President Issue The Ordinance.: Ghazanfar Abbasi Batch 253

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Batch 253 Kashmir Issue By sir Fareed

Current Affairs Sir Fareed

Modi Government reversed special status of Kashmir.
Process Taken By Modi

Governor of Kashmir
Advice president of India to reverse special

President Issue the ordinance.

Indian parliament indorse it.

Under Article 370 and 35-A was the special status

Added in 1949. 370: with exception of defense, communication, foreign policy,

Currency, Kashmir is autonomous in other affairs.
Added In 1954 35-A: No Kashmiri Indian cannot acquire or citizenship, purchase
of land domicile of Kashmir
The supporter of moody they claim, that Modi process is constitutional right
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Batch 253 Kashmir Issue By sir Fareed
Article 370 was added in 1949, article
The special status was added through same procedure as omitted according to
constitution of India .When Kashmir Assembly is not in Power, but there is
Governor Raaj in Kashmir in Kashmir the Governor have power to advice for
issuance of ordinance and that he did and use constitutional power
Why special status, One county One Law arguments given by Moody Supporter
It cannot be reversed as same way, without will of Kashmir, elected assembly of
UN charter and Indian constitution violated by Modi Government for reversing
special status.
As per 1949 resolution of UNSC, Disputed territory neither India - Nor Pakistan
would be allowed to make demographic or geographic or constitutional changes
or illegal changes to the present statues of Kashmir until the Problem solve but
India change it for democratic changes
Laga lane Powers, then why the power of Kashmir has revered why not rest Parts
of Country.
Indian constitution clearly state that Special statues of Kashmir cannot be
reversed on center of its own
Reverse procedure
Kashmir Assembly would pass a resolution with 2/3 Majority Central Parliament
would pass resolution with 2/3 majority again and the president would sign it after
that it would deciare as Passed.
The governor of Kashmir is not elected representative, he does not popular will
but he is representative of Central Government
1. Legal Strategy
Strategy Adopted by Modi Kashmir has been divided in two Union
Territories but not in Special status 1. Jammu and Kashmir Vally with own
Governor Government and Assembly, a Governor would more powerful
here 2 Ladhak not elected Government and not Assembly but govern by
Deputy Governor It.
Administration law of Kashmir regard of Citizen has been amended
The Kashmiri Citizenship law amended, the restriction on sale and
Purchase on Land of Kashmir, with non-Kashmiris has been removed. The
can have Purchase land it means they can acquire the domicile the they will
be citizen of Kashmir, the deployment of more troops in held Kashmir ad
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Batch 253 Kashmir Issue By sir Fareed
imposed Curfew 5-8-2019. More than 800 thousand Deployed again 700
thousand deployed in held Kashmir. 100 Thousand More by Moody. They
excessive use of special protection act which was passed in Kashmir
Assembly at period of Farukh Abdullah that The Security forces can pick
and in person for two years
The security personally are not HRW in held Kashmir and having massive
policing power, Power of detention
Imposing Curfew since 5-August 2019 non stope curfew
Silent future of curfew
Communication block, Social media close, Telephone suspended in
majority of Areas even till now. Enforced dis appearance 13 Thousand
Kashmir picked by state. Mostly Politician and politically active youth
under special protection act. Using Kashmiri as human shield, Mask graves
all over Kashmir and go one.
2. Political Strategy
a. Kashmir Based Political policy. Make Kashmir corruption free
and bring development Started from Governor House of Kashmiri
Led by BJP, adopted propaganda. The political leadership of
Kashmir is corrupt it base not develop good work on socio economic
goal for People of Kashmir. Parties corrupt National Conference
PDP. The have billions of rupees. In order to bring social economic
development its important to bring center more power for that
special reversal is necessary for development. Moody did not bring
major project in Kashmir.
b. Narrative on National Level. Lead by Hindutwa. One country
One Law. No special statuses in 2014 election and also in 2019
election also said Hindutuwa means India is for Hindus not for
Muslims supremacy is only for Indian the electro BJP point. if
Elected BJP then it would reversal of special country
c. Foreign fun/ Diplomatic Game. Policy 1. Kashmir is in internal
part of India. No one would be allowed to intervene in our internal
affairs. 2. India has made changes to its on constitutions no one is
allowed to commute on our internal issues.
d. Diplomatic Policy of Moody Pakistan is responsible whatever is
happening in Kashmir, Pulwama Attack, air strikes surgical strikes
and ore Attack must in Pakistan. Not badly failed but demoralized.
Kashmir is bilateral issue with Pakistan and third party is not
allowed to involve in this issue, Bilateral with Shimla Agreement.
India would not allowed any one in internal matter and no country
have right to evolve in internal affairs of India
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Batch 253 Kashmir Issue By sir Fareed
Response of Kashmir
1. Kashmir Leaders come on same page Hurrian
2. PDP and National conference were pro media the leader of National
conference hard core supporter of India change said Moody Proved Jinnah
was right , that vision of Jinnah was right
3. Ex CM of Kashmir Mehbooba said that not going with Pakistan in 1947 on
the bases on two nation were blender of our elders, Protest Across in India
but did not intense because of communication gape
Retaliate response of
4. Opposition leader of Indian congress in Upper house. The prison of full
and Rest house have been declared as Jail and full many of Kashmiris
shifted to other Provinces of India. More than 13 Thousand Youth captured
in Kashmir.
5. Federal ex after visiting Kashmir said in press conference. Kashmir has
boycotted Indian products BBS w Service said there is complete curfews
in Kashmir and excessive use of power by moody government in Kashmir.
The response would come when curfews lifted and communication and
media freely work
The Response or World
UN security conducted 3 times meeting after 54 year to life the Kashmir
curfew and bilateral issue in Indian and Pakistan
ICJ said. Reversal of special status is not violation , Violation of Human right
UN Charter but also violation of Indian constitution we are waiting SC but stil
did not solve the case.
UNHCR. Amnesty International Moody Government is involved in massive
human right violation, with imposing curfew and Enforce disappearance and
mass grave and using as human shield. Etc.
JIN Watch Moody Government may be involved on Jino side in Kashmir
International Media BBC, CNN, Aljazeera the TV channels Newspaper, The
guardian, New York washing tone post they citizen on human right violation
with imposing curfew
International Leaders/ Government Unfortunately with exception Malaysia
Turkey and china not criticized the Moody Government for the issue like USA
UK Saudi etc. but said it is bilateral dispute and bilateral Issue
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Batch 253 Kashmir Issue By sir Fareed

