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AeroSpace and Defense Segment

Capgemini value- proposal


Technical Publications production

February 2020
1 Capgemini overview

2 Capgemini DTCM value proposal

AGENDA 3 Methodology & Delivery Enablers
Technical Publications production
4 Credentials & Value Delivered

5 Digital Solutions to enhance UI/UX

6 Offshore transformation
Capgemini Group Overview GLOBAL BUSINESS LINES
▪ Invent 6%
▪ Application Services 74%
▪ Digital Eng. & Manuf. Services 5%
▪ Cloud Infrastructure Services 10%
▪ Business Services 5%



13.2 b€
(as of December 2018) 17,600 Europe

North America Asia-Pacific
32% 5,200
UK & Ireland
27% Revenue Latin America
France per 8,200
Region India
Rest of Europe 112,000
& Africa
Asia-Pacific &
Latin America 12% 1,500
Digital Engineering and Manufacturing Services: Who we are

Delivering engineering solutions for 30+ years

Engineers Globally

America 4000


IP and Asset based

Global Centers of Global Engineering
solutions to improve user
Excellence in US, Centers for customers
experience, faster time to
France, Germany, set-up through the
market and investment
Netherlands and India Rightshore® Model
We address three distinct client needs with 4 designed offers

Build Smart Connected Products

to drive business model shift
▪ Implement IoT strategy from sensor/devices to
IoT and
analytics and AI based solutions 800
▪ Design/enhance platforms and solutions that employees

deliver value from data and technology Product

▪ Modernization of engineering environment Smart 1300

Leverage next generation
▪ Industrialization of engineering services Engineering employees
technology to optimize core

▪ From PLM to Smart Factory

Digital 1500
▪ Leverage IIoT and IT+OT Convergence
Manufacturing employees
▪ Mass manufacturing -> mass customization

Transform manufacturing Product and

to leverage Industry 4.0 ▪ Product & Software life cycle Management 6400
▪ Scientific code and calculation employees

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Our positioning on the AeroSpace & Defense segment

AeroSpace & Defense Overview

Aeronautical Defense Space Air Traffic Management

Air Transport

▪ Aircraft ▪ Aircraft ▪ Launcher ▪ Development of Air

▪ Helicopter ▪ Helicopter ▪ Satellite Traffic control systems
▪ Drone ▪ Ground-Board Data
▪ Missile
▪ Air Traffic simulators

▪ Turbo-fan ▪ Turbo-shaft ▪ Rocket Ground Segments


▪ Turbo-shaft power plant Engine ▪ Development of

power plant ▪ Satellite control & mission
▪ Open Rotor Engine center

▪ 3000+ consultants worlwide

Ranked as High Performer overall for Product
▪ Work with top 9 out of 10 Aerospace & Defense OEMS Engineering and Leader for expertise in Aerospace
▪ Work with the top 5 commercial aircraft OEMS in the 2015 HfS Blueprint Report on Engineering
▪ Work with leading aero engine and tier 1 suppliers Services Outsourcing

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1 Capgemini overview

2 Capgemini DTCM value proposal

AGENDA 3 Methodology & Delivery Enablers
Technical Publications production
4 Credentials & Value Delivered

5 Digital Solutions to enhance UI/UX

6 Offshore transformation
Capgemini Digital Technical Content Management Commitment

Bring down the TCO of your technical publications by minimum 30%, establish data-continuity with the
design process and achieve predictable ROI for the digital transformation of your Tech Publications

Capgemini Offer Pillars Capgemini Values Capgemini Assets

Design to Establish data continuity with the Engineering for Service

Tech Pubs design process ▪ Reuse, Continuity
▪ Service Parts
▪ Learning Modules Tech Pubs
Tech Pubs Leverage our Rightshore® ▪ Service Instructions Academy CoE
Production approach and drive down cost
Engineering for IT Excellence CoE
Tech Pubs Tech Pubs as an Enterprise Content ▪ Custom Fit Platforms
▪ Standards Confirmation
Platform Management solution
▪ Migration, Digitization Intelligent
▪ Enterprise Integration Automation CoE

