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San Pablo Diocesan Catholic Schools System

Diocese of San Pablo

Liceo de Paete
Paete, Laguna
Formation Year 2021-2022

Module #5 Grade 6 Science

(Week 6)

A. Topic: Quarter 1: Force, Motion, and Energy


B. Objective: At the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
 Explain the difference between charge and current and electrical power and electrical energy;
 Explain the process through which current passes through a circuit.


The learners demonstrate an understanding of: The learners should be able to:
 Current voltage resistance relationship, electric
power, electric energy and home circuitry .

 Infer relationship between current and voltage

One of the most useful discoveries of all times is electricity. Without electricity, most people will not be able to
accomplish numerous things in a day. It provides the light in homes and workplaces and allows every working individual
to perform tasks in a more efficient manner through the use of computers and other forms of technology. With the
advancement of gadgets, electricity is able to give people entertainment through music, movies, and computer games.
Despite its benefits, have you ever wondered how electricity is produced? Recall that all materials are composed of atoms
which have three subatomic particles - protons, neutrons, and electrons. Protons are the positively-charged particles in an
atom, while electrons are the negatively-charged. On the other hand, neutrons are subatomic particles that have neutral
charge and are found in the nucleus alongside the protons.

LESSON 5: QUARTER 1: Force, Motion, and Energy



1. What is electricity?
2. How is charge different from current?
3. What is an electric circuit?
4. How do voltage, resistance, and current relate to each other?
5. Is electrical energy similar to electrical power?

The Difference Between Charge and Current

Electric Charge is a basic characteristic of matter. The two types of electric charges are positive and negative,
which are contained in subatomic particles. Protons are the subatomic particles which carry positive charge, while
electrons are the particles that carry negative charge. If you recall, objects tend to acquire a charge when rubbed against
another object. This happens due to the transfer of free electrons from the atoms of one object to another. As one object
loses electrons, another gains some. In the process, the object that loses electrons acquires a positive charge and the object
that gains electrons acquires a negative charge. Electric charges are measured in units of Coulomb (C).
It is important to note that an electrostatic force exists between charges and it defines their interactions. By
nature, opposite charges attract and like charges repel.
Since charges are acquired by objects only when electrons are transferred the term may be confused with current.
While charge is a property within the particles of matter, electric current is the flow of electric charge from one object to
another when electrons travel through a wire. These particles move through wires the same way that water flows in a pipe.
Current flowing through the wires within certain devices and appliances produces the energy necessary to make them
function. An electrical wire has equal number of protons and electrons; thus, it has a neutral charge. When electrons flow
through the wire, electric current travels through it, carrying a negative charge. They flow into one end of a wire and flow
out of the other end, so it does not affect the wire's charge. The amount of current in a wire is equal to the amount of
charge that flows into and out of the wire per second. The standard unit for current is ampere (A), which is derived from
the Fig. 4.4 Ammeter surname of the French physicist Andre- Marie Ampere. Electric current can be measured through an
ammeter, this device shows measurements of current in units of amperes.

An electric circuit and an electric field enable the flow of current and charge, respectively.
In order that electric current may flow continuously, the electrons must flow in a closed path called an electric circuit.
Charges flow with the movement of electrons. For electrons to move in a single direction along a wire, an electric
field must exert a force upon it. An electric field is the space surrounding a charged object that is assumed to exert force
on other charged objects. A power source, such as battery in a circuit, is capable of creating an electric field. For instance,
when a battery is connected to a circuit, chemical reactions occur and result in the negative part of the battery acquiring
negative charge and the positive part acquiring positive charge. These two oppositely-charged terminals will then produce
an electric field that will allow electrons to flow from the negative terminal to the positive terminal.

