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Prestige Institute of Management and Research,

(An Autonomous Institution Established in 1994, Accredited with Grade ‘A++’ NAAC(UGC) ISO
9001: 2008 Certified Institute, AICTE / UGC Approved Programs affiliated to DAVV, Indore)

(Batch 2020 – 2022)

Summer Internship Project Report

Marketing financial instruments in capital market
with special reference to mandot securities



Class- MBA – IB - II Semester -

Scholar No.1121412937
Prestige Institute of Management and Research, Indore
(An Autonomous Institution Established in 1994, Accredited with Grade ‘A++’ NAAC (UGC) ISO
9001:2008 Certified Institute, AICTE/UGC Approved Programs affiliated to DAVV, Indore)

(Session: - 2020 - 22)



Faculty Mentor- Dr. ABHISHEK PRATAP SINGH Submitted by -


MBA IB Semester - II
Scholar no. - 1121412937

I, RUDRAKSHI SAPRA, hereby declare that the presented summer internship

SECURITIES PVT. LTD.” is uniquely prepared by me after the completion of

I also confirm that the report is prepared only for my academic requirements and
not for any other purpose. It must not be used with the interest of opposite party of
the corporation.

I also hereby declare that I have read and understood the evaluation method (rubric) of
summer internship project.



(MBA – IB, II Semester)

Scholar No. - 1121412937


This is to certify that RADHIKA MUNDRA, the student of Master of Business

Administration (International Business) program of Prestige Institute of Management and
Research, Indore has completed Summer Internship Project “MARKETING FINANCIAL
Under my guidance and supervision. As per my knowledge the work carried out by him/her is
original and genuine. I wish further success to him/her.

Prestige Institute of Management and Research,

Gratitude is the hardest of all emotions to express. There is no word capable of

conveying all that one feels until we reach the world where thoughts can be adequately
expressed in words, “THANK YOU” will have to do.

I would like to thank DR. YOGESHWARI PATHAK (DIRECTOR OF PIMR) for her
guidance and moral support in our academic persuasion.

I would like to thank MANDOT SECURITIES PVT. LTD., INDORE and specially
MR. VIJAY JAIN (INTERNSHIP MENTOR) for providing me the required
knowledge, information and support.

I would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to CS DR. PRATIMA JAIN (FACULTY
MENTOR) for her guidance throughout the project, without her support and
cooperation I would have failed in my endeavors and targets in this project.

Last but not the least; I would like to thank all our friends for their valuable support during the
project directly and indirectly.

Date: 25rd August; 2021 RADHIKA MUNDRA Place:



1 About the Industry 6-16

2 About the Organization 17-22

History and
Objective . Structure

3 Departmental Description 23-24

Finance Department
Personnel/ Human Resource Department
Operations / Productions Department
Marketing Department
Other Department (Trading Department)

4 Strengths and Weakness ‘of the Organization 25

5 Weekly Overview of Internship Activities 26-30

6 Conclusion and Suggestion 31-32

7 Appendices 33

8 References 34



Indian Stock Markets are one of the oldest in Asia. Its history dates back to nearly 200 Years
ago. The earliest records of security dealings in India are meager and obscure.

By 1830’s business on corporate stocks and shares in Bank and Cotton presses took place in
Bombay. Though the trading list was broader in 1839, there were only half a dozen brokers
recognized by banks and merchants during 1840 and 1850. The 1850’s witnessed a rapid
development of commercial enterprise and brokerage business attracted many men into the field
and by 1860 the number of brokers increased into 60.

In 1860-61 the American Civil War broke out and cotton supply from United States of Europe
was stopped; thus, the “Share Mania” in India begun. The number of brokers increased to about
200 to 250. However, at the end of the American Civil War, in 1865, a Disastrous slump began
(for example, Bank of Bombay share which had touched Rs. 2850 could only be sold at Rs. 87).
At the end of the American Civil War, the brokers who thrived out of Civil War in 1874, found a
place in a street (now appropriately called as Dalal Street) where they would conveniently
assemble and transact business.