Tech Pubs Enhance Tech Pubs access and

UI boost customer satisfaction Engineering for UI/UX
UI/UX design
▪ Multi Device, Multi Format
▪ Immersive Customer Experience
Tech Pubs ▪ Remote Assistance
Deliver ubiquitous user experience
UX ▪ Chatbots / Callbots

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Credentials: Overview

Tech Pubs

Top 5 Medical
Tech Pubs Devices Companies

Tech Pubs

Expertise and Experience Across Domain

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Digital Technical Content Management: Services & Solutions Overview
We Bring Value for your Product Documentation

Services, Technology, User Experience Values Leveraging CoEs

Engineering for Service

Authoring, ▪ Text, 2D ▪ Reuse, Continuity
Tech Pubs 1 Illustrations, ▪ 3D Graphics ▪ Service Parts
Core Animations ▪ 3D Animation ▪ Learning Modules Tech Pubs
Academy CoE
▪ Service Instructions

Engineering for IT
Excellence CoE
Content ▪ Configuration ▪ Custom Fit Platforms
Tech Pubs
Platform 2 Management ▪ Customization ▪ Standards Confirmation
Platform Intelligent
▪ Migration ▪ Migration, Digitization
Automation CoE
▪ Enterprise Integration

Engineering for User Exp Technology CoE

▪ Web, PDF, HTML ▪ Multi Device, Multi Format
Tech Pubs Packaging and
UI/UX 3 ▪ AR / VR, Mobile ▪ Immersive Customer Experience
▪ Chatbots ▪ Remote Assistance
▪ Knowledge Management

Drive down Overall Cost and deliver ubiquitous end user experience

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Addressed by Technical Publications’ Center Of Excellence

▪ Technology
Onboarding Integrations
▪ Value Ready
Study Frameworks
▪ Partnership
with technology
Room Online leaders
Mentoring On-job Test


Our COE Assets
Leading To
▪ 15+ Use Case Deployed
▪ AI POC UC identification in progress

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1 Capgemini overview

2 Capgemini DTCM value proposal

AGENDA 3 Methodology & Delivery Enablers
Technical Publications production
4 Credentials & Value Delivered

5 Digital Solutions to enhance UI/UX

6 Offshore transformation
Methodology – Leveraging CoEs


Innovation & UX Partnership


▪ Dedicated Sector
Agnostic Training Process Quality Intelligent
▪ Ready to use LMS Automation COE ▪ Technology Integrations
system Governance ▪ Value Ready Frameworks
▪ Independent sub unit ▪ Robotic Process ▪ Partnership with
Automation (RPA) technology leaders
▪ Interactive Publications,
Mobile Apps, Platform
Delivery Customization, AR/VR,
Excellence COE Chat Bots
As-Is State
▪ Total Process Manager
Competency (TPM)
▪ GEM Framework
▪ LSS & Quality Circles
Tech Pubs ▪ Talent Pool
Academy COE ▪ QMS and QA

Setup Run & Continuous Improvement Future

Multiple CoEs to Support through out the Life Cycle of the Engagement
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Global Delivery Centers – Technical Publications
Snapshot of Bangalore Delivery Center

10+ Delivery Locations

in EU can be leveraged

20+ Delivery Locations

in US can be leveraged

▪ 1000 Engineers Across Global Delivery centers in NA, Europe and India with ready to use infrastructures and Assets
▪ More than 800 Engineers with Aerospace Tech Pubs Experience
▪ AS9100 Rev D certified Delivery Centre at Bangalore for Tech Pubs.
▪ Already Existing Delivery Centre for Safran for Mechanical Design and Simulation Can be Leveraged for Tech Pubs Delivery.

