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\NCREDIBLE ANGUKy Author Sarah Phillips is an expert in CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) and how the brain learns. | “The more children interact with the materials, the teacher | and each other, the more they will learn.” — Walk into an INCREDIBLE ENGLISH classroom and there is a buzz.... you could find children acting out a story, using a Venn diagram or finishing a project confidently in English. The trusted methodology is based on things that children love. Stories in every unit pull them into the new language, and songs, games, acting out and craft ities give their brains plenty of practice, The Activity Book really makes them to help them remember more. Children also love to learn relevant things. A colourful lesson in every unit uses English as a vehicle to teach other subjects where they develop skills needed Qs part of their general education whilst improving their use of English. All levels have an incredible range of support items to help cl with English in many fun ways. This second edition gives the class even more ... Anew Starter Level More support for storytelling More reading texts and personalized writing tasks More support for the Cambridge YLE Tests with a NEW testing programme Mote skills development activities for speaking and writing Mote grammar practice and language support aera we wv 2nd EDITION WCREDIBLE ENGLISH Activity Book The Incredible Club 3 Dtetio, kids! 4 BD saturday morning 14 comping 4 Me and my world & Revision 1 34 BD Looking at animals 37 BD atthe supermarket 47 B ourtown 57 Me and my world & Revision 2 67 WD atthe sports centre 70 Bunce Bitt 80 D carnival time! 90 Me and my world & Revision 3 100 My self-evaluation 103 Sarah Phillips Michaela Morgan OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS © ‘© (9) NSTI? Qu 4m 6m 9, second tenth fourth seventh 31a first 1 Orn eighth fifth 7 th sixth hird ninth Sth : Sin i 2. Write. Find the mystery month. January February March April May June July August September October November December The seventh month. The second month. The sixth month. The eighth month. The third month. The fourth month. The fifth month. Noaurwnea My birthday is on the third of. 1 [Hetto, kids | 1 Number the pictures. Write. imagezine 2 sweets 3 watch 4 glasses Srollerblades 6 cards 7 umbrella 8 football 2 Read and colour. Tve got black glasses and Tve got a blue umbrella. Tve got a purple watch and an orange football. I've got yellow rollerblades. And I've got a bag. It's green. Can you spell that, please? Archie —_.__._—. Letters of the alphabet Write about your things. Use Ive got ... nn Links Use IVa [ The cat's || in the bag |]. [The glasses are |/ under the table 1 Read and match. 1 Eveis a under the chair. 2. The catis b inthe bag. 3. The glasses are ¢ onthe table. 4 The umbrella is din the car. 5 The magazine is € under the table. 6 The cards are f onthe chair. 1 Look and say. Listen and circle. @ 12 [10s | [next to the door ||. [They're | [behind the chair Re OE "es 2 Read and draw. A o LF & Roe} - LESS 1. The glasses are next to the 4 The magazine is behind the rollerblades. rollerblades. 2. The watch is behind the glasses. 5 The sweets are next to the watch. 3 The football is next to the glasses. 6 Thecards are in front of the umbrella. a Where are my rollerblades? ¢ tim They're next to the computer. gy 2 Wheres my football? q Where are my cards? > 4x They're on the chair. | 5 Wheres the cat? Its under the table. 3 Complete the sentences about your picture. Where are the rollerblades? 