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༄༅། །གསང་ཐིག་སིང་པོའི་སོར་ལས༔ རོ་རྗེ་སྗེམས་དཔའ་ཕྱག་རྒྱ་གཅིག་པའི་སྒྲུབ་ཐབས་བཞུགས་སོ ༔

From the Essential Secret Essence cycle ༔

The Sādhana for the Single Mudrā Vajrasattva ༔

(k k#=$-*m#-$m$-.}8m-!}:-;=i L}-I{-={1=-+.8-@#-W-#%m#-.8m-au0-*0=-0bo#=-=}i
From the Essential Secret Bindu cycle, herein lies the sadhana for the single mudra Vajrasattva.
(k kL}-I{-={1=-+.:-@#-83;-;}i +$}=-Es0-*}0-8+}+-M;-8A}:-.=i ${=-8Ap$-0=1-.-0K,-.}-9m=i +0{,-.8m-#,=-=v-@m,-,=-=vi
+!},-1&}#-#=v1-;-[0=-=v-8E}i A$-&u0-1&}#-_p-={1=-0[{+-,=i 3~#=-0=#=-9,-;#-0`o,-.:-80+i
Homage to Vajrasattva!
Practitioners wishing to attain the siddhis, should, with a mind of firm renunciation, go to a solitary place, go for refuge in the three jewels, arouse the mind of
supreme enlightenment, and strive in gathering the accumulations, the seven branches.
(k k#=$-*m#-$m$-.}-!}:-#=v1->m-0Wv+-8+{0=-Am,-T0=-$m$-.}-6{=-A-0k
Essence of Blessings - The Lineage Supplication for The Trio of the Essential Secret Essence cycle.
&}=-!q-\o,-07$-;}$=-!q-L}-I{-={1=k kcu;-!q-D#-8*v$-:m#=-T-+#8-:0-I{kk
chöku künzang longku dorje sem tulku traktung rik nga garab jé
Dharmakaya Samantabhadra, Sambhogakaya Vajrasattva, nirmanakaya herukas of the five families, Garab Dorje,
L}-I{-fz^-14+-IL->%m-;k k#=};-0-8+{0=-=}-Am,-T0=-+$}=-Es0-+};kk
dorje hung dzé trabha hasti la solwa deb so jinlab ngödrub tsol
Vajra Humkara, Prabhahasti, I supplicate you! Bestow the blessings and siddhis!
+<m;-8"}:-=0-0+#-L}-I{-*}+-J{$-P;k k0X-:}-2-,-9{-<{=-13~-W;-9v1kk
kyilkhor khyabdak dorje tötreng tsal berotsa na yeshe tsogyal yum
Pervasive Lord of the Mandala, Dorje Tötreng Tsal, Vairocana, consort Yeshe Tsogyal,
#){:-&{,-R-1-.]-#:-+0$-P;k k#=};-0-8+{0=-=}-Am,-T0=-+$}=-Es0-+};kk
terchen lama pema gar wang tsal solwa deb so jinlab ngödrub tsol
Great treasure revealer, guru Pema Garwang Tsal, I supplicate you! Bestow blessings and siddhis!
:m#=-\o,-0+#-.}-0%}1-X,-L}-I{-={1=k k0+{-1&}#-Es0-#2~-0.->{-:v-!kk
rik kün dakpo chomden dorje sem demchok drub tso bendza heruka
Lord of all families, Bhagavan Vajrasattva, sovereign in accomplishing the Vajra Heruka of Great Bliss,
0:-&+-0`o+-8`o;-L}-I{-/v:-.8m-[:k k#=};-0-8+{0=-=}-Am,-T0=-+$}=-Es0-+};kk
barché düdul dorje purpé lhar solwa deb so jinlab ngödrub tsol
Tamer of obstacle-making maras, deity Vajrakilaya, I supplicate you! Bestow blessings and siddhis!

+$}=-Es0-\o,-+};-1-Nm$-1"8-8E}-+$-k kJm,-;=-[s,-Es0-+1-%,-W-13~8m-&{kk
ngödrub kün tsol masing khandro dang trinlé lhündrub damchen gyatsö dé
Bestower of siddhis, mother and sister dakinis, spontaneous accomplishers of activities, the ocean-like classes of oath-bound ones,
+1-3n#-I{=-#%}+-#){:-Ns$-3~#=-0%=-;k k#=};-0-8+{0=-=}-Am,-T0=-+$}=-Es0-+};kk
damtsik jechö tersung tsok ché la solwa deb so jinlab ngödrub tsol
Host of treasure protectors who oversee the samayas, I supplicate you! Bestow blessings and siddhis!
0[{+-.-+Am0=-<m-M;-8A}:->+-`o->o:k k##=-<m-a-#+$=-L}-I{-av-+-Es0kk
kyepa yib kyi naljor gyé du gyur ngak kyi dra dang dorje na da drub
May I master the development yoga of form, may my intonation of mantra become the vajra nada,
0+{-&{,-)m$-84n,-1"8-=0-8"}:-;}:-=+k k@}#=-K;-R}-8+=-#}-8/$-1$},->o:-<}#k
dechen tingdzin khakhyab khorlor sé chokdral lodé gopang ngön gyur shok
May I awaken to the all-pervading wheel of great bliss samadhi, and may the impartial state beyond concepts be actualized!
%{=-.8$-:m1-#(m=-M;-8A}:-.-!O-&}=-+.;-Es0-<m-$}:-!O-.8m-[{=-:0=-0%}-T-.:-E#=-.=-Km=-.-+#{k kk
In response to Karma Damchö Paldrub, a practitioner of the two stages, this was written by the one renowned as the fifteenth in the succession of Karmapas.
May it be virtous.

rang gi nying gé sa bön lé ö zer thrö pé kyab yul la ma dor je sem pa tsa sum dra
wé lha tshog dün gyi nam khar BENDZA SAMADZA
By light rays streaming forth from the seed syllable in my heart the objects of refuge, Guru Vajrasattva, the three roots and the
assembly of deities in the network of magical illusions are gathering in the space ahead. BENDZA SAMADZA.
The field of accumulation is hereby invited.

,-1}i 0+#-=}#=-={1=-%,-&q#-0#;-E};-+},-`oi A$-&u0=-0:-`o-[0=-=v-07v$-08m-#,=i
namo༔ dag sok semchen dug ngal drol dön du༔ jang chub bardu kyab su zungwé né༔
NAMO. To liberate myself and sentient beings from suffering, I go for refuge until enlightenment
R-1-L}-I{-={1=-+.8-+!},-1&}#-#=v1i 9m-+1-1"8-8E}8m-3~#=-;-[0=-=v-1&mi
lama dorje sempa könchok sum༔ yidam khandrö tsok la kyabsu chi༔
In Guru Vajrasattva, the three jewels, and the host of yidams and ḍākinīs.
0+#-,m-#},->m-W;-08m-14+-.-06m,i ={1=-%,-\o,->m-+},-:0-0P},-.:-Ai
dag ni ngön gi gyalwé dzepa shyin༔ semchen kün gi dön rab tsönpar ja༔
Just like the victors of the past, I will endeavour in the ultimate goal of all sentient beings:
={1=-%,-1-0G;-0a;-+$-1-E};-a};i ={1=-%,-+0v#=-+Ap$-B-$,-8+=-8#}+-8'v#i
semchen magal dral dang madrol drol༔ semchen ug yung nya ngen degö jug༔
To take across those who have not crossed, to free those who are not freed, to succor beings, and establish them in nirvana.
8E}-M1=-0+{-X,-&q#-0#;-K;-0-+$-i 8/#=-.8m-0+{-*}0-0)$-$}1=-;-#,=-<}#i
dronam deden dug ngal dralwa dang༔ pagpé detob tang nyom lané shok༔
May all beings have happiness, be free of suffering, attain noble bliss, and abide in equanimity!
@}#=-0%t8m-W;-0-N=-0%=-8+m:-A},-;i 8/}-8>o:-8K;-1{+-P}$-`o-0bo#=-=v-#=};i
chok chü gyalwa seché dir jön la༔ pogyur dralmé longdu shyuk su sol༔
Victors and your heirs of the ten directions, please come here and be seated in the unmoving inseparable expanse.
9{-,=-M1-+#-$$-`o-@#-83;-;}i &}=-(m+-M1-:};-1&}+-cm,-W-13~=-1&}+i
yené nam dag ngang du chak tsal lo༔ chönyi namrol chötrin gyatsö chö༔
Within primordial purity I pay homage. I present an ocean of offering clouds of dharmata’s display,
1-:m#-&m#-.8m-;=-0>m=-1*};-;}-0<#=i +Am$=-:m#-8`o-8K;-1{+-;-9m-:$-$}i
marig digpé legyi tollo shak༔ ying rig dudral mela yirang ngo༔
Openly confess ignorance and misdeeds, and rejoice in basic space and awareness free of meeting and parting.

