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Coins, amulets, and hangers

Chinese Chien Lung Coins

These are high quality chinese coins made from high quality bronze. They are molded very sharp to reveal clearly
the chinese characters for both sides of the coin. Our coins are value for money due to its high quality material with
long reliability. You will be impressed. (3 & 6 coins tied with ribbon).

Vintage Bat Lock Bagua Horoscope Coin Amulet for protection

This is a new release for 2005 and slightly different from the previous revision because it has a bat clinging on top
to represent your wealth luck being promised on top of its protective properties! If hung on door knobs, your family
will be blessed with many happy tidings and excellent fortune.This vintage Bagua Horoscope Coin Amulet will
keep your family (especially children) safe from evil influences outside the home. Attach this protective and good
fortune amulet to the doorknob on the inside of all your bedrooms and maindoor. This Bagua Horoscope coin
provide powerful protection and safeguard against numerous dangers for all the 12 zodiacs. It combines 2 potent
symbols of protection: 8 trigrams of the bagua and 12 earthly branches of animal zodiacs. You may even hang it on
your handbags or in the car for protection against mishaps.

Large Lock Coin Amulet - Windfall Luck Magnifier

Dated back to the Ming Dynasty, this replicated Lock Coin is a designed amulet used to magnify speculative affairs
such as lotteries, 4-digits, football bets, horse racing and the stock market. It is excellent for those who wish to
invest in speculative investments too. Place this fortune magnifying amulet together with your investment folder,
share certificates or gambling tickets to bring maximum opportunities of winning or striking large gains. You may
also use this speculative magnifier together with other auspicious wealth enhancers such as 8-Coins or 3-good luck
coins. They are also recommended to be placed at SE, your personal sheng chi direction and at your home's main or
bedroom doorknobs. This large lock coin is secured and activated with a red thread endless mystic knot.

Plum Blossom coin for longevity and prosperity

This coin is unusually shaped like a plum blossom, which symbolizes strength and harmony. The Chinese
characters Chang Ming Shou Fu Gui inscribed on its 5 petals, convey auspicious meanings of longevity with
prosperity. On the reverse side are auspicious images, which bring excellent luck of a good and easy life: a bat for
happiness and good fortune, a deer for long life and good income, a peach for good health and a harmonious
marriage, a magpie for the good news of success and celebrations, and an ingot for wealth and prosperity.

Lucky coin of five blessings for the household

On one side of this coin are the characters wu fu Lin Men, meaning that your family will enjoy the 5 blessings:
longevity, wealth, health, a life aof virtue, and a natural death. On the other side is inscribed Zhen Zhai Zi Bao,
which litteraly means the precious sentinel of the home”. On both sides are these protective symbols: a bottle gourd
(Wu Lou) to ward off pernicious energies, a fan to deflect negative forces, a sword to exorcise evil spirits, and a
fly-whisk to dispel illness energies.

Elliptical lucky coin for protection

This elliptical coin amulet is inscribed with the characters Tian Bao Di Bao, meaning protection from heaven and
earth. The reverse side bears several protective symbols: a pair of swords: a pair of crossed swords to keep away
evil energies, the tortoise for longevity, the serpent for supernatural power and insight.

Tortoise and crane coin for longevity

One side of this coin is inscribed the auspicious characters Gui He Qi Shou, which means having the combined
longevity of the tortoise and the crane. On the reverse side are the ancient pictographs equivalent to these Chinese
characters, which bring propitious meanings of good health and long life.
Dragon and Phoenix coin of good omens and marriage blessings
This lucky coin bears the characters Long Feng Cheng Xiang, meaning the dragon and phoenix bring good omens.
The reverse side has the ultimate yin-yang emblem of the dragon & phoenix, bearing auspicious meanings of a
fruitful marriage blessed with a great deal of success and prosperity as well as many descendants.

