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Honors Theses, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Honors Program

Spring 4-13-2018

Modular Scheduling System for Westside School

Tyler Bienhoff
University of Nebraska-Lincoln

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Modular Scheduling System for Westside School District

An Undergraduate Honor Thesis

Submitted in Partial fulfillment of
University Honors Program Requirements
University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Tyler Bienhoff, BS
Computer Engineering, Mathematics, & Computer Science
College of Engineering & College of Arts and Sciences

April 13, 2018

Faculty Mentor:
Byrav Ramamurthy, PhD, Computer Science and Engineering
Jeremy Suing, MS, Computer Science and Engineering


Westside School district offers a modular scheduling system for their high school that is

more similar to a college schedule than the typical high school system. Due to the complexity

of their master schedule each semester, there are no commercially available products that can

assist in creating a schedule. Hence, this thesis discusses a scheduling algorithm and

management system that was built specifically for Westside High School with the potential to

be expanded for use by other interested schools. The first part of the paper is focused on

gathering input from students and faculty for which courses and how many sections of each

class should be offered per semester. This is more complicated with a modular system since

each class meeting is inputted and scheduled independently. Previously thousands of pieces of

paper were used to gather information about student course interests and what courses would

be offered by each department, but this has been completely transitioned to use the new

system. Finally, the algorithm and courses constraints are discussed in detail, describing how

restrictions imposed on class meetings to produce a valid and well-constructed solution. Many

of the constraints are simple, such as making sure only one class is in a room at a time.

However, other restrictions enforce that teachers have a lunch break and are not overworked

as well as enforcing that that schedule solutions can quickly be found.

Key Words: computer science, scheduling algorithms, modular scheduling



I would like thank Dr. Byrav Ramamurthy and Jeremy Suing for providing me guidance in

writing and completing this thesis, in addition to their hard work in helping with the project.

I am grateful for Westside School District providing the opportunity for this challenging

task and always being supportive. Further, I appreciate the Raikes Design Studio for facilitating

the project and helping with administrative support.

Finally, and most importantly, I want to thank Camille Hoover for encouraging me to

complete the thesis and for always putting up with my many complaints. Without her support I

never would have had to motivation to complete this paper.


1 Introduction .................................................................................................................. 1

1.1 Background............................................................................................................ 1

1.2 Contributions......................................................................................................... 3

1.3 Thesis Organization ............................................................................................... 3

2 Department Course Requests ...................................................................................... 3

2.1 Course Request Phases ......................................................................................... 4

2.2 Course Request Data ............................................................................................. 5

2.3 Schedule Complexities .......................................................................................... 6

2.4 Student Scheduling Algorithm .............................................................................. 7

3 Master Schedule Algorithm .......................................................................................... 7

3.1 Schedule Modeling ................................................................................................ 7

3.2 Algorithm Basics .................................................................................................... 9

3.3 Room Constraints .................................................................................................. 9

3.4 Teacher Constraints ............................................................................................ 10

3.5 Additional Schedule Constraints ......................................................................... 11

3.6 Efficiency Constraints .......................................................................................... 11

3.7 Schedule Creation Interface ................................................................................ 12

4 Conclusion .................................................................................................................. 13

1 Introduction

1.1 Background

Westside School District in Omaha, Nebraska uses a modular schedule system in their

high school which is similar in style to a university schedule. Instead of the traditional six to

eight period days where students have each class every day at the same time, with the modular

system, each day is split into 14 time periods called “mods” of approximately 20 or 40 minutes

each. Depending on the course, it can meet one or more times throughout the week at

different times and for different lengths of time (40, 60, or 80 minutes). Additionally, a class

can be set to have “large group” meetings where all students attend a single, large lecture and

“small group” meetings where a student is schedule for one of several possible meetings with

about 15 to 20 total students. These smaller meetings provide more intimate and interactive

group discussions with peers as well as closer interaction with faculty members. For example, a

physics class may have a single lecture each week for all students, six small group classes which

each student is scheduled to only attend one, and six additional small group labs that are 80

minutes long to provide additional time for hands-on experience.