=0-0L;-@}#=-[s$-K;-08m-&}=-8"}:-0!}:i `o=-#=v1-K#-.:-B-$,-1m-8+8-0bo#=i
khyab dal chok lhung dralwé chö khor kor༔ düsum tagpar nya ngen mida shyuk༔
Turn the all-pervading and impartial wheel of dharma, and remain constantly throughout the three times without decline.
+1m#=-1{+-+#{-3~#=-1"8-1(1-8E}-;-0#}i L}-I{-={1=-+.8m-#}-8/$-*}0-.:-<}#i
mikmé getsok kha nyam drola ngo༔ dorje sempé gopang tobpar shok༔
I dedicate the accumulation of reference-free virtue to beings equal to space. May we attain the state of Vajrasattva!

4ïfz^-0[->}ï 3~#=-6m$-M1=-:$-;-*m1-.:->o:k
DZA HUNG BAM HO tshog zhing nam rang la thim par gyur
DZA HUNG BAM HO. The field of accumulation dissolve into me.
?i &}=-M1=-*1=-%+-%}$-.-(m+i 0+{-&{,-8}+-#=;-$m$-I{8m-P;i
A༔ chö nam tamché tongpanyi༔ dechen ösal nyingjé tsal༔
All phenomena, everything, is emptiness. Great bliss luminosity is the dynamic potential of compassion.
7v$-8'v#-fz^-9m#-+!:-.}-;=i 8}+-8J}=-L}-I{-1{-9m-]o:i
zungjuk HUNG yikkar po lé༔ ö trö dorje mé yi gur༔
From their unity, a white HUNG [arises], light streams forth—a tent of vajras and fire.
,$-`o-8Ap$-0-:m-:0-%{$-i .]-8+0-1-%}$-X,-+0v=i
nang du jungwa rirab teng༔ pema dab ma tongden ü༔
Inside that are the elements and Mount Meru, upon which is a thousand-petalled lotus. In its center
Qy[-;=-:m,-&{,-#6;-9=-"$-i +;-+0v=-={$-Dm-.]-+$-i
droom lé rinchen shyalyé khang༔ dal ü sengtri pema dang༔
From BHRUM [appears] a jewel celestial palace. In its vast center on a lion throne, lotus,

(m-S8m-%{$-`o-fz^-9m#-,mi L}-I{-fz^-#m=-13,-.:-#=;i
nyidé tengdu HUNG yik ni༔ dorje HUNG gi tsenpar sal༔
Sun, and moon is the syllable HUNG, vividly present as a vajra marked with HUNG.
8}+-8J}=-W;-1&}+-Am,-T0=-0&q=i 8E}-08m-;=-am0-1-;v=-^$=i
ö trö gyal chö jinlab dü༔ drowé ledrib malü jang༔
Light streams forth making offerings to the victors and gathering their blessings, purifying all the karma and obscurations of beings,
L}-I{-={1=-+.8m-=-;-0!}+i 3u:-8`o=-9}$=->o:-!+-%m#-;i
dorje sempé sa la kö༔ tsur dü yong gyur kechik la༔
Establishing them in the state of Vajrasattva. Gathering back, it transforms and instantly
:$-(m+-R-1-L}-I{-={1=i +!:-.}-6;-#%m#-6m-6m$-84v1i
rangnyi lama dorje sem༔ karpo shyal chik shyi shying dzum༔
I become Guru Vajrasattva, white, with one face, smiling peacefully,
+0v-`-*}:-3u#=-:m,-&{,-0W,i @#-#9=-L}-I{-*v#=-!:-#)}+i
utra tortsuk rinchen gyen༔ chak yé dorje tukkar tö༔
Hair in a topknot and adorned with jewels. Right hand holding a vajra at the heart center,
#9},-.=-Hm;-0v-+\o-;-0K{,i 60=-#(m=-L}-I{-[m;-Cs$-0bo#=i
yönpé drilbu ku la ten༔ shyab nyi dorje kyiltrung shyuk༔
The left resting a bell on my thigh, seated with my two legs in vajra posture,
13,-07$-+.{-A+-*1=-%+-Q}#=i 7m-Xm:-+:-+?$=-%}+-.,-+$-i
tsen zang pejé tamché dzok༔ zi dir dar chang chöpen dang༔
Replete with all the excellent marks and signs, I am beautifully dressed in silk ribbons, scarf, headdress,
%}+-#9}#=-*+-#9}#=-14|=-.:-+Cm=i +0v-W,-$,-&-1]o;-W,-+$-i
töyok mé yok dzepar tri༔ ugyen nyencha gul gyen dang༔
Shirt, and skirt. Excellently adorned with a crown,

={-1}-+}-+$-+}-<;-+$i +]o-0v-M1=-<m=-;{#=-.:-0W,i
semo do dang doshal dang༔ dubu nam kyi lekpar gyen༔
Earrings, short necklace, medium necklace, long necklace, bracelets, and anklets.
.$-`o-L}-I{-${1=-1-+!:i 0%t-Hs#-;$-3~-Em-*}+-%,i
pang du dorje nyemma kar༔ chudruk langtso dri töchen༔
On my lap is white Vajragarvi, a youthful sixteen-year-old holding a curved knife and skull cup.
@#-W-T-8&$-90-+$-8Dm;i 8}+-80:-P}$-`o-[1-1{:-0[{+i
chakgya nga chang yab dang tril༔ öbar long du lham mér kyé༔
Bearing the five mudras she embraces the Lord. This is vividly visualized in an expanse of radiant light.
]m-0}:-?f-fz^-Fs[-Osm-?ri 9{-<{=-T-9m-0+#-(m+-%,i
chiwor OM HUNG TRAM HRIH AH༔ yeshe nga yi daknyi chen༔
On my crown are OM, HUNG, TRAM, HRI, A, the identity of the five wisdoms.
]m-1Em,-$m$-#:-?f-?r-fz^i !q-#=v$-*v#=-=v-Am,->m=-0T0=i
chi drin nyinggar OM AH HUNG ku sung tuk su jin gyi lab༔
In my crown, throat, and heart OM, A, HUNG, bless my body, speech, and mind.
*v#=-!:-.]-S-08m-%{$-i L}-I{-+!:-.}-P{-T-.8mi
tukkar pema dawé teng༔ dorje karpo tsé ngapé༔
In my heart center upon a lotus and moon is a white five-pronged vajra.
W{-0:-S-0-;-#,=-.8mi fz^-9m#-1*8-:v-9m#-0W=-0!}:i
tewar dawa la nepé༔ HUNG yik ta ru yikgyé kor༔
In its center on a moon disc is the syllable HUNG encircled by the hundred-syllables.
8}+-7{:-0=1-9=-8J}=-.-9m=i &m#-am0-0#-&#=-,+-#+},-^$=i
özer samyé tröpa yi༔ dikdrib bakchak nedön jang༔
Inconceivable light-rays radiate out, purifying misdeeds, obscurations, habits, illnesses, and evil influences;

0+{-#<{#=-M1=-;-1({=-1&}+-/v;i !q-#=v$-*v#=-<m-Am,-T0=-0&q=i
deshek nam la nyé chö pul༔ ku sung tuk kyi jinlab dü༔
Making pleasing offerings to the Sugatas; gathering the blessings of Body, Speech, and Mind;
R-1-9m-+1-1({=-.:-A=i 1&{+-U1-1"8-8E}8m-*v#=-+1-0!$=i
lama yidam nyepar jé༔ checham khandrö tukdam kang༔
Delighting the gurus and yidams; and mending the heart samaya with vajra siblings and dakinis.
&}=-[}$-Ns$-18m-8"},-^$=-<m$-i Jm,-;=-M1-06m8m-;=-;-0!q;i
chökyong sungmé khön jang shing༔ trinlé nam shyi lé la kul༔
They clear away the dharma protectors’ grudges and call upon them to perform the four activities.
0`o+-+$-0#{#=-<m-&$-={1=-6mi 8E}-08m-;=-am0-1-;v=-^$=i
dü dang gek kyi dang sem shyi༔ drowé ledrib malü jang༔
They pacify the malice of maras and obstructers and purify the karma and obscurations of all beings.
'}+-0%t+-L}-I{-={1=-+.8m-6m$-i [-##=-9{-<{=-:};-.:->o:-0=1i
nöchü dorje sempé shying༔ lha ngak yeshe rolpar gyur༔
The vessel and contents become Vajrasattva’s pureland, the play of deity, mantra, and wisdom.
Recite this mantra like the flow of a river.

?f-0.-=2-=-1-9i 1-ao-.r-;-9i 0.-=2-2{-,}-.i )mh-HmZ}-1{-L-5i =v-)}-q}-1{-L-5i =v-.}-q}-1{-L-5i ?-ao-:%}-1{-L-5i =N-=mRm-]{-I-9qi

=N-!O-=v-2-1{-2n*[i Msm-9\\o-:v-fz^i >->->->->}\i L-#-5,-=N-)-*r-#-)i 0.-1r-1{-1v5i 0.jn-L-5i 1-ds-=-1-9-=2-?r\i
om bendza sato samaya༔ manu palaya༔ bendza sato tenopa tishta༔ dridho mé bhava༔ sutoyo mé bhava༔ supoyo mé bhava༔ anurakto
mé bhava༔ sarva siddhi mé prayatsa༔ sarva karma sutsamé༔ tsittam shri yam kuru hung༔ ha ha ha ha ho༔ bhagawan༔ sarva tathagata༔
bendza ma mé muntsa༔ bendzi bhava༔ maha samaya sato a༔
8+m-,m-;,-#%m#-0S=-21->m=i 131=-1{+-T-9m-&m#-am0-Ai ,-:!-#,=-<$-%}$->o:-%m$-i L}-I{-={1=-+$-+A{:-1{+-8>o:i
By reciting this just once the misdeeds and obscurations of the five acts with immediate fruition are purified, even the Narak realm is purified, and one becomes
inseparable from Vajrasattva.

