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Lab 2: Anatomy of the Heart

Learning outcomes of the lab exercises:

1. To describe the location of the heart
2. To name and locate the major anatomical areas and structures of the heart when provided with an
appropriate model, diagram, or dissected sheep heart, and to explain the function of each
3. To trace the pathway of blood through the heart, and list the names of each of the structures blood
has to go through to travel throughout the body.
4. To explain why the heart is called a double pump, and to compare the pulmonary and systemic
5. To follow the blood supply of the heart, name and identify the blood vessels involved, and to
discuss the consequences of the blockage of these vessels
6. Review the histology of cardiac muscle and associated diseases

“There is no single better word to describe the function of the heart other than “pump,” since its
contraction develops the pressure that ejects blood into the major vessels: the aorta and pulmonary
trunk. From these vessels, the blood is distributed to the remainder of the body. Although the
connotation of the term “pump” suggests a mechanical device made of steel and plastic, the anatomical
structure is a living, sophisticated muscle.” (OpenStax A&P, pg. 824)

General Considerations
Identify the following on a human heart model and a sheep heart specimen. Use the lab atlas
for reference.

A. Surfaces and Borders

1. Apex - formed by the left ventricle, lies at the level of the fifth intercostal space,
mid-clavicular line
2. Base (posterior surface) - formed by the atria, mainly the left atrium

B. Surface Markings
1. left and right atrioventricular grooves (or coronary sulcus)
2. anterior interventricular sulcus
3. posterior interventricular sulcus

I. Chambers
Identify the following on heart model and sheep heart:

A. right atrium and its associated structures

1) pectinate muscles (musculi pectinati)
2) right auricle
3) openings of the superior vena cava and inferior vena cava
B. interatrial septum
C. left atrium and its associated structure
1) left auricle
D. right ventricle and its associated structures
1) trabeculae carneae
2) papillary muscles
3) chordae tendineae
4) right atrioventricular valve
5) pulmonary semilunar valve
E. interventricular septum
F. left ventricle and its associated structures
1) trabeculae carneae
2) papillary muscles
3) chordae tendineae
4) left atrioventricular valve
5) aortic semilunar valve

G. right atrioventricular valve (tricuspid)

H. left atrioventricular valve (bicuspid or mitral)

I. aortic and semilunar valves

A&P, pg. 828

II. Great Vessels

Identify the following on a human heart model and a sheep heart specimen:

A. systemic pump - vessels associated with the systemic circulation:

1) ascending aorta
2) aortic arch
3) brachiocephalic artery
4) left common carotid artery
5) left subclavian artery
B. pulmonary pump - vessels associated with the pulmonary circulation:
1) superior vena cava
2) inferior vena cava
3) pulmonary trunk
4) pulmonary arteries (right & left)
5) pulmonary veins (right & left)

III. Heart Blood Supply - Coronaries

A. Coronary Arteries - The right and left coronary arteries arise from the ascending aorta, just
above the ventricle. The coronary arteries supply blood to the myocardium.
1) left coronary artery and its branches - arises from the left side of the aorta, and as it
passes behind the pulmonary trunk, bifurcates into two main branches
a) anterior interventricular artery (located in the left anterior interventricular sulcus)
b) circumflex artery

OpenStax A&P, pg. 843

2) right coronary and its branches - arises from the right side of aorta and runs in the right
atrioventricular groove
a) posterior interventricular artery
b) marginal artery

B. Cardiac Veins - the three cardiac veins drain into the coronary sinus.
1) great cardiac vein
2) middle cardiac vein
3) small cardiac vein
Heart Anatomy Word Bank

You must be able to identify the following structures on a paper figure, a sheep
heart, and/or plastic heart model(s) for the lab quiz.