In 1887, they formally established in Bombay, the “Native Share and Stock Brokers’
Association” (which is alternatively known as “The Stock Exchange”). In 1895, the Stock
Exchange acquired a premise in the same street and it was inaugurated in 1899. Thus the Stock
Exchange at Bombay was consolidated.

Thus in the same way, gradually with the passage of time number of exchanges were increased
and at currently it reached to the figure of 24 stock exchanges.


Stock exchanges to some extent play an important role as indicators, reflecting the performance
of the country’s economic state of health. Stock market is a place where securities are bought
and sold. It is exposed to a high degree of volatility; prices fluctuate within minutes and are
determined by the demand and supply of stocks at a given time. Stock brokers are the ones who
buy and sell securities on behalf of individuals and Institutions for some commission.

The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) is the authorized body, which regulates the
operations of stock exchanges, banks and other financial institutions. The past performances in
the capital markets especially the securities scam by Harshad Mehta has led to tightening of the
operations by SEBI. In addition the international trading and investment exposure has made it
imperative to better operational efficiency. With the view to improve, discipline and bring
greater transparency in this sector, constant efforts are being made and to a certain extent
improvements have been made.


A broker is an intermediary who arranges to buy and sell securities on behalf of the clients (The
buyer and the seller).

According to Rule 2 of SEBI Rules 1992, a stockbroker means a member of a recognized Stock
exchange or stock exchanges of which he or she is admitted as a member.

Stock market transactions are carried out on computerized systems and deals are recorded for
inspection at any time.

• Stock brokers independently may deal with the following:

➢ Operations for private clients and institutional clients.

➢ Some brokers act only as dealers (client investment managers) while others are
principally advisors (equity sales advisors).

➢ Some brokers provide services for portfolio management and constantly review
Investments in the light of trends and developments in the market.

➢ Financial services brokers specialize in bond issues, handling institutional

accounts or mutual funds.
• In large firms, stock brokers work in the following areas:

➢ Deal with, and advise, smaller firms

➢ Securities brokers work on behalf of firms with private clients to understand the
investment, plans and objectives of the client i.e. expectation for returns and
interest in risk taking. They are representatives of brokerage firms and execute
orsers to buy and sell securities. They are equipped with both knowledge and
experience to give advice on the sale and purchase of scrips and management of
financial investments.

➢ Advise for investments.

➢ Carry out market transactions

➢ The financial services in firms’ concerns pre-sales, sales and after sales services.
These firms have departments to manage the sales and trading for the owners of
securities, investment banking for firms and the government for the issue of
securities and capital markets which form an essential arm for trading activities.

❖ As Securities Analysts – Brokers may be required to advise on floatation of shares in

Conjunction with the merchant banks. They are expected to have knowledge of the market
to be able to anticipate certain trends and make predictions.

❖ As Investment Analysts – The Investment Analyst provides accurate information to

Investors and fund managers. There are two major roles as an analyst.

□ Institutional Analyst – The process of analysis involves making predictions of the

Company’s future based on its past and present financial status.

□ Stock Broking Analyst – Investment Analysts work with firms which provide advice on
Buying and selling of shares and also with those firms which have funds to be managed. Fund
Managers in merchant banks, insurance and pension funds are involved with huge investments
made by millions of investors. The funds are eventually disbursed as insurance claims, pensions
etc. They are specialized financial advisors who provide advice on the how and where of details
concerning investment. Investment Analysts study the company’s annual report; visit the
organization, interview senior executives to assess statistical information, profits and import and
export figures for the industry as a whole. Institutional analysis involves studying the entire

Placing Order

Decisions to Trade
Trade Execution

Funds or Clearing of
Securities Trade

Settlement of

A person holding assets (Securities/Funds), either to meet his liquidity needs or to reshuffle his
holdings in response to changes in his perception about risk and return of the assets, decides to
buy or sell the securities. He selects a broker and instructs him to place buy/sell order on an
exchange. The order is converted to a trade as soon as it finds a matching sell/buy order. At the
end of the trade cycle, the trades are netted to determine the obligations of the trading members
‘securities/funds as per settlement cycle. Buyer/seller delivers funds/securities and receives
securities/funds and acquires ownership of the securities. A security transaction cycle is
presented above.