Recite the hundred-syllables and then join your palms together.

R-1-L}-I{-={1=-+.8-<{i ,-:!-&q#-0#;-0[0-_p-#=};i
lama dorje sempa kyé༔ narak dukngal kyab tu sol༔
Guru Vajrasattva, heed me! Protect us from the torments of Narak!
&m#-.8m-3~#=-;-0+#-#,}$-6m$-i 8>}+-.=-1#},-.}8m-Hs$-`o-0<#=i
dikpé tsok la dak nong shying༔ gyöpé gönpö drung du shak༔
I feel remorse for my mass of misdeeds and with regret confess them before you, Protector.
@m=-,=-1m-0>m+-+1-0%8-0=i 1#},-.}=-3$=-.:-+;-`o-#=};i
chi né mi gyi damchawé༔ gönpö tsangpar tsal du sol༔
As I vow never to commit such deeds again, Protector, please absolve me!
={1=-%,-\o,->m-+},-0>m+-@m:i L}-I{-={1=-+.8-0+#-#m=-0au0i
semchen kün gyi dön gyi chir༔ dorje sempa dak gi drub༔
For the sake of beings I will accomplish Vajrasattva!
!q-#=v$-*v#=-=v-0+#-^}:-){i R-1{+-=-;-H$-`o-#=};i
ku sung tuk su dak jor té༔ lamé sa la drang du sol༔
Uniting me with [your] Body, Speech, and Mind, lead me to the unsurpassable state!

:$-(m+-L}-I{-={1=-+.:-0"}1i 9{-<{=-.-9$-0%m1-.:-Ai A$-&u0-0:-`o-:0-_p-#,=i

Visualize yourself as Vajrasattva. Dissolve the jnanasattvas. Make them remain firmly until enlightenment.

1`o,-0[{+-L}-I{-={1=-+.8-:$-;-0%m1i '$-Nm+-8}+-bo-K{,-+$-0K{,-.:-*m1i
dünkye dorje sempa rang la tim༔ nangsi ö shyu ten dang tenpar tim༔
The visualization of Vajrasattva in front of me then dissolves into me. Appearance and existence melt into light and dissolve into the
support and supported.
Ns$-8"}:-8Ap$-0-#6;-9=-"$-+$-Dmi +$}=-.}-W,-M1=-90-9v1-=}-=}:-*m1i
sungkhor jungwa shyalyé khang dang tri༔ ngöpo gyen nam yabyum sosor tim༔
The protection circle, elements, celestial palace, throne, and ornaments dissolve one by one into the Lord and Lady.
90-9v1-8}+-bo-L}-I{-##=-J{$-;i +{-9$-fz^-;-fz^-9$-av-+8m-0:i
yabyum ö shyu dorje ngak treng la༔ deyang HUNG la HUNG yang nadé bar༔
The Lord and Lady melt into light, then into the vajra, the mantra garland, that into HUNG, and the HUNG into the nada,
denyi mimik kadak ngang la shyak༔
Which is released into the reference-free state of primordial purity.
lar yang dorje sempé ku ru lang༔
Once more I arise in the form of Vajrasattva.
Enter into the clear light and arise again.
R-1-L}-I{-={1=-+.8-+#}$=i 8+m-W:-+#{-]+-0=}+-,1=-#$-i
lama dorje sempa gong༔ ditar gé ché sönam gang༔
Guru Vajrasattva, heed me! All merit accrued through this virtue
1*8-9=-={1=-%,-M1=-;-0#}i am0-#(m=-\o,-7+-9},-),-Q}#=i
tayé semchen nam la ngo༔ drib nyi kün zé yönten dzok༔
I dedicate to infinite beings. May the two obscurations be exhausted and excellent qualities perfected.

8#;-V{,-\o,-6m-1*v,-V{,-8A}:i R-1{+-A$-&u0-#,=-*}0-<}#i
galkyen kün shyi tünkyen jor༔ lamé changchub né tob shok༔
May all adverse conditions be pacified and conducive conditions gathered. May we attain the state of unsurpassable awakening!
6{=-0#}-*},->m=-W=-#+0i *},-;1-0C-<m=-A-6m$-(1=-0[$-$}i +{-W:-L}:-={1=-au0-.-8+mi c}=-1{+-+},->m-(1=-;{,-`oi 0!}+-+{-70-1}8m-#){:-`o-)=i ;=-%,-6m#-+$-8J+-
.:-<}#i =-1-9i W-Wi
Seal by dedication and aspiration. Recite prayers of aspiration and auspiciousness and maintain the practice.
Thus this sadhana of Vajrasattva has been laid out as a practice free from proliferation and hidden as a profound treasure (terma). May it meet with someone
who is karmically fortunate. Samaya gya gya.

The Activity of the Single Mudra Vajrasattva called “Drop of the Essence of Wisdom” from the threefold Secret Bindu Cycle

1m-@{+-%}$-(m+-L}-I{-+$-k $m$-I{8m-={1=-+.=-:m#=-*1=-%+k &}1-14+-+$}=-\o,-=0-0+#-;k @#-A=-Jm,-;=-$m$-.}-0&{0=k 8+m-;-0K{,-,=-Jm,-;=-<m-&}-#-^p$-$v=-0+#-

+},-3~#=-0=#=-+$-k #6,-+},-#,=-;v$-A-0:-8+}+-.=k
I prostrate to the vajra of non-declining emptiness and to the compassionate heroic being, to the one who brings together all families, the lord who encompasses
all things and compose “The Essence of Activity”. Based on that by the small ritual of activity I wish to gather the accumulations for my own benefit and for the
benefit of others I wish to send the consciousness of the deceased to a pure realm.
1`o,-0[{+-K{,-Km=-!q-=#} =-9}+-,-+{-21->m=-8*v=-<m$-k 1{+-,-1b-;-3~1-0v-#%m#-8#}+k #(m=-!-1-84~1-,-1`o,-1":-9m+-<m=-0"}1-.=-<$-1*v=k #$-W:-R-#)}:-St1-.}-W,-X,->m-
#9=-#9},-`o-*,-:!k @m-1&}+-1`o,-`o-0<1k 0=$=-&u-+$-3~#=-<m-9}-A+-#$-8A}:-0=#=k
If there is just a representation like a painting for the front visualization that is enough. If there is none, arrange the heaps of a mandala. If neither comes
together, it is also sufficient to imagine it in the space in front. In any case arrange amrita and rakta at the right and left of the round deity torma decorated with
ornaments and lay out the outer offerings in front. Gather the cleansed water and whichever articles you have for the ganacakra.
A$-&}#-A{+-,-1b;-1`o,-`o-0v1-.-0%t+-X,-"-W,-1]o;-&m$=-%,-+$-k 0#{#=-#)}:- A{-:m;- 9v$=-+!:-13,-A$-7=-0#}-1:-1{-=}#=-8`o-Ak
When you perform the purification ritual in front of the mandala bring together things like a vase, filled with nectar, adorned by a lid-ornament and a ribbon
tied around the neck, a torma for the obstructers, sand pills, mustard seeds, a listing of names, food and butter lamps.

*}#-1:-[0=-={1=-,=-0P1=-0+#-0[{+-0S=-.-+$-0%=-.-#=$-*#m -#){:-#bo$-P-0-06m,-Es0-,=k 1`o,-0[{+-Jm,-;=-<m-*}#-1:-0=$-&u-;-+1m#=-){k
At first start by taking refuge and cultivating bodhicitta. Perform the self-visualization along with the recitation according to the terma root text “Secret Essence”.
Next follows the front visualization. At the beginning of this activity imagine the cleansed water.

