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FORM TECH-6: Curriculum Vitae (CV)

1.Position Title and No.

2. Name of
3.Name of Expert MD. ZAHIDUL ISLAM (Shameem)
4. Date of Birth August 30, 1968
5. Country of Bangladesh.
Citizenship/Residence Residence: Dhaka, Bangladesh, Home/Office: 884/4, East-Shawrapara, Mirpur, Dhaka,
6. Professional Member of - Member, Bangladesh Krishibid Institution, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Societies/Associations - Alumni Association of Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU)), Mymensingh.
- Member of Alumni Association, IDMVS, University of Dhaka.
- Member of Agronomical Society, Dhaka
- Member of Society, Dept. of Sociology, University of Dhaka.

Mr. Zahidul Islam, is an Agronomist with Socio-economist who obtained his MS degree in Agriculture from BAU, MBA from AIUB,
PGDM from DU and MSSP from DU and have in depth experiences of 25 (twenty-five) years of multiple sectors as research &
study, agri-business, value chain development of agro-commodities with public, private and non-government organizations
project management feasibility study, ESIA, agricultural, social and economic survey, baseline survey, training facilitation, bench-
mark survey, market survey & development, policy analysis, formulation & implementation with the International, National, Local
NGOs, Consulting firms, Government Agencies (BWDB, LGED, CEGIS, IWM etc.). Experience which includes research & study,
survey design & development, food security, agricultural & value chain development, economic empowerment, policy analysis,
project management & implementation, impact assessment (ESIA), training & capacity building, budgeting, monitoring &
evaluation, business environment, Entrepreneurship development. Green growth, market linkage establishment, public and
private sector development, establish partnership for business development, development strategic framework, institutional
development, training & capacity development, manual, guideline, by-law, planning, implementation, programs & projects impact
assessment. Design and implementation value chain strategy by good agricultural practices (GAP). designing of sustainable
interventions and procedure to streamline corporate and enterprise operations, develop market and enhance income activities.

Institution Degree/Diploma Obtained
Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU), Mymensingh, 1995 BSc in Agriculture
Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU), Mymensingh, 1999 MS in Agronomy
American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB), Dhaka, 2008 Master of Business Administration (MBA)
Institute of Disaster Management & Vulnerability Assessment, 2016 Post-Graduate in Disaster Management &
University of Dhaka (DU). Dhaka, Bangladesh. Vulnerability Assessment (PGDMV)
University of Dhaka (DU). Dhaka, Bangladesh. 2019 Masters of Sociology & Social Policy (MSSP)
Bangladesh Institute of Governance and Management (BIGM), 2019 Public Policy Analysis Courses
Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Institute of Disaster Management & Vulnerability Assessment, 2020 Doctor of Philosophy(PhD) on going
University of Dhaka (DU). Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Training: Year Awarded

Public Policy Analysis-Organized by Bangladesh Institute of Governance and Management 2019 Certificate
Soil and Crops Mapping and Development of Crop Modeling- Organized by IWM 2015 Certificate
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA)February’2012-Organized by CEGIS 2012 Certificate
Research and Study Design and Develop organized by DU & CDMP 2012 Certificate
Climate Change and Surface Water Irrigation Sustainability-organized by CEGIS 2012 Certificate
Value Chain Development between farmers and Traders’ Organized by Helvetas-Swiss Inter 2010 Certificate
Cooperation, Bangladesh.
Public-Private Partnership Development- January – by Helvetas-Swiss Inter Cooperation, 2010 Certificate
Economic and Financial Assessment by BIGM 2019 Certificate
TOT on Upazila Business Membership Organization- Inter- Cooperation (IC), Bangladesh 2010 Certificate
TOT on Crop production, Cropping pattern, Crop Diversification, Crop Intensification and Soil 2009 Certificate
Classification- ICCO, Bangladesh
TOT on Sustainable Agriculture and Climate Resilience Agricultural Intervention-European 2009 Certificate
Commission, Bangladesh.
TOT on Community Development through Participatory Approaches –UST, Bangladesh. 2009 Certificate
TOT on Strategic Planning and Project Management- UST, Bangladesh. 2009 Certificate
TOT on Writing Skill for Sustainable Project Proposal- UST, Bangladesh. 2009 Certificate
TOT on Guideline Preparation for Effective Project Implementation- UST, Bangladesh. 2009 Certificate
TOT on Community Development through Participatory Approaches- UST, Bangladesh. 2009 Certificate
Beneficiary Mobilization Training under Jamuna-Meghna River Erosion Mitigation Project 2008 Certificate
(JMREMP) organized by BWDB-Funded by Asian Development Bank.
Beneficiary Mobilization Training under Small Scale Water Development Project organized by 2008 Certificate
LGED-Funded by Japan Bank of Inter-cooperation (JBIC)
WMOs/WMCAs Formation, Capacity Development and Skill Development, Management & 2008 Certificate
Benchmark Survey, Monitoring & Evaluation Training under Urban Governance Infrastructure 2007 Certificate
Improvement Project (UGIIP) - organized by LGED Funded by Asian Development Bank (ADB)
Disaster management and preparedness training and risks analysis -organized by Oxfam-GB. 2003 Certificate
Seed Sowing, harvesting, preservation techniques -organized by HKI, Bangladesh. 2002 Certificate
Agro-business development and Marketing -organized by Care-Bangladesh 2001 Certificate
Hybrid rice production techniques -organized by ACI Limited (Aug 1998) 2000 Certificate
Fertilizer dozes & application -organized by IFDC and BRAC (Jun 1998) 1999 Certificate
Soil testing & Kit-box using- organized by IFDC and BRAC -International 1998 Certificate

Employment Record Relevant to the Assignment:

September Employer: Institute of Water Bangladesh Worked with the clients of BWDB, BIWTA, BBA, funded by
2008 – To date Modelling (IWM) the World Bank, ADB, JICA and JBIC. Involved in
(Intermittent Position: Agriculture Expert/ consultancy work services; projects were included seven
consultancy Agronomist rivers routes feasibility study for navigation and dry season
work) Reference water flow for irrigation facilities, feasibility study of Bhairab
Director: Coast, Post & and Mathabanga linked channel establishment for Dry
Estuary Management season flow to increase irrigation facilities, Coastal
Division, IWM Embankment Improvement Project(CEIP), Karnafuli
Email: [email protected] Irrigation Project(KIP), Muhuri Irrigation Project, Teesta
Director: Flood Irrigation Project, Water Management Improvement Project
Management Division, IWM (WMIP), South-East Irrigation and Embankment
Email: [email protected] Improvement project, Khulna-Jessore Development and
Director: River Engineering Rehabilitation Project (KJDRP), Kobatak Rehabilitation and
Division, IWM Monitoring Project, Sujanagar Irrigation Improvement
Email: [email protected] Project, Chandana-Barasia Feasibility Study Project, Titas
Phone: Off: +88 02 River Re-excavation and Feasibility Project, Gumti River
8827902, 8822105-6, Feasibility Project, Riverbank Improvement Project (RBIP),
8824590-1 Power plant, Power grid Projects, Surface Water Irrigation
and Rehabilitation Project, Riverbank Protection works ,
Flood Management and Irrigation Improvement Project,
Coastal Embankment Improvement Project, River Dredging
and Irrigation Improvement Project, Haor Rehabilitation and
Improvement Project and Climate Change Trust Fund
Projects and more. Review literature, policy analysis.
Agricultural (crop, fish, fruit, livestock, poultry) baseline
survey, social and economic study. Study design and
develop and policy analysis. prepare survey questionnaire,
meeting, stakeholder consultation, FGD, KII, and small
stakeholder and beneficiary meeting and workshop. Primary
data collection by questionnaire survey, using audio clip and
video clips, photo collection for existing scenario, data entry
and analysis of the land, soil, crop, fish, livestock, irrigation.
Agricultural trend analysis, crop suitability mapping, future
without project and future with project impact assessment,
cost and benefit analysis, prediction of future improvement
of agriculture, ground water and surface water irrigation
assessment and livestock, market survey. suggest for
improved agricultural methods with respect in time, assess
soil texture, land type, soil association, soil moisture, soil
fertility, water recession characteristics, AEZ, cropping
pattern, inputs, fertilizer, pest-insect, irrigation, crop
suitability agricultural (crop, fish, fruit, livestock, poultry)
practices and services, value chain and market assessment
and different transportation cost analysis for agricultural
commodities, assessment of crop production constraints,
social and economic analysis, environmental impact

Identification of producers and random sampling for

questionnaire survey for collection data and information
about agricultural activities (production, processing,
harvesting) practices(technology), consumption (food taking
pattern), nutritional status and market linkages, Survey of
farm household (targeted & non-targeted), Aggregators
(commission agent), Aratders, retailers, wholesalers (local &
distance), Producers, traders, retailers and wholesaler
survey, Livelihood pattern survey, Analysis output, outcome
and impact for project implementation, Identify food system
in the project area, Institutional strengthening of business
model, entrepreneurship, contact farming, digital solution,
for value chain development, capacity building relate to the
development, competitiveness, inclusiveness & improve
impact and value chain development, Develop training
courses, materials, methods, tools relate to the development
of value chain. PAPs identification and survey, livelihood
plan and development.

