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Jose Miguel Vienes Mr.

Pascual Abrazaldo

04 Online Activity 1

Differentiate quality and traditional culture

-the difference between the two is, quality culture is an organizational value system that results in an
environment that is conducive to the establishment and continual improvement of quality, which the
traditional culture differs significantly in the organization which they develop and maintain a quality
culture. So, the difference is in operating philosophy the traditional culture are their focusing on efforts
that are maximizing on short-term profits by eliminating functions, activities and personnel example of
this is reduction of equipment, benefits of employees and performance-incentives program. While on
the quality culture is, they are focused on doing what is necessary that exceed the reasonable
expectations of customers. Example an investment that will upgraded in technology for the benefits of
the operations in the long-term. The objectives of quality culture is focused and developed in long term
and short term goals within the context of organizational vision while the traditional is they only
focused on the organizations goal that need to be accomplish over the several weeks or months. And
they differs in management approach in quality culture the managers are being a coach of the team,
they provide ideas in the mission, vision and goals of the organization while in traditional culture the
managers seen as “bosses” that provide order, policies, and rules in the organization. Their attitude
towards to their customers are different in quality culture, the customer is the highest priority and
primary motivation for the continual improvement of their organization and traditional culture which
they are more concerned on their personal needs rather than their customers. Problem solving
approach in quality culture when there is a problem in the organization they focusing in identifying the
root cause of the problem so that they will eliminated it and for the traditional culture instead of
identifying the root cause of their problem, they focused on spending time and energy in deflecting or
assigning of responsibility. Supplier relationship in quality the suppliers seen as partners and they
both work together for the good of both, while the traditional culture which the organization are far way
from their suppliers and their transactions are frequently opposed. And last difference between them is
the performance improvement approach, the quality culture focuses on the continual improvement of
the organization in their products and services, which every factor that affects performance of the
organization is at very core of the operating philosophy, and the traditional culture, the performance
improvement is unpredictable that was triggered by problems.

Explain one (1) factor that affects cultural change

-the factor that affects cultural change is “Change cannot occur in a Hostile Environment”, which it means
that a hostile work environment is a workplace that makes employees feel “uncomfortable, scared, or
intimidated” due to unwelcome conduct. It is a set-up where managers that only provide orders and
employees compete against their fellow for promotions and wage increases. And the signs of hostile
environment is, an unhappy workplace has certain characteristics, e.g. people experiencing burnout
symptoms, people arguing often, employees complaining they’re underpaid or underappreciated. And
there are many more other signs that clearly point to job dissatisfaction, such as absenteeism, lack of
resources, job insecurity brought by layoffs, etc. On the other hand, in a hostile work environment, you
are more likely to see fear, apprehension, and official complaints about bullying or discrimination. But
there is a solution to that problem a hostile workplace that is created by a single person has an obvious
solution to that person, or at least reprimand them so it does not happen again. In this situation, you can
speak to the person creating the hostile environment directly. If they do not show willingness to change,
go to their supervisor and explain the situation. If you are the person’s supervisor, even better: you have
the authority to coax them into really listening and getting better. One is to solve the issue you are having
with the person or persons making the work environment hostile. You might speak to your company’s
human resources office for advice on setting up a meeting or mediated conversation between you and the
other party. If staying at your workplace is unbearable, you might consider resigning from your job. Even if
you are extremely unhappy at work, it is important to resign gracefully and professionally.

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