• Zerodha
• Upstock
• Angel Broking
• ICICIdirect
• Groww
• 5Paisa
• HDFC Securities
• Kotak Securities
• Sharekhan
• Motilal Oswal
• Axis Direct
• SBI Securities
• IIFL Securities
• Geojit
• Edelweiss
• SMC Global
• Alice Blue
• Paytm Money
• Religare
• Reliance securities
• Arihant Capital
• Swastika Invest mart
• Anand Rathi
• Karvy
• Nirmal Bang


NSDL & CSDL are the regulatory bodies for Depository Participants like SSKI, SHCIL,, etc. Also these regulatory bodies have got an upper hand as the
bargaining power stock broking houses like SSKI, etc. would be less.

▪ NSE & BSE are playgrounds where common an investor trade through stock
broking houses, for which they have to take permission from NSE/BSE.

▪ NSE & BSE are under the purview of SEBI, that’s why stock broking houses like
SSKI, have low bargaining power. But here there is one advantage that NSE/BSE
have i.e. they cannot go for forward integration.

▪ MCX & NCDEX are stock exchanges which trade in commodities and derivatives.
Here again stock broking houses have to follow rules and regulation of the same.

▪ Web maintainers are companies which maintain web sites & technical aspects of
the same. Here stock broking houses like SSKI can have more bargaining power
due to tough competition among web maintaining companies.

▪ Web maintainers are companies who make and maintain software’s for stock
broking houses. If say for example stock broking houses switches over to other
web maintainers then that company cannot understand the mechanisms of
software’s. So it is quite high switching cost.


▪ There are various types of investors who trade through stock broking houses like
SSKI, which includes investors like small investors, medium net worth investors,
Business partners, institutional investors and mutual fund companies.
▪ Here the bargaining power of stock broking houses depends on how big the
investor is.

▪ So here we can say that bargaining power of stock broking houses is high in case
of small investors & HUF.

▪ While the bargaining power is moderate in case of HNI (High New Worth
Investors)/MNI’s (Medium Net worth Investors) and business partners.

▪ But the in case of mutual fund companies and institutional investors bargaining
power is less.

▪ There is competitive buzz in stock broking industry; competitors are offering low
brokerage and best services with added feature. So switching cost is pretty much
less. So the buyer can easily switch over to competitors product.

▪ Huge Capital: - Capital is necessary not only for fixed facilities but also for
customer’s credit and absorbing start up losses. To start a stock broking house, one
needs huge capital for technology up gradation and skilled manpower.

▪ Technology: - Technology for stock broking houses is life saving device. Stock
broking requires huge capital to make their products user friendly, which in turn
requires capital to employ skilled manpower. Thus, technology could be one of the
entry barriers.

▪ Regulatory Constraints: - Obtaining a license is a tedious job for a stock broking

house. It should comply with the regulation of the governing bodies like SEBI,
NSDL, etc. For a stock broking houses to plunge into the stock broking industry, it
needs to have some kind of financial background and expertise. Thus, regulators
constraints could be an entry barrier.

▪ Experience curve: - The core competency in this industry is the services which
are provided to the end-users and the research based activities which includes
“TIPS”, fundamental as well as technical script analysis. Also the most important
thing which helps already established firms is-“TRUST” this is very difficult for
new companies to imitate.

▪ Network: - The “Reach” to the customer is the key factor in the industry. The
network of the companies like Angel, Motilal Oswal, Angel Broking, and ICICI is
very efficient and spreader all over India. It will take time for a new entrant to
establish such a huge network (e.g. Marwari), which say that,” Network can come
up as most difficult entry barrier to overcome.”

▪ Expected Retaliation: - Whenever a new player comes in the industry, the old
companies have an option to reduce the prices of their product. This kind of
practice is called expected Retaliation which is also possible in this industry in
terms of less brokerage rates and reduced account opening charges. E.g. before the
entry of so many mew companies, Angel Broking was having two types of
accounts viz. speed trade speed trade plus, which were costing 1000 & 1500
account opening charges respectively. But due to competition, they have come up
with only one account i.e. speed trade plus with the account charges of Rs.1000.

