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Requirement Specifications
For <<WE-WAY>>

Version: 0.7

Vietnam, Oct 2021


1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 2

1.1 Purpose 2

1.2 Overview 2

1.3 Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions 2

2. High Level Requirements .......................................................................................................................... 3

2.1 Context Diagram 3

2.2 Workflow 4

2.3 Use Case Diagram 5

3. Use Case Specifications ............................................................................................................................ 5

3.1 Manage Use case 5

3.1.1 UC 1: User ‘s registration 5

3.1.2 UC 2: User ‘ log-in 7

3.1.3 UC 3: View user ‘profile page 9

3.1.4 UC 4: View users ‘s history transaction 9

3.1.5 UC 5: Search history transaction 10

3.1.6 UC 6: Executing function ‘salary advance’ 12

3.2 Common Business Rules 13

4. Mockups Screen .................................................................................................................................... 15

4.1 Landing Page 15

4.2 Registration Screen 16

4.3 Successful sign-in screen 17

1. Introduction
1.1 Purpose
The Functional Requirements Specification will:

❖ Define the scope of business objectives, business functions, and organizational units covered,
❖ Identify the business processes that the solution must facilitate,
❖ Facilitate a common understanding of what the functional requirements are for all parties involved,
❖ Establish a basis for defining the acceptance tests for the solution to confirm that what is delivered meets
The purpose of the document is to collect and analyse all assorted ideas that have come up to define the system,
its requirements with respect to consumers. Also, we shall predict and sort out how we hope this product will be
used in order to gain a better understanding of the project, outline concepts that may be developed later, and
document ideas that are being considered, but may be discarded as the product develops.

1.2 Overview
In daily life, many workers, due to some practical needs in life, need a liquidity amount of money for an
unexpected event. However, they are not yet due to receive their salary. Usually, workers will need to find credit
loans or black credit which leads to an easily falling into credit trap with high interest rates.

Understanding and sympathizing with employees when encountering such cases, Weway is a payroll technology
finance solution, with the expectation of contributing to solving the above problem. Weway will advance salary
according to actual working time with very small costs. This will be a beneficial method for both businesses and
employees when they can receive their own salary without having to bear any high interest rates. Weway is also
a solution to bring employees financial security and stability in life, increase the connection between businesses
and employees, and increase work efficiency.

1.3 Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions

This document is intended for:
❖ Development team: Responsible for developing detailed design, implement and perform unit test,
integration test and system test for the migrated application
❖ Data Migration team: Responsible for creating data migration scripts, and perform data migration for the
❖ Documentation Team: Responsible for writing User Guide for the application.
❖ UAT team: Responsible for conducting user acceptance test sessions with end users.
2. High Level Requirements
This section describes the general overview of the system functions or business processes which are depicted in
different diagrams. It shows the types of users, their granted permissions to perform specific system functions and
the sequence required to complete a business workflow (if any). As the section name implies, it is high-level which
means not detailed enough. For detailed requirement specification, please see Use Case Specifications section

2.1 Context Diagram

This section shows the static relationship between each object in the system. An object could be described as an
instance of a particular entity in the system. For example, “Booking Request Form” is an object in this system which
holds its own information, such as: Requestor Details, Resource, Equipment, Booking Date Time…

Figure 1:


# Object Description
1 WEWAY App for advance salary
User 1 – signs the main contract with the application. The application only
2 Business provides services to the employees of the enterprise who have signed a
contract with the application
User 2 – the direct user of the application. Submit a request for advance
3 Employees
salary via the app.
2.2 Workflow
This section shows the flow of tasks or steps taken by each user of the system in order to complete a business
process. The user’s actions are shown in each business process stage of the system along with the conditions under
which it can move to the next stage or revert to the previous.

Figure 2:
2.3 Use Case Diagram
The use case diagram here shows the specific goal and objective or how the user interacts with the system. The
ellipse in the system boundary represents the system use case/functions while the stickman represents the
actor/user of the system. The line connecting the actor and the use case shows that the actor can perform that
function in the system to achieve a goal.

