Neurological Disorder: Neuron

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Neurological Disorder 1.

Acetylcholine *BOTH*
ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY (Excitatory and inhibitory)
● (major transmitter of PNS)
1. Central Nervous System (CNS) ● Usually excitatory;
• Brain - parasympathetic effect
•Spinal cord sometimes inhibitory
2. Peripheral Nervous System (stimulation of heart by vagal
(PNS) nerve)
• Cranial nerves ● Excitatory // Inhibitory
•Spinal nerves ● Controls sleep and wakefulness
• Autonomic nervous system cycle
Neuron ● Signals muscles to become alert
• Basic functional unit of the brain
2. Serotonin (*INHIBITORY*)
• Dendrites – receives electrochemical
● Inhibitory
● Controls fluid intake, sleep and
- Extensions that carry impulses
wakefulness temperature
toward the cell body.
regulation pain control, sexual
• Axon – carries electrical impulses
behaviours regulation of
away from the cell
• Myelin sheath – increases speed of
● Mood control and sleep
● Inhibits pain pathways
- oligo - gumagawa ng myelin
3. Dopamine (*EXCITATORY*)
● excitatory
Sensory Neurons
● Usually inhibitory??
- Also knowns as afferent neurons
● Affects behaviour (attention and
- Transmit impulses from
emotion) fine movements
receptors to the cns
● Controls complex movements,
Motor Neurons
motivation, cognition.
- Also termed as Efferent Neurons
● Regulates emotional response
- Transmits impulses from the
central nervous system to the
4. Norepinephrine
effectors (Muscle, Glands)
● (major transmitter of SNS)
- Found entirely within the
● Usually excitatory
central nervous system
● Affects mood and overall action
- Specialized to transmit sensory
● Causes changes in attention,
motor impulses.
learning and memory sleep and
wakefulness. mood.
● Communicate messages from
one neuron to another or from a
5. Gamma-aminobutyric acid
neuron to specific target tissue.
● Potentiate or modulate a
● Inhibitory - Patulugin
specific action and can either
● Modulates other
excite or inhibit the target cell's
6. Enkephalin, Endorphins
● Manufactured and stored in
synaptic vesicles
● Excitatory
● Diffuses/transported across the
● Pleasurable sensations
synapse, binding to receptors in
● Inhibits transmission
the postsynaptic cell membrane
● Controls fight to fight response.
• Potentiates
● Excitatory
• Terminates
● Results in neurotoxicity are too
• Modulates
• Excite
• inhibit
Potentiates - nagpapabilis 3. MEDULLA
Terminates - - Contains Cardiac centers,
Modulates respiratory centers, vasomotor
Excite - centers and reflex centers
Inhibit (Coughing sneezing, swallowing
and vomiting)
Serotonin - Mood control
Dopamine 4. PONS
- Decrease (Parkinson, due to lack - Anterior to the cerebellum and
of dopamine. superior to the medulla
Norepinephrine - Contains two respiratory centers
- Decrease or increase ( Anxiety) (apneustic & pneumotaxic)
Gaba responsible to produce normal
- Inhibitory breathing rhythm.
- At evening
Enkephalin 5. MIDBRAIN
- Excitement - Regulates Visual reflexes,
Auditory reflexes and righting
Frontal Lobe 6. HYPOTHALAMUS
- Largest Lobe FUNCTIONS
- Major Function concentration - Productions of hormones
abstract thought information - Regulation of body temperature
storage and memory function. - Regulation of food and fluid
- Contains Broca’s Area (Motor intake
Control of speech.) - Integration of the functioning to
- Generates the impulses that the autonomic nervous system.
bring about voluntary
movement. 7. THALAMUS
Parietal Lobes - Functions are primarily
- sensory functions concerned with sensation
- Touch. Taste, temperature - Capable of suppressing minor
- This sensation is felt. sensations.
Temporal lobe
● Located on the side of the head
(temporal means “near the
temples”), and is associated
with hearing, memory, emotion,
and some aspects of
understanding Language and
● Hearing and olfaction

Occipital lobe
● Located at the very back of the
brain, and contains the primary
visual cortex, which is
responsible for interpreting
incoming visual information.