Tai Sui coin for protection

Tai Sui is also known as the Grand Duke Jupiter. For 2005, Tai Sui will sit in the West corner of homes. One
should never sit in such away that confronts the Grand Duke. Always sit with the Grand Duke behind you for
support from him. This will also mean that Rabbit-born people will be in conflict with Tai Sui. To counter this, they
should carry the Tai Sui Coin on them at all times to protect themselves from misfortune and bad luck.

Lucky Feng Shui Door Bells and 3 Chien Lung Coins

Bells tied in mystic knot amulet have sacred meanings in Feng Shui. They produce metal tones which could bring
wealth, prosperity and abundance. The metal melody also wards off evil spirits and harmful forces. Bells bring
good luck to homes as well as businesses. They will also bring longevity and good health. These bells are
accompanied by 3-coins from Chien Lung's powerful reign, made from high quality gold brass. Our 3-Coins will be
specially put into singing bowls to refresh their chi to ensure their potency prior to shipping them.

Bronze Coin Sword for office politicking

This is a coin sword made of many high quality bronze small coins (0.75 in coins) tied with red thread firmly. It has
a strong structure to ensure its potency. This item is suitable for office cubicles and apartments that are not too big
in size. This powerful feng shui cure will produce very amazing results for your career and protection against bad
luck. It comes with a beautiful red mystic knot tassel.
Note: Only coinswords made from genuine metal has the metal energy potency, beware of some retailers who sell
those made from resin which can easily pricked broken.

9 Emperors’ coins with mystic knot

Popular among I-Ching practitioners, these divination coins are wealth and luck enhancers. You may want to carry
the coins in your bag or purse as it would bring endless wealth. Alternatively, hang this piece above the front door
of your house as it would attract wealth and luck into your home. The coins may also be hung in your car to bring
happy ventures and good tidings whenever you travel.

Amulet of "Double Happiness" with Dragon-Phoenix and Fortune Bats for love
The presence of the double happiness symbol is an auspicious enhancer for those who are seriously looking for
marriage luck and proposals from the one you love. This special amulet of conjugal happiness is carved with the
powerful double happiness symbol in the center, being surrounded by dragon and phoenix (another powerful
symbol of conjugal bliss) and the fortune bats. This is an all-in-one auspicious amulet with all these three powerful
symbols together. The amulet is made from natural red adventurine and is tied with the mystic knot with red tassels
in its tail to signify endless "double happiness". The double happiness symbol is a very powerful symbol of
conjugal bliss and happiness in marriage and family life. It connotes double blessings from heaven. The item is also
a perfect wedding gift for your close friends.

Amulet of "Longevity" Symbol with Five Fortune Bats for longevity

Five bats is the representation of five blessings from heaven: longevity, wealth, health, love and a natural death at a
ripe age. Five bats represent the yang symbol of prosperity. It would bring us extreme happiness and a peaceful life
with few problems. Together with the symbol of longevity in the center, it is an auspicious emblem of prosperity,
happiness and longevity.The presence of this symbol is an auspicious enhancer for those who are seriously looking
for long lasting good fortune, wealth and excellent health. This special longevity-fortune amulet is carved with five
bats and a symbol of longevity in the center and the item is made from genuine multicolored jade with red tassels.

