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(Past simple, Past Continuous)

I. Choose the correct answer.
1. Susan _______ early when she stayed with us.
A. has got up B. gets up C. will get up D. used to get up
2. The wind ________ very hard when I ________ out this morning.
A. blew / going B. blow / go blowing / went D. was blowing/ went
3. Jane __________ for the telephone company, but now she has a job at a post office.
A. used to working B. used to work C. is working D. was working
4. I _______ a parcel to you yesterday, it might come in a day or two.
A. send B. sent C. sended D. sends
5. The kids _______ in the garden when it suddenly rained.
A. was playing B. plays C. have played D. played
6. I _______ my neighbor while I ___________ home from work.
A. met/ walked B. meet/ walked C. was meeting/walkedD. met/ was walking
7. The wallet _______ expensive but I liked it a lot, so I _______ it.
A. was/ bought B. weren’t/ bought C. wasn’t/ buy D. was/ buyed
8. I _______ out last night, I stayed at home and _______ a book.
A. didn’t go/ readed B. didn’t went/ read C. not go/ read D. didn’t go/ read
9. I ______ up late when I was a child
A. used to staying B. use to stay C. didn’t used to stay D. didn’t use to stay
10. I didn’t want to meet Paul so when he _________the room, I __________.
A. entered / left B. entered / was leaving.
C. was entering / was leaving D. enters / leaves
11. I. I ________ it last January when it was first shown in London.
A. have seen B. saw C. am seeing D. see
12. She ________ TV while her mother _______ dinner in the kitchen.
A. was watching/cooked B. watched/cooked
C. was watching/was cooking D. watched/was cooking

II. Use the words and expressions to write complete sentences.

1. I / cook / when / light / suddenly / go out //.
2. Joe / be / very good / play tennis / when / he / only / 11 / year / old. //
3. Parents / come home / while / she / wash / dishes //.
4. We / used / go / movies / twice / month / when/ we/ students //.
5. What / she / do / while / mother / make / lunch? //.
6. I / arrive / home / after / pleasant flight / London / Rome //.
7. He / plant / trees / garden / 4 p.m. yesterday //.
8. She / stay / home / yesterday / because / be / sick //.
9. They / spend / holidays / seaside / last summer? //.
10. While / people / talk / each other / he / read / book //.

III. Writing - Write a paragraph (60-80 words) about.
















(Present perfect, Going to)
I. Complete the sentences with the Present perfect or Past Simple form of the verbs in brackets.
1. Carlos __________ (visit) Egypt about 12 years ago.
2. “____________ (you / be) to the cinema lately?” - “No, I ___________ (not have) the time.”
3. The plane __________ (take off) at 8.15 – exactly on time.
4. I __________ (never / see) anything stupid in all my life.
5. It _____________ (be) a bad day in the shop, so far this morning, we __________ (not have) a
single customer.
6. My parents ___________ (get) married when they __________ (be) only 19 years old.
7. I hope the weather gets better soon – it __________ (be) really terrible this week.
8. Our son _________ (arrive) in Australia three weeks ago, but he __________ (not write) to us yet.
9. Sakiko __________ (go out) about ten minutes ago.
10. “How long ___________ (you / be) here?” - “We __________ (arrive) at noon.

II. Choose the best answer

1. I ________ a pencil under my chair. Is it yours?
A. just found B. have found just C. ‘ve just found D. ‘s just found
2. What do you think _______ here tomorrow.
A. is going to happen B. to happen C. happening D. was happening
3. We _________ visit our grandparents this evening.
A. will be B. are going C. going to D. are going to
4. I have waited for you at school _______
A. since early morning B. since 9 a.m. C. for two hours D. all are correct
5. We are tidying the room. We _________ birthday party for our son tonight.
A. having B. have had C. are going to have D. have
6. Tomorrow I _______ to visit my parents in New York. I have just bought the ticket.
A. am going to B. ‘m going C. going to D. going
7. How many stories ____ she _____ this year?
A. did - write B. is - writing C. has - written D. does - write
8. “What are your plans for the holiday?” - “I _______ some friends in Sapa.
A. am going to B. visited C. ‘m going to visit D. will
9. He has sold motorcycles _________
A. ten years ago B. since ten years C. for ten years ago D. for ten years
10. It’s Mike’s birthday. He ___________ a party with his friends.
A. is going to get B. is going to have C. will take D. is making
11. My grandfather _____ before I was born. I _______ him.
A. dies/have never met B. died/have ever met
C. died/have never met D. dies/have ever met
12. They haven’t washed it _______ they came back from holiday.
A. when B. since C. after D. for