▪ The company is facing the competition from local as well as national level
players. The local players provide facility for off-line trading while the national
player’s and, HDFC Security provides
online trading services.

▪ There are also other big names like India bulls, Motilal Oswal, 5paisa and
Marwari encircles the company from both the sides by providing online and
offline trading with competitive services.


▪ The potential entrants in like Investment, Jeojit and Cipher which are coming in
near future to Rajkot City.

▪ Nationalized banks are also thinking to enter in this field by tying up with
broking houses.E.g. Bank of Baroda.


▪ Here substitutes are such instruments which can be used instead of investing in

▪ The instruments like Bank FD, insurance, mutual funds are the substitutes.

▪ If the use of this instruments increase this may be disadvantage for the stock
broking houses.

▪ The companies and banks which are having these instruments can plunge into
this industry.

The stock exchange, Mumbai, popularly known as “BSE” was established in 1875 as “The
Native Share and Stock Broker’s Association”. It is the oldest one in Asia, even older than the
Tokyo Stock Exchange, which was established in 1878. It is a voluntary non-profit making
Association of Persons (AOP) and is currently engaged in the process of converting itself into
demutualized and corporate entity. It has evolved over the years into its present status as the
premier Stock Exchange in the country. It is the first Stock Exchange in the country to have
obtained permanent recognition in 1956 from the Govt. of India under the Securities Contracts
(Regulation) Act, 1956.

The Exchange while providing an efficient and transparent market for trading in securities, debt
and derivatives upholds the interests of the investors and ensures redressed of their grievances
whether against the companies or its own member-brokers. It also strives to educate and
enlighten the investors by conducting investor education program and making available to them
necessary informative inputs.

A Governing Board having 20 directors is the apex body, which decides the policies and
regulates the affairs of the Exchange. The Governing Board consists of 9 elected directors, who
are from the broking community (one third of them retire ever year by rotation), three SEBI
nominees, six public representatives and an Executive Director & Chief Executive Officer and a
Chief Operating Officer.

NSE was incorporated in 1992 and was given recognition as a stock exchange in April 1993. It
started operations in June1994, with trading on the Wholesale Debt Market Segment.
Subsequently it launched the Capital Market Segment in November 1994 as a trading platform
for equities and the Futures and Options Segment in June 2000 for various derivative

NSE has been able to take the stock market to the doorsteps of the investors. The technology has
been harnessed to deliver the services to the investors across the country at the cheapest possible
cost. It provides a nation-wide, screen-based, automated trading system, with a high degree of
transparency and equal access to investors irrespective of geographical location. The high level
of information dissemination through on-line system has helped in integrating retail investors on
a nation-wide basis. The standards set by exchange in terms of market practices, products,
technology and service standards have become industry benchmarks and are being replicated by
other market participants. Within a very short span of time, NSE has been able to achieve all the
objectives for which it was set up. It has been playing a leading role as a change agent in
transforming the Indian Capital Market to its present form. The Indian Capital Markets are a far
cry from what they used to be a decade ago in terms of market practices, infrastructure,
technology, risk management, clearing and settlement and investor service.


Mandot Securities Private Limited is a Private incorporated on 05 November 2014, its

Authorized share capital is Rs.30, 000,000 and its paid up capital is Rs.21, 500,000.It is a
Member of Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE), National Stock Exchange (NSE) and Multi
Commodity Exchange (MCX) a Depository Participant with Central Depository Services Ltd.
(CDSL). It has a current presence of various different locations through the network of Branches
and Business Associates.