Superior Wulou Made of Rainbow Obsidian With "Third Eye" for health
This genuine rainbow obsidian wu lou amulet is highly revered for their power to overcome accidents, uncover and
protect against evil attempts, prevent bad intentions, arrest bad luck and healing/curative properties. It is also
particularly powerful to fight stress and depression, rejuvanate self-confidence and stimulate analytical capabilities.
Not all obsidian crystals have the third eye. All our obsidian wulou's are specially selected from those with the
"third eye" which makes the item most powerful. This third eye assist us to see the unseen and sense the
unforeseen. It is knows as the mirror of soul and is effective in revealing what is truly reflected in the souls of
others and yourself. They are especially beneficial for those who want to hang them outside their bags, hang it in
their office cubicles to counter evil intention, hang it near their beds and carry it in their pockets to arrest ailments,
enhance health, mind clearing and luck enhancement in their endeavours.
Long Pi (Double Dragon) Amulet
The presence of Twin Dragons depicted in this powerful amulet would ease our efforts to have full grip and control
on our fortune and luck. The amulet is tied with the mystic knot and a genuine citrine stone at the edge to amplify
your luck in Period 8 because mystic knot signifies multiplication of "8" and citrine is endorsed to be the Period 8
wealth gem. Citrine energizes the auspicious earth energy in Period 8. This talisman creates strength and vibes to
radiate continuously to transform negative Chi into positive. This overcomes obstacles, astrological dangers, bad
luck, harm from opponents and competition. Rub it to create beneficial outcome especially going through hard
times, making hard decisions or even interviewing for a job you desire.

Jade Ru Yi Amulet for power

This Ru Yi amulet is carved from genuine jade. This ruyi is specially made for those who desire to carry it along
wherever they go, in order for them to gain authority, career luck and smoothness in their career. Display the item
around you whenever you feel lacking in authority or influence in negotiations or meetings. Suitable for those
seeking to increase networking luck and authority. Recommended for executives, managers and businessmen who
are climbing corporate career ladders. This Ru Yi is powerful to enhance authority, to invite luck and to ensure
smoothness of business/work pursuits.

Jade Mystic Knot (Fortune Magnifier for Period 8)

The mystic knot carved out of jade is the most influential symbol in Period 8. Those wearing or displaying this
powerful mystic knot symbol will have the influence of the number 8 tripled, thus enjoy extra good fortune. Mystic
knot is also equivalent to the infinity sign done three times. Tying to the 5-element mystic knot, red thread and
tassel activates its yang energy, thereby making its properties come to live. The gold ingot symbol on top of the
mystic knot would bring exceptional wealth luck. The jade is also a strong representation of earth energy, which
synchronizes with the base element of Period 8, thereby making it most potent. This product can be hung on
handbags, in cars, offices, living rooms and bedrooms to multiply your health luck, wealth luck, relationship luck
and extremely good fortune in all areas of your life in the Period 8.

Jade Cicada for Protection and Immortality

Cicada is regarded as the symbol of long life, happiness and eternal youth due to its intrinsic properties of being the
longest living insect, for as long as up to 18 years. The cicada is the best emblem of immortality and protection
against office politics. Tying to the 5-element mystic knot, red thread and tassel activates its yang energy, thereby
making its properties come to live. The gold ingot symbol on top of the mystic knot would bring exceptional wealth
luck. The jade is also a strong representation of earth energy, which synchronizes with the base element of Period 8,
thereby making it most potent.

Allies and secret friend Jade Hanger (one for each animal)

Cures and remedies

Five Element Pagoda for Period 8 – cure against the annual 5 yellow
This special feng shui master's 5-Element Pagoda is made of fine brass. This potent feng shui metal cure is
specially designed by authentic grand masters to entrap and lock-up strong earth energy 5-Yellow and Illness
Star#2, because earth energy is being magnified in Period 8. There are secret compartments designed and built
within this pagoda for you to fill it up with either crystal, sand or other types of earth material. In year 2008, where
fatal star 5-Yellow occupies the South of all buildings and homes, this pagoda is a MUST in order to prevent the
deadly effect from striking.