III. Use the words and expressions to write complete sentences.
1. Sister / I / going / visit / parents / country / this Friday //.
2. I / learn / Chinese / center / near / my house / since June //.
3. They / now / clean / house / because / going / have / party / tonight //.
4. This / be / most interesting game / I / ever / play //.
5. They / work / this company / 5 years //.
6. He / not come back / hometown / since 2000 //.
7. They / not / going / cancel / meeting / because / electricity be / on / again //.
8. How long / you / know / each other? //.
9. Peter / going / see / new movie / cinema / girlfriend / tonight //.
10. I / not / going / attend / meeting / tomorrow / because / I / very tired //.

IV. Which notice (A-H) says this

11. They need someone to work here. A Children’s book department

now on the ground floor

12. A special visitor is coming to the B GREY’S BOOKS

shop. Famous children’s writer, Michael
Whistler, here on Monday 25th
13. Go here if you need help. C SALE
All travel books - half price

14. This has moved to a different place. D Coffee shop first floor - Hot drinks &
9.30 - 6.30
15. There is a new book on sales. E Just arrived! The Teenage Diaries
by Judy Watson
F Can’t find the right book?
Ask the information desk
G WANTED – sale assistance to help in
children’s book department
H New for customers
Visit our new website to order your


PART 1. Listen and write. There is one example. You will hear the recording TWICE. (10 points)


Full name: Sarah Greenall

Age: ____________________________
Phone number: ____________________________
School: ____________________________
Days: ____________________________
Time of lesson: ____________________________

PART 2. Listen and tick (✓) the box. There is one example. You will hear the recording
TWICE.(10 points)


How did Sally go to town?

6. Where did she go first?

7. What was she doing when the fire started?

8. Where did she have lunch?

9. What has she bought for Katy?

10. When is he going to give it to Katy?

I. Choose the best answer.

1. Look that those black clouds! It________

A. is going to rain B. will rain C. is raining D. was raining
2. It _______ to rain heavily while I was _______ the car this morning.
A. begins/ wash B. began / washed C. began/ ‘m washing D. began / washing
3. Emma went to work in New York two years ago, and we haven't seen her _______ last June.
A. since B. for C. in D. from
4. _______ your homework yet? – Yes, I ________ it an hour ago.
A. Have you done/finished B. Have you done/ have finished
C. Did you do/ finished D. Did you do/ have finished
5. While Pete _____ the rose bush in the back yard, the phone ______.
A. was watering/ rang B. watered/ rang
C. watered/ was ringing D. was watering/ rung
6. He _______ to the gym three times a week, but he’s too busy now.
A. used to go B. didn’t use to going C. used to going D. didn’t use to go
7. As I _______ along the street yesterday morning, I _______ an old friend.
A. walked / meeting B. walk / meet C. ‘m walking / met D. was walking/ met
8. We know you _______ Udon three days ago.
A. have gone B. went C. had gone D. go
9. She _______ here but she doesn’t work here now.
A. has worked B. had worked C. used to working D. used to work
10. We __________ spend our summer in the mountain.
A. didn’t used to B. didn’t use to C. used not to D. did not used to
11. I booked the flight last week. I _______ my boarding pass now.
A. printed B. print C. was printing D. ‘m going to print
12. Bob _______ a mistake as he _______ down the address on the envelope.
A. made/ wrote B. made/was writing C. making/ wrote D. made/ is writing
13. At Peter’s birthday party Jane _______ another guest who _______ exactly the same hat!
A. saw/ ‘s wearing B. saw / wearing C. saw / wore D. saw/was wearing
14. My family moved here in 1990 and has lived in this city _______ almost 20 years now.
A. since B. for C. at D. in
15. He wrote to her a month ago, but I’m sure he _____ since then.
A. hasn’t written B. didn’t write C. wasn’t writing D. wouldn’t write
16. We couldn’t stay to dinner because the last bus ______ at eight o’clock.
A. left B. has left C. is leaving D. will leave
17 When I see Barbara in the street, she always _______ at me.
A. smiled B. has smiled C. was smiling D. smiles
18. I want to buy a new car, so I _____ some money from my sister.
A. ’m going to borrow B. going to borrow C. borrowed D. have borrowed

