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HAVE? ................................................................................................................................... 3
Q 3. What are the differences of X and S radar band? ........................................................... 5
Q 4. Which radar would you use in bad weather ? or which radar would be the best to use
in heavy rain and why?........................................................................................................... 6
Q 5. What is ground and sea stabilised? Which would you use for collision avoidance
/coastal navigation & pilotage? And why? ............................................................................ 6
Q 6. Explain the (radar) clutter controls? ............................................................................... 7
Q 7. What is the function of gain and tuning control on the radar? How do they work? ...... 8
Q 8. How is an Indirect Echo produced on the Radar? .......................................................... 9
Q 9. What is ARPA & what are the limitations? ................................................................. 10
Q 10. What are multiple and side lobe errors? (He drew a radar screen with a side lobe
error. I had to identify what type of error it was and explain it) .......................................... 10
Q 11. In radars, how do you check the heading is correct?.................................................. 11
Q 12. He pointed to the Magnetic Compass Binnacle & ask me to identify all of the
associated parts, what is the Flinders Bar on the Binnacle for? What are the Kelvins Ball
for? How is the compass corrected? ..................................................................................... 11
Q 13. What is LRIT? When did it come into effect? ........................................................... 12
Q 14. What is E-LORAN? What accuracy does it offer? .................................................... 13
Q 15. How does GPS work? What are the errors of a GPS? ............................................... 14
Q 16. How does AIS work ?. Would you use AIS for collision avoidance? ...................... 14
Q 17. What are the associated limitation on ECDIS? .......................................................... 15
Q 19. How to read the bearing? And for the bearing calculate the true bearing from the
deviation and variation given? ............................................................................................. 16
OF THE DEVIATION CARD? WHERE IS MAGNETIC NORTH? ................................ 16
Q 21. Gyro Compass..? New or old on your last ship, Speed and Latitude Error..? ............ 17
Q 22. Magnetic compass and asked what bearings obtain from the compass? .................... 17
Q 23. What is the use of azimuth mirror? ............................................................................ 18
Q 24. How does Doppler log work? ..................................................................................... 18

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WITH WHAT YOU HAVE ACTUALLY GOT. WHAT DO YOU DO? .......................... 19
Q 26. If heading directly east or west, will variation change? ............................................. 20
Q 27. Explain how LORAN-C works? ................................................................................ 20
Q 29. WHAT IS A FREE GYROSCOPE? .......................................................................... 22
Q 30. What is gyroscopic inertia? ........................................................................................ 22
Q 31. WHAT ARE THE ERRORS OF A GYROSCOPE? ................................................. 22
Q 32. How would you check the compass error and how often? ......................................... 24
Q 33. What influences the magnetic compass? .................................................................... 25

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Ans by Sachin Keluskar OOW Apr 2015

4. RADAR # 1 S- BAND
5. RADAR # 2 X –BAND
10. GPS
11. AIS
12. LRIT
22. VHF 1/VHF 2

Available from:

INTERNATIONAL CHAMBER OF SHIPPING, 2007.Bridge procedures guide.

Fourth edition Page 88- PART B / B1 – familiarisation with bridge equipment.
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Ans by Ashish Matolli OOW Apr 2015

“Characteristic of S Band radar :

 Frequencies range between 2900MHz and 3100MHz.
 This corresponds to wave length of approximately 10cms
 Commonly used in USA
 For a given aerial width the horizontal beam width effect in a S Band system will
approximately 3.3 times that of an X Band.
 The vertical lobe pattern produced by an S Band aerial is about 3.3 times as coarse as
that from an X Band aerial located at the same height.
 Radar horizon with S Band is slightly more distant than with X Band.
 The unwanted response from sea wave is less at S Band than that of X Band, thus the
probability of target being masked due to saturation is less.
 The probability of detection of targets which lie within an area of precipitation is
higher with S Band transmission than with X Band.
 In any given set of precipitation condition S Band transmission will suffer less
attenuation than those at X Band.”

“Characteristics of X Band radar :

 Frequencies range between 9320MHz and 9500MHz.

 This corresponds to wave length of approximately 3cms.
 Much of civil marine X Band radar development work was done by manufactures in
Great Britain and Europe.
 X Band radar has better response of a target of a given size.”

Ref: Radar And Arpa Manual, 3rd Edition. Alan Bole, Alan Wall And Andy Norris.
Published By : Butterworth-Heinemann Publication In 2008. Page No. 36, 55, 176
And 184.

Radar And Arpa Manual, 2nd Edition. Alan Bole, Bill Dineley And Alan Wall.
Published By: Butterworth-Heinemann In 2006. Page No. 39, 39(Table), 176 And

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any way without the permission of Southampton Solent University. Page 4 of 26

Q 3. What are the differences of X and S radar band?

Ans by George Micheal OOW Apr 2015
o X -Band S – Band

X Band specifically those frequency

which lie between 9.2 -9.5 GHz these S band frequency lying between 2.9 -3.1
frequencies correspond with a wavelength GHz and corresponds with a wavelength
1 of approximately 3cm of approximately 10cm

S band has better performance in rain, but

The antenna used can either be large because of practical limitation on
enough to give excellent resolution or be antenna, the horizontal beam width is
2 smaller generally larger than optimum

For a target of a given size the response of For a target of a given size the response
3 X-Band is greater than S-Band of S-band is lesser than X-Band

In Sea-clutter Response, unwanted

Response from sea waves is more. Thus
the probability of target being masked is In Sea-clutter Response, unwanted
4 less Response from sea waves is less

In Vertical beam structure, lobe pattern In vertical beam structure, lobe pattern
produced by the X- Band antenna is produced by S-Band antenna is about 3.3
5 located at the same height times