1 Inmy picture, the football is The glasses 2 3 The cat 4 The sweets 5 The shoes om Listening and speaking 1. Find and circle six capital letters, three full stops and three question marks. capital letters ull stop question mark EF ©an you dance | BJ Hove you got a musical instrument? EJ You can listen toa story. | [J Youcan learn about the internet too. EJ Do you like cakes? | BF Discover your town. Starting and ending sentences Sentences start with a capitalletter. Sentences end with a full stop. Y ou can listen toa story. We've got lots of games’. Questions end with a question mark. Do you like music.?.— 2. Write sentences using capital letters, full stops and question marks. Match. 1 can you sing g Can you sing? by 2 you can make cakes on Tuesday Gy, 3 have you got a pet 4 do you like reading 5 we've got trampolines SE Ca Ur eae 1. Write the headings. Add information for one more club. Where? When? ~~ What? Ke Where? Green Trees Club paint pictures Monday afternoon play games Kids’ Club make models Saturday morning dance Free Time Club play on the computer Friday evening play football 2 Complete the leaflet. 3 Nowwritea leaflet. ~ Use phrases from activity 1. 1 Plan your work. + What's your club’s name? Kids’ Cl + What can you do? Cone vaaira (Where?) ! + When does the club meet? + What's the club's address © You can ee and phone number? d 2 Make a leaflet about your club. a (What?) + Write the text. + Draw pictures on the leaflet. Come on tulsa Use capital letters, (When?) full stops and Visit us at: 14 King’s Road © Westown question marks. Tel: 0193 1587234 4 Listen.@“° Number the lines, then listen and check. Sing. Join our club and have some fun. It’s a place for everyone! Do you like playing? Yes, we do! Do you like outings? Yes, we do! Do you like reading? Yes, we do! We've got songs and trips for you! Do you like music? Yes, we do! We've got books and games for you! Join our club and have some fun. It's a place for everyone! sTelling}the}time) — 1 What's the time? Look and write. two three four five severr eight nine ten "(eau qa Its__seven___—It'squarterpast _ It’s half past It's quarter to o'clock. ey mm sTelling}the\time) 1 Look, listen and repeat. © + Read and match. 1 It’s seven o'clock in O the morning. 2. It’s seven o'clock in the evening. O 3 It’s quarter to eight in the morning. O 4 It’s quarter to eight in the evening O 5 It’s quarter past one in the afternoon. 6 It’s quarter past one at night. 2 Draw the hands on the clock. Complete the sentences. Me at school in bed in the park on the bus intheshower in the car 1 BUM olcod 2 Find the letters and write the name. My second letter is in front of the book. Mu fifth letter is next to the box. My fourth letter is in the box. aD My sixth letter is under the book. My third letter is on the book. My first letter is behind the box. Who am I? OWO000 3 Write clues for LUKE. By Saturday morning 1 Number the pictures. Write. 1 belt 2coat 3. gloves 4 scarf 5 shirt 6 tights 7 tracksuit 8 trainers 9cap mins 2 Read and write A, B, Cor D. 1 The They've got black trainers. team are wearing black tracksuits and white caps. 2. The __ team are wearing grey T-shirts and white trainers. They've got white caps. 3 The __ team are wearing grey tracksuits and black caps. They've got white T-shirts. 4 The team are wearing grey tracksuits and black trainers. They've got grey T-shirts. 3 Look and say. Complete the words. The vowels in English are AEIOU. —mbr—tl_ short [What colour's es [ his jacket ||?|{ what colour are || her shoes al ON 1 Colour and write. What colour are his clothes? — What colour are her clothes? gn "Dy Et 4 Es h 10 = yellow 1 Hisscarfis__green__. 7 Hertrousersare_blue _. 11 =white 2 Hisshoesare________. 8 Herglovesare 3 His hatis - 9 Her coatis 40 5 1 6 12 = [thisis | [Lukes cD |} [.| [These ore | [ Molty’s shoes | |] 1 Listen and write L (Luke's) or M (Molly's). © 2 Write. Molly Luke Eve Finn Jazmin Archie belt tights football cap glasses cer trainers shirt Tas j6> FS This is Eve's car. These are Archie’s trainers. 