While most high schools continue to use the traditional period day, Westside has

highlighted some key advantages in their modular design that they continue to use since its

adoption in 1967. This style allows students to take more classes, specifically elective courses

such as fine arts or industrial technology that they are interested in and allows for students and

teachers to have time during the day to meet on a one-to-one basis. As the modular style is

more similar to college course schedules, students are able to be involved in making decisions

with their use of time and are more prepared for life as a university student. Finally, most

students who have used both the traditional and modular schedules tend to prefer the modular


One major con that schools have when attempting to adopt a modular course schedule

is the complexity in creating a master schedule of courses for each semester. While many

systems exist for creating the traditional schedule, there are not commercially available

products that create a modular master schedule which meets the needs of interested high

schools including Westside. For the past 30+ years, Westside has used a DOS program with

direct support of the original developer to create each schedule which each take more than a

week to generate. Thus, Westside is interested in obtaining a new state of the art and efficient

system that can generate modular schedules with the possibility to be generalized for other

schools who are looking at switching to the modular system. To go along with the course

generation algorithm, Westside is also interested in a modern website that can be used by

students, teachers, and administrative faculty members to view current schedules and course

catalogs, sign up for classes, and generate master schedules for each semester.

A previous Raikes Design Studio team began development on this product and

completed most of the preliminary features of the web interface for the project. However, the

website was not feature complete and required constant support to fix bugs and improve

different components during the first year of live use by Westside. Furthermore, some basic

steps had been completed for the framework of the scheduling algorithm, but it had never

been tested with actual data, contained numerous bugs, and was lacking the majority of its

functionality required to be used to create master schedules for Westside.


1.2 Contributions

This project continues the previous development of the Westside modular scheduling

algorithm as well as portions of the web interface which interact directly and indirectly with

that system. The department course request page was updated to improve data input handling

and allow preprocessing of the data. The scheduling algorithm was essentially completely

rewritten along with thorough testing to verify the accuracy of the program. The system is well

documented to allow for continued development by future team members.

1.3 Thesis Organization

This paper breaks down the components of the system that are used to create a

modular master schedule. This begins with the web interface where school administrators can

enter information about each course to be scheduled for the next semester called Department

Course Requests. Next, the implementation of the algorithm is investigated with how it models

the problem and imposes necessary restrictions to create a well-formed schedule. Finally, the

interface used for creating jobs and viewing the results of previously runs is examined in detail.

2 Department Course Requests

One of the most important parts for the overall scheduling system is efficiently

gathering information from students, teachers, and administrators about courses that should

be scheduled for the coming semester. Previously, all this information was handled through

thousands of papers that had to be manually processed, but now it is all completed much more

efficiently through the new website. The process begins with students filling out information

on a website for the courses they are interested in taking. From this information, department

heads see how many students are interested in taking each class, for example, regular Physics

compared to AP Physics. The school can offer a varying number of classes to accommodate the

interests of the students and create the department course request for each class.

2.1 Course Request Phases

Each department course request is split into phases that represent each unique time a

course meets, and each phase can be split into multiple sections (possibly with different

teachers) which means the course is offered multiple times. A student is required to be in

exactly one section in each and every phase but doesn’t necessarily need to be in the same

section of each phase. A typical class with have 3-5 phases and 1 to 6 or more sections to

accommodate enough classes of students. Similar to a university course structure, for example,

Physics has 5 phases: a single large group lecture that every student enrolled must attend, 3

small group phases each with 6 sections, and a lab phase with 6 sections that is double the

length to accommodate more hands-on experiment time.

A sample phase from the Physics course is shown in Figure 1. The important information

for the scheduling algorithm includes the mod length for how long the class should be where 40

minutes is the typical length and 60 or 80-minute options are available for longer lab type

meetings. Additionally, for each section one or more teachers must be chosen to lead the

course, and a room must be selected which are vital in creating the master schedule to avoid

overbooking teachers and rooms. Finally, there are optional fields to select the exact day and

time or simply just the day of the week when a class should occur. This is imperative for certain

courses which must meet at a certain time, and it also helps later during scheduling to have

some course times to build the schedule around and reduce the solution search size.

Figure 1. Example Department Course Request

2.2 Course Request Data

One major problem encountered with using this online form for data input is the high

likelihood of invalid or incorrect information being included. For example, it is easy to

accidentally input 10 sections instead of 1 section or select the incorrect room from the

dropdown menu. As will be discussed in more depth later, the scheduling algorithm requires

certain requirements to be met (e.g. only one class per room at a time) to produce a valid

schedule. If these requirements are not met, the algorithm will not output a solution; however,

it will often take several hours to determine this result, and the error is typically not obvious.

