Perfect Golf Swing

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As always, the advice of a competent professional should be sought.

John Matherly

Publisher of “The perfect golf swing”

Table of Contents

Lesson 1 5

The set-up - A Master Reference 5

Lesson 2 9

The Grip 9

Lesson 3 16

The Role Of The Golf Swing 16


The three requirements of a sound golf swing 21

Lesson 5 29

The sole purpose of the has absolutely nothing to do with

'generating power' 29

Lesson 6 34

Starting the Swing 34

Lesson 7 41

The Role Of The Body 41

Lesson 8 46

Top of the backswing analysis 46

Lesson 9 52

The cause, effect and cure of backswing problems 52

Lesson 10 63

Direction and power, the purpose of the downswing 63

Lesson 11 68

What you should feel at the top of the backswing 68

Lesson 12 72

Club-face check at the finish - how to monitor every shot 72

Lesson 1
The set-up - A Master Reference

We ask that you pay particular attention what we have to say about the set-up, and to study the
diagrams carefully. Check your position in front of a mirror often, as it is extremely easy to move out of
position, and bad habits are developed quickly. That is why players such as Nick Faldo have someone
who understands the method to check him out regularly and it also why some top players drop away
from contention so quickly. It is not that they have a bad swing it is just that they have moved out of
position without knowing it.

The method you are going to read in these lessons is based on a free swing of the hands and arms.
Just as you freely swing your arms from the shoulder as you walk down the fairway so you must learn
to swing your hands and arms with equal freedom and fluency in your golf action.

You will be given several exercises throughout the various stages of this course which are designed to
achieve this freedom of arm swing.

Therefore the first principle of the swing is... THE GOLF ACTION IS BASED UPON A FREE SWING
OF THE HANDS AND ARMS INDEPENDENT OF THE BODY. The body in fact has nothing to do
with propelling (cause the movement of) the hands and arms at any time.

A correct swing is based upon a free swing of the hands and arms. A bad swing is based upon body
propulsion - an action in which the hands and arms are set in motion by body movement. There is a
profound difference between these two types of action. Try to understand this concept right away. The
sooner you grasp its meaning the better for you.

The role of the body is to create conditions for a free unrestricted swing of the hands and arms. If the
body is correctly positioned at address, and from then on is employed in the correct manner a free
swing of the hands and arms can take place. Conversely, if the body is out of position at the start, and
is subsequently misused in the swing, a free swing is utterly destroyed and the whole action is
wrecked. In short the body moves in response to what the hands and arms are doing. It is never
responsible for creating movement. It has a reactive rather than a creative role.

We show you that a free swing of the hands and arms and the correct sequence of body movements
upon which the former depends, result in a movement in which a swing into and along the intended
line of flight occurs automatically. The swing is so shaped that the club cannot go anywhere but
squarely along the line of flight through impact.

Thus the Leslie King method does not consider curing hooks or slices. This is negative. Rather we will
teach a swing movement in which you will be programmed to achieve a straight and powerful shot
every time you swing.

Note the word swing. We will be stressing it again and again throughout this instruction. We insist that
you 'swing' the club, not 'hit' the ball.

Firstly we ask that you start by swinging your arms backwards and forwards. This is the foundation of
the swing. The body does not move when you do this. In the golf swing also the body doesn't move,
rather it responds to the movement which has been started by the swing. This is a vital concept. You
really must grasp this idea if you are ever to develop a reliable swing action. Please think about and
understand it.


The purpose of the set-up is simply to arrange the body for this swing of the hands and arms. A bad
set-up impedes the swing... or even renders it

impossible. A good set-up anticipates the hand and arm swing. Indeed, it is
dictated by the intention to swing the hands and arms. Always remember
this when you are setting-up for a shot

Essentially, the golf set-up is a fluid one. There is absolutely no tension or

rigidity and the legs, especially, are flexed and supple.

There is no room in the golf set-up for a stiff legged stance. It should be
avoided at all costs.

The swing of the hands and arms depends entirely upon a correct
basic posture. The correct basic position is the key to success.

1. Stand normally, chest out, with the width between the feet equal to that
of your shoulders.

2. Bend the body forward from the waist. This

means that the back will be reasonably straight -
definately not hunched or curved. We stress that
you bend forward from the waist as if you were
going to bow to someone. As you do so, allow
the knees to flex as in the illustration.

3. If you have difficulty in achieving this bend

forward from the waist, take a club, and with one
hand at each end place the shaft horizontally
across the top of your legs. Now bend forward,
exerting a backward pressure on the club so that
your seat is pushed back and out. This ensures
a correct forward bend from the waist. Now
stand erect again and assume the correct body
position. Repeat this exercise often.

4. From the correct bending forward position, place the hands
and arms in position as if you were holding a club. Note that the
upper arms are NOT resting on the chest. Quite the contrary,
they are held clear of the body so that they can swing freely,
independent of the body correctly from the waist line. The knees
of course, are flexed. This is vital.

5. The exercise. Once having

perfected the bending forward
posture, place the arms in the
position they would be in when
holding a club ... but with the palms
of your hands about a foot apart as
in the illustration. Now practice
swinging the arms upwards to about
head height and down
again......without altering the attitude
of your body. You must NOT allow
your body to rise up as you swing
the arms up. This is essential and
by doing this exercise correctly we
feel perhaps for the first time, that
the arms can swing freely from the
shoulder joints, quite independent of
the body.

