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􀂉 Based on validated research parents, students, other

IEP Checklist 􀂉 Measurable objectives or benchmarks 􀂉 Extended school year

The following is a checklist for (required for students taking alternate recommendation (if needed)
teachers to consider as they develop assessments aligned to alternate Transition Plan (if necessary):
the IEP. achievement standards) 􀂉 Plans for a smooth transition to a new
􀂉 Prioritized in terms of the student’s setting, i.e. elementary, middle school
age and time left for schooling or high school or back to home district
IEP team members include: 􀂉 Skills to help the student live as 􀂉 Includes input from service providers
Required independently as possible in current setting and future setting
􀂉 Parent(s)/Guardian(s) Related Services, Secondary Transition
􀂉 Student (as appropriate) Supplementary Aids and 􀂉 By age 15, or before as appropriate,
􀂉 Special education teacher(s)
Supports: student takes active role in planning
􀂉 District Representative(s)
􀂉 Help child advance toward attaining and attending IEP
􀂉 Mrs. Yosay
annual goals 􀂉 Types of classes needed and type of
Optional: 􀂉 Help child be involved in and make diploma planned for student (this
􀂉 Family members/Friends (invited by may
progress in the general curriculum
parent) need to begin in middle school)
􀂉 Help child participate with other
􀂉 Advocates 􀂉 Includes postsecondary goals based
students with and without disabilities
􀂉 Specialists on student needs, strengths,
􀂉 Include specifics: start/finish dates:
􀂉 Other Professionals preferences and interests
frequency: duration: location: who
including: 􀂉 Specific transition services, related
will deliver, delivery method
 Representatives from Adult (individual or group in class) services needs and other agencies to
Service Agencies 􀂉 Assistive Technology devices or be included
 Caseworker services 􀂉 Activities needed to assist student in
 Counselors 􀂉 Help to access nonacademic and reaching postsecondary goals
IEP team members notified extracurricular activities 􀂉 At least 1 year before age 18,
􀂉 Needed accommodations or information about what rights will
and the meeting scheduled: transfer to student at age 18
􀂉 In time for parents to arrange to attend modifications for educational program
and assessments. 􀂉 Summary of Performance for students
􀂉 Mutually agreeable time, place &
􀂉 Teacher/staff training if needed to who are graduating or who will
implement program exceed the age of eligibility for
􀂉 Notice includes date, time, location,
special education.
purpose and attendees Special Factors:
Present Level of 􀂉 Communication Prior Written Notice (If a
Performance: 􀂉 Assistive Technology revision of service or change in
􀂉 Behavior placement or refusal of parent
􀂉 Student described in positive way
􀂉 Language (English Language
􀂉 Reflects parent concerns request)
􀂉 Includes strengths and needs 􀂉 Description of action proposed or
􀂉 Braille (for blindness/visual
􀂉 Results of most recent evaluations refused
􀂉 States academic & functional 􀂉 The reason for the proposed change
􀂉 Communication needs (for Deafness
performance in objective terms 􀂉 The date of proposed change
or hearing impairment)
􀂉 Results of assessments including 􀂉 Description of evaluations and other
statewide or district-wide Placement: information used to make the decision
assessments 􀂉 In the least restrictive environment 􀂉 Other options or choices described
􀂉 Describes how the disability affects (first option considered is school 􀂉 Other relevant factors
involvement and progress in general where child would attend if there was 􀂉 What steps to take if parent disagrees
education no disability) (Availability of procedural safeguards
􀂉 Describes academic, developmental 􀂉 Includes interaction with non-disabled and where to get more information)
peers to maximum extent appropriate
and functional needs Review (at least annually)
􀂉 Justification, if student not
Annual Goals: participating in general education
􀂉 Whether annual goals being achieved
􀂉 Includes academic and functional 􀂉 Lack of expected progress in annual
goals based on needs from goals and general education
􀂉 Coordinated with general education
assessments and described in Present curriculum
classroom, schedules, activities and
Level section 􀂉 Results of any reevaluation
􀂉 Meaningful and attainable within one 􀂉 Information about child provided to or
school year State-wide and District-wide by parents related to reevaluations
􀂉 Student’s involvement and progress in Assessments: 􀂉 Child’s anticipated needs
the general education curriculum 􀂉 Lists assessments student will take 􀂉 Other matters
􀂉 Measurable - clear about what, how, 􀂉 Specifies needed accommodations and 􀂉 Revisions as appropriate
where & when modifications
􀂉 Includes academic and functional 􀂉 If participating in an alternate
goals assessment, aligned with challenging
􀂉 Positive Behavioral Supports standards
􀂉 How progress will be measured and Instruction and Adaptations:
how often parents will be informed of 􀂉 Assignment of a case manager or
progress primary contact
􀂉 High expectations, including how 􀂉 Person(s) responsible clearly listed i.e.
student will keep up with or catch up special education teacher, general
to non-disabled peers education teacher, specialist, aide,

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