3. Look at Class Book page 3. Write the questions and answers. 1 What colour are Eve's glasses? They’reblack, 2 What colour is Luke's football? It's white. 3 What colour are Archie's trousers? 4 What colour are Molly's trainers? 5 What colour is Finn's T-shirt? 6 2? It’s green and pink. 7 2? They're pink. 8 2? It’s yellow. (Wie bout wo ends. Choose agi and abou. fk = 1. Listen and colour the clothes. ©" y) 2. Look and write True or False, S Kit’s cap is white, False Karl's trousers are green. Karen's T-shirt is blue, __ 1 2 3 4 Karl's cap and Katie's cap are the same colour. 5 Katie's T-shirt and Karen's T-shirt are the same colour. 6 Katie's trousers and Karen's trousers are the same colour. 3 Look at your speaking task. Colour the pictures. Ask your friends. What colours the boys T-shirt? 4 Write about the boy and the girl. 1 My boy and boy are the same. His T-shirt is . His trousers are His 2 Muygirland girl are the same. Her Mr Listening and speaking 1 Find and circle and, but and too. HF tke truit @nd vegetables. | EY 1 play tennis and badminton. g | drink lots of water too. g | like running too. a | can’t cook, but | can g | haven‘t got a car, but make sandwiches! ve got a bike. Witing sD Joining ideas Join ideas with and. Joindifferentideas | Addan extra idea with too. I like fruit and with but. Iplay tennis and badminton. vegetables. Thaven'tgotacar, I like running too. but I’ve got a bike. 2 Look and match. 1. Ican swim and a asister. 2. Idon'tlike oranges but b sport too. 3. I've got a brother and ¢ My brother's favourite colour is red too. 4 Ican't play the guitar but d_ play tennis. 5 Ilike music and e Icanplay the piano. 6 My favourite colour is red. f Ilike apples. 3 Write three sentences about you using and, but and too. 1 2 3 =m 1 Read and write S (sport), F (family) or / (music). 1. like football, but I don't like tennis. __ I've got one brother and two sisters. _ I like badminton. I like tennis too. __ Ican’t play the guitar, but I can play the piano. __ Yes, I like the Glitter Girls and I like the Noisy Boys too. ___ au rwn Yes, I can play the guitar. I can play the piano too. ___ 7 I've got two sisters, but I haven't got any brothers. __ 2 Complete the interview. Choose answers from activity 1. Fan Fantastic (FF) talks to Polly Smith (PS), author of the new book The Music Gang! FF Hi! Congratulations on your new book. FF What's your favourite sport? PS Thank you. Ps (3) FF The book is about music. Can you play FF The book is for children. Have you got an instrument? any brothers and sisters? Ps [1] Ps (4). FF Do you like pop music? FF You're my favourite author. Can | have ps (gi an autograph? PS Yes, of course. 3 Nowwrite an interview.| “ 1 Plan your work. 2. Write your interview. + Whois the interview with? + Write the questions and answers. (a sports star, a musician, + Draw some pictures. a member of your family ...) + Choose your questions. Make notes of the answers. Remember! [a [Use and, but and too. ) but and too. 4 Listen. © Complete, then listen and check. Sing. 3 yoghurt run water jump school biscuits We need... a Energyto____and___, energytoplay! 9 ay Energy for sports and___, energy all day! - G cereal, salad, rice, Nd o@ Milkand_____~ very nice! ; Apples, oranges, _____, juice, All these foods are good for you! aN We've got ... i: Energy to___ and , energy to play! G sy Energy for sports and_____, energy all day! ae sad angry happy rich Eating for energy / Adjectives to describe people Hr a This is a realistic portrait of a woman. b This is a realistic portrait of aman. ¢ This is an abstract portrait O OO 0 0 of aman. 7. d_ This is an abstract portrait 1 of a woman. 