010

the ninth inning or later.
Hold—Click H or B, next to a runner on first, to toggle between holding or playing behind the
runner. The default setting is holding the runner (H). Playing behind the runner (B) increases the
stolen base percentage and reduces the chance for a single.
Bullpen—Click the pitcher’s label to access your bullpen.
Quick Sub—Click any fielder to view a list of available replacements.
Offensive Strategy Options
Hit—Swing at good pitches.
Hit & Run—Start the runners with the pitch, and have the batter swing at the pitch. Lowers the
chance of an extra base hit because the batter must swing and is mainly trying to make contact.
Decreases the chance of a ground ball double play, increases the chance of a lined double play, and
increases the chance of runners advancing extra bases.
Bunt—Sacrifice bunt in order to advance the runners. With the bases empty, the batter is attempting
to bunt for a hit.
Steal—Attempt to steal the next base. With more than one base runner, you will be prompted to
decide which runners will attempt to steal.
Pinch Hit—Click the batter’s label to access a list of available pinch hitters.
Pinch Run—Click a base runner’s label to access a list of available pinch runners.

Game Screen Shortcuts

 Click any player name on the lineup display to view his complete statistics and ratings.
 Click any fielder to view a list of possible substitutes.
 Click the pitcher to view a list of available relief pitchers.
 Click the batter to view a list of available pinch hitters.
 Click any base runner to view a list of available pinch runners.
 Press V to view the visiting team’s roster.
 Press H to view the home team’s roster.
 Press B to view the box score.
 Press S to view the scoresheet.
 Press R to view replays.
 Press G to view the Game Preferences menu.

Action! PC Baseball 2010 9

Organizing Teams & Players
To begin Organizing your teams, choose Organize from the top of the opening screen. A drop-down
menu with the following options appears:
Team Information: Make changes to team names, colors, logos, and other information.
Rosters: View, create, modify, erase, move, or import teams.
Managers: View or modify team managers
League Reset: Reset league statistics, release players, erase teams or reset salaries.
Rules: Modify specific rules for the active season folder. Each season direc-
tory has its own rules.
Draft: Draft players, modify the draft order, or modify the team general man-
Era Data: Modify or view league averages by year.
Ballparks: Create, modify, or view ballpark information.
Schedule: Modify the schedule for the active season folder.
Edit Records: Edit league or all-time records.
Generate Default: Create managers and player ratings.
Player Search: Search for a player in a specific league.
Model League: Update a draft league with data from a new player disk.
Transactions: Enter active playing dates for players on any team.
Create All-Star Teams: Generate a league folder with custom all-star teams.

Team Information: Organizing Teams

Choose Team Information to display the Modify Team Information form and make changes to team
names colors, logos, and other information. For more details, see “Modify Team Information Form”

Rosters: Organizing Rosters

Choose Organize/Teams to view, create, modify, erase, move, or import teams. The Teams form can
also be accessed by selecting Rosters from the opening screen. The following options are available from
the Teams form:
Roster—Display the Roster form for the highlighted team. The roster may also be viewed by
double-clicking the desired team. For more information, see “The Roster Form” below.
Create—Create a new team in the highlighted location. The highlighted location must be blank in
order to create a new team. The Modify Team Information form is displayed for you to enter team
information. For more information, see “The Modify Team Information Form” below.
Erase—Erase and remove the highlighted team. You will be prompted to verify this selection.
Move—Move the highlighted team to a new division.

10 Action! PC Baseball 2010

Modify—Display the Modify Team Information form and make changes to the team name, colors,
logo and other information. For more details, see “The Modify Team Information Form” below.
Import—Import a team from a different season folder. Highlight an unoccupied team location and
select Import Team. The following options are available:
Import Drive—Select the drive to import a team from.
Import Folder—Select the folder to import a team from.
Available—Double-click the team you would like to import.
Import Team—Import the highlighted team.
Cancel—Return to the Teams menu without importing.
Exit—Return to main menu.


Modifying Team Characteristics
The Modify Team Information form allows for the editing of all team characteristics. To access the
Modify Team Information form, choose Organize/Teams from the opening screen and click Modify
Team Information.

Modify Team Information

Modify Team Information Form Options:
General Team Information
City—Enter the city for the selected team.
Nickname—Enter the nickname for the selected team.

Action! PC Baseball 2010 11

Abbreviation—Enter a three letter abbreviation for this team.
Manager—Enter a manager’s name for the selected team.
Real (Wins Losses)—Enter real life wins and losses for the selected team.
Team Logos
Click to select a logo for this team. Assign Logo assigns a logo to a team. Delete Logo clears a
logo assignment for a team.
Note: Any logos located in your Team Logos folder may be used as a team logo. Unless you
specify differently, this folder located under Program Files/Baseball/Team Logos
Choosing Colors
Background—Foreground—Select home and road foreground and background colors for a
Third Color—Select an accent color to be used for a team.
Team Statistical Basis
Base Year—Highlight the year the player statistics are based on, and select Assign Above
Year to set the base year. This is very important for comparison between playing styles of
different eras.
Base League—Highlight the league for this team.
Parks List—Highlight the home stadium for this team. Players created for this team will be
assumed to have played the entire real season at this park. Click Assign Above Park to set the
Search Parks—Enter a park name to search for a specific park.


Managing Team Lineups and Rosters
The Roster form is a powerful tool that offers complete options for team, roster, and lineup management.
The Roster form may be accessed by choosing Rosters from the main screen and clicking View Roster.

Roster Form Options:

Player Menu
The Player menu may also be accessed by right-clicking a player’s name. The following options are
available from the Player menu:
Create—Create a new player. A generic player called "No Name" will be created. The player
may be edited using any of the edit menu tools.
Erase —Delete the player. You will be prompted to verify this choice.
Trade —Trade the player to a different team. A team list will pop up and you will be prompted
to select a new team or cancel.
Release—Release the player into the free agent pool. You will be prompted to verify this
Draft—View a list of available free agents for possible selection. For more information on
drafting free agents, see “Draft: Drafting Players with the Draft Form.”
Copy—Make a copy of the player.
Active/Inactive—Toggle the roster status of the player.
Pinch Hit—Enter the player into the game as a pinch hitter.
Pitch—Enter the player to pitch.
Edit EPC—Edit this player’s estimated pitch count for this game. This function is not available
for internet games, or when disabled in league rules.

12 Action! PC Baseball 2010

Sort Column—Sort the roster display by the highlighted column.

Roster Form

Edit Menu
The following spreadsheet options are available for editing a team roster:
General Information—Edit general information such as name, bat side, throw side, age, and
Batting—Edit total batting statistics. An estimated breakdown of statistics versus left handed
and right handed pitchers will be created.
Batting versus Lefty—Edit batting statistics versus left-handed pitchers.
Batting versus Righty—Edit batting statistics versus right-handed pitchers.
Pitching—Edit total pitching statistics. An estimated breakdown of statistics versus left handed
and right handed hitters will be created.
Pitching versus Lefty—Edit pitching statistics versus left-handed batters.
Pitching versus Righty—Edit pitching statistics versus right-handed batters.
Fielders—Edit fielding statistics and ratings.
Batter/Pitcher Display—Determine which players are displayed with pitchers or batters.
Note: Prior to opening a spreadsheet you will be prompted to choose between real or
replay stats.