- Controls movement, balance
and position or
THE NERVOUS SYSTEM *Scanning speech
- Pababain *Intentional Tremors
- Anti inflammatory *Nystagmus
- atelectasis do breath deep
Optic nerve lesions or their
● Immune-mediated, progressive,
❑Blurring of vision
DEMYELINATING disease of the
❑Diplopia (double vision)
CNS resulting to impaired
❑Scotoma (patchy blindness)
transmission of nerve impulses
❑Total blindness
● *demyelination – destruction of
the myelin sheath’
● Affects WOMEN than MEN
● Degenerative disease
● Remission and exacerbation
- Proprioception Loss
- Pain
-Memory Loss
-Decreased Concentration
-Poor Abstract Reasoning
-Weakness of muscle in throat and

-Bowel and Bladder dysfunction
- Impotence
-Muscle Hypertonically
- Unknown
Spasticity (muscle hypertonicity)
- Post Viral Infection
❑Involvement of motor pathways

Frontal and Parietal lobe
● Relapsing-Remitting Course
- S/sx depends on the location of
❑Cognitive and psychosocial
lesion (plaque)

PRIMARY symptoms:
- Multiple plaques in CNS
❑CSF electrophoresis
❑Numbness difficulty in coordination
- Presence of oligoclonal bonding
❑Ataxia (cerebellar and basal ganglia
(bands of IgG)
❑Pain (lesion on sensory pathways)
❑IV methylprednisolone 2. MYASTHENIA GRAVIS
❑Key agent for acute relapse ❑Autoimmune disease affecting the
❑Anti-inflammatory effect MYONEURAL junction that causes
❑Mitoxantrone (Novantrone) weakness of voluntary muscles
❑Check for cardiac toxicity ❑Women are more affected than men
● Myasthenia gravis (MG) is a
Symptom Mng: chronic autoimmune
❑Baclofen (Lioresal) – GABA agonist neuromuscular disease
characterized by varying
Medication of choice for SPASTICITY degrees of weakness of the
❑Amantadine (symmetrel) skeletal muscles of the body.
- Treatment of fatigue ● Purely motor disorder (no effect
❑Beta-blockers, antiseizure agents, on sensation and coordination)
benzodiazepines Cause: unknown but abnormal
- Ataxia thymus gland
❑UTI Pathophysiology: Destruction of
- Vitamin C (increases the acidity acetylcholine receptors at
of urine) neuromuscular junction.
❑Promote physical mobility
- Walking (improves gait and
loss of position sense)
- Daily exercise
❑Minimize spasticity
- Warm packs
- NOT Hot baths (avoided:
risk of burn injury secondary
to sensory loss)
❑Minimize effects of immobility
- Coughing and deep
breathing exercises
❑Prevent injury
- Walking with feet apart
(widens the base)
❑Enhance bowel and bladder
- Encouraged scheduled
toileting rounds MANIFESTATION!!
❑Enhance communication and Muscle weakness
manage swallowing difficulties Double vision (diplopia)
- Suctioning weak eyelids (unilateral ptosis)
- Careful feeding Difficulty speaking or smiling
- Proper position for eating Difficulty chewing and swallowing
❑Vision problems (Diplopia) DIAGNOSTIC FINDING
- Patch one eye ❑Acetylcholinesterase inhibitor test
❑ Swimming and stationary ❑a.k.a TENSILON TEST
Bicycling are useful in treating muscle - Tensilon test- in Myasthenia
spasticity. gravis reveal improved muscle
❑ Strenuous exercise should be contractility after edrophonium
avoided because it may exacerbate chloride (tensilon)
symptoms ❑Stops acetylcholine breakdown
❑Bowel and bladder program making it available for binding in
❑ Instruct patient to avoid cuts and myoneural junction
❑Respiratory distress precaution
Edrophonium Chloride (Tensilon) PLASMAPHERESIS (plasma
❑Fast acting anticholinesterase is exchange)
administered IV ❑Patient’s plasma and plasma
❑30 secs after injection: components are removed through a
❑Resolution of symptoms (facial centrally-placed large-bore
muscle weakness and ptosis) after 5 double-lumen catheter
mins CONFIRMS the diagnosis.
❑*ATROPINE (anticholinergic)
antidote for side effects ❑Blood cells and antibody is
Assessment of Labs/Diagnostics separated then plasma substitute are
- Arterial Blood Gas & Pulmonary reinfused
function tests For respiratory ❑Produces TEMPORARY reduction in
compromise circulating antibodies
- Electromyography (EMG)
Decreased amplitude when THYMECTOMY
motor neurons are stimulated ❑Antigen-specific
- Confirming diagnosis immunosuppression
- IV administration of edrophonium
chloride (Tensilon)
❑Teaching strategies to conserve
- Allows acetylcholine to bind with
its receptors and temporarily
❑Minimize risk of aspiration
improves symptoms
- Weakness returns after effects of ❑Mealtime coincides the PEAK effect
Tensilon are discontinued of medication
❑Rest before meals
MEDICAL MANAGEMENT ❑Sit upright when eating
❑Anticholinesterase medications ❑Soft diet
❑Pyridostigmine Bromide (first line of ❑Eye problems
therapy) ❑Tape the eyes
❑Increases acetylcholine availability ❑Artificial tears
❑Gradually adjusted - Maintain effective breathing
❑Myasthenic crisis (Underdosage) pattern and airway clearance
❑Cholinergic crisis (Overdosage) Assess for respiratory distress
Differentiate: - Monitor meals and teach client
❑Tensilon test to bend head slightly forward
❑Relief of symptom: MYASTHENIC while eating and drinking to
CRISIS improve swallowing
❑Pyridostigmine bromide - Teach client to avoid exposure to
(Neostigmine) infections
❑Exacerbation of symptom: - Teach client to effectively
CHOLINERGIC CRISIS coughing, use chest
❑Atropine (anticholinergic) physiotherapy and incentive
- Provide adequate nutrition
IMMUNOSUPPRESSIVE THERAPY Schedule meds minutes before
❑Corticosteroid eating for peak muscle strength
❑Suppresses immune response - Offer food frequently in small
❑Decreasing amount of antibodies amounts that are easy to chew
❑IV immunoglobulin (IVIG) and swallow (soft or semisolid)
❑Azathioprine - Promote improved physical
❑Inhibits T lymphocytes and reduces mobility with referrals to
antibody level physical therapy and/or
❑Procaine is avoided occupational therapy
❑Dentist is informed of diagnosis - Provide eye care: instill artificial
tears; use a patch over one eye
for double vision; wear
sunglasses to protect eyes from - Common Illness: Viral infection
bright lights Cytomegalovirus