2 Look and complete. dogs 35 garage computer games bedroom car _brether sad uncle _tracksuit TRAIT 7 et WV] This is a portrait of my This is a portrait of my This is a portrait of my brother _. He's neighbour, He's got two He's wearing his favourite ________. He's in the cHe'sinhis He's Honey is happy. Sooty is get an old He likes ifm 1 Follow, read and colour. ® y p His trainers are yellow. Her umbrella is orange. His watch is blue. 4 Her cap is purple. His cap is grey. His umbrella is red. Her trainers are pink. Her watch is green. wna onan 2 Match the patterns and write. This is Finn's scarf. —— oS —— GU archie’s hat. + These are Molly’s gloves. 3 ae Number the pictures. Write. 1 blanket 2 toothbrush 3 pyjamas 4 torch 5 comb 6 sleeping bag 7 sunglasses 8pillow 9 towel 10 mat. >>> >> > > ANAGRAgNNAa CUPL 2 Look and write Yes or No. Is Molly in the car? Is Finn next to Archie? Is the cat under the car? Is the tree next to the car? Is Eve behind the car? Is the ball on the car? Is Archie in front of the tree? oN Aur Wr Is the skateboard next to Molly? After sh, ch, s and z, add es. one towel LS ay onetorch two__towels _ two__torches _ ‘one comb Fs ‘one toothbrush three __ three one glove one watch two two one bus two ry Ronen? TEED [a torch | 2) [ Have you got [Have you got]| any brothers ||? 1 Look and complete. comb sungtesses” pillow pyjamas sleeping bag \ sunglasses _? | Bs O Have you got any FA ‘i [ ve got | | my guitar 1 Listen and number. © Have you got...? I'vegot... Thaven'tgota/any .. blanket sunglasses 2 Look and write. mat toothbrustt sweets —_ books Thaventt got 3 Write five true sentences about yourself. a any two cat dog brother three lots of sister book hat yo-yo Tve got two sisters. I haven't got any brothers.) 4 [ve got ne 2 Thaven't got See ey) (Wiite questions for your fiend, Have vou got..? Swap! E=Ea => 1 Read and complete. mat blanket trainers 1 I'mcollecting camping things. I've cap rollerblades got asin bag and a torch. I want bat sandwiches a__Slanket _qndaq________. 2. I'mcollecting clothes. I've got gloves and a belt. I want a____ and 3. I'mcollecting sports things. I've got a skateboard and a football. I want anda_____. 4 I'mcollecting food. I've gota banana, a juice and biscuits. Twant 2. Listen and draw arrows. © Who has got a complete set of cards now? ( Kate } (Ben } (Fiona } 3. Look at your speaking task. Cut out the cards and play the game. Have you got Have you got acap? No, sorry. I haven't any sandwiches? : got any sandviches Om Listening and speaking Using apostrophes I'm It’s: 7=apostrophe Lam at the beach with my class. —» I’m at the beach with my class. Itis very hot. — It's very hot. 1 Find and circle words with apostrophes. Match and underline. TP prrilliant g It's got some fantastic dinosaurs. a_ Ihave got three dinosaur figures. b They are enormous! Ey They're enormous! ¢ Tamat the beach with my class. y 0k a - d_Itis brilliant. EY We got'three dinosaur figures, e Ithas got some fantastic EY Vm at the beach with my class. dinosaurs. 2. Rewrite the postcard using apostrophes. Dear Aunt Cathy, Dear Aunt Cathy, I'm Tam atthe zoo. Tam with Grandma and Grandpa. It is fantastic. Ithas gotten elephants. They are really big. Thave gota photo of a baby elephant! Love from, Love from, sina Tina ad 1 Wi the words under the correct postcards. tideadonkeg swimandsurf the children’s farm small boats sheepandgoats flykites thepark treesand flowers —_ the beach ride a donkey 2 Choose one postcard in activity 1 and complete the text. Write the address. Draw the stamp. Dear Tmat Ican It’s got Tlike it a lot! Love from, 3 Nowwritea postcard.) ~ 1 Plan your work. 2 Make your postcard. + Where are you? + Write the text. + Who are you with? + Write the address. + Do you like it? + Drawa stamp. + What can you do? Oa elm TL 4 Listen. ©‘ Complete, then listen and check. Sing. dance sport pink eyes drew = art Icancook,Ican___draw__. Tlike music ... I like I’m happy, I'm happy, T'm happy to be me! T’ve got blue__. Mine are I like yellow ... like I’m happy, I'm happy, I'm happy to be me! Ican sing ... 