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Module 2


Learning Activity: Drug Education

Construct a collage to express your feelings about the “Oplan

Tokhang” strategy of the government. Make sure that there are wide variety of
images or pictures more images to choose from, the more successful the
collage will be. Make a substantial description of your collage.

President Rodrigo Duterte's government pushed the implementation of Oplan

Tokhang in 2016. The programme was launched as part of the Philippine
National Police's anti-drug efforts, with the goal of reducing, and eventually
eliminating, the number of drug users in the Philippines by warning them, as
well as illicit drug traffickers, to discontinue their activities. Furthermore, in
comparison to previous PNP operations, which had a significant influence on
communities and individuals, this programme takes a totally different strategy
to addressing the drug problem. This project seeks to investigate certain
people's perspectives in order to completely comprehend how this initiative
impacted the community and inhabitants individually. Similarly, the
advantages and disadvantages of Oplan Tokhang are addressed.The term
"Tokhang" is derived from the Visayan terms "tuktok" (knock) and "hangyo"
(pleading/persuade). In Davao City, where it was first implemented, police
officers accompanied by barangay or town officials went from house to house,
persuading and warning suspected drug addicts and drug pushers to stop
their illegal activities and offering drug rehabilitation and livelihood
programmes, which the city government would cover if they chose to take
advantage of them.Police officers visit the homes of suspected drug dealers
as part of Oplan Tokhang and encourage them to change their habits. Many
drug dealers surrendered in 'tokhang' operations, while some were killed
when they fought back against state security personnel, according to reports.
Teams will only go to the homes of those on the drugs watchlist, according to
the rules. Only the house owners or drug personalities themselves will be
permitted to speak with the teams outside the premises until they are invited
in. There is no requirement for anyone on the watchlist to sign any
documents. If they indicate a desire to surrender, they will be directed to
accompany a relative to the nearest barangay hall or police station, whichever
they choose.

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