19. I _______ up at 10 a.m. every Sunday, but now I can’t because I have small children.
A. used to getting B. use to get C. don’t use to get D. used to get
20. Those clouds are very black, aren’t they? I think it _______ rain.
A. going to B. is going C. is going to D. will
21. I ______ much of you lately. We ______ three months ago.
A. didn’t see/last meet B. haven’t seen/have last met
C. don’t see/last met D. haven’t seen/last met
22. Alice hurt herself ______ she was skating.
A. because B. while C. since D. and
23. In the ages before the arrival of refrigeration, people ____ food for the winter by salting it.
A. used to preserve B. have preserved C. preserve D. were preserved
24. Are you free on Saturday evening? – I’m afraid I’m not. I ______ to the cinema with my boyfriend.
A. go B. am going C. am going to D. went
25. Anna’s holiday _______ great last summer. She _______ in a college in England for two weeks.
A. was/ studied B. was being/ studied C. was/ was studying D. was being/ was studying

II. Use the words and expressions to write complete sentences.

1. My family/ visit/ Ha Long Bay/ this summer vacation //
2. Last year/ my brother/ work/ engineer/ printing company //.
3. Last night / I / fall / asleep / while / watch / film / TV //.
4. They / write / a report / since / last Monday / but / they / not finish / it / yet //.
5. She/ learn/ French/ now/ because/ she/ going/ France/ holiday/ next summer //.
6. While / I / study / my room /roommate / have / party / other room //.
7. You / see / accident / way / work / yesterday?
8. We / stop/ play / tennis / because / it / rain / heavily / yesterday //.
9. I / buy / a lot / food / this morning / because / we / have / party / tonight //.
10. We / sit / café / when / they / see / us //.

III. Choose the best word or phrase for each blank.

Many people visit zoos every year. They go to zoos (1) ______ they enjoy seeing animals and
learning more about them. Animals from many different parts (2) ______ the world live there. You can
usually see lions, tigers, elephants, camels and monkeys, and also fish, frogs and snakes. You can draw
the animals or (3) ______ photos of them, and in some zoos, you can watch videos, too. Sometimes you
can ride (4) ______ or camels. The people who give the animals food have to work very (5) ______.
Every day they give them food and water and clean (6) ______ homes. Some animals eat leaves, fruit
and vegetables, (7) ______ others eat meat or fish. At London Zoo, (8) ______ are also pets, like mice
and rabbits, and farm animals, like sheep and goats. Children can play with (9) ______ animals. Most
animals are beautiful, but some of them can be (10) ______.
1. A. because B. so C. when
2. A. to B. on C. of
3. A. take B. make C. do
4. A. lions B. tigers C. elephants
5. A. good B. hard C. late
6. A. its B. their C. your
7. A. or B. but C. and
8. A. they B. here C. there
9. A. these B. this C. that
10. A. dangerous B. tall C. lazy

IV. Which notice (A-H) says this

1. You cannot come here tomorrow. A JULES FOURNIER PLAYS

Students – half price
2. If you want to play music well, you can B The ABC cinema closes for two weeks
study here. today for repairs

