Unit 8: Exercise 1: Match The Words With The Pictures. Use The Words in The Box

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Unit 8: Exercise 1

Match the words with the pictures. Use the words in the box.

Bike boat bus coach metro motorbike taxi train tram








Unit 8: Exercise 2
Complete the sentences. Use the verbs in the box.

Catch fly get gets go leaves

1. My train _____________ at 07:40.

2. I usually _____________ with British Airways.

3.  I often ______________ off the tram near the station.

4. I always _______________ by bike in good weather.

5. He ______________ on the bus at this stop.

6. I often ______________ the seven o’clock bus.

Unit 8: Exercise 3
Ahmed, Ewa and Bik now live in the UK. Listen to information about their
journeys in the past and now. Choose True or False.
Ahmed is from Dubai, but he lives in London now. In Dubai, he lived with
his parents in an apartment near a big shopping mall. He was a student of
English at one of the big universities. His journey to his classes wasn’t
very long. He travelled for ten minutes by metro for three stops and then
walked for five minutes to the university. Now he works as an engineer in
Brighton. He goes to work on his bike. It only takes him 15 minutes.  

Ewa is Polish. In Poland, she lived in Krakow, where she worked as a

student nurse in a big hospital about five miles away from her home. In
Krakow, she travelled to work by tram. The journey took about half an play.MP3
hour. Now she lives and works in Manchester in the UK. She’s a nurse in a
home for old people. She’s got a car and drives to work.  

Bik is Chinese. She learnt science and mathematics in Beijing. She

travelled an hour to her college every day by train. Now she lives in
Cardiff. She is a student at an English language school there. She travels to
school by bus. It’s a short journey. It only takes 20 minutes.

1. Ahmed is from Dubai.

o True
o False
2. To get to classes, he took the metro and then walked for a bit.
o True
o False
3. He now goes to work on a motorbike.
o True
o False
4. Ewa studied engineering.
o True
o False
5. In Poland, she travelled to work by tram.
o True
o False
6. Ewa now goes to work by car.
o True
o False
7. Bik travelled to college in Beijing by train.
o True
o False
8. She goes to school in Cardiff by underground.
o True
o False
9. Her journey now takes over an hour.
o True
o False

Unit 8: Exercise 4
Put the words in the correct order to complete the sentences.

Isn't long his journey to university very

1. __________ ___________ ___________ ____________ _____________


Ten minutes to to walk it her takes work for

2. __________ ___________ ___________ ____________ _____________

____________ __________ __________ __________

Go to university on the always underground they

3. __________ ___________ ___________ ____________ _____________


Takes bus get there about to the an hour

4. __________ ___________ ___________ ____________ _____________

__________ __________ __________ __________

Goes to he by college bike

5. __________ ___________ ___________ ____________ _____________

To work on most she drives days

6. __________ ___________ ___________ ____________ _____________


Taxi school by to they get

7. __________ ___________ ___________ ____________ _____________


Usually catches he 8:30 the train at

8. __________ ___________ ___________ ____________ _____________

Unit 8: Exercise 5
Match the answers with the questions.

I often walk and sometimes go on my bike. No, I don’t. I haven’t got a car.
No, only about 15 minutes. Only three. Yes, it’s cheap and there’s a stop outside my
house. Yes, the railway station is only five minutes away.

1. Does it take you long to get to school? ___________________________________

2. Do you drive to work? ___________________________________

3. How do you go to university? ___________________________________

4. Do you go to work by train? ___________________________________

5. How many stops is it on the underground?


6. Do you often travel by bus? ___________________________________

Unit 8: Exercise 6
Change the underlined verbs to the correct form of the past simple.

1. I always travel by taxi in New York.

2. My journey to work is quite short.

3. I go to school by bike.

4. He drives to the office.

5. We don’t arrive early.

6. Their journey by coach takes an hour.

7. We don’t fly from Manchester airport.

8. She catches the train at six o’clock.

Unit 8: Exercise 7
Listen to Gina Timm talking about public transport where she lives. Choose the
correct answers.
Hello, my name is Gina Timm. I’m 23 years old and a student of English and
German. I live in a small village about five miles from a big town in north
Germany. There are lots of ways for me to get to town from my home. The town
has excellent tram, train and bus services, and I buy a cheap monthly ticket for
people under 26 years old. There’s also another special service called ‘taxi
buses’. We have a timetable for taxi buses, but it is important to phone half an
hour before the departure time to book a seat. You only need an ordinary bus play.MP3
ticket for a journey with a taxi bus, so it is not expensive. Actually, I don’t use
public transport very often except when the weather is bad. I usually go to
university by bike. In my town, cycling is the most popular type of transport with

1. Gina lives in a

o big town.

o small town.

o small village.

2. The transport system is

o difficult.

o excellent.

o terrible.

3. There are cheap tickets for people

o under 26.

o under 23.

o under 16.

4. Taxi buses are

o quite cheap.

o quite expensive.

o very expensive.

5. Gina doesn’t often use public transport when the weather is

o bad.
o good.

o terrible.

6. Gina usually goes into town by

o bus.

o bicycle.

o train.

Unit 8: Exercise 8
Complete the paragraph with the correct form of the present simple. Use the verbs in the box.

Am are book buy go has have is live need use

Hello, my name is Gina Timm. I ____________ 23 years old and a student of English and
German. I ________________ in a small village about five miles from a big town in north
Germany. There ____________ lots of ways for me to get to town from my home. The town
________________ excellent tram, train and bus services, and I ____________ a cheap
monthly ticket for people under 26 years old. There ____________ also another special
service called ‘taxi buses’. We _______________ a timetable for taxi buses, but it is
important to phone half an hour before the departure time to ______________ a seat. You
only _________________ an ordinary bus ticket for a journey with a taxi bus, so it is not
expensive. Actually, I don’t ________________ public transport very often except when
the weather is bad. I usually _________________ to university by bike. In my town,
cycling is the most popular type of transport with students.

Unit 8: Exercise 9
Choose the correct answers to the questions. Then listen and check your

1.my go /journey/travel to work isn’t very long.

2. Most students go to university by/on/with
3.I get/go/take on the metro at the station near
my home.
4. I only travel three journeys/places/stops on
the underground.
5. I often fly at /on/to Dubai.
6. It usually gets /goes/takes me ten minutes to
walk to college.

Unit 8: Exercise 10
You are going to talk about the public transport in your town and a journey you
often make now or a journey you made in the past. Use the ideas below to help

Record your answer. Try to speak for about a minute. Play to hear your answer.


 •   Say where you live, where you travel to and why.

 •   Say what kinds of public transport there are in your town and how often you use them.

 •   Describe a journey you make often or have made in the past.

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