Indeed if you allow the body to rise up as the hands and arms swing up, you actually diminish the
capacity of the hands and arms to swing. Can you feel that?

This is a vital lesson that you must learn - to swing the HANDS AND ARMS WHILE THE BODY

If you "go with" the club as it swings back you will surely destroy the swing. In fact going with the club
is "body propulsion".........exactly what we have warned you against!

Get your position right, and repeat this exercise often. It is your first experience of " freeing off" the
hands and the arms from the body.

We have dealt with the correct body position in some detail because it is extremely important. Indeed it
is the very foundation of your swing for two reasons.

1. It promotes and makes possible a free swing of the hands and arms.

2. It creates the conditions for correct use of the feet and legs in the swing which has a vital bearing on
power and accuracy. For the moment we will say that a very upright position at address is a "weak"
position of the body that inhibits correct use of the feet and legs in the swing.

The basic stance - foundation of the golf swing.



1. Bend forward from the waist.

2. The back must be straight with the head held up.

3. The rump should protrude to the rear.

4. The arms must be held clear of the chest.

5. The knees must be flexed.

Perfect this body position by using a full length mirror if necessary. It must be correct in every
detail if you are to benefit from the lessons that follow over the next few weeks.

Lesson 2
The Grip

Part 1. Left Hand

Perhaps the oldest cliche in golf instruction is

that a sound grip is the foundation of a sound
swing. Every golf book ever written contains
a chapter about the grip. With every detail of
the grip lavishly illustrated. Unfortunately, the
function of the grip in the swing is less
frequently discussed. If it were, players would
have a better understanding of the
importance of an "orthodox" grip, and how to
achieve it.

As the details of the orthodox grip are so well known, how is it that so few golfers actually
possess such a grip? The tragic fact is that the orthodox golf grip simply will not work for most
players... they have too many errors in their swing actions to live with it! Most of them spend
years searching for a grip . . . any grip . . . that will minimise the errors in their swings. Hence
the endless variety of grotesque grips one sees on the course.

Go to any golf range. Most of the victims can be seen fiddling with their grips, experimenting endlessly
in the hope that natural selection will provide them with a position that will reduce, or eliminate the
slice. They should, of course, be rebuilding their swings, not their grips!

So get your grip right, and stick to it. If you can't play golf with an orthodox grip, it's your swing that
needs attention . . . not your grip. You can't cure a bad swing with an equally bad grip.

It is not generally appreciated that the set-up and grip are closely inter- related. A poor set-up makes a
good grip more difficult, and a bad grip affects the set-up. This is important. So relate what is said
about the grip to what I say elsewhere about the set-up, particularly of the arms. They are the two
sides of the same coin.

Like every other aspect of the swing, common sense principles govern the "orthodox" golf grip. You
should be aware of them.

First, what is the role of the grip, in the swing? In all "bat and ball" sports we aim to get the striking
surface of the "bat" (or racquet, club, etc.) moving squarely along the intended line of flight of the ball.
If the face of the striking implement is not moving squarely along the intended line of flight, sidespin is
imparted to the ball, and it does not fly straight.

A correct grip simply enables one to swing the club backwards (to the top), and return it to the ball (in
the downswing) so that the club-face is both square to the intended line of flight (as it was at address),
and travelling along the intended line of flight at impact, and slightly beyond.

A so called "good grip" will, barring other complications in the swing, bring about these two
requirements. "Bad grips" make the attainment of these two conditions almost impossible.

The Left Hand.

General Principles

Left hand Grip

1. With the club correctly soled in front of you, align the open left palm to the shaft so that the back of
the left hand squarely faces the target.

2. Close the left hand on the shaft. The thumb will be on top of the shaft at this stage, vertically aligned
with the centre of the shaft.

3. We now turn the entire left hand slightly to the right as illustrated, so that the left thumb moves to
the right side of the shaft . . . just a little. We have turned the left hand in this way simply to establish
muscular contact between the fingers and wrist of the hand . . . and the left forearm. That is all. This
adjustment "firms up" the entire hand and wrist. You can feel this quite distinctly. The left hand and
arm can now act as a single unit, swinging the club with control. The thumb on top of the shaft
(position 2) is a "weak" position of the hand in which the wrist has too much freedom to hinge. This
makes control of the club-face much more difficult.

Angle of the shaft

With the club correctly soled in front of you,

apply the open left hand to the shaft. Note
carefully the angle of the shaft across the base
of the fingers. This is critical. It runs from the
middle knuckle of the forefinger to a point just
below the base of the little finger.

Spacing of fingers

Close the hand on the shaft. Note that the last three fingers are close together. The forefinger makes a
slight gap with the next finger to help support the thumb.

The thumb opposes the fore-finger, and is slightly off-centre, on the right of the shaft. NEVER ON TOP
OF THE SHAFT, remember!

The position of the left thumb, key to power and control...

1. Correct

The position of the left thumb on the shaft is critical. I have said
that it should favour the right side of the shaft (picture 1), and is
placed in this position by rotating the hand as described earlier.

