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Name of the Student__________________________________________________

Learning Area/Grade Level: ___________________________________________

Date: ___________________________________

In the previous lessons, you have learned about one-dimensional and two-
dimensional motion. You have understood speed, velocity, acceleration and other concepts
related to motion. This module will help you gain more insights on the different concepts
associated with circular motion, as well as applications of these concepts.


MELC: Infer quantities associated with circular motion such as tangential velocity,
centripetal acceleration, tangential acceleration, the radius of curvature
1. Differentiate uniform from non-uniform circular motion
2. Infer quantities associated with circular motion such as tangential velocity,
centripetal acceleration, tangential acceleration, and radius of curvature
3. Solve problems on a uniform and non-uniform circular motion


A. Elicit
Have you ever been to an amusement park? Amusement parks feature various
attractions such as rides and games as well as other events for entertainment purposes.
Kids particularly love the exciting carnival rides.

RO_General Physics 1_Grade 12_Q1_LP 10 1

1. _________________ 2. _________________ 3. __________________ 4.
B. Engage

Read and analyze the situation below.

A girl is riding a horse on a carnival

ride. The distance from the base of the horse to the center of the carnival ride is 3 m. The
ride is moving at a constant speed, and one complete rotation takes 6 seconds.
1. After one complete rotation of the ride, what is the total distance traveled by the girl from
her original position? ___________
2. What is the speed of the horses on the carnival ride with respect to the ground?
3. If the speed of the carnival ride is constant, does it have a constant velocity? Explain.

C. Explore
1. A girl is jogging at a uniform speed of 1.5 m/s in a
circular track with a radius of 100 m.

a. Does the girl jog with constant speed?

b. Does the girl jog with constant velocity?
c. If the girl made one complete round along
the circular path, what is the total distance
that she jogged?

RO_General Physics 1_Grade 12_Q1_LP 10 2

d. How long would it take the girl to jog one complete round?

2. A car is moving at 10 m/s along a semi-circular

curve with a radius of 40 m.
a. Does the car move with a constant
velocity? __________
b. If the curve is a semi-circle, what is the
total distance traveled by the car from the
start to the end of the curve? __________
c. How long did the car travel from the
start to the end of the curve? __________

D. Explain

When a body moves in a circular path, it is in a circular motion. Examples of circular

motion include an artificial satellite orbiting the Earth at a constant height, a ceiling fan's
blades rotating around a hub, a stone that is tied to a rope and is being swung in circles or a
car turning through a curve in a race track.

If a body in circular motion moves at a constant or uniform speed, the motion is

called uniform circular motion. When moving in a circle, an object traverses a distance
around the perimeter of the circle. The distance of one complete cycle around the perimeter
of a circle is known as the circumference.

distance circumference
v = =
time time

The circumference of any circle can be computed using the radius according to the
C = 2πR

RO_General Physics 1_Grade 12_Q1_LP 10 3

Combining the equations above will lead to a new equation relating the speed of the
moving body in a uniform circular motion to the radius of the circle and the time to make one
cycle around the circle (period).

v= 2π

where R represents the radius of the circle and T

represents the period.

While the speed of the body in a uniform circular

motion is constant, its velocity is changing. Velocity, being
a vector, has a constant magnitude but a changing
direction. As the object rounds the circle, the direction of
Figure 1. Directions of v and a
the velocity vector is different than it was the instant before.
So while the magnitude of the velocity vector may be
constant, the direction of the velocity vector is changing. The direction of the velocity vector
is tangential, which means that at any instant, it is in the direction of a tangent line drawn to
the circle at the object's location.