Probability of detection of targets within Probability of detection of targets within

an area of precipitation is lesser when an area of precipitation is higher with S
6 compared to S-Band band transmission than with X-Band

(Page no.36, First paragraph) “RADAR AND ARPA MANUAL” Third Edition,
author – Alan Bole, Alan Wall Andy Norris, February 2014

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any way without the permission of Southampton Solent University. Page 5 of 26

Q 4. Which radar would you use in bad weather ? or which radar would be the best to
use in heavy rain and why?
Ans by Leroy Dcosta OOW Apr 2015

I would use an S band radar in heavy weather as its better in detecting targets in rain

S band radar
10 cm , S band ,3 GHZ
Better at detecting targets in rain
Radar horizon greater than 9 GHZ radar. Betterfor long range detection of targets.
Sea clutter response better than 9 GHZ . therefore targets are likely to be hidden .

Source : seamanship international limited/2006/maritime training and reference

material/seamanship notes/ p49.

S band radar

“Radar sets need a considerably higher transmitting power than in lower frequency ranges to
achieve a good maximum range. As example given the medium power radar with a pulse
power of up to 20 MW. In this frequency range the influence of weather condition is higher.
Therefore a couple of radar works in S band, but more in subtropics and tropic climatic
conditions, because here the radar can see beyond a severe storm.”

Sources : frequency bands/4th paragraph

Q 5. What is ground and sea stabilised? Which would you use for collision avoidance
/coastal navigation & pilotage? And why?
Ans by Vinothkumar Sundarraj OOW Apr 2015

Ground Stabilized:

“ The input information represents track and speed over ground, the presentation is said to be
ground stabilized and targets will show their movement over ground and such movement is
not appropriate to collision avoidance assessment in general and can be dangerously

Sea stabilized:

“The input represents course and speed through the water, the presentation is said to be sea
stabilized and targets will show their movement through the water. This is correct
presentation for use in extraction of collision avoidance data”.

For collision avoidance,

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“A sea stabilized presentation offers direct indication of the heading of other moving vessels,
whereas ground stabilization gives no such indication .as the entire philosophy of collision
avoidance is based on knowledge of the headings of other vessels in an encounter, the sea
stabilized presentation is the correct data source of collision avoidance”.

Source: The Navigation Control Manual, Second Edition-1992 By: A.G .Bole, Extra
Master Mariner, FRIN, FNI W.O.Dineley, Extra Master Mariner, M Phil Publication:
Newnes Of Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd, Oxford. Page No: 60, 5.2.11 True Motion,
2nd Paragraph and Page No: 72, Comparison Of True Motion, Sea Stabilized
And Ground Stabilized

“Variation: The angle between true north and magnetic north, which is caused by the
dislocation of the earth’s magnetic pole from the true pole” (Khallique 2011, p.59)

“Deviation: The angle between compass north and magnetic north, which is caused by the
ship’s permanent and induced magnetism” (Khallique 2011, p. 59)

Where is Magnetic North?

“It is worth observing that the magnetic pole is not in proximity to the North Pole, but is
currently located in the north of Canada.” (Khallique 2011, p. 15)

What is on the back of a deviation card?

“The residual deviation is calculated by a process called ‘swinging the compass’ and given
either in the form of a ‘deviation card’ or a deviation curve. (Khallique 2011, p. 17&18)

Khallique, A. (2011). ‘NAVBasics: Vol 1: Earth, the Sailings, Tides & Passage
Planning.’ 2nd Edition., Edinburgh: Witherby Seamanship International

Q 6. Explain the (radar) clutter controls?

Ans by Mohammed Akbarsha OOW Apr 2015

“Controls for the suppression of unwanted responses naturally group themselves under the
headings of sea clutter, rain clutter and interference. Each of these controls will be dealt with
in turn but it should be borne in mind that the usefulness of their effect is not necessarily
limited to the heading under which they are considered. For example, the sea clutter control
may assist in the detection of a target masked by proximate rain clutter or strong-side lobe
response and the rain clutter control may be efficacious in improving range discrimination.

Sea Clutter:- There is no single correct setting for the sea clutter control and that the correct
use of the control is to perform regular searching operations.

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Rain Clutter:- This control seeks to deal with the saturation problem by displaying only the
leading edges of echoes. Because it is so called, there is a tendency for observers to assume
that it is the most effective way of dealing with rain echoes.

Interference Suppression:- It is based on pulse-to-pulse correlation. The facility should be

switched off when initially setting the gain control because it also reduces the noise content
of the picture. Its use will reduce the visibility of weak targets and may also affect the display
of certain types of racon.”

edition, Elsevier ltd_GB, Pg no: 301,302,304,305].

Q 7. What is the function of gain and tuning control on the radar? How do they work?
Ans by Dennyl Maxwell OOW Apr 2015

Gain is the function to adjust the sensitivity of the receiver. The gain control can be adjusted
to increase the sensitivity and display echoes. Turning up the gain will increase the
amplification of the incoming signal, making weak echoes look stronger, but confusing the
display with background speck or noise, similar to the background crackling of an ordinary
radio. Turning down the gain will reduce the sensitivity of the receiver and reduce the speckle
but care must be exercised that this is not overdone as weak or distant echoes may be lost.
The gain can also be used in combination with other radar controls to suppress rain and sea
clutters. It can constantly adjust the amplification of raw video to adapt it to the level of
clutter being experienced, effectively averaging the strength of return and suppressing gain so
that only those that exceed the average conditions are not fully compensated for. This helps to
adjust the sea clutter show on the radar screen.