The purpose of this adjustment was to establish muscular unity

between the fingers, wrist and forearm, welding all together into a
firm, controllable unit. The left arm hand can now swing through
the ball with firmness and authority, holding the face of the club
square through the ball.

To test this for yourself, place the left hand correctly on the shaft
as described, and grasp the left forearm with the right hand. Note
that when the arm and hand is correctly placed on the shaft the
possibility of independent wrist movement (breaking or rolling of
the wrist through the ball) is eliminated. The hand and arm is firm,
and will remain so through the stroke.

Further, by placing the left hand (and especially the thumb)

correctly on the shaft, one establishes the correct left arm position
(see the "arm-set") that we require in the set-up.

2. Wrong

In contrast, note what happens when the left

thumb is on top of the shaft. Again, grasp the
left forearm with the right hand. Note that the
left wrist is capable of both break and roll
movements when the left hand is incorrectly
placed in the grip. This "looseness" is bound to
occur through impact, leading to wayward

That is why the placement of the left thumb is

so important. It establishes a position of the left
hand and arm which is powerful, leading to
enhanced control of the club-face through the

Firmness Test

Having completed the

left hand grip, raise the
head of the club with
the left thumb OFF the
shaft. If the grip is
correct, the fingers will
be holding the shaft
secure against the
fleshy pad at the heel
of the hand.

The left hand is the key to club-face control in the swing. Be sure it is correctly applied to the shaft.

The Grip

Part 2. Right Hand

As a general guide to the placement of the right hand on the grip,

consider how you would place the right hand if you were going to
strike something with the palm of that hand. Quite simply, you
would strike the object with the palm vertical, thumb upper-most,
as illustrated.

You would not place the hand in either of the positions shown in
the smaller drawings, would you? The blow would lack power . . .
and you would probably hurt your hand in the process. Hence
grips in which the right hand is either on top of, or under the shaft
have no logical basis whatsoever! Thus, the right hand is placed
on the shaft so that the palm squarely faces the target. this is
the sole guiding principle for the placement of the right hand in the

Wrong basic hand positions

The right palm and the blade are


Both squarely face the target By placing the right hand in the grip with the palm facing the
target, we immediately establish the idea that the right palm
and the face of the club are aligned at all times. This is a
useful concept to bear in mind as, we now know that the
position of the

right hand anywhere in the swing sequence will be reflected

by the angle and position of the blade.

In the correct grip, the right palm squarely faces the target.

Unifying the hands to

complete the grip ...

Place the open palm of the right hand alongside the shaft. The palm is thus aligned with the face of
the club . . . that is, they are both "looking" directly at the target. That is how they must stay. Close the
two middle fingers round the shaft, with the upper of these two fingers drawn closely against the
forefinger of the left hand. Now loop the right little-finger over the left forefinger, so that it rests in the

space between the first two fingers of the left hand. This placement of the fingers establishes a close
unity of the two hands, and is known as the Vardon overlapping grip. It has been employed by most of
the world's great players, and has stood the test of time. I thoroughly recommend it to you.


The right thumb should lie diagonally across the shaft.

Now to the right thumb and forefinger. The bent right forefinger fits snugly under the shaft, slightly
separated from the other fingers. The placing of the right thumb is vital. It is never pressed on the top
of the shaft, or still worse, on the right side of the shaft. It should lie diagonally across the shaft with
its tip close to, or touching the tip of the right forefinger.

The grip, especially of the right hand, is mainly in the fingers. No ham-fisted palm grips please!

Get your grip right... and keep it that way!

Pressure points of the GRIP

The pressure points of the grip are with the last three fingers of the left hand, and the two middle
fingers of the right hand. In other words, there is absolutely no pressure between the thumbs and
index fingers of either hand. If there is, the wrists and forearms are stiffened, and the swing becomes

Remember, we grip the club to swing it. We cannot swing anything effectively with a fierce grip. Golf
is not a game of force, so don't grip the club as if it were an axe. A sensitive, yet firm finger grip is what
is required. No more . . . no less.

Grip pressure points. Last three fingers of the left hand.

Middle two fingers of the right hand. No great pressure
between the thumb and index finger of either hand.

Finally, I repeat again. Acquire a correct grip . . . and stick to it, no
matter what. If your grip is correct, and your shots are still going off
line you must look to your swing to discover the error. You simply
cannot cure a bad swing by making remedial alterations to a
correct grip. In doing so you are simply compounding error!

Get your grip right, and then leave it alone.

Lesson 3
The Role Of The Golf Swing

We have covered the set-up and address at some length.......and quite rightly. These fundamentals
are often overlooked by amateur and pro alike, yet they are absolutely vital to good golf. Time taken in
checking your grip, set-up and address alignment is never wasted.

Now we are nearing the first phase of the swing movement...the Backswing. But first, lets pause to ask
a very fundamental question....WHAT ARE WE TRYING TO DO IN THE GOLF SWING? It is essential
to answer this question CLEARLY....and keep that answer in mind all of the time. It is a remarkable
fact that few golfers have a really clear idea of what they are trying to achieve with their swings.

The job of the golf swing....