Action! PC Baseball 2010 13

Roster Menu
View/Print/Disk—Display the current roster and optionally print the roster, save it to disk, or
save it to an html file.
Reset Stats—Reset all statistics to zero.
Day Off—Give all pitchers a day off to rest.
Release All Players—Release all players to the free agent pool.
Print Player Cards—Print player cards for one or more players on a team. Cards may be
printed in two sizes: business card (2”x3.5”) or postcard (4.25” x 5.5”).
Player Photos—Display the Player Photo form. The Player Photo form allows users to
select photos to be used for specific players. It may be accessed by selecting Roster/Player
Photos from any team roster. Player photos will appear when viewing player stats and at various
other locations in Action! PC Baseball. The following options are available.
Use Photo—Use the displayed photo for the highlighted player.
Delete Photo Assignment—Discontinue photo use for this player.
Delete All Assignments—Discontinue photo use for all players on this team.
Player List—Click a player’s name to view his photo assignment.
Default Photos—Assign player photos for all players in the following format:

Note: Player photos should be saved in the Player Photos folder typically
Program Files/Baseball 2010/Player Photos. The standard naming convention is

Manager Menu
Manager Preferences—Display the Manager Preferences form. For more information see
“Managers: The Manager Form” below.
Player Usage and Availability—Edit player usage preferences such as start dates, stop dates,
maximum at bats, maximum innings pitched, and maximum games started. The computer
manager will use the maximums as a guide to regulate player usage. You may also select
preferences for special situations.
Generate Default Manager—Display the Default Manager form, which has the following
Managers—Display a form to be used to generate managers for all teams.
Player Ratings—Display a form to be used to generate a variety of default player ratings.
Player statistics will be used to create subjective ratings.
Set Roster—Let the computer make roster changes to meet roster requirements.
Export Manager—Export the team manager profile into the active season folder. The file will
have a .man extension and may be imported by other computers using Utilities/Import
Email Manager—Email the manager file to a league member. The member must be listed in
your league address book.

Lineup Tab
To enter a player into the lineup, highlight the player’s name and double-click a spot in the lineup
list. To enter a position for a player, highlight his name in the lineup list, then click a position. The
following features are available on the Lineup Tab.
Computer—Have the computer generate a lineup. This option is only available before a game.

14 Action! PC Baseball 2010

Clear—Clear the lineup list. Not available after the game starts.
View Opponent—View the opponent’s lineup.
Comp vs L—Have the computer generate a lineup for use against left-handed pitchers.
Comp vs R—Have the computer generate a lineup for use against right-handed pitchers.
Save Lineup—Save the current lineup.
Load Lineup—Load a previously saved lineup.
Save Date—Save the current lineup to be used on the highlighted date.
Load Date—Load the saved lineup (if available) for the highlighted date.

Depth Charts Tab

For each position, specify up to seven players to be used versus left and right handed pitchers. The
computer manager will use the first available player listed on the depth chart.

Rotation Tab
Specify a starting rotation of up to seven starters. When sufficiently rested, starters will be used in
the designated order. Up to seven spot starters may also be selected to be used as needed. To limit
the specific number of starts for a pitcher, select Manager/Player Usage and Availability.

Pinch Hit Tab

Specify up to 15 pinch hitters to be used against left-handed and right-handed pitchers. The computer
manager will use the first available pinch hitter listed on the pinch hitter list.

Bullpen Tab
Up to seven relief pitchers may be specified for the role of closer (versus left-handed or right-handed
batters), setup pitcher (vs. left or right), long reliever, or blowout pitcher. The computer manager will
use bullpen pitchers in the order listed when sufficiently rested for the role.

Managers: The Manager Form

The Manager form is accessed by selecting Organize/Managers from the opening screen or by selecting
Manager Preferences from the Roster form.
Offense/Defense Tendencies—Tendency settings range from “never” to “very often” with the
default of “average.” The computer manager considers both the tendency setting and the ability of
the players involved when making a decision. For example, a team with many good bunters will bunt
more often than a team with poor bunters. Setting the “Bunt” tendency to a higher than average
setting will result in more bunt attempts at a lower success rate.
Offense—Manager tendencies may be chosen for the following offensive tactics: Try for extra
base, Steal 2nd, Steal 3rd, Steal Home, Hit and Run, Bunt, PH for Pitchers, PH for Batter, and
Pinch Run.
Defense—Manager tendencies may be chosen for the following defensive tactics: Throw for
runners, Infield In, Guard Lines, Hold Runners, Attempt Pickoffs, Pitch Out, Late Def Subs,
Intentional Walks, Pitch Around, and Pitch Aggressive.
Never Sub When Using Preset Lineups—Select this option to require the computer to adhere
to saved lineups. When this option is not selected, the computer manager will substitute for
overused players. Saved lineups will be used in the order displayed. Blank lineups will be skipped.
This option does not apply to leagues using daily lineups.

League Reset
The League Reset form is used to perform tasks that apply to the entire league. The following categories

Action! PC Baseball 2010 15

are available:
Reset Statistics—Reset statistics for all players and teams to zero.
Reset Records—Reset all league records to zero.
Reset Injuries—Delete all injuries.
Reset Pitchers—Rest pitchers for up to five days.
Draft Tools
Release Players—Release all players into the free agent pool.
Delete All Teams—Erase all teams to form a new blank league.
Misc Tools
Reset Value—Computer generate new values for all players.
Activate All Players—Set all players to active status.

Rules: Modifying Active Season Rules

The Rules form is used to modify specific rules for the active season folder. Each season folder contains
its own unique set of rules. The Rules form is accessed by selecting Organize/Rules from the opening

Rules Menu

16 Action! PC Baseball 2010

General Rules Tab
Basic Rules
Use DH-National/American/Inter-League—Select which leagues allow the use of a
designated hitter.
Catcher Fatigue—Penalize catchers for playing too many consecutive games. Double-
click a catcher’s name to view his fatigue status.
Display Wildcard Standings—Displays wildcard standings when viewing or printing
league standings.
Apply Park Effect—Use real-life park statistics to impact play results.
Rain Delays—Allow games to be delayed by rain
Rainouts—Allow the games to be rained out.
Replay Reviews—Enable review of close calls on home runs.
Suspensions—Allow suspensions
Draft League LH Pitcher Boost—Improve the performance of left handed pitchers in a
draft league. This will offset the large number of right-handed hitters found in draft
leagues. Players in smaller leagues will receive a greater boost.
Display League Standings as One Division—Display all three divisions in league
standings as one division.
Allow Estimated Pitch Count (EPC) Editing—Allow pregame editing of estimated
pitch counts.
Bullpen Warm-up Rule—Require pitchers to be warmed up in the bullpen before being
Sacrifice Rules
Use Rules for Batting Team Era—Use the scoring rules that were in effect at the time
of the season you are using.
Use Modern Rules (1954 to Present)—Use the scoring rules that have been in effect
since 1954.
Season Length—Set the length of your computer season. The game engine will prorate
injuries and usage by comparing the real-life season length to your selected computer season
Innings—Change the number of innings played in a game
League Era—Select an era for league games. The default era is Batter/Pitcher average. For
information regarding era effects on play results, see “The Game Engine” in the Special Topics
section of the Appendix
League Game Films—Check the boxes to save game films from computer managed games
and human managed games.

