Cash Book: Module

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Journal and Other

Subsidiary Books


In the preceding lesson you have already learnt that business transactions are recorded
in Journal. In the case of a small business concern, where the number of business
transactions are less, the work relating to Journalizing of all business transactions is
easy. As the business grows, the number of business transactions increase and
recording all the transactions only in the Journal becomes very inconvenient and
cumbersome. It needs to be divided into many books. There are various kinds of
journals that are maintained where the transactions are recorded according to their
nature, such as Cash Book for cash transactions, Sales Book for credit sales of
goods; Purchase Book for credit purchases of goods and so on. In this lesson you
will learn about Cash Book, its meaning and preparation.

After studying this lesson, you will be able to:
• understand the meaning of Cash Book;
• enumerate the types of Cash Books;
• state the meaning of and prepare a Simple Cash Book;
• state the meaning and prepare a Cash Book with Bank Column and
• describe the meaning of Petty Cash Book and its preparation.
Suppose you received your first salary in cash from your employer. Also you got
back some money that you had given to your friend as loan. You spent this money in
buying mobile phone and clothes and went to see movie with your friends. You
purchased some toys for your nephew. As per habit you noted down all receipts and
payments in your note book. At the end of the month, you may wish to calculate the
balance of cash in the note book and compared it with the actual cash balance with
you. You may maintain a separate book to record these items of receipts and
payments. Such a book will be known as Cash Book.

MODULE - II Cash Book
Journal and Other
Subsidiary Books Cash Book is a book of account maintained for recording transactions involving
receipt and payment of cash. It is also one of the books of original entry. When a
cash book is maintained, cash transactions are not recorded in the Journal, and no
cash or bank account is required to be maintained in the ledger as Cash Book
serves the purpose of Cash Account also.
Cash Books are of the following types:
• Simple Cash Book.
• Bank Column Cash Book.
• Petty Cash Book.
Simple Cash Book
This records only cash receipts and cash payments. It has two sides, namely
debit and credit. Cash receipts are recorded on the debit side i.e. left hand side
and cash payments are recorded on the credit side i.e. right hand side. In a
simple cash book there is only one amount column each on its debit side and
on the credit side. The format of a Simple Cash Book is as under:
Format of a Simple Cash Book
Dr. Cr.
Receipts Payments
Date Particulars V. L.F. Amount Date Particulars V. L.F. Amount
No. (`) No. (`)

Column-wise explanation is as follows:

In this column Year, Month and Date of transactions are recorded in
chronological order.
The name of the account under which cash has been received or payment has
been made is written. Account pertaining to the receipts of cash is recorded on
the debit side and those pertaining to cash payments on the credit side.
Voucher No. (V. No.)
The document supporting a transaction is called a voucher. Generally, a voucher
has a serial number which is written in this column.

Cash Book MODULE - II
Journal and Other
Ledger Folio Subsidiary Books
In this column is recorded the page number of the ledger book on which relevant
entry is posted.
Amount column on debit side records cash received where as, amount column
on credit side records cash payments. Notes
Steps in Preparation of Simple Cash Book
i. On the debit side in the particulars column, the name of the account, form
which cash is received, is recorded.
ii. On the credit side, in the particulars column the name of account for which
cash is paid, is recorded.
iii. In the amount column of debit side the amount of cash received is recorded
and in the amount column of credit side the amount of cash paid is recorded.
iv. At the end of the period, the total of the debit side of the cash book is
compared with the total of the credit side and the difference if any, is entered
on the credit side of the cash book under the particulars column as balance
v. In case of Simple Cash Book, the total of debit side is generally more than
the total of the credit side, since the payment can never exceed the available
cash. The difference is written in the amount column and total of both the
sides of cash book becomes equal.
vi. The closing balance of the credit side if any becomes the opening balance
for the next period and is written as Balance b/d on the Debit side of the
Cash Book for the next period.
Illustration 1
Enter the following transactions in the cash book of M/s Ashok Traders:
Date Details Amount
2011 `
Dec. 01 Cash in Hand 30,000
Dec. 05 Cash received from Tanvi 12,000
Dec. 08 Insurance Premium Paid 2,500
Dec. 10 Furniture Purchased 7,000
Dec. 14 Sold Goods for cash 16,500
Dec. 18 Purchased Goods from Mithun for cash 26,000
Dec. 22 Cash paid to Yash 3,200
Dec. 25 Sold Goods to Vineet for cash 18,700
Dec. 28 Cash Deposited into Bank 6,000
Dec. 30 Rent paid 4,000
Dec. 31 Salary paid 7,000