Response of Pakistan
1. Public Mobilization: 1. Protest Conduct in Pakistan, In AJK from
Muzaffarabad to Border AJKLF Protest. 2. Protest Across the world in
London, New York, Brussel Manchester and Washington maximum driver
force was The Pakistani nationalist and People of Kashmir both side and
Sikh papulation was there in protests. Pakistani Publik did not use for
Mobiliation and also use there links in respected county
2. Outreaching the elite in their respective countries and Media
Outreach Across the world not only in Pakistan excessively, IN Washing
tone Post 8 page pictorial sides, The guardian In white time, also in paid
advertisement, BBC CNN, Aljazeera The economic and against india and
in favor of Kashmir access by Pakistan to write and Payed by Pakistan
embassies. Mosely focused on human right violation by India. Protested at
embassy of India and world Government offices
3. Excesses in International and regional organizations, access every
forum first of all 3 time called UNSC Meeting , 3 hours long meeting
UNSC, after 64 year, Speech of PM khan 2019 and 2020 on Kashmir
Factor. 3 Time called Kashmir community and Foreign Minister meeting
in OIC said Kashmir must be resolved on the basis of, report of UNHRC
and amnesty International report, and World economic forum Utilized two
time by Pakistan. Also SCO conference In November 2020.
Issue in European Union Parliament
4. Access World leaders. USA, UAE KSA< Germany, Canada, Turkey,
China etc. 70 country pluse were acess with Visits and UN Plotform and
Also Pakistan Use World economic forum and Side line meeting and
telephonic used to access.