The function of the tuning control is to fine-tune the receiver circuits to match their
maximum sensitivity to each transmitted pulse or signal, whereas the receiver is to amplify
the weak returning echoes interpreted by the aerial and hence produce pulses of a strength
and form which will generate a visible response on the screen of the display. There is usually
a tuning bar which shows the receiver tuning state. Normally, a longer bar indicates better
tuning. However, the length of the bar can vary with the range and number of targets.

(NAEST Theory course notes, 2015, p40).

(Alan Bole- Bill, Dineley, Alan Wall Radar - Arpa Manual, second edition, pg. 59,
62 & 63) Pages
1, 17, 20 & 28 Downloaded 2015 May 08 Pages 40, 41, 42, 43 & 45.

Downloaded 2015 May 08

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Q 8. How is an Indirect Echo produced on the Radar?

Ans by Paranjay Trivedi OOW Apr 2015

Recognition of Unwanted Echoes:

Indirect or false echoes are caused by reflection of the main lobe of the radar beam off ship’s
structures such as stacks and kingposts. When such reflection does occur, the echo will return
from a legitimate radar contact to the antenna by the same indirect path. Consequently, the
echo will appear on the PPI at the bearing of the reflecting surface. The indirect echo will
appear on the PPI at the same range as the direct echo received; assuming that the additional
distance by the indirect path is negligible. Characteristics by which indirect echoes may be
recognized are summarized as follows:

1. Indirect echoes will often occur in shadow sectors.

2. They are received on substantially constant bearings, although the true bearing of the radar
contact may change appreciably.

3. They appear at the same ranges as the corresponding direct echoes.

Viewed on 07/05/2015.
[Page no. 193 , 194 , 195] [online][Viewed on 07 May 2015].
“ “

Indirect Echoes (Reflected Echoes):

These can occur when energy is deflected in the direction of an object by some obstruction in
the path of the radiation energy, either on board the ship or ashore.

The returning energy follows a reciprocal path and so causes an echo to be displayed in the
direction of the obstruction. This form of false echo can be particularly misleading when the
obstruction is on board the ship.

There is a tendency to associate indirect echoes with blind arcs and shadow sectors.

Most notable have been the indirect echoes resulting from reflection from the aft-facing
surface of the containers.

These responses may also be referred to as spurious echoes and are the result of a number of
specific causes. In all case, echoes are displayed on the screen in positions where no genuine
targets exist. In general, these are likely when genuine targets are close, but this is not always
the case.

[Reference viewed on 7/05/2015] ”from pg. 197 of radar and arpa manual third
edition by alanbole,alan wall and andy norris.”

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any way without the permission of Southampton Solent University. Page 9 of 26

Q 9. What is ARPA & what are the limitations?

Ans by Alexander Bowater OOW Apr 2015

“Automatic Radar Plotting Aid (ARPA)

ARPA equipment provides for manual or automatic acquisition of targets and the automatic
tracking and display of all relevant target information for at least 20 targets for anti-collision
decision making. It also enables trial manoeuvre to be executed (Ships of 10000 GT and

A single observation of the range and bearing of an echo will give no indication of the track
of a vessel in relation to own ship. To estimate this, a succession of observations must be
made over a known time interval. The longer the period of observation, the more accurate the
result will be.

This also applies to ARPA/ATA which requires adequate time to produce accurate
information suitable for assessing CPA / TCPA and determining appropriate manoeuvres.

Estimation of the target’s true track is only valid up to the time of the last observation and the
situation must be kept constantly under review. The other vessel, which may not be keeping a
radar watch or plotting, may subsequently alter its course and/or speed. This will take time to
become apparent to the observer. Electronic plotting will not detect any alteration of a
target’s course or speed immediately and therefore should also be monitored constantly. “

Ref: Navigation Safety Branch, Maritime and Coastguard Agency / MGN 379
(M+F) / Oct 2008 /
282175/mgn379.pdf Page 2, Paragraph 3.2 c / Page 3 & 4, Paragraph 3.6

Q 10. What are multiple and side lobe errors? (He drew a radar screen with a side lobe
error. I had to identify what type of error it was and explain it)
Ans by Charlie Murray OOW Apr 2015

Multiple lobe errors

Multiple echoes occur when a target is close and energy bounces back and forth between the
hulls of the target and the observing ship, with some of the energy entering the antenna at
each return. They lie along a single direction, are consistently spaced, tend to move in accord
and tend to diminish in strength with the increase of range. It is most likely to occur when
vessels are close, maybe as much as 4 n mile but usually less. The chances of multiple echoes
can be reduced by ensuring that shorter pulse lengths are selected when using the lower range

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Book title: RADAR AND ARPA MANUAL, Third edition, 2008 Page 201-202
Author: Alan Bole, Alan Wall, And Norris

Side lobe errors

Side echoes are again associated with targets that are at close range, and result from the radar
beam being surrounded by smaller beams or lobes. Some of the echoes will appear to be
separate but all will be at the same range. This phenomenon is generally associated with
smaller antennae and those which are dirty or damaged. It is normal for the side echoes to be
symmetrical this may not be so in all cases; it is reasonable to expect the true response to be
the strongest. If it is essential to identify the genuine echo, this can be achieved by the use of
the gain or anti-clutter controls to suppress the weaker side echoes, as when dealing with sea

Book title: RADAR AND ARPA MANUAL, Third edition, 2008 Page 202-204
Author: Alan Bole, Alan Wall, And Norris

Q 11. In radars, how do you check the heading is correct?

Ans by George Micheal OOW Apr 2015

First check the heading of the radar by observing the heading marker. This should coincide
with the zero if 'Head Up' or the ship's current gyro heading if 'North Up' on the outer scale
on the radar screen. (Page no.124, last paragraph)


Brunicardi, First edition,2012 published by Glasgow Brown, Son & Ferguson Ltd.

