March 29, 1521 (Holy Friday) : The Captain

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- At dawn on Saturday, March 16, 1521: arrival on - Zamal (Samar) : a high land at a distance of 300
Zamal (Samar) island; a high land at a distance of leagues from the islands of Latroni
three hundred leagues from the islands of - Ladroni: island of the thieves
Ladroni. - Zuluan: island located on the right side of Zamal
- Monday afternoon, March 18, 1521: saw a boat - Humunu (Homonhon); island where Pigafetta
coming toward us with nine men in it; encounter and his crew stayed for 1 week; called it Acquada
with the people of Zamal and gave gifts to each da li buoni Segnialli [i.e., “the Watering-place of
other as a way of showing gratitude; people of good Signs" since they found two springs there of
Zamal promised that they would give rice, the clearest water and saw the first signs of gold.
coconuts and food within four days. - San Lazaro: an archipelago that they named
- Friday, March 22, 1521: men from Zuluan came after the Sabbath of St. Lazarus; located at 10
and gave them two boats with coconuts, sweet degrees of latitude toward the Arctic Pole, and in
oranges, a jar of palm-wine, and a cock. a longitude of 161 degrees from the line of
- On the afternoon of holy Monday, the day of demarcation
our Lady, March 25, 1521: Pigafetta fell off the - Cenalo, Hiunanghan, Ibusson, and Abarien:
boat and was rescued by a small boat; shaped Islands found in the west southwest direction of
their course toward the west southwest between Pigafetta’s new ship route
four small islands, namely, Cenalo, Hiunanghan, - Zamatra (Sumatra): originally known as
Ibusson, and Abarien. Traprobana; island of the slave belonging to
Thursday morning, March 28, 1521: saw a fire on Captain-General
an island the night before and anchored near it - Butuan and Calagan: Island where the first mass
March 29, 1521 (Holy Friday): The Captain- was held
General and the King of Zamatra met, became - Ceylon, Zubu, and Calaghann: finest ports to get
friends and gave him and his people food and food; Zubu was the largest port and the one with
other things that they brought that would be most trade
beneficial for them - Mazaua: island where they remained for 7 days
March 31, 1521: First mass - Ceylon, Bohol, Canighan, Baybai, and Gatighan:
April 7, 1521: entered the port of Zubu islands located on the northwest of their course
April 8, 1521 (Monday): The captain general’s - Gatigan: 20 leagues away from Mazaua; this
notary and interpreter went to Zubu to meet the island has birds as large as domestic chickens,
King who is accompanied by his chiefs; they which have a long tail
talked and had an agreement to show their - Polo, Ticobon, and Pozon: islands where they
sincerity to the king waited for the King of Mazaua
April 9, 1521 (Tuesday): the king of Mazaua - Ciama: The King of Mazaua pointed out a
came to the ships with the Moro to meet the merchant from this place remained to trade gold
captain general and make peace with him and his and slaves
men; the captain-general also told them about - Calicut, Malaca, and all India Magiore: places
God, and encouraged them to become Christians where the captain-general and his crew
- Open square in Zubu: an agreement was made
between the king and the captain general-as a
sign of the most sincere friendship, he should
send him a drop of blood from his right arm, and
he himself would do the same to him.
There are people living near that island who have holes in their ears so large that they can pass their
arms through them. Those people are Capri, that is to say, heathen. They go naked, with a cloth woven
from the bark of a tree about their privies, except some of the chiefs who wear cotton cloth
embroidered with silk at the ends by means of a needle.

When those kings wished to see one another, they both went to hunt in that island where we were. The
name of the first king is Raia Colambu, and the second Raia Siaui.

The interpreter replied that his master was a captain of the greatest king and prince in the world, and
that he was going to discover Malucho; but that he had come solely to visit the king because of the good
report which he had heard of him from the king of Mazaua, and to buy food with his merchandise.

Its name is Zubu. We heard of Malucho there before the death of the captain-general.


Ferdinand Magellan – Captain- General; Portuguese sailor who led the expedition

Antonio Pigafetta – Italian navigator who was part of Magellan’s crew

Raia Siaui – king of Butuan that took part in the mass

Raia Colambu – King of Mazaua the most influential king; the seignior of a number of islands;
threatened the captain-general at first due to mistrust but eventually made amends, agreed for him and
his people to be baptized and become a Christian.

Raia Humabon – king of Zubu (Cebu)

Raia Cilapulapu and Raia Zula – chiefs of Mactan

For example, the kings usually have a shoulder-length hair, and are painted. One of the traditions
reiterated in the account was that our ancestors raise their clasped hands, face towards the sky
and then turn to the others, showing a sign of gratitude. They also

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