Ready to Use Delivery Centers Across the Globe

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Ready to Use Assets
Total Process Manager (TPM) for LMS for Building Competency Next Gen Framework for Service
End to End Delivery and Sustaining Excellence & Automation
▪ Custom built End to End delivery ▪ Ready to use framework & LMS ▪ Ready Framework for 3D / AR / VR
management tool
▪ 400+ Modules in DTCM ▪ Ready Framework and Robots for
▪ Hooks to link with customer tool chain Automation
▪ Developing training modules in MDS &
▪ Forecast, planning and reporting Embedded to build competency

▪ Complete process alignment and

deliverable lifecycle tracking Intake Skill set for Technical
Analysis Analysis Illustrate Review Update ▪ Service provider and client real time Publications engagement
Total Process Manager (TPM)
▪ Quality and schedule data capture
▪ Process step automation
▪ Reports per SLAs and KPIs
▪ Volumetric Reports
▪ Managerial Reports
▪ Operational Reports Workflow

▪ Work planning
▪ Competency-based
Reporting People resource allocation
▪ Capacity forecast

TPM ▪ Effort logging –

time sheet feature Create
KPI & Reporting ▪ Productivity
management (Content)

Knowledge Repository

On Job
Online Class Room Mentoring Test Certify
Training Training

▪ Data, keyword & metadata-based Distribute

▪ File repository for deliverables
Search facilities
▪ Keyword and content indexing (UX)
▪ Consolidated data search
▪ Data security Skill set required for Technical
▪ Effective training / transition tool
Publications engagement

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Complementary Assets – Capgemini & Dassault Systemes partnership

Our partnership addresses Digital continuity objectives (Tech Pubs inputs data gathered and shaped directly from the PLM
and the CAO) supports Digital Transformation (leverage of 3D data available for Tech Pubs UX) helps to reduce Tech Pub
production time (connection to Capgemini RPA technologies) and bring down TCO of the your Technical Publications.

Product Info
Design, DMU’s

Technical Content
LMS Management
Leverage up to date engineering
data and related 3D data to build Service,
Maintenance documentation Manufacturing

Key concept supported:

Bring automation on the production floor for time saving and quality improvement:
• Services BOM management,
• Maintenance tasks activities
• Automatic data download
• Maintenance requirements
• Automatic impact analysis
• Service resource
• Automatic check

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Aerospace Resource Pool overview

Technical Publications Skill Set Domain Expertise

2% 1%
6% 5% Overhaul/Maintenance
Author Mechanical
14% 27%
Author Avionics Design
Aircraft Design

Aircraft Production
▪ 1000+ Engineers Globally
17% 49% Others
CAD/CAE/CAM ▪ 900+ Engineers in India
Author Structures
Author WDM TestingTesting
18% Software Development ▪ 800+ Engineers experience
on Aerospace Tech Pubs
Technical Publications Tool Skill Set Experience Level
▪ Experience in most
3% 4% Arobrtext/Epic Editor Expertise 5% Authoring/Illustration tools
7% <2 Years
11% Quick Silver Expertise 29%
11% 2 - 5 Years
Frame Maker Expertise ▪ Domain Expertise across
6% 49%
Iso Draw
5 - 10 Years
stages of Product Lifecycle
10 - 15 Years
14% Auto-Trol Expertise
21% 15 - 20 Years
▪ Average Team experience
Corel Draw & 3DTools
Other Illustration
27% >20 Years of ~5 years
Publishig Tools

800+ Engineers with Aerospace Tech Pubs Experience

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Resource Pool – focus on our Engine Competency

More than 15,000 Engine Tasks(ATA 70 to 80)

Created /Revised for Bombardier & Airbus & GE Aviation

Engine Expertise Aero Engine – Experience Profile

▪ 60+ Engineers with Aero Engine Experience 7 to 10
>10 4%
▪ 40+ Engineers Authoring Power Plant Chapters(ATA 70 to 80) 8%
▪ 15 Engineers with Engine Manual Technical Publications Experience
<1 1 to 3
▪ 10+ SME’s With Design, Testing & Maintenance Experience 17% 38%
▪ Maintenance of the DMS for GE Aviation Technical Publications.
▪ Development of GE Aviation Customer Services Portal.
3 to 7