Q 12. He pointed to the Magnetic Compass Binnacle & ask me to identify all of the
associated parts, what is the Flinders Bar on the Binnacle for? What are the Kelvins
Ball for? How is the compass corrected?
Ans by Kunal Mahajan OOW Apr 2015

 Associated parts – Gimbal, Compass Card, Bearing Carrier, Quadrantal Corrector,

Flinders Bar, Sphere Collar, Binnacle Band.
 Flinders Bar on the Binnacle is for correcting the vertical soft iron abaft of the compass.
 Kelvins Ball ( Quadrantal Correctors); These soft iron correct the errors which are
produced by flinders bar in a small quantity of fore & aft, horizontal & vertical effect on
the compass.

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 Compass is corrected by correcting vertical soft iron corrector, Quadrantal Soft Iron
Correctors & by correcting Heeling errors & Permanent athwartships corrector magnets
(Horizontal Magnets).

Since some magnetic effects are functions of the vessel’s magnetic latitude and others are
not, each individual effect should be corrected independently. Furthermore, to make the
corrections, we use (1) permanent magnet correctors to compensate for permanent magnetic
fields at the compass, and (2) soft iron correctors to compensate for induced magnetism. The
compass binnacle provides support for both the compass and its correctors. Typical large ship
binnacles hold the following correctors:

1. Vertical permanent heeling magnet in the central vertical tube

2. Fore-and-aft B permanent magnets in their trays
3. Athwartship C permanent magnets in their trays
4. Vertical soft iron Flinders bar in its external tube
5. Soft iron quadrantal spheres

ANGUS FERGUSON, (2014), SEAMANSHIP NOTES, Section 1- Navigation. ‘The

Magnetic Compass’, pg:43,44,( Witherby Publishing Group Ltd.)UK.
D.J.HOUSE,(2011), SEAMANSHIP TECHNIQUES, 11 Marine Instruments
Monitoring & Measurement ‘Magnetic Compass’, pg:368,370. Para: 1.
Fig:11.15,11.16,(Routledge)(Replika Press Pvt.Ltd).

Q 13. What is LRIT? When did it come into effect?

Ans by Dennyl Maxwell OOW Apr 2015

The Long Range Identification and Tracking system was set up under the framework of the
International Maritime Organization (IMO). It is the first mandatory international ship
tracking and data exchange system for all passenger ships, high speed craft, mobile offshore
drilling units and cargo ships of over 300 gross tonnage. These amendments to SOLAS 5,
Regulation 19 have been adopted by the International Maritime Organization (Imo) Safety
committee (MSC).

The regulation foresees a phased implementation schedule for ships constructed before its
entry in force date of 2008 January 01 and an exemption for ships operating exclusively in
sea areas A1 from the requirements to transmit LRIT information since such ships are already
fitted with AIS.
Downloaded 2015 May 07

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/mgn441.pdf Downloaded 2015 May 07 Downloaded 2015 May 07
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2015 May 07

(NAEST Theory course notes, 2015, pg. 107&108).

Q 14. What is E-LORAN? What accuracy does it offer?

Ans by Dane Rudman OOW Apr 2015

‘’eLoran is a low frequency terrestrial navigation system based on a number of transmission

stations, which emit precisely timed and shaped radio pulses centred at 100 kHz radio
frequency. Each station emits a sequence of 8 pulses spaced 1000 microseconds apart. The
stations are grouped into chains, which each consists of a single master station and two or
more secondary stations. The master station transmits first, followed by successive
transmissions from each of the secondary stations of the chain. The master/secondary
transmission sequence is repeated periodically, with the period between repetitions called the
Group Repetition Interval (GRI).

eLoran represents a move away from the hyperbolic Loran-C of old. Today, modern receivers
can measure the "time of arrival" of signals from many stations (and from multiple chains) at
once. eLoran is derived from the Loran-C system, but uses solid-state transmitters, precise
timing (using atomic clocks) and a data channel to provide correction and integrity messages.
The use of built-in microprocessors means that the receiver is also able to output latitude and
longitude directly. Modern eLoran works in much the same way as GPS but it is an
independent and complementary system, offering a navigation system with no failure modes
in common with GPS or any other satellite based system.’’ It is capable of producing
accuracy of up to 10m.

( 2015

More information in The Mariner Handbook, Chapter 11, Section 11.21 p.209

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Q 15. How does GPS work? What are the errors of a GPS?
Ans by Dennyl Maxwell OOW Apr 2015

“A Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver which receives very low power radio signals
from satellites that are constantly circulating the globe. These coded radio signals assist
anyone with a Global Positioning Receiver to identify their location.

The operation, Navigational Satellite Timing and Ranging functions on three segments:
Space segment, Ground stations and User segment (The receiver). Despite monitoring by the
control segment, small clock and ephemeris errors may exist. The combined effect on
position is unlikely to exceed an error of 2 meters. Ionosphere delay is an error caused by
refraction at the ionosphere. Noise is likely to cause errors in positions obtained from GPS
(abnormal solar activity may be included in this category)” as well as visibility of Satellite.

Accuracy can be improved by combining the GPS recorder with a Differential GPS receiver
which can operate from several possible sources in order to reduce errors. Downloaded 2015 May


(NAEST Theory course notes, 2015, pg. 92 & 95).

Q 16. How does AIS work ?. Would you use AIS for collision avoidance?
Ans by Leroy Dcosta OOW Apr 2015

1. “AIS continuously transmits the ships own data to other vessels and VTS stations it
also continuously receives data from other vessel and VTS stations and , when linked
to radar or ECDIS, can display this data.”