Aorta Left subclavian artery

Aortic semilunar valve Left ventricle
Apex Middle cardiac vein
Base Papillary muscles
Bicuspid valve Pectinate muscles
Brachiocephalic trunk Pulmonary arteries (R/L)
Chordae tendineae Pulmonary semilunar valve
Circumflex artery Pulmonary trunk

Coronary sinus Pulmonary veins
Great cardiac vein Right atrium
Inferior vena cava Right Coronary artery
Interventricular septum Right ventricle
Left atrium Superior vena cava
Left anterior interventricular artery Trabeculae carneae
Left common carotid artery Tricuspid valve

Heart Coloring – Coronal section

Word Bank
Left ventricle Left atrium
Right ventricle Right atrium
Aortic Semi-lunar valve Pulmonary semi-lunar valve
Left common carotid artery Left subclavian artery
Brachiocephalic trunk Pulmonary trunk
Right pulmonary arteries Left pulmonary arteries
Right pulmonary veins Left pulmonary veins
Aorta Interventricular septum
Superior vena cava Inferior vena cava
Bicuspid/Mitral atrioventricular valve Tricuspid atrioventricular valve

Heart Coloring – Anterior view

Word Bank
Superior Vena Cava Right Coronary Artery
Aorta Pulmonary trunk
Right Atrium Right Ventricle
Left Atrium Left Ventricle
Left Descending Interventricular Artery Circumflex Artery
Inferior Vena Cava Great Cardiac Vein
Pulmonary Veins

Heart Labeling
Word Bank
Aorta Left atrium
Apex Left ventricle
Pulmonary trunk Right atrium
Right ventricle Right coronary artery
Left interventricular coronary artery Circumflex artery

art Labeling
Word Bank
Aortic semilunar valve Bicuspid/mitral atrioventricular valve
Chordae tendineae Inferior vena cava
Papillary muscle Pulmonary semilunar valve
Superior vena cava Tricuspid atrioventricular valve


Human hearts are not readily available for student dissection. Sheep hearts are similar in
size, have most of the same parts, and have the same general conformations as human
hearts. At all times compare structures of the sheep heart with those of the human heart
(utilize models). Directions are given with the heart in the anatomic position.

1. Locate the following structures and regions on the model and diagrams of the human
heart: anterior (ventral) longitudinal sulcus, apex, aorta, aortic semilunar valve, base,
bicuspid (mitral) valve, chordae tendineae, inferior vena cava, left atrium and auricle,
left ventricle, ligamentum arteriosum, papillary muscle, pulmonary artery, pulmonary
semilunar valve, pulmonary vein, right atrium and auricle, right ventricle, superior
vena cave, tricuspid valve.

2. The pericardium (the fibroserous membrane surrounding the heart) has been
removed from the sheep heart.

3. The epicardium (the visceral layer of the pericardium) is adherent to the

myocardium (muscle) of the heart. The innermost layer of the heart, the
endocardium, will be visible only after the heart is opened.

4. Determine the ventral surface of the sheep heart. Distinguish the right and left sides
of the heart, the ventral and dorsal sides of the heart, and the base (superior) and
apex (inferior) regions of the heart. Determine location of the heart if it were sitting in
its correct anatomic position within yourself.

5. Locate the pulmonary artery on the ventral surface of the heart. This artery
emerges from the superior (base) ventral surface of the heart, medial to the left
auricle. The auricles are the earlike outpocketings of the atria, the upper (receiving)
chambers of the heart. Locate the right and left auricles.

6. Note the anterior (ventral) longitudinal sulcus which superficially marks the
separation of the right and left ventricles. Coronary blood vessels are in the

7. Compare the thickness of the wall of the right ventricle with that of the left ventricle by
pressing against the wall of each ventricle.



8. Using great care, make an incision through the ventral wall of the pulmonary artery.
Continue the cut through the ventral wall of the right ventricle parallel to and about
one-half inch to the right of the anterior longitudinal sulcus. Do not cut so deeply that
you cut into the dorsal surface of either the pulmonary artery or right ventricle.
Continue the incision, keeping parallel to the anterior longitudinal sulcus, to the
interventricular septum that separates the right and left ventricles.

9. Open the pulmonary artery and note the three flaps (cusps) of the pulmonary
semilunar valve. Generally, the incision has been made through one of these flaps.

10. Examine the dorsal surface of the heart and find the opening of the superior vena
cava into the right auricle. Make a longitudinal incision through the lateral wall of the
superior vena cava toward the ending point of your initial incision. Continue down
through the lateral surface of right atrium and right ventricle to the point of juncture
with the first incision.

11. Spread open the right atrium and ventricle. Note the absence of a valve at the
entrance of the superior vena cava into the right atrium.