Engine Types Aero Engine – Types

▪ P&W PW1500G Lycoming Turbomeca
4% 4%
▪ PW150A Others
▪ Honeywell HTF7000 10% P&W
▪ GE CF34
▪ Rolls-Royce BR710 / Trent 15%
▪ GE's Passport™
▪ Honeywell TFE731 Rolls-Royce
▪ Pratt & Whitney PW307B 15%

75 engineers with Engine Tech Pubs & CMM Experience

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Experience Across Different ATA Chapters

2%0% 3% 1 %1 %1 % 3 %
2% 6% 1%1%1%1%1% 3% 3% 3%
0% 2%
0% 10 4% 3% 7-10 3%
3% 4% 2% 5 52
36 37?? 11 1% 49 51 6 11 12 42-49 61 20
35 20 1%
20 0% 38 45 35-39 22
4% 34 21 2% 3% 21 3%
36 22 9%
22 35 23
33 23 23
4% 4% 14 %
6% 34
4% 24 34 24
32 Capgemini’s Capgemini’s Capgemini’s
ATA-wise ATA-wise ATA-wise
2% 31
experience in 5% 33 experience in 25 9%
experience in 24 7%
4% 32 26 33 25
25 26 4%
28 6% 2% 9%
31 27
18% 30 32 1%
4% 29 27 28
27 26 3% 28 31 30 29
1% 3%
2% 12% 2%
5% 7% 2% 1%

% of hours delivered in past 5 years % of hours delivered in past 5 years % of hours delivered in past 5 years

Experience in Cabins and Landing Gear

▪ Experience in All ATA Chapters
▪ Experience in ATA 100, ATA 2200 and S1000D Standards

Experience Across All ATA Chapters

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1 Capgemini overview

2 Capgemini DTCM value proposal

AGENDA 3 Methodology & Delivery Enablers
Technical Publications production
4 Credentials & Value Delivered

5 Digital Solutions to enhance UI/UX

6 Offshore transformation
Airbus ODC Evolution
▪ 100% Production
▪ Offshore
from Offshore
▪ S-Bundle A350 Transformation
▪ TD Academy ▪ New Program Ramp-ups
▪ Initial Team in Airbus Serial TD Win Start Value Delivered
▪ Head Count ▪ Delivering TD for all
▪ Concurrent Authoring ▪ A350 TD Optimal ▪ Capacity
150+ Aircraft programs
Production Building for
▪ Onshore Capability (XWB, MB, SA, LR)
Serial TD ▪ Development Tech Pubs:
Development ▪ Head Count ▪ Automation Initiative
to 60+ ▪ LSS Adoption Delivered A350 aircraft program
▪ Serial Tech Data Win ▪ Head Count 350+
(BX & BY WP) ▪ Head Count Technical Publications with 70%
100+ 2016 offshore production for the first
2013 2018 time in Airbus
▪ Offshore Transformation: Over
2010 2015 a period of next 3 years Technical
Publications production is
2009 ▪ A350 Offshore 2017 transformed to 100%
Production at 2014 ▪ Mega Bundle Win production from India
▪ Contract 2011
60%+ ▪ Extension for 3.5 years ▪ 100% at ACD: Maintain 100%
Signoff ▪ A-350 Serial TD Production
▪ TD Production ▪ Serial TD Technical Publications production
▪ Initial team Start ▪ New Scope - MB, SA, LR
stabilisation Offshore Prodn at Aircraft Completion Date(ACD)
ramp-up ▪ A-350 Development TD ▪ Head Count 250+
▪ SLA / KPI at 100% thereby improving the
to 30 Closure ▪ A2(ICY) Work Package
Stabilisation ▪ Head Count customer satisfaction
▪ Offshore Production at 80% Added in Scope
▪ Serial TD Production 50+
▪ Resource Certification: As per
▪ Head Count 40+ ▪ DX Work Package added
EASA guideline mandated to
OME’s we are the first supplier
to complete the Tech Pubs
Quality: resource certification with the
AS9100, help of a custom built LMS
ISO 9001 ▪ Standardisation: Participated in
IT: 27001, the standardisation of process,
Dedicated methods and manuals across four
Compliance Airbus NATCO locations