3. You will have to pay more if you come to C SUMMER TOWN SCHOOL
this place tomorrow. No tickets left for next week’s
4. You can get cheaper ticket if you are at D NEW THEATRE RESTAURANT
college. Meals half price today only

5. You can buy music more cheaply here for E Music shop
a short time. Closed for lunch

F Piano and guitar courses

at City College
Beginners welcome!
Low prices on latest CDs
Next two weeks only
H Please do not take any food or drink
into theatre

(Check HW + Like vs. Would like + Practice)

I. Choose the correct answer

1. It’s late and I ______ home. Can you phone for a taxi?
A. like going B. would like to go C. want going D. liked to go
2. She always drives to college. She ____________
A. doesn’t like walking B. likes walking C. would like to walk D. wouldn’t like to walk
3. “_______ you like to drink?” – “A cup of coffee, please”
A. What do B. How do C. What would D. How would
4. ____ you _____ see an action movie tomorrow night?
A. Would / like to B. Do / like C. Would / like D. Do / like to
5. I _______ some more sugar with my coffee, please.
A. like B. would like C. would liked D. liked
6. My brother ________ basketball in his spare time.
A. like playing B. would like playing C. likes playing D. would liked to play
7. They ________ to buy a new car but they don't have enough money.
A. like B. would like C. would liked D. liked
8. I ______ to go for a walk with him this afternoon because I’m so tired after work.
A. wouldn’t like B. don’t like C. like D. would like
9. “_______ swimming in summer?” “No, I don’t. I can’t swim well”.
A. Do you like to B. Do you want to C. Do you like D. Would you like to
10. His family ______ a picnic together at the weekend.
A. like going B. would like going C. would like to D. likes going

II. Use the words and expressions to write complete sentences.

1. It / not / easy / find / cheap house / centre / city //.


2. Light / go out / while / we / watch TV / last night //.


3. He / ever / talk / you / about / problem? //.


4. Book / be / interesting / than / I / think //.


5. He / going / meet / uncle / airport / tomorrow //.


II. Read the text and choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D.

A famous detective
Who is this man? He can solve a crime with a single clue. He smokes a pipe, and he can play the
violin. He lives on Baker Street in London. His best friend is Dr. Watson.
He’s Sherlock Homes, the famous detective created by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.
Between 1887 and 1927, Sit Arthur wrote four novels and 56 short stories about Sherlock Homes and
Dr. Watson. After so many stories, he became tired of Homes. He wrote one story in which someone
killed Homes. Sherlock Homes’ fans were very unhappy about this. Sir Arthur has to write a new story
about Homes’ escape from death.
The Sherlock Homes stories are still popular today. Some fans seem to think that Sherlock Homes is
real. People send letters to his address on Baker Street. They ask him to solve real crimes. Maybe the
real mystery is: Why do people write letters to a storybook character?1. What is this passage mainly
A. A famous storybook character. B. A house on Baker Street.
C. Letters to Sherlock Homes. D. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.
2. Who is Dr. Watson?
A. a writer B. a friend of Sherlock Homes
C. a violin player D. a famous detective
3. What is NOT true about Sherlock Homes?
A. He lives on Baker Street. B. He smokes a pipe.
C. He solves crimes. D. He writes stories.
4. How many novels did Sir Arthur write about Sherlock Homes?
A. 4 B. 27 C. 56 D. 60
5. What does the word play in line 2 mean?
A. something in theatre B. make music C. practice a sport D. write music

