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Alexander basada

#TaylorSwift #Tayvoodoo

What is Wellness?

- process of making healthy choices and developing an optimal lifestyle.

- Wellness is a way of life. Specifically, wellness is a means of living which:
 is oriented toward optimum health and well-being
 involves the integration of mind, body, and spirit
 requires conscious choices to engage in healthy behaviors
 has a goal of helping you live your life more fully in all areas.

The Indivisible Self

 Creative
 Coping
 Essential
 Social
 Physical

The stages of change (Prochaska & DiClemente, 1983)

- Precontemplation
- Contemplation
- Preparation
- Action’
- Maintenance
- Termination

Self-Esteem for our Being

- Recognize that I have the right to live

- Be conscious of being unique
- Accept all aspects of the person
- See myself as loved, and loving myself

Self-Esteem for our Abilities

- Believing in our ability to learn

- Accepting our own levels of competence without comparing ourselves to others
- Knowing how to value ourselves after every success, no matter how small
- Seeking our mission and fulfilling it
24 Character Strengths and Virtues

Virtue Of Wisdom

- Creativity
- Curiosity
- Judgement
- Love of learning
- Perspective

Virtue Of Courage

- Bravery
- Perseverance
- Honesty
- Zest

Virtue Of Humanity

- Love
- Kindness
- Social intelligence

Virtue Of Justice

- Teamwork
- Fairness
- Leadership

Virtue Of Temperance

- Forgiveness
- Humility
- Prudence
- Self-regulation

Virtue Of Transcendence

- Appreciation of beauty and excellence

- Gratitude
- Hope
- Humor
- Spirituality

Filipino teens among worst in the world for physical activity

- 93.4% of school-going Filipinos aged 11 to 17 lack physical activity as of 2016.

- Philippines was the country with the highest prevalence of insufficient activity among boys
(92.8%), whereas South Korea showed the highest levels among girls (97.2%) and both sexes
combined (94.2%),
Wendy Suzuki: The Brain-Changing Benefits of Exercise

- After having an exercise, it gives her better mood, better energy, better attention, and better
attention and she developed a social life.
- A single workout can increase our neurotransmitters like dopamine, serotonin, and
noradrenaline which improves your mood
- Exercise changes the brain anatomy, physiology, and function
- The volume of the hippocampus will increase

Love Languages

- Words of affirmation
- Quality time
- Receiving gift
- Acts of service
- Physical touch

Eating for wellness and pinggang pinoy

(1) serving of Meat is as big as a matchbox, and my daily recommended intake is four (4) of those
(2) one serving of banana is 1/2 Lacatan.
- Pinggang pinoy is composed of the go, grow, and glow foods.
Go foods - the energy giving foods
Grow foods – the body building foods
Glow foods – the body regulating foods

What is Positive Humor?

Humor, particularly when it is accompanied by laughter, promotes physiological, psychological,

and social change. It creates an open flexibility for problem solving, reduces defensiveness, and
improves communication while neutralizing stress.

Benefits of Laughter
- Your blood pressure and heart rate drop because laughter reduced the release of the stress
hormone cortisol.
- Laughing also releases endorphins and serotonin

Suggestions for Increasing your Positive Humor

- Watch funny movies or read stories that help you laugh

- Read books by good humorists
- Look for the absurd in everyday life
- Pay attention to the funny things that your pets do. They do not mind if you laugh with them.
- Associate with someone who has a positive sense of humor and makes you laugh.
Cognitive Distortions
 All-or-Nothing Thinking
 Overgeneralization
 Mental Filter
 Disqualifying the Positive
 Jumping to Conclusion
o Jumping to Conclusion: Mind Reading
o Jumping to Conclusion: Fortune-Telling Error
 Magnification or Minimization
 Emotional Reasoning
 Should Statements
 Labeling and Mislabeling
 Personalization

Cognitive Troubleshooting

- Use the 3 C’s (Catch it, Check it, Change it.)

1. Identify the thought that's bothering you.
2. Ask yourself how much you believe the thought
3. Ask yourself if the thought is a cognitive distortion.
4. Consider some alternative interpretations.
5. Look at the evidence as calmly as possible.
6. Ask yourself again how much you believe the upsetting thought.

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