Fortune Bringing Solid Bronze Pi Yao

A symbol of good fortune, in the form of a heavenly creature with a lion-dog face who offers protection from evil
spirits. He has the power to counteract and overcome bad luck caused by the Grand Duke Jupiter. The Pi Yao is
depicted standing on a bed of chinese fortune coins. The body is fat to signify a full stomach (filled with lots of
wealth). The bronze element brings with it potent metal energy. In 2008, The Duke is in full North, and will fly to
the NE in 2009. Remember NEVER to make renovations in these areas during that year, and never sit facing his
direction! the Duke can be very very harmful.
Bronze 8 Immortals Wu-Lou
Often associated with the Deities in particular the God of Longevity (Sau), the Wu Lou represents health. Display
this Wu Lou with 8 Immortal in the sector corresponding to your health direction if you are suffering from ill
health. This Wu Lou will also bring blessings to the family and long life to the Patriarch of the family. Because it
is made with bronze, it has the power to prevent illness. Place it next to your bed, or in the sector afflicted by the
yearly #2 illness star. Besides the conventional use as a powerful health enhancer, this beautiful Wu Lou has a special
function. This type of wu lou is able to absorb wealth to you as well. it enhances health, cures illnesses, wards off evil spirits,
prevents accidents when hung in the car, and draw more income to you. It can be placed in East, the family and health corner,
next to your bed, or where the annual illness star is.

Space Clearing Set - 7 Metals Singing Bowl and Fortune Bell

The make of this singing bowl and bell is in full compliance of SEVEN METALS secret formula required for feng
shui space clearing. This golden singing bowl and bell have added in a significant amount of gold unlike those
cheaper versions that are easily available in the market. The gold represents the sun, silver represents the moon,
iron represents Mars, copper represents Venus, tine represents Jupiter, zinc represents Mercury and lead represents
Saturn. This secret mix of correct metals generates a negativity-piercing sound to clear away, move and heal
stagnant and negative chi. The sound from such metal mixture will also scare away all the evil spirits and ghost as
they cannot tolerate such resonance levels. Previously used in Tibet for space clearing purposes, singing bowls are
struck with a mallet, and then rubbed around the rim with a playing mallet to produce a fascinating blend of
harmonic resonance's and rich overtones. This beautiful singing bowl rests on a soft cushion and comes with a
hard-wood mallet. It is known to create the most sensational vibrations which cleanses the energy of our space. It
must be struck hard for three times and the mallet rubs the edge of the bowl to generate "continuous singing" hyms
to disperse and purify the surrounding chi. Meanwhile the bell is an excellent tool for attracting new money-
making opportunities, increasing sales and inviting instant good luck. Ring the bell everytime you feel business is
slow and money does not come your way.

Bronze Rooster against office politics

Petty office politics is common in most workplaces. The best way to counter such negative and
counterproductive energy is to display the figurine of a Rooster in the office. This will help to quell
arguments, backstabbing and politicking. Place in the south sector of your office to boost recognition
for your efforts as well.

Wind chimes: 6 METAL

6 Metal is a very potent cure against the 5-yellow and the illness star. It is also a powerful enhancer in metal
sectors, and also a cure against most afflictions that are cured by metal.
Hang them outside the house for protection from the outside environment: poison arrows, electric wires, pointed
roofs, and construction sites.

Love and romance enhancers

Genuine Jade Mandarin Ducks Amulet
This is a unique set of lovely jade mandarin ducks that are beautifully tied together with jade gold ingots and a jade
coin. This love amulet is suitable for those who are seeking for endless love. Besides, the ingots and coin symbols
will also at the same time enhance your wealth luck, make your partner rich or bring a rich partner to appear in your
life. The product is made of genuine jade (being a potent earth element) that synchronizes withe earth element on
the southwest love corner, thus doubling the effect of the enhancer. For the ladies, this amulet could also be carried
along with you all the time by tying it outside your handbags.