III. Choose the best word or phrase for each blank.

For many kids pizza is (1) ________ favourite food. A normal pizza comes with (2) _____ cheese and
tomato sauce. Or course, pizzas can have other things on them, such as meat, vegetables (3) _____
Italy is the place (4) _____ pizza comes from. At first, people (5) _____ put cheese on pizzas – only
tomato sauce. This changed in 1889 when (6) _____ Queen of Italy visited the city of Naples. The chefs
made pizzas with tomato sauce, cheese and basil on top to (7) _____ the red, white and green colours
of Italy.
Today pizza is one of the most (8) ________ foods in the world. The world’s largest pizza was made in
1990 (9) _____ South Africa. It was more than 37 metres wide and almost 5,000 pounds of ingredients
were used to (10) _____ it!
1. A. its B. his C. their
2. A. lots of B. many C. a few
3. A. also B. and C. as
4. A. when B. what C. where
5. A. doesn’t B. don’t C. didn’t
6. A. the B. a C. one
7. A. show B. showed C. shown
8. A. popular B. expensive C. peaceful
9. A. on B. in C. to
10. A. do B. make C. be
(Comparative & Superlatives)
I. Choose the correct answer.
1. “Gone with the wind’ is the ________interesting film I ___________.
A. more/ ever see B. most/have ever seen
C. more/have seen D. most/ever saw
2. In Britain, in the 14 century, sugar was nine times _______ than milk.
A. as expensive as B. more expensive C. most expensive D. so expensive as
3. Being a firefighter is _________ being a builder.
A. as dangerous than B. not dangerous as C. most dangerous D. more dangerous than
4. He feels _______ than last year because his study results are ________.
A. happy/ good B. happier/ gooder C. happier/better C. more happy/more good
5. McCartney was a member of the Beatles, one of _______ rock bands in the history of music.
A. the greatest B. the most great C. the greater D. greatest
6. These fruit snacks are definitely ________ than sugary snacks.
A. more healthy B. healthy C. more healthier D. healthier
7. It’s _______ for you to find your way around the town if you have a good map.
A. easier B. easilier C. more easily D. more easy
8. My bedroom is ________ room in my house.
A. most tidy B. the tidiest C. more tidy D. less tidy
9. Although she is very popular, she is not______ her sister.
A. pretty than B. as pretty C. more pretty than D. prettier than
10. Mary eats _________ she used to.
A. fewer meat and bananas than B. less and less meat and bananas than
C. the least meat and fewest bananas than D. less meat and fewer bananas than
11. His latest film is much _______ than his previous ones.
A. not so interesting B. more interesting C. as interesting D. most interesting
12. It’s too noisy here. Can we go somewhere _______?
A. quieter B. noiser C. more quieter D. more noisy
13. Her grandfather’s illness was ________ we thought at first.
A. more serious as B. less serious than C. as serious than D. most serious
14. It was _______ day of the year.
A. the colder B. colder C. more comfortable D. the coldest
15. He feels _______ than last year because his study results are ________.
A. happy/ good B. happier/ gooder
C. happier/better D. more happy/more good
16. Thank you! That’s _______ gift I have ever received.
A. the nicer B. a nice C. the nicest D. nicest
17. She is ________ student in my class.
A. most hard-working B. more hard-working
C. the most hard-working D. as hard-working
18. The Ritz is the ________ comfortable hotel we ________ in.
A. more/ ever stay B. most/ have stayed C. more/have stayed D. most/ever stayed
19. “Why did you buy these oranges?” - “They were _______ I could find.”
A. the most cheapest B. cheapest ones C. the cheapest ones D. cheapest

20. Keira Knightly is one of _________ actresses in the world.
A. best B. good C. the better D. the best

II. Use the words and expressions to write complete sentences.

1. Book / interesting / than / I / think //.
2. New York / most exciting city / I / ever / visit //.
3. Life / countryside / healthy / peaceful / than / life / city //.
4. She / most beautiful girl / he / ever / know //.
5. You / think / he / most / famous / doctor / city? //.
6. She / speak / English / well / than / I //.
7. Rome / have / many / old buildings / than / London //.
8. Going out / evening / exciting / than / staying / home //.
9. His new flat / comfortable / quiet / than / old one //.
10. Captain Cook / one / greatest explorers / world //.

III. Writing - Write a paragraph (60-80 words) about your house/flat.
















PART I. Listen and write. There is one example. You will hear the recording TWICE. Write your
answers in the spaces numbered 1 - 5 on the answer sheet. (5 points)


Name: Pat Jones
Which sport? tennis
Come here by: _______________________
When? _________________________
Who with? _________________________

Doesn’t like: 4
How old? _________________________

PART II. Listen and tick (✓) the box. There is one example. You will hear the recording TWICE. Write
your answers in the spaces numbered 6 - 10 on the answer sheet. (10 points)
What’s Mary doing?