A square impact into and along the intended line of flight

First we are trying to propel the ball straight from point A to point B ...
from where it lies to a selected target area. This establishes the concept
of a line from the ball to the target ....the INTENDED LINE OF FLIGHT.

Clearly, if the ball is to move along the intended line of flight, the club-
possible before and after impact.

This holds good for every golf stroke, from the putt to the drive.

With this central idea in mind, we can define the job of the golf swing.



This is the guiding principle for everything that we do in building a new swing.

If ever your swing "goes off" it is because these conditions are not being met.
Indeed, we can say that a good swing brings about these conditions, and a
bad swing does not. It is as simple as that!

The 'long apex' ... a straight, sustained contact with the ball through impact

Thus, we see that it is the section of the swing arc between the feet...the impact zone...that is the key
area. It is what happens here that determines the quality of the shot. This area I term THE APEX OF

As I said earlier, the club head must be moving squarely along the intended line of flight BEFORE THE
BALL IS STRUCK ...and REMAIN on that line well AFTER IMPACT.

The longer the club head remains on the intended line of flight through impact, the better. Or as the
Americans put it, we aim to hit the ball FOR A LONG TIME!

This DRIVING FORWARD OF THE BALL is what produces the long accurate shot that can hold its
direction in wind. This is the quality of impact that compresses the golf ball on the club-face like a fried
egg at the moment of impact. This is the type of impact that leads to powerful, accurate shot-making,
and low scores.

I said that the impact zone of the swing was the APEX. Now I want you to think in terms of a LONG

That is what the golf swing is all about. That is why we stand square to the intended line of flight. That
is why the swing plane must be properly aligned. That is why we must be aware of "CLUB-LINE" .. or
the direction that the club-head is taking through the ball.

Never lose sight of this vital concept of CLUB-LINE THROUGH THE BALL.

It is not enough merely to hit the ball ....the club must swing squarely along the intended line of
flight through impact and beyond

Programme for Immediate Improvement

A Vital Exercise- "FRONT END THERAPY"

I am now going to introduce you to an exercise which will prepare you for the new backswing that you
will learn in a later lesson.

This exercise, which I call front-end therapy has quickly transformed swings and scores of thousands
of players because it establishes an early principle that we must swing freely into and along the
intended line of flight with a square blade...driving the ball powerfully forward. This creates both
accuracy and power.

You may find it novel that we are dealing with the "front end" (the through swing) of the movement
first, before correcting the backswing. However, it is fact that unless your movement through the ball is
correct (a square impact into and along the intended line of flight), the best backswing in the world is of
no avail at all! After all, the backswing itself is shaped by the intention to swing squarely along the
intended line of flight through impact.

So we get the most important part of the movement right first. Then we add it to a correct backswing.

The Most Common Problem In Golf

All poor players, without exception, start the downswing by turning the shoulders first, while the feet
remain static. This, of course, throws the club out of line from the top, and any possibility of a correct
downswing is instantly ruined

In fact, in a correct downswing, the body should unwind from the feet…….up. This means that the feet
and legs should come into play first with the shoulders unwinding last! In other words, the shoulder line
must never run ahead of the hip line in the downswing.

exercise shows you how to acquire good foot and leg action…



First, assume the correct address position and, with a 7 iron in your hands, "free off" the arms by
moving them up and down in front of you as described earlier.( Lesson 1) Remember to keep the
height constant….. do not allow the body to rise up as you swing the club up!

The purpose of this exercise, you will remember, is to get the feeling that the hands and arms can
swing freely from the shoulders while the body retains its position.

We are now going to apply this principle to the swing movement.


1. Ground the club as if you were addressing the ball.

2. Move the club-head forward ….. along the intended

line of flight …. But ensure the right heel immediately
comes off the ground, and the right knee begins to fold
in towards the left. NOTE. Do not allow your body to
rise up or move in the direction of the hand and arm

3. As the hands and arms swing the

club up to about shoulder height
(Note the blade is dead square), the
right heel is well clear of the ground
and the weight has moved to the
inside of the right foot. The right knee
has moved progressively closer in
toward the left knee. The player's
height has NOT increased!
4 & 5 As the hands and arms swing
the club up to a finish, the right foot
comes up on to the toe.
6. The finish of the stroke. The right
knee is now alongside the left. The
right foot is now balanced up on the
toe, and the foot is vertical. THIS IS
MOST IMPORTANT. The player now
drops their hands to waist level and
checks the blade is still square, as it
was at address.

Do this exercise slowly at first, and be sure to bring the right foot and knee into play as soon as the
exercise begins. Then, place a ball down, and , taking a short backswing of about two feet, go into the
exercise again…..this time striking the ball.




By doing this exercise we acquire "swing" and "club-line".

We establish again that the hands and arms swing the club in the golf movement. The shoulders react
to this swing by turning after impact simply and solely to permit the swing to progress freely up to the
finish of the stroke. In so doing, the clubhead remains squarely on the line of flight for an extended
period of time. This is what good "club-line" through the ball means.

If the shoulders are moving the club, a line through the ball cannot be achieved. The club comes
abruptly off line after …. And often before…impact, with disastrous results.

Only the hands and arms can swing on line, through the ball. Thus, the shoulders must be square at
impact if the club is to meet the ball squarely … and then the shoulders turn to enable the hands and
arms to continue to swing freely on the line through impact and beyond. This is what creates accuracy
and power.