Roster Management Tab

Roster Management Rules
Note: When roster limits are set, teams must be at or below this limit in order to start a
game. The computer general manager will modify rosters for teams managed by the
Opening Day Roster Limit—Select a maximum number of active players for league
Sept. 1 Roster Limit—Select a maximum number of active players for league rosters
after Sept. 1.

Action! PC Baseball 2010 17

Inactive Options Per Player—Select a maximum number of times a player may be
selected as inactive.
Use Transaction Dates If Available—Players are only permitted to play between their
“start” and “end” dates. The start and end dates may be viewed by clicking Status on the
Roster form. Injuries should be turned off in order to maintain a full active roster while
using transaction dates.
Use Daily Lineups If Available—Use actual daily lineups when available or when
programmed for a team.
Injuries—Play with realistic injuries.
Maximum Injury Length—Set a maximum length for injuries.
Allow computer general manager to make roster changes when not using real
life transaction dates.

Usage Rules Tab

Batting and Pitching Usage Rules and Penalties—Set penalties for using a player more
than he was used in real-life. Usage levels range from 100% to 190% of real life at bats or
innings pitched. A penalty ranging from 0 to 50% may be set for each usage level. For example,
if a player with a .300 batting average has 10% more at bats than in real-life, the 110% usage rule
would apply. If the 110% penalty is set to reduce hits by 20%, his average would be .240.
Based On At Bats/Plate Appearances—Base usage penalties on either at bats or plate
Apply Usage Rules to Left/Right Splits—Have usage penalties apply to batting and
pitching splits as well as totals.
Prorate Usage Rules for Each Playoff Series—Prorate usage penalties for a playoff
series. Therefore, usage penalties will be applied sooner in a short series than in a long season.
For example, in a full 162 game season, a player might be penalized after 486 at-bats. In a seven
game series, that same player might be penalized after 21 at-bats.

Misc Tab
Show Steal Success %—Display the chance of a successful steal.
Show Base Runner Success %—Display the chance of a base runner advancing to the next
base when prompted to make a base coaching decision.
Display Pitcher Estimated Pitch Counts (EPC)—Display the estimated number of pitches
that may be thrown before a pitcher is tired.
Outcome Box—Shows the chance of possible outcomes.
Coaching Decision Clock—Set a maximum number of seconds before a coaching decision
must be made.
League Pitch By Pitch Mode
Use League Rules—When checked, league settings will override pitch-by-pitch
settings on the Game Preferences screen.
Use Pitch-by-Pitch Mode—Play the game one pitch at a time instead of one batter at
a time. All settings may be changed at any time during the game.
Bases Empty—Select an inning to begin using pitch-by-pitch mode with the
bases empty.
Runners On—Select an inning to begin using pitch-by-pitch mode with runners
on base.
Score Within—Stop using pitch-by-pitch mode if the score differential is greater

18 Action! PC Baseball 2010

than your Score Within setting.
Always—Always use pitch-by-pitch mode.
Never—Never use pitch-by-pitch mode.

Draft: Drafting Players with the Draft Form

The Draft form is used to draft players from the free agent pool. It may be accessed by selecting Player/
Draft from the Roster form or Organize/Draft from the main game screen. The following options are
Modify Draft Order—Display the Modify Draft Order form. The following options are available:
Rounds—Select the number of rounds for the draft.
Draft Style—Select between loop and standard drafts.
Draft Tools—The following tools are available:
Clear Draft Grid—Clear all entries on the draft grid. To release any drafted players see
“League Reset Tools.”
Random order—Create a random order for the draft grid.
Team List—Select a team to enter onto the draft grid. Click the grid to enter the team in a
specific spot in the draft order. If the first round is selected, you will be given the option of
entering the team for the same position in every round.
Note: After a player is drafted, his name and team will appear in the appropriate
spot in the draft grid.
General Manager—Display the General Manager form. The following options are available for
the highlighted team.
General Manager—Toggle between human or computer general manager.
Draft Preferences—Set the draft priority for computer general managers in the following
categories: Starting Pitching, Relief Pitching, Hitting for Power, Hitting for Average, Team
Defense, and Team Speed. The draft priority ranges from low (far left) to high (far right).
General Manager Tools—The following tools are available.
Set All General Managers to Human.
Set All General Managers to Computer.
Computer Suggest—Let the computer suggest a player for the highlighted team.
Continue Draft—Continue the draft with the next selection.
Draft Type—Toggle between manual and round-by-round. Manual drafting allows you to select
any team and make any number of selections. Selections made with manual drafts are not entered on
the draft grid. Round-by-round drafts adhere to the draft order set on the modify draft form.
Selections made on the round-by-round draft are entered on the draft grid.
View—View complete ratings and statistics for the highlighted player.
Draft—Draft the highlighted player for the team currently making a selection.
Free Agent Display
Position—Select the positions to display.
Minimum—Select a minimum playing time requirement for the display.
Display—Choose a type of display.
Refresh—Refresh the free agent display.
View/Print/Disk—Display the current list of free agents and optionally print the list, or save it to a
disk or an html file.

Action! PC Baseball 2010 19

Era: Historical League Averages
Modify and view averages by year. Data stored in “era” files is used to determine results and compare
players between different years. Era data has a significant impact on play results, so be careful making
changes. For information concerning the impact of the era on play results, see “ Game Engine” in the
Special Topics section of the Appendix.

Ballparks: Creating and Modifying a Ballpark

The Ballpark form is used to create and modify stadium information. It may be accessed by selecting
Organize/Ballparks from the opening screen. The following features are available:
Ballparks—Highlight a park to modify.
Neutral Park Statistical Impact—Enter batting adjustments for both left handed batters (LHB)
and right handed batters (RHB) on a year-by-year basis. Statistical impact is measured in terms of
the percentage more or less than the average park (0). For example, a home run rating of –25%
means the park yielded 25% fewer home runs than the average park for that year. For more
information regarding ballpark statistical impact, see “ Game Engine” in the Special Topics section
of the Appendix.
Biographical Data—Enter ballpark name, city, first year, last year, play surface, foul territory,
precipitation, wind, roof, outfield fence (distance and height), and average monthly temperatures.
Available Pictures—Set a primary and alternate photo to be used for each park. Any picture
files saved in the ballparks file can be assigned to a ballpark. There are many great internet
ballpark sites. Several are listed in our “Ballpark Credits” section of the Appendix. You can also
use your own photographs. After assigning a picture to a ballpark, select park layout to correctly
position players on the field.
Ballpark Layout—Modify the screen location of base runners, fielders and batters for the
highlighted parks. Drag and drop labels to the location of your choice

The Schedule form is used to modify the schedule for the active season. The Schedule form may be
accessed by selecting Organize/Schedule from the opening game screen. The following features are
Calendar Control—Select a month and day to view a list of games scheduled, or create new games
for that date.
Build Series—Highlight the home team, visiting team and series length. Then select Add Series to
enter the new series onto the schedule.
Manager—Click C or H next to the team name to toggle between computer and human manager.
View Box Score—Click on any completed game to view the box score of that game.
Status—If unplayed, a game may be deleted by clicking the status column.
Park—Click the park name if you wish to have the game played in a different park.
Game Number—Toggle between 1 and 2. Only use 2 if the game is the second game of a double
View Schedule—Select a team to view its entire schedule. Click on completed games to view the
box score.
Favorite Team—Select a team to be managed the entire season by a human manager.
Schedule Tools Menu
Erase Schedule—Remove all games from the schedule.