:[-9[-"[- %}$-.8m-$$-;=-0=$-&u8m-%{$-`ok 1-={4-1b-;- (m-1-;-#,=-.8m-fz[-9m#-+1:-.}- "-:-C-/@ =[->-:-C-fz^-

8J}-8`o=-9}$=-=v->o:-.-;=k ?f-0.-1-ds-C}-am-9-:m-fz[-/@- D}-1}-+Am$=-@p#-1-+1:-1}-Hm;-0v-+$-L,-+1:-84n,-.8m-!q-:v->o:- .:-0=1-<m$- L}-I{-P{-#%m#-
RAM YAM KHAM. tong pé ngang lé sang chü teng du༔ ma surya mandala༔
nyi ma la né pé HUNG yig mar po༔ SPA RA NA PHAT SAM HA RA NA HUNG ༔
thro dü yong su gyur pa lé༔ OM BENDZA MA HA TRO DHI SHWARI HUNG PHAT༔
thro mo ying chug ma mar mo dril bu dang bhen mar dzin pé ku ru gyur༔
RAM YAM KHAM. From within emptiness arises a red letter HUNG above the cleansing water dwelling on a sun. Light radiates out
and gathers back, it completely transforms into the wrathful Dhatvishvari. Her body is red and she is holding a bell and a fresh skull.
Thus imagine and touch the cleansing water with the mudra of the one-pointed vajra.
?f-ds-C}-ajm-9-:m-=N-H-A[-<}-a-9-?f-?rïfz^-OsmïAk 6{=-0W81-({:-#%m#-21->m=-Am,-T0=-,=-
By reciting this one hundred times or just twenty-one times the water is blessed.
thro mo ying chug mé rang zhin chü dul thra rab tu gyur༔
The finest particles of the cleansing water turn into the nature of Dhativishari.
:[-9[-"[- %}$-.8m-$$-;=-6m$-"1=-1&}#i :m,-&{,-#6;-1{+-"$-+$-0%=i W,-0!}+-;}$=-]}+-/v,-=v1-3~#=i
Qy[-;=-Lm8m-'}+-M1=-=v-i ?f-?r-fz^-;=-1&}+-.8m-cm, *,-:!-#)}:-#=v1-@m-,$-#=$-i :0-8A1=-,1-1"8-#$-0:->o:i
RAM YAM KHAM. tong pé ngang lé zhing kham chog༔ rin chen zhal mé khang dang cé༔
gyen kö long cö phün sum tshog༔ Bhrum lé bhendzé nö nam su༔ OM AH HUNG lé chö pé trin༔
men rak tor sum chi nang sang༔ rab jam nam kha gang war gyur༔

RAM YAM KAM. From within emptiness arises the supreme realm with a celestial palace, arrayed by ornaments and endowed by
wonderful objects of enjoyment. From Bhrum skull cups appear as vessels. From OM AH HUNG therein clouds of offerings appear:
amrita, rakta, torma as well as outer, inner and secret offerings. The vast space becomes filled up.

?f-0.-?g[-,=- <B-?r\fz^i
?f-1-ds-?-Lm-)-?r\fz^i ?f-1-ds-:%-?r\fz^i ?f-1-ds-0-;`-)-?r\fz^i ?f-0.-"-:-C-"[i
Recite these mantras three times. Thus bless the offerings.
&}=-M1=-%}$-.8m-$$-(m+-;=i 1`o,-`o-8Ap$-0-:m-:0-%{$-i .]-8+0-1-%}$-X,-+0v=i
chö nam tong pé ngang nyi lé༔ dün du jung wa ri rab teng༔ pema dab ma tong den ü༔
From within emptiness of all phenomena in front of me appear the elements and thereon Mount Meru.
Above arises a thousand-petaled lotus. In its center
Qr[-;=-:m,-&{,-#6;-9=-"$-i +;-+0v=-={$-Dm-.]-+$-i
droom lé rinchen shyalyé khang༔ dal ü sengtri pema dang༔
From the BHRUM [appears] a jewel celestial palace. In its vast center on a lion throne, lotus,
(m-S8m-%{$-`o-fz^-9m#-,mi L}-I{-fz^-#m=-13,-.:-#=;i
nyidé tengdu HUNG yik ni༔ dorje HUNG gi tsenpar sal༔
Sun, and moon is the syllable HUNG, vividly present as a vajra marked with HUNG.

8}+-8J}=-W;-1&}+-Am,-T0=-0&q=i 8E}-08m-;=-am0-1-;v=-^$=i
ö trö gyal chö jinlab dü༔ drowé ledrib malü jang༔
Light streams forth making offerings to the victors and gathering their blessings, purifying all the karma and obscurations of beings,
L}-I{-={1=-+.8m-=-;-0!}+i 3u:-8`o=-9}$=->o:-!+-%m#-;i
dorje sempé sa la kö༔ tsur dü yong gyur kechik la༔
Establishing them in the state of Vajrasattva.Gathering back, it transforms and instantly
1`o,-1":-R-1-L}-I{-={1=i +!:-.}-6;-#%m#-6m-6m$-84v1i
dün kar lama dorje sem༔ karpo shyal chik shyi shying dzum༔
becomes Guru Vajrasattva in the space in front, white, with one face, smiling peacefully,
+0v-`-*}:-3u#=-:m,-&{,-0W,i @#-#9=-L}-I{-*v#=-!:-#)}+i
utra tortsuk rinchen gyen༔ chak yé dorje tukkar tö༔
Hair in a topknot and adorned with jewels. Right hand holding a vajra at the heart center,
#9},-.=-Hm;-0v-+\o-;-0K{,i 60=-#(m=-L}-I{-[m;-Cs$-0bo#=i
yönpé drilbu ku la ten༔ shyab nyi dorje kyiltrung shyuk༔
The left resting a bell on the thigh, seated with two legs in vajra posture,
13,-07$-+.{-A+-*1=-%+-Q}#=i 7m-Xm:-+:-+?$=-%}+-.,-+$-i
tsen zang pejé tamché dzok༔ zi dir dar chang chöpen dang༔
Replete with all the excellent marks and signs, I am beautifully dressed in silk ribbons, scarf, headdress,
%}+-#9}#=-*+-#9}#=-14|+-.:-+Cm=i +0v-W,-$,-&-1]o;-W,-+$-i
töyok mé yok dzepar tri༔ ugyen nyencha gul gyen dang༔
Shirt, and skirt. Excellently adorned with a crown,
={-1}-+}-+$-+}-<;-+$-i #`o-0v-M1=-<m=-;{#=-.:-0W,i
semo do dang doshal dang༔ dubu nam kyi lekpar gyen༔
Earrings, short necklace, medium necklace, long necklace, bracelets, and anklets.

.$-`o-L}-I{-${1=-1-+!:i 0%t-Hs#-;$-3~-Em-*}+-%,i
pang du dorje nyemma kar༔ chudruk langtso dri töchen༔
On his lap is white Vajragarvi, a youthful sixteen-year-old holding a curved knife and skull cup.
@#-W-T-8&$-90-+$-8Dm;i 8}+-80:-P}$-`o-[1-1{:-0[{+i
chakgya nga chang yab dang tril༔ öbar long du lham mér kyé༔
Bearing the five mudrās she embraces the Lord. This is vividly visualized in an expanse of radiant light.
]m-0}:-?f-fz^-Fs[-Osm-?ri 9{-<{=-T-9m-0+#-(m+-%,i
chiwor OM HUNG TRAM HRI AH༔ yeshe nga yi daknyi chen༔
On his crown are OM, HUNG, TRAM, HRI, AH, the identity of the five wisdoms.
]m-1Em,-$m$-#:-?f-?r-fz^i !q-#=v$-*v#=-=v-Am,->m=-0T0=i
chi drin nyinggar OM AH HUNG ku sung tuk su jin gyi lab༔
In his crown, throat, and heart OM, A, HUNG, bless body, speech, and mind.
*v#=-!8m-fz^-;=-8}+-8J}=-.=i :$-06m,-#,=-,=-],-H$=-0=1i
thug ké HUNG lé ö thrö pé༔ rang zhin né né cen drang༔
Light radiates from the HUNG at his heart. Thereby the wisdom beings are invited from their natural abodes.
Thus imagine.

fz^i &}=-<m-+Am$=-=v-$}1=-bo#=-.8mi W;-0-N=-+$-0%=-M1=-<$-i #7v#=-!q-L}-I{-={1=-+.:-06{$=i

*v#=-I{=-({-0:-8+m:-#<{#=-#=};i 0.-=-1-9-4ï 4ïfz^-0[->}ï=-#(m=-1{+-0%m1i
HUNG༔ chö kyi ying su nyom zhug pé༔ gyal wa sé dang cé nam kyang༔ zug ku dor je sem par zheng༔
thug je nye war dir sheg sol༔ BENDZA SAMAYA DZA. DZA HUNG BAM HO༔
Invitation of the wisdom beings
HUNG. Victors and heirs abiding in meditative equipoise in the dharmadatu, please arise in form kayas as Vajrasattva and out of
compassion come close to me. BENDZA SAMAYA DZA. DZA HUNG BAM HO.
Thereby they dissolve inseparably.