Policies Perused by Pakistan

Hindutva. It Promote Hindu Nationalist and extremist ideology led by Hindu
nationalism that beloved India is for Hindus not for Muslims no other have right
for citizenship coming hard upon minority upon
This ideology is not just for demographics but also geographically, that Athan
Baharata or Maha Bharat means the territory is only for India but other have not
this territorial expansion. Military expansion. Indian expend behand its border to
Afghanistan and all the south Asian countries Myanmar etc. this concept was
given by 1923 and applied by RSS Rasha sawim sawaksung taken by BJP
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Batch 253 Kashmir Issue By sir Fareed
RSS Agenda Practice by BJP Bharatiya Janta Party 1985 to 1989 Politics was
on Ram mender against Babri Masjid and it was done in 1990 and its going to be
build Ram Mender and said its historical day Modi said. Modi is going to be
hard for Muslims.
CAA Citizenship amendment act was amended anyone who shifted till 2015 but
no Muslim or Christine have this right. Citizenship must prove on the basis with
Citizen 2020 Amendment Act started from ASAM Roemgian Muslims and
Bengali Muslims. Being ask to prove the citizenship. Amit Shah the interior
minister said After This act applied on the Muslim of bangal
Construction on Baburi masjid by Moody first stone for Ram mender. Muslims
were even separated by extremist and said Muslim come with Corona in India.
1. Aronthi row “ India is become Israel and Kashmir is just like going to
be palatine”
2. Modi Proved Jinnah Right what Jah predict in 1940 Shashi
3. Farooq Abdullah. Modi Proved Jinnah right, PDP chief said Not going with
Pak in 1947, on the basis of two nation theory was blender from our elders,
which present Generation is suffering
Hard image begun for India and Soft for Pakistan, Human right violation by
India in Kashmir, Pakistan to perused
Amenity two report, 1 report form UNHR. Excision of human right violation
by Modi
Geno Side Watch. Modi Government is involve in violation of Kashmir
Civil Society and leadership Statement of Ghulam Nabi and Congress leaders,
one leader said India is Israel and Kashmir is Palestine
To Bring Demographic Change in Held Kashmir to reverse special status.
1. Land of Muslim converted to Hindu majority state according to Hindutwa.
It was not possible under article and center role change
2. Ethnic Killing of Muslims Curfew 1 Year, Exceeds of food shortage
3. To remove restriction of Domicile. To provide opportunity Indian to
settled down in Kashmir Purchase Property and become a citizen. I order
to get the result of referendum of future in Kashmir in fever of India. India
Know well Sooner or later it has to conduct to Referendum but due to this
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Batch 253 Kashmir Issue By sir Fareed
India is going for Demographic change then it will b. then India will be UN
permanent member after referendum
As per UN resolution 1949 India must conduct referendum and India know if it
does the result will not in favor of Kashmir, India knows that that if UN charter
violated then she will not be permanent member of UN
Before bring reformed India want to change geographical for result to fever India
not Pakistan. India clam that bilateral according to Shimla agreement but article
2 section b of the Shimla Agreement clearly state No Party to allow for
demographical change in Kashmir or statues can be change
Pakistan Must Remind UN to play its role and repeatedly repeat the case in
international organization like UN.
Pakistan would not negotiation until an unless Kashmir leaders did not involve in

253 Batch topics done

Pak-US relation
2. Afghan Peace Process
3. Middle East
a. Chahbahar deal
b. Abraham Deal
c. Jerusalem
4. US-China trade war
a. Economic competition
b. Currency war
d. Geo-economic and Geo strategic
e. Blame Game
5. Covid-19
6. Politics in Climate Change
7.water crisis
8 Kashmir issue

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