Working with Small Scale Water Resource Development

(SSWRDP) project phase-2 of Local Government and
Engineering Department (LGED). Agricultural baseline
survey, social and economic study. Study design and
develop. Review literature, policy analysis. Primary data
collection by questionnaire survey, using audio clip and
video clips, photo collection for existing scenario, data entry
and analysis. Cost and benefit analysis. Feasibility study
with socio-economic survey for additional works for
improvement of all existing sub-projects for establishing new
project. Conduct different tools of PRA (participatory rural
appraisal) of KII, FGD, face to face farmer’s interview,
questionnaire survey, agriculture mapping, irrigation sources
Employer: Center for mapping, irrigation constraints and irrigation availability
Resource & Development mapping and prediction for improvement of water resources
Studies (CRDS) and finding of additional works for existing projects. Land
Position: Agriculture use pattern, cropping pattern, crop production, yield, cost,
Specialist (intermittent market survey & linkage,
May’ 2019 – To consultancy work) AEZ, soil texture, land type. irrigation availability, flood,
date Reference: Managing situation, drainage congestion and drought situations for
Director production of crops and future improvement of cropping
CRDS pattern, crop yield and cropping intensity. Feasibility study
Email: [email protected] and data collection for viability of new project design for
Phone: Off: +88 02 improving crop production by surface water development
55020295 initiatives. Business planning and market demand
assessment along with value chain development, data
collection, analysis, data gathering of crop, livestock &
fisheries, agriculture and fish firm practices, yield & market
demand analysis, production, processing (Pre-& post-
harvest), packaging and marketing, identification of
producers and random sampling for questionnaire survey for
collection data and information about agricultural activities
(production, processing, harvesting) practices(technology),
consumption (food taking pattern), nutritional status and
market linkages. Survey of farm household (targeted & non-
targeted), Aggregators (commission agent), Aratders,
retailers, wholesalers (local & distance). Assess community
livelihood pattern.
July’ 2019 to Employer: Knowledge Bangladesh Market Interventions for Nutritional Improvement Research
date Management & Consultants Project (MINI).
Pvt. Ltd.(KMC) Review literature, policy analysis. Study design &
Position: Team Leader development, checklist for FGD & KII, agricultural and socio-
(intermittent consultancy economic survey, baseline survey, market survey,
work) demographic survey, data collection, analysis, data
Reference: Managing gathering of crop & livestock production, processing (Pre-&
Director post-harvest), packaging and marketing, identification of
KMC vegetable producer and random sampling for questionnaire
Email: survey for collection data and information about agricultural
[email protected] activities (production, processing, harvesting)
Phone: Off: +88 02 practices(technology), consumption (food taking pattern),
9898472 nutritional status and market linkages, Survey of farm
household (targeted & non-targeted), Aggregators
(commission agent), Aratders, retailers, wholesalers (local &
distance), producers, traders, retailers and wholesaler
survey, livelihood pattern survey, analysis output, outcome
and impact for project implementation, Identify food system
in the project area, Institutional strengthening of business
model, entrepreneurship, contact farming, digital solution,
for value chain development, capacity building relate to the
development, competitiveness, inclusiveness & improve
impact and value chain development, develop training
courses, materials, methods, tools relate to the development
of value chain, cropping pattern & cropping system survey,
crop production, yield and cost analysis, impact assessment
for future without project (FWOP) and future with project
(FWIP), assess community livelihood pattern, livelihood plan
and development, requirement, deployment and training for
the Field staff, collaboration with Local level NGOs, CBOs,
companies and agencies, information dissemination,
training and workshop, identify local entrepreneurs and
development initiatives, training need assessment for
capacity building, development of public-private initiatives,
design for crop suitability as per market demand, AEZ, soil,
land type, crop production, yield, cost and market demand
analysis, climate change, technology innovation, irrigation
availability, service providers, identifying and selection of
criteria for standard commodity and marketing grade,
increase access to market information with in the project
area, preparation viable business plans and model and
improving market information system for value chain
development, increase access to financial services to the
producers and traders, strengthening higher ends of market
value chain, develop maintain the relationship among
stakeholders, producers, traders, retailers, wholesalers,
private sectors and value chain actors, identifying
opportunities for value chain development of targeted value
chain, emerging market conditions for agricultural and rural
development, identifying causes & opportunities, cross-
border, local, regional, national level and international trade
procedures, market information system and quality
standards, initiatives for (quality & quantity) productivity &
profitability of producers, farm holders, formation of different
groups & organizations (producer, trader, commission
agent, retailer, wholesaler) for value chain development
identify the extension services for quality extension services
and advisory services, market information system develop
and strengthen for better value chain establishment,
enhance private sector engagement to making & processing
of targeted value chain products & other key opportunities,
review policy and acts for production and value chain
development, upgradation of value chain for crops,
vegetables, fruits and livestock productivity and profitability,
designing and establishing demonstration plots and
dissemination activities(non-conventional) for good
agricultural practices (GAP) for value chain development of
productive commodities, coordinate and collaborate with
government relevant government agencies, NGOs, CBOs
engaging and working together for development (agriculture
& non-agriculture) and value chain development, identify
potential livelihood opportunity, facilitate training for skill
development, employment and income generation,
agricultural production and market value chain development,
develop entrepreneurship both male and female.

May 2012-June Employer: Centre for Bangladesh Review literature, policy analysis. Involved in the projects of
2014 Environmental and Power Plant, PGCB, GTCL, UNDP, FAO, Climate Change
(regular job) Geographic Information Trust Funds of BWDB Identification project concept
Services (CEGIS). (environmental screening), survey questionnaire
Position: Agronomist development, IEE and EIA study, baseline, scoping,
bounding, field investigation, feedback and improve project,
Reference: baseline study on agriculture, social, economic and
Director, Social & environment, Data & information collection. Data
Agriculture Division, CEGIS processing, data compilation and analysis. Collection and
Email: analysis of existing soil and agricultural data (crop, fish, fruit,
[email protected] poultry, livestock) and information about soil pH, soil texture,
Phone: Off: +88 02 soil series, soil component, soil quality, land ownership,
8817648-52, 88028821570- Irrigated area, cultivated area with crops and yields, crop
1 damaged area, causes of crop damage, flood damage area,
scarcity of irrigated area. Present yield of production.
Comparative study between present agriculture and level of
production with the feature and assess the financial and
economic feasibility of the project. Assessment of the
present agriculture situation with area and cropping patterns
based on the soil type and fertility status. Farming practices
which influence the present cropping patterns, Present cost
of production, availability of livestock population and power
draft and fish production. Present irrigation system and
methods of application. Assessment of crop water demand.
Evaluate the agricultural benefits after post project
condition. Present availability of DAE or extension services,
present average yield of crop per hectare, present use of
fertilizer and pesticide situation. Preparation of Crop
Suitability Map. Market survey, Training, workshop and
baseline report preparation, select important environmental
components (IEC), Impact assessment, evaluation of
impact, environmental mitigation measures, environmental
management plan, Environmental impact assessment,
identifying important environmental components,
environmental management plan, contingency plans,
monitoring plans and environmental mitigation measures,
December Employer: Project Director Bangladesh Review literature, policy analysis. Agricultural (crop, fruit,
2011-June of WMIP fish, poultry, livestock) baseline survey, social and economic
2012 Position: Social Mobilization study. Study design and develop. Cost & benefit analysis.
(Consultancy Specialist PRA for Situation analysis, Agricultural mapping (crop, fish,
work) Reference livestock), Transect, Social mapping, well-being analysis,
Project Director, Water FGD, KII, checklist, and large group discussion. Agricultural
Management Improvement (crop, fruit, fish, livestock) baseline survey.
Project, BWDB
Email: Land type, soil, irrigation, land use pattern, cropping pattern,
[email protected] irrigation practices. crop yield and cost, fish production,
Phone: Off: +88 028100452 market linkage. Assessment of agricultural practices (crop,
fish, livestock) and assessment of non-agricultural practices.
Market linkage. Assessment of Future without project
(FWOP) & Future with project (FWIP). Market linkage
Community mobilization for organizing Water Management
Group (WMG) and creation of alternative livelihood
development options. Value chain development & market
assessment. Crop suitability mapping. Provide training for
organizational and institutional capacity building formation
as well as their capacity building to perform Operation and
Management (O&M) of structural and non-structural
activities and improvement their livelihoods by using water
resource and its management. Facilitate stakeholder’s
participation in the community mobilization steps of the PSM
cycle and assist institutional building of Water Management
Organization (WMOs). Facilitate mass level motivational
and information campaign with stakeholders at scheme/
subproject level.

Preparation module for providing capacity, leadership and

skill development training of WMG committee members and
general members. Prepare for constitutional guideline/bye-
laws of the WMO (WMG, WMA) and initiate to register by
the Department of Registration.

April 2011- Employer: Development of Bangladesh Review literature, policy analysis. Involved with the project
August 2013 the Rural Poor (DORP) Gas pipeline installation of GTCL, ILRP (income & livelihood
(consultancy Position: Deputy Team project) of Bangladesh Bridge Authority (BBA) for
work) Leader resettlement, safeguard, Income & income and livelihoods,
Reference: agricultural (crop, fish, fruit, irrigation) baseline survey,
Team Leader social and economic study. Study design and develop for
Email: [email protected] Resettlement Plan (RP),
Phone: Off: +88 02 AEZ, Soil, land type, land use pattern, cropping pattern,
8059684 crop production (cost, yield), fertilizer, seed, draft power,
pesticide & insecticide, crop suitability, irrigation facilities,
livelihood pattern, alternative livelihood pattern, mode of
irrigation, agricultural extension services, technology,
market demand assessment, market linkage and
accessibility, landholding, PAPs identification, fish
production (yield, cost) and practices, assessment of value
chain and supply chain.