fz^i 9{-<{=-L}-I{-={1=-+.8-&{i A$-&u0-0:-`o-;{#=-0bo#=-<m$-i 1*8-9=-8E}-M1=-a};-14+-.8mi
0+{-#<{#=-#2~-;-@#-83;-;}i )m(-[,i ,-1}-fz[i *v#=-;=-1&}+-.8m-[-1}-c}=-){i
HUNG༔ ye she dor je sem pa che༔ jang chub bar du leg zhug shing༔ tha yé dro nam drol dzé pé༔
de sheg tso la chag tshal lo༔ TISHTA LHEN. NAMO HUNG༔
Paying homage to the wisdom beings
Hung. Great Wisdom Vajrasattva, please abide firmly until awakening. I pay homage to you, the Lord of the Sugatas, who causes
liberation of limitless beings. TISHTA LHEN. NAMO HUNG. Offering goddesses radiate from the heart.
fz^i 0=}+-,1=-W-13~-;=-Ap$-08mi ,1-1"8m-1*8-P=-9{-<{=-<mi 1&}+-9},-60=-0=m;-1{-)}#-+$-i
0`o#-(}=-'$-#=;-Hm-07$-&0i 6;-7=-:};-1}-0=1-9=-.i L}:-={1=-N=-+$-0%=-;-80v;i
?f-.-,-.c-.{-ao-=v-:-)}-)m-.v-=N-)-*r-#-)-=-1-9}-#m-=mRm-fz[i ?f-]o-:v-0.-=2-?g[- =}#=-,=i <B-.{-4->}ï
HUNG༔ sö nam gya tsho lé jung wé༔ nam khé tha lé ye she kyi༔ chö yön zhab sim me tog dang༔
dug pö nang sal dri zang chab༔ zhal zé rol mo sam yé pa༔ dor sem sé dang cé la bul༔
Outer Offerings
HUNG. Wisdom offerings infinite like space arise from an ocean of merit: inconceivable offering water, foot water, flowers, incense,
lamps, perfume water, food and music. I offer them to Vajrasattva and his heirs.
fz^i #7v#=-a-Hm-:}-:{#-A-+$-i W;-Nm+-0C-<m=-K#=-Q=-=}#=i \o,-07$-1&}+-cm,-&{,-.}-9m=i
R-1-L}:-={1=-1({=->o:-%m#i ,-1ï=N-)-*r-#-)-P}-0m-9-1v-"{-Pï =N-*r-"[-?vH-){-"-:-C-?m-1[-#-#-,-"[-:-dsi
HUNG༔ zug dra dri ro reg ja dang༔ gyal si tra shi tag dzé sog༔ kün zang chö trin chen po yi༔
la ma dor sem nye gyur cig༔

Inner Offerings
HUNG. May Guru Vajrasattva be delighted by big Samantabhadra offering clouds of form, sound, smell, taste, touchables, royal
attributes, auspicious symbols, auspicious substances and the like. NAMA SARWA TATHAGATA JO BISHU MUKHE JA SARWA THA KHAM
fz^i 9{-<{=-3+-1{+-+.8-0}8m-/v+i 0+{-0-&{,-.}8m-+1:-&{,-.}i 8+}+-9},-#)}:-18m-cm,-/v$-M1=i
R-1-L}-I{-={1=-;-80v;i 1-ds-?-Lm-)-:%-0-;`-)-"r->mi
HUNG༔ ye she dzé me pa bö phü༔ de wa chen pö mar chen po༔ dö yön tor mé trin phung nam༔
la ma dor je sem la bul༔ MAHA AMRITA RAKTA BALINTA KHAHI.
Amrita, Rakta and Torma
HUNG. I offer to Guru Vajrasattva immeasurable wisdom, the best of the dakas, the great red of great bliss and cloud banks of tormas
fz^i *0=-<{=-0+{-%}$-:};-.-9m=i #(m=-1{+-M;-8A}:-+>{=-.-0[{+i 1-:m#-#(m=-84n,-8Ds;-.8m-0`o+i
:$-#=;-+1m#=-1{+-0a;-0=-1&}+i 1&}+-+$-1&}+-A-1m-+1m#=-<$-i :$-P;-[s,-8Es0-1({=-.-&{i 1-ds-=v-"-)-,-#-,-aO-aj-_p-.{-4->}ï
HUNG༔ thab she de tong rol pa yi༔ nyi mé nal jor gye pa kye༔ ma rig nyi dzin thrul pé dü༔
rang sal mig mé dral wé chö༔ chö dang chö ja mi mig kyang༔ rang tsal lhün drub nye pa che༔
Secret Offerings
HUNG. The play of method and wisdom, bliss and emptiness, brings about the delight of the non-dual yoga. The maras, which are
confusion of dualistic grasping out of ignorance, are liberated in self luminosity without reference point. Thus I offer without
considering the act of offering and the object of worship. However the spontanous presence of the natural expression is great joy.

fz^i 1m-#9}-<{=-:0-&}=-<m-!iq 0+{-&{,-[s,-8Es0-;}$=-]}+-Q}#=i *v#=-I{-*0=-1"=-cu;-.8m-!qi
+A{:-1{+-L}-I{-={1=-;-8`o+i Hm-1{+-`o$-1+}#-13,-+.{-Q}#=i '$-%}$-#(m=-1{+-L}:-Hm;-84n,i
L}-I{-${1=-1:-1(1-^}:-0i @#-83;-L}-I{-={1=-+.8-;8}i
HUNG༔ mi yo she rab chö kyi ku༔ de chen lhün drub long cö dzog༔ thug je thab khé trul pé ku༔
yer me dor je sem la dü༔ dri mé dung dog tshén pe dzog༔ nang tong nyi mé dor dril dzin༔
dor je nyem mar nyam jor wa༔ chag tshal dor je sem pa lao༔
Praise of the absolute by a vajra song
HUNG. Inseparability from unwavering knowledge - dharmakaya, spontaneous presence of great bliss - sambhogakaya, skillful means
of compassion - nirmanakaya, I bow down to you, Vajrasattva. You possess a conch-shell color without stains. Your signs and marks
are complete. You hold vajra and bell of non-dual appearance and emptiness and you are united with Vajragarvi. I pay homage to you,
*v#=-!:-.]-S-08m-%{$-i L}-I{-+!:-.}-P{-T-.8mi
tukkar pema dawé teng༔ dorje karpo tsé ngapé༔
In the heart center upon a lotus and moon is a white five-pronged vajra.
W{-0:-S-0-;-#,=-.8mi fz^-9m#-1*8-:v-9m#-0W=-0!}:i
tewar dawa la nepé༔ HUNG yik ta ru yikgyé kor༔
In its center on a moon disc is the syllable HUNG encircled by the hundred-syllables.
8}+-7{:-0=1-9=-8J}=-.-9m=i &m#-am0-0#-&#=-,+-#+},-^$=i
özer samyé tröpa yi༔ dikdrib bakchak nedön jang༔
Inconceivable light-rays radiate out, purifying misdeeds, obscurations, habits, illnesses, and evil influences;
0+{-#<{#=-M1=-;-1({=-1&}+-/v;i !q-#=v$-*v#=-<m-Am,-T0=-0&q=i
deshek nam la nyé chö pul༔ ku sung tuk kyi jinlab dü༔
Making pleasing offerings to the Sugatas; gathering the blessings of Body, Speech, and Mind;

R-1-9m-+1-1({=-.:-A=i 1&{+-U1-1"8-8E}8m-*v#=-+1-0!$=i
lama yidam nyepar jé༔ checham khandrö tukdam kang༔
Delighting the gurus and yidams; and mending the heart samaya with vajra siblings and ḍākinīs.
&}=-[}$-Ns$-18m-8"},-^$=-<m$-i Jm,-;=-M1-06m8m-;=-;-0!q;i
chökyong sungmé khön jang shing༔ trinlé nam shyi lé la kul༔
They clear away the dharma protectors’ grudges and call upon them to perform the four activities.
0`o+-+$-0#{#=-<m-&$-={1=-6mi 8E}-08m-;=-am0-1-;v=-^$=i
dü dang gek kyi dang sem shyi༔ drowé ledrib malü jang༔
They pacify the malice of maras and obstructers and purify the karma and obscurations of all beings.
'}+-0%t+-L}-I{-={1=-+.8m-6m$-i [-##=-9{-<{=-:};-.:->o:-0=1i
nöchü dorje sempé shying༔ lha ngak yeshe rolpar gyur༔
The vessel and contents become Vajrasattva’s pureland, the play of deity, mantra, and wisdom.
Thus imagine and recite the hundred syllables and six syllables as much as possible.
In case you perform the self-empowerment or send the consciousness of the deceased to a pure realm you should recite the vase visualization together with taking
the empowerment.
!0=-=v-:m,-&{,-0v1-.-,mi 9,-;#-0W+-X,-&u-9m=-0!$-i :m,-&{,-*,-8Ks-Hm-07$-+$-i $m$-.}-0`o+-Pm-T-J#-Hs#i 9v$=-+!:-/-;1-<{;-+$-#={:i 1{-)}#-+!:-.}-Q=-M1=-
Rt#=i "-W,-1]o;-+Cm=-#7v$=-*#-0)#=i
At times, put the substances - jewels, medicine, grains, saffron, the thirtyfold essence amrita, mustard seeds, diamonds, crystal, gold, white flowers - inside a
precious vase filled with eightfold water. Attach a lid-ornament, a neck band, and a dharani cord.