20 Action! PC Baseball 2010

Set All Coaches Computer—Let the computer manage all teams for all games.
Set All Coaches Human—Set human managers for all teams for all games.
Computer Generate Schedule—Let the computer generate a complete schedule.
Ten Minute Ticker—Play computer vs. computer games without displaying scores.

Edit Records
Edit league or all-time records for batting pitching, fielding, or team totals. Note: Each league
folder has its own record file, while all-time records are saved in the main game folder (Program
Files/Baseball 2009). All-time records include combined records from all of your leagues.

Generate Default
Managers—Display a form to be used to generate managers for all teams.
Player Ratings—Display a form to be used to generate a variety of default player ratings. Player
statistics will be used to create subjective ratings.

Player Search
A useful tool for finding any player in the active league. It is accessed by choosing Organize/Player
Search from the opening screen. Use Player Search to find specific players. Double-click from the list
of players found to view his complete statistics and ratings.

Model League
The Model League form can be used to quickly update a draft league with player data from a new season
statistics disk. The following options are available:
Original League Folder—Double-click the folder which contains your original league data.
Use New Data From—Double-click the folder which contains the new player data you would like to
New League Folder—Enter a name for the new league folder.
Example: You are using the 2010 game edition, and would like to create a new season
folder using the 2009 season stats. You want to model the new folder after your 2009 draft
league (which used the 2009 game edition and the 2008 season stats).

Original Folder: ProgramFiles/Baseball2009/BB2008Draft

Use New Season Data From: Programfiles/Baseball2010/BB2009
New League Folder: ProgramFiles/Baseball2010/BB2010Draft

Begin Model—All players will be placed on teams, team names will be updated, and the free agent file
will include all players not present on any team.

Enter active playing dates for players on any teams. The Transaction tool may be accessed by selecting
Organize/Transaction from the main menu. Active playing dates may also be entered when viewing a
team roster by selecting Manager/Player Availability and Usage or by double-clicking on Player and
clicking the Usage tab.

Create All-Star Teams

Generate a new league folder with custom all-star teams. One 28 player roster will be created for each
league. Players are selected based on year-to-date performance.

Action! PC Baseball 2010 21

Team Reports: View reports by team.
League Reports: View reports such as league standings, power rankings and injuries.
Leader Boards: View customizable league leader boards.
News: View a report for a specific calendar day.
Records: View all individual and team records.
Data Base: Generate customized reports for your entire league data base.
Player Game Logs: View a day-by-day report for a player.
Box Search: Scan box scores for specific events.
Game Films: View play-by-play from completed games.
Encyclopedia: Build an encyclopedia and view custom reports.
What If: Estimate player statistics in different eras and parks.
Highlights: View saved play-by-play highlights.
Today’s Box Scores View all box scores for a specific date in one report.
Quick League Report View standings, recent scores, team and league leaders in one report.

Team Reports
View player statistics, rosters and box scores by team. Additional customized team reports may be
generated by selecting Reports/Database and choosing only one team for the report. The Team Reports
form is accessed by selecting Reports/Team Reports from the opening screen. The following options
are available:
Team List—Highlight a team to view its statistics.
Box Score List—Double-click a box score you would like to view.
Report Preferences—Build custom reports that include any combination of individual reports.
Include—Select one or all teams.
Statistics—Choose between real or computer statistics.
Include Pitcher Batting—Include individual pitcher batting statistics in batting reports.
Build/View—Generate the report and optionally print the report, save it to a disk, or save it to
an html file.

League Reports
The League Reports form is used to generate team comparison charts for a division or league. The
following options are available:
Teams—Select divisions or leagues to include in the report.
Reports—Choose between batting, pitching or fielding.

22 Action! PC Baseball 2010

Stats—Choose real or computer stats.
Refresh—Build the report.
View/Print/Disk—Print the report, save it to a disk , or save it to an html file.
Standings—View league standings.
Team vs Team—View games won versus each team.
Salary—View the total salary values.
Injuries—View all league injuries.
All-Stars—Generate an all-star team for the selected league.

Leader Boards
The Leader Board is used to build and display both standard and customized league leader reports. It is
accessed by selecting Reports/Leaders from the opening screen.

Leader Board

Leader Board Options:

Team List—Select a division or league to be included in the report.
Statistic Type—Toggle between real and computer statistics.
Main Batting Leaders—Select the number of batting average leaders to view.
Main Pitching Leaders—Select the number of pitching ERA leaders to view.
Secondary Leaders—Select the number of leaders to view for all secondary categories.
View/Print/Disk—Print the report, save it to disk, or save it to an html file.

Action! PC Baseball 2010 23

Refresh—Build the selected report.
Custom Leader Grid—You may create up to 100 custom leader board reports using the custom
leader grid. Each custom leader grid consists of 15 rows and 3 columns. To change an entry on the
grid, highlight a statistic and click on the leader board position you would like to be occupied by your
statistic. To view your custom report, select View/Print/Disk.

The News form is used to create a report for a specific calendar day. It may be accessed by selecting
Reports/News from the opening screen. News reports include transactions, injuries, game scores,
schedules and headlines.

View the top five game and season record holders. Reports may be viewed for batting, pitching, and

The Database form allows you to view customized player reports for your league database. It is accessed
by selecting Reports/Database from the opening screen.

Database Form: Double-click a player’s name to

Database view his complete statistics and ratings.

24 Action! PC Baseball 2010

Database form options:
Position—Include player position on the report.
Free Agents—Include free agents as part of the report.
Age—Include player ages on the report.
Teams—Select a team, division or entire league for the report.
Batting Minimum—Select a minimum batting requirement for the report.
Pitching Minimum—Select a minimum pitching requirement for the report.
Fielding Minimum—Select a minimum fielding requirement for the report.
Stats—Select real or computer statistics.
Bats—Select right, left, both, or all.
Throws—Select right, left, or all.
Position—Filter the report by player position.
Report—Select the report you would like to view. Reports 1 thru 20 are standard reports.
Reports 21 thru 50 may be customized by selecting Layout.
View/Print/Disk—View the database report in text format and optionally print the report, save
it to a disk, or save it to an html file.
Layout—Modify the statistical columns displayed on the report. To change the content of a
column, highlight the column, then click the statistic you wish to appear.
Refresh—Build the report.