Proven Offshore Transformation

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KPIs Summary – Airbus Engagement Global (All NATCO)

Quality Severity Index (QSI)

Right First Time ( RFT)

Involvement of Capgemini Lean Six Sigma Team who successfully implemented solutions to improve the quality

Management Interactive
System Checklist KPI’s display

Individual Forecast RPA

Performance dashboard

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Bombardier ODC Evolution
Value Delivered
Amphibious ▪ 6 Aircraft Program
▪ 20+ Manuals Type ▪ Consulting &Process
Global Learjet
▪ Zero Backlog
Total Delivery
▪ 370 K Tasks ▪ Cost
▪ 120 K Illustration ▪ Standardization
▪ Contract Signoff ▪ Manual Enhancement
▪ Global Vision, Lear 60
▪ Due- Diligence &
2005 2010 ▪ C Series tech pubs as a partner Creation/Revision Split ▪ Partner
▪ Zero Backlog, Head Count to 250+
▪ Initial team ramp-up to 65 ▪ 22% Creation
▪ 78% Revisions
▪ Process definition ▪ Delivery Excellence
▪ Knowledge Transfer ▪ Go Live – C-Series & Lear 85
2006 2011
▪ Go- Live ▪ Tech Pubs Improvement
▪ Head Count 130+ Initiative Tasks Authored
Standard Wise
▪ Production stabilisation
▪ Lear 70/75, M 184, MSG-3, SB
▪ New Manuals in Scope
2007 2012 ▪ AS 9100 Certification, OTACE 4.32
▪ SLA / KPI Stabilisation
▪ Contract extn by 1 year; HC-350+
▪ Headcount to 170+ S1000D
24% 21%
▪ New Program Amphibious ▪ Global 7000/8000
ATA iSpec
▪ Challenger 605 in Scope ▪ Bench Marking & Contract
2008 2013 2200
▪ Recognition for Service Re-Neg
▪ OTACE 4.5; HC 430+ ATA 100
Delivery -
▪ Scope Expansion – CRJ-
1000 2014 ▪ Contract Extended for Nine
▪ SmartFix in Scope + Years
▪ Headcount to 200+

Consulting Based Transformation With Proven Value Delivery

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Bombardier Aerospace - Value Delivered
Process Transformation: Bombardier Aerospace is grown
by acquisition in multiple locations. Through consulting
engagement we proposed transformation roadmap and
implemented it over the engagement duration

Customer Ranking: Improved Bombardier Technical

Publications ranking from 6th to 2nd position over 7 years of
engagement as per third party survey done by AIN

X % Reduction in Cost : Cost reduction by X% using our

levers of Global Enterprise Model and Continuous
Improvement initiatives

Zero Backlog: Reduction of Technical Publications backlog to

zero through special projects and flexi team which bring
technical Publications inline with engineering

Manual Standardization: Standardization of the manuals,

Golden Stevie Award – Rating for

tools and implementing the best practices across all aircraft

Commercial Aircraft

Manual Enhancement: Analysis of the Technical

Publications products of Bombardier Aerospace competition
and implementing best practices and improving user
CMM Portal: Development of Vendor CMM portal for
managing the Vendor CMM’s for Bombardier Customers

Value Delivered Over a Decade

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Data Migration/Conversion activities specialist
Capgemini is committed to support data migration / conversion and has developed specific methods to support ageing
specification conversion to new standard at adjusted costs through tool chain in a manual/semi-automated methods

ATA 100 to ATA 2200 and S1000D

ATA 2200 to S1000D
Legacy to DITA standard

CMM from ATA iSpec 2200 to S1000D S1000D 1.7 to 4.1

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1 Capgemini overview

2 Capgemini DTCM value proposal

AGENDA 3 Methodology & Delivery Enablers
Technical Publications production
4 Credentials & Value Delivered

5 Digital Solutions to enhance UI/UX

6 Offshore transformation
Wave of Digital transformation
2D /Paperless Portable 3D PDF / HTML Augmented Reality Integrated Services

