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Interest is money paid to the lender by the borrower for Under Compound Interest, the interest is added to the
using his money for a specified period of time. Various principal at the end of each period to arrive at the new
terms and their general representation are as follows: principal for the next period.
(a) INTEREST In other words, the amount at the end of first year
Money paid by borrower for using the lender’s money. (or period) will become the principal for the second year
Denoted by I. (or period); the amount at the end of second year
(b) PRINCIPAL (or period) becomes the principal for the third year
The original sum borrowed. Denoted by P. (or period) and so on.

(c) TIME If P denotes the principal at the beginning of Period 1, then,

Time for which money is borrowed. Denoted by n. principal at the beginning of Period 2
(n is expressed in number of periods, which is  r 
normally one year) = P1 + 
 100 
(d) RATE OF INTEREST = PR = Amount at the end of Period 1, where
Rate at which interest is calculated on the original   r 
sum. Denoted by r and is expressed as a percentage R = 1 +  
or decimal fraction.   100 
P at the beginning of Period 3
(e) AMOUNT 2
 r 
Sum of Principal and Interest. Denoted by A. = P1 + 
 100 
SIMPLE INTEREST = PR2 = Amount at the end of Period 2
P at the beginning of Period (n + 1)
When interest is calculated every year (or every time n
 r 
period) on the original principal, i.e., the sum at the = P1 +  = PRn
beginning of first year, such interest is called Simple  100 
Interest. = Amount at the end of Period n
Here, year after year, even though the interest gets Hence the amount after n years (periods)
accumulated and is due to the lender, this accumulated = PRn = A
interest is not taken into account for the purpose of Interest = I = A – P = P [Rn – 1]
calculating interest for latter years.
Pnr The following table gives an example of how simple
Simple Interest = interest and compound interest operate, i.e., how the
100 Principal is for various years under simple interest and
where P, n, r are as explained above. compound interest. A principal at the beginning of
Pnr 1st year, of `100 and a rate of 10% p.a. are considered.
Total Amount A = P +
100 The details are worked out for three years and shown
 nr 
= P1 + 
 100 

(All figures pertaining to Principal, interest and amount are in Rupees)

Under Simple Interest Under Compound Interest

Principal at Interest till Amount at Principal at Interest till Amount at
Interest for Interest for
Year the beginn. the end of the end of the beginn. the end of the end of
the year the year
of the year the year the year of the year the year the year
1 100 10 10 110 100 10 10 110
2 100 10 20 120 110 11 21 121
3 100 10 30 130 121 12.1 33.1 133.1

As can be seen from the table,

In case of Simple Interest, In case of Compound Interest,

- The principal remains the same every year - The amount at the end of a year is the Principal for
- The interest for any year is the same as that for any the next year
other year. - The interest for different years is not the same

Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–40088400 Fax : 040–27847334 email : [email protected] website : SM1002106/38
The compound interest for the first year (where
compounding is done every year) is the same as the The difference between the Compound Interest
simple interest for one year. and Simple Interest on a certain sum for two years
is equal to the interest calculated for one year on
COMPOUNDING MORE THAN ONCE A YEAR one year's Simple Interest.

In mathematical terms, the difference between Compound

We just looked at calculating the amount and interest
Interest and Simple Interest for two years will be equal to
when the compounding is done once a year. But,
P(r/100)2, which can be written as P (r/100) (r/100). In this
compounding can also be done more frequently than once
Pr/100 is the simple interest for one year and when this is
a year. For example, the interest can be added to the
multiplied by r/100 again, it gives interest for one year on
principal every six months or every four months and so
Pr/100 i.e., interest for one year on one year's simple
If the interest is added to the principal every six months,
we say that compounding is done twice a year. If the The difference between the Compound Interest
interest is added to the principal every four months, we for k years and the Compound Interest for
say that compounding is done thrice a year. If the interest (k + 1) years is the interest for one year on the
is added to the principal every three months, we say that amount at the end of kth year.
compounding is done four times a year. This can also be expressed in terms of the
amount as follows:
The formula that we discussed above for calculating the The difference between the amount for k years
amount will essentially be the same, and the amount for (k + 1) years under compound
n interest is the interest for one year on the amount
 r  at the end of the kth year.
i.e., Amount = P1 + 
 100 
where r = rate % per annum and n = number of years, but
The difference between the Compound Interest
the rate will not be for ONE YEAR but for the time period
for the kth year and the Compound Interest for
over which compounding is done and the power to which
the (k + 1)th year is equal to the interest for one
the term inside the bracket is raised (n in the above case)
year on the compound interest for the kth year.
will not be the number of years but the number of years
multiplied by the number of times compounding is done
per year (this product is referred to as the total number of If compounding is done k times a year (i.e., once
time periods). every 12/k months), at the rate of r% p.a. then in
n years, the principal of P will amount to
For example, if a sum of `10000 is lent at the rate of 10% kn
per annum and the compounding is done for every four  r 
= P1 + 
months (thrice a year), then the amount will be equal to  k ⋅ 100 