I say again, if the body rises up or "goes with" the club as it swings through impact, club-line is lost and
the swing of the arms and hands is totally destroyed.

This results in a correct finish, as in
illustration A. If the shoulders
unwind first, the result is the
posture in illustration B. Clearly the
club-head had not remained on
line, and therefore the ball will not
fly straight.

By mastering this exercise your shot making must immediately improve. Correct leg and foot action is
enabling your shoulders to unwind last, hence the shoulders are square at impact, creating a square
contact with the ball. Then, your shoulders unwind after impact (never, never before) to permit the
hands and arms to continue swinging freely from the shoulders, holding the line as they do so.

You are, in fact, swinging the club squarely in the direction that you want the ball to go. Along the line
of flight!

Misuse of the shoulders creates a circular arc through the ball which of course, can never result in a
straight shot.

So swing freely, and you will hold your "line".

Unwind with the shoulders and you will destroy that line.

And the key to it all is correct foot and leg action!

Lesson 4
The three requirements of a sound golf swing
The golf swing MUST ACHIEVE three vital conditions in order to be effective.

Few golfers are aware of them, and even fewer actually achieve them and I include pros in this

The swing movement that I am about to describe in the following lessons is designed to
AUTOMATICALLY produce these three requirements.


1. Line at impact

The club head must be travelling along the intended line of flight through the impact area. Only
a correct left-hand and arm swing coupled with a correct body movement can achieve this line
down into the ball.


There is no other way of doing it. Most golfers misuse the body in the swing, thus destroying club-line
into the ball. If the club head is not swinging "on-line" you cannot hope to consistently hit straight

2 Square impact

The club-head must swing "on-line", but it must also be square to the
intended line of flight through impact.... AND BEYOND!

To be specific, THE LEADING EDGE of the club (iron or wood) must be

square (at right angles) to the intended line of flight through impact, This is
largely achieved by a correct grip, and a correct hand action throughout the
swing. A correct body movement also contributes to a square impact ......just
as an incorrect one destroys squareness.

3 Off the middle


with both irons and woods.

An "on-line", square impact off the middle of the face is what we must
achieve .... and it is by no means common.

I have seen many tournament pros who are incapable of hitting three
consecutive balls off the middle of the face!

Hitting off the heel and toe is a sure sign of an incorrect line through impact. Actually, hitting off the toe
is far more serious a fault than hitting off the "shank", as a club-line is much more "out-to-in" with the
toe shots than with the shots off the "pipe".

Thus a correct swing leads to a correct club-line. Correct grip and hand action create a square impact.
Given both of these, the ball will come off the middle of the face.

The address position

In taking up the address position we are arranging the body so

that we can swing the club-head along the intended line of flight.
We are, in effect, adjusting the "aim" of the swing.

We have decided where we want the ball to go, and we have

selected the club with the required loft to take it there. We have
established the intended line of flight from point A to point B.
Now in order to direct the swing along the intended line of flight,
we must place the toes level on an imaginary line that is parallel
with the intended line of flight.

The shoulders, too, must be parallel with that line.

This parallel arrangement of the toes and shoulders is known as the square stance.

If the right foot alone is drawn slightly back from the line the stance is said to be "closed".

If the left foot alone is drawn slightly back from the line, the stance is said to be "open".

For the vast majority of shots I recommend a strictly square stance. If you want to withdraw the right
foot slightly when using a driver, do so. But be sure that your shoulders remain parallel to the intended
line of flight.

A closed stance encourages rolling of the hands through impact - which is why most handicappers
cannot use a driver. They literally smother the shot.

I will not quarrel with a slightly open stance. But I said slightly - and again- the shoulders must be

I strongly recommend you do not experiment with open or closed stances. We want to swing along the
intended line of flight so let us stand square to it.

Moving the feet and shoulders about merely alters the direction of the swing, and leads to
complications. We are looking for a standardised procedure, remember, so let's adopt a square

Position is mainly a matter of aligning the direction of the swing to the target - "aiming" correctly. It
goes without saying that unless we align correctly at address, the ball will not go where we intend it to

Few golfers take enough time over this vital alignment, and others think they are correctly aligned
when they are not.

When practising, do not shrink from placing a club down on the ground beyond the ball so that it is
parallel with the intended line of flight. By using this datum line, you can be sure that you are lining up

Visit any golf range and you see golfers who have not even selected a target to aim at - so the matter
of alignment never arises! This is a sheer waste of time and effort. Always aim at a specific target, and
be sure to align correct to it. This is basic common sense.

The questions of direction and distance must be resolved before we settle down to make the stroke.
Uncertainty leads to tension and error.

Standing to the Ball

Aligning the club-face to the hands - the arm set is established

We have now established a correct grip and we understand the need for a correct set-up of the arms.
We must now learn to address the ball correctly and squarely, incorporating the features we have
discussed so far.

First, to establish correct alignment of the

club-face to the hands, grip the club
correctly and extend the arms and club out
in front of you as illustrated. Now check that
the elbows "bow" out slightly and then
check that the leading edge of the club-face
is vertical ( i.e. square) and correctly
aligned with the hands.

