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-Facilities and Equipment
-The table
- The Net
- The Ball
- The Rocket

At the end of the lesson, you will be able to:

 Discuss The introduction of the table tennis

 Identify the facilities and equipment of table tennis
 Research different individual and dual sports
 Carries out the knowledge of the game


Table tennis is an extremely fast moving sport and demands possibly the
quickest reactions of any of the Olympic disciplines. Table tennis players can put
extreme spin on the ball to make it difficult to predict or return, or can try to
maneuver their opponent around the table - hoping to open up a point winning
opportunity. But the real joy of the game is in its simplicity, requiring very little in the
way of equipment, meaning it is a very accessible sport. Table tennis is certainly a
sport for all and a sport for life anyone can get involved at any time and continue play
throughout. It is particularly good for developing alertness and co-ordination.

Direction: give the different parts of the following table tennis equipment.

 Table tennis can be traced back to Victorian England, as a form of after-dinner
amusement for upper class Victorians in the 1880s. Everyday objects were
used; books as a net, a knot of string as a ball and a cigar box lid as the bat.
The popularity of the pastime led game manufacturers to sell the equipment
commercially. The sound generated in play was what gave the sport its name
"ping pong" and this was used by some manufacturers of equipment at the
time. Around the turn of the 20th century celluloid balls or paddles were
introduced to the game, and by 1927, London held the first ever official world
 Table tennis was granted Olympic sport status in 1988. The sport is now sport
dominated by Asian countries such as China and Korea. From 2000 the size of
the table tennis ball increased in size from 38mm to 40mm and to weigh 2.7g
(approx O.0060 Ibs) with the aim to increase the ball's air resistance- effectively
to slow the game down in an attempt to make it more spectators friendly.
Further changes in 2001 saw a move from the traditional 21 point game to a
first to eleven Further changes in 2001 saw a move from the traditional 21
point game to a first to eleven points game, unless both players reach 10 points,
at which point it follows the tennis format of a player needing to reach a 2 point
lead for victory -although the 21 point game is still widely played at recreational

How Playing Table Tennis is good for Fitness

 Improves aerobic fitness, with more oxygen circulated around the body to better
muscular endurance.
 Burns off calories with energy being supplied to the muscles and not forming

 Boosting flexibility reaction times, due to the fast-paced nature of table tennis,
as well as tactic
 Improves hand-eye coordination with concentration required for serving and
returning shots.
 Develops the strength and power of muscles, notably leg and arm muscles.
 Furthers concentration, awareness and mental strength, with matched often
lasting for some time, which helps aid overall brain functioning
 Improves nimbleness improves nimbleness of players, on their feet.
 Improves social skills as it often leads to friendships formed through the love of
this growing niche.


o The Table - The table is 9 feet by 5 feet, with the surface 30 inches from the
floor. It is usually a dark, nonreflecting green, with a 3/4-inch white line
running along the edge. There is also a 1/4-inch line running down the middle
that is only used in doubles. (It doesn't invalidate the table for singles play.)

The Net - net must be 6 feet (1.83m) long 6 inches (15.25 cm) high, and that the top of
the net must be the same height along its whole length and the bottom of the net must
be as close as possible (but not touching) the playing surface and the ends of the net
must be attached to the supporting posts from top to bottom.

The Ball - Balls are usually white, but some are orange. They vary in price from cheap
10-cent balls that break on contact with a racket to three-star quality balls that cost
nearly a dollar each. A poorly made ball tends to be lopsided, with soft spots, so that it
not only breaks easily, it doesn't bounce the some way each time. You should probably
go for the expensive three-stars. They bounce better, and in the long run they're
cheaper because they last much longer. Balls are usually marked either one, two, or
three-star. Get the three-stars. If there are no stars, avoid them.

The Racket - Choosing a racket consists of two parts. First you must choose the blade
itself (a racket without the covering). Then you must choose the covering for the hitting
surface. You'll want to pick the correct racket and covering for your particular style of
play. A blade is made of wood, although a small amount of carbon fiber or similar
fibrous material is permitted. Most tournament players use plain wood but some use
expensive (over $100) carbon fiber blades that give a more even bounce on different
parts of the racket-a larger "sweet spot." Man players complain that carbon rackets
have less "touch," which is why they are still less popular than plain wood.

In this lesson, the history of physical education, the health benefits of exercise and
physical activity. The four types of development are discussed.

Reference: Doris D. Tulio Ph. D. et. al. PE- 3 individual and dual sports Atbp.
Publishing Corp.


Direction: research 2 example of individual and 2 example of dual sports; give the
history and basic rule and regulation of that particular sport.

Direction: To assess your learning, answer the following questions:

 Explain the health benefits of playing table tennis.