MODULE - II Cash Book
Journal and Other
Subsidiary Books Solution
Dr. Cash Book of M/s Ashok Traders Cr.
Receipts Payments
Date Particulars V. L.F. Amount Date Particulars V. L.F. Amount
2011 No. ( ` ) 2011 No. (`)
Dec.01 Balance b/d 30,000 Dec. 08 Insurance
Dec.05 Tanvi 12,000 Premium A/c 2,500
Dec.14 Sales A/c 16,500 Dec. 10 Furniture A/c 7,000
Dec.25 Sales A/c 18,700 Dec. 18 Purchases A/c 26,000
Dec. 22 Yash 3,200
Dec. 28 Bank A/c 6,000
Dec. 30 Rent A/c 4,000
Dec. 31 Salary A/c 7,000
Dec. 31 Balance c/d 21,500
2012 77,200 77,200
Jan. 01 Balance b/d 21,500

Illustration 2
Record the following transactions in a Simple Cash Book of M/s Suresh & Co.
Date Details Amount
2012 (`)
Jan. 01 Cash in Hand 22,000
Jan. 05 Received from Ramesh (after allowing a discount ` 200) 3,000
Jan. 07 Paid Rent 300
Jan. 08 Sold Goods 3,000
Jan. 10 Paid Sanjay 7,000
Jan. 27 Purchased Furniture 2,000
Jan. 31 Paid Salaries 1,000
Dr. Cash Book of M/s Suresh & Co. Cr.
Receipts Payments
Date Particulars V. L.F. Amount Date Particulars V. L.F. Amount
2012 No. ( ` ) 2012 No. (`)
Jan.01 Balance b/d 22,000 Jan. 07 Rent A/c 300
Jan.05 Ramesh 3,000 Jan. 10 Sanjay 7,000
Jan.08 Sales A/c 3,000 Jan. 27 Furniture A/c 2,000
Jan. 31 Salary 1,000
Jan. 31 Balance c/d 17,700
28,000 28,000
Feb.01 Balance b/d 17,700

Note : Jan. 05 entry of discount will not be shown in Cash Book but it will be
shown seprately in journal proper.

Cash Book MODULE - II
Journal and Other
Illustration 3 Subsidiary Books
Record the following in the Cash Book of Ranveet and show the balance:
Date Details Amount
2012 (`)
Oct. 01 Balance of cash in hand 25,000 Notes
Oct.08 Purchased goods for cash from X 3,200
Oct. 15 Sold goods to Y 4,800
Oct. 20 Received commission 650
Oct. 20 Paid commission 550
Oct. 28 Paid to Suresh on account 7,150
Oct. 31 Paid salary to the office clerk `1,000and office rent ` 600
Cash Books of Ravneet
Dr. Cr.
Receipts Payments
Date Particulars V. L.F. Amount Date Particulars V. L.F. Amount
2012 No. ( ` ) 2012 No. (`)
Oct. 1 Balance b/d 25,000 Oct. 8 Purchases A/c 3,200
Oct.20 Commission A/c 650 Oct. 20 Commission A/c 550
Oct. 28 Suresh 7,150
Oct. 31 Salary A/c 1,000
Oct. 31 Office Rent A/c 600
Oct. 31 Balance c/d 13,150
25,650 25,650
Nov.1 Balance b/d 13,150

Note : Transaction dated Oct. 15 has not been recorded in the cash book because
it is a credit transaction.


Fill in the blanks :
i. Simple cash book records only cash ______and cash _____
ii. In a simple cash book all ______ are recorded in debit side and all
_______ are recorded in credit side.
iii. The total of _______side of the simple column cash book is generally more
than the total of its _____side.
iv. Closing balance of cash book becomes the _______ balance of next

MODULE - II Cash Book
Journal and Other
Subsidiary Books Illustration 4
Prepare Cash Book of Kuldeep for the month of April 2011 from the following
particulars :
Date Details Amount
Notes 2012 (`)
Apr. 01 Cash in hand 17,600
Apr. 03 Purchased Goods for cash from Santosh 7,500
Apr. 06 Sold Goods to Rohit 6,000
Apr. 10 Wages paid in cash 500
Apr. 15 Cash paid to Naveen 3,500
Apr. 17 Cash sales 10,000
Apr. 19 Commission paid 700
Apr. 21 Cash received from Tanya 1,500
Apr. 25 Furniture Purchased for cash 1,700
Apr. 28 Rent paid 3,000
Apr. 30 Paid Electricity bill in cash 1,300
Cash Book of Kuldeep
Dr. Cr.
Receipts Payments
Date Particulars V. L.F. Amount Date Particulars V. L.F. Amount
2012 No. ( ` ) 2012 No. (`)
Apr. 1 Balance b/d 17,600 Apr. 03 Purchases A/c 7,500
Apr.17 Sales A/c 10,000 Apr. 10 Wages A/c 500
Apr.21 Tanya 1,500 Apr. 15 Naveen 3,500
Apr. 19 Commission A/c 700
Apr. 25 Furniture A/c 1,700
Apr. 28 Rent A/c 3,000
Apr. 30 Elect. Bill A/c 1,300
Apr. 30 Balance c/d 10,900
29,100 29,100
May 01 Balance b/d 10,900

Note: Credit transactions are not recorded in cash Book (i.e. a credit sales to Rohit
`6000 on April 6, 2012).