To help combat this issue, the course request page was updated to prevent invalid input from

being included with regards to rooms and teachers. If a room (or teacher) is already booked

during a certain mod as specified by the optional fields, then no other section with that room

(or teacher) can be scheduled at that time, and a friendly error message will be presented.

Furthermore, a preprocessing step is included that should be run before the full algorithm is

executed. This step checks for errors over the entire list of course requests for things such as a

room (or teacher) being scheduled more than the possible mods in a week. In addition, it

provides warnings about possible typos in the data for courses that might be overscheduled

with a large number of sections. While it is not necessary to use this preprocessing step, it

helps to identify possible problems in the course requests that may prevent a valid schedule

from being produced.

2.3 Schedule Complexities

Much of the complexity in creating in a modular scheduling algorithm for Westside is

that course requirements drastically change between Fall and Spring semesters as well as

between years. While some courses like English are based mainly on the number of students

requiring the course for graduation and can easily add or remove sections depending on the

semester, other elective courses are structured on student interest level that may differ

drastically in the number of sections needed per semester. Even a course that only has one

section and meets the same number of times each semester, such as Jazz Band with four class

times a week, will have considerably different meeting times from semester to semester. Thus,

not only do students have to be adaptable to the modular system, but the scheduling algorithm

must be robust enough to accommodate these changing requirements from semester to

semester in addition to major multiyear shifts in course developments.

2.4 Student Scheduling Algorithm

As previously mentioned, the course requests are partially based off the number of

students interested in taking a course, and these requests are the direct input into the

scheduling algorithm. However, individual student course interests are not considered when

creating the master schedule. There is a separate student scheduling algorithm that takes as

input a master schedule and student course preferences and produces schedules for each

student. This separate algorithm is not discussed in detail in this paper.

3 Master Schedule Algorithm

This section examines the representation of courses and the modular schedule system

in code and how the system works to create a valid master schedule. Additionally, the

constraints or restrictions imposed on the schedule are investigated which prevent, for

example, rooms and teachers being overbooked and allow a valid solution to be created.

3.1 Schedule Modeling

One of the unique quirks of the Westside modular schedule is the difference in mod

lengths. Mods 1 to 3 and 12 to 14 are each approximately 40 minutes in length while mods 4 to

11 are each roughly 20 minutes long to allow for some classes of 60-minute durations in the

middle of the day. This difference in length makes the problem hard to model in code; thus, in

the scheduling algorithm, the six mods of 40 minutes are split into two separate mods, as

display in Figure 2. Therefore, the day is split into 20 time blocks each of about 20 minutes, and

the school week contains 100 time blocks which will be referred to simply as mods when

dealing with the scheduling algorithm. Each of the 100 mods in the code is represented by an

integer between 0 and 99, with, for example, Tuesday being represented by mods 20 through

39. This allows the algorithm to simply assign integer values for the time of each course

meeting, such as assigning 22 and 23 to a class during Mod 2 on Tuesday, as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Real mods compared to algorithm mods.


3.2 Algorithm Basics

Each meeting of a course is scheduled independently, but restrictions are imposed to

properly structure the meetings of each course. Initially meetings with a specified time are

placed into the schedule as these courses must be at the given time, and no conflicts should

exist from the preprocessing step. Then the algorithm goes through each classroom and

specifies that each remaining course must meet during the available time slots in the room.

Classes can only begin at certain mods, since some time blocks are fractions of reals mods.

However, this actually simplifies the process as 40-minute courses can only start at each 40-

minute interval which are represented by even mods in the code. Similarly, 80-minute courses

can only begin at each 80-minute interval which in each day are mods 0, 4, 8, 12, and 16.

Further, 60-minute classes must begin or end with a 20-minute mod (real mod 4 to 11), and

therefore in the algorithm begin with any mod between 4 and 15, inclusive. Additionally, this

has the added benefit of preventing courses from being scheduled during mods on consecutive

days (e.g. the last mod on Wednesday and the first mod on Thursday).