 How can table tennis improve mental and social health?


Note: this activity must be submitted a week after it was given


A sport is all form of usually competitive physical activity which, through

casual or organized participation, aim to use, maintain or improve physical
ability and skills while providing entertainment to participant, and in some
cases, spectators. Table Tennis is a common sport that could be played inside the
gymnasium, but this can also be played outside or in any available room. This game
can be played in singles or doubles. The objective of the game is to hit/paddle the ball
over the net and return it to the opponent's court.


CHAPTER 1: Service, The Return, The Order of Play, A Point, A Game, A Match,
A Let

At the end of the lesson, you will be able to:

1. Explain the basic rules and regulation in playing table tennis.

2. Identify the rules of scoring in table tennis.
3. Make an essay about the value of cooperation and self-discipline in the class


This chapter is about the rules and regulation of table tennis. The
official table tennis rules are a comprehensive set of rules and regulations
which are designed to cover any eventually which may arise during a game.
These rules are reviewed annually by the International Table Tennis Federation
(ITTF) and any changes are normally implemented with effect from the
following year.


Direction: watch the video about table tennis become the best
https// and write your reflection about the video.
How the video inspire you in different aspect.


Service Rules - The service must start with the ball in an open palm. This stop you
from throwing it up with spin. The ball must be thrown vertically, at least 16 cm. This
stops you from serving straight out of your hand and surprising your opponent. The
ball must be above and behind the table throughout the serve. This stops you getting
any silly angles and gives your opponent a fair chance at returning. After throwing the
ball, the server must get their free arm and hand out of the way. This is to allow the
receiver to see the ball.

The Return - The ball, having been served or returned shall be struck so that it passes
over or around the net assembly and touches the opponents court, either directly or
after touching the net assembly.

The Order of Play - In singles the server shall make a first service and the receiver
shall make a return and thereafter alternately shall each make a return.

A Point – Unless the rally is a let, a player shall score a point:

 A point is given when: If an opponent fails to make a good serve.
 If an opponent fails to make a good return.
 If the passes your court or beyond your end line without hitting your court,
after the ball is hit by the opponent. (That means if your opponent hit the ball
and it hit you without hitting your court, you win that point. This is not dodge

 If the opponent hits the ball and the ball hits the net stays in the opponent's
court or passes through the net or passes between the net and the post or
passes under the net.
 If the opponent hits the ball more than once deliberately. (That means if he
accidently hits the ball more than once and it is a good return, the play
 If the opponent moves the table or touches the net or the table with his free

A Game - A game shall be won by a player or pair first scoring 11 points unless both
players and pair score 10 points, when the game shall be won by the first player or
pair subsequently gaining a lead of 2 points.

A Match - A match shall consist of the best of any odd number of games.

A Let - A rally is considered as a let:

 If while doing service with the ball, or in passing around or over the net
assembly, provided the service is deemed as good or is hindered in any way by
either the receiver or even his partner.
 If the service has been made when either the receiving player or pair was not
ready for it in any way, with the provision that both the receiver and his partner
tried to hit the ball.
 If, the reluctance to achieve a good return or service or otherwise to obey the
Laws is because of a hindrance made entirely outside of the control of the

The choice of ends, and who serves, happens before the match begins. This is decided
by a toss before the warm-up begins. The player (or team) who wins the coin toss (or
spin of the racket) may choose one of the following options:
 To serve or be the receiver for the 1st game of the match, in which case the
opponent gets to choose which end to play on.
 The end of the court for the 1st game of the match, in which case the opponent
gets to choose whether to serve or receive.
 To require the opponent to make one of the above choices

The Order of Serving,

Receiving and Ends
 The right to choose the initial order of serving, receiving and ends shall be
decided by lot and the winner may choose to serve or to receive first or to start
at a particular end.
 When one player or pair has chosen to serve or to receive first or to start at a
particular end, the other player or pair shall have the other choice.
 After each 2 points have been scored the receiving player or pair shall become
the serving player or pair and so on until the end of the game, unless both
players or pairs score 10 points or the expedite system is in operation, when the
sequences of serving and receiving shall be the same but each player shall serve
for only 1 point in turn.
 In each game of a doubles match, the pair having the right to serve first shall
choose which of them will do so and in the first game of a match the receiving
pair shall decide which of them will receive first; in subsequent games of the
match, the first server having been chosen, the first receiver shall be the player
who served to him or her in the preceding game.