Player Game Logs

View a day-by-day report for a player. Double-click any found game to view the complete box score. The
following options are available:
Team List—Choose a team to view.
Player List—Choose a player from the team.
Filter—Set minimum standards to search for as part of this report.
Refresh—View a list of games for the selected player.

Box Search
The Box Search form is used to scan all played games to find specific events. It is accessed by choosing
Reports/Box Search from the opening screen. Click on any game that is found to view the complete box
(See Box Search graphic below.)
Box Search Options:
Set filter requirements for a search using the following options:
Batting Minimum—Enter the minimum batting requirement.
Fielding Minimum—Enter the minimum fielding requirement.
Pitching Minimum—Enter the minimum pitching requirement.
Team Minimums—Enter the minimum game totals for one or both teams.
Search Teams—Select a team (if any), an opponent (if any), and choose between a batting or
pitching display.

Action! PC Baseball 2010 25

View/Print/Disk—View the report in a text format and optionally print the report, save it to a disk,
or save it to an html file.
Search—Search for box scores that meet the filter requirements.

Box Search

Game Films
View play-by-play from completed games. Game films are only saved for games specified in your league

The Encyclopedia form is used to display statistics saved in up to 10 encyclopedias. The following
options are available.
Search Filter—View a portion of your data by specifying batting minimums, pitching minimums,
teams, or years. To filter by team, enter the team abbreviation; to filter by year, use four digits. To
find the complete history of a specific player, enter his name a well as any year he played minus his
age on April 1 of that year (year-age).

26 Action! PC Baseball 2010

Note: To filter by team: Enter the team abbreviation.
To filter by year: Use four digits.
View/Print/Disk—View the report in a text format and optionally print the report, save it to a disk,
or save it to an html file. This report will also display career totals.
Tools Menu
Delete Found Records—Delete all of the found records.
Erase Encyclopedia—Delete ALL records in the encyclopedia.
Add Data—Add data to the encyclopedia from selected folders.
Compress Encyclopedia—Compress the size of the encyclopedia file.
Edit Encyclopedia Names—Edit the names of the encyclopedias.

What If
The What If form is used to estimate batter or pitcher performance in different years and ballparks. It is
accessed by choosing Reports/What If from the opening screen. The following options are available:
Filter—Select minimum real-life totals for the “What If” analysis.
Home Park—Select a theoretical home park.
Year—Select a theoretical year.
League—Select a theoretical league.
Report—Batting or pitching.
Refresh—Generate the report.

Action! PC Baseball 2010 27

Host Game Session: Enable your computer to listen for an incoming call.
Join Game Session: Connect to another computer for a game session.
Find IP Address: Find the current IP address.
Disconnect: Close communication with your internet opponent.
Open Windows Firewall Port Open Windows port 1452 to enable internet play.
Forward Port 1452—Router: Visit for router specific instructions for for-
warding port 1452.
Service Updates: Visit the Dave Koch Sports service page to check for available
game updates.
Shop for Baseball Seasons: Shop for available baseball seasons and teams.
Visit Visit the Dave Koch Sports website.
League Address Book: Edit the address book for the current league folder.
Create Website: Build a custom website for your league.
Chat: Chat with your internet opponent.

Internet Connection Tips

 Port 1452 must be open when playing Action! PC games over the Internet. If using firewall
software, make sure this port is open.

 Firewall Settings: Windows Firewall, found in Windows Security Center, must either be open or set
to allow the games as an exception. Your antivirus software must be set to allow the game files to be
passed through the internet.

 Router Users: If you are connected to the internet via a router, you must forward port 1452. Visit for specific instructions on the most commonly used routers.

Host Game Session

Prepare the game to host a game session. The Internet Host form will appear on the screen while waiting
for a call. When a call arrives from someone wishing to join a game session, you will be required to
“Accept” or “Decline” the call. When a call is accepted, the message “Hosting internet game session.”
will appear on the main game screen. After selecting teams for a game, the host will be prompted to
choose a team for the internet opponent.

Join Game Session

Enter an IP address and join a host for a session of games. When successfully connected the message

28 Action! PC Baseball 2010

“Connected to internet host." will appear on screen. All menu options will be disabled until disconnected
from the host.

Find IP Address
Find your current IP address. The host should email the IP address to his opponent. The opponent uses
the IP address to join a game session.

Note: Your IP address changes each time you connect to the internet. If you have difficulty
connecting with an opponent, you may need to verify the IP address by running winipcfg.exe
from Windows. You may also verify your IP address by logging on to
Note: If you have difficulty hosting, it may be due to a firewall. If a firewall is present, open port

Close communication with your internet opponent.

Open Windows Firewall Port 1452

This menu choice opens firewall port 1452 to allow data transfer between the host and the remote
computer. This port must be opened in order to play an internet game.

Forward Port 1452—Router

If your computer is connected to the internet by way of a router, you’ll need to forward port 1452 to the
computer that you will be using in order to play Action! PC Baseball. Visit to view step
-by-step instructions to help configure your computer for internet play. includes
instructions for most popular routers.

Service Updates
Visit the Dave Koch Sports service page to check for available service updates.

Shop for Baseball Seasons

View a list of available baseball seasons and teams.

Visit the Dave Koch Sports website.

League Address Book

The league address book can be used to maintain a list of league members, email addresses and member
status for emailing game files. The following options are available:
Add Member— Add a new member to your league. The default member name, No Name will
appear in the name box. A league address book may contain up to 50 members.
Delete Member—Delete the member currently displayed.
Member Name—Edit the name of the currently displayed member.
Member email—Edit the email address of the currently displayed member.
League Statistician—Check this box to specify the league statistician.
Send Game Reports—Check this box to indicate the current member in the list of league

Action! PC Baseball 2010 29

members to receive game reports.

Create Website
Build a custom website for your league. The Create Website form is accessed by selecting Internet/
Create Website from the opening screen. When the form pops up, select the reports you would like
included in the website. The web pages will be created in a folder called WebFolder inside your active
season folder. Custom websites automatically include standings. You may optionally include schedules,
box scores, individual team pages, league leaders, team comparison charts, and all-star voting totals.

Chat with your internet opponent.

30 Action! PC Baseball 2010

Active Season: Change active season folders.
Game Preferences: Modify game display preferences.
Box Score Layout: Specify the statistics and display colors for a box score.
Install Season: Install a new season disk.
Play-by-Play: Edit play-by-play descriptions.
Sound Effects: Select sound effects for play-by-play.

Active Season
The Active Season form is used to change the active season folder. The Active Season form is accessed
by selecting Setup/Active Season from the opening screen. To change the active season, toggle between
folders and select Save Changes.

