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Chayote (Sechium edule) Extracts as an Alternative Dirt and Stain Remover


San Juan Surigao City

Year 2018 - 2019

Karryle Allycza M. Ruperez

Mary Grace G. Catubigan
Nicole Kyle P. Ceniza


Mrs. Iris B. Balladares


This study aims to determine the effect of Chayote(Sechium Edule) as an alternative dirt and stain
remover.Since commercial detergent soap were proven to removed dirt and stain,but the
reasearcher came up with the idea to used Chayote (sechium edule) extract as an alternative dirt
and stain remover.trough this study,the people in this society can save money,by just using the
chayote extract as an

Three set up were constructed, (1) chayote extracts with water,(2) pure chayote extracts and (3)
water.Each set-ups were placed stained cloths for 30 minutes.

There were three trials for each stained cloth and the results of the chayote extraxts as alternative
dirt and stain remover were

There are three-set-up were constructed , (1) chayote extracts with water,(2) pure chayote extracts
and (3) water.Each set-ups were placed stained cloths.There were 3 trials for each cloth and the
result of the effictivenes of chayote extracts with water were

After the experiment ,the researchers found out that chayote (sechium edule) are not effective that
were used in the experiment:chocolate, mango, and the researchers conclude that
chayote extract is not effective as an alternative dirt and stain remover.

The researchers would like to thank the people whose help and support contributed to
the realization of the work :

To almighty God. For giving the enlightenment, wisdom, and graces;

To Mrs. Iris Balladares and Sir Rolebert Dizon for their utmost dedication and

To the members’ parents who assisted us throughout the experiment have been great
help in this work

To you all, our sincerest thanks and gratitude.



Detergents nowadays are commonly used to removed different stains

attached in clothes. There are different commercial brands where in the people of all walks
of life may used these brands to remove the irritable stains.

Background of the study

Researchers have come up to the point of thinking better solutions or

alternative dirt and stain remover instead of using expensive commercial products. This
study aims to propose and form a new chemical substance via observation of experimentation
of the chemical within the Chayote (Sechium edule) juice extracts and its potential for stain
removing. If ever Chayote alon is not capable for removing, researchers would try another
substance to be mixed and have the contents capable to be a stain remover. The researchers
would be also observing if what specific stain the extract can remove.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine if the Chayote juice extracts can be used as
an alternative dirt and stain remover.

Moreover, this study seeks answers by this following:

1. Is Chayote Extract is suitable as an alternative dirt and stain remover?

2. Can chayote extracts can remove dirt and stain?
3. How effective is chayote extract can remove dirt & stain compared to commercial

Alternative Hypothesis: Chayote (Sechium edule) extracts can be an alternative dirt and
stain remover

Null Hypothesis: Chayote (Sechium edule) extracts cannot be an alternative dirt and stain

Significance of the study

This study helps to produce a good quality of dirt and stain remover
from Chayote ( Sechium edule ) extracts.

This research provides a great help to people who are financially less
fortunate because it can be found in our locality. It is also safe for it has no toxic
chemicals compared to the other stain remover.

Scope and Limitation

This study focused only on determining if Chayote extract is an

effective alternative dirt and stain remover.

This study had been conducted since from year 2018 to year 2019.
This long span of time is for the analysis of product and verification of the extract asa a stain

Review of Related Literature

Chayote ( Sechium edule ) is an edible plant that belongs to the

gourd family Cucurbitaceae, along with melons, cucumbers and squash. Typically prepared
as a vegetable, it is in fact a fruit. It can be eaten both raw and cooked. Around the world it is
known by various names including merliton, christophene and chowchow. It is a member of
the squash family and is referred to as “ vegetable pear ’’ or chocho.



9 Bowls
4x4 cloths
Two Five hundred grams of chayote (Sechium edule)


Each three bowls contain 50 mL of pure chayote extracts. While the

three bowls contain 50ml of pure water and the remaining three bowls contain 50mL
of chayote and water ( 25mL water and 25mL chayote extract). The nine 4x4 cloths
was also prepared ( three cloths with chocolate stain, three cloths with ketchup stain
and three clots with mango stain). The stained clothswere soaked into three different
setups. Setup A ( three cloths with three different stains - chocolate, ketchup and
mango) for pure extract treatment. Setup B for water treatment and setup ( for chayote
extract and water. After 30 minutes the cloths was scrubbed and was observed

Result and Discussion

The researchers chose this study to determine which among the set ups (Pure Chayote
Extract, Chayote Extract with Water, Pure Water) will be more effective in removing the
stains (Mango, Chocolate, Ketchup) within 30 mins of observation.

Table 1 :Results of the Three Set Ups

Stains Total

Treatments Chocolate Ketchup Mango

Pure Chayote 4 4 3 3.6 or 4


Chayote Extract 2 3 2 3.5 or 4

with Water

Pure Water 2 2 4 2.6 or 3

As shown on the table the Pure Chayote was effecient in removing the mango and
ketchup stain with its respective average of four (4) given by the rubrics while the chocolate
has an average of three (3) which means that the thickness of the stain was partly removed
and the cloth hygiene was parlty cleaned.

Chayote Extract with Water received an average of three (3) in mango and two (2) in
both chocolate and ketchup. In pure water treatment rhe table shows an average of four (4)
in the chocolate stain while an average of two (2) in both mango and ketchup stain where
the thickness of some parts was removed and the cloth's hygiene was impure.
Average Thickness of the stain Cloth hygiene

1 No changes occured No changes occured

2 Some part is removed

3 Partly removed Partly clean

4 Almost removed Almost clean

5 Completely removed Completely clean

Table 2 which is the rubrics for changes of the stain is the researchers basic observing the
results of the three setups.



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Radiopharmaceutical Labeling and Uptake Effect.

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Rafael Lira Saade (1996). Chayote:sechium edule (Jacq.) Sw. International Plant Genetic
Resources Institute.

Newstorm, L (1990). Origin and evolution of chayote, Sechium Edule. In D.M Bates,
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Flores., (1989). El Chayote Sechium Edule Swartz (Cucurbitaceae). Rev. Biol. Trop


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Statistical Analysis
Research Plan



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