Teacher PDP Template

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Performance and Teacher

development plan

When you’re at your best,

everyone benefits
This working document should be updated every 6 months. Teacher and leader should work
together on this plan. The teacher standards are used to inform the Performance and Development
(P&D) process to support improvements in your teaching practice.
Teacher Standards
1. Know students and how they learn Date

Knowledge 2. Know the content and how to teach it
3. Plan for and implement teaching and learning
Professional 4. Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments
Practice Employee name
5. Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning Ailish Ling
6. Engage in professional learning

Engagement 7. Engage professionally with colleagues, parents/carers and the community Leader name
Use the standards in your career, behaviour and learning conversations. They will also inform how Jessica Morris
you will achieve your goals and help frame quality feedback to support your P&D process.
Please try and limit the amount of text to the fields provided. This will help to sharpen your focus
and keep the emphasis on the conversation.

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My Contribution
What are my goals for child/student achievement this year?
What impact will I have on the improvement of my school/preschool this year?
On Needs Off
Goal 1 How will I achieve this goal? Achieved
track attention track
Improve parent engagement with the Language (Indonesian) Record student successes and report back to parents. Positive feedback
Curriculum. from teachers to parents can encourage possitive feedback in the home
environement as well. Class Dojo
Update parents on student learning for the term- email, newsletter,
send home info

Goal 2 How will I achieve this goal?

Engage with more Australian Professional Standards for Teachers This can be achieved through thorough lesson and unit planning and
including creating a portfolio of practice as evidence to reach proficient. documenting evidence as I go- student evidence, story telling
I can also engage and learn from other teachers through observation,
communication and participation in meetings and school activities-
Hannah, Sharon, leaders- areas for feedback

Goal 3 How will I achieve this goal?

Improving skills in planning for learning experences and being clear I need to develop my knowledge in regards to teaching techniques and
about what success looks like in relation to student achievement. approaches that work well for students with different learning needs,
Formative assessment such as dyslexia, ADHD, anxiety and Autism-Katie/self learning, PD
Berry Street

Analyse your child/student data and school improvement targets and set Consider the Challenges of Practice from your School Improvement Plan and Only update the progress status of each goal
specific and measureable goals for student achievement that are achievable describe the key elements of your practice that you will focus on this year to during six monthly review meetings.
and ambitious- stretch goals. enable the achievement of your goals. You may also consider Standards 1-5
and other relevant curriculum, pedagogical and assessment frameworks to Specific learning activities can be reflected
guide you. under ‘My Learning’ on the following page.

My Career
Short-term (up to 2 years) Long-term (2-5 years)
Actively seek out and apply for teaching positions that suit my teaching major, Visual Art. Explore HAT certification.
Continue taking on new opportunities and contracts to gain more experience and exposure to Continue my teaching role and feeling part of an effective team.
different subject areas.

Consider career pathways in line with the ‘Highly Accomplished’ or If you are an Early Career Teacher in the ‘graduate’ stage, your main focus Specific learning activity relating to this section can be
‘Lead’ career stages in the teacher standards or talk to your leader about will be on demonstrating your knowledge, practice and reflected under ‘My Learning’ on the following page.
pathways into leadership. Think within and beyond your classroom, engagement aligned to the ‘proficient’ career stage. Participating in
school/preschool or partnership. Consider roles that may have a system the Early Career Development Program will support you to achieve
wide impact. this within your first two years.
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My Behaviour My Learning
What do I do really well and how will it help me achieve my goals? What learning activities will I undertake to improve my professional practice,
What do I need to start doing to increase my effectiveness? accomplish my student achievement goals and achieve my career aspirations?
Which of my behaviours prevent me from being more effective in my role?
- How will I manage those behaviours?
Strengths; strong positive relationships with students, always eager to be a co-learner with I need to explore the attributes of a Highly Accomplished Teacher in order to pursue a HAT
the students, I work well in a team environment and thrive through sharing ideas and certification in the future.
resources with other staff.
I need to dive into more professional learning opportunities that relate directly to specific
I need to contribute more strongly in staff meetings and reflection times. learning needs of the students in my classes, so that I can better structure my teaching to
their specific learning needs. Special needs/disability/Berry street
I need to be more confident in myself and my work-time and practice, through observations
develop practice Continue practicing and improving my Indonesian.
Continue improving my visual art practice and skills- Belinda.

This is specifically aligned to Standard 7 (Engage professionally with colleagues, parents/carers and This is specifically aligned to Standard 6 (Engage in professional learning) and will consider all of the
the community) and will consider all of the teacher standards from a behaviour perspective. It is teacher standards from an individual learning perspective. Plan actions that involve learning on the
about leveraging behavioural strengths and making adjustments that positively impact on your job, collaborative learning, undertaking research, observing practice or formal training.
teaching practice, your interactions with others and your overall effectiveness.

My Wellbeing Our Agreement

What action can be taken to enhance my wellbeing? Are there any What do I need from my leader to achieve my goals?
work, health or safety considerations? Where will I source my feedback this year (e.g. classroom observation)?
What evidence will I provide at my next review meeting?
I need to take more risks and step out of my comfort zone professionally. I would like to Agreement for leadership or teachers to observe my teaching practice and provide feedback
seek a mentor (Milly) or coach to help me do this, even if I am only doing TRT work. for continued improvement.

Find a sweet balance between work and home life. I will be offered personal learning opportunities to pursue my professional development as
an educator.
Remember to focus on the successes in teaching, as well as constructively reflecting on the
challenges or failures. Support from leadership to engage with a mentor.

This is about the interaction between your role as a teacher, your health, your safety, your Sign-off - Plan established and agreed
wellbeing and your personal responsibilities. Have a conversation with your leader about what Employee signature: Date:
action you will take to find the optimal balance that ensures the best outcome for you and your
Leader signature: Date:

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6 Month Review comments
Update progress against established goals on page 2 during the 6 month review conversation. There is no
requirement to classify or formally rate overall performance.

Use the review conversation tool to frame the 6 month review conversation.
Teacher and leader summary comments should be documented below and include specific comments indicating:
• progress towards achievement of goals
• any areas identified as needing attention or support
• any actions and associated timeframes for follow up.

Teacher summary comments Leader summary comments

Employee signature Date

The date of the 6 month review conversation must be recorded in the HRS,
Staff Overview Module by the site manager, or delegated performance and
development plan user.
Leader signature Date
There is no requirement to upload this plan, however on finalisation, the
plan should be printed, signed by both parties and filed in a secure location.

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12 Month Review comments
Update progress against established goals on page 2 during the 12 month review conversation. There is
no requirement to classify or formally rate overall performance.

Use the review conversation tool to frame the 12 month review conversation.
Teacher and leader summary comments should be documented below and include specific comments relating to:
• achievement against the goals in the performance and development plan
• how practice has changed and improved
• key learnings and focus areas for next year’s performance and development plan
• the overall impact of the plan on student learning for the year.

Teacher summary comments Leader summary comments

Employee signature Date

The date of the 12 month review conversation must be recorded in the
HRS, Staff Overview Module by the site manager, or delegated performance
and development plan user.
Leader signature Date
There is no requirement to upload this plan, however on finalisation, the
plan should be printed, signed by both parties and filed in a secure location.

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