Identification of PAPs and random sampling for

questionnaire survey for collection data and information
about agricultural activities (production, processing,
harvesting), practices(technology), consumption (food taking
pattern), nutritional status and market linkages.
Analyze the socio-economic condition of PAPs, reflection of
actual field condition of PAPs, analyze the mode of payment
and other matrix, completion of matrix for compensation and
their loss, series of public consultation, analyze the
grievance redress mechanism, assess the project affected
people, report preparation, organize workshop and seminar.
October 2010- Employer: Unnayan Bangladesh Agricultural (crop, fruit, fish, livestock) baseline survey,
September Shohojogy Team (UST) social and economic study. study design and develop, FGD,
2012 Position: Project Manager KII, stakeholder meeting, workshop.
(Regular job) Reference: AEZ, soil, land type, land use pattern, cropping pattern,
UST technology, crop production (fertilizer, seed, pesticide,
Email: [email protected] irrigation), yield, cost. Fish and livestock production, impact
Phone: Off: +88 02 assessment, market linkage, market demand assessment,
8129429 value chain & supply chai assessment.
Ensure project management functions. planning, designing,
executing, implementing, supervising, coordinating and
controlling (monitoring and evaluation). Developing project
plans and Review the plan. Managing the project
stakeholder. Prepare budget for effective implementation.
Team building and good networking with others (NGOs,
CBOs, government agencies). Managing the project team.
Managing the project risk. ensuring the significant outcomes
(output & result). capacity and skill development training,
identifying the climate change options and livelihood
development strategies, Reporting, Prepare Project Concept
note. Prepare sustainable project proposal.
October 2008- Employer: Unnayan Bangladesh Overall responsible for training course design and
September Shohojogy Team (UST) implement to build capacity of staff and community people.
2010 Position: Coordinator Develop tools for Training Need Assessment (TNA).
(Regular job) (training & education) Module, materials (IEC, BCC) and Schedule develop.
Reference: Prepare annual training budget. Prepare yearly training
UST calendar. Training curriculum design and develop, training
Email: [email protected] methods and tools development. Training Implementation,
Phone: Off: +88 02 Ensure budget allocation for training implementation.
8129429 Organize & training facilitation, Training impact evaluation,
workshop and other. Develop facilitator group & materials.
Proper utilization of training fund. Monitoring ongoing
training and impact evaluation. Reporting & Communication.
Timely compile training report. Prepare monthly, quarterly
and yearly training report.
October 2007- Employer: Resource Bangladesh Review literature, policy analysis. Agricultural (crop, fruit,
September Planning and Management fish, livestock) baseline survey, social and economic study.
2008 Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Study design and develop Collect information on socio-
(Regular job) (RPMC) economic conditions/characteristics in the study/project
Position: Participatory areas. Review existing policies and guidelines on
Development & Community beneficiary groups and user committees of rural
Organization Consultant infrastructure development. Analyze capacity development
Reference: RPMC and support measures for vulnerable groups in existing
rural infrastructure & agricultural development projects.
Email: [email protected] Review the function and structure of beneficiary groups and
Phone: Off: +88 02 user committees of rural infrastructure and agricultural
9881708 development in the target areas. Collect data and
information (agricultural, social & economic) necessary for
Provide research assistance to the international consultant

Guideline and policy for Market Management Committee

(MMC) and Labor Contacting Societies (LCS). Made
strategies of socio-economic development for vulnerable
groups and ethnic minority in the project/ study areas.
Review the project and redesigning for executed new
October 2006- Employer: Resource Bangladesh Review literature, policy analysis. Agricultural baseline
September Planning and Management (crop, fish, livestock) survey, social and economic study.
2007 Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Study design and develop. Policy analysis. Identify the
(Regular job) (RPMC) gross area jurisdiction of the proposed WMCS. Market
Position: Beneficiary survey and assessment. Agricultural value chain
Mobilization Specialist. development. Conduction of awareness raising meetings at
Reference: RPMC different locations in the WMCS jurisdiction. Prepare the list
Email: [email protected] of land owners/users, fishermen and other stakeholders.
Phone: Off: +88 02 Prepare and submit papers/documents to DOC for
9881708 registration. Collect data and information about AEZ, land
type, soil texture, crop and fish production, cost yield,
fertilizers, pesticide& insecticide, irrigation. Market linkage
development. Agricultural value chain & supply chain
assessment. Training and facilitation, workshop and
meeting conduction.
Established wide scale Water Management Committees
(WMCs) and registered with legally from Directorate of
Social Welfare and Social Service.
October 2005- Employer: Resource Bangladesh Review literature, policy analysis. Responsible for Socio-
September Planning and Management economic study. Survey design and questionnaire survey.
2006 Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Policy analysis. supervision of enumerator’s works and
(Regular job) (RPMC) conduction of survey works covering forty (40) Pourashavas
Position: Junior Sociologist. under the Project of UGIIP. Identification of PAPs. Survey
Reference: RPMC work includes a preparation of survey questionnaire both in
Email: [email protected] English and Bengali, Checklist, Survey guideline for
Phone: Off: +88 02 Enumerators; data collection from Pourashava and slum
9881708 areas on socio-economic condition, agriculture, fish,
livestock, health and nutrition, infrastructure, drainage and
sanitation, hygiene, education, income generation activities,
credit, women situation etc. Participatory Rural Appraisal
(PRA), Focus Group Discussion and individual counseling.
Analysis collects data, preparation of broad and tabulation
sheets. Organize enumerators and their works; assist
enumerators in their problems. Report preparation and
presentation. Identifying and accessibility loan for
community people, market linkage and value chain
assessment. Identifying different service providers and
develop linkage. Also acting as administrator of survey team
and assisting study Team Leader in report preparation
October 2004- Employer: Resource Bangladesh Review literature, policy analysis. The subprojects under
September Planning and Management SSWRDSP-I have been implemented with a view to
2005 Consultants Pvt. Ltd. undertaking improvement on water management, drainage
(Regular job) (RPMC) and irrigation in order to increase production in agriculture
Position: Agriculture & and fisheries, and generate income and employment,
Community Development thereby contributing to overall reduction in poverty in the
Specialist subproject areas.
Reference: RPMC
Email: [email protected] Feasibility study for agricultural, socio-economic aspects.
Phone: Off: +88 02 Agricultural Baseline survey (crop, fruit, fish, livestock). Cost
9881708 & benefit analysis. To increase agricultural production and
farmers’ income by providing infrastructure for small scale
water resources management, providing agri-business-
related facilities /equipment and rural infrastructures, and
training and technical supports to Water Management
Cooperative Associations (WMCAs). Market survey and
develop market linkage. Assessment of value chain and
supply chain.
Prepare survey questionnaire, meeting, stakeholder
consultation, FGD, KII, primary and secondary data and
information collection, data entry and analysis of the land,
soil, agriculture, fishery, livestock, irrigation practices and
crop production. Agriculture trend analysis, crop suitability
mapping, without project and with project, cost and benefit
analysis, Prediction of future improvement of agriculture,
fishery, livestock, pre and post project situation analysis,
suggest for improved agricultural method with respect in time.
Assess soil texture, land type, soil association, AEZ, cropping
pattern, inputs, fertilizer, pest-insect, irrigation, agricultural
practices and services, value chain, market assessment.
Crop losses, drainage congestion, lack of irrigation facilities,
flooding and property losses and estimate the costs of sub-
project components. Provide research assistance to the
international consultant team and assists to formation of
Environmental impact assessment, identifying important
environmental components, environmental management
plan, and mitigation plans, enhancement plans, monitoring
plans and environmental mitigation measures and
agricultural market value chain analysis and development.
October 2010- Employer: Helvetas Swiss Bangladesh Training course design and develop. Module and manual
September Inter-Cooperation. preparation and training facilitation. Training report
2014 Position: Training preparation and evaluationresponsible to review existing
(consultancy Consultant training module, preparation training module, training tools
work) Reference: Project and technique design and develop. Training materials
Coordinator develop (BCC, IEC). Training course design, training
Email: [email protected] facilitation and report preparation.
Phone: Off: +88 02
8815688 180 upazilas of Bangladesh. Ensuring improved access to
local government services for the farmer. Samitee/
organization formation, Public-Private Partnership
development (PPP) mechanisms, develop networking cross
sectoral trader’s associations with the farmers, develop their
capacity including farmers group (formal and informal group)
and advocate with public extension agencies for addressing
different farming problems, cross-cutting trading
opportunities between upazila, zila base trading
associations and rural farmers. Improving the network
system of line agencies for good service delivery to the rural
farmers. Market linkage development, Agricultural value
chai or supply chai identification and development.
Promoting public private initiatives (PPI) among with the
government line agencies, traders and farmers. Capacity
development of line agencies officials, traders and farm
holders. and influencing for establishing the PPI.
January 2000- Employer: Helen Keller Bangladesh Program design and develop. Project execution and
December’200 International (HKI) implementation. Monitoring and evaluation. Agricultural
4 Position: Field Coordinator (crop, vegetables, fruit, fishery, livestock) baseline survey,
(Regular job) Reference: Program community people livelihood assessment, market linkage
Coordinator and value chain assessment. Prediction for future
Email: [email protected]  improvement of agriculture production, increase nutritional
Phone: Off: + 882 3465, status, market demand, value chain development. Training
882 3494. and capacity development for increasing agricultural
production in main land and char land of Poor and marginal
fam holders. Awareness building for using local resources
(land, seeds, fertilizer, assets). Ensure livelihood and
creation alternative livelihood options for better life using
by agricultural. Innovation (techniques & technology) and
value chain development. Empowered women participation
in decision-making process. Reduce child mortality and
nutritional deficiency both mother and child in main land and
Char areas. Established poultry, fish and livestock farms
and develop market linkage and ensuing value chain
October 1998- Employer: Care Bangladesh Bangladesh Agricultural, social and economic study in the project area.
December1999 Position: Technical Officer Program design, develop and implementation. Assisting the
(Regular job) Reference: Program program coordinator and executive director in overall
Coordinator planning and implementation of the project and ensuring
Email: [email protected] qualitative implementation of project activities in the field.
Phone: Off: + 8802 882 Specific inputs were provided to training of targeted farmers
3494 and entrepreneurs for increasing agricultural (crop,
vegetables, fish, livestock) production, planning and
management including training need assessment. Improve
farming technologies, preparing training materials,
programme monitoring and evaluation mechanism.
Participation in field programme monitoring, re-planning and
re-designing of training material and modules. Monitoring
professional liaison with the concerned counterparts and
other related officials to build up a strong relationship.
Maintaining, technical standards of the project including
problem identification and decision-making activities in the
project area. Responsible for all technical assistance and
supervision of farmer’s field. Identification the problems of
value chai development and market linkage. Ensure
effective planning and implementation of project activities
through PRA and PLA. Assistance to the Director to prepare
budget for project. Conduct monthly technical coordination
meeting with donor and other partners.
October’1994- Employer: Brac- Bangladesh Assisting the regional manager and zonal sector specialist
September International in overall planning and implementation of the project and
‘1998 Position: Regional Sector ensuring qualitative implementation of project activities in
(Regular job) Specialist (RSS) the field. Preparation of tools and processes for project
Reference: Executive planning and implementation. Agricultural (crop,
Director, BRAC vegetables, fruits, fishery, livestock) baseline survey by
Email: [email protected] using PRA tools. Improve farming technologies, preparing
Phone: Off: +8802 884180- training materials, programme monitoring and evaluation
7 mechanism. Training facilitation, implementation, monitoring
and evaluation. Programme monitoring and evaluation. re-
planning and re-designing of training. Market linkage
establishment and value chain development.
Maintaining, technical standards of the project including
problem identification and decision-making activities in the
project area. Report preparation and presentation.