Now, without altering the angle formed by the shaft and the arms (angle A) lower the
head of the club and ground it behind the ball.....

Grounding the club

While your are lowering the head of the club you will, of course, bend forward from the waist and flex
the knees. This places the club-head roughly equidistant between the feet.....and club shaft, hands
and head, align down the centre of the body. In this way exaggeration at address is avoided.

This method of aligning the face of the club to the hands, and of grounding the club correctly should
become routine. It enables us to retain all the features of the set-up that we have considered

This simple drill will automatically ensure a correct position at address, free from stiffness, contortion
or exaggeration.

How far from the ball at address? A drill

Many players have difficulty deciding how far from the ball they should stand at address.

Naturally with the woods you will be further from the ball than you are with short irons, but for all types
of shots, I recommend a drill which will both place you at the correct distance from the ball, and
automatically, place the shaft at the correct angle to the ground.

Take up your grip, and square the club-face to it. Now extend the arms and the club straight out in
front of you. Avoid any forcing or stiffening of the arms. Remember, the elbows should "bow" out
slightly at address. Now, maintaining the angle thus formed between shaft and the arms, ground the
club behind the ball and move the feet into position.

Both distance from the ball and shaft angle are now correct - and this drill holds good for all clubs.

In establishing the correct shaft angle, we also resolve the question of the correct position of the
hands at address. Far too many players hold their hands too low at address - few hold them too high.
Holding the hands low at address is a major cause of excessive wrist action in the swing. A vice to be
avoided at all costs!

Build this drill routine into your address procedure and you kill three birds with one stone!

Address procedure

First, stand behind the ball looking in the direction of the intended shot, and establish an imaginary line
to the target. At the same time, pick out a distant landmark or object (bush, tree, post, church spire
etc) directly beyond the target area to serve as a specific aiming point.

You have already chosen the club to give you the required distance for the shot you intend to play.
You now have a specific object at which to aim. Thus direction and distance have been resolved, and
you can concentrate solely on the stroke.

While this process of evaluating the shot has been going on, the good player will have been sub-
consciously forming his grip on the club, and "feeling" the stroke in his hands. He will check the club-
face is squared to his grip, and then he will approach the ball and ground the club behind it.

In grounding the club, he will ensure that the face of the club is square (at right angles) to the intended
line of flight.

He will then position his feet with frequent reference to the aiming point that he has previously
selected. having placed his feet, he is ready to play his shot.

Note that the positioning of the feet came LAST.

The average golfer often reverses the procedure, placing his feet first, then vaguely grounding the club
he juggles with his grip in an attempt to get the club-face square. There is no logical sequence in his
method and his last minute grip adjustments account for the fact that his grip is never the same one
shot from the next.

We have already said that golf is a game of consistency. So let's be
consistent and develop correct routines for everything. Good golf is
largely a matter of forming good habits.

Here once again, is the routine:

1 Evaluate the shot

2. Take up your grip and square the club face to it.

3. Ground the club correctly behind the ball.

4. Now place the feet into position.

The arms should bow out slightly at address

The grip, and the set-up of the arms are very
closely related. A poor arm set-up makes a
good grip more difficult, and a bad grip
affects the arm set-up. This is not generally

Contortions of the arms at address are common

among golfers, resulting I fear, from bad advice.

Contorted arms are stiff arms, and you cannot

freely swing a rigid limb.

I have told you to hold the arms clear of the body.

Now, to achieve a correct arm set-up, simply
bring the hands together in front of you, palms
facing each other (you do not need to hold a club
for this) and close the hands as if you were
placing them on a club - right hand below the left.
Now look at your arms. The first thing you will
notice (if they are relaxed) is that the arms bow
out slightly at the elbows. This is exactly the set-
up we want. Check it in front of a mirror.

There is no straightening or stiffening of the arms whatsoever. Neither is there any twisting inwards of
the elbows to bring them close together, as has been advised by some eminent players who do not
themselves set the arms that way.

The set-up I require is quite easy to achieve. Don't complicate it needlessly.

It is very important that you achieve the arm set-up that I have described. It will save you a lot of
heartache later on, as a poor arm set-up profoundly affects your play.

I have started by correcting the arm set-up of many top players, which has automatically resolved
other problems at the top of the swing.

I cannot overstress the importance of a good arm set-up.

Lesson 5
The sole purpose of the backswing is to
correctly position the club at the top... has absolutely nothing to do with
'generating power'
You have probably been told that the purpose of the backswing is to generate power. Forget it!
It does nothing of the kind.

The backswing is a POSITIONAL MOVEMENT. You do not hit the ball on the backswing....that comes
later!. You are merely correctly positioning the club at the top of the swing.....aligning it
accurately.....for the downswing into and along the intended line of flight. If the club is out of position at
the top a correct downswing will be virtually impossible without some compensatory movement!

Actually the backswing has a great deal of common with the set-up and address positions. In the set-
up we positioned the body for a free swing of the left hand and aim. At address we adopted a square
stance so that 'aim' of the swing would be right. Now again in the backswing, we are simply positioning
the club... and the body...for the downswing into the ball ...and along the intended line of flight.