Arbortext, Adobe Android, iPad, Adobe Suite, Adobe Suite, 3D Via, Google Glass, Microsoft
Suite, XML editors, HTML, SAP/ERP 3D Via, HTML5, HTML5, OpenGL, Android, Hololens, Android,
Custom Authoring OpenGL, Android Vuforia, Metaio, SAP/ERP, PLM
platforms ▪ Hand-held
▪ Diagnostics

▪ Text & 2D Graphics

▪ Spares E-Commerce
▪ Web / Desktop Publishing ▪ User Analytics
▪ Platform Management
▪ Process Transformation

2 5

1 ▪ Integration of Service
Life Cycle
▪ Platform Integration
▪ 3D Visualization ▪ Guided Navigation ▪ Job card integration to
▪ Enhanced User Experience ▪ Feature based recognition SAP/ERP
▪ Audio voice over ▪ Remote update ▪ Remote Assistance
▪ Checklist Integration ▪ Reuse of 3D assets ▪ Knowledge Mgmt

Smart Product & Integrated Product Services

▪ Tech Data, Training ▪ Hand-held Manuals ▪ 3D Service Instructions ▪ Augmented Manuals ▪ Service Excellence,
Predictive Maintenance

Digital Manufacturing
▪ Manufacturing & Process ▪ Manufacturing Work ▪ 3D Work Instructions ▪ Augmented Work ▪ Digital Operator, Virtual
Documentation Instructions Instructions Assistant


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Example of our capabilities on AR/VR/MR

Focus on some of our exclusive assets, IP and exclusive partnerships

Immersive Remote
Assistance Open Cascade, a Capgemini
Through its partnership with (Capgemini IP) subsidiary, has developed an
DIOTA, the most powerful innovative “My 3D” business
state-of-the-art Augmented Capgemini has developed its model that answers this
Reality “Markerless” technology own solution of Remote challenge for industrial 3D – a
for Industry, Capgemini is the Assistance with AR/VR/MR client-tailored approach to 3D
preferred integrator of DIOTA features. data and software. The key to
solutions success is in the right
A remote expert will assist a local operator who becomes “the eyes combination of its own software
de-realite-augmentee-dans-le-cadre-de-son and hands” of the expert platform and custom services
supported by Augmented, adapted to each client. Its
Virtual and Mixed Reality engine supports strong
solution. This solution is based on capacity of CAD data
sharing video and audio streams simplification for powerful 3D
of the scene. It endorsed many
features where virtual elements visualization
are integrated into the filmed capacities in AR/VR modes

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Illustration of our capabilities with SAFRAN &

Remote assistance helps leading aerospace & defense manufacturer optimize its maintenance
field services
• Enhance engine reliability, equipment availability and deliver proactive field services
• Enable field workers with effective geographical and on-time service coverage
• Ensure low risks in helicopter operations, while reducing field services expenses
(engine maintenance, repairs and technical trouble-shooting)
Immersive Remote Key parameters that need to be managed include: Time-fix ratio, Travel costs, Man-hours to complete
a task, Uptime on the engine, Operators onsite presence (dispersed field service)
Assistance Platform THE SOLUTION


Our immersive Remote Assistance solution ‘Andy3D
Faster, accurate and effective data Remote’, (includes sound, video, graphics 3D data,
Improved task support through 3D
collection by the operators across hardware components, etc.) provides support for a
mapping of real-life local view to
dispersed locations
clarify and visualize the equipment variety of remote tasks such as:
Increased customer satisfaction by
and operating instructions
faster resolution of problems
• Connect onsite technicians in real-time with
expert/assessor for remote assistance
Lower support effort (man, travel
and time) and costs by reducing
Lower repair costs and lead-time of • Leverage video streaming to observe what the
maintenance operations. technician is seeing, make suggestions, share
on-site visits
technical documents and annotate the information in
OUTCOMES • Visualize georeferenced virtual screen with 3D
drawings that could be incorporated in the video
Our Andy3D Remote “single-source” solution is built upon strong Research and Development capabilities,
expertize in mobile application development, 3D augmented and virtual reality solutions, integration and stream using advanced Augmented and Virtual
deployment services Reality features for enhanced understanding

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Integration of our Digital Solutions into our NF7 positioning

On top of the Technical Publications TCO reduction, Capgemini proposes various options to its contractual Tech Pub delivery.
Each option would be orderable separately or as a package but managed as an integrated offer to help leverage cost reduction
and deliver ubiquitous user experience to Safran end customers.

