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EPITHELIUM Lateral Surface Features : Cell Junctions

Tissues  Tight junctions (zona occludens) – close off

 Cells work together in functionally related intercellular space
groups called tissues o Found at apical region of most epithelial types
 Types of tissues: o Some proteins in plasma membrane of adjacent
1. Epithelial – lining and covering cells are fused
2. Connective – support o Prevent molecules from passing between cells
3. Muscle – movement of epithelial tissue
4. Nervous – control Tight Junction

Epithelial Tissue
General Characteristics & Functions
 Covers a body surface or lines a body cavity
 Forms most glands
 Functions of epithelium
 Protection
 Absorption, secretion, and ion transport
 Filtration
 Forms slippery surfaces

Special Characteristics of Epithelia  Adherens junctions (zonula adherens) – anchoring

Cellularity junction
 cells are in close contact with each other with o Transmembrane linker proteins attach to actin
little or no intercellular space between them microfilaments of the cytoskeleton and bind
Specialized contacts adjacent cells
 may have junctions for both attachment and o Along with tight junctions, form the tight
communication junctional complex around apical lateral borders
Polarity of epithelial tissues
 epithelial tissues always have an apical and  Desmosome
basal surface o two disc-like plaques connected across
Support by connective tissue intercellular space
 at the basal surface, both the epithelial tissue - Plaques of adjoining cells are joined by
and the connective tissue contribute to the proteins called cadherins
basement membrane - Proteins interdigitate into extracellular space
Avascular - Intermediate filaments insert into plaques
 nutrients must diffuse from cytoplasmic side
 epithelial tissues have a high capacity for

Special Characteristics of Epithelia

 Gap Junction
o Gap junctions – passageway between two
adjacent cells
Lateral Surface Features - Let small molecules move directly between
Factors holding epithelial cells together neighboring cells
o Adhesion proteins link plasma membranes of - Cells are connected by hollow cylinders of
adjacent cells protein
o Contours of adjacent cell membranes
o Special cell junctions
- Tight Junctions
- Adherens Junctions
- Desmosomes
 Description
Basal Feature: The Basal Lamina o single layer of flat cells with disc-shaped nuclei
 Noncellular supporting sheet between the  Special types
epithelium and the connective tissue deep to it o Endothelium (inner covering)
 Consists of proteins secreted by the epithelial - slick lining of hollow organs
cells o Mesothelium (middle covering)
 Functions: - Lines peritoneal, pleural, and pericardial cavities
o Acts as a selective filter, determining which - Covers visceral organs of those cavities
molecules from capillaries enter the  Function
epithelium o Passage of materials by passive diffusion and
o Acts as scaffolding along which regenerating filtration
epithelial cells can migrate o Secretes lubricating substances in serosae
 Basal lamina and reticular layers of the underlying  Location
connective tissue deep to it form the basement o Renal corpuscles
membrane o Alveoli of lungs
o Lining of heart, blood and lymphatic vessels
Classifications & Naming of Epithelia o Lining of ventral body cavity (serosae)
 First name of tissue indicates number of layers
o Simple – one layer of cells

o Stratified – more than one

layer of cells.

 Last name of tissue describes shape of cells

o Squamous – cells wider
than tall (plate or “scale” like)

lining the
walls of the
o Cuboidal – cells are as wide capillary
as tall, as in cubes

Simple Cuboidal Epithelium

 Description
o single layer of cube-like cells with large,
o Columnar – cells are taller than spherical central nuclei
they are wide, like columns  Function
o secretion and absorption
 Location
o kidney tubules, secretory portions of small
glands, ovary & thyroid follicles

Naming Epithelia
 Naming the epithelia includes both the layers (first)
and the shape of the cells (second)
o i.e. stratified cuboidal epithelium
 The name may also include any accessory structures
o Goblet cells
o Cilia
o Keratin Simple Columnar Epithelium
 Special epithelial tissues (don’t follow naming  Description
convention) o single layer of column-shaped (rectangular) cells
o Psuedostratified with oval nuclei
o Transitional - Some bear cilia at their apical surface
- May contain goblet cells
Simple Squamous Epithelium
oAbsorption; secretion of mucus, enzymes, and  Major role is protection
other substances  Are named according to the shape of cells at apical
o Ciliated type propels mucus or reproductive cells layer
by ciliary action Stratified Squamous Epithelium
 Location  Description
o Non-ciliated form o Many layers of cells – squamous in shape
- Lines digestive tract, gallbladder, ducts of o Deeper layers of cells appear cuboidal or
some glands columnar
o Ciliated form o Thickest epithelial tissue – adapted for
- Lines small bronchi, uterine tubes, uterus protection
 Specific types
o Keratinized – contain the protective protein
- Surface cells are dead and full of keratin
o Non-keratinized – forms moist lining of body
 Function
o Protects underlying tissues in
areas subject to abrasion
 Location
o Keratinized – forms epidermis
o Non-keratinized – forms lining of esophagus,
mouth, and vagina