Illustration 5
Naresh started a business with `20,000 on 1st April 2012. Out of this he deposited
`15,000 into his Bank Account. His cash transactions during the week were:

Cash Book MODULE - II
Journal and Other
Date Details Amount Subsidiary Books
2012 (`)
Apr.01 Purchased stationery for cash 100
Apr.01 Purchased goods for cash 2,500
Apr.02 Cash sales 1,500
Apr.03 Cash Received from Shiv on account 1,000 Notes
Apr.04 Paid to Ram 2,200
Apr.05 Paid for advertisement 400
Apr.06 Cash sales 1,800
Apr.06 Purchased old machinery for cash 800
Cash Book of Naresh
Dr. Cr.
Receipts Payments
Date Particulars V. L.F. Amount Date Particulars V. L.F. Amount
2012 No. ( ` ) 2012 No. (`)
Apr. 01 Capital A/c 20,000 Apr. 01 Bank A/c 15,000
Apr. 02 Sales A/c 1,500 Apr. 01 Stationery A/c 100
Apr. 03 Shiv 1,000 Apr. 01 Purchases A/c 2,500
Apr. 06 Sales A/c 1,800 Apr. 04 Ram 2,200
Apr. 05 Advertisement A/c 400
Apr. 06 Machinery A/c 800
Apr. 06 Balance c/d 3,300
24,300 24,300
Apr. 07 Balance b/d 3,300


I. Multiple Choice Questions
i. Simple Cash Book generally shows :
a) Debit or Credit balances b) Credit balance
c) Debit balance d) Both the balances
ii. Cash book is a :
a) Subsidiary journal b) Subsidiary journal and ledger
c) Ledger only d) None of these
iii. Cash sales are recorded in :
a) Sales book b) Cash book
c) Journal d) None of these
iv. The Cash Book records :
a)All cash receipts & payment b) Cash and credit sales of goods
c) Only cash receipts d) None of these

MODULE - II Cash Book
Journal and Other
Subsidiary Books v. The balance in the Cash Book is :
a) An expense b) A profit c) An asset d) A liability
vi. If Sonu has sold goods for cash, the entry will be recorded :
a) In the Cash Book b) In the Sales Book
c) In the proper Journal d) None of the above
vii. Cash Book is a part of :
a) Journal b) Ledger
c) both Journal & Ledger d) None of the above
II. Some transactions are given below. On which side of the Cash Book
would you record them? Put the tick mark in appropriate column.
S.No. Transactions Debit Side Credit Side
(i) Mukesh started business
with cash
(ii) Goods purchased for cash
(iii) Goods sold for cash
(iv) Closing cash balance
(v) Cash received from Ankur


When the number of bank transactions are large in an organization, it is necessary to
have a separate book to record bank transactions. Instead of having a separate
book to record Bank transactions, a Bank column is added on each side of the
Simple Cash Book. This type of cash book is known as Bank column Cash
Book. All payments into Bank are recorded on the debit side and all withdrawals
/ payments through the Bank are recorded on the credit side of the cash book.
The format of a Bank column Cash Book is as under:
Format of a Bank Column Cash Book
Dr. Cr.
Receipts Payments
Date Particulars L.F. Cash Bank Date Particulars L.F. Cash Bank
(`) (`) (`) (`)

Accounting Technique
i) Payment in cash or by cheque : Payment by cheque will be entered in the
Bank column and those payments made in cash will be written in the cash
column, on the credit side.