▪ Digital Instructions
▪ Conformity checks
▪ Automatic connect (QR codes)
Portable ▪ Field data capture
▪ 3D Visualization viewer
▪ 3D Service Instructions Standard Tech
Audio voice over

▪ Checklist Integration Pub On field


▪ Faster, accurate and effective data collection

Maintenance ▪ Lower support effort ((man, travel and time)
▪ Lower repair costs and lead-time of operations
▪ Conformity checks ▪ Improved task support through 3D, AR/VR/MR
▪ On filed reporting
▪ Troubleshooting statistics
▪ …

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1 Capgemini overview

2 Capgemini DTCM value proposal

AGENDA 3 Methodology & Delivery Enablers
Technical Publications production
4 Credentials & Value Delivered

5 Digital Solutions to enhance UI/UX

6 Offshore transformation
Airbus Technical Publications – An expl. of Transformation
Production Transform the model, increase the team and improve client KPIs at the same time
Ratio 2015 vs

Start 80 FTE 81% RFT

40% (France Germany–Spain UK) Offshore (India)
End 200 FTE 98% RFT

August December
2015 Preparation Transfer Validation 2016

Alignment Step by Step Step by Step

Onshore & Transfer Validation
Offshore teams (Shadow mode) (Criteria: 100%
Planning & Roles
focused on Industrialization
shared with
Quality & of the model
Autonomy launched!

Training by Meetings with Tech Data

Onshore team client involving
on minimum onshore-
requirements offshore

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Indicative Cost Simulation with Capgemini Rightshore® model
Levers for 30% 40% 50% 60% Offshore ratio

Start by Massify

-20% Full Offshore delivery model

Enhance with LCC -30%

(offshore) effect

Disrupt with
Moderate Offshore Massive Offshore Full Offshore

Y+1 Y+2 Y+3

Bench mark cost values considered

Indicative Savings Leveraging Offshore Production

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Technical Publications production
Our Differentiators are based on the fundamentals
1000+ Tech Pub Engineering Professionals across the Globe
With proven offshore delivery model for Customers over Europe and North America

Competitiveness insurance
Capgemini Tech Pus core production offer bring down your TCO by minimum 30%

Domain and Technology Expertise

The right blend of industry domain and technology expertise spanning
engineering and manufacturing disciplines

Capgemini Portfolio Depth utilization

Mature building blocks of IP and Asset based solutions / offers to improve
user experience, faster time to market and investment leverage

Digital continuity enablers

Leverage up to date engineering data and related 3D data to build
Maintenance documentation thanks to DS – Capgemini partnership

Partnerships with market leaders, niche technology
and relevant startup companies
Safran Manufacturing Data Collect & Production monitoring C.A.P technical proposal © 2019 Capgemini. All rights reserved. 42

Safran Manufacturing Data Collect & Production monitoring C.A.P technical proposal © 2019 Capgemini. All rights reserved. 43
Offshore model – Airbus Example
✓ Full production in India

✓ Communication with
customer managed by

✓ A Front Office in each

country for easy
interaction with

✓ Customer SPOCs are

expert able to handle
technical queries from
production team

Safran Manufacturing Data Collect & Production monitoring C.A.P technical proposal © 2019 Capgemini. All rights reserved. 44
Scheduling vs Capacity to Absorb
Visual dashboard
from TPM on
volume of work
vs capacity

Safran Manufacturing Data Collect & Production monitoring C.A.P technical proposal © 2019 Capgemini. All rights reserved. 45
Authoring Work Order

Allocation of AWO My KPIs

Allocation to an author
based on: The AWO is sent to the
His skills author basket
His workload There is an individual
dashboard per
resource with target,
These 2 are monitored priorities, quality
in TPM