“It helps to identify vessels. To assist in target tracking . to automatically exchange

mandatory ship reporting information . Improve the quality of information available
to the OOW to enable more effective decision making .”

SOURCE – Seamanship international limited/2006/maritime training and

reference material/Seamanship notes/p44 .

2. “AIS information is a useful tool when used to assist in collision avoidance decision
making, however, mariners should note the following precautionary point.
 AIS is an additional source for navigational information it does not replace , but
only supports , navigational systems such as radar target tracking and VTS .

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any way without the permission of Southampton Solent University. Page 14 of 26

 The use of AIS does not negate the responsibility of mariners to comply at all
times with collision regulations. The mariners should not rely on AIS as the sole
information system but make use of all the available safety information system .
 The use of AIS is not intended to have any special impact on the composition of
the navigational watch, which should continue to be determined in accordance
with the standards of training, certification and watchkeeping convention. “

“Once a vessel has been detected , AIS can assist in tracking it as a target :
 Its actions can be monitored , changes in heading and course for e.g immediately
apparent and many other problems common to tracking targets by radar . AIS can
also assist in the identification of targets , by name or call sign and by ship type
and navigational status .”
SOURCE –United kingdom hydrographic office/ADMIRALTY/The Mariners

Q 17. What are the associated limitation on ECDIS?

Ans by Raghavendra Singh OOW Apr 2015

“Limitation on ECDIS…

 An ECDIS system will recognise and warn of dangers on the planned track and will
not save the route. To accept the route, the navigator must adjust the course, distance
or the waypoint.
 The alarms will not activate against set parameters. If they have seen set incorrectly,
alarm may not activate in enough time to take avoiding action.
 When the scale of chart is changed on an ECDIS system, the size of symbols will not
 Too many layers may hide or clutter the display, especially on a smaller scale.
 Objects or data could be hidden behind overlaid radar/ARPA OR AIS data.
 The position displayed by the ECDIS system is only as good as that of the input
system and over-reliance should be avoided.
 The operator should be fully familiarised and trained in the use of equipments, as per
the manufacturer's instruction"

Book -"NAVIGATION ADVANCED" Mates/Masters, Author-Capt.Nadeem

Anwar, Published 2006, by Seamanship international Ltd. (Page no.303)

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any way without the permission of Southampton Solent University. Page 15 of 26

Q 19. How to read the bearing? And for the bearing calculate the true bearing from the
deviation and variation given?
Ans by Abhishek Rai OOW Apr 2015

“Target ‘s bearing:-the angle, in degrees, measured in three figures notation from either the
observing vessels heading line thus:235 degree relative ,or from the true meridian thus:146
degree true, to the line of sight to the target. Bearings are reported as ‘drawing forward’,
‘drawing aft ‘or ‘steady’.

I.W.Bagshaw., 2001., Explanation Of Radar Plotting Terms.,Worked Examples In

Relative Radar Plotting.,1st Edition 1979.,Glasgow 4-10,Darnley Street.,Brown,Son
And Ferguson,Ltd.,Nautical Publishers.,Pg No 3.

“The following rule should be applied for the conversion of magnetic or compass courses and
bearing to true:”

“Easterly variation and deviation are added or applied clockwise

Westerly variation and deviation are subtracted or applied anticlockwise.’’

Ministry Of Defence, Directorate Of Naval Warfare.,1987.,Conversion Of Magnetic

And Compass Courses And Bearings To True.,Admirality Manual Of
Navigation.,Volume One 1964 Edition.,Pg No 17.,Para 1 And 2.


Ans by Gareth Thomas HND Sep 2012

“Variation: The angle between true north and magnetic north, which is caused by the
dislocation of the earth’s magnetic pole from the true pole” (Khallique 2011, p.59)

“Deviation: The angle between compass north and magnetic north, which is caused by the
ship’s permanent and induced magnetism” (Khallique 2011, p. 59)

Where is Magnetic North?

“It is worth observing that the magnetic pole is not in proximity to the North Pole, but is
currently located in the north of Canada.” (Khallique 2011, p. 15)

What is on the back of a deviation card?

“The residual deviation is calculated by a process called ‘swinging the compass’ and given
either in the form of a ‘deviation card’ or a deviation curve. (Khallique 2011, p. 17&18)

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any way without the permission of Southampton Solent University. Page 16 of 26

Khallique, A. (2011). ‘NAVBasics: Vol 1: Earth, the Sailings, Tides &

Passage Planning.’ 2nd Edition., Edinburgh: Witherby Seamanship

Q 21. Gyro Compass..? New or old on your last ship, Speed and Latitude Error..?
Ans by Ashutosh Kumar OOW Apr 2015


The gyro compass is distinct and separate from the magnetic compass and does not used the
earth’s magnetic fields. My last ship was having a new type gyro compass.


This is an error which depends upon:

 The course: The error which varies as the cosine of the course, being zero on east and
west And maximum on north and south.
 The latitude: The error is minimum at the equator and infinitely large at the poles.
 It is an easterly error in north latitude and a westerly error in south latitude. Its value
varies as the latitude, being zero at the equator and in order of 2 degree in 50 N and S.
Its value gets very large in high latitudes.

Module (1.3), Course Latitude And Speed Error. (see pg-32)

Refered book '' Practical Navigation For Officers Of The Watch''
Author - By A. Frost, Published at 2004 by Brown, Son & Ferguson ltd,

Q 22. Magnetic compass and asked what bearings obtain from the compass?
Ans by Noel Chully OOW Apr 2015

Magnetic Compass

“A Magnetic Needle Suspended With In The Earth’s Field Will Have Its Red Pole Attracted
Towards The Earth’s Blue Pole And Its Blue Pole Attracted Towards The Earth’s Red Pole.
Thus ‘The Red’ End Of A Magnetic Needle Is Said To Be The ‘North Seeking’ End”

Compass Course Bearing

“The Angle At The Observer Or The Arc Of The Observer’s Horizon, Between The
Directions Of Compass North And That Of The Direction Being Measured ,Expressed
Clockwise From Compass North”.