(Use UML standard for UC diagram)

Figure 4:

3. Use Case Specifications

3.1 Manage Use case
3.1.1 UC 1: User ‘s registration
Objective: This use case allows user to create an account to log-in to the application
Actor: Users
Trigger: Users select sign-in button
Pre-condition: No
Post-condition: User ‘s account is created

Activity Flows

Business Rules

Step BR Code Description

(2) BR 1 Screen Displaying Rules:
The application will display screen of registration << sign-up.html>>
(4) BR 2 Creating Rules:
❖ After user clicks to submit, application will check the following rules:
⮚ If any mandatory field is left blank, application shows error message MSG 1:
“Invalid or wrong information, try again”
⮚ If the phone number have not registered by the company before, application
shows error message MSG 2 “ Invalid phone number or your phone number
is not registered by your company”
⮚ If the input of password is less than 10 characters and don’t include some
special characters, show error MSG 3 : “ Your password is not strong enough”
❖ Otherwise, application show successful message “ Successful registered” and
user ‘account is created

3.1.2 UC 2: User ‘ log-in

Objective: This use case allows users to log into the application by their pre-registered account
Actor: users
Trigger: Uses click into the log-in button.
Pre-condition: Users ‘s accounts have been created successfully
Post-condition: Users are able to log-in and use the application ‘s functions

Activities Flow
Business Rules

Step BR Code Description

(2) BR 3 Screen Displaying Rules:
The system will display log-in screen <<login.html>>
(4) BR 4 Validating Rules:
Application will check the following rules:
❖ If the value of any mandatory fields is blank, application will show an error
message for the required fields as MSG 1 You must specify a value for this
required field.
❖ If the value of phone number OR password is not correct, application will show
an error message MSG3 “ Wrong phone number or password. Try again”
❖ Otherwise users can log into the application
3.1.3 UC 3: View user ‘profile page
Objective: This use case allows users to view the details of their profile page
Actor: All successfully-registered users
Trigger: User selects to open profile page
Pre-condition: ❖ User is logged in successfully as actor above.

Post-condition: The Profile page is displayed for viewing

Activities Flow

Business Rules

Step BR Code Description

(2) BR 5 Screen Displaying Rules:
The application will display the profile screen <<profile.html>>

3.1.4 UC 4: View users ‘s history transaction

Objective: This use case allows users to view their history transaction
Actor: All successfully-registered users
Trigger: User selects to view history
Pre-condition: User is logged in successfully as actor above.
Post-condition: The table of history transaction is displayed

Activities Flow

Business Rules

Step BR Code Description

(2) BR6 Screen Displaying Rules:
The system will display the table of history transaction <<history.html>>

3.1.5 UC 5: Search history transaction

Objective: This use case allows users filter to find the history transaction in terms of date input
Actor: All successfully-registered users
Trigger: User selects filter filter field on the screen
Pre-condition: ❖ User is logged in successfully as actor above.

Post-condition: Display history transaction table in terms of sorting results

Activities Flow
Business Rules

Step BR Code Description

(2) BR 7 Screen Displaying Rules:

The application will display the table of history transaction

(2) BR 8 Searching Rules:

❖ When user clicks Search button, application will retrieve all information which satisfy
all following conditions:
⮚ If users does not enter any criteria, application will show all information on the
result view.
⮚ If users enter criteria which does not match any records, application will show all
records without caring about the value of search input
⮚ If users enter any criteria, application will show all returned information as per
following table:
# Searching Condition Searching Result

If the [search] field is blank System will retrieve all records without
filtering by Requester’s Date. Otherwise,
filter only records which Date matches
inputted [search].