Language Skills (indicate only languages in which you can work):

Language Speaking Reading Writing

Bengali Native Native Native
English Excellent Excellent Excellent

Detailed Tasks Assigned Reference to Prior Work / Assignments that Best Illustrates Capability to Handle the Assigned
on Consultant’s Team of Tasks:

 IEE, ESIA of soil, Name of assignment or Project: ) Supervision and Monitoring the Performance Dredging,
agriculture, Morphological and Environmental Impacts, Detailed Design and Assessment of Effectiveness of
irrigation, market Dredging for Restoration of Dry Season flow, Improvement of Navigability & Flood Management
value chain. of Four River ( Old Brahmaputra, Dhorola, Punarvaba, Tulai) Routes Included Hydrographic and
 Identify the present Bathymetric Survey.
agriculture and ii) Feasibility Study for Establishing the Linkage of the Upper Bhairab River with Mathabanga
irrigation River for Restoration of Dry Season Flow
requirement and Year: May’2019-February’2024(03 Years & 08 Months)
assessment future Location(s): Mymensingh, Gazipur, Kishorgonj, Jamalpur, Sherpur, Lalmonirhat, Kurigram,
needs of irrigation Dinajpur, Thakurgaon Districts
and agriculture
production. Client: Bangladesh Inland Water transport Authority (BIWTA) and funded by the World Bank
 Identify needs of
stakeholders, and Main Project Features: Supervision for dredging activities of the Rivers for smooth navigation
provide inputs for and ensuring Dry season flow. Select dredged spoil dumping location, Select location for vessels
developing and terminal establishment, environmental and social management plans mitigation plans,
conducting WMO’s compensation plans and monitoring plans. Agricultural and livelihoods development and
capacity improvement, market value chain assessment and irrigation improvement along with
development improvement of transportation facilities for human and agricultural commodities using
programs; Mathematical Modelling including Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA)
 Provide technical
inputs in the, Position Held: Agriculture Value Chain Expert
including data for Activities Performed:
the economic and Survey and study design and develop, preparation survey and study questionnaire, collection and
financial analyses. analysis of existing agricultural data and information about land ownership pattern, Irrigated area,
 Prepare technical cultivated area with crops and yields, crop damaged area, scarcity of irrigation facilities and area.
guideline and Present yield of production (crop, vegetables, fish, poultry, livestock). Comparative study between
operation manuals present agriculture and level of production with the feature and assess the social, environmental
for agriculture and economic feasibility of the project. Assessment of the present agricultural situation with area
extension and and cropping patterns, crop production based on the soil type, fertility status, irrigation availability
support services (surface & ground water), type of production constraints, (flood, drought, salinity, flash flood.),
and agriculture Farming practices ( production technology, yield), cost & benefit analysis, present cropping
related income patterns, soil fertility, pest& insect, mode of irrigation, service providers, availability of inputs, type
generating activities & variety of crops, fruits, vegetables, fish, livestock population and power draft, assess market
for WMO, s capacity accessibility & linkage, market value assessment, value chain assessment, agricultural trend
development. analysis, crop water demand assessment, soil and water salinity assessment, assessment of
 Review & update, if present irrigation water consumption and prediction of future water requirements. Evaluate and
necessary, the impact the agricultural (crop, vegetables, fruit, fish, livestock) benefits of post project condition
overall work plan for from that of without project. Review literature, policy analysis, availability of extension services,
agriculture crop suitability mapping. suggest improved agricultural methods and technologies, evaluate the
extension support agriculture benefit/cost production analysis, and prepare crop calendar, technology innovation
services and etc. Impact assessment disposal of dredging spoils in agricultural and socio-economic conditions,
income generating fish market assessment, identification of fishermen, identification of alternative livelihood options
activities for WMOs; for the PAPs, environmental assessment, select valued environmental components, mitigation
measure and mitigation plans.
 Prepare monitoring
& evaluation forms
Name of assignment or Project: Feasibility Study for Establishing the Linkage of the Upper
for agriculture
Bhairab River with Mathabanga River for restoration of Dry Season Flow using Mathematical
extension and
Modelling including Environmental and Social Impact Assessment(ESIA).
support services
Year: July’2019-December’2020(02 Years)
and agriculture
Location(s): Southwest region of Bangladesh within Kustia, Chuadanga, Jhinaida and Jessore
related income
generating activities
for WMOs and
Client: Bangladesh Water Development Board (BWDB).
assist BWDB in
Main Project Features: Study for dredging location of the Rivers, for Smooth Drainage and
monitoring &
Ensuring water flow in Dry season and monsoon through the upper Bhairab and Buri Bhairab and
evaluation system
ensuring Irrigation facilities ( at least one km of both bank of river in country side). Adjacent
for agriculture
extension and Areas in Meherpur, Chuadanga and Jhinaida Districts Using Mathematical Modelling including
agriculture related Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA)
income generating
activities; Position Held: Agronomist and EIA Specialist
 Support the
establishment & Activities Performed:
strengthening of Survey and study design and develop, preparation survey and study questionnaire, collection and
coordination and analysis of existing agricultural data and information about land ownership pattern, Irrigated area,
collaboration cultivated area with crops and yields, crop damaged area, scarcity of irrigation facilities and area.
system for the Present yield of production (crop, vegetables, fish, poultry, livestock). Comparative study between
implementation of present agriculture and level of production with the feature and assess the social, environmental
agriculture and economic feasibility of the project. Assessment of the present agricultural situation with area
extension and and cropping patterns, crop production based on the soil type, fertility status, irrigation availability
support services (surface & ground water), type of production constraints, (flood, drought, salinity, flash flood.),
and agriculture Farming practices ( production technology, yield), cost & benefit analysis, present cropping
related income patterns, soil fertility, pest& insect, mode of irrigation, service providers, availability of inputs, type
generating activities & variety of crops, fruits, vegetables, fish, livestock population and power draft, assess market
among BWDB and accessibility & linkage, market value assessment, value chain assessment, agricultural trend
supporting analysis, crop water demand assessment, soil and water salinity assessment, assessment of
agencies. present irrigation water consumption and prediction of future water requirements. Evaluate and
 Ensure impact the agricultural (crop, vegetables, fruit, fish, livestock) benefits of post project condition
coordination with from that of without project. Review literature, policy analysis, availability of extension services,
DAE, PMU and crop suitability mapping. suggest improved agricultural methods and technologies, evaluate the
SMOs. agriculture benefit/cost production analysis, and prepare crop calendar, technology innovation
etc. Impact assessment disposal of dredging spoils in agricultural and socio-economic conditions,
fish market assessment, identification of fishermen, identification of alternative livelihood options
for the PAPs. Training, workshop and report preparation. Impact assessment of dumping of
dredging spoils, irrigation area expansion impact, environmental assessment, mitigation measure
and mitigation plans.