An object moving in a circle is experiencing an acceleration. Even if moving around

the perimeter of the circle with a constant speed, there is still a change in velocity and
subsequently an acceleration. This acceleration is directed towards the center of the circle,
and called centripetal acceleration, from the Greek words which mean “center-seeking”. The
acceleration of an object moving in a circle can be determined by either of these two

v2 4
ac = R ac =
where ac is the centripetal acceleration, v is the velocity, T is the period, and R is the radius.
In accord with Newton's second law of motion,2 an object which experiences an
acceleration must also be experiencing a net force. The direction of the net force is in the
same direction as the acceleration. So for an object moving in a circle, there must be an

RO_General Physics 1_Grade 12_Q1_LP 10 4

inward force acting upon it in order to cause its inward acceleration. The net force is given by
the following equations:

v 4
Fnet = ma Fnet = m 2 Fnet = m
R π
where m is the mass, v is the velocity, R is the radius, and T is the period.
Circular motion does not always have a T
constant speed. A body moving in a circle can speed 2

up or slow down, showing an acceleration in the

direction of motion. In non-uniform circular motion,
there is tangential acceleration in addition to
centripetal acceleration. The direction of tangential
acceleration is tangent to the circle whereas the
direction of centripetal acceleration is radially inward
Figure 2. Directions of ac and at
towards the center of the circle. Tangential
acceleration is simply the derivative of the velocity at
any given point.

Δ d
at = v = v
Δ d
t t
E. Elaborate

Let us now apply what you have learned in the discussions on circular motion by
solving problems. Be guided by the given examples.

Example # 1: Passengers on a carnival ride move at a constant speed in a horizontal circle

of radius 6 m, making a complete circle in 5 s. What is their acceleration?
Solution: The speed is constant so this is a uniform circular motion. We are given that
R = 6 m and T = 5 s.

4 4 2
ac = π2 R = π2(6m) = 9.47 m/s
T2 (5s)2

RO_General Physics 1_Grade 12_Q1_LP 10 5

Example # 2: A 1,000 kg car moving at a constant speed of 10 m/s takes a turn around a
circle with a radius of 30 m. Determine the acceleration and the net force on the car.
Solution: We are given that m = 1,000 kg, v = 10 m/s, and R = 30 m.

v2 (10m/s
ac = R = )2 = 3.33 m/s2
Fnet = ma = (1,000 kg) (3.33 m 2) = 3,330 N
30 m/s

Example # 3: A car driver enters a curve at 10 m/s and speeds up, increasing the speed to
20 m/s in 5 s. Find the tangential acceleration of the car.
Solution: We are given that vf = 20 m/s, vi = 10 m/s and t = 5 s.

Δ 20 m/s – 10 m/s
at = v = 5s = 2 m/s2
As you have seen in the given examples, solving problems in circular motion is not a
difficult task. Try solving the following problems on your own.

1. A body is moving with a constant speed along a circular path with a radius of 20 m. If it
covers the entire path in 10 s, what is its acceleration? ______________________________

2. A jet is flying at a constant speed of 134 m/s along a straight line and makes a turn along
a circular path level with the ground. What should be the radius of the circle to produce a
centripetal acceleration of 10 m/s2? _____________________________________________

3. A flywheel has a radius of 0.4 m. What is the speed of a point on the edge of the flywheel
it it experiences a cetripetal acceleration of 5 m/s 2?

4. A 10-ton truck moving at a constant speed of 15 m/s takes a turn around a circular path
with a radius of 40 m. Determine the acceleration and the net force on the car. ___________

5. A body enters a curve at 4 m/s. What must its final speed be after 5 seconds to have a
tangential acceleration of 5 m/s2?

6. A car traveling at 15 m/s increases its speed to 20 m/s in 2.5 seconds while rounding a
curve. Find its tangential acceleration. ___________________________________________

RO_General Physics 1_Grade 12_Q1_LP 10 6

7. A car enters a curve with a tangential acceleration of 3 m/s 2. If it attains a speed of 15 m/s
in 3 seconds, what is its initial speed?

F. Extend
Answer the following problems.

1. A racecar moving at a constant speed of 60 m/s takes one lap around a circular track in
40 seconds. What is its centripetal acceleration?
2. An 50kg athlete runs at a constant speed of 5 m/s in a circular track with a radius of 100
m. How long will it take the athlete to finish one cycle around the track? What is the
centripetal acceleration of the athlete? What is the magnitude of the net force on the athlete?
3. A truck enters a curve with a speed of 20 m/s. If it accelerates at 4 m/s 2, what will be its
speed after 3 seconds? ______________________________________________________

G. Evaluate
Directions: Read each item carefully and choose the letter of the best answer. Write it in
your answer sheet.