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[Source:A.Frost,B.Sc .Master Mariner/2004 First Edition/Practical Navigation For

Officers Of The Watch/P33 &38].

Q 23. What is the use of azimuth mirror?

Ans by Philip Thomas HND Sep 2012

“Azimuth observations of celestial bodies are made by azimuth circle, bearing circle, or
similar device. As discussed earlier, an azimuth circle is an instrument whose principal
components are a small, hinged, concave mirror and a shielded prism that is located on the
ring opposite the mirror. When such an instrument is used to observe the Sun’s azimuth, it is
fitted over a gyrocompass repeater, or the bowl of a magnetic compass, and aligned so that
the prism is between the mirror and the Sun. When the hinged mirror is properly adjusted in
the plane of the vertical circle of the Sun, a thin, vertical beam of sunlight is cast upon a slit
in the prism shield and reflected downward onto the compass card. The line of sunlight on the
card indicates the compass azimuth of the Sun at that time. Two levelling bubbles are
provided on the azimuth circle, to aid in keeping the instrument horizontal for measuring an
accurate compass azimuth.” (Cutler, 2004, p. 350)

“The Moon may be observed for azimuth using either the mirror-prism method or the sight-
vane method.” (Cutler, 2004, p. 350)

Works Cited: Cutler, T. J., 2004. Dutton's Nautical Navigation. 15th ed. Annapolis:
U. S. Naval Institute.

Q 24. How does Doppler log work?

Ans by Kaptan Singh OOW Apr 2015

The Doppler effect is the change of frequency of the transmitted energy (acoustic or -
electromagnetic) resulting from the relative motion between a transmitter and receiver or
reflector. The Doppler log measure the change in frequency between the transmitted and
reflected ultrasonic energy from the sea bed or water column, the change in the frequency
being proportional to the vessel‘s velocity.

The acoustic wave is directed ahead of the vessel at an angle of 60o to the horizontal. This has
been found to be the optimum angle for the functioning of the transducer. The shape of the
sea bed is not significant so long as it is not perfectly smooth, thus preventing any return of
acoustic energy.

If the vessel is pitching or trimmed, an error will be introduced. This can be over- come by
two acoustic beams, one ahead and the other astern. This is referred to as the janus
configuration after the roman God with two faces. The effect is to cancel out the errors
induced by pitching and trim of the vessel.
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The addition of the second transducer, placed at 900 to the first, enables an athwarships
velocity to be indicated. This is referred to as a twin axis Doppler log. This log may work in
either water or ground lock mode giving the navigator the choice of speed through the water
or speed over the ground.

Source – Robert Avis , Editin 2006. Superyacht Master. London: Adlard Coles
Nautical. (Page No 141-142).

Ans by Rajesh Dubey OOW Apr 2015

“Has a passage plan for the intended voyage been prepared? (see section 2 )

Has the following equipment been checked and found ready for use?

 anchors
 bridge movement book/course and engine movement recorder
 echo sounder
 electronic navigational position-fixing systems
 gyro/magnetic compass and repeaters
 passage plan entered into integrated bridge system
 radar(s)
 required AIS data inputs made, speed/distance recorder
 clocks

Has the following equipment been tested, synchronised and found ready for use?

Bridge and engine room telegraphs, including

 rpm indicators
 emergency engine stops
 thruster controls and indicators, if fitted
 controllable pitch propeller controls and indicators, if fitted

Communication facilities, including

 bridge to engine room/mooring station communications

 portable radios
 VHF radio communications with port authority

Navigation and signal lights, including

 searchlights
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 signalling lamp
 Morse light

Sound signalling apparatus, including

 whistles
 fog bell and gong system

Steering gear , including manual, auto-pilot and emergency changeover arrangements

and rudder indicators(see annex A7)

Window wiper/clear view screen arrangements in the ship secure for sea?

 cargo and cargo handling equipment secure

 all hull openings secure and watertight
 cargo/passenger details available
 stability and draught information available

Are all the crew on board and all shore personnel ashore?

Are necessary personnel sufficiently rested?

Have required security and stowaway searches been carried out?

Are the pilot disembarkation arrangements in place?(see annex A5)”

Ref: Ics Bridge Procedures Guide Fourth Edition Marisec Publications

2007,Website- Www.Marisec.Org, Page No. 90 & 91)

If checklist equipment does not match, I will follow bridge procedure guide and conform
with master.

Q 26. If heading directly east or west, will variation change?

See Chart Work section Question 14 for answer.

Q 27. Explain how LORAN-C works?

Ans by Noel Chully OOW Apr 2015

“Loran-C Is A Radio Navigation Aid That Creates A System Of Hyperbolic Position Lines.
Each Hyperbola Related To The Difference In Time Of Arrival Of Pulses From A Master &
Slave Station”.

[Source:Naest Theory Course Notes 2015/P82.]

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“Loran-C Chains Consist Of A Master Transmitting Station And Two Or More Secondary Or
Slave Transmitting Stations ,Designated W,X,Y,Z. The System Operates By Measuring The
Difference In The Time Of Arrival Of Pulses From The Master And Slave Stations. These
Measurements Are Made By First Matching The Pulse Envelopes (Coarse Time Difference
Measurement) And Then Matching The Phase Of The 100 KHz Carrier With In The
Envelope(Fine Time Difference Measurement ).”