Name of assignment or Project: Environmental & Social Impact Assessment and Study for the i)
Dhaka-Munshigonj-Gajaria-Chandpur-Chattagram River Route ii) Chandpur-Char Prakash-Hijla-
Barishal River route iii) Narshingdi-Marichkandi-Salimgonj-Banchharampur-Homna River route iv)
Five proposed vassel shelters along the river routes v) Ferry crossing routes a) Chandpur and
Shariatpur b) Laksmipur & Bhola and c) Beduria and Laharhat.
Year: September’2015-February’2017(18 Months)
Location(s): Dhaka, Munshiganj, Gojaria, Chandpur, Chattagram, Barishal, Narshingdi,
Marichkandi, Salimganj, Banchhararampur, Shantol, Ashuganj, Shariotpur, Lakshmipur, Bhola,
Homna, Beduria, Laharhat,

Client: Bangladesh Inland Water transport Authority (BIWTA) and funded by the World Bank

Main Project Features: Study for dredging location of the Rivers for smooth navigation and
ensuring water flow in Dry season. Select dredged spoil dumping location, Select location for
vessels terminal establishment, environmental and social management plans, mitigation plans,
compensation plans and monitoring plans. Agricultural and livelihoods development and
improvement, market value chain assessment and irrigation improvement along with
improvement of transportation facilities for human and agricultural commodities using
Mathematical Modelling including Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA)

Position Held: Agronomist

Activities Performed:
Survey and study design and develop, preparation survey and study questionnaire, collection and
analysis of existing agricultural data and information about land ownership pattern, Irrigated area,
cultivated area with crops and yields, crop damaged area, scarcity of irrigation facilities and area.
Present yield of production (crop, vegetables, fish, poultry, livestock). Comparative study between
present agriculture and level of production with the feature and assess the social, environmental
and economic feasibility of the project. Assessment of the present agricultural situation with area
and cropping patterns, crop production based on the soil type, fertility status, irrigation availability
(surface & ground water), type of production constraints, (flood, drought, salinity, flash flood.),
Farming practices ( production technology, yield), cost & benefit analysis, present cropping
patterns, soil fertility, pest& insect, mode of irrigation, service providers, availability of inputs, type
& variety of crops, fruits, vegetables, fish, livestock population and power draft, assess market
accessibility & linkage, market value assessment, value chain assessment, agricultural trend
analysis, crop water demand assessment, soil and water salinity assessment, assessment of
present irrigation water consumption and prediction of future water requirements. Evaluate and
impact the agricultural (crop, vegetables, fruit, fish, livestock) benefits of post project condition
from that of without project. Review literature, policy analysis, availability of extension services,
crop suitability mapping. suggest improved agricultural methods and technologies, evaluate the
agriculture benefit/cost production analysis, and prepare crop calendar, technology innovation
etc. Impact assessment disposal of dredging spoils in agricultural and socio-economic conditions,
fish market assessment, identification of fishermen, identification of alternative livelihood options
for the PAPs. Select valued environmental components, mitigation measure and mitigation plans.
Name of assignment or Project: PRA and feasibility study for need assessment of additional
works for improvement of crop production through surface water irrigation and assessment of
public demand for assessment of viability/feasibility for new project and improving crop
production and reducing poverty and food insecurity by small scale water resources
Year: March’2019-Dec. 2020(10 Months)
Location(s): Sylhet, Rangpur divisions

Client: Local Government and Engineering Department(LGED)

Main Project Features: Feasibility study along with PRA activities of the existing and new
projects for improving producivitiy of crops and domestic consumption and fisheries development
by proper water resource management with avilability and accessibility of market linkage.

Activites Performed:

Survey and study design and develop, preparation survey and study questionnaire, collection and
analysis of existing agricultural data and information about land ownership pattern, Irrigated area,
cultivated area with crops and yields, crop damaged area, scarcity of irrigation facilities and area.
Present yield of production (crop, vegetables, fish, poultry, livestock). Comparative study between
present agriculture and level of production with the feature and assess the social, environmental
and economic feasibility of the project. Assessment of the present agricultural situation with area
and cropping patterns, crop production based on the soil type, fertility status, irrigation availability
(surface & ground water), type of production constraints, (flood, drought, salinity, flash flood.),
Farming practices ( production technology, yield), cost & benefit analysis, present cropping
patterns, soil fertility, pest& insect, mode of irrigation, service providers, availability of inputs, type
& variety of crops, fruits, vegetables, fish, livestock population and power draft, assess market
accessibility & linkage, market value assessment, value chain assessment, agricultural trend
analysis, crop water demand assessment, soil and water salinity assessment, assessment of
present irrigation water consumption and prediction of future water requirements. Evaluate and
impact the agricultural (crop, vegetables, fruit, fish, livestock) benefits of post project condition
from that of without project. Review literature, policy analysis, availability of extension services,
crop suitability mapping. suggest improved agricultural methods and technologies, evaluate the
agriculture benefit/cost production analysis, and prepare crop calendar, technology innovation
etc. Impact assessment disposal of dredging spoils in agricultural and socio-economic conditions,
fish market assessment, identification of fishermen, identification of alternative livelihood options
for the PAPs.

Name of assignment or Project: IEE,ESIA of Matarbari power Plant project, PGCB, GTCL
projects, Climate Change Trust Fund Projects, UNDP projects, FAO projects, embankment
protection projects, Revetment projects of the river, capital dredging of the river projects, Water
management improvement projects, Haor development projects, Coastal embankment
improvement projects, KGDERP, Rampal power plant project, Ruppur plant project etc.

Year: September’2010-October’2015( 05 years)

Location(s): All over the country

Main Project Features: IEE, ESIA of soil and agricultural resources for power plant, power grid
and gas pipelines establishment, ESIA of capital dredging, river re-excavation, embankment
protection works, revatment works, surface water and ground water facilities works etc.

Position Held: Agronomist

Activities Performed:
Survey and study design and develop, preparation survey and study questionnaire, collection and
analysis of existing agricultural data and information about land ownership pattern, Irrigated area,
cultivated area with crops and yields, crop damaged area, scarcity of irrigation facilities and area.
Present yield of production (crop, vegetables, fish, poultry, livestock). Comparative study between
present agriculture and level of production with the feature and assess the social, environmental
and economic feasibility of the project. Assessment of the present agricultural situation with area
and cropping patterns, crop production based on the soil type, fertility status, irrigation availability
(surface & ground water), type of production constraints, (flood, drought, salinity, flash flood.),
Farming practices ( production technology, yield), cost & benefit analysis, present cropping
patterns, soil fertility, pest& insect, mode of irrigation, service providers, availability of inputs, type
& variety of crops, fruits, vegetables, fish, livestock population and power draft, assess market
accessibility & linkage, market value assessment, value chain assessment, agricultural trend
analysis, crop water demand assessment, soil and water salinity assessment, assessment of
present irrigation water consumption and prediction of future water requirements. Evaluate and
impact the agricultural (crop, vegetables, fruit, fish, livestock) benefits of post project condition
from that of without project. Review literature, policy analysis, availability of extension services,
crop suitability mapping. suggest improved agricultural methods and technologies, evaluate the
agriculture benefit/cost production analysis, and prepare crop calendar, technology innovation
etc. Impact assessment disposal of dredging spoils in agricultural and socio-economic conditions,
fish market assessment, identification of fishermen, identification of alternative livelihood options
for the PAPs.

Name of assignment or Project: Feasibility Study for Dredging/Re-excavation along with Gumti
River for Smooth Drainage and Ensuring Dry season Irrigation facilities at Daudkandi of
Sundalpur Irrigation Area and Sonaichari Irrigation Area and Adjacent Areas in Comilla District
Using Mathematical Modelling including Environmental and Social Impact Assessment(ESIA)
Year: November’2016-October’2017(12 Months)
Location(s): Comilla Adarsha Sadar, Comilla Sadar Daskin, Burichang, Debidwar, Muradnagar,
Brahmmanpara,Upazilas in Comilla District and Rural area of Bangladesh.
Client: Bangladesh Water Development Board (BWDB).

Main Project Features: Study for Dredging location of Gumti River, for Smooth Drainage and
Ensuring Dry season Irrigation facilities at Daudkandi of Sundalpur Irrigation Area and Sonaichari
Irrigation Area and Adjacent Areas in Comilla District Using Mathematical Modelling including
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment(ESIA)

Position Held: Agronomist

Activities Performed:
Survey and study design and develop, preparation survey and study questionnaire, collection and
analysis of existing agricultural data and information about land ownership pattern, Irrigated area,
cultivated area with crops and yields, crop damaged area, scarcity of irrigation facilities and area.
Present yield of production (crop, vegetables, fish, poultry, livestock). Comparative study between
present agriculture and level of production with the feature and assess the social, environmental
and economic feasibility of the project. Assessment of the present agricultural situation with area
and cropping patterns, crop production based on the soil type, fertility status, irrigation availability
(surface & ground water), type of production constraints, (flood, drought, salinity, flash flood.),
Farming practices ( production technology, yield), cost & benefit analysis, present cropping
patterns, soil fertility, pest& insect, mode of irrigation, service providers, availability of inputs, type
& variety of crops, fruits, vegetables, fish, livestock population and power draft, assess market
accessibility & linkage, market value assessment, value chain assessment, agricultural trend
analysis, crop water demand assessment, soil and water salinity assessment, assessment of
present irrigation water consumption and prediction of future water requirements. Evaluate and
impact the agricultural (crop, vegetables, fruit, fish, livestock) benefits of post project condition
from that of without project. Review literature, policy analysis, availability of extension services,
crop suitability mapping. suggest improved agricultural methods and technologies, evaluate the
agriculture benefit/cost production analysis, and prepare crop calendar, technology innovation
etc. Impact assessment disposal of dredging spoils in agricultural and socio-economic conditions,
fish market assessment, identification of fishermen, identification of alternative livelihood options
for the PAPs, impact, environmental assessment, mitigation measure and mitigation plans.