Game Preferences
The Game Preferences form appears after the date and teams are chosen. It may also be accessed by
selecting Setup/Game Preferences from the main menu or Options/Game Preferences from the game
screen. This form is used to select the coaches, play speed, and game screen display preferences.
(see the Game Preferences graphic below)
Game Display Tab
Diamond Display
Diamond—Choose 3/4 or full screen diamond displays.
Play Calls—Choose left or right for the location of the play calling box.
Lineup Display—Select the statistics you would like displayed for your lineups.
Full Screen Options
Lineups to Display—Select the teams to be displayed on the game screen.
Pitcher/Batter Statistics Display—Set the screen location of pitcher and batter stat
Dual Monitor Support—Display the game screen on one monitor and display an
additional screen with lineups, complete bullpens & benches, stats, box, score sheet, and
leaders on the second screen. When using one monitor, the second form will be displayed
on a separate Windows tab.
Player Displays
Batter/Pitcher Photo—Display batter and pitcher photos in the top corners of the screen.
Playing Field Photos—Display photos for pitcher, batter, and fielders on the playing
field. Optionally display player labels along with playing field photos
Game Display Options
Choose the features and options to be displayed on the screen. Some of the options are as

Action! PC Baseball 2010 31

Game Preferences

Display Pitch Speed—Display the current pitch speed in miles per hour. Pitch speed
may be used to judge pitcher fatigue when Display Pitcher Fatigue is turned off.
Use Ten Minute Ticker—View the progress of other games being played in your
Mouse-Over Player Pop-Up —Display a rating, statistics box, and player photo (if
available) when moving the mouse over a player label.
Lineup Font Size—Choose a font size for lineup displays.
Choose the size and color of the scoreboard, and optionally display left-on-base statistics.

Play-by-Play Tab
Play-By-Play Commentary Options—Check the boxes to include batter comments, new

32 Action! PC Baseball 2010

pitcher comments, and base runner situations in play-by-play descriptions and inning wrap-up
summaries. Toggle between no bias in play-by-play descriptions, bias toward the home team, or
bias toward the team you are controlling in a human team vs. computer game.
Other Play-By-Play Options—Choose formatting options for play-by-play text. Check the
boxes to use team color play-by-play or to use short play-by-play with no video display.
Play-by-Play Speed
Fast—Slow— Set the play-by-play display speed.
Zoom— Advance to the end of a specific inning.
Computer vs. Computer— Choose between instant or regular speed when playing a
computer vs. computer game.

Video and Sound Tab

Video Display—Turn the video chalkboard display on or off, choose small or normal sized
chalkboard icons, and set the video chalkboard display speed.
Sound Effects—Turn sound effects on and off.
Park Image—Choose between the standard or alternate park images, or select a different image
to use.

Misc Tab
Game Era—Choose an era for generating results. The default game era is batter/pitcher
average. For more information regarding game era, see “The Game Engine” in the Special
Topics section of the Appendix.
Report Style—Choose a report style from the drop-down menu
Opening Game Screen Font—Choose the font size for the opening game screen.
Manager Options
Bullpen Warm-Up—Requires human managers to warm pitchers for at least two batters
before entering a game at full strength. Pitchers may warm-up in the bullpen as often as
you like. However, each warm-up session reduces the number of pitches the pitcher may
throw in the game.
Computer Base Coach—Have the computer make all base coaching decisions.
Computer Base Stealing—Have the computer call for stolen base attempts. With this
option, human coaches may also call for steals.
All Human Subs for Computer Managers—Allow human coaches to make all
substitutions for computer managed teams.
Coaching Decision Clock— Designate the number of seconds available for making
base coaching decisions.
Warn Before Computer Manager Substitutions—Allow a human manager to cancel
a proposed computer substitution. This option is available for pitching changes, pinch
hitters, pinch runners, and defensive subs.
Use Pitch-by-Pitch Mode—Play the game one pitch at a time instead of one batter at a
time. All settings may be changed at any time during the game.
Bases Empty—Select an inning to begin using pitch-by-pitch mode with the bases
Runners On—Select an inning to begin using pitch-by-pitch mode with runners on

Action! PC Baseball 2010 33

Score Within—Stop using pitch-by-pitch mode if the score differential is greater than
your Score Within setting.
Always—Always use pitch-by-pitch mode.
Never—Never use pitch-by-pitch mode.

Team Manager: Computer—Human—Set each team to be managed by a computer or

human manager.

Box Score Layout Preferences

The Box Score Layout Preferences form is used to specify the statistics and display colors for a box
score. The following options are available:
Batting Line—Select additional statistics to appear in the standard batting line such as average,
extra base hits, walks, strikeouts or even fielding data. At bats, hits, runs, and runs batted in are
always displayed as part of the batting line.
Pitching Line—Select additional statistics to appear in the standard pitching line such as ERA,
home runs, pitch count and more. Innings, hits, runs, earned runs, walks, and strikeouts are always
displayed as part of the pitching line.
End of Box Items—Select preferences for statistical items appearing at the end of the box score,
such as steals off of, home runs off of, LOB by batter, GIDP by batter, substitution listings, and more.

Install Season
The Install Season form is used to install a new season disk. It is accessed by selecting Utilities/Install
Season from the opening screen or selecting Install Season from the Setup menu. The following options
are available:
Install From Drive—Select the drive where the season you wish to install resides. Typically this
will be your floppy drive.
Important: Most installation errors occur when not selecting the correct “Install From
Drive.” Always designate the drive from which you are installing the season.
Folder—Select the folder on the “Install From Drive” where the season you wish to install resides.
Installation Folder—Enter the drive and folder where you would like the new season to reside.
The default folder will be named Program Files/Baseball/New Folder. Always change the name
New Folder to a name that identifies the folder content, such as 1959 if the folder includes the 1959
Begin Installation—Install the new season.

Edit 4000 lines of basic play-by-play text. The play-by-play editor may be accessed by selecting
Organize/Play-By-Play from the opening game screen. Many plays, such as rare plays, may not be

Sound Effects
Select sound effects for play-by-play. Sound files, with the .wav extension, should be saved in the
Program Files/Baseball/Sounds. The sound effects editor may be accessed by selecting Setup/Sound
Effects from the main menu.

34 Action! PC Baseball 2010

Export Games: Export games for transfer to other computers.
Import Games: Import and compile stats from a game played on another com-
Import Managers: Import manager profiles from another source.
Copy Current Database: Make an exact copy of your league folder.
Create Playoff Database: Copy your current league into a new folder.
Synchronize League Files: Reorganizes imported league files by date.
Zip League Files: Zip and optionally email files.
Clean League Folder: Delete duplicate or corrupted data from your league file.
Clean Photo, Logo, and Ballpark Delete photos, logos, and ballpark images that are invalid
Folders: picture files or zero bytes in size.
Import Team Colors, Nicknames, Import team colors, nicknames, and logos from another
Logos: league folder.

Export Games
The Export Games form is used to export complete game statistics for use on another computer. This
function is useful for leagues playing a series on multiple computers. Exported game files will have a .bbx
extension. The Export Games form may be accessed by selecting Utilities/Export Games from the
opening screen. The following options are available:
Mark Games For Export—Click the games you would like to export.
Export All—Select all games for exporting.
Export None—Unselect all games.
Export Location Drive—Select the drive location you would like to export the selected games to.
This is typically your floppy drive.
Folder—Select the folder on the selected drive where you would like the games exported.
Begin Export—Export all selected games to the listed drive and folder. A file with the .bbx
extension will be created containing the selected game(s). This file may then be transferred by email
to other computers for import.
Cancel—Cancel export and return to the main menu.