In other words the backswing is a precision movement...and like all other precision movements it is
performed at moderate speed and with the absence of force. It is vital to see the backswing as a
"passive" phase of the swing movement. If you associate it with power and force you will never get the
club into position at the top and the swing will be wrecked.

Forget all you have read about the "coiled up power of the backswing" and the resistance between the
club and the shoulders that is unleashed into the ball in the downswing" etc etc. These concepts are
sheer dynamite and stem from the myth that the downswing is for "generating power".

Think of a marksman taking aim on his target!. He does it calmly and with precision. The rifle must be
correctly aligned before he pulls the trigger. Likewise an archer. He positions his bow with precision
before releasing the arrow. That is all we are doing in the backswing. Aligning the club correctly in
preparation for the "release". If it is not correctly aligned (or aimed of you prefer) like the marksman or
the archer, we are sure to be off target. It is as simple as that!

I have already referred to a "correct position at the top". this requires definition, and why is it so


The left arm and hand swings the club up into this position.The role of the body is to create the
conditions for this full arm swing.

From this CORRECT TOP-OF-THE-SWING POSITION the left hand and arm can REVERSE
DIRECTION SMOOTHLY into the downswing and achieve a blow into and along the intended line of

But if the shaft does not achieve this correct position at the top and is mis-aligned...that is, pointing
either to the right or left of the target....a downward swing into and along the intended line of flight will
be IMPOSSIBLE without compensatory movement in the downswing. Such compensatory movements
are the beginnings of an unsound action. We want to keep the movement as simple as possible, with
all superflous motion eliminated.

Golfers fail to achieve a correct position at the top for two main reasons. First they do not turn fully in
the backswing so that the club can never reach the correct position and, second they do not employ
the body in the right way. They allow it to hinder rather than assist the swing. We are bound to see
how a full turn is achieved and how the body turn is "shaped" and controlled so that it assists the
swing of the left hand and arm instaed of destroying that swing.

Why a full shoulder turn is necessary

Your backswing though should NOT be about about "a full
shoulder turn to generate power". Rather, you should think in
terms of a full shoulder turn TO ALLOW THE LEFT HAND AND
TOP. From there it can swing down again innto the ball on a
correct line through impact. This is what creates power and

The illustration on the left shows what happens when the back
swing is incomplete. The club is out of position at the top and
therefore a correct downswing line (into and along the intended
line of flight) cannot be achieved. An out-to-in clubline is almost
certain to result.

released at a later stage in the downswing. Don't run ahead of the correct sequence!

Many of the world's top golfers assert that a "full shoulder turn is necessary for power". I have already
said that the backswing has nothing to do with generating power. Its purpose is simply to correctly
position the club at the top in readiness for the downward swing.

I think it is a mistake to associate the backswing with power. After all, you don't hit the ball on the
backswing. That comes later. Thinking of power tends to make the backswing quick and jerky, and this
results in an incomplete turn.

We now know what we want to achieve in the backswing. Now let's consider how it is done.

I have already stressed at length that the golf action consists mainly of a FREE SWING OF THE LEFT
HAND AND ARM to the top...and down again into and through the ball. A correct body turn makes this
swing possible. It does not cause the movement of the left hand and arm at any time. By turning
correctly the body creates the conditions for full leverage of the left hand and arm. We will now see
precisely why the left hand and arm is paramount in the swing. First, the swing of the left hand and
arm imparts MOVEMENT to the club-head at all times in the swing. Second, the left arm and hand
controls DIRECTION (club-line) that the club-head takes into the swing. Third, the swing of the left
hand and arm creates SWING PLANE and finally, the angle of the club-face is CONTROLLED by the
left hand.

Hence MOVEMENT, DIRECTION, SWING PLANE and CONTROL, are all governed by the swing of
the left hand and arm! That is why I maintain that the swinging of the left hand and arm is the basis of
the golf swing itself.

Now lets take a look at the complete backswing movement. Here it is in essence wth the left hand and
arm swinging the club to the top, and the body turning in a controlled manner to ceate the conditions
for the full swing.

Note that the swinging movement of the arm and hand alone has created the swing plane. The left
hand, the club-shaft and club-head have moved on the plane at all times....and they will remain on the
same plane in the downswing, thus ensuring an impact into and along the intended line of flight.
Remember that!

Actually, the swinging of the club with the left hand and arm alone is a most valuable exercise. It is
literally the essence of the backswing and helps to develop "left side control" in the swing. But do it
reasonable slowly and be sure to get the club shaft positioned correctly at the top as it is shown in the

Above all, try to sense how a correct body turn promotes a full swing of the left hand and arm. An
incorrect turn destroys the capacity of the arm to swing! Remember, a correct body turn and a full, free
swing of the left hand and arm are complimentary. We cannot have one without the other. but the

By achieving a correct body movement the left hand an arm is freed to swing to the FULLEST
EXTENT and can develop MAXIMUM LEVERAGE. Once you have acquired this movement your
game must improve!

In the next lesson I shall be discussing the method for starting the backskwing and the causes and
effects of an incorrect takeaway.

