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Image Scrapper from

scratch to proudction
Table of Contents
Preface .................................................................................................................................................... 2
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 3
Prerequesites .......................................................................................................................................... 4
PyCharm Installation ................................................................................................................. 4
MongoDB Installation ............................................................................................................... 7
MongoDB Installation ............................................................................................................... 7
Starting MongoDB .................................................................................................................. 10
Application Architecture ...................................................................................................................... 12
Implementation in Python ................................................................................................................... 12
Heroku .................................................................................................................................................. 17
Heroku Basics ....................................................................................................................................... 17
Steps before cloud deployment ........................................................................................................... 19
Heroku app creation and deploying the app to cloud ........................................................................ 20

This book is intended to help all the data scientists out there. It is a step by step guide
for creating a web scraper, in this case, an image scrapper right from scratch and then
deploying it to the heroku cloud platform. Image scrappers are extensively used in the
industry today for collecting a huge number of images that are used as inputs for
training the object detection/classification/identification models. This book takes a
simple example of an online image search and tries to explain the concepts simply,
extensively, and thoroughly to create a review scrapper right from scratch and then its
deployment to a cloud environment.
Happy Learning!

Web Scraping(Images)
1. Introduction:
Web scraping is a technique using which the webpages from the internet are fetched and parsed
to understand and extract specific information similar to a human being. Web scrapping
consists of two parts:

 Web Crawling Accessing the webpages over the internet and pulling data from
 HTML Parsing Parsing the HTML content of the webpages obtained through web
crawling and then extracting specific information from it.
Hence, web scrappers are applications/bots, which automatically send requests to websites and
then extract the desired information from the website output.
Let’s take an example:
how do we search for images online?

 We go to a website that shows images, and then we enter the keyword to search for the
 The website shows us the images.
 We decide to download the image(s).
What if there is a computer program that can do all of these for us? That’s what web scrappers
necessarily do. They try to understand the webpage content as a human would do.
Let’s take an example where we need thousands of images to train our object
detection/classification model. It is an excellent use case for implementing an image scraper.
In this document, we’ll take the example of searching for images and downloading them and
take it further.
For example, if we open and search for ‘cars, the search result will be as follows:

Our end goal is to build a web scraper that collects the images for a keyword from the

2. Prerequisites:
The things needed before we start building a python based web scraper are:

 Python installed.
 A Python IDE (Integrated Development Environment): like PyCharm, Spyder, or any
other IDE of choice (Explained Later)
 Flask Installed. (A simple command: pip install flask)
 MongoDB installed (Explained Later).
 Basic understanding of Python and HTML.
 Basic understanding of Git (download Git CLI from )

2.1 PyCharm Installation:

a) Go to the link and
download the community edition.
b) Double click on the installation file to start the installation process and click next to

c) Select the directory to install PyCharm and then click next.

d) Check the appropriate checkboxes and then click next.

e) Choose the name of the start menu folder and then click on install to finish the installation.

2.2 MongoDB Installation:

1. Go to the page:

and select the MongoDB installation to download based on your operating

2. After the installer gets downloaded, double click on the installer file to start
installing the application.

3. Click on the next button to move to the next step and accept the agreement.

4. Select the type of installation:

5. Select the features to install.

6. Click on next and then configure/customize the way you want the
application to be installed.

7. Click next and then click on install to start the MongoDB installation.

2.3 Starting MongoDB:

1. Go the services section and then start the MongoDB service if not already started.

2. Now, to check whether the database server is up or not, go to the bin directory of the
MongoDB installation and run the ‘mongo’ command as shown. If the command runs
successfully, it means that the server is up and running, and we can proceed.