 10 1 
100001 + x 

Here, the dividing factor of 3 in the rate and the multiplying Consider a given sum P and a rate of interest r.
factor of 3 in the power (multiplying the number of years) We have seen that interest is cost of using the money over
- both shown by arrow marks - are nothing but the a period of time. That means a sum at the beginning of a
NUMBER OF TIMES compounding is done in a year. period is always higher than the same amount after a
period greater than or equal to 1.
When compounding is done more than once a year, the
rate of interest given in the problem is called NOMINAL Let the sum P that is being considered at a rate of interest
RATE OF INTEREST. r% p.a., becomes Y at the end of Year 1 and Z at the end
of Year 2 (i.e., Y and Z are the amounts at the end of first
We can also calculate a rate of interest which will yield and second years respectively on a principal of P).
simple interest in one year equal to the interest obtained
under the compound interest at the given nominal rate of Then we can say that what is P today is equal to Y at the
interest. The rate of interest so calculated is called end of one year and equal to Z at the end of the second
EFFECTIVE RATE OF INTEREST. year. In other words, if an amount of Y were to come at
the end of one year from now, its value today is equal to
P. Similarly, if an amount of Z were to come at the end of
If the number of times compounding is done in two years from now, its value today is equal to P.
a year is increased to infinity, we say that the
compounding is done EVERY MOMENT and So, P is the PRESENT VALUE of Y coming at the end of
then the amount is given by P.enr/100, where r is one year and P is the PRESENT VALUE of Z coming at
the rate% p.a. and n is the number of years the end of two years.

Similarly, if we consider n years (or n periods in general),

and X is the amount that P will become in n periods, then
The following points should also be noted which are
we say that P is the PRESENT VALUE of X coming at the
helpful in solving problems.
end of n periods.
Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–40088400 Fax : 040–27847334 email : [email protected] website : SM1002106/39
If we consider a series of payments Y1 at the end of first approach will remain the same except that the rate of
year, Y2 at the end of second year and so on, the present interest taken should then be the rate per month and not
value of the series of payments will then be equal to the rate per annum).
sum of the present values of each of the payments
calculated separately. If Z1 is the present value of Y1, Z2 Let each instalment (i.e., the amount paid at the end of
is the present value of Y2 and so on, then the present each year) be X.
value of the series of payments Y1, Y2, ... is equal to Z1 + Instalment X paid after year 1 gives a present value of
Z2 + .... X
Present Value can be looked at both under Simple Interest (1 + r /100 )
and Compound Interest.
Instalment X, paid at the end of year 2 gives a present
If an amount of Y whose present value is P1 comes at the X
end of Year 1, and an amount of Z whose present value value of
(1 + r /100 )2
is P2 comes at the end of Year 2, then the present value
of both the amounts together will be equal to
Similarly, instalment X paid for nth period (at the end of
(P1 + P2), i.e., the present value of the stream of payments
that come at different points of time is equal to the sum of X
year n) gives a present value of .
the present values of the individual amounts coming in at (1 + /100 )n

various points of time.

The sum of all these present values would be equal to the
Present Value Under Simple Interest loan amount P (because only if the amount borrowed is
equal to the amount repaid can we say that the loan is
The principal P is amounting to X in n periods. From this repaid).
we know that
 nr  X + + …… + =P
X = P 1 +  ⇒ P = (1 + r /100 ) (1 + r /100 )2 (1 + r /100 )n
 100   nr 
1 + 
 100  1 100
Hence, in general, the present value P of an amount X Let k = =
(1 + /100 ) 100 + r
coming (or due) after n periods is given by
The above equation can then be rewritten as
X {k + k2 + ......... + kn} = P
P= X
The terms within the brackets form a G.P with first term k
 nr 
1+ 100 
and common ratio k.
 
k (k n - 1)
The sum of this G.P. = ;
where r is the rate percent per time period.
(k - 1)
X • k (k n - 1) P (k − 1)
Present Value Under Compound Interest Thus
(k - 1)
= P⇒X=
k kn − 1 ( )
The principal P is amounting to X in n periods. From this
[P{ 100
/ (100 +r ) − 1} ]
[{ }] { }
we know that
/ (100 +r )  − 1
100 100 n
/ (100 +r )
 r 
X  
X = P 1 +  ⇒P= n
 100   r  P•r
1 +  =
 100  100 1 −
/ (100 +r ) 
Hence, in general, the present value P of an amount X
coming (or due) after n periods is given by
{ }
Each Instalment =
1001 − /(100+r ) 
100 n

P= X  
 r 
 1 + 100 
 
4.01. Find the simple interest on a principal of `2400 at
where r is the rate percent per time period. 5% per annum for a period of 4 years.
REPAYMENT IN EQUAL INSTALMENTS - Sol: Simple interest on a sum of `P at r% p.a. for
n years is given by
If a sum P borrowed, is repaid in n equal instalments
Here P = `2400; n = 4 years; r = 5%
compound interest being calculated at r% per period of
instalment, we can find out the value of each instalment. 2400 × 4 × 5
∴S.I. = = `480
Let us consider the case of n equal ANNUAL instalments 100
(Even if the instalments are not annual, but monthly, the

Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–40088400 Fax : 040–27847334 email : [email protected] website : SM1002106/40
4.02. If `4000 becomes `4800 in 2 years, at what will 4.07. A certain sum triples in 4 years at a certain rate of
`6000 become at the end of 6 years at the same compound interest. In how many years would the
rate of simple interest, under at? sum become 9 times itself at the same rate of
compound interest?
Sol: Amount = Principal + Interest
Principal (P) = `4000 and amount (A) = `4800. Sol: Let P be the sum. Then amount at the end of
∴interest (I) = 800 4 years is 3P. Therefore, we get,
4000 × 2 × r  r 
⇒ 800 = ⇒ r = 10%. 1 +  = 3P
 100 
For P = `6000, n = 6, and r = 10%, P
6000× 6 × 10  r 
= ` 3600
. If we say 1 +  = R, then we have R4 = 3.
I= 100  100 
Therefore, `6000 becomes `6000 + `3600 Now, since the sum has to become 9 times, the
= `9600 at the end of 6 years. amount should be 9P i.e.
 r 
4.03. What principal would amount to `9600 in P 1 +  = 9P ⇒ Rn = 32.
6 years at the rate of 10% p.a. simple interest?  100 
Since R4 = 3, the 3 on the right hand side can be
 nr 
Sol: Amount under simple interest = P 1 +  replaced by R4 giving us Rn = (R4)2 = R8
 100  ⇒ n = 8.

9600 = P 1 +
(6) (10)  Thus the sum will become 9 times itself in 6 years.
 100  4.08. If `8000 has been lent at 10% p.a. the interest
9600 = P (1.6) being compounded annually, what is the interest
9600 for the fifth year?
P= = Rs. 6000
1.6 Sol: The amount at the end of the 4th year will be the
4.04. If a certain sum doubles in five years at simple principal for the fifth year.
interest, in how many years would it become 6 Amount at the end of the 4th year
times itself at the same rate of simple interest?  10 
= 8000 1 +  = 8000 × 1.4641
Sol: If P is the sum, the amount at the end of  100 
five years will be 2P (as the sum doubles). = `11712.8
Since Amount = Principal + Interest, the interest for Hence, interest for the 5th year
five years is P. = 11712.8(0.1) = `1171.28.
If the sum has to become 6 times itself the
amount should be 6P, out of which P is the 4.09. How much will `20000 approximately amount to
principal and the balance 5P is the interest. Since in 2 years at 15% p.a. the interest being
the interest is P for five years, we get the interest compounded every half year?
of 5P in 25 years (as interest is same every year
Sol: If interest is compounded half yearly, then the
at simple interest).
∴The sum becomes 6 times itself in 25 years.  r 
1 + K
4.05. What is the value that a sum of `12000 would  100 
amount is given by P , where P is
amount to at 10% per annum compound principal, r is the rate of interest, k is the number
interest? of compounding periods and n is the number of
Sol: If P is the principal, r is the rate of interest and n years. Since the interest is compounded every
is number of years, then the amount under half year, the number of time periods is 4.
compound interest is given by Amount at the end of 2 years
4 4
 r 
 10 
3  r   15 
P 1 + = P 1 +  = 20,000 1 + 200 
 = 12000 1 +   2 × 100   
 100   100 
3 3 `26709 (ignoring the decimal part)
 1   11 
= 12000 1 +  = 12000  10 
 10    4.10. If the rate of interest is 20% p.a, where interest is
compounded every 4 months, what is the
= 12 (1331) = `15972
effective rate of interest per annum?
4.06. What sum would amount to `29282 in three years
at the rate of 10% per annum compound interest? Sol: Let the principal be `100. At 20% p.a. rate of
interest compounded every 4 months, the
 r  amount at the end of one year will be
Sol: Amount = P 1 +  3
 100   20 
= 100 1 +  = 100 (1.066)
 3 × 100 
 10 
29282 = P 1 +  ⇒ 29282 = P(1.1)3
 100  An interest rate of 21.36% p.a. will also give an
amount of `121.36 on a principal of `100 when
⇒P= = `22000 compounding is done annually. Hence this
(1.1)3 21.36% p.a. is called the effective rate of interest.

Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–40088400 Fax : 040–27847334 email : [email protected] website : SM1002106/41
4.11. A certain sum amounts to `7200 after 2 years r (320)
and to `8640 after 3 years, interest being = = 64 ⇒ r = 20% p.a.
compounded annually. Find the principal and the
rate of interest P × 2 × 20
Also = 640 ⇒ P = `1600
Sol: We know that the difference between the
amounts at the end of the nth year and (n + 1)th 4.14. Sanjay borrowed `14000 at 10% p.a. compound
year is the interest for (n + 1)th year. interest, compound annually He repaid `8000 at
∴The difference between `8640 and `7200 i.e. the end of the 1st year. What amount should he
`1440 is the interest for 3rd year. pay at the end of the 2nd year to completely
This is equal to the interest for one year on discharge the loan,?
`7200. Therefore 7200 × r/100
Sol: At 10% p.a., amount at the end of the 1st year is
= 1440 ⇒ r = 20% p.a. `15400, out of which `8000 is repaid. The balance
 20  `7400 is the principal for the second year, which
If P is the principal, P 1 +  = 7200 amounts to `8140 at the end of the 2nd year. Hence
 100 
଻ଶ଴଴ to discharge the loan completely at the end of the
⇒P= = 5000 2nd year, Sanjay has to repay `8140.
4.15. Hussain borrowed `15000 at the rate of 10% p.a.
4.12. The compound interest on a certain sum at a
rate of compound interest, compound annually.
certain rate of interest for the second year is
He repaid a certain amount at the end of the first
`2400 and for the third year is `2880. Find the
year. Then he paid `12100 at the end of the 2nd
principal and the rate of interest.
year to completely discharge the loan. What
amount did he repay at the end of the 1st year?
Sol: Note that what is given is the compound interest
for the second and third years but NOT for two and Sol: `15000 borrowed at 10% p.a. will become
three years. We know that the difference between `16500 at the end of the 1st year. Let k be the
the compound interest for year and that for the Rth amount repaid at the end of the first year. Then
year is equal to the interest for one year on the the balance is `16500 – k will become the
compound interest for the Rth year. Hence the principal for the second year.
difference between the two figures `2400 and ⇒ (16500 − k) 1.1 = 12100
`2880 which is `480 will be equal to the interest ⇒ 16500 − k = 11000 ⇒ k = `5500
for one year on `2400.
Therefore if the rate of interest is r, then 4.16. Pavan borrowed `21000 at the rate of 10% p.a.
r compound interest. If this amount has to be
2400 × = 480 ⇒ r = 20% p.a. repaid in two equal annual instalments, find the
value of each instalment.
The compound interest for the 2nd year will be
equal to the difference between the amount at Sol: Let the value of each instalment be x. `21000 at
the end of the 2nd year and the amount at the end 10% p.a. will become `23100 at the end of the 1st
of the 1st year i.e. year. At this point an amount of x is repaid.
Therefore balance at this point is `(23,100 − x).

⇒ P (1 + R)2 − P(1 + R) = 2400 where R = This sum at 10% p.a. will become 1⋅1 (23,100
⇒ P (1 + R) (1 + R − 1) = 2400 −x) at the end of the 2nd year. Another amount of
x is to be paid to discharge the loan completely.
⇒ P (1⋅2) (0⋅2) = 2400 ⇒ P = = `10000 ∴1⋅1 (23,100 − x) = x ⇒1⋅1 × 23,100 = 2⋅1x
0 ⋅ 24 ሺ1.1ሻ.ሺ23100ሻ
x= = `12100.
Therefore, principal and rate of interest are 2.1
`10000 and 20% p.a. respectively. 4.17. Find the present value of the payments of `8400 to
be received at the end of the first year and `8640 to
4.13. The difference between the compound interest
be received at the end of the second year, if
and the simple interest for two years on a certain
compound interest at 20% p.a. is reckoned.
sum at a certain rate of interest is `64. If the
compound interest for two years is `704., find the Sol: If a sum of `z is going to be received at the end
principal of the n years, then the present value of that
Sol: Simple interest for two years = compound interest amount is n
for two years – Difference between C.I. and S.I. for  r 
1 + 
two years = 704 − 64 = `640. We know that the  100 
difference between the compound interest and the Hence, present value of the payments to be
simple interest for 2 years is equal to the interest 8400 8640 ଼ସ଴଴ ଼଺ସ଴
for one year on first year simple interest. Since, received is + 2
= +
1 .2 (1.2) ଵ.ଶ ଵ.ସସ
simple interest for
two years is `640, for one year it is `320. Hence = 7000 + 6000 = `13000
interest for one year on first year’s simple interest

Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–40088400 Fax : 040–27847334 email : [email protected] website : SM1002106/42
Concept Review Questions
Directions for questions 1 to 15: For the Multiple Choice Questions, select the correct alternative from the given choices.
For the Non-Multiple Choice Questions, write your answer in the box provided.

1. Find the simple interest earned (in `) on `20000 for the pth year and the (p + 1)th year is more than that in
2 years at 10% p.a. the qth year and the (q + 1)th year if _______.
(A) p > q (B) p < q
(C) p = q (D) can't say

2. If `2000 amounts to `2500 in 2 years at simple 10. Find the effective rate of interest (per annum) if the
interest, what is the rate of interest per annum? normal rate of interest is 10% p.a. and the interest is
(A) 8% (B) 37.5% (C) 25% (D) 12.5% compounded every six months.