1can I like reading ... [like I'm happy, I'm happy, I'm happy to be me! Describing|musics 1 Write. quiet high loud slow fast —- low Being positive about ourselves / Adjectives to describe music fh Wesaiting musts 1 Listen and number the animals. © Write. elephant parrot rabbit first second third snake penguin cat fourth fifth sixth O Ithink the is first. 2 oo O 2 Read and match. Imagine the music. Then choose and write. slow fast low high loud quiet 7 a This is a duck. I think the duck’s music is —_and_____. b This is a monkey. LAG Ithink the monkey's musicis______and g e 4% > c Thisis akitten. I think the kitten’s music is _________and g d_ This isacow. I think the cow’s music is _____and_________. gq This is a crocodile. Ithink the crocodile’s music is ______and fib 1 Write. Find the letters and write the mystery word. watch car toothbrush == combs, mat coat shoes gloves dress cards My fourth letters in AMM — £22 — and in ae a. My second letter is in ae _________andin a My third letter is in AS —______and in 6s16> . My first letter is in © ———ondin a —__. My fifth letter isin Lg) andin #2 —___. es Sa 2 Read and answer. Write. 1 I've got gloves. I haven't got a pillow and T haven't got any trainers. Who am I? 2 I've gota sleeping bag. I haven't got a football and I haven't got any sunglasses. Who am I? 1 Listen and number. © “* Listen again and complete. No violin Lebanon a town band England recorder _ withfriends Austria trumpet ep Name: Walid Name: Elena Name: Lisa From: From: __Austria From: Instrument:__________ Instrument: _________ Instrument: ___ Easy / difficult Easy / difficult Easy / difficult Band? Band? Band? 2 Complete the dialogue for Elena. Practise in pairs. @ Hi,___Elena __ Where are you from? @ tmfrom___ @ Can you play a musical instrument? (@ Yes,Iplaythe ¢@ Is it easy? ©@ no, @ Are you ina band? ————— 3. Write about your music classes. _ EA —S 4 fo | evision Look. Write the words. oy bag a. Bangg Where are the camping things? Write. 6 The mat is in the tent The sleeping bags The torch The towels The comb The sunglasses BD thisishiscap. 4 Read and complete. Ce I've got some gloves. Po T’ve got a scarf. v Thaven't got any trainers. Thaven't got any gloves. Z% I've got a belt. Thaven't got a scarf. I've got some trainers. Thaven't got a belt. 2. sw bag. Thisis bag. Thisis bag. el Enna Looking at animals 1 Number the pictures. Write. 1butterfly 2ant 3canary 4fish 5 guineapig 6lizard 7snail 8tortoise 9 stick insect two legs four legs six legs 2 Look and read. Write the names in the table. ) F@ SAREE I dont like tortoises or guinea pigs. d I dont like guinea pigs. I love Llike stick insects and Love fish. ~~ “<_< S tortoises and stick insects. [like fish. Tlove fish. I like tortoises and eS I dont like fish. I like guinea pigs guinea pigs. I don't like stick insects. 4 and tortoises. I love stick insects. Ge & ® ® © © © @ 2) © e@ =Ilove @©=llike @= Idon't like dep 1 @ —__ ® a) ® PWN 3 Look and write. After vowel + y, add s. After consonant + y, change to ies. | one lorry one monkey two _monkeys two __lorries one day one teddy two __ three ____ ‘one toy one canary three —___ two one donkey one puppy two three (Waar oma aver me aon? brs Lesson 4 [ Has she got || atiger | Has he got |{ acanary o 1 Write questions. Ask and answer. cererg lizard rabbit snail parrot guineapig snake _ tortoise | 1. Hasshe gota__canary _? 2 Hashegota - ? 3 Has she gota ? 4 5 6 7 8 atiger | L 1. Listen and number. © Has he/she got...? He's/She's a 2. Circle the differences. Complete. snake dog beck umbrella fish cap guineapig het bag lizard cat magazine mA In picture A, he's got a book , In picture B, “ch He hasn't got a : g In picture A, she’s got g In picture B, a_hat_ She hasn't got " a_cap_. wee , In picture B, . In picture A, & Pat 3 Look and write the names for picture A. Write about picture B. ‘Metig Archie Finn ant — lizard Eve Jazmin Luke guinea pig 1 Molly _ hasn't got a scarf. 