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(Present perfect, Going to)

I. Complete the sentences with the Present perfect or Past Simple form of the verbs in brackets.
1. Carlos __________
visited (visit) Egypt about 12 years ago.
2. “____________
Have you been (you / be) to the cinema lately?” - “No, I ___________
haven't had (not have) the time.”
took off
3. The plane __________ (take off) at 8.15 – exactly on time.
4. I __________ (never / see) anything stupid in all my life.
have never seen
has been
5. It _____________ haven't had (not have) a
(be) a bad day in the shop, so far this morning, we __________
single customer.
6. My parents ___________
got were
(get) married when they __________ (be) only 19 years old.
7. I hope the weather gets better soon – it __________
has been (be) really terrible this week.
8. Our son _________ (arrive) in Australia three weeks ago, but he hasn't written (not write) to us yet.
9. Sakiko __________
went out (go out) about ten minutes ago.
10. “How long ___________
have you been (you / be) here?” - “We __________
arrived (arrive) at noon.

II. Choose the best answer

1. I ________ a pencil under my chair. Is it yours?
A. just found B. have found just C. ‘ve just found D. ‘s just found
2. What do you think _______ here tomorrow.
A. is going to happen B. to happen C. happening D. was happening
3. We _________ visit our grandparents this evening.
A. will be B. are going C. going to D. are going to
4. I have waited for you at school _______
A. since early morning B. since 9 a.m. C. for two hours D. all are correct
5. We are tidying the room. We _________ birthday party for our son tonight.
A. having B. have had C. are going to have D. have
6. Tomorrow I _______ to visit my parents in New York. I have just bought the ticket.
A. am going to B. ‘m going C. going to D. going
7. How many stories ____ she _____ this year?
A. did - write B. is - writing C. has - written D. does - write
8. “What are your plans for the holiday?” - “I _______ some friends in Sapa.
A. am going to B. visited C. ‘m going to visit D. will
9. He has sold motorcycles _________
A. ten years ago B. since ten years C. for ten years ago D. for ten years
10. It’s Mike’s birthday. He ___________ a party with his friends.
A. is going to get B. is going to have C. will take D. is making
11. My grandfather _____ before I was born. I _______ him.
A. dies/have never met B. died/have ever met
C. died/have never met D. dies/have ever met
12. They haven’t washed it _______ they came back from holiday.
A. when B. since C. after D. for
III. Use the words and expressions to write complete sentences.
1. Sister / I / going / visit / parents / country / this Friday //.
My sister and I are going to visit our parent in the country this Friday.
2. I / learn / Chinese / center / near / my house / since June //.
I have learned Chinese in/at a centre near my house since June.
3. They / now / clean / house / because / going / have / party / tonight //.
They are now cleaning the/ their house because they are going to have a party tonight.
4. This / be / most interesting game / I / ever / play //.
This is the most interesting game I have ever played.
5. They / work / this company / 5 years //.
They have worked for this company for 5 years.
6. He / not come back / hometown / since 2000 //.
He hasn't come back to his hometown since 2000.
7. They / not / going / cancel / meeting / because / electricity be / on / again //.
They are not going to cancel the meeting because the electricity is on again.
8. How long / you / know / each other? //.
How long have you known each other?
9. Peter / going / see / new movie / cinema / girlfriend / tonight //.
Peter is going to see a new movie at the cinema with his girlfriend tonight.
10. I / not / going / attend / meeting / tomorrow / because / I / very tired //.
I am not going to attend the meeting tomorrow because I am very tired.

IV. Which notice (A-H) says this

11. They need someone to work here. A Children’s book department

now on the ground floor

12. A special visitor is coming to the B GREY’S BOOKS

shop. Famous children’s writer, Michael
Whistler, here on Monday 25th
13. Go here if you need help. C SALE
All travel books - half price

14. This has moved to a different place. D Coffee shop first floor - Hot drinks &
9.30 - 6.30
15. There is a new book on sales. E Just arrived! The Teenage Diaries
by Judy Watson
F Can’t find the right book?
Ask the information desk
G WANTED – sale assistance to help in
children’s book department
H New for customers
Visit our new website to order your

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