Name of assignment or Project: Monitoring of Sedimentation, Salinity, Tide & Flood in Kobadak
River System & TRM Basin
Year: August’2015-January’2018(1 Year & 8 Months)
Location(s): Taherpur (at Chaugacha upazila in Jessore district) to Niamotkati (at Syamnagar
upazila in Satkhira district) and Rural area of Bangladesh
Client: Bangladesh Water Development Board (BWDB).
Main Project Features: Monitoring of the Sediment and Salinity and improment of water logging
and agriculture improvement.
Position Held: Agronomist
Activities Performed: Survey and study design and develop, preparation survey and study
questionnaire, collection and analysis of existing agricultural data and information about land
ownership pattern, Irrigated area, cultivated area with crops and yields, crop damaged area,
scarcity of irrigation facilities and area. Present yield of production (crop, vegetables, fish,
poultry, livestock). Comparative study between present agriculture and level of production with
the feature and assess the social, environmental and economic feasibility of the project.
Assessment of the present agricultural situation with area and cropping patterns, crop production
based on the soil type, fertility status, irrigation availability (surface & ground water), type of
production constraints, (flood, drought, salinity, flash flood.), Farming practices ( production
technology, yield), cost & benefit analysis, present cropping patterns, soil fertility, pest& insect,
mode of irrigation, service providers, availability of inputs, type & variety of crops, fruits,
vegetables, fish, livestock population and power draft, assess market accessibility & linkage,
market value assessment, value chain assessment, agricultural trend analysis, crop water
demand assessment, soil and water salinity assessment, assessment of present irrigation water
consumption and prediction of future water requirements. Evaluate and impact the agricultural
(crop, vegetables, fruit, fish, livestock) benefits of post project condition from that of without
project. Review literature, policy analysis, availability of extension services, crop suitability
mapping. suggest improved agricultural methods and technologies, evaluate the agriculture
benefit/cost production analysis, and prepare crop calendar, technology innovation etc. Impact
assessment disposal of dredging spoils in agricultural and socio-economic conditions, fish market
assessment, identification of fishermen, identification of alternative livelihood options for the
PAPs, assist the study team in holding seminars, workshops;
To assist the study team in Preparation of maps for workshops and reports etc and development
of database software and that finally environmental impact assessment and mitigation plan for

Name of assignment or Project: Study for Upgrading and Rehabilitation of (a) Karnafuly Irrigation
Project (Halda and Isamoti Unit), (b) Boalkhali Irrigation Project, (c) Fatikchari FCDI Project (d)
Dhurang Irrigation Project (e) Mandakini Irrigation Project (f) Halda Extension Irrigation Project
and Nishchintapur Irrigation Project with ESIA.
Year: August’2015-October’2017(02 Years & 05 Months)
Location(s): Hathazari, Rangunia, Rauzan, Boalkhali and fatikchari Upazilas in Chittagong and
Rural area of Bangladesh.
Client: Bangladesh Water Development Board (BWDB).
Main Project Features: Study for Upgrading and Rehabilitation of Irrigation Project and Irrigation
Improvement Mathematical Modelling.
Position Held: Agronomist
Activities Performed: Survey and study design and develop, preparation survey and study
questionnaire, collection and analysis of existing agricultural data and information about land
ownership pattern, Irrigated area, cultivated area with crops and yields, crop damaged area,
scarcity of irrigation facilities and area. Present yield of production (crop, vegetables, fish,
poultry, livestock). Comparative study between present agriculture and level of production with
the feature and assess the social, environmental and economic feasibility of the project.
Assessment of the present agricultural situation with area and cropping patterns, crop production
based on the soil type, fertility status, irrigation availability (surface & ground water), type of
production constraints, (flood, drought, salinity, flash flood.), Farming practices ( production
technology, yield), cost & benefit analysis, present cropping patterns, soil fertility, pest& insect,
mode of irrigation, service providers, availability of inputs, type & variety of crops, fruits,
vegetables, fish, livestock population and power draft, assess market accessibility & linkage,
market value assessment, value chain assessment, agricultural trend analysis, crop water
demand assessment, soil and water salinity assessment, assessment of present irrigation water
consumption and prediction of future water requirements. Evaluate and impact the agricultural
(crop, vegetables, fruit, fish, livestock) benefits of post project condition from that of without
project. Review literature, policy analysis, availability of extension services, crop suitability
mapping. suggest improved agricultural methods and technologies, evaluate the agriculture
benefit/cost production analysis, and prepare crop calendar, technology innovation etc. Impact
assessment disposal of dredging spoils in agricultural and socio-economic conditions, fish market
assessment, identification of fishermen, identification of alternative livelihood options for the
PAPs, Impact assessment of dumping of dredging/earthen spoils, irrigation area expansion
impact, environmental assessment, mitigation measure and mitigation plans.

Name of assignment or Project Feasibility study for the Re-excavation of Titas River (Upper)
under Brahmanbaria District.

Year: March’2013-May’2015(02 Years & 02 Months)

Location(s): The Titas River (upper) from the Meghna River (upper) at Azabpur in Sarail Upazilla
and flows through Nasirnagar, Brahmanbaria Sadar and Akhaura Upazillas, and finally falls again
in the Meghna River (upper) in Upazilla Nabinagar of Brahmanbaria District and Rural area of
Client: Bangladesh Water Development Board (BWDB)
Main Project Features: Titas River (upper) from technical, socio-economic and environmental
points of view, and find out feasible options for navigation, floods control and drainage
improvement as well as water resources development and management for irrigation.
Position Held: Agriculture Specialist
Activities Performed: Survey and study design and develop, preparation survey and study
questionnaire, collection and analysis of existing agricultural data and information about land
ownership pattern, Irrigated area, cultivated area with crops and yields, crop damaged area,
scarcity of irrigation facilities and area. Present yield of production (crop, vegetables, fish,
poultry, livestock). Comparative study between present agriculture and level of production with
the feature and assess the social, environmental and economic feasibility of the project.
Assessment of the present agricultural situation with area and cropping patterns, crop production
based on the soil type, fertility status, irrigation availability (surface & ground water), type of
production constraints, (flood, drought, salinity, flash flood.), Farming practices ( production
technology, yield), cost & benefit analysis, present cropping patterns, soil fertility, pest& insect,
mode of irrigation, service providers, availability of inputs, type & variety of crops, fruits,
vegetables, fish, livestock population and power draft, assess market accessibility & linkage,
market value assessment, value chain assessment, agricultural trend analysis, crop water
demand assessment, soil and water salinity assessment, assessment of present irrigation water
consumption and prediction of future water requirements. Evaluate and impact the agricultural
(crop, vegetables, fruit, fish, livestock) benefits of post project condition from that of without
project. Review literature, policy analysis, availability of extension services, crop suitability
mapping. suggest improved agricultural methods and technologies, evaluate the agriculture
benefit/cost production analysis, and prepare crop calendar, technology innovation etc. Impact
assessment disposal of dredging spoils in agricultural and socio-economic conditions, fish market
assessment, identification of fishermen, identification of alternative livelihood options for the
PAPs, impact, environmental assessment, mitigation measure and mitigation plans.

Name of assignment or Project: Water Management Improvement Project.

October’ 2010 – February’11(05 Months)
Location(s): KIsorganj, Barguna, Khulna, Mymensingh Districts and Rural Area of Bangladesh
Client: Bangladesh Water Development Board (BWDB).
Main Project Features: Feasibility studyfor Rehabilitation and Improvement of 67 completed
FCD/FCDI projects of BWDB.
Position Held: Social Mobilization Specialist
Activities Performed: PRA for Situation analysis, Agricultural mapping, Transect, Social mapping,
wellbeing analysis, FGD and large group discussion. Community mobilization for organizing
Water Management Group (WMG) formation as well as their capacity building to perform
Operation and Management (O&M) of structural and non-structural activities and improvement
their livelihoods by using water resource and its management. Facilitate stakeholder’s
participation in the community mobilization steps of the PSM cycle and assist institutional building
of Water Management Organization (WMOs). Facilitate mass level motivational and information
campaign with stakeholders at scheme/ subproject level. Survey and study design and develop,
preparation survey and study questionnaire, collection and analysis of existing agricultural data
and information about land ownership pattern, Irrigated area, cultivated area with crops and
yields, crop damaged area, scarcity of irrigation facilities and area. Present yield of production
(crop, vegetables, fish, poultry, livestock). Comparative study between present agriculture and
level of production with the feature and assess the social, environmental and economic feasibility
of the project. Assessment of the present agricultural situation with area and cropping patterns,
crop production based on the soil type, fertility status, irrigation availability (surface & ground
water), type of production constraints, (flood, drought, salinity, flash flood.), Farming practices
( production technology, yield), cost & benefit analysis, present cropping patterns, soil fertility,
pest& insect, mode of irrigation, service providers, availability of inputs, type & variety of crops,
fruits, vegetables, fish, livestock population and power draft, assess market accessibility &
linkage, market value assessment, value chain assessment, agricultural trend analysis, crop
water demand assessment, soil and water salinity assessment, assessment of present irrigation
water consumption and prediction of future water requirements. Evaluate and impact the
agricultural (crop, vegetables, fruit, fish, livestock) benefits of post project condition from that of
without project. Review literature, policy analysis, availability of extension services, crop suitability
mapping. suggest improved agricultural methods and technologies, evaluate the agriculture
benefit/cost production analysis, and prepare crop calendar, technology innovation etc. Impact
assessment disposal of dredging spoils in agricultural and socio-economic conditions, fish market
assessment, identification of fishermen, identification of alternative livelihood options for the