0v1-.-1m-+1m#=-%}$-.8m-$$-i .]-S-08m-#+,-%{$-`oi
bumpa mimik tongpé ngang༔ pema dawé den teng du༔
Within emptiness free of concepts of the vase, upon a lotus and moon seat
Qr[-;=-0v1-.-#6;-9=-"$-i 0`o+-Pm8m-13~-+0v=-.+-S8m-%{$-i
droom lé bumpa shyalyé khang༔ dütsi tso ü pé dé teng༔
From BHRUM appears the vase, a celestial palace, in the center of [which, in] an amṛita lake upon a lotus and moon
L}-I{-={1=-+.8-S-08m-1+}#i 6;-#%m#-@#-#(m=-L}:-Hm;-84n,i
dorje sempa dawé dok༔ shyal chik chak nyi dordril dzin༔
Is Vajrasattva, the color of the moon, with one face and two hands holding a vajra and bell
${1=-1-9v1-+$-1(1-.:-^}:i ;}$=-]}+-Q}#=-!q8m-&-;v#=-%,i
nyemma yum dang nyampar jor༔ longchö dzok kü chaluk chen༔
In union with consort Atopa. Wearing samboghakāya attire,
[m;-Cs$-0bo#=-<m$-8}+-7{:-80:i *v#=-!:-S-08m-#+,-%{$-`oi
kyiltrung shyuk shing özer bar༔ tukkar dawé den tengdu༔
He is seated in vajra posture and glows with light. In his heart center on a moon seat
L}-I{-fz^-1*:-9m#-0W=-0!}:i ##=-<m=-*v#=-Wv+-0!q;-0-9m=i
dorje HUNG tar yikgyé kor༔ ngak kyi tukgyü kulwa yi༔
Is a vajra and HUNG encircled by the hundred-syllables. By invoking his mind-stream with the mantra
!q-;=-0`o+-Pm8m-Wv,-00=-.=i 0v1-.-9}$=-=v-#$-0:->o:i
ku lé dütsi gyün babpé༔ bumpa yongsu gangwar gyur༔
A stream of amṛita descends from his body and completely fills the vase.
Recite the hundred-syllables and then join your palms together.

R-1-L}-I{-={1=-+.8-<{i ,-:!-&q#-0#;-0[0-_p-#=};i
lama dorje sempa kyé༔ narak dukngal kyab tu sol༔
Guru Vajrasattva, heed me! Protect us from the torments of Narak!
&m#-.8m-3~#=-;-0+#-#,}$-6m$-i 8>}+-.=-1#},-.}8m-Hs$-`o-0<#=i
dikpé tsok la dak nong shying༔ gyöpé gönpö drung du shak༔
I feel remorse for my mass of misdeeds and with regret confess them before you, Protector.
@m=-,=-1m-0>m+-+1-0%8-0=i 1#},-.}=-3$=-.:-+;-`o-#=};i
chi né mi gyi damchawé༔ gönpö tsangpar tsal du sol༔
As I vow never to commit such deeds again, Protector, please absolve me!
={1=-%,-\o,->m-+},-0>m+-@m:i L}-I{-={1=-+.8-0+#-#m=-0au0i
semchen kün gyi dön gyi chir༔ dorje sempa dak gi drub༔
For the sake of beings I will accomplish Vajrasattva!
!q-#=v$-*v#=-=v-0+#-^}:-){i R-1{+-=-;-H$-`o-#=};i
ku sung tuk su dak jor té༔ lamé sa la drang du sol༔
Uniting me with [your] Body, Speech, and Mind, lead me to the unsurpassable state!
:$-(m+-L}-I{-={1=-+.:-0"}1i 9{-<{=-.-9$-0%m1-.:-Ai A$-&u0-0:-`o-:0-_p-#,=i +{-,=-0v1-.-]m-0}:-07v$-i
Visualize yourself as Vajrasattva. Dissolve the jnanasattvas. Make them remain firmly until enlightenment. Then place the vase on your crown.

fz^i &}=-+Am$=-0v1-.-W;-08m-/}-K$-+Am$=-<m-P}$-9$=-,=i
HUNG༔ chöying bumpa gyalwé podrang ying kyi long yang né༔
HUNG. From the vast expanse of the dharmadhatu vase, the victor’s palace,
dewa chenpö yeshe ngaden dorje sempé ku༔
The form of Vajrasattva endowed with the five wisdoms of great bliss,
nyönmong dung sel drimé tönké dawé dang tar rab barwa༔
Dispeller of the anguish of afflictions, shining brightly like the glow of the stainless autumn moon,

nyönmong trulpé drima jompé dütsi trü chok lekpar tsol༔
Bestow the supreme cleansing amṛita that vanquishes the stains of affliction and delusion!
yingrik zungjuk nöchü yongdzok bumpa wang gi gyal༔
Unity of space and awareness, the entire vessel and contents, the victorious vase empowerment,
dorje sempé ku sung tuk kyi jinlab mepo ché༔
Wondrous blessings of Vajrasattva’s Body, Speech, and Mind—
tukjé tob dang dzutrul pakmé zung dang ngön shé kyi༔
Through your mighty compassion, immeasurable miraculous powers, dharani, and clairvoyance
lü ngak yi kyi trulpé drima malü jang du sol༔
Please purify without exception the stains of deluded body, speech, and mind!
mi gyur tsenpé lek shé drayang dechen tuk chok dü dir tsol༔
Bestow right here and now the unchanging marks and signs, the melodious voice of lucid exposition, and supreme great bliss Mind!
nangtong ku dang drak tong sung yang shardrol tuk chok tokpar dzö༔
Make me realize empty appearances to be Body, empty sound to be melodious Speech, and spontaneous liberation to be supreme
At the end of the hundred-syllables:

chu yi lü gang drib dak wang tob gyur༔
The water fills up my body. Obscurations are purified, empowerment obtained.
8+m:-#,=-;v$-+$-3~#=-1&}+-+<o=-1-21-;-1-A=-<$-&}#-1}+k (1=-&#=-!}$-0<#=-1+}:-0&q=-^:-0:-c}-,k 9{-<{=-!q-1&}#-+$-9m#-0W-0I}+-;-@#-83;k
If you usually do not send the consciousness of the deceased to a pure realm or perform the ganacakra here this is acceptable. But in case you like to apply shortly
the mending and confession of infractions recite the prayer starting with Ye she ku tshog and the hundred syllables and bow down.
1:-1{-):-;k fz^i \o,-#6m-#=$-0-&{,-.}8m-+Am$=i :$-:m#-#=;-08m-1+$=-<:-0i 9{-<{=-&{,-.}8m-1:-1{-8+m=i
:m#-84n,-P;-8&$-R-1-+$-i L}-I{-={1=-+.8m-*v#=-+1-0!$-i 8"}:->m-1"8-8E}8m-(1=-&#=-^$=i
L}-I{8m-#9:-+1-#%m#-.-M1=i +>{=-.-&{,-.}8m-1&}+-.:-80v;i
HUNG༔ kün zhi sang wa chen pö ying༔ rang rig sal wé dang shar wa༔ ye she chen pö mar me di༔
rig dzin tsal chang la ma dang༔ dor je sem pé thug dam kang༔ khor gyi kha drö nyam chag jang༔
dor je yar dam cig pa nam༔ gye pa chen pö chö par bul༔
Light the butter lamps and recite as follows: HUNG. In the expanse of the all-base, the great secret shines forth the sheen of clear self-
awareness. May these butter lamps of great wisdom mend the commitment with the guru, who is the holder of the expressivity of the
Vidyadharas, and with Vajrasattva. May it purify infractions of the retinue dakinis. We, the ones who are holding the same vajra-
commitment make this offerings of great joy.
'$-0-8}+-#=;-cm,-&{,-.}=i cu;-.8m-!q-9m-*v#=-+1-0!$-i 0v1-+0$-+1-3n#-(1=-&#=-0<#=i L}-I{8m-!q-:v-Am,->m=-T}0=i
nang wa ö sal trin chen pö༔ trul pé ku yi thug dam kang༔
bum wang dam tshig nyam chag shag༔ dor je ku ru jin gyi lob༔
May the nirmanakaya commitment be mended through the big cloud of appearance and luminosity. We confess the infractions of the
samayas of the vase empowerment. Please bestow your blessings for the realization of the vajra body.

%}$-.-$}=-07v$-1{+-.-8+m=i ;}$=-]}+-Q}#=-!q8m-*v#=-+1-0!$-i #=$-+0$-+1-3n#-(1=-&#=-0<#=i L}-I{8m-##=-=v-Am,->m=-T}0=i
tong pa ngö zung mé pa di༔ long cö dzog kü thug dam kang༔
sang wang dam tshig nyam chag shag༔ dor je ngag su jin gyi lob༔
May the sambhogakaya commitment be mended through this unidentifiable emptiness. We confess the infractions of the samayas of
the secret empowerment. Please bestow your blessings for the realization of the vajra speech.
7v$-8'v#-<m,-_p-M1-+#-.=i &}=-<m-!q-9m-*v#=-+1-0!$-i <{:-+0$-+1-3n#-(1=-&#=-0<#=i L}-I{8m-*v#=-=v-Am,->m=-T}0=i
zung jug shin tu nam dag pé༔ chö kyi ku yi thug dam kang༔
sher wang dam tshig nyam chag shag༔ dor je thug su jin gyi lob༔
May the dharmakaya commitment be mended through the completely pure union. We confess the infractions of the samayas of the
wisdom empowerment. Please bestow your blessings for the realization of the vajra mind.
+A{:-1{+-*m#-;{-&{,-.}-9m=i $}-0}-(m+-!q8m-*v#=-+1-0!$-i 3n#-+0$-+1-3n#-(1=-&#=-0<#=i 9{-<{=-L}-I{:-Am,->m=-T}0=i
yer me thig le chen po yi༔ ngo wo nyi kü thug dam kang༔
tshig wang dam tshig nyam chag shag༔ ye she dor jer jin gyi lob༔
May the svabhavikakaya commitment be mended through the big bindu of inseparability. We confess the infractions of the samayas of
the word empowerment. Please bestow the blessings for the realization of the vajra of wisdom.
6{=-840-+A$=-A-6m$-8}#-#m-#,=-;v$-;-8'v# +{-+#-1m-A{+-,-#}$-#m-0S=-.-Es0-1-*#-3~#=-1&}+-A-0-,mk
Generate the mantra sound and engage in sending the consciousness of the deceased to a pure realm. In case you do not put these into practice you should
perform a ganacakra immediately after the recitation.