Current, Voltage, Resistance

As current flows, the electrons carry a negative charge and produce kinetic energy that is transmitted to the
circuit. The measure of the electrical energy caused by the flow of electrons in a circuit is referred to as voltage. This is
also referred to as the potential difference, or the amount of work done when 10 V a charge travels from one location
within an electric field to another. In a battery, voltage can be measured between the positive and negative terminals as the
flowing electrons transfer a certain amount of energy to the circuit. Hence, a battery with higher voltage will allow more
electrical energy to transfer to the circuit.
Voltage is also directly proportional to the strength of the electric field between two terminals in a circuit. The
voltage between two points increases when the electric field increases and vice versa. Furthermore, voltage is expressed in
units of volt (V), and measured through a device called as voltmeter (Fig. 4.6). In the Philippines, the standard voltage of
home circuits is 220 V.

Resistance is measured, using the unit ohm (2). Insulators are best examples of materials that exhibit electrical
resistance. Resistance (R), voltage (V), and current (1) are interrelated concepts whose relationship within a circuit is
described by Ohm's Law. This law states that the current passing through a circuit is directly proportional to voltage and
inversely proportional to resistance. In equation, the law can be expressed as follows:
I = V or V= VR

Ohm's Law implies that when voltage increases, the current passing through the circuit also increases. This occurs
because increasing the voltage in a circuit increases the electric field, causing the electrons to speed up between collisions.
On the other hand, increasing the resistance would result in a decrease in the amount of current moving along the circuit.
This happens because increasing the resistance would cause more collisions to occur, making it difficult for electrons to

Example How much current is flowing in a flashlight if it has 3.0 volts battery and a resistance of 20?

V = 3.o V
R = 20



= 3.0 V
= 0. 15 A

Electrical Energy and Electrical Power

Electrons flowing in a circuit have kinetic energy. While flowing, they continue to bump with the atoms of the
conductive material they flow through; thus, kinetic energy is also transferred to the material. The energy transmitted
from the flowing electrons to the atoms within the circuit is called electrical energy.
As electrons flow through the conductive material of the circuit, the electrical energy it transfers is converted
into other forms of energy, such as heat and light. Consider an incandescent light bulb which has filament. When electric
current passes through the filament inside the bulb, the electrical energy is converted into heat and light; thus, the
filament of the electric field and the force it exerts. As electric field becomes stronger.
Moreover, electrical energy transferred to a circuit also depends on the strength As electrons move rapidly, their
kinetic energy increases and more electrical energy force exerted on the electrons also becomes stronger, causing them
to move faster transfers to the circuit.
A closely related concept to electrical energy is electrical power, which is circuit or a load. An electrical load
refers to the part or component of an electrical circuit in which electrical energy is converted into other types of energy,
such as the aforementioned heat and light. An example of an electrical load is the light bulb connected to a circuit. An
energy source or power source supplies the electrical energy that a load consumes.
When measuring electrical power, the standard unit used to express it is watts (W), taken from the name of the
Scottish inventor James Watt. The formula used to determine the power delivered to the circuit or consumed by a load
is as follows:




Qtr 1- Week 6

Name ____________________________________________________ Section _________________________

Answer the following question.
1. What are the necessary conditions for current to pass through a circuit?
2. How does the current change when the voltage in the circuit is decreased and the resistance remains the same?
3. The current playing in a portable radio is 0.5 A. If the resistance of the radio is 30 , what is the voltage supplied
by its battery?
4. A 13-inch laptop has a battery of 11.1 V. If the current passing through it is 2.0 A, how much is the resistance
present in the laptop?

5. Calculate the resistance and the current of a 7.5 W night light bulb that is plugged into a 220 V household outlet.
6. A 541 W toaster is connected to a 220 V outlet. What is the measure of resistance in the toaster?
7. The voltage of a laptop charger is 19.5 V; it draws a current of 2.31 A. How much power can it provide the laptop

If you want to learn more about electric charge and electric current, you can watch the following videos on Youtube:
a. "A Level Physics - Change" by GCSE and A Level Physics Online at www.
b. "A Level Physics - Electric Current" by GCSE and A Level Physics Online at TQ4Qfik

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Parent’s Signature Date Submitted

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