2 hasn't got any rollerblades. w __________ hasn't got an umbrella. Or ‘Write about two friends, How are they the same and how are they different? 4 1 Listen and number. ©*" Pr ss ee n 2 Listen again and circle A or B. 1 How much are the fish? 5 A £1 ®z2 His fish has got __. 6 A big eyes B along tail N w How much are the guinea pigs? 7 A £13 B £15 + Her guinea pig has got___. 8 A black ears B_ white ears 3 Read. Write the animal. How much are the canaries? A £9 B £10 Her canary has got ___. A ablackhead B_ yellow wings How much are the rabbits? A £12 B £17 His rabbit has got ___. A black ears B_ black legs 1. Ithasn't got ears. It’s got wings. 2. Ithasn’t got four legs. It's got a long body, 3. Ithasn't got six legs. It’s got a small tail. 4 Look at your speaking task. Play animal dominoes. Ive got a canary. }{ OK, I've got a fish. A fish has got Its the first card. a head too. It hasn't got wings. Feuer) 1. Circle the adjectives. a They live in (hob) places. UF they have got very good eves EW some chameleons are very small EF They are green and brown. g They like sitting at the top of tall trees. g Their favourite food is juicy fruit. Tain sD Using adjectives Put adjectives after is and are. Put adjectives before nouns. They are green and brown. They live in hot places. Be careful! They are about 2 metres long. BeBe eee Se See eee eee eee 2 Order the words to make sentences. Mammal Fact File — Red kangaroos 15 What are they? ~ 1 kangaroos . Red big are mammals Red kangaroos are big mammals. Body 2 tails They long . got have 3 long are kangaroos Baby . about 1cm 4 live Red . in Australia kangaroos 5 like . places They hot Food 6 water Red don'tneed . alotof kangaroos Sur} whité nuts coldplaces fish thesea brown trees long legs hot places red-brown smallears insects abigtail small eyes smallanimals black plants rivers grey big teeth 1 Complete the table. Body Colour Habitat Food white 2 Complete the fact file with words from activity 1. Mammal Fact File squirrels 38) What are they? Squirrels are small mammals. They can climb very well. Body Squirrels are red-brown or (1)___. They have got (2). and (3) Habitat They live in (4) _________. Youcan see squirrels in lots of different countries. Food They eat fruit and (5). 3 Now write a fact file. 1 Plan your work. 2. Make your fact file. * Choose an animal. + Write the text. + Copy the table in activity 1 + Draw a picture. and complete it for your animal. Remember! [Eat ives and check they are in the correct plac 4 Listen. ©** Read and match, then listen and check. Sing. Parrots fly in the mountains. Penguins ovin| in the big, green fields. Ants crawl in the jungle. Eagles fly in the sea. Bats sleep in the long, long grass. Rabbits run in the trees. It's all one world, for them and me wor Te iy, Se ticcas 1 Write. dragonfly grasshopper ladybird bee fly a ey Insects] 1 Read and write Yes or No. This is a worm. It hasn't got any legs. It's got a long body. Is it an insect? a This is a water boatman. It’s got six legs and three body parts. It can swim. Is it an insect? This is a spider. It hasn't got wings. It’s got eight legs. Is it an insect? oy This is a mosquito. It can fly and it can sting. It’s got three body parts and six legs. Isit an insect? ____ 2 Complete the texts. blue wings fly jump grass legs green body water green sing wings This is a dragonSly. Tt lives near This is a grasshopper. Tt lives in the Water. Te’s got Sow —___ ——.. B's get long —___ and a long Tes R's opt Tes and —___. Tt can —___ Tt can —_____ and = mn

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