Name of assignment or project: Morphological and Hydrological study with Mathematical

modelling for Rehabilitation of Bhutaiar Beel and Barnal Salimpur Kolabashukhali Flood control
and drainage Project in Khulna District under BWDB, Ministry of Water Resources, funded by
Year: May’2010- July’2012(02 Years & 02 Months)
Location(s): Khulna, Bagerhat and Norail District, Rural area of Bangladesh.
Client: Bangladesh Water Development Board (BWDB)
Main project features: Study of agricultural situation and analysing data and information for future
improvement of agricultural intervention and improvement of irrigation system.
Position (s) held: Agronomist
Activities performed: Survey and study design and develop, preparation survey and study
questionnaire, collection and analysis of existing agricultural data and information about land
ownership pattern, Irrigated area, cultivated area with crops and yields, crop damaged area,
scarcity of irrigation facilities and area. Present yield of production (crop, vegetables, fish, poultry,
livestock). Comparative study between present agriculture and level of production with the feature
and assess the social, environmental and economic feasibility of the project. Assessment of the
present agricultural situation with area and cropping patterns, crop production based on the soil
type, fertility status, irrigation availability (surface & ground water), type of production constraints,
(flood, drought, salinity, flash flood.), Farming practices ( production technology, yield), cost &
benefit analysis, present cropping patterns, soil fertility, pest& insect, mode of irrigation, service
providers, availability of inputs, type & variety of crops, fruits, vegetables, fish, livestock
population and power draft, assess market accessibility & linkage, market value assessment,
value chain assessment, agricultural trend analysis, crop water demand assessment, soil and
water salinity assessment, assessment of present irrigation water consumption and prediction of
future water requirements. Evaluate and impact the agricultural (crop, vegetables, fruit, fish,
livestock) benefits of post project condition from that of without project. Review literature, policy
analysis, availability of extension services, crop suitability mapping. suggest improved agricultural
methods and technologies, evaluate the agriculture benefit/cost production analysis, and prepare
crop calendar, technology innovation etc. Impact assessment disposal of dredging spoils in
agricultural and socio-economic conditions, fish market assessment, identification of fishermen,
identification of alternative livelihood options for the PAPs.

Name of assignment or project: Mathematical Modelling, Survey and Investigation for Future Plan
Development after Excavation of Chandana-Barasia River.
Year: May’2011- May’2012( 12 Months)
Location(s): Rajbari, Faridpur and Gopal gong District, Rural area of Bangladesh.
Client: Bangladesh Water Development Board (BWDB), funded by ADB.
Main project features: Study of agricultural situation and analysing data and information for future
improvement of agricultural condition and intervention and improvement of irrigation syste
Position (s) held: Agriculture Specialist
Activities performed: Survey and study design and develop, preparation survey and study
questionnaire, collection and analysis of existing agricultural data and information about land
ownership pattern, Irrigated area, cultivated area with crops and yields, crop damaged area,
scarcity of irrigation facilities and area. Present yield of production (crop, vegetables, fish, poultry,
livestock). Comparative study between present agriculture and level of production with the feature
and assess the social, environmental and economic feasibility of the project. Assessment of the
present agricultural situation with area and cropping patterns, crop production based on the soil
type, fertility status, irrigation availability (surface & ground water), type of production constraints,
(flood, drought, salinity, flash flood.), Farming practices ( production technology, yield), cost &
benefit analysis, present cropping patterns, soil fertility, pest& insect, mode of irrigation, service
providers, availability of inputs, type & variety of crops, fruits, vegetables, fish, livestock
population and power draft, assess market accessibility & linkage, market value assessment,
value chain assessment, agricultural trend analysis, crop water demand assessment, soil and
water salinity assessment, assessment of present irrigation water consumption and prediction of
future water requirements. Evaluate and impact the agricultural (crop, vegetables, fruit, fish,
livestock) benefits of post project condition from that of without project. Review literature, policy
analysis, availability of extension services, crop suitability mapping. suggest improved agricultural
methods and technologies, evaluate the agriculture benefit/cost production analysis, and prepare
crop calendar, technology innovation etc. Impact assessment disposal of dredging spoils in
agricultural and socio-economic conditions, fish market assessment, identification of fishermen,
identification of alternative livelihood options for the PAPs.
Name of assignment or project: Mathematical Modelling Technique for Drainage and Irrigation
Improvement Study of Gazner Beel.
Year: January’2012-March’2012
Location(s): Gazner Beel area in Upazila Sujanagar, District Pabna and Rural area of
Client: Bangladesh Water Development Board (BWDB)
Main project features: Gajner Beel technical, socio-economic and environmental points of view,
and find out feasible options for irrigation improvement, removing the drainage congestion as well
as water resources development and management in the study area. The project area is facing
scarcity of water for irrigation and farming in the dry season. As a result, cultivation in net area is
hampered severely along with deterioration of the socio-economic and environmental condition
Position (s) held: Agriculture Specialist
Activities performed: Survey and study design and develop, preparation survey and study
questionnaire, collection and analysis of existing agricultural data and information about land
ownership pattern, Irrigated area, cultivated area with crops and yields, crop damaged area,
scarcity of irrigation facilities and area. Present yield of production (crop, vegetables, fish, poultry,
livestock). Comparative study between present agriculture and level of production with the feature
and assess the social, environmental and economic feasibility of the project. Assessment of the
present agricultural situation with area and cropping patterns, crop production based on the soil
type, fertility status, irrigation availability (surface & ground water), type of production constraints,
(flood, drought, salinity, flash flood.), Farming practices ( production technology, yield), cost &
benefit analysis, present cropping patterns, soil fertility, pest& insect, mode of irrigation, service
providers, availability of inputs, type & variety of crops, fruits, vegetables, fish, livestock
population and power draft, assess market accessibility & linkage, market value assessment,
value chain assessment, agricultural trend analysis, crop water demand assessment, soil and
water salinity assessment, assessment of present irrigation water consumption and prediction of
future water requirements. Evaluate and impact the agricultural (crop, vegetables, fruit, fish,
livestock) benefits of post project condition from that of without project. Review literature, policy
analysis, availability of extension services, crop suitability mapping. suggest improved agricultural
methods and technologies, evaluate the agriculture benefit/cost production analysis, and prepare
crop calendar, technology innovation etc. Impact assessment disposal of dredging spoils in
agricultural and socio-economic conditions, fish market assessment, identification of fishermen,
identification of alternative livelihood options for the PAPs.
Name of assignment or project/s: Climate Change Trust Fund projects (CCTF), Capital Dredging
of Rivers, Tipaimukh Dam impact study, Padma Bridge, Water Management Improvement project
(WMIP), Power Grid Projects of Bangladesh (PGCB), Gas Transmission Company Limited
(GTCL), Power plant, Coastal Embankment Improvement Project (CEIP), Riverbank
Improvement Project (RBIP), Study on development of crop typology for Bangladesh funded by
ICRISAT, India.DRR & Climate Change projects of DAE, CDMP. Economic and social
development study and survey- funded by UNDP-USAID.
Year: August’ 2012 – March’2014
Location(s): All over the country
Client: Bangladesh Water Development Board (BWDB), PGCB, DAE, GTCL, ICRISAT, UNDP.
Main project features: Initial Environmental Examine (IEE), Environmental and Social Impact
Assessment (ESIA), mitigation measure, environmental management plan.
Position(s) held: Agronomist
Activities performed: Survey and study design and develop, preparation survey and study
questionnaire, collection and analysis of existing agricultural data and information about land
ownership pattern, Irrigated area, cultivated area with crops and yields, crop damaged area,
scarcity of irrigation facilities and area. Present yield of production (crop, vegetables, fish, poultry,
livestock). Comparative study between present agriculture and level of production with the feature
and assess the social, environmental and economic feasibility of the project. Assessment of the
present agricultural situation with area and cropping patterns, crop production based on the soil
type, fertility status, irrigation availability (surface & ground water), type of production constraints,
(flood, drought, salinity, flash flood.), Farming practices ( production technology, yield), cost &
benefit analysis, present cropping patterns, soil fertility, pest& insect, mode of irrigation, service
providers, availability of inputs, type & variety of crops, fruits, vegetables, fish, livestock
population and power draft, assess market accessibility & linkage, market value assessment,
value chain assessment, agricultural trend analysis, crop water demand assessment, soil and
water salinity assessment, assessment of present irrigation water consumption and prediction of
future water requirements. Evaluate and impact the agricultural (crop, vegetables, fruit, fish,
livestock) benefits of post project condition from that of without project. Review literature, policy
analysis, availability of extension services, crop suitability mapping. suggest improved agricultural
methods and technologies, evaluate the agriculture benefit/cost production analysis, and prepare
crop calendar, technology innovation etc. Impact assessment disposal of dredging spoils in
agricultural and socio-economic conditions, fish market assessment, identification of fishermen,
identification of alternative livelihood options for the PAPs, select important environmental
components (IEC), Impact assessment, evaluation of impact, environmental mitigation mesure,
environmental management plan, Agriculture production and market chain study, Quality food
production process, procedure and technology study, organize workshop and seminar, Report
writing and presentation, Training conduction and facilitation.
Name of assignment or project: Resettlement Safeguard Monitoring
Year: September’2014 to April’2015
Location: Sirajganj, Khulna, Jhenaidha, Jesssore, Pabna, Natore, Rajshahi, Tangail,
Client: Gas Transmission Company Limited (GTCL)
Main Project Feature: Analyze the socio-economic condition of PAPs, reflection of actual field
condition of PAPs, analyze the mode of payment and other matrix, completion of matrix for
compensation and their loss, series of public consultation, analyze the grievance redress
mechanism, assess the project affected people, report preparation, organize workshop and
Position(s) held: Deputy Team Leader (DTL)
Activities performed: Review the scope of Resettlement Plan (RP), Survey and study design and
develop, preparation survey and study questionnaire, collection and analysis of existing
agricultural data and information about land ownership pattern, Irrigated area, cultivated area with
crops and yields, crop damaged area, scarcity of irrigation facilities and area. Present yield of
production (crop, vegetables, fish, poultry, livestock). Comparative study between present
agriculture and level of production with the feature and assess the social, environmental and
economic feasibility of the project. Assessment of the present agricultural situation with area and
cropping patterns, crop production based on the soil type, fertility status, irrigation availability
(surface & ground water), type of production constraints, (flood, drought, salinity, flash flood.),
Farming practices ( production technology, yield), cost & benefit analysis, present cropping
patterns, soil fertility, pest& insect, mode of irrigation, service providers, availability of inputs, type
& variety of crops, fruits, vegetables, fish, livestock population and power draft, assess market
accessibility & linkage, market value assessment, value chain assessment, agricultural trend
analysis, crop water demand assessment, soil and water salinity assessment, assessment of
present irrigation water consumption and prediction of future water requirements. Evaluate and
impact the agricultural (crop, vegetables, fruit, fish, livestock) benefits of post project condition
from that of without project. Review literature, policy analysis, availability of extension services,
crop suitability mapping. suggest improved agricultural methods and technologies, evaluate the
agriculture benefit/cost production analysis, and prepare crop calendar, technology innovation
etc. Impact assessment disposal of dredging spoils in agricultural and socio-economic conditions,
fish market assessment, identification of fishermen, identification of alternative livelihood options
for the PAPs.