______ 1. Which of the following statements describes a body in uniform circular motion?
A. It experiences tangential acceleration. B. It has varying speeds.
C. It has a constant velocity. D. It has a constant speed.
______ 2. What is the direction of tangential acceleration?
A. towards the center of the circle B. away from the center of the circle
C. tangent to any point on the circle D. opposite direction with the moving body
______ 3. Which of the following statements is true?
A. Centripetal acceleration is present both in uniform and non-uniform circular
B. Tangential acceleration is present both in uniform and non-uniform circular

RO_General Physics 1_Grade 12_Q1_LP 10 7

C. Tangential acceleration is directed towards the center of the circle.
D. Centripetal acceleration is directed away from the center of the circle.
______ 4. Which of the following is NOT constant in uniform circular motion?
A. speed B. velocity C. acceleration D. period
______ 5. A car runs at a constant speed on a circular track with a radius of 100 m taking 20
seconds on each lap. What is the centripetal acceleration of the car?
A. 5 m/s2 B. 9.9 m/s2 C. 0.2 m/s2 D. 20 m/s2
______ 6. An object that moves in uniform circular motion has an acceleration of 5 m/s2. If
the radius of the path is 0.5 m, what is the speed of the object?
A. 5 m/s B. 0.5 m/s C. 2.5 m/s D. 1.58 m/s
______ 7. A body moving in a circular path has a constant speed of 6 m/s and an
acceleration of 2 m/s2. What is the radius of the circular path?
A. 12 m B. 24 m C. 36 m D. 18 m
______ 8. A car traveling at 20 m/s slowed down upon entering a circular curve and attained
a speed of 10 m/s in 4 seconds. What is its tangential acceleration?
A. -2.5 m/s2 B. 2 m/s2 C. 5 m/s2 D. -5 m/s2
______ 9. What is the tangential velocity of a body moving in a circular path with a radius of
10 m if it completes one lap in 5 seconds?
A. 2 m/s B. 15 m/s C. 12.56 m/s D. 1.36 m/s
______ 10. An object enters a circular path with a speed of 8 m/s. If its tangential
acceleration is 3 m/s2, how long will it take to attain a speed of 20 m/s?
A. 1 s B. 2 s C. 3 s D. 4 s


1. Ferris Wheel
2. Merry-Go-Round
3. Tilt-A-Whirl
4. Round-Up

1. 18.84 m
2. 3.14 m/s
3. No. The carnival ride is in circular motion so the direction of its velocity changes.

RO_General Physics 1_Grade 12_Q1_LP 10 8

1. a. Yes b. No C. 628 m D. 418.67 s
2. a. No b. 125.6 m C. 12.56 s

1.) 7.9 m/s2
2.) 1,795.6 m
3.) 1.41 m/s
4.) ac = 5.625 m/s2 Fnet = 56,250 N
5.) 29 m/s
6.) 2 m/s2
7.) 6 m/s

1.) 9.42 m/s2
2.) T = 125.6 s ac = 0.25 m/s2 Fnet = 12.5 N
3.) 32 m/s

1. D 3. A 5. B 7. D 9. C

2. C 4. B 6. D 8. A 10. D


Complete the statement below:

In this module, I learned that ________________________________


I want to ask my teacher about



Cutnell, J. D. and Johnson, K. W. (2009). Physics 8th Edition. USA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Freepik. (2020). Carnival Rides Image. Retrieved on July 1, 2020 from

RO_General Physics 1_Grade 12_Q1_LP 10 9

Hewitt, Paul G. (2006). Conceptual Physics 6th Edition. USA: Pearson Education, Inc.

IStock. (2020). Merry Go Round Pictures. Retrieved on July 1, 2020 from

IStock. (2020). Ferris Wheel Pictures. Retrieved on July 1, 2020 from

Physics Classroom. (n.d.). Circular Motion. Retrieved on July 15, 2020 from

Physicsnet. (n.d.). Circular Motion. Retrieved on July 15, 2020 from level-physics-as-a2/further-mechanics/circular-motion/

Young, H. D. et al. (2009). University Physics with Modern Physics 12th Edition. Singapore:
Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd.



Reviewers: Voltaire G. Furio

Alex D. Barrameda

Editor: Benjie L. Cadag

RO_General Physics 1_Grade 12_Q1_LP 10 10

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