Import Games
The Import Games form is used to import games played on another computer to the active season folder.
All statistics and records from imported games will be added to those in the active season folder. The
Import Games form may be accessed by selecting Utilities/Import Games from the opening screen. The
following options are available:
Drive—Select the drive from which games will be imported.
Folder—Select the folder on the selected drive from which games will be imported. After selecting a

Action! PC Baseball 2010 35

folder, a list of games available with the .bbx file extension will appear.
Available Game—Click any listed game to select that game for import.
Select All Games—Select all available games for import.
Begin Import—Import all games from the selected drive and folder. To avoid double-importing,
all .bbx files for games that have been imported will be automatically deleted.
Cancel—Cancel import and return to the main menu.

Import Managers
The Import Managers form is used to import manager profiles exported from another computer into the
active season folder. The Import Managers form may be accessed by selecting Utilities/Import
Managers from the opening screen. A list of .man manager files will appear in a list box. Click on the
file you would like to import and the appropriate Team Manager file will be updated.
Note: Managers may be exported by selecting Manager/Export Manager from any team

Copy Current Database

Make a copy of your current league. All teams, players, statistics, managers and logos will be copied.
You will be prompted for a folder name for this copy.

Create Playoff Database

Make a copy of your current league to use for the playoffs. This copy will be saved in the Playoff folder.
All stats will be reset; however, injuries and recent pitch count history will NOT be reset, unless otherwise
specified. To setup playoff brackets, proceed to Play/Playoffs.

Zip League Files

Note: We strongly recommend that e-mailed game files are zipped prior to sending. Files that
are not zipped may become corrupted during mailing.
Select one or more files to be included in a zip file. The completed zip file may then be emailed to all
league members. The following files may be included: teams, players, managers, address book, logos,
records, schedule, and box scores. After the files are zipped you will be asked if you would like to email
the zipped file to league members.

Clean League Folder

Delete duplicate or corrupted data from your league file.

Clean Photo, Logo, and Ballpark Folders

Delete photos, logos, and ballpark images that are invalid picture files or of size zero bytes.

Import Team Colors, Nicknames, Logos

Import team colors, nicknames, and logos from another league folder.

36 Action! PC Baseball 2010


Appendix A—Player Ratings

Action! PC Baseball subjective ratings range from 0 to 10 (best). Players receive the following ratings:

Fielding Range
Range ratings determine how often players get to balls hit to their area. The average range rating is 5.
Ratings greater than 5 reduce the opponent’s batting average; ratings below 5 increase the opponent’s
average. The following is an estimate by position of what each rating point is worth:
Pitcher................. 0.5
Catcher ............... 1.0
First Baseman ..... 2.0
Second Baseman. 3.5
Third Baseman ... 2.5
Shortstop............. 5.0
Left Fielder ......... 1.5
Center Fielder ..... 3.0
Right Fielder ....... 1.0
For example, over the course of a full season, shortstops rated 10 will reduce the opponent’s batting
average by 25 points and a zero-rated shortstop will increase an opponent’s average by 25 points.
Catcher range is used on pop-ups and bunts.
Range Adjustments—Range adjustments are calculated differently for standard and draft teams:
Stock Team: The game engine assumes a pitcher’s real stats were generated based on the
players on the roster. Basically the roster is scanned to determine the average range for each
position. Then, batting average allowed is adjusted by the players on the field at a given
time as compared to the team average for each position. If you take a player off the roster,
he is not part of the calculation to determine the team averages. If however, he is injured,
inactive, or not being used, he still is part of this calculation.
Draft Team: The game engine assumes an average fielder at each position Then, batting
average allowed is adjusted by the players on the field at a given time as compared to the
league average.

Start/End Dates
These dates represent the first day and last day a player is available for his team. These transaction
dates do not apply if “Use Transactions” is turned off in the league rules.

Base Running
Indicates a runner’s ability to advance an extra base on hits, fly outs and other plays. Each rating
point adjusts the chance of a runner advancing an extra base by 4 percentage points.

SB Jump
Measures how often a runner gets a good jump on steal attempts.

Represents a player’s ability to bunt to advance runners.

Represents a player’s ability to bunt for a hit.

Action! PC Baseball 2010 37

Hit & Run
Represents a player’s effectiveness in hit and run situations.

Represents a pitcher’s effectiveness in different roles
++ full effectiveness
+ slightly reduced effectiveness
– reduced effectiveness

This rating is computer generated and indicates a player’s ability to hit for extra bases.

Measures a pitcher’s ability to hold runners on first. Each rating point adjusts the chance of a runner
stealing the next base by 4 percentage points.

DP Pivot
Measures a player’s ability to turn a double play. A player with an average rating of 5 will turn a
double play on 58% of double play opportunities. Each rating point above 5 increases the double
play chance by 3 points. Each point below 5 decreases the double play chance.

OF Arm
Measures a player’s ability to throw out runners from the outfield. Each rating point adjusts the
chance of a runner advancing to the next base by 4 percentage points.

Catcher Arm
Measures a player’s ability to throw out potential base stealers. Each rating point adjusts the chance
of a successful stolen base by 3 points.

Batter Type
Determines the location of batted balls. Batters are rated spray, pull, or dead pull depending on how
often they hit to each side of the field. Batters are also rated for how often they hit fly or ground

Pitcher Type
Determines how often a pitcher yields ground balls or fly balls..

Clutch Pitching
Indicates how effective a pitcher is with runners on base.

Determines how often a player will be injured. By way of example, a “10” will rarely be injured, a
“5” will miss 25% of the season, and a “1” will miss 50% of the season. The length of an injury is
adjusted by the length of the season specified in league rules and by the number of games previously

Pitcher Ratings
Pitchers receive the following effectiveness ratings for their performance as a starter, relief pitcher, or
++ Maximum effectiveness
+ Near maximum effectiveness
- Reduced effectiveness

38 Action! PC Baseball 2010

Appendix B—Special Topics

Pitching Usage & Fatigue: Estimated Pitch Count (EPC)

Pitching fatigue is based on pitches thrown. At the start of each game pitchers are assigned an esti-
mated (EPC) number of pitches they may pitch before becoming tired. This estimate will appear on
the team roster and in parenthesis next to the pitch count on the main game screen if you have se-
lected “Display Pitcher Estimated Pitch Count” on the Game Preference menu.

Estimated pitch counts are based on real-life pitches per game. This estimate may then be reduced by
a number of factors:
 Pitching a larger than real-life percentage of games or innings over the course of a season or
portion of a season.
 Extremely warm or cold temperatures.
 Rain delays.
 Multiple pickoff attempts.
 Multiple times warming up in the bullpen.

When a pitcher has become fatigued, exclamation points will appear next to his name. Walks and
hits allowed increase as fatigue increases.