Cash Book MODULE - II
Journal and Other
ii) Received Cash or Cheque : Cheque received will be recorded in the Subsidiary Books
Bank column and cash received will be recorded in the cash column,
on the debit side.
iii) Cash withdrawn from Bank : There are two accounts involved in it. Firstly,
the amount of cash at bank will reduce and secondly the amount of cash in
hand will increase. It will first be written on the debit side in the cash column Notes
and then on the credit side in ‘bank column’. This is because both the accounts
involved in this transaction are there in this Cash Book viz. – Cash Account
and Bank Account. As per double entry system one account will be debited
and the other account will be credited. Cash in hand is increasing and ‘Cash
at Bank’ is decreasing. Therefore, on the credit side in the particulars column
“By Cash” will be written and the amount will be entered in the bank column,
on the debit side in the particulars column ‘To Bank’ will be written and the
amount will be entered in the “Cash Column”. This is called a ‘Contra-
Entry’ i.e., entry in both sides of the Cash Book once in the ‘Cash Column’
and once in the ‘Bank Column’. This fact is denoted by writing letter (C) in
the L.F. columns on both sides.
iv) Cash Paid-into Bank : This will also be recorded through a contra entry
as explained above. Here also there are two accounts involved – ‘Cash in
hand’ and ‘Cash at Bank’. First of all amount of cash in hand will reduce
and secondly the amount of cash at bank will increase. Both these accounts
are there in this Cash Book. Cash at bank is increasing therefore, the
amount will be written in the bank column on the debit side by writing ‘To
Cash’ in the particulars column. Cash in hand is reducing therefore, the
amount will be written in the cash column on the credit side by writing ‘By
Bank’ in the particulars column. As it is a contra entry letter (C) will be
written in the L.F. column on both sides.
v) Dishonors of a Cheque : (a) If any cheque sent to the bank is dishonored
and is sent back by the bank, its amount will be entered in the ‘bank
column’ on the credit side. In the particulars column the name of the
party, who gave the cheque, will be written. (b) If any cheque issued by
the firm to a creditor is dishonored and is returned by the creditor, it
will be entered in the bank column on the debit side. The name of the
creditor will be written in the particulars column.
vi) Bank Charges : Bank charge some money for the services provided by it.
Every half year some amount is charged by them. This amount will be
written in the bank column on the credit side because cash at bank is reduced.
In the particulars column ‘By Bank Charges Account’ will be written.
vii) Cheques Received but not Sent to Bank : Such cheques should be
crossed and kept under lock and key and should be straight away entered

MODULE - II Cash Book
Journal and Other
Subsidiary Books into bank column the next day when it is sent to bank. As the cheque is
crossed, there is no danger of its being misused. This is the best course.
However, if the cheque is treated as cash and is entered in the cash
column on the day it is received, the cash in hand will increase which
will be different from the actual cash in hand. This is not desirable.
Notes Moreover, next day it will have to be sent to the bank by passing a
contra-entry. This increases the work unnecessarily. Therefore, the first
approach is the best.
viii) Endorsement of cheque : If a received cheque is to be endorsed, then it
is not deposited in bank account but is to be recorded in cash column Dr.
side of Cash Book and simultaneously in cash column Cr side of Cash
ix) Balancing the Cash Book : Both the ‘cash’ column and the ‘bank’ column
will be balanced.
a. Total of the debit side of ‘Cash’ column will generally be more
than the total of credit side of cash column. It will be totalled first
and the same total will be written just opposite to it in the cash
column on the credit side. The balance will be calculated on the
credit side above the total by writing “By Balance c/d” in the
particulars column. This balance will be carried forward to the
next date and will be taken to the debit side below the total and
‘To Balance b/d’ will be written in the particulars column.
b. In case of bank column, the total of any side may be more. In case
the debit side bank column is more, it means that there is a balance
in the bank. The balancing will be done just in the same way as in
the case of cash column as described above.
If the total of credit side bank column is more this means that there is an overdraft
from the bank. In this case first total the bank column on the credit side. Then put the
same total in the bank column on the debit side in front of each other. The balance
will be calculated on the debit side above the total and phrase, ‘To Balance c/d’ will
be written in the particulars column. This balance of overdraft will be carried to the
next date on the credit side below the total of the bank column and the phrase ‘By
Balance b/d’ will be written in the particulars column.
Illustration 6
Enter the following transactions in the Two Column Cash Book of Ratan for the
month of June 2012 :

