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Good day Citinista’s, have you ever wondered how Media and Information evolved? Well, we
will help you to explore how media evolved from pre-industrial age up to the information age.
Let’s dig in to the history of media for us to understand how things came to be in society. This
would be a good opportunity to take a journey back through the ages, and to explore the forms of
media and communication throughout human history.
But first, let us know what media is. Media are the communication outlets or tools used to store
and deliver information or data.
Let’s talk about the first era of media. The pre-industrial age. Pre-industrial age is an era that
evolved before 1700’s. It is also known as the pre historic age. In this era, people discovered
how to make fire through stones, create paper from leaves, and how to create tools with stones,
bronze, copper, and iron.
This means that people in the earlier civilization have already has the skills to convey
information through carving, drawing, and writing with the available resources in the era. This is
the significant development in this era.
Some of the forms of media in this era are Papyrus paper that is around in 2,500BC based on
Britannica dot com it serves as a writing material that is made from papyrus plant, this was also
utilized in the roman empire. Cave Paintings that are around in 35,000BC, based on heritage
daily dot com this form of media serves as a warning for danger, Instructions, and in recording
history and culture. The Clay tablets in 2,400BC based on Britannica dot com it serves as a
writing medium that is made from

Next is the Industrial age, this age lasts from 1700’s to 1930’s. This is where people
discovered the used of power steam, developed machine tools, established iron production, and the
manufacturing of various products including books through the printing press.
In this age, it plays significant role not just on media but also in our economy. This means that in
this age machines are developed that is able to foster production of goods and products. In this
age hand tools were replaced by machineries, communication is made very possible through
telephones and telegraph, and dissemination of information through printing press.
There are five notable mediums in this age. First is the Printing press. Based on Britannica
A printing press is a machine by which text and images are transferred from movable type to
paper or other media by means of ink. This age also paved a way on introducing motion picture.
Next is the type writer, this is a typical machine that is used in typing characters. The telephone,
it is way or means of communication verbally. Telegraph, it is used to communicate information
by coded signal based on Britannica. Telephone and telegraph allowed effective communication
across great distance, this paved a way on the development in communicating information in a
faster and efficient manner.

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