Jade Peony Amulet (Love Potion)

Peony signifies beauty, romance and the amorous feelings of youth. Displaying the peony always benefit ladies
who are single as it is said to bring many suitors for their hands in marriage. The beauty and love making skills of
the famous concubine "Yang Kuei Fei" was likened to the peony. She decorated her bedroom with peonies and this
kept the emperor's desire for her to continue unabated. The presence of the peony acted like a love potion. Ladies
who display peony in their surrounding will encourage libido of their desired men. Single men are also
recommended to display this best flower of love in the southwest corner of their bedroom as powerful emblem of
conjugal love and activation of yin energy to bring prospective female into their lives.
Dragon Tortoise on Bagua for Period 8
The Dragon Tortoise on the bagua (which depicts a loshu and Period-8's most auspicious shape) attracts wonderful
feng shui and have the capability of warding off bad forces that get created for individual residents due to harmful
orientations that are based on your kua number. This product is therefore also suitable to remedy harmful feng shui
due to wrong facing direction of your workdesk or your maindoor of your home. The item should be placed at your
workdesk or near the vicinity of your maindoor for correcting your directions. You may also place the item behind
you at work to gain support from bosses and increase promotion opportunities.

Bronze Fortune Money Frog

Three-legged toads attract wealth and money into the home. Sitting on a bed of coins, the frog as a symbol of money-
making success is part of the many legends surrounding the Eight Immortals. Place it in SE, as it is the wealth
direction, or near the door at your entrance for it to capture the money luck.The Money Frog is depicted sitting on a
bed full of wealth.

Arowana for Abundance

The arowana, or dragon fish, with its silver scales and sleek sword-like body, has been used for years to bring good
fortune. It is best kept in North in the career direction. You can also place it in your own personal wealth corner, or
on your desk at work. This product is depicted sitting on coins to increase the wealth luck. The arowana is made from
resin and has beautiful dragon scales on a fat and healthy body.

Laughing Buddha with Ingot & Wu Lou

The laughing Buddha is the ultimate symbol of health and happiness. His image is not religious at all. Just a major
symbol of happiness. His presence in any room or place is an excellent energizer of good fortune. The laughing
Buddha can have many postures. If you ever wish to buy a larger or different one, make sure you like his smile, that
he has big fat ear lobbes and a nice fat belly. They say that the more you tickle his belly, the bigger he will smile at
you, therefore bringing you more happiness. This Laughing Buddha is depicted holding a big ingot on his right
shoulder. This signifies abundance. On the other hand he holds a wu lou to create good health for you. The image is
most suitable for those who are seeking to have fulfillment in life and having successful pursuits and at the same time
getting healthy.

Rich Wealth God (Chai Shen Yeh)

The bronze Rich Wealth God is depicted carrying a gold ingot with a scroll that depicts fortunate characters. This
Rich Wealth God is wearing a robe with chinese fortune symbol. He is smiling to ensure invitation of money into
your homes and business premises. This item will definitely be important for those seeking to multiply they wealth.
This item will be admired by visitors and peers and is a collector's item for Feng Shui enthusiast.

Solid Bronze Victory Dragon Grasping Pearl

The Dragon is known to be one of the four celestial animals. He is traditionally associated with the East; Thus the
image of the Dragon in the east corner of your home, living room, or office. It is also know that the Dragon loves
water. Place him next to a running water feature facing the East, and watch him do his magic. This Dragon depicted
successfully grasping the pearl would ease our efforts to have full grip and control on our fortune and luck. It is made
from bronze and can also be used as a cure. The Dragon has a healthy body and the gesture depicts its potency to stay
in the forefront of success. The dragon is a must for homes and offices.

24K Gold Plated Elegant Brass Ru Yi (New)

This 24K gold plated be-jeweled Ru Yi is the most exclusive scepter for those seeking to increase networking luck
and authority and most suitably placed in offices for executives, managers, businessmen and executives who are
climbing corporate career ladders. The exclusive Ru Yi has both ends designed with chinese bat-like fortune symbols
and be-jeweled with high quality faux diamonds. This Ru Yi is powerful to enhance authority, to invite luck and to
ensure smoothness of business/work pursuits.
Crystals and Earth
Seven Treasures Crystal Gem Chips (grab)
Our special version of crystal gem chips are suitable to be filled into wealth vases, wealth ship, wealth pots, wealth
bowls and the stomach of fortune symbols such as special Pi Yao and Dragon Tortoise. Feng Shui enthusiasts use
them as seven treasures because they contain multiple gemstone chips of different nature such as citrine, rose
quartz, amethyst, adventurine, hematite, garmite, lapis lazulli, tiger's eye and much more. This is the secret
ingredient for wealth vases, wealth bowls and wealth ships