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3. Application Architecture:
The architecture of the application is:

4. Implementation in Python:
Note: I have used PyCharm as an IDE for this documentation
1. Let’s create a folder called ‘ImageScrapper’ on our local machines.
2. Inside that folder, let’s create two more folders called
‘imagescrapper’,’imagescrapperservice’,’imagescrapperutils’, ’static’, and ‘templates’

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to hold the code for the UI of our application. Inside ‘static’, let’s create a folder called
‘css’ for keeping the stylesheets for our UI.
3. Inside ‘imagescrapper’,’imagescrapperservice’, and ’imagescrapperutils’ create the
files ‘’, ‘’ and ‘’
respectively. The files are attached here for reference.

4. Let’s create a file called ‘’ inside the ‘ImageScrapper’ folder. The file is attached
here for reference.

5. Inside the folder ‘css’, create the file: ‘style.css’. The file is attached here for reference.

6. Inside the folder ‘templates’, create three HTML files called: ’index.html’, and
‘showImage.html’. The files are attached here for reference.

index.html showImage.html

 index.html Home page of our application.

 showImage.html Page to show the images for the searched keyword.
7. Now, the folder structure should look like:

8. Now, let’s understand the flow:

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a) When the application starts, the user sees the page called ‘index.html’.
b) The user enters the search keyword into the search box and presses the submit
c) The application now searches for images and shows the result on the
‘showImage.html’ page.
9. Understanding ‘’.
a) Import the necessary libraries:
from flask_cors import CORS,cross_origin
from imagescrapperservice.ImageScrapperService import
from imagescrapper.ImageScrapper import ImageScrapper
from flask import Flask, render_template, request,jsonify

b) Initialize the flask app

app = Flask(__name__) # initialising the flask app with the name

c) Creating the routes to redirect the control inside the application itself. Based on the
route path, the control gets transferred inside the application. Let’s understand the
various routes:
i. The route for redirecting to home page
@app.route('/') # route for redirecting to the home
def home():
return render_template('index.html')
ii. Showing the images on the screen once our parser successfully
gives the list of images.
@app.route('/showImages') # route to show the images on
a webpage
def show_images():
scraper_object=ImageScrapper() #Instantiating the
object of class ImageScrapper

atic') # obtaining the list of image files from the
static folder
if(len(list_of_jpg_files)>0): # if there are
images present, show them on a wen UI
render_template('showImage.html',user_images =
return "Please try with a different string"
# show this error message if no images are present in

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the static folder
except Exception as e:
print('no Images found ', e)
return "Please try with a different string"
iii. The route to actually scrape the web for images and then
preparing the list of images and then calling the method in step
(ii) to show the images to the user.
@app.route('/searchImages', methods=['GET','POST'])
def searchImages():
if request.method == 'POST':
print("entered post")
keyWord = request.form['keyword'] # assigning
the value of the input keyword to the variable keyword

print("did not enter post")
print('printing = ' + keyWord)

scraper_object = ImageScrapper() # instantiating the

list_of_jpg_files =
scraper_object.list_only_jpg_files('static') # obtaining
the list of image files from the static folder

# deleting the old image files stored from the previous
# splitting and combining the keyword for a string
containing multiple words
image_name = keyWord.split()
image_name = '+'.join(image_name)
# adding the header metadata
header = {
'User-Agent': "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1;
WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko)
Chrome/43.0.2357.134 Safari/537.36"}

service = ImageScrapperService # instantiating the

object of class ImageScrapperService
# (imageURLList, header, keyWord, fileLoc)
masterListOfImages = service.downloadImages(keyWord,
header) # getting the master list from keyword
imageList = masterListOfImages[0] # extracting the
list of images from the master list
imageTypeList = masterListOfImages[1] # extracting
the list of type of images from the masterlist

response = "We have downloaded ", len(imageList),

"images of " + image_name + " for you"

return show_images() # redirect the control to the

show images method
iv. The route to send the list of image URLs when the API is not
called from a web browser.

