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Conplast SP440 constructive solutions

High range water reducing, superplasticising

and slump retaining admixture

To produce pumpable concrete Compatibility : Can be used with all types of cements ex-
 To produce high strength, high grade concrete by substantial cept high alumina cement. Conplast SP440 is compatible with
reduction in water resulting in low permeability and high other types of Fosroc admixtures when added separately to
early strength. the mix. Site trials should be carried out to optimise dosages.
 To produce high workability concrete requiring little or no Workability : Can be used to produce flowing concrete that
vibration during placing. requires no compaction. Some minor adjustments may be
Advantages required to produce high workable mix without segregation.

 Improved workability - Easier , quicker placing and Cohesion : Cohesion is improved due to dispersion of ce-
compaction. ment particles thus minimising segregation and improving
 Increased strength - Provides high early s t r e n g t h f o r surface finish.
precast concrete if water reduction is taken advantage of. Compressive strength : Early strength is increased upto 40%
 Improved quality - Denser, close textured concrete with if water reduction is taken advantage of. Generally, there is
reduced porosity and hence more durable. improvement in strength upto 20% depending upon W/C ratio
 Higher cohesion - Risk of segregation and bleeding and other mix parameters.
minimised; thus aids pumping of concrete
Durability : Reduction in W/C ratio enables increase in density
 Chloride free - Safe in prestressed concrete and with sulphate and impermeability thus enhancing durability of concrete.
resisting cements and marine aggregates.
Application instructions
Conplast SP440 complies with IS:9103:1999 and BS:5075
Trials need to be carried out at site to optimise the dosage
Part 3 .Conplast SP440 conforms to ASTM-C-494 Type ‘D’
of the admixture for the particular mix design and materials.
and Type ‘G’ depending on the dosages used.
However as a guide the rate of addition is generally in the
Description range of 0.5% to 1.2% by weight of cement for normal grades
of concrete. A dosage of upto 1.5% may be used depending
Conplast SP440 is a blend of organic polymers and is supplied
on the mix design and to achieve specific slump requirements.
as a brown liquid instantly dispersible in water.
Use at other dosages
Conplast SP440 has been specially formulated to give high
water reductions upto 25% without loss of workability or to Dosages outside the typical ranges quoted above can be used
produce high quality concrete of reduced permeability. to meet particular requirements. Contact Fosroc for advice.

Properties Over dosage

Specific Gravity : 1.17 to 1.19* An overdose of above the recommended level of admixture
0 may result in high workability, slight increase in air entrainment
pH at 27 C : Minimum 6*
and retardation of settingtime. The ultimate strength of the
Chloride content : Nil as per IS:456 and BS:5075* concrete will not be adversely affected and will generally be
higher than for normal concrete if properly placed and cured.
Air entrainment : Approx. 1% additional air is
entrained Dispensing
* The uniformity parameters like specific gravity, pH, chloride The measured quantity of Conplast SP440 should be added
content etc. will vary for specific customer requirements and along with the gauging water. For best results, add Conplast
mix design. Please refer our MTC issued for specific product SP440 in the last phase after prewetting the mix with 80% of
configuration for measuring our product parameters that will the total water required.
be constantly and consistently administered.
Conplast SP440

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Conplast SP440

Mix design Precautions

Fosroc has an advisory service on Concrete Mix Design and

Health & Safety
can be contacted if assistance is required.

Conplast SP440 is non-toxic. Any splashes on the skin should

be washed immediately with water. Splashes to the eyes
Packing should be washed immediately with water and medical advice
should be sought.
Conplast SP440 is supplied in 200 litre drums.
Conplast SP440 is non flammable.
Conplast SP440 has a minimum shelf life of 12 months when
stored under normal temperatures. It should be protected from
extreme temperatures and preferably stored in shade.

Important note :
Fosroc products are guaranteed against defective materials and manufacture and are sold
subject to its standard terms and conditions of sale, copies of which may be obtained on
request. Whilst Fosroc endeavours to ensure that any advice, recommendation specification
or information it may give is accurate and correct, it cannot, because it has no direct or
continuous control over where or how its products are applied, accept any liability either
Fosroc Chemicals directly or indirectly arising from the use of its products whether or not in accordance with
any advice, specification, recommendation or information given by it.
(India) Pvt. Ltd.
Head Office telephone fax e-mail
“Sapthagiri Palace”, No.38,
II & III Floor, 12th Cross, ++91 80-42521900 ++91 80-23551510 [email protected]
CBI Road, Ganganagar North,
Bangalore 560 024

Regional Offices

Chennai Mumbai Noida Kolkata

No. 26(old no.33), 1st Floor, 1401/1402, 14th Floor, D-166 Sector 10 304, Jodhpur Park
1st Street Postal Colony, A-Wing’The Great Eastern Summit’ Dist. Gautam Budha Nagar, Kolkata 700 068
West Mambalam, Sector-15, CBD, Belapur Noida, Ph:033-65343188
Chennai 600 033. Navi Mumbai 400 614 UP 201 301 Fax: 033-2499-0280
Ph: 044-24899949-94 Ph: 022-43406800-04 Ph:0120-4270620-21
Fax: 044-24896641 Fax: 022-27562423 Fax: 0120-4270622
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