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Name Antonio Ambrocio Jr.

Year&section: BSCRIM3-B

Exercises #1

True or False. Read and analyze the statements below. Write TRUE if you believe that
the statement is correct, and FALSE if incorrect.

TRUE 1. The Filipino people makes Mr. Rodrigo Duterte as a President.

TRUE 2. The Filipino people has the power over the President.

FALSE 3. The PNP Chief is more powerful than the Filipino people.

FALSE 4. At any time, the Philippines could call for a war in China or in other

TRUE 5. The Philippines could send military troops in any part of the world they
wanted it could be for a war.

TRUE 6. The Philippines don’t make war in other countries as a national policy.

TRUE 7. No civilian person is over the law.

TRUE 8. The government may call upon any Filipino people to defend our country.

FALSE 9. The state may arrest a person at any time without a valid reason.

FALSE 10. Any person could enter in our house without a valid reason.

FALSE 11. Public trial without due process of law is allowed in the Philippines.

FALSE 12. A police officer conducting patrol search a suspicious person in his

TRUE 13. A police officer while conducting a checkpoint, arrested a person in

connectio nto possessing illegal firearms found on suspect’s waistline.

TRUE 14. The police officer could seize the cellphone used by the arrested person in
connection to buy bust operation on illegal drugs.

TRUE 15. The police officer could not arrest people conducting a peaceful rally even
though they don’t have permit to do so.

TRUE 16. Any Christian person could worship any religion of his choice.
FALSE 17. I could build my own house anywhere in the Philippines even it is a private

FALSE 18. The suspect is presumed innocent until proven by the court guilty.

FALSE 19. The court could sentence a guilty person higher than what is prescribed by
the law.

FALSE 20. An arrested person put into jail is a criminal.

TRUE 21. The Commission on human rights may conduct all forms of human rights
violations involving civil and political rights.

TRUE 22. Pedro was attacked by Juan and in the defense, Juan was injured by Pedro.
The commission on human right assisted Juan by investigating and filing to the court
against Pedro.

TRUE 23. The jail officer could prevent the Commission on Human Rights from
visiting over jails, prisons, or any detention center.

TRUE 24. The Commission on human rights can request assistance in any
department, bureau, office, or agency in the performance of its functions.

TRUE 25. Under section one of the article 8, to protect and enhance the right of all the
people to human dignity, the Commission on Human Rights was created.

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