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@app.route('/api/showImages', methods=['GET','POST'])
# route to return the list of file locations for API
def get_image_url():
if request.method == 'POST':
print("entered post")
keyWord = request.json['keyword'] # assigning
the value of the input keyword to the variable keyword

print("Did not enter post")
print('printing = ' + keyWord)
# splitting and combining the keyword for a string
containing multiple words
image_name = keyWord.split()
image_name = '+'.join(image_name)
# adding the header metadata
header = {
'User-Agent': "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1;
WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko)
Chrome/43.0.2357.134 Safari/537.36"}

service = ImageScrapperService # instantiating the

object of class ImageScrapperService
url_enum = service.get_image_urls(keyWord, header)
# getting the URL enumeration
url_list=[] # initializing and empty url list
for i, (img, Type) in enumerate(url_enum[0:5]):
# creating key value pairs of image URLs to be
sent as json
return jsonify(url_list) # send the url list in
JSON format

d) After this, we’ll just run our python app on our local system, and it’ll start scraping
for images as shown below:
Home Page:

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Search Results:

5. Heroku:
The Python app that we have developed is residing on our local machine. But to make it
available to end-users, we need to deploy it to either an on-premise server or to a cloud
service. Heroku is one such cloud service provider. It is free to use(till 5 applications).
We’ll deploy this application to the Heroku cloud, and then anybody with the URL can then
consume our app.
6. Heroku Basics:
 We’ll first go to, and we’ll create a new account if we already don’t
have one.
 We’ll download and install the Heroku CLI from the Heroku website:
 Double-click the installation file and the following window shall appear:

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 Click on next and select the installation directory for the CLI.

 Click on install to complete the installation.

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7. Steps before cloud deployment:
We need to change our code a bit so that it works unhindered on the cloud, as well.
a) Add a file called ‘gitignore’ inside the ‘reviewScrapper’ folder. This folder contains the list
of the files which we don’t want to include in the git repository. My gitignore file looks
As I am using PyCharm as an IDE, and it’s provided by the Intellij Idea
community, it automatically adds the .idea folder containing some metadata. We
need not include them in our cloud app.
b) Add a file called ‘Procfile’ inside the ‘reviewScrapper’ folder. This folder contains the
command to run the flask application once deployed on the server:

web: gunicorn app:app

Here, the keyword ‘web’ specifies that the application is a web application. And the
part ‘app:app’ instructs the program to look for a flask application called ‘app’
inside the ‘’ file. Gunicorn is a Web Server Gateway Interface (WSGI)
HTTP server for Python.
c) Open a command prompt window and navigate to your ‘reviewScrapper’ folder. Enter the
command ‘pip freeze > requirements.txt’. This command generates the ‘requirements.txt’
file. My requirements.txt looks like:
requirements.txt helps the Heroku cloud app to install all the dependencies before starting
the webserver.

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d) A change has been made to The part where the port number for local machine was
provided has been commented and the part without port number has been uncommented to
run on the cloud.
if __name__ == "__main__":'', port=8000) # port to run on local
machine # to run on cloud

8. Heroku app creation and deploying the app to

a. After installing the Heroku CLI, Open a command prompt window and navigate to
your ‘reviewScrapper’ folder.
b. Type the command ‘heroku login’ to login to your heroku account as shown

c. After logging in to Heroku, enter the command ‘heroku create’ to create a

heroku app. It will give you the URL of your Heroku app after successful creation.
d. Before deploying the code to the Heroku cloud, we need to commit the changes to
the local git repository.
e. Type the command ‘git init to initialize a local git repository as shown below:

f. Enter the command ‘git status’ to see the uncommitted changes

g. Enter the command ‘git add .’ to add the uncommitted changes to the local
h. Enter the command ‘git commit -am "make it better"’ to commit the changes
to the local repository.
i. Enter the command ‘git push heroku master’ to push the code to the heroku
j. After deployment, heroku gives you the URL to hit the web API.
k. Once your application is deployed successfully, enter the command ‘heroku logs
--tail’ to see the logs.

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Final Result:

Thank You!

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