(Executive Director)
(Director) (Executive Director)

Mandot Securities Private Limited:-

Corporate Identification Number (CIN) = U67120MP2014PTC033380
Registration number = 33380
Email address = [email protected]
Company is registered in Gwalior (Madhya Pradesh)
Registrar Office. = Mandot Securities Private Limited
Registered address is 217, SILVER SANCHORA CASTLE 7, R.N.T. MARG

➢ Brief Profile

▪ MANDOT - incorporated as a Private Limited Company , now a pioneer

trading house of Central India

▪ Member of NSE, BSE, CDSL & MCX

➢ We offer

▪ Equity Broking: NSE & BSE

▪ Equity & Derivatives: Future & Option

▪ Currency Derivatives

▪ IPO Investments

▪ Mutual Funds Investment

▪ Insurance Services

▪ Depository Services: CDSL

▪ Online/Mobile Trading

▪ Dedicated Dealing Desk

▪ Research Advisory Services

▪ Online Back office

▪ Commodity Broking: MCX


1. Started From Ground Level – Our biggest strength is that we started our broking
business from ground level, as a Sub-Broker and then took membership; hence we
understand the need of our clients and our business partners very well.

2. Personalized Services - Our efficient team is qualified & dedicated professionals

provide personalized services & client’s satisfaction is our Mantra for Growth.

3. Transparent & Integrated Services – We have transparency & integrity in client’s

transactions & provide the best value for money to our clients.

4. Quality Market Updates – Wide range of daily, weekly & special market updates.

5. Use of Advance Technology – Mandot Securities believes that technology is the key to
provide efficient, timely and quality services to clients, that’s why we use the latest and
best hardware & software technology to ensure uninterrupted services.

6. Trading Limits – We provide sufficient trading limits in all segments with trained dealer

7. Cheapest Brokerage – We are offering cheapest brokerage plans in comparison to our


8. Wide Range of services under one Roof- We are offering Equities, Equities Derivatives,
Currency Derivatives, Investment Advisory Services, Depository Services,
IPO, Mutual fund, Insurance etc all under one name. We have best Support to customer
24/7 hours.


▪ To develop into an integrated financial service provider across the globe.

▪ To provide our clients with in-depth research and investment facilities under one roof.

▪ To understand investor’s needs and to provide a financial solution best suited to them
with a view to maximize their long term financial gains.

▪ Ethical practices & transparency in all our dealings.

▪ Customers interest above our own.

▪ Always deliver what we promise.

▪ Effective cost management.


▪ Integrity

▪ Teamwork

▪ Quality Mindset

▪ Service Orientation

▪ Passion & Commitment


▪ In 2014 Incorporated with registered Office at Indore

▪ In 2015 become Member of NSE & BSE under F & O Segment , Currency Segment
& Cash Segment with in 6 month from Date of Incorporation

▪ In 2015 become Member of CDSL with in 1 year from Date of Incorporation

▪ In 2018 become Member of MCX

▪ We are having wide Network with our Branches and Authorized Persons across India.

▪ In 2016 introduced Set up of Research Desk.


▪ Indore

▪ Rajkot

▪ Ratlam

▪ Neemuch

▪ Mumbai


▪ Practicing, operating, managing and developing all the activities of securities

commodities, and derivatives markets inside and outside Jordan.

▪ Providing an adequate environment to ensure the interaction of supply and demand forces
for trading in securities, according to the clear, proper and fair trading practices.

▪ Raising the awareness of investing in the financial markets, and developing the
knowledge related to financial markets, and the services provided by the ASE Company.


Finance Department:
The finance department is also responsible for management of the organization's cash flow and
ensuring there are enough funds available to meet the day-to-day payments. Where there are cash
needs beyond the day to day working capital, the finance department is responsible for advising
and sourcing longer term financing

Human Resource Department:

Recruitment Process: The HR recruiter calculates the workforce velocity and the project scope
on the basis of which it defines the requirement the organization have or not. If requirement is
found, the HR researched the skills required for the process and how much experience is required
to successfully run the project. This research is done by conducting meeting with the Team
Leads and Managers and also the Finance managers to define the budget for the new recruitment.
After having all required details, the HR posts the job over LinkedIn and other Job portals.

Training and Development:

After successfully short listing the candidate there is a 15 days mandatory training for the
Employees to understand the rules and regulations of the organizations and as well as to
understand the work flow of the organization and to make the new employee with the existing
employees of the organization and welcome the new employee to their family.