Pseudostratified Columnar Epithelium

 Description
o All cells originate at basement membrane
o Only tall cells reach the apical surface
o May contain goblet cells and bear cilia
o Nuclei lie at varying heights within cells
- Gives false impression of stratification
 Function
o secretion of mucus; propulsion of mucus by cilia
 Locations
o Non-ciliated type
- Ducts of male reproductive tubes
- Ducts of large glands Transitional Epithelium
o Ciliated variety  Description
- Lines trachea and most of upper respiratory o Basal cells usually cuboidal or columnar
tract o Superficial cells dome-shaped or squamous
 Function
o stretches and permits distension of urinary
 Location
o Lines ureters, urinary bladder and part of

 Contain two or more layers of cells
 Regenerate from below
 Arise during fetal life from covering epithelia by Unicellular: Goblet Cells
o Proliferation of cells and their down growth
into the underlying connective tissue
o Followed by further differentiation

Multicellular: Pancreas

- Based on Path of Release of their Products
a. Exocrine Gland
b. Endocrine Gland

Exocrine Gland
 Glands that retain their connection with surface
epithelium  Multicellular Exocrine Gland
 Connection is transformed into tubular ducts - Based on the Number of Ducts
lined with epithelial cells through which the Simple glands
secretions pass to reach the surface o Have only one unbranched duct
 Secretory portion and ducts Compound glands
 Examples: sweat gland, sebaceous gland, o Have ducts with 2 or more branches
salivary gland, mammary gland
 Multicellular Exocrine Gland
Types of Exocrine Gland - Based on the Secretory Portion
- Based on the Number of Cells o Tubular: short or long and coiled
 Unicellular o Acinar: round or globular
o Consist of isolated glandular cells - Either type may be branched
o Example: goblet cells o Compound: tubular, acinar or tubuloacinar
 Multicellular
o Composed of cluster of cells (acinar)
o Secretory portion and ductal portion
o Examples: salivary gland, exocrine

 Unicellular Exocrine Glands

- (The Goblet Cell)
o Goblet cells produce mucin
o Mucin + water  mucus
o Protects and lubricates many internal body
Exocrine: Intestinal Glands
Simple Tubular
 Exocrine: Gastric Gland Multicellular Exocrine Glands
Simple Branched Tubular  Classified by structure (branching & shape) of duct
 Can also be classified by mode or type of secretion
o Merocrine secretion – secretory vesicles
released via exocytosis (saliviary glands)
o Apocrine secretion – apical portion of the cell is
lost, cytoplasm + secretory product (mammary
o Holocrine secretion – entire cell is destroyed
during secretion (sebaceous gland)
 Exocrine: Sweat Gland
Simple Coiled Tubular

 Exocrine: Sebaceous Gland

Simple Branched Acinar

 May also be classified by types of secretions from

exocrine glands
o Serous
- mostly water but also contains some
- Ex. parotid glands, pancreas
o Mucous
- mucus secretions
 Exocrine: Mammary Gland - Ex. sublingual glands, goblet cells
Compound Tubuloalveolar o Mixed
- serous & mucus combined
- Ex. submandibular gland

 Serous Cells
o Polyhedral or pyramidal cells
o Central rounded nuclei
o Small lumen
o Watery secretions
o Examples: pancreas, parotid salivary glands

Serous Cells: Pancreas

 Exocrine: Pancreas
Compound Acinar
 Mucous Cells
o Expanded apical end filled with pale-staining
droplets of strongly hydrophilic
glycoproteins called mucin
o Nucleus located at the cell base
o Larger lumen
o Mucus secretion
o Example: goblet cell

Mucous Cells: Salivary Gland

 Control of Glandular Activity

o Hormonal
- Thyroid, adrenal cortex, ovary, testes
o Humoral
- Parathyroid
o Neural
- Adrenal medulla, salivary glands

 Covering and Lining Membranes

 Mixed Serous and Mucous o Combine epithelial tissues and connective
o Cover broad areas within body
o Consist of epithelial sheet plus underlying
connective tissue

 Cutaneous membrane – skin
 Mucous membrane
o Lines hollow organs that open to surface of
o An epithelial sheet underlain with layer of
Endocrine Gland lamina propria
 Gland whose connection with the surface is lost  Serous membrane – slippery membranes
during development o Simple squamous epithelium lying on areolar
 Release their products into the bloodstream for connective tissue
transport to target tissues o Line closed cavities
 Endocrine Gland - Pleural, peritoneal, and pericardial cavities
- 2 Types (based on arrangement of cells)  Synovial membranes – lining joint cavities
o Those that form anastomosing cords interspersed o Loose connective (areolar) + simple squamous
between dilated blood capillaries epithelium
- Examples: adrenals, parathyroid, anterior o Secretes fluid (synovial fluid) which lubricates,
pituitary protects & cushions joint structures
o Those arranged as vesicles or follicles filled with
noncellular materials
- Example: thyroid gland

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