 In doubles, at each change of service the previous receiver shall become the
server and the partner of the previous server shall become the receiver.
 The player or pair serving first game shall receive first in the next game off the
match and in the last possible game of a doubles match the pair due to receive
next shall change their order of receiving when first one pair scores points.
 The player or pair starting at one end in a game shall start at the other end in
the match and in the last possible game of a doubles match the pair due to
receive next shall change their order of receiving when first one pair scores 5
 The player or pair starting at one end in a game shall start at the other end in
the next game of the match and in the last possible game of a match the players
or pairs shall change ends when first one player or pair scores5 points.

Out of Order of Serving,

Receiving or Ends
 If a player serves or receives out of turn, play shall be interrupted by the
umpire as soon as the error is discovered and shall resume with those players
serving and receiving who should be server and receiver respectively at the
score that has been reached, according to the sequence established at the
beginning of the match and, in doubles, to the order of serving chosen by the
pair having the right to serve first in the game during which the error is
 If the players have not changed ends when they should have done so, play
shall be interrupted by the umpire as soon as the error is discovered and shall
resume with the players at the ends at which they should be at the score that
has been reached, according to the sequence established at the beginning of
the match.
 In any circumstances, all points scored before the discovery of an error shall
be reckoned.

The Expedite System

 Expedite system shall come into operation after 10 minutes' play in a game or
at any time when requested by both players or pairs.
 The expedite system shall not be introduced in a game if at least 18 points have
been scored.
 If the ball is in play when the time limit is reached and the expedite system is
due to come into operation, play shall be interrupted by the umpire and shall
resume with service by the player who served in the rally that was if the ball is
not in play when the expedite system comes into operation, play shall resume
with service by the player who received in the immediately preceding rally.
 Thereafter, each player shall serve for 1 point in turn until the end of the game,
and if the receiving player or pair makes 13 correct returns in a rally the
receiver shall score a point.
 Introduction of the expedite system shall not alter the order of serving and
receiving in the match, as defined in
 Once introduced, the expedite system shall remain in operation until the end of
the match.

Reference: Doris D. Tulio Ph. D. et. al. PE- 3 individual and dual sports Atbp.
Publishing Corp.


Direction: to assess your learning answer the following questions:
 When you game point, is it automatically your opponent’s serve or can you win
a game by serving?
 Who would win the point if the ball bounces once on my court and two times on
my opponent’s court?
 How many times can you re-take the serve when the ball hits the net and
bounces on my opponent’s side of the table?
 Can your opponent who is returning your serve have any part of his body over
the white line or edge of the table?
 What happens when the ball hits the outside edge of white line or the edge of
the table?

Direction: Make an essay about the value of cooperation and self-discipline in the
class activity.


Note: this activity must be submitted a week after it was given.


A sport is all form of usually competitive physical activity which, through

casual or organized participation, aims to use, maintain or improve physical
ability and skills while providing entertainment to participant, and in some
cases, spectators. Table Tennis is a common sport that could be played inside the
gymnasium, but this can also be played outside.


UNIT 1: Serving Single. Serving Double, Rotation Rules for Double, Serving rules you
must obey.

At the end of the lesson, you will be able to:

1. explain the rotation rules for doubles

2. identify serving rules you must obey
3. analyze the law of table tennis


Direction: watch the video of table tennis tips for double

( and write down all the tips and the purpose of that


When you’re playing single or double, the rules of table tennis are essentially
the same. However, for doubles play there are few subtle variations to the rules of
table tennis. The main difference relates to service rules and the order of play, but
there are also some other table tennis double rules to consider.


In singles for a legal serve you can bounce the ball anywhere on your side of the
table, then to any area on the opponent's side. In doubles the ball must bounce on the
server's right half of the table first, then to the receiver's right half of the table.

The Rules of Doubles

 Service Changeover Service must be diagonal, from the right half court (marked
by a white line) to the opponent's right half court. Service changeover in
Doubles is as follows:
 At the start of a game, the serving team will decide which player will serve
first. The first player to serve is A1 and;
A1 serves to B1 (2 services)
B1 then serves to A2 (2 services)
A2 then serves to B2 (2 services)
B2 serves to A1 (2 services)

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Repeat until one team wins the game (see scoring system below)
At the start of game 2, team B will take the first serve; B1 must serve to A1. A1 then
serves to B2 and so on.

Rotation Rules for Doubles

 In doubles, you should alternate hitting the ball with your partner. So, for
example, A1 serves the ball to B1, who returns the ball. A2 then hits the ball
and B2 returns this. A1 hits and B2 returns A2 hits and B1 returns...and so
 As with a game of singles, the winner of a game is the first to 11 points.
There must be a gap of at least two points between opponents at the end of
the game though, so if the score is 10-10, the game goes in to extra play
until one of the players has gained a lead of 2 points. The point goes to the
player who successfully ends a rally, regardless of who has served. A match
can consist of the number of games you like.