6. Where did Alex walk to today?

7. What has Jack got for lunch today?

8. What kind of pet does Fred have?

9. Which girl is Daisy?

10. What is the weather like at Jane’s house today?

PART I. Which notice (A-H) says this (11-15). Write your answers in the spaces numbered 11 - 15 on
the answer sheet. (5 points)

11. You can get cheaper ticket if you are at A Music shop
college. Closed for lunch

12. You can buy music more cheaply here B GREY’S BOOKS
for a short time. Famous children’s writer, Michael
Whistler, here on Monday 25th
13. They need someone to work here. C SALE
All travel books - half price

14. A special visitor is coming to the shop. D MUSIC STORE

Low prices on latest CDs
Next two weeks only
15. Go here if you need help. E Just arrived! The Teenage Diaries
by Judy Watson

F Can’t find the right book?

Ask the information desk

G WANTED - sale assistance to help in

children’s book department


Students – half price

PART II. Read the text and choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D. Write your answers in the spaces
numbered 16 - 20 on the answer sheet. (10 points)

Kate Moss
Kate Moss never planned to become a fashion model. It happened by accident. One day
she was on an airplane with her family when an agent spotted her. The agent told Moss, “I
can get you work as a model.” Moss was only 14.
Moss visited the agent in London. They took paragraphs. In just one week, Moss got her
first job. She told her friends in school about it. They were thrilled to see her picture in a
She continued to go to school and to model. When she had a job as a model, she took
the train to London after school. On the train, she changed out of her school uniform and put
on ordinary clothes. Then, she got a job with Calvin Klein, and her life changed. Suddenly,
her pictures were everywhere. Now, Kate Moss is famous, and she is the wealthiest model
in Britain.
16. What is the main topic of this passage?
A. The work of an agent. B. A famous fashion model.
C. Different kinds of clothes. D. A fashion magazine.
17. How did Kate travel to London?
A. by train B. by airplane C. by car D. on foot
18. When did Kate first become famous?
A. When she met the agent on the airplane. B. When she got her first modeling job.
C. When she got a job with Calvin Klein. D. When she became the wealthiest model in Britain.
19. What is NOT true about Kate Moss?
A. She never planned to become a fashion model.
B. She got her first job and she continued to go to school.
C. She changed out her uniform on the way to London.
D. She had an accident.
20. What does the word work in line 3 mean?
A. run a machine B. a piece of art C. a job D. a person

PART III. Fill in each of the following gaps with a suitable word. Write your answers in the spaces
numbered 21 - 30 on the answer sheet. (10 points)

This book is full of interesting information (21) _______ wild animals. Did you know that blue whales
are the (22) ________ animal in the world today? Or that adult elephants can eat 200 (23) ________ of
food each day? They spend 16 hours a day just (24) ________.
You can find out how and when different animals (25) ________ living in other countries, too. I learn
that rabbits only live in Australia (26) ________ a man called Thomas Austin took 24 rabbits there from
England (27) ________ pet in 1895.
The pictures at the back page of the book (28) ________ great and (29) ________ the difficult words
are explained too. I like the book. (30) ________ is fun and really easy to find the things you want to
21. A. of B. about C. from
22. A. largest B. larger C. large
23. A. kilogram B. kilo C. kilos
24. A. eat B. ate C. eating
25. A. began B. begin C. beginning
26. A. so B. because C. but
27. A. like B. with C. as
28. A. are B. is C. has
29. A. some B. all C. many
30. A. There B. Here C. It


Choose a correct word or phrase to complete each of the following sentences and write your answers
A, B, C, or D in the spaces numbered 31 - 50 on the answer sheet (20 points)