3. GUILLAIN-BARRE Common Bacterial Cause:

SYNDROME Campylobacteriosis Jejuni
- Galing baba syndrome gastroenteritis
- Lower to upper extremity
- Ground brain Main features of GBS Include:
❑Autoimmune neurologic condition - Acute
demyelinating disease of the PNS - Ascending
- Attacking nerve in PNS - Symmetrical weakness of the
Nervous system and Cranial limbs
❑Resulting to acute, rapid segmental First Symptoms of weakness in GBS
demyelination of peripheral nerves ● Paresthesia - tingling and
and some cranial nerves producing numbness
❑Viral infection: common antecedent
effect GBS Signs and Symptoms will
- Does not occur in Central most Likely to start in the
nervous system LOWER EXTREMITIES (ex. feet)
- Symmetrical (sabay) and will
MUST KNOW!! gradually spread upward
(UNKNOWN) Ataxia
● Preceded by Viral infection - Ascending motor weakness -
(respiratory and gastro) acute stage
● Also known as (Infectious
Polyneuritis) Motor Manifestation:
● It is not contagious or - Ascending motor and muscle
communicable disease weakness or paralysis without
● ASCENDING PARALYSIS muscle atrophy
- Galing baba syndrome
- Lower - upper extremities 1. FLACCID - Type of Paralysis
2. Ataxia - Difficulty of walking /
Duration of GBS?? gait is affected
● ONSET: Hours or days (ACUTE) 3. Respiratory Failure
or four weeks 4. Loss of bowel and Bladder
● At 3rd week of the illness 90% control
all of patient is at their
(WEAKEST) Initial: Paresthesia and symmetrical
RISK FACTORS: muscle weakness
Viral Illness (CMV) (Cytomegaly)
Influenza vaccinations (flu shots) *Distal to proximal Paralysis
Respiratory or Gi Infections (C. Jejuni) experiences muscle weakness FIRST*
Age: ANy age (> 50 has the greatest
risk) TAKE NOTE!!
Lalake is the most common esp. - Ascending Motor weakness is
Middle ages: common verbalization of the
- Common Illness in GBS (CMV) patient with GBS regarding the
EARLY Onset of symptoms
MUST KNOWS - GBS results in motor weakness
- Common type of Gbs is Acute in a distal to proximal
Inflammatory demyelinating progression.
polyneuropathy (AIDP)
- Alteration in nutritional status
related to possible choking.

Priority of care in GBS?