The Game Engine

Action! PC Baseball results are determined by a highly refined and detailed game engine. Results are
not determined based on the limitations of dice rolls or a basic 50/50 split between batter and pitcher
abilities. Our game engine is able to reproduce any statistical event no matter how frequently it oc-
Batter/Pitcher Impact—Batters and pitchers are compared to their own league averages.

Park Effect—Batter and pitcher statistics are modified by comparing the effect of their own
home park with the effect of the park where the game is being played. For example, a batter
whose home park reduces home runs by 25% will see a large increase in home runs when play-
ing in even an average park.

Era Impact—Batters and pitcher statistics are modified by comparing their real life era with the
era in which the game is being played. For example, a batter who hit 50 home runs in a season
where the league average was 32 home runs/1000AB would only be expected to hit 25 home
runs in an era where the league average was 16 home runs/1000AB.

Special Eras
Standard Batter/Pitcher Average—This Era averages the statistics from the batter and
pitcher real-life era to determine play results.
Cross-Era Historical Average—This era uses historical statistical averages to deter-
mine play results

Strategy Impact—Adjustments for offensive and defensive strategy are made after all batter,
pitcher, park and era adjustments are made.

Base Stealing
You may attempt to steal a base at any time. Your decision to steal will be based on the success rate
of the potential base stealer. The exact success percentage of stealing the next base will be displayed
to the right of the base runners name if you have selected Show Steal % on the Game Preferences

Action! PC Baseball 2010 39

form. Action! PC Baseball generates this success percentage based on the base runner’s real life suc-
cess rate adjusted by the catcher’s arm rating, pitcher’s hold rating, and whether or not the runner is
being held. In addition, the number is often reduced depending on how often the runner attempted to
steal in real life. For example, a full time player who stole three bases in three attempts will usually
have a very low success rate but will occasionally have a very high rate. If you have not selected
show steal % on the game screen, a jump rating will be displayed. Higher jump ratings reflect a bet-
ter chance of a successful steal. Without a J, the base stealer has a very poor chance of stealing.

Rare Plays
Baseball is a sport with a rich and varied past filled with unique plays and strange occurrences.
We've made a special effort to include hundreds of these rare plays in the game engine. Some will
only occur as infrequently as once every 200,000 games! If you see something in a game that you've
never seen before let us know. We'd like to add it to our data base of rare plays.

40 Action! PC Baseball 2010

Appendix C—Credits

Ballpark Credits
Ballpark photos used in Action! PC Baseball have been contributed from the sources listed be-
low. Many of these sources offer detailed ballpark information, additional photos, park reviews
and ballpark merchandise.

Dan Andrews

Mike Castro
Eric Okurowski
Brian Merzbach
Kevin Marsh
Tim Lux
Sean MacDonald

Action! PC Baseball 2010 41

Appendix D—General Game Abbreviations
Batting Pitching
2B Doubles BF Batters Faced
3B Triples Bk Balks
AB At Bats BS Blown Save
Ave Batting Average CG Complete Games
BB Base On Balls EPC Estimated Pitch Count
Br Base Running ER Earned Runs
Bt Bunt Rating ERA Earned Run Average
CS Caught Stealing G Games Pitched
G Games Played GF Games Finished
GIDP Ground Into Double Play GS Games Started
H Hits H/9 Hits/9 Innings
Hbp Hit By Pitch HLD Holds
HR Home Runs HP Hit By Pitch Allowed
IB Intentional Walks IP Innings Pitched
Iso Isolated Average K/9 Strikeouts/9 Innings
J Jump Rating L Losses
K Strikeouts G1 Pitches Last Game
OB On Base Pct Pct Winning Pct
OBS On Base Plus Slugging Qua Quality Starts
R Runs R Runs Allowed
RBI Runs Batted In SF Sacrifice Flies Allowed
RC27 Runs Created Per 27 Outs SH Sacrifice Hits Allowed
SB Stolen Bases SHO Shutouts
SB% Stolen Base Pct Sv Saves
SF Sacrifice Flies SvOP Save Opportunities
SH Sacrifice Hits W Wins
Slam Grand Slams W/9 Walks/9 Innings
Slg Slugging Pct Whip Walks + Hits/9 Innings
TA Total Average WP Wild Pitches
TB Total Bases
Base Stealing: Offense Ast Assists
CS2 Caught Stealing 2nd Cha Chances
CS3 Caught Stealing 3rd DP Double Plays
CSH Caught Stealing Home E Errors
SB2 Steals Of 2nd GrP Great Plays
SB2% Steals Of 2nd Pct PO Putouts
SB3 Steals Of 3rd TP Triple Plays
SB3% Steals Of 3rd Pct
SBH Steals Of Home
SBH% Steals Of Home Pct

Base Stealing: Defense

cCS Catcher Caught Stealing
cSB Catcher Stolen Bases
cSB% Catcher Stolen Base Pct
pCS Pitcher Caught Stealing
pSB Pitcher Stolen Bases
SB% Pitcher Stolen Base Pct

42 Action! PC Baseball 2010

Appendix E— Scoresheet Abbreviations
1 Pitcher
2 Catcher
3 First Baseman
4 Second Baseman
5 Third Baseman
6 Shortstop
7 Left Field
8 Center Field
9 Right Field
12 runner advances from first to second
3H runner scores from third
63 throw from shortstop to first base
B bunt
B1 batter to first
BK balk
CS caught stealing
d deep (fly ball)
D double
di defensive indifference
dp double play
E error
F fly ball
fo force out
G ground ball
HR home run
IBB intentional walk
K strikeout
L line drive
P pop-up
PB passed ball
s short (fly ball)
S single
SB2 stolen base, 2nd base
SF sacrafice fly
SH sacrafice hit
T triple
tp triple play
u unassisted
vd very deep (fly ball)
W walk
WP wild pitch

G53 – groundout to third base
G46/fo,B1 – ground out, second baseman to shortstop for force out, batter to first
F9d,3H/SF – deep fly out to right field, runner scores from third, sac fly
S, 23, 3H – single, runner on second advances to third, runner on third scores
E1, 23, B1 – error on the pitcher, runner on second advances to third, batter to first
G643/dp – ground ball to shortstop, throw to second, throw to first for double play
WP,12, IBB – wild pitch, runner advances from first to second, batter is intentionally walked
CS2(26)K – caught stealing second, throw from catcher to shortstop, strikeout
S+E9, B2 – single, error on right fielder, batter to second

Action! PC Baseball 2010 43

Technical Support
Technical Support
We are happy to assist you with questions about our products. Please send an email with your questions to
[email protected].

Dave Koch Sports

2519 Post Rd.
Plover, WI 54467

Action! PC Baseball, Action! PC Football, and Action! PC Basketball are products of Dave Koch Sports Inc.
email: [email protected] phone & fax: 715-344-0610 website:

Contact Us
We are constantly working to improve our product. If you have a question, comment, or a suggestion for a
future version of any of our games, please contact us at [email protected].

44 Action! PC Baseball 2010

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