:[-9[-"[-#m=-1-+#-^$=i %}$-.8m-$$-;=-Qy[-9m#-;=i +Am$=-<m-L|-9$=-.8m-,$-i
/v$-"1=-<-T-0`o+-Pm-Ti 1{-Tt$-^}:-0=-8}+-`o-boi 8Ks-#=v1-8}+-<m=-9{-<{=-T8mi
0`o+-Pm-],-H$=-#(m=-1{+-*m1i 8+}+-9},-1&}+-cm,-c}-0:->o:i ?f-?r-fz^- ;,-#=v1-+$-
RAM YAM KHAM gi ma dag jang༔ tong pé ngang lé BHRUM yig lé༔ ying kyi bhendha yang pé nang༔
phung kham sha nga dü tsi nga༔ me lung jor wé ö du zhu༔ dru sum ö kyi ye she ngé༔
dü tsi jen drang nyi me thim༔ dö yön chö trin tro war gyur༔ OM A HUNG 3X༔
Through RAM YAM KHAM impurities are cleared away. From within emptiness the syllable BHRUM appears from which a broad skull-
cup of space arises. Therein are the skandhas, dhatus, five kinds of meat and five kinds of nectar. Through the connection of fire and
wind they are melting into light. The light of the three seed-syllables invites the nectar of the five kinds of wisdom. It gets absorbed
inseparably. Offering clouds of desirables emanate. OM AH HUNG. Three times.
fz^i 0=}+-,1=-9{-<{=-3~#=-Q}#=-@m:i :$-'$-8+}+-9},-1&}+-cm,-c}i R-1-L}-I{-={1=-;-=}#=i
+<m;-8"}:-[-3~#=-1({=->o:-%m#i ?f-0.-=2-=-1-9-=}#=k #-C-2C-.{-4->}\
HUNG༔ sö nam ye she tshog dzog chir༔ rang nang dö yön chö trin tro༔ la ma dor je sem la sog༔
kyil khor lha tshog nye gyur cig༔ OM BENDZA SATO SAMAYA … GANA TSAKRA PUDZA HO
The first Offering
HUNG. To complete the accumulation of merit and wisdom the self-arising offering clouds of desirables emanate. May Guru
Vajrasattva and the other assembled deities of the mandala be delighted.
Recite the hundred syllable mantra. GANA TSAKRA HO.

0:-.-0<#=-.-,mk >}\ *}#-1{+-`o=-,=-0=#=-.-9mi ;=-+$-(},-1}$=-am0-.8m-3~#=i (1=-&#=-8#;-8Ds;-%m-1&m=-.i

6;-7=-3~#=-<m-1&}+-.=-0<#=i =-1-9-coa{-?r\
HUNG༔ thog me dü né sag pa yi༔ lé dang nyön mong drib pé tshog༔ nyam chag kal thrul ci chi pa༔
zhal zé tshog kyi chö pé shag༔ SAMAYA SHUDDHE AH༔
The second Offering: Confession
HO. By offering accumulations of food I confess the accumulations of karma, afflictions and obscurations, assembled since
beginningless times, and whichever infractions, contradictions and confusions I have commited. SAMAYA SHUDDHE AH.

fz^i 0%}1-X,-8"}:-+$-0%=-M1=-<m=i 1&}+-.-W-13~-8+m-06{=-<m#i (1=-&#=-W-13~-1-;v=-0<#=i
*v#=-+1-W-13~-1-;v=-0!$-i +$}=-Es0-W-13~-+;-`o-#=};i Jm,-;=-W-13~-1-;v=-au0=i
HUNG༔ com den khor dang cé nam kyi༔ chö pa gya tsho di zhe shig༔ nyam chag gya tsho ma lü shag༔
thug dam gya tsho ma lü kang༔ ngö drub gya tsho tsal du sol༔ thrin lé gya tsho ma lü drub༔
HUNG. Bhagavan, together with your retinue please accept this ocean of offerings. I am confessing the ocean of infractions without
exception. I am mending the ocean of commitments without exception. Please bestow the ocean od siddhis. May I accomplish the
ocean of buddha activities without exception.
It would be excellent to perform this last six lines a number of times since they condense the meaning of the whole.
*-1-0a;-0%0-,mk fz^i :$-'$-8Ds;-.8m-`o#-#=v1-+E-0#{#=-M1=i M1-*:-#=v1-`o-9{-<{=-&{,-.}=-0a;i
0#-&#=-^$=-.8m-9{-<{=-3~#=-1&}+-8+mi 0+{-0:-#<{#=-.-M1=-<m-6;-`o-0)0=i 1r-F[-:v-H-1r-:-9-/@\ 1r[-=-:%-!`-,m-:m-)m-"r->mi #;-){-3~#=-
80v1-*{:-;-=}#=-.-0=#=-+#}=-.8m-3|-8+m-9,-=$} -,=k ?f-?r-fz^-6{=-Am,-0T0=k ?f-0.-=2-?r =-.-:m-5v-:-#-C-2-C-.{-4-"-"-"r->m-"r->mk 6{=-80v;k 0L8m-80v;-
HUNG༔ rang nang thrul pé dug sum dra geg nam༔ nam thar sum du ye she chen pö dral༔
bag chak jang pé ye she tshog chö di༔ de war sheg pa nam kyi zhal du tab༔
Liberating and Proffering
HUNG. By the great wisdom my appearances mistaken by the three poisons, my enemies and obstructers are released into the three
complete liberations. This offering of accumulated wisdom which purifies habitual patterns is being put into the mouth of the Sugatas.
In case one hundred thousand and the like ganacakras are to be accumulated it is up to here.

[#-1-0`o+-Pm=-K,-;k ?f-?r\fz[- #=v1->m=-Am,-0T0=k P}\ +.;->m-0!8-(,-[#-&q+-M1=i 8+}+-9},-0`o+-Pm-8+m-#=};-;i
#},->m-*-3n#-'m-06m,-`oi 0%};-08m-Jm,-;=-8Es0-.:-14~+i ?vqnc-0-;`-)-"r->mi 6{=-@m:-80v;k
OM AH HUNG 3x BHYO pal gyi ka nyen lhag dü nam༔ dö yön dü tsi di sol la༔
ngön gyi tha tsig ji zhin du༔ col wé thrin lé drub par dzö༔ UTISHTA BALINTA KHAHI༔
Sprinkle the remainder with amrita and bless three times with OM AH HUNG.
BHYO. You who are obedient to the words of the glorious and assembled here for the remainders, please drink this nectar of desirables
and according to your former oath accomplish the activities entrusted to you. UTISHTA BALINTA KHAHI. Offer the remainders outside.
?f-]o-:v-0.-=2-?g[-=}#=-,=- <5-I-_smq-:-dsk
0%}+-.:-8}=-.-*1=-%+-;k 6m$-Ly;-\o,->m-E$=-${+-<m=k ;v=-0_p+-.-9m=-M1=-\o,-_pk 1&}#-_p-++-.=-0%}+-.:-0>mk 9m#-0W-0I}+k
tö par ö pa tham cé la༔ zhing dul kün gyi drang nye kyi༔ lü tü pa yin nam kün tu༔ chog tu dé pé tön par gyi༔
Abbreviated Offering and Praise to Guru Vajrasattva in front
OM GURU BENDZA SATO ARGHAM ... SHAPTA PRATITSHA SOHA. To all those who are worthy to be praised I always bow down in supreme
faith with as many bodies as all atoms that exist. Recite the hundred syllable mantra.
1-J{+-9}$=-=v-1-3$=-+$-k #$-9$-ao=-.-1-1&m=-.k &+-[#-,}$=-.:->o:-.-=}#=k
+{-\o,-={+-<m=-07}+-.:-#=};k K{,-9+} -,-]m-1*v,-0K,-0bo#=-A=-<$-&}# ?f- 8+m:-,m-K{,-+$-[,-%m#-_pk 8"}:-0-Nm+-`o-0bo#=-,=-<$-k
,+-1{+-3|-+$-+0$-@p#-+$-k 1&}#-M1=-;{#=-.:-+;-`o-#=};k ?f-=v-I-)mh-0.-9{-:s-dsk
ma nye yong su ma tshang dang༔ gang yang nü pa ma chi pa༔
ché lhag nong par gyur pa sog༔ de kün khye kyi zö par sol༔
OM dir ni ten dang lhen cig tu༔ khor wa si du zhug né kyang༔
né me tshe dang wang chug dang༔ chog nam leg par tsal du sol༔
I ask your forbearance for everything like unobtained items, incompleteness, inabilities and the mistakes of omission and addition.

