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Letter to Editor :-

Question 1:


Write a letter to the Editor of a magazine Expressions, New Delhi on the deterioration
in the standard of living in your city. Give suggestions for improvement. Sign yourself
as PMR.
15A Model Town
April 5, 20XX
The Editor
Kasturba Gandhi Marg
New Delhi-110001
Sub: Deteriorating standard of living in the capital city.
Through the columns of your reputed magazine, I wish to express my views on the
deteriorating standard of living in the capital city of Delhi.
What does the standard of living actually mean? Does it mean possessing expensive
goods of comfort and beauty, living in posh bungalows or, the overall decent and
peaceful living conditions including health and hygiene, pollution-free environment,
and above all, a value-based society.
Considering all these, the living conditions in Delhi are really appalling. Dumps of
garbage, heavy traffic congestion on the roads, growing atmospheric pollution, high
levels of noise pollution, overcrowding at public places, etc., throw ample light on the
deterioration in the people’s standard of living. Our lungs are hungry for fresh air and
green belts.
The large number of immigrants, from other states to Delhi, put tremendous
pressure on the resources of the city. The housing problem is growing rapidly with
lack of civic amenities. The life is so busy that there is little interaction among
neighbours. Hurry and worry is what best describes the life in the capital city. With
growing consumerism and rising prices, the disparity between rich and poor is
increasing day by day. Something judicious needs to be done to remedy this
situation. More green belts and ‘silence zones’ should be created. The unrestricted
inflow of people to Delhi should also be checked. Only then the standard of living can
be improved.
Yours truly

Question 2:

Write a letter to the Editor of National Herald, New Delhi about water scarcity in your
locality suggesting ways to improve the position of water supply. You are Ramnath/
Reema of Ghaziabad.
A-24, Kavi Nagar
April 2, 20XX
The Editor
National Herald
New Delhi-110001
Sub: Water crisis in Kavi Nagar
Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I wish to draw the attention of
the concerned authorities towards the problem of water scarcity in our locality.
It is still early summer and the residents are already facing acute water shortage in
the area. The supply is cut off at 8.30 a.m. in the morning and is restored only for
half an hour in the evening between 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. Since the timings are erratic,
many people, especially, the working couples are unable to store water. Frequent
complaints to the Jal Board haven’t yielded any result as the authorities express their
helplessness saying that one of the tanks of the Hyderpur Water Treatment Plant is
under repair and has been shut down for a month or so thereby affecting the water
supply in the area. But it is nearly one and a half months since the problem began,
yet there is no respite to the residents.
The Jal Board should, in the meantime, make provisions for water tankers at
different horns of the day. Also, measures must be taken to expedite the repair work.
Yours truly
Ramnath /Reema

Question 3:


You are Hemant/Himakshi. Write a letter to the Editor of The Herald, New Delhi
expressing your anguish over the problems faced by people due to illicit liquor and
the deadly chemicals like anthrax.
Examination Hall
New Delhi-110058
5th April, 20XX
The Editor
The Herald
New Delhi-110002
Sub: Terror caused by illicit liquor and anthrax
The recent deaths due to the consumption of illicit liquor and the fear generated in
the minds of people on account of anthrax is a matter of great concern.
We often hear or read about people dying due to the consumption of illicit liquor, but
never come to know about the follow up action or the punishment given to the guilty.
What a tragedy! Families get ruined, children orphaned but the illegal trade continues
unabated. Why is our government so apathetic towards this social curse or maybe,
keeps the eyes closed deliberately because the custodians of law have their palms
greased through these means only.
However, we, the awakened citizens, must raise our voice against this evil. We must
try to educate not only the children but adults also. Responsibility can also be given
to the Gram Panchayats and the best village or Panchayat should be awarded if they
Eire able to eradicate this menace from their villages.
Another problem, I need to address is the problem of global terrorism. The people
have yet to recover from the trauma of the terrorist attack on the Twin Towers when
they are confronted with a still more dangerous and threatening problem—the
problem of bio terrorism. Prominent personalities in different countries are being
targeted through the
deadly bio-chemical like anthrax sent in letters. Is man degenerated to such an
extent that he can kill another human being using such means? The US government
has taken strong steps to check this deadly act. However, if the guilt is proved on
anybody, the person(s) must be given exemplary punishment to eliminate this
heinous crime completely. I am sure that the contents shared here express the views
of many. In the hope that sanity may prevail among people some day.
Yours truly,

Question 4:


Write a letter to the Editor of The Hindu on the fear that is spreading among people
due to their anxiety over the widespread terrorism in the world. Give suggestions to
‘ curb such anti-social activities. You are Vikram/Varsha.
Examination Hall
Delhi-110065 3
March, 20XX
The Editor
The Hindu
New Delhi-110002
Sub: Widespread fear of terrorism
Through this letter of mine, I wish to express my concern over the widespread fear
caused in the minds of people because of growing terrorist activities all over the
Terrorism as a method to achieve political aims has become a worldwide
phenomenon. However, the shameful and hideous terrorist attack on the Twin
Towers in the USA has given terrorism a new dimension. The daring assault on the
dignity and prestige of one of the largest democracies of the world has shattered the
faith of people completely. What is worse, it has left religious fanaticism behind as
its offspring. The widespread communal riots as a fallout of these terrorist activities
in India has instilled a great fear in the minds of common people. As it is, in the cross
fire of political game, it is always the common man who suffers the most.
Stringent methods must be taken to restore peace and harmony in the country. One
must keep the interests of the nation above the interests of the community or the
individual. Sanity must prevail at all costs.
Yours truly

Question 5:


You have noticed many stray animals on the road during the busy hours of the day.
These animals have caused traffic jam as well as accidents. You have already
written to the concerned authorities but no action has been taken so far. So write a
letter to the Editor of a leading newspaper telling him about the nuisance created by
the stray animals. Sign your name as PreetiIKrishnan, C/5, Assam.
C/5, Assam
15 March, 20XX
The Editor
The Indian Express
Sub: Nuisance created by the stray animals
Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I wish to draw the attention of
the concerned authorities of the Municipal Corporation regarding the plight of the
residents of Bow Bazaar. While going to school at 8.50 a.m, I notice many stray
animals wandering here and there on the busy market roads. The position is almost
the same a repeat performance in the afternoon. Sometimes these animals cross
the roads in a long unending array, thus causing traffic blocks as well as accidents.
These animals create a health hazard too by urinating everywhere. Huge heaps of
dung are lying here and there. Flies hover over them and insects breed inside them.
We have already written to the concerned authorities but no action has been taken
so far. The authorities are requested to depute officials to catch these stray animals
and send them to the police pen. If unclaimed, these might be auctioned. It is hoped
that an early action will be taken by the concerned authorities.
Yours truly

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