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Activity 5 (for ILO No. 5)

Talk to a young single person, a young couple, and a middle-age person about their financial
goals and savings habits. What action do they take to determine and achieve various financial
goals? Write your answer using the template in Appendix E

Last Name First Name Middle Name


Name of
Category Financial Goals Savings Habits
- To be able to - I pushed
accumulate my myself of buy
earnings in Axie non branded
Infinity and clothes to save
able to save more money.
them in coop to - I avoid being
Mr. James B. grow and of in a circle of
Obrero course help my people who
family. prioritizes
- To save wants over
P20,000.00 needs.
Young Single Person
worth of money - I am forcing
and buy new myself to
laptop. divert my
- Secure an attention in
investment in working out
frontrow than buying
Philippines and unnecessary
pursue my motor parts.
chances on
getting better
Young Couple - To get our first - We both
half million decided to put
after 2 years our 20%
Mr. and Mrs. and five income to time
Dimple J. months. deposit.
Bumagat - To be able to - We have our
expand our piggy bank in
small business our house and
and be ready to we want to

The module is for the exclusive use of the University of La Salette, Inc. Any form of reproduction, distribution, uploading, or
posting online in any form or by any means without the written permission of the University is strictly prohibited.

open for achieve saving

resellers. P30,000.00 at
- To be able to the end of the
acquire more year.
insurance to - We have our
protect our side lines, for
future babies me (Dimple), I
from sudden work part time
danger. as baby sitter,
and my
(Rojer) part
time as a cook
in a restobar.
- Mr. James - I want to have - I work with
Bianzon my financial over time here
stability as soon in Singapore.
as I get in to my - I avoid getting
30’s. any debt as it
- I am planning becomes a
to get my credit hindrance for
card when I get me to have
home in the motivation and
Philippines. move forward.
- I am working to - I see myself as
finish the house diligent
I am building in individual, and
Middle-aged Person the Philippines. that gives me
the power to
work hard.
- Sometimes,
diving helped
me to save a
lot, because
here in
many residents
throws a lot of
things that is
still valuable.

The module is for the exclusive use of the University of La Salette, Inc. Any form of reproduction, distribution, uploading, or
posting online in any form or by any means without the written permission of the University is strictly prohibited.

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