[Source:United Kingdom Hydrographic Office/Admiralty List Of Radio Signals

[ALRS Vol 2]Np 282/2014/15/Pg: 333]



Ans by Saurav Zinta OOW Jan 2015

Worldwide LORAN C station list by chain:

" Saudi Arabian North Chain

South china Sea Chain
East China Sea Chain
North China Sea Chain
Korean Chain
Northwest Pacific Chain
Russian Chain"

The European LORAN C network is owned by the following countries from north to south:-
United Kingdom
Norway "

Range:-"1000 nautical miles from transmitting stations."


NO. 6,7,8.

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Ans by Douglas Willats HND Sep 2012


A rotating wheel whose axis is free to turn but maintains a fixed direction unless perturbed,
esp. Used for stabilization or with the compass in an aircraft, ship, etc.

Glenn Turner, 2015. Gyroscopes [online] [viewed 28 May 2015]. Available form:

Q 30. What is gyroscopic inertia?

Ans by Charlie Murray OOW Apr 2015

When the rotor of a free gyro is spinning the forces which are acting upon an elemental
particle of the rotor are those of centrifugal force which is directed radially outwards, and an
equal and opposing force which is directed radially inwards. This opposing force is provided
by the cohesion of particles in the solid rotor.

If the friction in the spin axis bearing are neglected they will continue to spin with a constant
velocity and will maintain the orientation of the plane of the motor in space. The spin axis
will therefore point to a constant direction with respect to space and it is the property which is
known as gyroscopic inertia or rigidly in space.


1982, Page 2 Author: A.Frost


Ans by Jack Hawken HND Sep 2012

“Latitude Error (Damping Error)

It has been shown that a gyro compass which is damped in tilt will settle with a displacement
from the meridian (see section 1.21). It has also been shown that compasses damped in
azimuth are NOT subject to this error (see section 1.23). The magnitude of the error will be
determined by the design and construction of the individual compass, and it may be assessed
for any particular design by considering the equilibrium condition at the settling position for a
compass damped in tilt.” (Frost 1982, p47)

“Course Latitude and Speed Error (Steaming Error)

The compass will settle with respect to a false meridian if the vessel is moving across the
surface of the earth with a velocity which has a northerly or southerly component. Such a
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velocity will produce a false tilting of the spin axis. Only if the course is east or west will
there be no false tilting.” (Frost 1982, p48)

“The Change in the Course and Speed Error

The approximate formula for the course and speed error gives, for a vessel steaming north at
20 knots in latitude 60°, an error of 21/2° W. If that vessel now alters course by 180° and
steams south the error will become 21/2° E. The compass will resettle in a position 5° to the
east of the original settling position. In order to resettle the axis will execute a damped spiral
and will therefore for a period following the alteration be unsteady. A series of manoeuvres in
rapid succession could produce serious error in the compass.” (Frost 1982, p52)

“The Effect of Ship Motions on the Gyroscope

The correct and accurate operation of the gyro compass depends upon the effect of gravity on
the control and damping element of the compass. The acceleration due to the earth’s gravity
acts vertically downwards and defines the horizontal for the compass. If the compass is
subjected to other accelerations such as those associated with the motion of the ship in a
seaway, the compass will react to these accelerations as they will be indistinguishable from
that of the earth’s gravity. The compass will sense the resultant of all the accelerations to
which it is subjected, and this resultant will define a ‘false’ vertical and thus a false
horizontal.” (Frost 1982, p52, 53)

“The First Rolling Error

A body which is set swinging pendulously, and whose mass is distributed preferentially in
one vertical plane, is subject to dynamic forces which turn the plane in which the mass lies,
into the plane of the swing. The vertical ring of the rotor suspension frame of a gyro compass
will be affected in this way, the plane of the ring having a tendency to turn into the plane of
the swing caused by the ship movement. The maximum torque occurs when the plane of the
ring is at an angle of 45° to the plane of the swing. As the vertical ring surrounds the rotor
casing in the east-west plane this will occur when the compass is swinging in the
intercardinal planes that us NE/SW or NW/SE” (Frost 1982 p53)

“Intercardinal Rolling Error

This is an error produced on the control element by the accelerations associated with the
motion of a chip in a seaway. These accelerations are sensed by the gravity control element
which cannot distinguish them from the acceleration due to gravity. When the compass is
swinging in an arc, the centre of which does not coincide with the centre of the compass, the
compass is always being accelerated towards the mean position of the swing. The
acceleration will only be zero when the compass is passing through the mean position. The
acceleration of the swing created a false vertical which is the resultant between it and the
acceleration due ti gravity. The liquid in the control element will associate itself with the false
verticals producing north or south heaviness, and the compass will associate itself with the
false verticals in its gimbals.” (Frost 1982, p54)

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“Ballistic Deflection

Ballistic deflection is a precession which results from accelerations imparted to the compass
by a change in the speed and/or course of the vessel. If the vessel is steaming north and
increases speed then the vessel will exert a force on the compass which will accelerate it
northwards. There will be a reactionary force acting on the liquid in the control element
towards the couth. The liquid will therefore be accelerated to the south relative to the
compass. (The compass is accelerated towards the north while the liquid, due to its inertia,
tends to remain behind, and there is a flow of liquid into the south pots.) This will also occur
if the vessel is steaming south and decreases speed, or if the course is altered towards the
north, thus effectively increasing the northerly component of the speed” (Frost 1982, p59)

“Ballistic Tilt

If a precession which is proportional to the tilt of the spin axis is used for damping (i.e.
damping in tilt), then the false tilt introduced by an acceleration of the vessel, which causes
ballistic deflection, will also cause precession in tilt, by the action of the damping element.
As well as deflecting in azimuth the compass will also deflect in tilt. And acceleration of the
vessel southwards will cause a torque about the vertical axis which is clockwise from above.
A precession in tilt north end upwards results. Similarly an acceleration to the northwards
will produce a precession in tilt north end downwards.” (Frost 1982, p63)