12. Observe the internal structure of the right auricle. The muscle visible in the interior of
the auricle is called the pectinate muscle.

13. Locate the opening of the inferior vena cava on the dorsal side of the right atrium
near the atrioventricular junction. Locate the opening of the coronary sinus just
inferior to the inferior vena cava. The coronary sinus drains most veins of the wall of
the heart. Gently insert a metal probe into this opening and find the vessel on the
dorsal surface of the heart.

14. Locate the interatrial septum, the wall that separates the two atria. Find the fossa
ovalis, a depression in the interatrial septum. Prior to birth, there was an opening
here (the foramen ovale) that permitted blood to move freely between the left and
right atria. Normally, this firmly closes with the first breath the baby takes, thus
preventing mixing of oxygenated blood coming from the lungs with deoxygenated
blood from the various organs of the body. Since the lungs were non-functional prior
to birth, not much blood was sent into the pulmonary (right heart) circuit; most moved
through the foramen ovale to be pumped in the systemic (left heart) circuit to the
developing organs of the body.

15. Examine the tricuspid valve between the right atrium and right ventricle. Note that it
has three flaps (cusps). Locate the papillary muscles (elevations of muscle) in the
wall of the right ventricle. String-like structures called chordae tendineae attach the
free edges of the flaps of the tricuspid valve to the papillary muscles. This
arrangement prevents eversion of the flaps back into the atrium during the powerful
contraction of the ventricle.

16. Locate the moderator band crossing the lumen of the right ventricle from the ventral
to its medial wall. This structure is believed to prevent over-distension of the ventricle
when it fills with blood. The moderator band generally is not found in the human

17. Four pulmonary veins enter the left atrium. However, the heart has usually been
cut so that they are no longer intact. What is seen instead is an opening into the
superior surface of the left atrium. From this opening, make a longitudinal incision
through the lateral wall of the left atrium and the left ventricle all the way to the apex
of the heart (the apex is formed by the left ventricle).

18. Spread open the left side of the heart and compare the wall thickness of the left
ventricle with that of the right. Observe the bicuspid (mitral) valve and note that is
has only two flaps rather than three. Determine whether the left ventricle has a
moderator band, chordae tendineae, and papillary muscles.
19. Insert a finger up the midline of the left ventricle into the aorta. Cut along this line
and through the wall of the aorta. Find the three flaps (cusps) of the aortic
semilunar valve. Behind two of these flaps, find the openings of the two coronary

20. Return to the external surface of the heart, relocate the thick-wall aorta and
determine whether its first branch, the brachiocephalic artery, is present. This
vessel later branches into the subclavian and common carotid arteries, which supply
the arms and head. In humans, three large blood vessels branch from the aortic

Histology of Cardiac Muscle

Normal cardiomyocytes are bi-nucleated and branched

cells, striated and joined to one another by intercalated

Abnormal cardiac muscle with an area where

myocardial infarction has occurred. Notice the
difference in morphology and lack of striations (top
arrow). (Image)

“Atherosclerosis is a disease process which

is triggered by sometimes subtle physical
or chemical insults to the endothelial cell
layer of arteries.

● Physical injury or stress as a result

of direct trauma or hypertension
● Turbulent blood flow, for example,
where arteries branch
● Circulation of reactive oxygen
species (free radicals), e.g., from
smoking or air pollutants

● Hyperlipidemia (high blood concentrations of LDL or VLDL)
● Chronically elevated blood glucose levels” (Image)

Heart tissue in the image shows white areas of fibrosis and thickening of the ventricular
cardiomyocytes in a patient with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. The histological image also
shows hypertrophy of the cardiomyocytes and fibrosis in the interstitial space. (Image, left) (Image, right)

Activity: Complete the Story of Blood Flow through the Heart

Aorta Vena Cava

Aortic Semilunar Valve Left Ventricle
Pulmonary Semilunar Valve Right Atrium
Right Ventricle Pulmonary Trunk/Arteries
Pulmonary Veins Left Atrium
Tricuspid Atrioventricular Valve Bicuspid/Mitral Atrioventricular Valve

After being used by the major organs of the body, deoxygenated blood is transported back

to the right side of the heart by two large veins known as the _(1)_ and enters the _(2)_,

quickly passing by the open _(3)_ valve, where blood then enters and fills the _(4)_ chamber.