Cash Book MODULE - II
Journal and Other
Date Detail Amount Subsidiary Books
2012 (`)
June 1 Balance of Cash in hand 12,000
June 1 Balance of Cash at Bank 1,80,000
June 2 Bought goods by cheque 15,000
June 4 Bought goods by cash 8,000 Notes
June 5 Cash Sales 28,000
June 8 Sold goods by cheque 10,000
June 9 Paid wages in cash 400
June 15 Paid salaries by cheque 8,000
June 20 Paid cash into Bank 20,000
June 21 Paid for stationery by cheque 1,200
June 21 Paid to Naresh by cheque 1,280
June 22 Cash purchases 8,000
June 23 Received a cheque from Gopal and deposited
the same into bank 1,880
June 24 Withdrew cash from bank 35,000
June 26 Drawings in cash for personal use 4,000
June 28 Purchases by cheque 9,500
June 29 Received cheque from Sohan 4,600
June 30 Paid rent by cheque for the month 1,200
Cash Book of Ratan
Dr. Cr.
Receipts Payments
Date Particulars L.F. Cash Bank Date Particulars L.F. Cash Bank
2012 (Rs.) (Rs.) 2012 (Rs.) (Rs.)
June1 Balance b/d 12,000 1,80,000 June2 Purchase A/c --- 15,000
June5 Sales A/c 28,000 June4 Purchase A/c 8,000
June8 Sales A/c 10,000 June9 Wages A/c 400
June20 Cash A/c (C) 20,000 June15 Salaries A/c 8,000
June23 Gopal 1,880 June20 Bank A/c (C) 20,000
June24 Bank A/c (C) 35,000 June21 Stationery A/c 1,200
June29 Sohan 4,600 June21 Naresh 1,280
June22 Purchase A/c 8,000
June24 Cash A/c (C) 35,000
June26 Drawings A/c 4,000
June28 Purchases A/c 9,500
June30 Rent A/c 1,200
June30 Balance c/d 34,600 1,45,300
75,000 2,16,480 75,000 2,16,480
July 1 Balance c/d 34,600 1,45,300

MODULE - II Cash Book
Journal and Other
Subsidiary Books 7.4 PETTY CASH BOOK
The Business enterprises which prefer to maintain Bank column cash book feel
the necessity of having another Cash book for recording small payments. A
large number of repetitive small payments such as, for conveyance, cartage,
postage, telegrams, courier and other expenses are made. These organizations
appoint an assistant to the Head Cashier. The appointed assistant is known as
petty cashier. He makes payments of these expenses and maintains a separate
cash book to record these transactions. Such a cash book is called Petty Cash
The petty Cash Book is generally prepared on imprest basis. Under this system initially
a fixed amount is given to the petty cashier. He makes the petty payments out of this
amount. When he uses approximately the whole amount he hands over the payment
vouchers to the main cashier and the main cashier reimburses the total amount of
payments to the petty cashier. The format of the petty Cash Book is given below:
Date Particulars Amt. Conveyance Cartage Postage Telegram RefreshmentC o u r i e r Total
(`) (`) (`) (`) (`) (`) (`) (`)

Illustration 7
On 1.1.2012 an imprest of `500 was given by the main cashier to the petty cashier.
The petty cashier made the following payments:
Date Detail Amount
2012 (`)
Jan 1 Paid Conveyance 130
Jan 2 Paid for refreshments 45
Jan 3 Paid for postage stamps 45
Jan 15 Paid for courier 35
Jan 17 Paid for telegram 25
Jan 18 Paid for cartage 12
Jan 20 Paid for conveyance 21
Jan 21 Paid cartage 57
Jan 27 Paid for refreshment 28
Jan 28 Paid for Courier 14
Prepare a Petty Cash Book.

Cash Book MODULE - II
Journal and Other
Solution Subsidiary Books
Petty Cash Book
Date Particulars Amt. Conveyance Cartage Postage Telegram Refreshment Courier Total
2012 (`) (`) (`) (`) (`) (`) (`) (`)
Jan.1 Cash 500
Jan.1 Coneveyance 130 130
Jan.2 Refreshment 45 45
Jan.3 Postage Stamp 45 45
Jan.15 Courier 35 35
Jan.17 Telegram 25 25
Jan.18 Cartage 12 12
Jan.20 Conevyance 21 21
Jan.21 Cartage 57 57
Jan.27 Refreshment 28 28
Jan.28 Courier 14 14
Jan.28 Total 500 151 69 45 25 73 49 412
Balance 88
500 500
Jan.29 Balance b/d 88
Feb.01 Cash 412


Fill in the blanks with suitable word/words:
i. In Bank column cash book , Bank and _________ columns are shown on
each side.
ii. The Bank column cash book records transactions relating to _______as
well as _______.
iii. A separate cash book maintained to record small transactions is


• Cash Book is a Book in which all cash receipts and cash payments are
recorded. It is also a book of original entry.
Type of Cash Book

Simple Cash Book Bank Column Cash Book Petty Cash Book

MODULE - II Cash Book
Journal and Other
Subsidiary Books • Simple Cash Book
A Simple Cash Book records only cash receipts and cash payments. It has
two sides, namely debit and credit.
• Bank Column Cash Book
In this type of Cash Book, Bank and Cash columns are shown on
Notes each side.
• Petty Cash Book : In business organizations, a large number of repetitive
small payments such as, for conveyance, cartage, postage, telegrams and
other expenses are made. These organizations appoint an assistant to the
Head Cashier. The so appointed cashier is known as petty cashier. He makes
payment of these expenses and maintains a separate cash book to record
these transactions. Such a cash book is called Petty Cash Book.

