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21st Century Literature - Gemini

Type equation here .

a. The story was told through dialogues
in the social network.
b. These genres are made from phrases
set of words and conversation likes
structure to create or form a complete
thought story.


a. A blog was more of a personal diary a. It can either include fixed sentences,
that people shared online. sentences, paragraphs and so on that
b. Online journal to talk about daily life. are delivered in a random order but
c. The main purpose of a blog is to rest on the page in the same way that
connect you to the relevant audience. traditional poetry does, or it can
d. Blogs need frequent updates. Good include portions of the poem that
example of this include a food blog move/or mutate.
sharing meal recipes or a company writing b. It is normally found online, but CD-
about their industry news. ROM and diskette copies are available.
e. Blog owners update their site with new The oldest references date back to the
blog post on a regular basis. mids - 1980s.

SIMILARITIES BETWEEN TEXT-TALK NOVEL AND BLOG : Text-talk novel and blog were uploaded regularly in
social network.
recorded literature for the readers to easier understand it through listening.
SIMILARITIES BETWEEN BLOG AND HYPER POETRY : Blog and hyper poetry need to have an access through
social network because these kinds of literary genres is modern, therefore it is posted on the internet or social
SIMILARITIES OF ALL : The similarities between text-talk novel, blog, and hyper poetry are that they are both
part of modern literary and use the web for access.

1.What characteristics make these genres similar in terms of elements?

Answer: The characters that make these genres similar in terms of elements because all genres use the web to
share and present stories.
2.What characteristics make these genres similar in terms of structure?
Answer: These genres are similar in terms of structure because they uses web to present their own opinions
and talking about their configuration.


Name: Jasmine Kate M. Macasocol Date : October 4, 2021

Differences in Terms of Differences in Terms of

Structure Similarities Elements

Doodle fiction follow a All of these genres Doodle fictions use

novel or story book type of incorporate drawings, illustration, handwritten elements to write
narration, unlike the Manga and or graphics in telling a story. All of its text and drawing.
Graphic Novels. Doodle fiction these styles, to be even more
shows both text and pictures in obvious, contains pictures that Manga use a very
a way like articles are written, engages viewers effectively. These specific Japanese art style to
while the comic book styles are all from the 21st Century. Each draw the graphics, also they
don't. genre couldn't come into being are read from right to left.
without the assistance of a Elements in manga always
computer or through digital pertain, exclusively, to the
mechanisms. Japanese. These Japanese
elements include culture, the
people, environment, and the

Graphic novels use a

very Americanized art style in
drawing a comic, and must be
read from left to right.

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