After filling, the cardiomyocytes contract, produce force on the blood and push open the

_(5)_ valve and allow blood to exit into the _(6)_.

Blood now enters the circulation of the lung for gas exchange to occur. Once oxygenated,

blood returns to the heart from the by way of four large vessels called the _(7)_, blood then

moves into the _(8)_, and past the open _(9)_ valve filling the _(10)_ chamber.

From here, oxygenated blood is pushed past the _(11)_ valve and into the _(12)_ where

blood is pumped into the systemic circuit.

Matching Exercise
Match the cardiovascular structure to its proper description.

Valve of the heart consisting of two cusps

1. Left ventricle [A] attached by chordae tendineae, present
between the left atrium and left ventricle
_____ Receiving chamber of the heart that moves
2. Right ventricle [B]
_ deoxygenated blood from the vena cava

_____ Outgrowths of cardiac muscle that help secure

3. Left atrium [C]
_ atrioventricular valves in place
_____ Largest vessels of the body that move
4. Right atrium [D]
_ deoxygenated blood into the right atrium
5. Pulmonary trunk [E] Shared wall between the right and left atria

_____ Receiving chamber of the heart that moves

6. Vena Cava [F]
_ oxygenated blood from the pulmonary veins
Valve of the heart consisting of three cusps
7. Aorta [G] attached by chordae tendineae, present
between the right atrium and right ventricle
_____ Pumping chamber of the heart that moves
8. Bicuspid/Mitral [H]
_ oxygenated blood into the aorta
Valve of the heart consisting of three cusps,
9. Tricuspid [I] present between the right ventricle and
pulmonary trunk
_____ Vessel that moves deoxygenated blood from
10. Aortic semilunar [J]
_ the right ventricle to the lungs.
_____ Shared wall between the right and left
11. Pulmonary Semilunar [K]
_ ventricles

_____ Pumping chamber of the heart that moves

12. Pulmonary veins [L]
_ deoxygenated blood into the pulmonary trunk

_____ Valve of the heart consisting of three cusps,

13. Interventricular septum [M]
_ present between the left ventricle and aorta
Largest vessel of the body that moves
14. Interatrial septum [N] oxygenated blood from the left ventricle to
systemic circulation
_____ Vessels that carry oxygenated blood from the
15. Papillary muscles [O]
_ lungs back to the left atrium of the heart

Problem Solving Activity
For each response,
[1st] State whether you are ACCEPTING or REJECTING that statement.
[2nd] Write a detailed explanation WHY you ACCEPT or REJECT ALL of the choices.
The following problem-solving assessment is presented in a multiple-choice format. Each choice
should be considered individually and an argument should be written for accepting or rejecting it. Since
the problem has one best answer, there should be one argument for acceptance and four for rejection.


A person enters the hospital because of pulmonic valve incompetence (pulmonary semilunar
valve murmur). As a result of this condition, where is excessive blood most likely to

[A.] The left atrium.

[B.] The right atrium.

[C.] The left ventricle.

[D.] The right ventricle.

[E.] The pulmonary artery.

Problem Solving Activity
For each response,
[1st] State whether you are ACCEPTING or REJECTING that statement.
[2nd] Write a detailed explanation WHY you ACCEPT or REJECT ALL of the choices.
The following problem-solving assessment is presented in a multiple-choice format. Each choice
should be considered individually and an argument should be written for accepting or rejecting it. Since
the problem has one best answer, there should be one argument for acceptance and four for rejection.


A middle-aged woman is admitted to the coronary care unit with a diagnosis of left ventricular
failure resulting from a myocardial infarction. Her history indicates that she was aroused in the
middle of the night by severe chest pain. Her skin is pale and cold.

[A.] Her systemic circuit was not be affected by the MI.

[B.] This MI could not have been caused by an embolism.

[C.] A symptom likely would be moist sounds heard over lower regions of both lungs.

[D.] Congestive heart failure is not likely since the MI occurred in the left ventricle.

[E.] This patient would not need to be monitored for possible cardiac tamponade.


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