If the [search] field is “All” System will retrieve all records without
filtering Status. Otherwise, filter only
records whose search matches inputted
3.1.6 UC 6: Executing function ‘salary advance’
Objective: This use case allows user to execute salary advance function
Actor: All successfully-registered users
Trigger: User selects to salary advance function
Pre-condition: ❖ User is logged in successfully as actor above.
Post-condition: User can be accessible to this function

Activities Flow
Business Rules

Step BR Code Description

(2) BR 9 Screen Displaying Rules:
The application will display screen of salary advance function.
- If any error messages exist, display fail screen (fail.html)
- If it does not exist any error, display success screen ( success.html)
(4) BR 10 Validating Rules:
application will check the following rules:
❖ If the value of any mandatory fields is blank, application will show an error
message for the required fields as MSG 1 You must specify a value for this
required field
❖ If the value of bank account number OR amount of money is not correct, or the
amount of money which users want to receive in advance is larger than the
money users can offer, display error message MGS 4 “ Your bank account
number is not correct/ You have exceeded the money limit”

(4.1) BR 11 Approval Rules:

- If ALL the validation is passed, users can successfully finish the action. After
that they can continue to do the action again if their money is still enough or
they can exist the application

(4.2) BR12 Rejecting Rules:

- If ANY the validation is not passed, users can not finish the action and force
to come back to the previous steps or exist the application

3.2 Common Business Rules

BR Code Description
BR1 Business rules related to showing screen

BR2 Business rule related to creating a new account

BR4 Business rule related to user ‘s inputs validation
BR8 Business rule related to searching/filtering
BR11 Business rule related to approval condition
BR12 Business rule related to rejection condition
4. Mockups Screen
4.1 Landing Page

Screen 1: <landing-page>

# Component Description
1 logo The company s logo, brand recognition
2 Register-Btn Button to register a new account
3 Log-in Btn Button to log into the appication
4.2 Registration Screen

Screen 2: <Registration Screen>

# Component Description
1 logo The company s logo, brand recognition
2 Registration-form Form for user input information to create a new account
3 sign-in Btn Button to submit request
4 Back Btn Button to back to the previous screen
4.3 Successful sign-in screen

Screen 4: <success screen>

# Component Description
1 logo The company s logo, brand recognition
2 Dialog Dialog to show successful message
3 log-in Btn Button to log into the application

4.4 Failed registration screen

# Component Description
1 logo The company s logo, brand recognition
2 Dialog Dialog to show unsuccessful message
3 Back to sign-in Btn Button to back to the sign in screen
4.5 Login screen

# Component Description
1 logo The company s logo, brand recognition
2 Registration-form Form for user input information to create a new account
3 sign-in Btn Button to submit request
4.6 Failed-log-in screen

# Component Description
1 logo The company s logo, brand recognition
2 Dialog Dialog to show unsuccessful message
3 Back to sign-in Btn Button to back to the sign in screen
4.7 Main screen

# Component Description
1 User avatar Image to show user avatat
2 Information displayed rec Rec to show information about salary
3 profile Btn Button to go to profile screen
4 Salary advance Btn Button to go to salary advance screen
4.8 Profile screen

# Component Description
1 User avatar Image to show user avatat
2 Information displayed rec Rec to show information about salary/bank account/working days…
3 Back Btn Button to go to previous screen
4 History Btn Button to go to history showing screen
4.9 History screen
# Component Description
1 User avatar Image to show user avatat
2 Information displayed rec Rec to show information about salary/bank account/working days…
3 Back Btn Button to go to previous screen
4 History transaction table Table to show history transaction information
5 User name Display user ‘s name
6 User company Display user company ‘s name
7 Pagination Button to move to another page
4.10 Salary advance screen

# Component Description
1 User avatar Image to show user avatat
2 Back Btn Button to go to previous screen
3 User name Display user ‘s name
4 User company Display user company ‘s name
5 Salary advance Bn Button to active function salary advance and move to that screen
4.11 Successful salary advance screen

# Component Description
1 logo The company s logo, brand recognition
2 Dialog Dialog to show successful message
3 Back Btn Button to back to the previous screen
4 Continue btn Button to re do the previous action

4.12 Failed salary advance screen

# Component Description
1 logo The company s logo, brand recognition
2 Dialog Dialog to show unsuccessful message
3 Back Btn Button to back to the previous screen
4 Exist btn Button to exist the appilcation

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