“The Directional Gyro

Accurate indication of the true meridian by a marine gyro compass is dependent upon the
sensing of the east-west plane as indicated by the rotation of the earth, and the true vertical as
indicated by the earth’s gravitational attraction. If the compass is subjected to additional
velocities and accelerations, these will also be sensed and will mask the true direction of the
earth’s rotation and its gravity. Velocities and accelerations experienced on a marine craft in
normal navigable latitudes are small enough compared with those of the earth to render any
errors which may be caused, within tolerable limits and correctable. This will not be the case
however if the velocity and acceleration of the vessel becomes comparable to those of the
earth and its gravitation. This may occur if the vessel’s velocity increases, for example if the
compass is placed aboard an aircraft, or if the linear rate of the earth’s rotation decreases as it
does if the compass is taken to high latitudes. In both cases errors become large and the gyro
can no longer be considered as providing a north reference.” (Frost 1982 p64)

Reference: A. Frost, B.Sc,. Master Mariner, M.R.I.N., 1982. Marine Gyro Compasses
for Ships’ Officers. Glasgow: Brown, Son & Ferguson LTD

Q 32. How would you check the compass error and how often?
Ans by Moideen Padar Hassan OOW Apr 2015

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As a safeguard against the gyro and gyro repeaters wandering, frequent checks should be
made between the magnetic and gyro compass.

Magnetic and gyro compass errors should be checked and recorded each watch, where
possible, using either azimuth or transit bearing.

A record of magnetic and gyro compass course to steer and compass errors should be
maintained and kept available.

International Chamber of Shipping, 2007, BRIDGE PROCEDURES GUIDE, fourth

edition, London. Page no: 53.

Q 33. What influences the magnetic compass?

Ans by Paranjay Trivedi OOW Apr 2015

Ship’s Magnetism

A ship under construction or repair will acquire permanent magnetism due to hammering and
vibration while sitting stationary in the Earth’s magnetic field. After launching, the ship will
lose some of this original magnetism as a result of vibration and pounding in varying
magnetic fields, and will eventually reach a more or less stable magnetic condition. The
magnetism which remains is the permanent magnetism of the ship. In addition to its
permanent magnetism, a ship acquires induced magnetism when placed in the Earth’s
magnetic field. The magnetism induced in any given piece of soft iron is a function of the
field intensity, the alignment of the soft iron in that field, and the physical properties and
dimensions of the iron. This induced magnetism may add to, or subtract from, the permanent
magnetism already present in the ship, depending on how the ship is aligned in the magnetic
field. The softer the iron, the more readily it will be magnetized by the Earth’s magnetic field,
and the more readily it will give up its magnetism when removed from that field. The
magnetism in the various structures of a ship, which tends to change as a result of cruising,
vibration, or aging, but which does not alter immediately so as to be properly termed induced
magnetism, is called sub permanent magnetism. This magnetism, at any instant, is part of the
ship’s permanent magnetism, and consequently must be corrected by permanent magnet
correctors. It is the principal cause of deviation changes on a magnetic compass. Subsequent
reference to permanent magnetism will refer to the apparent permanent magnetism which
includes the existing permanent and sub permanent magnetism.

[Online][Reference Viewed on 9 May 2015]

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203. Magnetism is in general of two types, permanent and induced. A bar having permanent
magnetism will retain its magnetism when it is removed from the magnetizing field. A bar
having induced magnetism will lose its magnetism when removed from the magnetizing
field. Whether or not a bar will retain its magnetism on removal from the magnetizing field
will depend on the strength of that field, the degree of hardness of the iron (retentivity), and
also upon the amount of physical stress applied to the bar while in the magnetizing field. The
harder the iron the more permanent will be the magnetism acquired.

204. Terrestrial magnetism. The accepted theory of terrestrial magnetism considers the earth
as a huge magnet surrounded by lines of magnetic force that connect its two magnetic poles.
These magnetic poles are near, but not coincidental, with the geographic poles of the earth.
Since the north-seeking end of a compass needle is conventionally called a red pole, north
pole, or positive pole, it must therefore be attracted to a pole of opposite polarity, or to a blue
pole, South Pole, or negative pole. The magnetic pole near the north geographic pole is
therefore a blue pole, South Pole, or negative pole; and the magnetic pole near the south
geographic pole is a red pole, North Pole, or positive pole.

314. The earth's field induction in certain other asymmetrical arrangements of horizontal soft
iron creates a constant A deviation curve. The magnetic A and E errors are of smaller
magnitude than the other errors, but, when encountered, are generally found together, since
they both result from asymmetrical arrangements of horizontal soft iron. In addition to this
magnetic A error, there are constant A deviations resulting from: (1) physical misalignments
of the compass, pelorus, or gyro; (2) errors in calculating the sun's azimuth, observing time,
or taking bearings.

316. Certain heeling errors, in addition to those resulting from permanent magnetism, are
created by the presence of both horizontal and vertical soft iron, which experience changing
induction as the ship rolls in the earth's magnetic field. This part of the heeling error will
naturally change in magnitude with changes of magnetic latitude of the ship. Oscillation
effects accompanying roll are maximum on north and south headings, just as with the
permanent magnetic heeling errors.

[Online][Review list viewed on 16 May 2015][Pg no. 4,6,11][Pdf Image]

“National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (2004)." Handbook of magnetic compass

adjustment" (PDF). [Retrieved March 2012].[Pg no.4, 6, 11]

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