Reference: Doris D. Tulio Ph. D. et. al. PE- 3 individual and dual sports Atbp.
Publishing Corp.

11 | P a g e
Direction: to assess your learning, answer the following questions:
 What do the rules say about a good return? Can you use your hand to play a
shot? What happens if you touch or move the table?

 When is the ball in or out? What do the table tennis rules say about the ball
hitting the white line, net or edge of the table? Is the ball in or out?

 What do the rules say about volleying the ball? Do the table tennis rules allow
you to volley the ball? Yes or No? Explain.

 How long can a game of table tennis last? If both players keep the ball in play,
can they continue playing forever? What do the rules say about this?


The ease and relative affordability of table tennis has made it one of the
most popular sports in the world today in participation. Not only is the game
easy to learn, but it is also extremely fun and requires little financial
investment or space. All you need is a table, net, a ball and a racket to get
started. You can play anywhere, at any time and just a couple of hours a week
hitting that little white ball around can do wonders for your fitness.

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CHAPTER 4: Four basic Strokes in Table Tennis

At the end of the lesson, you will be able to,

 identify the four basic stroke in table tennis

 discuss the benefit of table tennis in social and mental development
 perform the basic stroke in table tennis

Direction: answer the following questions
differentiate the backhand push and backhand drive
explain the difference forehand push and forehand drive

In this chapter we will learn about the different strokes is table tennis, the
proper execution of the four different strokes which is Basic ball control, backhand
push, forehand drive, backhand drive and forehand push.

Basic ball control

Being able to play a reasonable table tennis stroke relies on good ball control. If
you're a beginner, I'd recommend that you use the following exercises to improve your
ball control

1. Bounce the ball on the forehand side of your racket, with a bounce height of
30cm (12 inches)
2. Repeat 1 above, but use the backhand side of your racket
3. Bounce the ball on each side of your racket alternately
4. Repeat 1, 2 and 3 but vary the height of the bounce
5. Repeat all the above exercises while walking or jogging

Watch this video for Basic ball control:

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The Backhand Push

1. To play this stroke, stand close to the table and take a stance facing the line of
2. Using a short stroke, your racket arm should move from the elbow in a
horizontal plane whilst your free arm should point towards the ball to assist
with your balance.
3. Hit the ball at the top of the bounce (i.e. when the ball it at its highest point)
using 50% of your stroke action before hitting the ball and 50% after hitting the
4. Strike the ball on the back bottom portion so that you impart slight backspin.

Watch this video for Backhand Push:

The Forehand Drive

1. To play this stroke, stand close to the table and take a sideways stance facing
the line of play.
2. Using a medium stroke, your racket arm should move forward and slightly
upwards in the direction that the ball is going to travel, whilst your free arm
should point towards the ball to assist with your body turn and balance.
3. During your stroke, your upper body should rotate approx. 45 degrees to the
right then turn back to face the ball, whilst your body weight moves from your
right foot to your left.
4. The racket angle should be slightly closed to impart topspin.
5. Hit the ball at the top of the bounce (i.e. when the ball it at its highest point)
using 50% of your stroke action before hitting the ball and 50% after hitting the

Watch this video for Forehand Drive:

The Backhand Drive

1. To play this stroke, stand close to the table and take a stance facing the line of
2. Using a medium stroke, your racket arm should move forward and slightly
upwards in the direction that the ball is to travel, whilst your free arm should
point towards the ball to assist with your balance.
3. The racket angle should be slightly closed and by keeping a loose wrist you can
impart topspin as you move your arm forward.

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4. Hit the ball at the top of the bounce (i.e. when the ball it at its highest point)
using 50% of your stroke action before hitting the ball and 50% after hitting the

Watch this video for Backhand Drive:

The Forehand Push

1. To play this stroke, stand close to the table and take a stance facing the line of
2. Using a short stroke, your racket arm should move from the elbow in a
horizontal plane whilst your free arm should point towards the ball to assist
with your balance.
3. Hit the ball at the top of the bounce (i.e. when the ball it at its highest point)
using 50% of your stroke action before hitting the ball and 50% after hitting the
4. Strike the ball on the back bottom portion so that you impart slight backspin.

Watch this video for Forehand Push:

Reference: Doris D. Tulio Ph. D. et. al. PE- 3 individual and dual sports Atbp.
Publishing Corp.


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Instruction: Execute the basic ball control and the four basic strokes in table tennis,
each stroke you need to bounce it 10x to your rocket continuously. You need to video
your performance and submit with the complete name, course, year and section as a
title of your video or files.


Criteria Percent (%) Points

Sequencing of Movement. 40%
Execution 40%
Mastery of Movement 20%

TOTAL 100%

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