31. The weather _______ warm this season.

A. gets B. is getting C. are getting D. are gets
32. When I finally arrive _____ home, all I want to do is sleep.
A. in B. at C. ----- D. to
33. Who _______ with at the party last night?
A. was she dancing B. did she dance C. has she danced D. does she dance
34. My wife have bought two tickets. We ________ a movie tonight.
A. are going to see B. were seeing C. have seen D. saw
35. Dorothy is the _________ student in the class, based on her high grades.
A. more smarter B. smartest C. smarter D. smart
36. I would like to see that football game because I ______ one this year.
A. didn’t see B. don’t see C. haven’t seen D. isn’t going to see
37. Could you give me ________ information about the buses in the city centre please?
A. much B. some C. a little D. many

38. She is now __________ as she used to be 5 years ago.
A. beautiful B. less beautiful C. as beautiful D. more beautiful
39. I _______ my neighbor while I ___________ home from work.
A. met/ walked B. meet/ walked C. was meeting/walked D. met/ was walking
40. As a person, he has many interests and _______ doing different things in his free time.
A. would like B. likes C. liked D. liking
41. British people ________ more and more wine apparently.
A. drink B. drinking C. drinks D. drank
42. Oh no! It _______ again. It always ______ in this country.
A. snows/ snows B. snows/ is snowing C. is snowing/ snows D. is snowing/ is snowing
43. He _______ with his parents when he was small, because they were abroad.
A. lived B. wasn’t living C. didn’t lived D. didn’t live
44. “I have not seen you for a long time. Where have you been?” - “I _______ back from Canada.”
A. have just come B. have just came C. just came D. have came
45. Is this book _______ than the one you read last week?
A. much interesting B. most interesting C. as interesting D. more interesting
46. Andy was listening to music ______ his brother was reading books.
A. since B. while C. when D. because
47. My mother ________ a green dress for the party tomorrow night.
A. would like to wear B. would like wearing C. likes to wear D. likes wearing
48. “Shall we have a farewell party next week?” “______.”
A. Yes, we do. B. That sounds nice. C. That’s all alright. D. I’m glad to hear that.
49. The village was small. There was ________ houses.
A. many B. a lot of C. a little D. a few
50. My father works in Bach Mai hospital. He works _____ a surgeon.
A. as B. about C. with D. of

PART 1. Guided sentence building - (10 points)

Complete the following sentences using the suggested words or expressions. Write your answers in
the spaces numbered 56-60 on the answer sheet. (10 points)

51. How long / you / know / each other? //.

52. When / I / phone / Pete / yesterday / he / play / cards //.
53. Last Sunday / father / take / me / the circus / city centre //.
54. Jack / speak / English / bad / than / Sonia //.
55. Mother / going / supermarket / buy / some bread //.

PART 2. Write a paragraph - (10 points)

Write a paragraph (60 - 80 words) about your family. You should write about:

- How many people there are in your family and who they are;
- What each of the family members does. How old they are.
- Where your family live;
- What do you usually do together in the evening.


Department of Foundation Education ANSWER SHEET

Student’s name: Ngày thi:

Class: Phách:
Chữ ký CB coi thi
Student ID number:

Total score: ĐIỂM THI Chữ ký CB chấm thi 1

Listening (1-15) :
Converted score:
Reading (16-30): Chữ ký CB chấm thi 2
Grammar (31-55):

Listening section Reading section Grammar - Vocabulary section

Nº Answer Nº Answer Nº Answer Nº Answer Nº Answer

1 11 21 31 41

2 12 22 32 42

3 13 23 33 43

4 14 24 34 44

5 15 25 35 45

Score: Score: 26 36 46

6 16 27 37 47

7 17 28 38 48

8 18 29 39 49

9 19 30 40 50

10 20 Score: Score:

Score: Score:


Writing Section

Part 1 - From questions 51 - 55 write your answers below:

51 .........................................................................................................................................................

52 .........................................................................................................................................................

53 .........................................................................................................................................................

54 .........................................................................................................................................................

55 .........................................................................................................................................................


Part 2 - Write your paragraph below:
















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