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Directions: Read and answer the following questions.Post your answer here and
corresponding points will be given

1. Can the emerging technologies pose a challenge for an international marketer? Give
valid arguments to support your answer.

The emergence of new technologies offer the international marketer opportunities to

reach a wider customer base more quickly and efficiently. However, these new
technologies can also pose challenges for marketers.In this article, I will discuss the
challenges and opportunities that may arise for an international marketer as a result of
these emerging technologies. In order to support my argument, I have outlined three
major technology sectors that may cause a challenge or opportunity to an international
marketer: artificial intelligence (AI), virtual reality (VR), and blockchain.The first
technology sector is AI – a broad category that includes machine learning, which allows
programs to learn from data without being explicitly programmed – which has taken off
in recent years alongside advancements in computing power.

2. Discuss the various key economic issues that influence international business.

The international business world is continuously changing, moving faster than ever. At
the same time, there are many economic issues relevant to international businesses
that continue to affect how these companies operate in this market. In order to discuss
these various key economic issues that influence international business, this post will
break down the factors that have shaped it into what it is today. The following section
will discuss several important economic principles which have helped shape the past
and lead into the future of global economics.

3. Describe the various indicators of political instability.

We are living in a time of high political instability. It’s important to understand the signs
of this instability so you can make sound decisions based on knowledge of what might
happen next.Political stability is not one clear indicator, but more like a constellation of
indicators that are more or less apparent at any given time. There are also different
groups that have different viewpoints on what signs indicate political instability. This can
make it difficult to decide which metrics are most important for predicting political
stability and how they interact with one another. That being said there are some
indicators which seem to always be present, no matter the country or era, and these
have been identified below for your consideration.
4. You are a marketing manager of a textile company that is looking to venture into
international business. The country you want to target first is the UK. You want to start
by exporting to UK. What environmental factors would you keep in mind and how would
you analyse the business environment of the UK?

5. Why is it difficult for a marketer to position products in a culturally diverse nation like

Marketers and marketers typically market products and services and usually use
Western and American culture as a starting point. This is because Western culture has
dominated culture globally for the past hundred years. With the advent of globalization,
foreign cultures have started to make an impact on domestic markets. This is especially
true for Indian culture as Americans are now facing an influx of Indian Americans as
part of their consumer base.

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