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Technical Meeting on Low-Power

Critical Facilities and Small Reactors

Ottawa, Ontario CANADA
2010 November 1-3
Organized by the CNS
in cooperation with the International Atomic Energy


Reception: Sunday, October 31, 6:30 – 9:00 pm

Canadian Museum of Science & Technology
1867 St. Laurent Blvd, Ottawa, Ontario
Registration in Lobby, 5:00 pm
Departing Marriott Hotel at 6:15 pm (meet in Lobby at 5:45 pm)
Wine & Cheese

Day 1: Monday, November 1

Time Description Speaker/Author(s)
07:30 – 08:30 Light Breakfast
Plenary Session
8:45-9:00 Welcome (from the General Chair and Patron Sponsor) B. Sur/F. Doyle
9:00-9:30 Opening Address R. Didsbury
Low-Power Critical Facilities and Small Reactors – The View of
9:30-10:00 T. Jamieson
the Regulator
10:00-10:30 New Multi-Purpose Research Reactor D. Ryan
10:30-11:00 Break
IAEA Research Reactors Activities - A Look at the Role of Low
Power Critical Facilities and Small Research Reactors and the
11:30-12:00 R. Sollychin
Needs of Member States Considering Nuclear Energy
12:00-12:30 A History of ZED-2 R. Jones
12:30-13:30 Lunch
Session #1: Design, Safety and Licensing
Session Co-Chairs: F. Adams and R. Jones
13:30-13:50 Engineering Aspects of the Pool Test Reactor J.T. Rogers
13:50-14:10 FIRST CRITICAL: The Original SLOWPOKE Reactor J.W. Hilborn and P.D. Stevens-Guille
Overcoming the Challenges Encountered in Revising the ZED-2
14:10-14:30 Reactor Safety Analysis G.B. Wilkin and K.R. Kumar

Training New Operators for the SLOWPOKE Reactor at École

14:30-14:50 Polytechnique: Theory and Practice G. Marleau, G. Kennedy and C. Chilian

14:50-15:10 Break
Keeping Research Reactors Relevant: A Pro-active Approach for
15:10-15:30 L.R. Cosby, L.G.I. Bennett and K. Nielsen
The Role of the Test and Research Reactors in Supporting
15:30-15:50 G. Frappier, D. Serghuita and K. Conlon
Regulatory Technical Assessments
ZED-2 Fuel Bundle Design for Qualification of Physics Design
15:50-16:10 B. Arsenault and M. Zeller
Tools of the ACR-1000 LEU Fuel
Short, Medium and Long Term Consequences of Inadequate J.G. Roberts, R. Nashiem, M. McQueen, and G.
16:10-16:30 Defect Fuel Management Ma
16:30-17:00 Wrap-up

Banquet: Monday, November 1

Marriott Hotel, Cartier II Room
Cocktails - 6:30 pm
Banquet - 7:00 pm
Speaker – Dan Meneley

Day 2: Tuesday, November 2

Time Description Speaker/Author(s)
07:00 – 8:15 Light Breakfast
Session #2: Analysis and Experimental
Session Co-Chairs: D. Serghiuta and B. Wilkin
8:30-8:50 Rossi-Alpha Measurements in Plutonium Metal Assembly L. Xiaobo, F. Xiaoqiang, and Y. Chengde
Modelling of 28-Element UO2 Flux-Map Critical Experiments in M.T. Sissaoui, K.S. Kozier and J.P. Labrie
8:50-9:10 ZED-2 Using WIMS9A/PANTHER
Defueled Channel Experiments in ZED-2 in Support of ACR-1000 M.W. LaFontaine, G.P. McPhee and M.B.
9:10-9:30 Regional-Over-Power (ROP) Analysis Zeller
Physics Analysis of Experiments with ACR-Type Lattices in the J. Pencer, F.C. Wong, B.P. Bromley, M. Zeller,
9:30-9:50 ZED-2 Critical Facility J. Atfield, and F.P. Adams
Simulating Sample Irradiation in the SLOWPOKE Reactor
9:50-10:10 G. Marleau and P. Veyret
Using the Lattice Code DRAGON
10:10-10:30 Break
10:30-10:50 Fine-Structure Reaction-Rate Measurements Conducted in ZED-2 J. Atfield and M. Zeller
Reactor Physics Experiments at Kyoto University Critical T. Misawa, H. Unesaki, C.H. Pyeon and K.
10:50-11:10 Assembly (KUCA) Nakajima
11:10-11:30 Critical Experiments at Sandia National Laboratories G.A. Harms, J.T. Ford, and A.D. Barber