3.3 Room Constraints

The first constraint the system imposes is that each course in a room must meet at a

different time and cannot overlap with another course (with a few exceptions). This is easily

implemented in the code by preventing the start and end mods of two classes from

overlapping. For example, if a class meets beginning at mod 24 and lasts until mod 27, every

other class in the room must end before mod 24 or begin after mod 27. Nevertheless, there are

some exceptions to this “one class per room” constraint that must be taken into account. For

instance, “Out” is considered a room in the system but it used as a miscellaneous placeholder

room for teacher meetings or for courses that are not held at the school (e.g. college courses at

UNMC that students can take). Obviously, this “room” needs the ability to have multiple

courses scheduled in it at the same time; thus, the constraints must ignore this room.

Additionally, the gym is capable of accommodating two separate classes at the same time

provided they are taught by different instructors. Therefore, two courses (but no more) can be

scheduled in the room, but constraints must be enforced to prevent a third class at the same


3.4 Teacher Constraints

Constraints on teachers are very similar to room constraints but more restrictive.

Clearly, a teacher cannot lead two different classes at the same time, so the same no overlap

room constraint is applied for teachers. Additionally, to spread out a teacher’s day and week,

no one is allowed to teach more than three 40-minute or two 80-minutes classes in a row, and

each teacher is required to have a lunch break at a reasonable time in the day. This cannot be

done by simply preventing three 80-minute courses in a row in the algorithm as it does not

explicitly distinguish which mods are on each day. For example, it is allowable for a teacher to

end a day with two 80-minute classes and begin the following day with an 80-minute course

even though the algorithm interprets the teacher working three courses in a row. Thus, the

constraints must be created so that only within the mods of each day are restrictions placed to

prevent overloaded schedules.


3.5 Additional Schedule Constraints

Several more complicated constraints are used both to form a good schedule and

impose restrictions on the problem to reduce the large search space. The first constraint is that

meetings within a course phase must be grouped together. That is, if a course has two small

group phases (denoted phase 1 and phase 3) each with five sections and one large group

lecture (denoted phase 2), then all five sections in phase 1 must come before the large group

lecture followed by all five sections in phase 3 later that week. This is aided by the fact that

when filling out the department course requests, the phases are generally listed in the order

during the week they should occur. For instance, if a Physics course wants the large lecture

early in the week and lab sections at the end of the week, the large group will be phase 1, the

labs will be the last phase, and other small group meetings are placed in the remaining middle

phases. Similar to the previous constraint, a class will typically only allow one phase per day

(unless noted on the course request), so that students do not have the same course multiple

times in a day. Of course, multiple sections of a course will be on the same day, but each

student will only be in one of these sections.

3.6 Efficiency Constraints

Finally, a few additional constraints were included to improve the runtime of the

scheduling algorithm without removing any possible solutions. The primary enhancement

included is if two class meetings are exactly the same, then the algorithm arbitrary selects one

to be meeting to precede the other one. For the meetings to be the same, they must have the

same teacher(s), meet in the same room, and be part of the same phase of a course. Since the

meetings are the same, they are interchangeable in the master schedule, and there is no

practical difference for which one comes first or second. Nevertheless, the inclusion of this

constraint allows for the search size for solutions to be cut in half for every pair of course

meetings it applies to. While not completely necessary, this efficiency helps to identify

solutions or determine that none exist much more quickly and is extremely beneficial since it

can take several hours up to a day for the scheduling algorithm to fully execute.

3.7 Schedule Creation Interface

The interface for generating master schedules is one of the many administrator only

pages on the website and is very simple to use as shown in Figure 3. There are three inputs to

the page: the semester to schedule courses for, the maximum number of hours to run the

scheduling algorithm for, and the number of computation nodes that should be used. The

website is hosted on Microsoft Azure, so generating a schedule provisions separate

computation nodes in Azure to be used exclusively in executing the algorithm. A typical

schedule can be generated in approximately a few hours, and the algorithm will continue

creating new schedules until either it checks every combination of class meeting times or the

much more common case of the timeout being reached. The page displays a list of previously

run jobs with their status of “Running” or “Completed.” Clicking on a completed job shows a

list of potential master schedules and allows an administrator to apply a schedule to the online

system for the specified semester.


Figure 3. Web interface for generating schedules.

4 Conclusion

In this thesis, the concept of modular scheduling in high schools, specifically at Westside

High School was introduced. The department course requests were described that are used for

the input into the algorithm to create the unique schedule for each semester. Additionally, the

ideas and constraints used in the scheduling were thoroughly examined.

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