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Purple Belt Level ( 1-9 ) Destroying Branch, Circling Wing, Shaking the Storm,
Hammering the Bear, Tornado’s Fury, Closing the Gap, Breaking the Claw, Folding
Aggression, Broken W ing. Form: Forearm Movement Sequence

Blue Belt Level ( 10-19 ) Tiger’s Circle, Dragon’s Fury, Rushing Wind, Flying Eagles,
Dragon’s Escape, Rising Destiny, Trapped Aggression, Tiger Lies Down, Turning Out,
Ring the Bull. Form: Kan Shu Stance Sequence

Green Belt Level ( 20-29 ) Descending Branches, Flowing Water, Cracking the Branch,
Twirling Tiger, Dragon’s Assault, Tiger’s Descent, Standing Fast, Stand & Snap, Turning
Trouble, Checking Trouble. Form: Tiger Short Form / Chinese

Brown Belt Level ( 30-39 ) Rotating Branches, Twisting Branches, Palm’s W ay,
Dragon’s Spear, Dropping Destiny, Rising Fury, Jamming the Storm, Rotating
Aggression, Tangled Twig, Break the Branch. Form: Turn of the Branch ( Jo )

Black Belt Level/1st Deg. ( 40-48 ) Turning the Tiger, Falling River, Descending Blade,
Circling the Switch, Trapped Assault, Blocking the Ride, Riding the Mule, The Empty
Grab, Student Created Technique ( Use your imagination as well as common sense and
caution for this final technique ) Form: Northern Chinese Soft Fist ( Short Version )

Note: If there is a technique that you feel you can not safely demonstrate due to physical,
mental or other impairment please contact the school for alternate testing material.

Always train, test and practice with caution and learn the technique before ever
attempting to add speed or power to the technique.

Please review all cautions and warnings on page one of this testing package. You may
elect to test in person by contacting SRMAA at 1-888-949-2743.

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