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Online Education Survey

The aim of the survey is to discover the general attitudes of the students
related to online learning amid Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

 Name:_________________________________________________________

 Address:________________________________________________________

 Email:__________________________________________________________

1) Age
 16-20
 21-25

2) Gender
 Male
 Female
 Other
 Rather not to say

3) Education
 School
 Undergraduate
 Master

4) Do you have proper Internet access at home? *Here proper internet access
refers to access through digital subscriber line (DSL, ADSL, SDSL, and VDSL),
cable internet access or fiber to the home.
 Yes
 No
5) What is the main reason you have limited Internet access?
 Yes
 No

6) I am pretty good at using the computer.

 Yes
 No

7) I am comfortable communicating electronically.

 Yes
 No

8) Learning is the same in class and at home on the Internet.

 Yes
 No

9) I believe that learning on the Internet outside of class is more motivating

than a regular course.
 Yes
 No
10) I believe a complete course can be given by the Internet without difficulty.
 Yes
 No

11) I can discuss with other students during Internet activities outside of class.
 Yes
 No

12) I can work in a group during Internet activities outside of class.

 Strongly Agree
 Agree
 Neutral
 Disagree
 Strongly Disagree

13) I feel that face-to-face contact with my instructor is necessary for learning
to occur.
 Yes
 No
14) I am able to manage my study time effectively online and easily complete
assignments on time.
 Yes
 No

15) Online education helps me to be ready for digital education which may be
the future system of education

 Yes
 No

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