AWO (Authoring Work Order)

IWO (Illustration Work Order)

At each step -> a

target date inside
Email alerts to
author if risk of
Allocation of IWO Self check & Crosscheck late AWO

meeting and
If there is an impact on
TPM dashboard illustration, creation of Performed in TPM
for progress an IWO.
Allocation of the IWO For each check point a
monitoring to the illustrator (based dedicated checklist
on workload and skills) directly embedded in
the AWO details for
easy track
Monitoring in TPM

Safran Manufacturing Data Collect & Production monitoring C.A.P technical proposal © 2019 Capgemini. All rights reserved. 46
Proofreading management

checklist based on
client criteria

AWO (Authoring Work Order) One checkpoint

IWO (Illustration Work Order) Commitment of the checker on the quality =
One checklist

Dual Monitors for

efficient check
Close intimacy
proofreader and
author for good

Safran Manufacturing Data Collect & Production monitoring C.A.P technical proposal © 2019 Capgemini. All rights reserved. 47
Query Management

Before raising a query

there is a database
with a search option
to be consulted

Monitoring and
Possibility to raise alert email for
query in TPM progress

Safran Manufacturing Data Collect & Production monitoring C.A.P technical proposal © 2019 Capgemini. All rights reserved. 48
Performance management – Individual Level

Check List Individual performance Measurement

of performance
Use of interactive at each check
checklist where point
written answers - Criteria based
on Airbus Measurement of
are mandatory requirements individual
performance vs
- Checklist team
guideline performance

Help to know who

needs more
Help to know
where the Individual performance Sharing Session
individual is
struggling to - Bring to team
give him As per criteria level issues Sharing
encountered at
appropriate rejected, we have
information about individual session on the
training category of errors - Share mistakes floor with
made by the with team to
individual avoid repeated display
(PARETO) mistakes

Safran Manufacturing Data Collect & Production monitoring C.A.P technical proposal © 2019 Capgemini. All rights reserved. 49
Performance management – Team level

We have video Applied for internal and

training in LMS to external rejections
explain how to
perform a RCA*
(5 Why’s Method)

Root Cause Analysis

Analysis for through
rejection Graphics
Effectiveness of
actions measured
through non
repetition of same
Launch of mistakes
corrective and
Preventive actions

*Root Cause Analysis

Safran Manufacturing Data Collect & Production monitoring C.A.P technical proposal © 2019 Capgemini. All rights reserved. 50
Quality – How it is ensured

Reference to
customer guidelines
in criteria
Written answers
mandatory for some

Qualification based on
Interactive checklist
customer guidelines

Sharing session with

team on new rules,
lessons learn…

Knowledge Training
Checklist guideline

Safran Manufacturing Data Collect & Production monitoring C.A.P technical proposal © 2019 Capgemini. All rights reserved. 51
About Capgemini
A global leader in consulting, technology services and digital transformation,
Capgemini is at the forefront of innovation to address the entire breadth of clients’
opportunities in the evolving world of cloud, digital and platforms. Building on its
strong 50-year heritage and deep industry-specific expertise, Capgemini enables
organizations to realize their business ambitions through an array of services from
strategy to operations. Capgemini is driven by the conviction that the business
value of technology comes from and through people. It is a multicultural company
of almost 220,000 team members in more than 40 countries. The Group reported
2019 global revenues of EUR 14.1 billion.

Learn more about us at

Capgemini’s Digital Engineering and Manufacturing Services

Capgemini’s Digital Engineering and Manufacturing Services brings together

deep domain expertise to lead the convergence of Physical and Digital worlds
through technology, engineering and manufacturing expertise to boost our clients’
competitiveness. A recognized leader with over 10,000 engineers across the globe
and 30+ years of experience, Capgemini’s comprehensive portfolio of end-to-end
solutions enables global companies to unlock the true potential of their product
portfolios and manufacturing efficiencies.

Learn more about us at
This presentation contains information that may be privileged or confidential
and is the property of the Capgemini Group.
Copyright © 2019 Capgemini. All rights reserved.

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