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Reading and Writing

Quarter 2 – MELC 5
Identifying the Unique Features of and
Requirements in Writing Book Review or
Article Critique and Literature Review


Exercise 1

1. What is the text about?

- The text about is about the review of Antonio de Saint-Exupery book “ The Little Prince

2. What do you think is the author’s purpose in writing the text?

- The author’s purpose in writing the text is to persuade the readers to read the book.

3. Is the given text an example of a book review or article critique? Justify

by identifying thefeatures found in the text.
- A book review

4. What is the focus of the analysis of the text? Did it focus on the setting,
character, themes,etc.? Prove your answer by mentioning some lines
and explaining them.
- The main idea of the text.
- Yes, because in analyzing we can see the setting, character, them, and etc. To prove the
main idea all about it show the process of getting some analyzing in a text all about.
5. If you were to improve this text, what feature (s) will you add or remove
from the given text?
- I will add something that will show and allow others to learn more about what the text is
all about.

Exercise 2

a. What is the literature review about? State the thesis statement.

- The literature review is about “Video Game Addiction”.

b. What are the main points discussed by the author? Were these main
points supported by evidence(s)? Complete the table below.
Main Point Evidence
 Video Gmes can deprive a person  Users may play compulsively,
from the real world. isolating themselves from other
forms of social contact, and focus
almost entirely on in game.

c. Were the evidences that the author presented reliable? Explain.

- Yes, it is reliable, because video game addiction is not really good to our health though
sometimes it has a good effect but it is not enough to cover the bad effect. Specially for
the children it is too much bad for us, it can cause a death, bad health, and especially it
can cause an eye damage.

d. Identify the strengths of the literature review. Base your answer on

the given features discussed.
- Strength of literature review.
- 1. Improve one’s information seeking skills {scanning literature effectively and
efficiently} and identifying a set of useful books, articles, and other literature.
- 2. Identifying the gaps in te exixting of a literature.
- 3. Increase one’s overall knowledge about a certain pic.
e. Identify the weaknesses of the literature review. Base your answer on
the given features discussed.
- 1. Formulate questions that may require additional research.
- 2. Be organized and relate directly to the reseach topic\questions.
- 3. Identify any potential areas of controvery with in the literature.

V. Reflection

a. I have learned that…

 The literature is to identify the main point and evidence of a story or article. I also learned
the importance to improve skills in literature that helps of strength and weakness.

b. I think I need more help in…

 to know the main use of literature in every topic that help me to improve my reading and
writing skills.

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