11:30-11:50 Substitution Experiments in the ZED-2 Reactor F.P. Adams and B. Wilkin
Bias Extension for CANDU Reactor Applications Using ZED-2
11:50-12:10 L. Blomeley, F.P. Adams and P. Boczar
Critical Applications
12:10 – 13:00 Lunch Break
Joe Colvin, American Nuclear Society
13:00-13:10 Presentation of Nuclear Historic Landmark Award for ZED-2
Session #3: Applications
Session Chairs: G. Marleau and B. Arsenault
Performance of High Temperature Gas-Cooled Test Reactor and
13:10-13:30 B. Tyobeka
Critical Facilities and the Use of Data for Benchmarking
Use of Research and Test Reactors for Self-Powered Detector
13:30-13:50 (SPD) Development and Calibration M.W. Lafontaine

13:50-14:10 Overview of MNR: Where We Are and Where We Are Going C. Heysel
R. Rogge, J. Katsaras, B. Sur, M.A.
14:10-14:30 Using the Neutrons That Got Away: From Atoms to Applications
Gharghouri, R.L. Donaberger and J.H. Root
Modelling and Analysis of (ThPu)O2 Fuel Bundles in ZED-2 Using
14:30-14:50 TSUNAMI T. Zhu, R. Trudell and A. Buijs
14:50-15:10 Recent Activities at the Zero-Power Teaching Reactor CROCUS G. Girardin and R. Chawla
15:10 – 15:20 Break
15:20-15:40 Various Applications Using the SLOWPOKE-2 Facility at RMC L.G.I. Bennett and K. Nielsen
Research and Industrial Applications at the McClellan Nuclear B.M. Klein, M. Lerche, J.F. Shackelford and
15:40-16:00 Research Center, University of California, Davis W.G. Steingass
The International Reactor Physics Experiment Evaluation Project
16:00-16:20 and the International Criticality Safety Benchmark Evaluation J.B. Briggs, J.D. Bess and J. Gulliford
16:20-16:40 Sandia Pulsed Reactor Facility Seven Percent Critical Experiment A.D. Barber and G.A. Harms
T. Haley, Y. Danon, P. Caracappa, T.
Nuclear Blenders: Blended Learning from Rensselaer’s Reactor
16:40-17:00 Trumbull, W. Ji, M-P. Huguet,
Critical Facility
B. Sones, and D. Gillich
The Application of ZED-2 data in the Design and Analysis of the Y. Dweiri and R. Robinson
17:00-17:20 ACR-1000
17:20-17:30 Closing Remarks B. Sur

Day 3 (Optional): Wednesday, November 3

Time Description
08:15 Depart for Chalk River Laboratories (bus pick-up at front door of Marriott Hotel)
11:00 Arrival at Chalk River Laboratories Outer Gate for Security Check. Proceed to Visitor Parking.
11:30 – 12:30 ZED-2 Reactor
12:45 - 13:30 Lunch
13:45 – 14:30 NRU
14:45 Regroup in B500 Rm 136
3:00 Depart Chalk River Laboratories
5:30 Return to Marriott Hotel

• Wear flat-soled, closed-toe shoes and long pants

• Advise of severe allergies, pregnancy or medical conditions / devices
• All cameras must be left at Security, including cell phones / BlackBerrys / PDAs if camera-equipped.

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