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FBB: Persist

Monthly Programming Subscription by Revival Strength

Look Good Move Well with ongoing Functional Bodybuilding programming! These 3x/week workouts can
be performed on their own, or mixed with other programming. All workouts include warmups, strength
and structural balance, and conditioning. The subscription program progresses in twelve week cycles, but
you can start and stop any time.

After signing up, you’ll be sent a TrueCoach invitation to start your programming on the next Monday
following registration date. With your TrueCoach account, you’ll get workout emails to save and keep,
demo videos, and places to record your results and notes.

Take the sample week below for a ride and sign up at

No more winging your workouts! Get Built, Not Burnt with Functional Bodybuilding today!

Questions? Email [email protected]



3 Sets 3 Sets 3 Sets

30sec Ring Plank 6-8 Half Kneeling Single Arm 30sec Forearm Plank
30sec Glute Bridge Hold Landmine Press @ 2111 tempo 10 Side Plank Rotations/side
30sec Wall Sit 12 Banded Monster Walks (forward 10 Jefferson Curls (very light with
and backward) clients, even PVC is appropriate,
A1) Kang Squat 20sec Star Side Plank/side just to learn the way you move this
3131; 4-6reps; rest 60sec x 3 rest as needed pattern)
*light loads to learn movement rest as needed
patterns A1) Barbell Z Press
8,7,6; rest 2mins A) Front Squat
A2) Single Arm DB Deadlift 32X1*; 6,6,6; rest 2-3mins (focus on
3010; 6/arm; rest 60sec x 3 A2) Segmented Clean Deadlift great positions this week - maintain
3131; 5,5,5; rest 2mins strict tempo)
B) Back Squat
5551; 5,5,5 (add load with B1) Suitcase RNT Split Squat 2121;
B1) Incline DB Bench Press
each set and finish at 90% 6-8/leg; rest 60sec x 3 sets
Semi Supinated Grip; 31X1;
effort - strict TEMPO is key
6-8reps; rest 60sec x 3 sets
here); rest 2-3mins
B2) Single Arm Farmers Walk 30m/
B2) Strict Bar Dip arm; rest 60sec x 3 sets
C1) Suitcase RNT Reverse
21X1; 4-6reps; rest 60sec x 3 sets
C1) Strict Ring Pull Up
20X1; 6-8/leg; rest 60sec x 3
C) EMOM x10 Min 21X1; 4-6reps; rest 60sec x 3 sets
Odd - 12 Russian Kettlebell Swings *scale back to ring row as needed
C2) Dual Dumbbell Prone Row
Even - 3 Seated Box Jump (go for
2111; 6-8reps; rest 60sec x 3
height - step down) C2) Seated Dumbbell Press
2112; 6-8reps; rest 60sec x 3 sets
C3) Dual Kettlebell Rack Carry
D) 3 Sets - For Quality
30m Continuous; rest 60sec x
3 sets
10 Dumbbell Suitcase Russian Step
ups/leg (box height should be 2-3"
below knee cap for each athlete)
10 Ring Face Pull
*resting as needed between

*Tempo example, 32X1: 3 seconds eccentric, 2 second isometric, X = explode up or with intent to do so, 1
second pause before next rep

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