In company, the operations department is responsible for processing all of the paperwork
Generated by the firms other departments, most of it having to do with “clearing” firms trades.
The department also handles all of the client’s bills and statements. The operation flow is very

Marketing Department:
In company, the major marketing tactics is decided by the manager and the team leads with 25
small refinements to it through us.

The manager through his contacts evaluate the competitors working and standings and after deep
study conducts a meeting with the team leads to discuss about the strategy and evaluate how can
we achieve the target (Target decided with CEO). Then the team leads works on their contacts
old and new and the new are assigned to us and the old one are taken by team leads because of
maintaining the relationship. We use Face book, what Sapp more as a Sales Promotion platform
to get new users engaged with our organization.

Trading Department:
The trading department is responsible for executing clients' securities orders. This department
Affects the actual purchases and sales of securities, in accordance with the clients' instructions.
In addition, the trading department tries to buy and sell securities Profitably with the firm's own


▪ Well-maintained infrastructure.

▪ Dedicated, Intelligent and Loyal staff.

▪ On-line trading products.

▪ Lowest brokerage and other charges w.r.t. Competitors.

▪ The best investment advice correct up to 70-90 % through dedicated

▪ Research and reports.

▪ Wide product range to enable the clients to choose the best alternative.


▪ Time consuming approach of demat account opening.

▪ Less number of Managerial Employees.


Day Date Work Performed

Satuday 17 July 2021 Company’s introduction through zoom platform and promotion of
1st Week

poster (Monsoon-offer) through whatsapp

Monday 19 July 2021 Created a collage of all interns and discuss about promoting activities

Tuesday 20 July 2021 Poster making for the company’s promotion and checking of aadhar
linking status.

Wednesday 21 June 2021 Promotion of refer and earn scheme, checking of aadhar linking
status and download of KYC Venue app

Day Date Work Performed

Monday 21 June 2021 Install best app and registration in it, and learn how to invest in IPO
and weekly task assigned (group coordinator)
Tuesday 22 June 2021 Discussed about secondary market
2nd Week

Wednesday 23 June 2021 Promotional video making task assigned and learnt about primary

Thursday 24 June 2021 Rectify errors in video

Friday 25 June 2021 Promotion of videos

Saturday 26 June 2021 Follow up of previous task

Day Date Work Performed

3rd Week

Monday 28 June 2021 Discussion on demat account and its new news regarding linking of
demat with real estate

Tuesday 29 June 2021 Understanding the working up of IPO

Wednesday 30 June 2021 Follow up of previous task and doubt clearing secession
Thursday 1 July 2021 Discussion of morning market highlights and connecting with
Mandot Research and discussed about documents required in
opening of dmat account

Friday 2 July 2021 Discussion of morning market highlights and learnt about the
working of Best app

Saturday 3 July 2021 Analysis of GR infra and Clean Science IPO

Day Date Work Performed

4th Week

Monday 5 July 2021 Refer and earn scheme promotion, discussion on last IPO
performances, learned about stop loss and calculating of profit
and loss

Tuesday 6 July 2021 Learnt about how to invest in IPO and an exercise to calculate
profit and loss with proper format

Wednesday 7 July 2021 Analysis of GR infra and Clean Science IPO and discussed
trading account

Thursday 8 July 2021 Discussing of Zomato IPO and understanding brokerage

Friday 9 July 2021 Learnt calculation of brokerage with an exercise and received a
break for examination

Day Date Work Performed

5th Week

Monday 19 July 2021 Resume with daily analysis of morning highlight of last days
and last IPO performances

Tuesday 20 July 2021 Calculation of brokerage task assigned, presentation on Primary

Market and a quiz organized on the financial market and
Wednesday 21 July 2021 Follow up of previous task

Thursday 22 July 2021 Discussed about NSE, BSE and MCX, and understanding a call
of coffee day

Friday 23 July 2021 Revised Demat account opening and discussed IPO allotment of
Tatva Chintan