In case there is a representation it is appropriate to perform a common ritual for a long remaining as well:
OM. Together with the representations please remain here as long as samsara exists. Please bestow in an excellent manner a life free
from disease, power, and the supreme as well.
1`o,-0[{+-L}-I{-={1=-+.8-:$-;-0%m1i '$-Nm+-8}+-bo-K{,-+$-0K{,-.:-*m1i
dünkye dorje sempa rang la tim༔ nangsi ö shyu ten dang tenpar tim༔
The front visualization of Vajrasattva dissolves into me. Appearance and existence melt into light and dissolve into the support and
Ns$-8"}:-8Ap$-0-#6;-9=-"$-+$-Dmi +$}=-.}-W,-M1=-90-9v1-=}-=}:-*m1i
sungkhor jungwa shyalyé khang dang tri༔ ngöpo gyen nam yabyum sosor tim༔
The protection circle, elements, celestial palace, throne, and ornaments dissolve one by one into the Lord and Lady.
90-9v1-8}+-bo-L}-I{-##=-J{$-;i +{-9$-fz^-;-fz^-9$-av-+8m-0:i
yabyum ö shyu dorje ngak treng la༔ deyang HUNG la HUNG yang nadé bar༔
The Lord and Lady melt into light, then into the vajra, the mantra garland, that into HUNG, and the HUNG into the nada,
denyi mimik kadak ngang la shyak༔
Which is released into the reference-free state of primordial purity.
lar yang dorje sempé ku ru lang༔
Once more I arise in the form of Vajrasattva.

Enter into the clear light and arise again.
R-1-L}-I{-={1=-+.8-+#}$=i 8+m-W:-+#{-]+-0=}+-,1=-#$-i
lama dorje sempa gong༔ ditar gé cé sönam gang༔
Guru Vajrasattva, heed me! All merit accrued through this virtue
1*8-9=-={1=-%,-M1=-;-0#}i am0-#(m=-\o,-7+-9},-),-Q}#=i
tayé semchen nam la ngo༔ drib nyi kün zé yönten dzok༔
I dedicate to infinite beings. May the two obscurations be exhausted and excellent qualities perfected.
8#;-V{,-\o,-6m-1*v,-V{,-8A}:i R-1{+-A$-&u0-#,=-*}0-<}#i
galkyen kün shyi tünkyen jor༔ lamé changchub né tob shok༔
May all adverse conditions be pacified and conducive conditions gathered. May we attain the state of unsurpassable awakening!
6{=-0#}-*},->m=-W=-#+0i *},-;1-0C-<m=-A-6m$-(1=-0[$-$}i +{-W:-L}:-={1=-au0-.-8+mi c}=-1{+-+},->m-(1=-;{,-`oi 0!}+-+{-70-1}8m-#){:-`o-)=i ;=-%,-6m#-+$-8J+-
.:-<}#i =-1-9i W-Wi
Seal by dedication and aspiration. Recite prayers of aspiration and auspiciousness and maintain the practice.
Thus this sadhana of Vajrasattva has been laid out as a practice free from proliferation and hidden as a profound treasure (terma). May it meet with someone
who is karmically fortunate. Samaya gya gya.

(k k#=$-*m#-$m$-.}8m-!}:-;=i L}-I{-={1=-+.8m-3|-au0-0bo#=-=}i
From The Essential Secret Essence cycle herein lies the Vajrasattva longevity practice.
Homage to Vajrasattva!
L}-I{-={1=-+.8m-3|-au0-,mi *}-:$=-,1-1"8-W-&{-=:i <:->m-@}#=-=v-"-0W=-){i [0=-=v-8E}-6m$-={1=-0[{+-;i
For the Vajrasattva longevity practice, at dawn in a place with a wide open view, sit facing the east and go for refuge and arouse bodhichitta.
L}-I{-={1=-+.8-90-9v1-0"}1i 90-<m-*v#=-!:-1m-8>o:-08mi
dorje sempa yabyum gom༔ yab kyi tukkar migyur wé༔
Visualize Vajrasattva and consort. In the Lord’s heart center is an immutable
<{;->m-L}-I{-W-E1->mi W{-0:-(m-S8m-/8v-+0v=i
shel gyi dorje gyadram gyi༔ tewar nyidé gaü ü༔
Crossed vajra of crystal. In its central hub, in the middle of a sun and moon orb,
?-*m-fz^-#=v1-1*8-1-:vi ##=-<m-J{$-0=-0!}:-0-;=i
A NRI HUNG sum tama ru༔ ngak kyi trengwé korwa lé༔
Are A, NRI, HUNG encircled by the mantra garland.
8}+-7{:-0=1-9=-8J}=-,=-=vi 3|-9m-0:-&+-*1=-%+-^$=i
özer samyé trö né su༔ tsé yi barché tamché jang༔
Light rays surpassing thought stream forth and clear away all obstacles to longevity.
`o=-#=v1-0+{-#<{#=-*1=-%+-<mi *v#=-<m-9{-<{=-3|-+.;-+$-i
dü sum deshek tamché kyi༔ tuk kyi yeshe tsé pal dang༔
The wisdom, longevity, and glory of all sugatas of the three times,
[-+$-H$-N}$-*1=-%+-<mi 3|-9m-+$}=-Es0-1-;v=-+$-i
lha dang drangsong tamché kyi༔ tsé yi ngödrub malü dang༔
All the longevity siddhis of all the gods and sages,
8Ap$-0-06m-9m-0%t+-M1=-+$-i [{-8E}-M1=-<m-3|-0=}+-+$-i
jungwa shyi yi chü nam dang༔ kyedro nam kyi tsesö dang༔
The essences of the four elements, the longevity and merit of all beings,

:$-#m-R-3|-#+},->m=-0Fy=i +{-+#-*1=-%+-3u:-0&q=-){i
rang gi la tsé dön gyi kü༔ dedak tamché tsur dü té༔
And one’s life-force and vitality stolen by evil influences are all gathered back.
0`o+-Pm-T-9m-M1-.-:vi "-9m-,$-`o-bo#=-,=-=vi
dütsi nga yi nampa ru༔ kha yi nang du shyuk né su༔
Entering through my mouth in the form of five-colored amṛita,
;v=-<m-,$-M1=-*1=-%+-#$-i ;v=-,m-0C#-1+$=-#7m-0Im+-X,i
lü kyi nang nam tamché gang༔ lü ni trakdang ziji den༔
Filling my entire body. My body becomes radiant and majestic.
/8v-%t$-7+-"-@{-0=i 3$=-18m-3$=-1-0%t+-*1=-%+i
gau chungzé khachewé༔ dangmé dangma chü tamché༔
The orb opens slightly and all the quintessential elixir
?-*m-fz^-#=v1-;-*m1-.=i 0C#-1+$=-8}+-T-80:-0-+$-i
A NRI HUNG sum la timpé༔ trakdang ö nga barwa dang༔
Dissolves into A, NRI, HUNG which become radiant and glow with five-colored light.
/8v-"-0am#=-8}#-#6m-9mi L}-I{-8-06m8m-%{$-`o-1`o+i
gaü kha drik ok shyi yi༔ dorje ra shyi tengdu dü༔
The orb re-joins and the lower four vajra prongs tie together with the upper four
L}-I{8m-;v-]o-Wv+-<m=-0%m$=i 8&m-1{+-L}-I{8m-N}#-*}0->o:-.:-0=1i
dorje lugu gyü kyi ching༔ chimé dorje sok tob gyur༔
And are bound by an unbroken vajra chain. The vajra life-force of immortality is attained.
+{-3|-Tt$-;-^}:-0-+$-i :m#-.8m-#=$-##=-8+m-(m+-0Si
At this point, conjoin with the prana and recite this secret vidya mantra.

Recite that and let be within the completion stage.
1m-8>o:-L}-I{8m-+Am$=-=v-0"}1i 8+m-,m-8&m-1{+-au0-.8m-#2~i #;-.}-&{-9m-1,-$#-#}i =-1-9-W-W-Wi
Train in the changeless vajradhatu. This is the principal practice for immortality. It is an important pith instruction.
Samaya. Seal. Seal. Seal.
The great treasure revealer Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa recovered this from Tsadra Rinchen Drak (Jewel Rock). It was then committed to writing by Pema Gargyi
Wangchuk at the upper retreat Künzang Dechen Ösal Ling. May virtue and excellence increase.

L}:-={1=-0`o+-Pm=-0+#-8E}8m-am0-#(m=-^$=k 3~#=-#(m=-Q}#=-){-[{-0-3|-:0-\o,k 1m-1*v,-6m-){-%,-8E}8m-+},-&{,-8Es0k 8E}-\o,-1$},-+#8m-6m$-`o-8H{,-ao=-<}#

May the nectar of Vajrasattva purify the two obscurations of myself and beings. May the two accumulations be completed so that in all lifetimes the adverse
conditions are calmed down and the great aim of the teachings and beings is achieved. May I be capable to guide all beings to the buddha field Abhirati.

Drikung Garchen Institut e.V., Florian-Geyer-Str. 10, 81377 München
Phone.: 089/71048572, Email: [email protected]

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