CRANIAL NERVE INVOLVEMENT - Maintenance of Respiratory
(5 D’s) Function
● Drooping face (Facial Important Nursing Interventions in
weakness) GBS?
● Difficulty in speaking - Assess patient for any
● Difficulty in Chewing respiratory distress (Dyspnea,
● Difficulty in Swallowing shortness of breath weak
(Dysphagia) cough)
● Diplopia and blindness
(Opthalmoplegia) DIAGNOSTIC TEST:
An indicator of Cranial Nerve 1. Lumbar Puncture
Involvement: Pre Procedure: Assist patient to void to
- Difficulty of speaking and prevent accidents puncturing of
Chewing bladder (empty bladder)

Cranial Nerve 7 - Affects patient ability Post Procedure

to smile, frown, whistle , and drink - Flat in bed and increase fluid
from straw intake to prevent post
procedural headache
Cranial Nerve 9 and Cranial 10
- Glosso and vagus RESULT IN GBS: HIGH PROTEIN with
- Ability to cough, gag and normal wbc
What is Not affected in Gbs? 2. Electromyography - reflects
- Cognition and LOC (Level of peripheral nerve functions
3. Nerve conduction studies
What are the most commonly
- Muscles TAKE NOTE:
- Sensory Nerves Assessment and interventions
- Cranial Nerves for the following diagnosis of
Which of the following clinical TENDON REFLEX”
manifestations would the nurse
expect to find when performing DIAGNOSTIC FINDINGS
admission assessment? ❑History of viral illness in the previous
- Ascending Paralysis with week suggest the diagnosis
ATAXIA ❑Elevated protein in CSF
❑Dyskinesia (inability to execute ❑Other serum labs are not
voluntary movements)
❑Paresthesias (numbness) Considered a MEDICAL EMERGENCY!
❑Weakness beginning from LEGS and ❑Mechanical ventilation : respiratory
progresses UPWARD failure
❑Does not affect cognitive function ❑Prevent immobility complications:
Priority Nursing DIAGNOSIS IN GBS? ❑Antiembolic stockings
- Ineffective Breathing Pattern ❑Plasmapheresis
❑IVIG (therapy of choice: fewer side
Appropriate Diagnosis in GBS? effects)
involvement of significant


❑Enhancing physical mobility RETURNS:
❑AROMEs in paralyzed extremities - Proximal to distal Pattern
twice a day - In the recovery phase
❑Position changes remyelination occurs slowly
❑Anticoagulation administration
❑Antiembolic stockings If the patient is unable to talk, The
❑Padding bony prominences nurse best communicate to the
❑Nutrition patient by: Enunciating the words
❑Improve communication slowly and well
❑Picture cards/ eye-blink system
❑Decrease fear and anxiety Best Way for a ventilated client to
❑Diversional activity communicate is to instruct:
- Blink eyes for “NO”
PROGRESSION OF GBS - Blink Twice for “YES”
- Ascending Paralysis: 1-3 weeks APPROPRIATE LONG TERM GOAL:
- Ventilatory Support: is critical - Prevent Muscle atrophy
during the acute phase
Most essential in patient room: INTERVENTIONS USE IN GBS
(Electrodes & intubation tray
Electrodes because of dysthymia 1. PLASMAPHERESIS
- Removes antibody -
Assessment is the most important antigen complexes from
aspect of nursing care during phase circulation
of GBS - It is use 5 times either
daily or every other day in
● Asses for respiratory and cardiac 2 weeks
● Monitor Abg’s and Vital Capacity PREPROCEDURE:
- Nurse use determines patency
- High Fowler// SEMI FOWLER (45 of clients arteriovenous shunt
degree angle) to increase lUng by “presence of bruits”
expansion especially in because it determines if the
dysthymias. arteriovenous shunt is patent.
- Check bruits every 2-4 hours
- Monitor Hypovolemia (Cold
● No New symptoms occure clammy skin)
● No changes in status - Monitor fluid status, V/S and
● No improvement 1-3 weeks. replaced IVF
- Hypocalcemia (tingling,
3. RECOVERY PHASE numbness during procedure)
● Improvement with
remyelination of peripheral COMPLICATION IN PLASMAPHERESIS
nerve and axonal regenerations - Low platelets
● Most changes in 6 months but. - Hypocalcemia
Improvement is up to 2 years. - Clotting
● Rehabilitations prior to - Anemia
discharge are BEST described
as Long and One requiring

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