1. What is meant by a Cash Book? Explain the types of Cash Book.
2. What is meant by a ‘Bank Column Cash Book’ ? Draw the format of
‘Bank Column Cash Book’.
3. What do you mean by Petty Cash Book?
4. State the meaning of a ‘Contra Entry’ with the help of an example.
5. Enter the following transactions in the Simple Cash Book of M/s Ronark
Date Details Amount
2012 (`)
Jun. 01 Started Business with cash 30,000
Jun. 02 Goods purchased for Cash 10,000
Jun. 03 Furniture Purchased 1,000
Jun. 06 Goods Sold for Cash 7,000
Jun. 09 Cartage Paid 200
Jun. 10 Postage Paid 100
Jun. 12 Cash Sales 3,000
Jun. 14 Cash withdrawn for Personal use 2,000
Jun.18 Deposited into Bank 10,000
Jun. 22 Goods purchased for Cash 13,000
Jun. 25 Wages paid 500
Jun. 27 Rent Paid 3,000
Jun. 28 Cash Sales 2,000

Cash Book MODULE - II
Journal and Other
6. Enter the following in Srinath’s cash book and show the balance: Subsidiary Books
Date Details Amount
2012 (`)
Oct. 01 Balance of cash in hand 25,000
Oct. 08 Purchased goods for cash from X 3,200
Oct. 15 Sold goods to Y 4,800 Notes
Oct. 20 Received commission 650
Oct. 20 Paid Commission 550
Oct. 28 Paid to Suresh on account 7,150
Oct. 31 Paid salary to the office clerk 1,000
and office Rent 600
7. From the following transactions prepare Simple Cash Book:
Date Details Amount
2012 (`)
Mar.01 Cash in Hand 32,500
Mar. 08 Cash paid to Sumit 8,000
Mar. 12 Goods Purchased 3,000
Mar. 15 Cash received from Nidhi 2,000
Mar. 18 Cash Sales 4,000
Mar. 22 Paid Wages 4,000
Mar. 25 Salary Paid 3,000
Mar. 28 Cash paid to Nitin 3,500
Mar. 31 Rent Paid 2,500
8. Enter the following transactions in a Single Column Cash Book :
Date Details Amount
2012 (`)
Apr. 01 Cash in Hand 15,000
Apr. 05 Cash Purchases 1,000
Apr. 08 Cash Sales 800
Apr. 10 Received from Munish 1,000
Apr. 15 Purchased Furniture 500
Apr. 22 Paid Wages 200
Apr. 25 Received Commission 100
Apr. 30 Paid Rent 600

MODULE - II Cash Book
Journal and Other
Subsidiary Books 9. Enter the following transactions in a Petty Cash Book of Manohar.
Date Details Amount
2012 (`)
Jan 1 Imprest received 1,000
Jan 1 Paid Cartage 200
Notes Jan 2 Paid Postage 102
Jan 4 Paid Conveyance 22
Jan 8 Paid for refreshments 115
Jan 9 Paid for courier 27
Jan 10 Paid for telegram 17
Jan 12 Paid Conveyance 38
Jan 20 Paid for refreshment 124
Jan 21 Paid Conveyance 127
Jan 22 Paid Postage 34
Jan 27 Paid Cartage 120
10. Enter the following transactions in the Bank Column Cash Book of
Mohan for the month of September 2012 :
Date Details Amount
2012 (`)
Sept. 1 Balance of Cash in hand 1,20,000
Sept. 1 Balance of Cash at Bank 1,80,000
Sept. 2 Bought goods by cheque 15,000
Sept. 4 Bought goods by cash 18,000
Sept. 5 Cash Sales 28,000
Sept. 8 Sold goods by cheque 70,000
Sept. 9 Paid wages in cash 11,400
Sept. 10 Purchased furniture and paid by cheque 20,000
Sept. 12 Received a cheque from Suresh for ` 10,000,
which was endorsed to Naresh on the same day.
Sept. 15 A debtor Harish deposited ` 5,000 directly in
our bank account.
Sept. 20 Bank charges ` 200 for issuing a new
cheque book.
Sept. 24 Goods sold for ` 30,000, as 1/3 cash and 2/3
on credit to Gurdeep.
Sept. 25 Received a cheque from Chunnu for ` 8,000
goods sold to him before one month, deposited in bank.
Sept. 28 Cheque received from Chunnu was dishonoured
for which bank charges ` 50.