3. The interest for the 3rd year on a certain sum that at

simple interest is `3000. Find the sum of the interests
11. The interest on a certain sum lent at compound
accrued on it (in `) for the 6th, 7th and 8th years.
interest, the interest being compounded annually, in
the 2nd year is `1200. The interest on it in the 3rd year
is `1440. Find the rate of interest per annum.
(A) 10% (B) 15% (C) 20% (D) 25%
4. A sum of money, when rent, doubles in 8 years at
simple interest. In how many years will the sum
12. A certain sum when lent at compound interest, the
become 4 times the original sum?
interest being compounded annually, amounts to
`1331 in 3 years and `1464.10 in 4 years. Find the
rate of interest per annum.
(A) 10% (B) 15% (C) 20% (D) 5%
5. Find the present value (in `) of `3000 due after
5 years at 10% p.a. simple interest.
13. A sum doubles in 8 years at compound interest. In
(A) 1500 (B) 1800 (C) 2000 (D) 2500
how many years will the sum become 4 times the
original sum if the interest is compounded annually?
6. Find the compound interest earned (in `) on `20000
for 2 years at 10% p.a, interest being compounded
14. Which of the following rates of interest yield the
maximum interest in 2 years on a certain sum?
(A) Interest compounded monthly at 1% p.m.
7. If `2000 amounts to `2880 in 2 years at compound (B) Interest compounded quarterly at 3% per
interest, what is the rate of interest per annum if the quarter.
interest is compounded annually? (C) Interest compounded half-yearly at 6% per half
(A) 10% (B) 20% (C) 15% (D) 25% year.
(D) Interest compounded annually at 12% p.a.
8. Find the interest earned (in `) in the first year on `400
at 20% p.a, interest being compounded half-yearly. 15. A sum was lent at 20% p.a. compound interest, the
interest being compounded annually. `1200 was paid
back after 1 year. After another year, `1440 was
repaid to clear the loan. Find the sum lent.
(A) `8000 (B) `6000 (C) `2000 (D) `4000
9. The difference between the interests earned on a
principal under a certain rate of compound interest in

Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–40088400 Fax : 040–27847334 email : [email protected] website : SM1002106/43
Exercise – 4(a)
Directions for questions 1 to 25: For the Multiple Choice Questions, select the correct alternative from the given choices.
For the Non-Multiple Choice Questions, write your answer in the box provided.

1. A sum of money invested at simple interest amounts 11. The compound interests earned in the third and the
to `2480 at the end of four years and `4080 at the fourth years on a certain sum of money are `576 and
end of eight years. Find the principal. `691.2 respectively. Find the sum (in `).
(A) `2040 (B) `1480 (C) `1240 (D) `880
2. Raju took a loan at 8% per annum simple interest for a
period of 5 years. At the end of five years he paid 12. A certain loan amount, under compound interest,
`10640 to clear his loan. How much loan did he take? compounded annually earns an interest of `1980 in
(A) `8500 (B) `8000 (C) `7700 (D) `7600 the second year and `2178 in the third year. How
3. Under simple interest, due to the fall in the interest much interest did it earn in the first year?
rate by 0.5 percentage point my yearly income from
savings came down by `884. Find the savings (in `).
13. The difference in compound interests earned on a
certain sum, for which the interest is compounded
4. A person invested `p at a certain rate of simple annually, in the first and the second year is `140. If the
interest. After 1, 2 and 3 years it amounted to `3/2p, rate of interest becomes thrice the original rate, then the
`2p, `5/2p respectively. What will it amount to at the difference in the amounts (in `) would be .
end of 20 years?
(A) `6p (B) `10p (C) `11p (D) `7p

5. A man borrowed `50000 at simple interest 14. A person deposited a sum of `x at a rate of
with the rate of interest not remaining constant for the r% p.a. simple interest. In one year the sum doubles.
entire period. He repaid the entire amount after At the end of 11/2 years the sum amounts to _____.
8 years. The rate of interest for the first two years is 3
8% p.a., for the next three years it is 10% p.a., for the (A) `3x (B) ` 5 x (C) `2x (D) ` x
2 2
next two years it is 5% p.a. and 7% for the last year.
How much amount did he repay to clear his loan at 15. A sum was lent for an year, another sum was lent for
the end of the period (in `)? 2 years and a third sum was lent for 3 years. Each
sum was lent at 8% p.a compound interest. Each sum
amounted to the same value. The ratio of the first,
second and third sums is ______.
6. What annual installment will discharge a debt of
(A) 729 : 675 : 625
`1815 due in 3 years at 10% simple interest (in `)?
(B) 25 : 27 : 29
(C) 29 : 27 : 25
(D) 625 : 675 : 729
7. A sum of money was invested at a certain rate of
interest, compounded annually. It amounted to `1375 16. If the interest on a sum is compounded quarterly,
in 5 years and `1980 in 7 years. Find the annual rate which of the following is necessarily true?
of interest. (A) The effective rate of interest is the same for every
(B) The ratio of the interests for the (m + 1)th year to
mth year will be same as the ratio of interest for
8. A sum of money under compound interest doubles in the (n + 1)th year to nth year.
4 years. In how many years will it become (C) Both (A) and (B)
16 times itself? (D) Neither (A) nor (B)