Saturday 24 July 2021 Promotion of poster (Guru Purinima and Promotional

poster)through whatsapp

Day Date Work Performed


Monday 26 July 2021 Learnt sales training, introduction of derivatives of future and
forward brokerage and taxes on trading and investing
Tuesday 27 July 2021 Learnt about margin and lots
Assignment given – Importance of dmat and trading account
with scheme comparison with at least 5 stock brokers

Wednesday 28 July 2021 Discussion on IPO Rolex review and Glenmark Life Sciences,
learnt about trade in future

Thursday 29 July 2021 Discussion on upcoming IPO (IPO to be launched in August)

and option segment: call and put

Friday 30 July 2021 Quiz on financial markets and investments, subscribe the
YouTube channel if the organization, and learnt about trade in

Saturday 31 July 2021 Discussed about Devyani International IPO and some tutorial
video on opening of dmat account and how to trade

Day Date Work Performed


Monday 2 August 2021 Group Task assigned- Analysis of different share brokering
companies with Mandot Securities

Tuesday 3 August 2021 Discussion on IPO of krsnaa diagnostic and windlass biotech
limited and learnt about commodity market

Wednesday 4 August 2021 Discussed about minimum investment, mutual funds and
advised to trade through Best app

Thursday 5 August 2021 Clearing of doubts like password resetting, payment request
through website back office option etc and learnt about NAV

Friday 6 August 2021 Analysis of best stock to invest (trading started)

Solving of doubts on trading, payin and payouts and discussed
of car trade IPO

Saturday 7 August 2021 Holiday

Day Date Work Performed


Monday 9 August 2021 Deciding of trading strategy to get maximum profit, and
analysis of car trades IPO
Tuesday 10 August 2021 Discussed NFO period 4th august,2021- 13th august,2021

Wednesday 11 August 2021 Discussion on Gold reserves, Dibba Trading

Thursday 12 August 2021 Learnt how to add funds in Best app and how to check limit in
Best app
Friday 13 August 2021 Suggestion of betterment along with new name for a new app
of trading to be launched

Saturday 14 August 2021 Follow up of previous task and started trading

Day Date Work Performed


Monday 16 August 2021 Last day with overall learning discussion


My overall experience throughout this Summer Internship is really wonderful. I would really
appreciate the efforts which our Industry Mentor (Mr. Vijay Jain) has put in for making us learn
all these things within a short span of time.

After going through this internship, I am sure that I can make my career in the Financial Services
Industry and Definitely, I will be able to do justice with what my company would expect from
me. I have learnt that It is really very important to be patient while we are trading in this market,
because it takes time to understand things and we should not react impatiently or else we may
lose money.

In a nutshell, this internship has been an excellent and rewarding experience. I can conclude that
there have been a lot I’ve learnt from my work at organization. I can safely say that my
understanding of the job environment has increased greatly. However, I do think that there are
some aspects of the job that I could have done better and that I need to work on. I need to build
more confidence while trading. I realized that I could have completed the work earlier than I did.
Also, the technical parts of the job were a bit flawed and I was asked multiple times to correct it.
The two main things that I learned after my experience in this firm are the importance of time
management and being self-motivated.

I have learnt a lot from this company whether in terms of forex market, various indicators, when
to use which indicator, Is the market following bullish or bearish trend etc or the importance of
time management because Even if I miss 1 price movement, I might incur loss for my clients
which will give negative image to my company and me as trader also.

I also agree with the fact that Technical Analysis only predicts a range not an exact number, so
the investors who are new to this market should not bet their whole money in trading solely
being dependent on this analysis even if someone is promising him/her 100% returns on

In the last, I would like my heartiest gratitude to my Industry Mentor (Mr. Vijay Jain) and my
SIP Faculty Mentor (Dr. Abhishek Pratap Singh Sachan) for helping me a lot during the
completion of the project.
It is difficult to write this part of the project as everything is up-to date in this organization. But
still some negative areas are there on which the organization can work to make the company
better. They are as follows –

• Aggressive marketing can be done to acquire more market percentage.

• New methods of Optimization and digital marketing can be chosen

•Administration can be improved.

• Business expansion need to be done as the company needs to famous more.

• •

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