Cash Book MODULE - II
Journal and Other
11. Prepare a Bank column Cash Book from the following transactions : Subsidiary Books
Date Details
Mar. 1 Cash in hand ` 2,780, Bank overdraft ` 3,125
Mar. 2 Cheque of ` 400 issued to the petty cashier.
Mar. 5 ` 350 was paid to Hari for the repair of electricity. Notes
Mar. 12 Received ` 1200 for sale of goods.
Mar. 17 Received ` 950 from Sheila after allowing a rebate of ` 20 on
account of retering a bill of exchange.
Mar. 24 Girdhari Lal paid ` 2000 in cash and ` 3000 in cheque, for the
sale of goods to him.
Mar. 25 Bought goods worth ` 1700 from Rahim and paid by cheque.
Mar. 30 Interest on overdraft ` 50 was charged by Bank
Mar. 31 Cash in excess of ` 1000 was deposited into the Bank
12. Prepare a Bank column Cash Book from the following transactions
Date Details Amount
2012 (`)
Mar. 1 Cash in hand ` 70,000 and at Bank ` 80,000.
Mar. 5 Bought goods for cheque 10,000
Mar. 10 Sold goods for cash 20,000
Mar. 12 Received a cheque for sale of goods 40,000
Mar. 15 Paid Hari Om by cheque 7,000
Mar. 16 Paid telephone bill 2,000
Mar. 17 Received from Malti 4,000
Mar. 18 Received a cheque from Shweta 8,000
Mar. 20 Withdrawn from Bank for office use 12,000
Mar. 22 Paid wages to workers 18,000
Mar. 25 Cheque of Shweta returned dishonoured —
Mar. 25 Banks debits the accounts for bank charges 120
Mar. 30 Interest collected by bank 190
Mar. 31 Cash sales 4,000
13. Prepare a Bank column Cash Book from the following transactions:
Date Details Amount
2012 (`)
Jan. 1 Cash in hand ` 26,800 and at Bank ` 72,400
Jan. 5 Discounted a bill receivable for ` 8,000 at
3% through Bank for two months

MODULE - II Cash Book
Journal and Other
Subsidiary Books Jan. 8 Bought goods for cheque 4,000
Jan. 10 Purchased goods for cash 7,000
Jan. 13 Paid by cheque for a bill payable 12,000
Jan. 15 Paid trade expenses in cash 9,000
Jan. 17 Paid cash into bank 10,000
Notes Jan. 19 Jacky who owed us ` 600 became insolvent
and paid only 50 P in the rupee.
Jan. 20 Received ` 4,800 from Gianchand
Jan. 22 Paid ` 2,390 to Malika Singh
Jan. 25 Withdrew Cash from bank for office 6,000
Jan. 25 Withdrew cash from bank for private use 7,000
Jan. 28 Sold goods for cash 20,000
Jan. 28 Received a cheque for sale of goods 18,000
Jan. 30 Received a refund of Loan of ` 15,000 and
deposited ` 13,000 in the bank.
14. From the following transactions prepare Bank column Cash Book.
Date Details Amount
2012 (`)
Feb. 1 Cash in hand 10,000
Feb. 1 Bank Balance 40,000
Feb. 3 Cash Sales 13,000
Feb. 4 Deposited into Bank 17,000
Feb. 8 Jimy settled his account by giving a cheque 12,000
Feb. 12 Bought goods by cheque 10,000
Feb. 15 Purchased stationery for cash 5,000
Feb. 20 Jimy's cheque returned dishonoured with bank
charges of ` 50
Feb. 20 Received a cheque from Janakidas 11,000
Feb. 26 Withdrew from Bank for office use 16,000
Feb. 29 Paid salary by cheque ` 11,200 and rent
in cash ` 7,240
15. Prepare a Bank column Cash Book from the following transactions:
Date Details Amount
2012 (`)
Oct. 1 Cash in hand 27,100
Oct. 1 Cash at Bank 72,000
Oct. 6 Bought goods by cheque 14,000
Oct. 7 Bought goods for cash 15,000