17. The difference between the interest earned under

compound interest, interest being compounded
9. A man borrowed `80000 at the rate of 10% p.a.
annually and simple interest for two years on the
compound interest, interest being compounded
same sum and at the same rate of interest is `25.60.
annually. How much amount should he have repaid
Find the sum (in `) if the rate of interest is 8% p.a.
at the end of the first year, if by repaying `55000 at
the end of the second year he can clear the loan?
(A) `38000 (B) `40000
(C) `45000 (D) `50000
18. If the difference between compound interest at
10. The compound interest for the 4th year on a certain 8% p.a. and simple interest at 6½% p.a. on a certain
sum is `2000 and the compound interest for the sum of money for 2 years is `1820, then find the sum
7th year on the same sum is `2662. If interest is (in `).
compounded annually, what is the annual rate of
(A) 9% (B) 10% (C) 15% (D) 20%

Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–40088400 Fax : 040–27847334 email : [email protected] website : SM1002106/44
19. A sum of money is lent at a certain rate of interest at The total of the sums borrowed by the two is `71500.
compound interest. If, instead the same amount was Find the rate of interest (per annum) at which Somu
lent at simple interest the interest for the first two borrowed.
years reduces by `160 and that for the first three
years reduces by `488. Find the sum.
(A) `22000 (B) `46000
(C) `52000 (D) `64000 23. Find the present worth of `1749.6 due in 2 years at
8% per annum compound interest.
20. A certain sum of money increased by 72.8% at a (A) `1200 (B) `1400 (C) `1500 (D) `1650
certain rate in three years with interest being
24. Ravi bought a car worth `755000. He paid `105000
compounded annually. If the same sum is lent at
as down payment and paid the remaining amount
simple interest at the same rate of interest, in how
including interest, in 3 equal installments. Interest
many years would it become four times itself?
was charged at 14% p.a. compounded annually. If he
(A) 5 years (B) 8 years
paid the first, the second and the third installments at
(C) 11 years (D) 15 years
the ends of the first, second and third years
respectively, the value of each installment he paid (in
21. `2000 was lent at compound interest, interest being
compounded annually for 3 years. The respective 1
`) is. (Assume = 0.675).
rates of interest for the first, the second and the third (1.14)3
years are 10% pa, 20% pa and 30% pa. Had the sum
of `2000 been lent at 20% pa simple interest for 3
25. A sum was borrowed at 20% p.a. compound interest.
years, how much more/less interest would have been It was repaid in three annual installments at the end
realized? of one year, two years and three years respectively.
(A) `116 more (B) `116 less The first, second and third installments were `2400,
(C) `232 less (D) `232 more `2304 and `5184 respectively. Find the sum
borrowed (in `).
22. Ramu borrowed a certain sum at 26% p.a. compound
interest for one year. Somu borrowed a certain sum
at a certain rate of simple interest for five years. Each
of the two repaid the same amount which is `50400.

Exercise – 4(b)
Directions for questions 1 to 35: For the Multiple Choice Questions, select the correct alternative from the given choices.
For the Non-Multiple Choice Questions, write your answer in the box provided.

1. A person invested a sum of `750 in a bank at a certain 6. P borrowed a sum of money from Q at simple interest.
rate of simple interest. After 5 years he received The rate of interest is 10% p.a. for the first
`1200. Find the rate of interest offered by the bank. 2 years and 12% p.a. for the next 3 years and
(A) 10% p.a. (B) 11% p.a. 15% p.a. thereafter. If P paid `5332 as interest after
(C) 20% p.a. (D) 12% p.a. 7 years, then find the sum (in `).

2. A person borrowed `1000 at the rate of 10% per

annum simple interest. What is the amount he has to 7. A sum of money becomes eight times itself in
pay after 5 years to clear the debt? 12 years at simple interest. In how many years does
(A) `1564 (B) `1532 (C) `1500 (D) `1550 it become 15 times itself?
(A) 16 (B) 44 (C) 32 (D) 24
3. Ram invested two equal sums in a bank.
He invested one at 14% p.a. and the other at 8. A sum of money amounts to `1694 in 5 years and
16% p.a. He received a total interest of `2250 at the `2016 in 7 years at a certain rate of compound interest,
end of a year. Find each sum (in `) compounded annually. Find the rate of interest.
(A) 7200 (B) 7500 (A) 9 1 % p.a. (B) 10% p.a.
(C) 9000 (D) 8500 11

4. A sum of money when invested at a certain rate of (C) 11 1 % p.a. (D) 8% p.a.
interest, compounded annually amounts to `1140 in
2 years and to `1710 in 3 years. Find the rate of 9. What sum of money gives `2655 interest for second
interest per annum. year at 18% p.a. compound interest, compounded
(A) `12000 (B) `13500
(C) `12500 (D) `13000
5. Kumar borrowed a certain sum at 12% p.a. simple
10. The difference between the compound interest and
interest for 8 years. At the end of 8 years he paid
simple interest on a certain sum at 12% per annum
`14112 to clear the debt. What is the sum he
for 2 years is `126.72. Find the sum (in `).
borrowed (in `)?

Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–40088400 Fax : 040–27847334 email : [email protected] website : SM1002106/45
11. A person invested `20000 in a bank which is offering 19. A person invested half of the money he has at a rate of
10% per annum simple interest. After two years he 10% p.a. compounded annually and the remaining half
withdrew the money from the bank and deposited the at a rate of 20% p.a. simple interest. After 2 years he
total amount in another bank which gives an interest received a total of `2610 from both the investments.
rate of r% p.a. compounded annually. After 2 years How much will he receive after 3 years?
he received an amount of `2460 more than what he (A) `2300 (B) `2931 (C) `2642 (D) `2800
had invested in that bank. Find the value of r.
20. The simple and compound interests on a certain sum
at a certain rate of interest for 2 years are `160 and
`170 respectively. Find the annual rate of interest (in
12. A person invested a certain sum for five years at the percent).
rate of r% per annum simple interest. If he had
invested the same sum at the same rate compounded
half yearly for one year, he would have received the
same amount. Find the value of r. 21. A person invested a sum of `91.3. In how many years
will the sum become `5000, if it is compounded every
moment at the rate of 100% p.a.? (given e = 2.72)
(A) 2 (B) 4 (C) 6 (D) 1
13. A person invested certain amount (P1) at a rate of
40% p.a. compounded quarterly. Another person 22. A person invested two equal sums, one at simple
invested certain amount (P2) at a rate of 20% p.a. interest and another at compound interest at the
compounded half yearly. Both received the same same rate for two years. After 2 years the ratio of
1/ n amounts at compound and simple interest is
 
amount after n years. Find the value of  P2  . 25 : 16. Find the annual rate of interest (in percent).
 
 P1 

14. A certain sum at a certain rate of compound interest, 23. Varun invested a certain sum at simple interest and
yields interests of `1260 and `1512 for the third and Vikram invested the same sum at compound interest.
the fourth years respectively. Find the sum. The ratio of rates (in percent per annum) of simple
(A) `4500 (B) `4375 and compound interest is 2 : 1. After 2 years if the two
(C) `4650 (D) `4425 of them receive equal amounts, then at what annual
rate (in percent) did Vikram invest?
15. A person deposited `100 in a bank which pays at r%
p.a. with interest being compounded annually. The
same person invested another `100 in another bank
which pays at 2r% p.a. simple interest. In how many 24. Kavitha borrowed `72000 from Karuna and Kalyani.
years will the two deposits amount the same? Karuna charges 12% p.a. compound interest and
(A) 2 years Kalyani charges 7% p.a. compound interest. At the
(B) 3 years end of a year Kavita paid `6120 as interest. Find the
(C) 4 years sum borrowed from Kalyani.
(D) depends on the value of r. (A) `48600 (B) `50400
(C) `49200 (D) `51300
16. The difference between the compound interest and the
simple interest for 2 years on a sum of `12000 at certain 25. A person deposited a sum of `10000 in a bank for a
rate of interest is `120. Find the rate of interest in period of n1 years at a rate of 20% p.a. compounded
percent (per annum). annually. The same person deposited a sum of
`11520 in other bank for a period of n2 years at a rate
of 25% p.a. simple interest. The amounts received
from the two banks are equal and the total amount is
17. A person deposits an amount of `10000 at `34560. Find n1 and n2.
10% p.a. compound interest. For the 1st year the (A) n1 = 3, n2 = 2 (B) n1 = 2, n2 = 2
interest is compounded annually. For the 2nd year the (C) n1 = 1, n2 = 3 (D) Cannot be determined
interest is compounded half yearly. At the end of two
26. A man borrowed `25000 from a bank at 20% compound
years find the value of the amount deposited (in `).
interest. At the end of every year he paid `8000. At the
end of the third year, he wanted to clear the loan. How
much should he pay to clear the loan?
(A) `12400 (B) `16040
18. A person invested a sum of `P for 2 years, which is (C) `20800 (D) `22080
compounded annually at a rate of r% p.a. Another
person invested the same sum for same period at same 27. A person borrowed a sum of `20000 at a rate of 20%
rate at simple interest. The difference in their amounts p.a. compounded annually for three years. But after
after 2 years is found to be `4P. Find the rate of interest two years he paid `12800 and after 3rd year he
at which they have invested their sums. cleared the remaining balance. How much did he pay
(A) 100% (B) 150% at the end of the 3rd year?
(C) 200% (D) None of these (A) `18200 (B) `18700
(C) `19200 (D) None of these

Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–40088400 Fax : 040–27847334 email : [email protected] website : SM1002106/46
28. The value of a motorcycle is `80000 and its value 35. A person borrowed a certain sum at the rate of 20%
depreciates by 20% every year, with respect to its p.a. compound interest. He paid a total of `4000 in
value at the beginning of the year. What is the profit two annual equal instalments. What interest did he
earned by selling the motorcycle at the end of the 2nd pay approximately?
year at `53600? (A) `955 (B) `944
(A) `2200 (C) `933 (D) `922
(B) `2400
(C) `2300 Directions for questions 36 to 40: Each question is
(D) `2100 followed by two statements, I and II. Indicate your
responses based on the following directions:
29. What annual instalment (in `) will discharge a debt of
`717.60 due in 4 years at 20% p.a. simple interest, if Mark (A) if the question can be answered using
each instalment is paid at the end of a year? one of the statements alone, but cannot
be answered using the other statement
Mark (B) if the question can be answered using
30. A loan is taken today and repaid in two annual either statement alone.
instalments (paid at the end of the year) of `2662 Mark (C) if the question can be answered using
each. The rate of interest is 10% p.a. and it is statements I and II together but not using
compounded annually. Find the sum borrowed. I or II alone.
(A) `4540 Mark (D) if the question cannot be answered even
using statements I and II together.
(B) `4620
(C) `2848
36. A scooter is purchased by making a down payment
(D) `2152
plus five equal instalments. What is the total amount paid
by the customer for the scooter?
31. Dolly deposited `20000 at 10% p.a. simple interest
Ι. The down payment is 40% of the total amount
for a period of n years. Lilly deposited `18000 at the
paid by the customer.
same rate at compound interest for the same period.
After n years amount received by Dolly is `2042 more ΙΙ. Each instalment is `1272.
than the amount received by Lilly. Find the value of n.
37. What is the principal deposited by Krishna, in
a bank?
Ι. The interest earned on the fixed deposit for 2
years is `4830
32. A person deposited a certain amount in a bank which ΙΙ. The bank offers 10% interest compounded
is offering 10% p.a. compound interest for the first two annually on fixed deposits.
years and for the next two years, each year the rate
of interest is 10% points more than previous year. The 38. Sohini invests in three schemes which offer her
value of his investment at the end of the 3rd year is simple interests of 8% p.a., 10% p.a., 20% p.a.
`4840 more than that at the end of the second year. respectively. She invested in each scheme for one
Find the total amount received by the person at the year. What is the sum that Sohini invested?
end of the 4th year. Ι. The interest she earned on each of the schemes
(A) `37752 is the same.
(B) `38572 ΙΙ. The total interest she earns is `1200.
(C) `38752
(D) Cannot be determined 39. What is the compound interest earned on `20000 for
2 years?
33. A lender had received his amount in three annual Ι. If the rate of interest had been 3 percentage
equal instalments at `2662 per instalment at a rate of points more, an additional interest of `1302
10% p.a. being compounded annually. Find the initial would have accrued for the two years.
sum (in `) that the lender had given. ΙΙ. `98 is the difference between the simple interest
and the compound interest at the same rate for
two years.

34. A person invested a sum of `P at a certain rate of 40. A person gets an interest of `30 more for two years
compound interest, interest being compounded by lending an amount at compound interest rather
annually. After three years the sum becomes `8P. If than at simple interest when the interest is
it had been compounded half yearly approximately compounded, it its compounded at a certain
how much more would he have received? frequency. What is the rate of interest per annum?
(A) `4.5P Ι. The amount lent is `12000.
(B) `3.6 P ΙΙ. The interest is compounded annually
(C) `3.4 P
(D) `4.4 P

Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–40088400 Fax : 040–27847334 email : [email protected] website : SM1002106/47

Concept Review Questions

1. 4000 4. 24 7. B 10. 10.25 13. 16
2. D 5. C 8. 84 11. C 14. A
3. 9000 6. 4200 9. A 12. A 15. C

Exercise – 4(a)
1. D 6. 550 11. 2000 16. C 21. C
2. D 7. 20 12. 1800 17. 4000 22. 12
3. 176800 8. 16 13. 1260 18. 50000 23. C
4. C 9. A 14. B 19. D 24. 280000
5. 81500 10. B 15. A 20. D 25. 6600

Exercise – 4(b)
1. D 9. C 17. 12127.5 25. A 33. 6620
2. C 10. 8800 18. C 26. D 34. C
3. B 11. 5 19. B 27. C 35. B
4. 50 12. 1600 20. 12.5 28. B 36. C
5. 7200 13. 1.21 21. B 29. 138 37. C
6. 6200 14. B 22. 150 30. B 38. C
7. D 15. D 23. 200 31. 3 39. B
8. A 16. 10 24. B 32. A 40. C

Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–40088400 Fax : 040–27847334 email : [email protected] website : SM1002106/48

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