Name of assignment or project: Achieving Poor People’s Livelihoods through Integrated

development approaches coping with Economic Empowerment and Natural Disaster Project
(ALEN) South and Northern part of Bangladesh funded by European Commission and ICCO- the
Year: April 2010 – October 2010
Location(s): Northern Part of Bangladesh
Client: European Commission and ICCO- the Netherlands
Main project features: Achieving Poor People’s Livelihoods through Integrated development
approaches coping with Economic Empowerment and Natural Disaster Project (ALEN) South and
Northern part of Bangladesh
Position(s) held: Project Manager.
Activities performed: Survey and study design and develop, preparation survey and study
questionnaire, collection and analysis of existing agricultural data and information about land
ownership pattern, Irrigated area, cultivated area with crops and yields, crop damaged area,
scarcity of irrigation facilities and area. Present yield of production (crop, vegetables, fish, poultry,
livestock). Comparative study between present agriculture and level of production with the feature
and assess the social, environmental and economic feasibility of the project. Assessment of the
present agricultural situation with area and cropping patterns, crop production based on the soil
type, fertility status, irrigation availability (surface & ground water), type of production constraints,
(flood, drought, salinity, flash flood.), Farming practices ( production technology, yield), cost &
benefit analysis, present cropping patterns, soil fertility, pest& insect, mode of irrigation, service
providers, availability of inputs, type & variety of crops, fruits, vegetables, fish, livestock
population and power draft, assess market accessibility & linkage, market value assessment,
value chain assessment, agricultural trend analysis, crop water demand assessment, soil and
water salinity assessment, assessment of present irrigation water consumption and prediction of
future water requirements. Evaluate and impact the agricultural (crop, vegetables, fruit, fish,
livestock) benefits of post project condition from that of without project. Review literature, policy
analysis, availability of extension services, crop suitability mapping. suggest improved agricultural
methods and technologies, evaluate the agriculture benefit/cost production analysis, and prepare
crop calendar, technology innovation etc. Impact assessment disposal of dredging spoils in
agricultural and socio-economic conditions, fish market assessment, identification of fishermen,
identification of alternative livelihood options.
Name of assignment or project: Food Security Project (FSP) Funded by ICCO-Netherlands.
Year: April 2010 – October 2010
Location(s): Northern Part of Bangladesh
Client: European Commission and ICCO- the Netherlands
Main project features: Built capacity of staff and beneficiaries and creation employment
opportunity. Doing income generating activities and earn from its.
Position(s) held: Coordinator (Training)
Activities performed: Overall responsible for training design and implement to build capacity of
staff and community. Develop tools for Training Need Assessment (TNA). Module and Schedule
develop. Prepare annual training budget. Prepare yearly training calendar. Training
Implementation, Ensure budget allocation for training implementation. Organize & facilitation
training, workshop and other. Develop facilitator group & materials. Proper utilization of training
fund. Monitoring ongoing training and impact evaluation. Reporting & Communication. Timely
compile training report. Prepare monthly, quarterly and yearly training report.

Name of assignment or project: Small Scale Water Resources Development Project (SSWRDP-
Year: October 2004-September 2005

Location(s): Southern part of Bangladesh

Client: Asian Development Bank (ADB)
Main project features:

a) Providing water resources development facilities (infrastructures for water conservation, flood
management & drainage, command area development, bridges/culverts for crossing khal or
canal, tree plantation, silt management, solar systems etc.);
b) Establishing Water Management Cooperative Associations (WMCAs) for sustainable water
resources management; and
c) Providing additional water resources management and agricultural facilities (infrastructures
such as providing bridges/culverts over the canal/water control structure, tree plantation, etc. for
enhancing agricultural production and farmers’ income by providing infrastructure for small scale
water resources management, providing agri-business-related facilities /equipment and rural
infrastructures, and training and technical supports to Water Management Cooperative

Position(s) held: Agriculture & Community Development Specialist

Activities performed:
Prepare survey questionnaire, meeting, stakeholder consultation, FGD, KII, primary and
secondary data and information collection, data entry and analysis Survey and study design and
develop, preparation survey and study questionnaire, collection and analysis of existing
agricultural data and information about land ownership pattern, Irrigated area, cultivated area with
crops and yields, crop damaged area, scarcity of irrigation facilities and area. Present yield of
production (crop, vegetables, fish, poultry, livestock). Comparative study between present
agriculture and level of production with the feature and assess the social, environmental and
economic feasibility of the project. Assessment of the present agricultural situation with area and
cropping patterns, crop production based on the soil type, fertility status, irrigation availability
(surface & ground water), type of production constraints, (flood, drought, salinity, flash flood.),
Farming practices ( production technology, yield), cost & benefit analysis, present cropping
patterns, soil fertility, pest& insect, mode of irrigation, service providers, availability of inputs, type
& variety of crops, fruits, vegetables, fish, livestock population and power draft, assess market
accessibility & linkage, market value assessment, value chain assessment, agricultural trend
analysis, crop water demand assessment, soil and water salinity assessment, assessment of
present irrigation water consumption and prediction of future water requirements. Evaluate and
impact the agricultural (crop, vegetables, fruit, fish, livestock) benefits of post project condition
from that of without project. Review literature, policy analysis, availability of extension services,
crop suitability mapping. suggest improved agricultural methods and technologies, evaluate the
agriculture benefit/cost production analysis, and prepare crop calendar, technology innovation
etc. Impact assessment disposal of dredging spoils in agricultural and socio-economic conditions,
fish market assessment, identification of fishermen, identification of alternative livelihood options
for the PAPs.

COMPUTER SKILL : Internet browsing, e-mail) MS-Word, MS-Excel, Power Point, MS-Access, Photoshop,
MS Office Project 2007, SPSS, Statistica’2012, Methmatica’2013
Language Skills (indicate only languages in which you can work):

Language Speaking Reading Writing

Bengali Native Native Native
English Excellent Excellent Excellent


i) Salim Bhuya-Team Leader (Ex- ADG, BWDB), (IWM).  Plot # 06, Road-3/C, Block-H, Sector-15,
Uttara Model Town, Dhaka. Mobile: 01724661616.
ii) Md. Zahirul Haque Khan, Deputy Executive Director (operations (IWM).  Plot # 06, Road-3/C, Block-
H, Sector-15, Uttara Model Town, Dhaka. Mobile: 01841930004.
iii) Sharif-Al-Kamal, Advisor, SPMC (Ex PD-BWDB), Phone: 01715032421

Contact information: Khairul Matin, Managing Director, KMC Consulting Ltd. Mobile: 01741127736 House # 9 (Level-3) Road #
1/B, Dhaka 1213 House # 9 (Level-3) Road # 1/B, Dhaka 1213, Bangladesh. Cell 88 01716745295, e-mail:
[email protected]

I, the undersigned, certify that (i) I was not a former employee of the Client immediately before submission of this proposal, (ii) I
have not offered my CV to be proposed by a Firm other than this Consultant for this assignment and, (iii) to the best of my
knowledge and belief, this CV correctly describes myself, my qualifications, and my experience. I also understand that any wilful
mis-statement described herein may lead to my disqualification or dismissal, if engaged.

I have been employee............................... continuously for the last twelve (12) months as regular full-time staff. Indicate “Yes” or
“No” in the boxes belowI;


Date of Signing 26 09 2021

Day Month Year

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