Cash Book MODULE - II
Journal and Other
Oct. 15 Paid trade expenses 4,150 Subsidiary Books
Oct. 16 Paid into Bank 2,000
Oct. 19 Ram who owed us ` 8,000 became
insolvent and paid only 60 paise in the rupee.
Oct. 21 Received cash from Malti 5,800
Oct. 24 Withdrew from Bank 7,500 Notes
Oct. 25 Paid cash to Das & Co. 4,490
Oct. 28 Withdrew from Bank for private use 13,000
Oct. 28 Sold goods for cash 14,000
Oct. 28 Received cheque for goods sold 10,000
Oct. 30 Received refund of loan of ` 18,000 and
deposited ` 6,000 into Bank.
Oct. 31 Bank charges 250
16. Prepare Bank column Cash Book:
Date Details Amount
2012 (`)
Apr. 1 Cash in hand ` 26,500 and balance in Bank Current Account
` 46,400
Apr. 3 Received from Neeraj Singh 7,900
Apr. 10 Paid salaries to the staff 18,000
Apr. 12 Cash Sales 3,750
Apr. 15 Paid to Vivek by cheque 4,200
Apr. 16 Cash purchases 3,300
Apr. 18 Paid bill payable by a cheque 6,400
Apr. 18 Paid to Meena by cheque 1,685
Apr. 19 Cash Sales 8,680
Apr. 19 Paid cash for cartage and coolie 450
Apr. 20 Withdrew cash from bank for office use 7,000
Apr. 20 Paid rent for the month in cash 2,500
Apr. 21 Cash sales 19,000
Apr. 22 Received cheque form Manish 2,694
Apr. 23 Deposited cash into Bank 3,400
Apr. 24 Purchased a Scooter and paid by a cheque 26,800
Apr. 25 Collections by Bank 18,000
Apr. 25 Received a cheque from Alok Gupta in full
settlement of his account of ` 8,000. 7,900
Apr. 25 Cash Sales 2,700
Apr. 27 Bank notifies that Alok Gupta’s cheque
has been dishonoured

MODULE - II Cash Book
Journal and Other
Subsidiary Books Apr. 28 Deposited Cash in the Bank 5,400
Apr. 29 Paid wages 8,200
17. Enter the following transaction in Petty Cash Book. The imprest amount is `

Notes Date Details Amount

2012 (`)
Aug. 1 Peon’s wages 1,400
Aug. 3 Pencils and Pens 70
Aug. 5 Carriage on goods 250
Aug. 10 Postage Stamps bought 135
Aug. 12 Telegrams & Telephones 210
Aug. 14 Sundry Expenses 900
18. A petty cashier received ` 8,000 as impreset amount on September 1,
2012. During the week, his expenses were as follows:
Date Details Amount
2012 (`)
Sept. 1 Taxi Charges 400
Sept. 2 Wages to casual labourers 250
Sept. 4 Bus fare to peon 20
Sept. 4 Stationery purchased 300
Sept. 5 Postage stamps bought 75
Sept. 5 Revenue stamps bought 25
Sept. 5 Repair to furniture 830
Sept. 5 Paid electricity bill 1,400
Sept. 6 Wages paid for coolie-hire 150
Sept. 6 Taxi hire 400
Sept. 6 Telegram 80
Sept. 6 Locks & Keys purchased 70
Sept. 6 Stationery bought 140
Sept. 7 Refreshments to customers 350


7.1 (i) Receipts , Payments (ii) Receipts , Payments
(iii) Debit,Credit (iv) Opening
7.2 I. i) c ii) b iii) b iv) a
v) c vi) a vii) c

Cash Book MODULE - II
Journal and Other
II. S.No. Transactions Debit Credit Subsidiary Books
Side Side
(i) Mukesh started Business with cash √
(ii) Goods Purchased for cash √
(iii) Goods sold for cash √ Notes
(iv) Closing Cash Balance √
(v) Cash received from Ankur √
7.3 (i) Cash (ii) Cash, Bank (iii) Petty Cash Book


5. Closing Cash in hand ` 2,200
6. Closing Cash in hand `. 13,150
7. Closing Cash in hand ` 14,500
8. Closing Cash in hand ` 14,600
9. Cash in hand ` 74
10. Cash in hand ` 1,28,600 and Bank Balance ` 2,19,750
11. Cash in hand ` 1,000 and Bank Balance ` 3,305
12. Cash in hand ` 90,000 and Bank Balance ` 91,070
13. Cash in hand ` 33,900 and Bank Balance ` 89,970
14. Cash in hand ` 14,760 and Bank Balance ` 25,750
15. Cash in hand ` 45,560 and Bank Balance ` 55,250
16. Cash in hand ` 34,280 and Bank Balance ` 29,809
17. Cash in hand ` 2,035
18. Cash in hand ` 3,510
• Every Student gets pocket money on regular basis from his parents and
spends it judiciously on purchasing different type of goods/services. You
may also be receiving money from your grandparents and / or from grand
maternal parents and maintain a record of the money spent by you. Procure
the note book/diary in which you keep the notes regarding receipts and
payments and prepare a Cash Book on the basis of your receipts and
payments for a month.


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