Six Clear Crystal Balls for Period 8 Victory

This family of six clear smooth rounded crystal balls (resembles the auspicious heaven luck number) is specially
designed to foster loving relationships, ensures a smooth ride through life for residents and create a harmonious
family. In Period 8, due to dominance in earth energy, these 6 crystal balls become a very powerful energizer of
auspicious star for good luck. Every household should have at least one set of these in the living room. In year 2004
in particular, activate the auspicious annual star 8 which is residing in the NE. This is said to bring in lots of wealth,
good fortune and money to the family.

Precious Fortune Magnifying 2-inch Yellow Jasper Gold Ingots for Period 8!
This precious crystal gold ingot is hand carved from natural Yellow Jasper crystal, which is known to be the most
fortunate crystal for Period 8 besides citrine. Crystals in yellow color fetches the highest value for period 8 because
they carry the fortune bringing earth element in them naturally and what is more, yellow amplifies the earth energy
further. Gold Ingots crafted in such genuine precious crystals are commonly recommended by Feng Shui Masters as
crystal itself promises powerful results. This item is recommended for feng shui enthusiast who seeks esthetic
values in the material used to make their feng shui symbols.

Large Faceted Crystal Ball with Chinese Knot

Faceted crystal balls are popularly known as a cure using light. When light sources hit the leaded faceted spheres,
prismatic rainbows scatter beautifully through your space to add new energy to your space, filter off bad energy,
harmonize chaotic flows of energy, protect you from poison arrows by diffusing such energy flow, empower
visualization practices and attract good energy to a location. Our faceted crystal ball is specially held strongly with a
chinese knot made from thick red string. Hanging one at your study or work desk can sharpen your thinking power,
thinking clarity and business skills while dissolving bad energy. Hanging one in the car could deflect away tiresome
energy. It is also very efficient in NE and SW, as these are the Earth sectors, and next to a window to filter the flow
of chi.

Dzi Bracelets
9 eyes Dzi Bead with 8mm smooth Crystal
The Nine Eyes DZI bead is strung with smooth clear crystal beads, which strongly enhances the power of the DZI.
Wearing this, the owner is said to collect nine types of merits, which helps to purify negative karma, dissolving all
obstacles and blocks to success. This DZI will enable the wearer to gain power and influence, and to enhance
his/her reputation further. It also brings wealth and windfall luck to the wearer. Best suited to those born under
Rabbit, Dragon and Snake animal signs, but everyone wearing the powerful nine-eyed DZI will gain benefits.
15 eyes Dzi Bead with 8mm smooth crystal
The Fifteen Eyes DZI bead with smooth hematite or red tiger eye beads, imparts to the wearer all of heaven’s
blessings. This manifests in smooth sailing all the way in whatever endeavours and projects the wearer embarks on.
It also brings good business luck and many opportunities to the wearer. Best suited to those born under Rooster,
Dog and Boar animal signs.

Turtoise shell Dzi Bead with 8mm smooth crystal

The Tortoise Shell DZI bead is strung with smooth smoky quartz beads. This is an excellent talisman for those who
are ill or growing old, as it helps to strengthen the wearer’s health luck. It also brings longevity luck. It has
powerful protective powers, as it takes on the essence of the celestial universal tortoise. Best suited to those born in
under the Rabbit, Dragon and Snake animal signs.
Replace Luck with a Reliable Pocket Compass

24 Mountains Compass
This feng shui compass incorporates all the sub-directions (the 24 mountains) to allow you to find the exact
orientation of your house for use with Eight Mansions and Flying Star Feng Shui. To practice good feng shui, you
need to get your readings accurate! This essential tool is for all serious practitioner of feng shui.

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