Lesson 6
Starting the Swing
The method

We are correctly set-up to the ball and are ready to begin the
backswing. How exactly does the swing start? The movement back
from the ball is made by the LEFT HAND and ARM. You do not need
a club in your hands to discover this. Simply assume the correct set-
up position with the left hand and arm extended, thumb uppermost.
pointed the fingertips at the ball. Now keeping the shoulders stiff
simply move the left hand and arm backwards from the ball taking
care not to alter the vertical alignment of the palm (in other words
don't roll the wrist).

Note that the correct takeaway line is not straight back from the ball as some teachers insist. Neither
have you to make any conscious effort to steer your hand into the "inside takeaway". It is a perfectly
natural arc back from the ball. Do not complicate it!

DESIRE. So we see that good club-line begins the moment the club-head is set in motion.

Any other method of starting the takeaway will produce a different takeaway, and consequently a
different swing plane....and if the plane of the swing is misaligned the club must be OUT OF

The swing is started by a backward
movement of the left hand and arm

Now let us repeat the left hand and

arm movement with a club in the
hand. Keep the shoulders still and
move the clubhead back moving the
left hand and arm as described. Now
since the shoulders are square (at
address) the left hand and arm can
only move the clubhead back
towards the ball, along the arc for a
distance of about a foot before being
blocked by the square position of the
shoulders. Try this.

It is at this point in the backswing movement that the shoulders should begin to turn.... and

They now turn to allow the left hand and arm, and the clubhead to continue to swing freely back along
the line of the arc..... all the way to the top of the swing. Thus, we see in action the principle that the
body does not propel the arms. Quite the reverse. The hand and arm starts the swinging movement
and the body responds by turning to assist (not cause) the swing. Understanding this is vital!

I warn again. If the takeaway is started by a turn and dip of the shoulders you will not achieve the
correct takeaway line ... and consequently, the alignment of your swing plane will be wrong.

The essence of the takeaway

To understand the nature of the takeaway think of the
simple chip shot. In it the backswing is performed
entirely with the hands and arms. No body or shoulder
movement is involved. If the shoulders turned, the club
would be taken off line. It is the same with other shots,
and this is the key to the start of the full shot. Start the
drive as you would start the chip... with the left hand
and arm alone. Then add the body movement (the
shoulder turn) at the proper time simply to allow the
swing to progress further, clear to the top.

The full shot is merely an extension of the chip, with the

shoulder and body turn added simply to permit the
swing to progress fully.

I have defined in detail how the takeaway is made and I have said that any other way of starting the
swing is incorrect. Why must this initial movement be so precise? Because only the correct takeaway
line can produce a correctly aligned swing plane. An error of line in the takeaway must inevitably result
in a misaligned swing plane.

A correct takeaway line creates a correct swing


The most common takeaway error is discussed

shortly, but before passing on to that I want to
warn you against two common pieces of advice
about the takeaway. The first is to take the club-
head straight back from the ball and the second is
to take the club back on the inside.

Taking the club "straight back" leads to a left shoulder drop, a sway to the right, a collapsed left side,
and worst of a all a very steep or "upright" swing plane, making a correct downswing line almost

Taking the club back on an exaggerated "inside path" is equally wrong. It places the club "across line"
at the top, with the shaft pointing to the right of the target, again, making a correct downswing line
more difficult.

In the correct takeaway the swing of the left hand and arm takes the club-head automatically on the
inside path at the proper time. It cannot do otherwise. This natural "inside arc" is what creates the
correct swing plane.

The difference between a "straight back" takeaway, an "inside takeaway", and a "correct takeaway" is
demonstrated in this lesson. Note that each of the three takeaway lines MUST result in different swing

The wrists must not roll in the takeaway

We have now got the club moving back from the ball on a correct line. This will automatically place us
the swing plane that we desire.

Now we must look at another takeaway error which seriously affects accuracy. It the matter of wrist

The vast majority of players roll their wrists open or closed during the takeaway, thus altering the
alignment of the face of the club to the ball. the club face was square at address and it must REMAIN
SQUARE THROUGHOUT THE SWING. Then, when it is returned to the ball at impact it will STILL BE
SQUARE or at right angles to the intended line of flight.

So let us start with a guiding principle. It is this:

AT ALL TIMES. By the "club face" I mean the leading edge of the club.

By observing this simple rule, wrist rolling can be avoided.

Club Face Check - the halfway stage

The wrists must not roll during the takeaway

At the halfway stage of the backswing the club face will be vertical if no wrist rolling has taken place.
Clockwise roll will place the club face "open" at this stage.
Anti-clockwise roll will place the club in a "shut" position, that is looking at the ground.

From the correct "square" position at the halfway stage, the left hand and arm will swing to the top,
placing the face at the correct angle at the top of the swing.

The other two positions (open and closed) will result in an incorrect club face angle at the top and
unless some correction is made in the downswing the blade will also be mis-aligned at impact....and
inaccuracy is bound to be the result.

An Incorrect Takeaway - the causes and effects...

There are two pieces of golfing advice which, in my experience, are guaranteed to ruin the takeaway.
They are: "hold the club-head low to the ground in the takeaway" and "take the club-head, hands,
arms and shoulders back in one piece".

We have already seen that the takeaway is NOT "one-piece". The hands and arms start the
movement. Then the shoulders begin to turn to allow the swing to continue to the top. This implies a
genuine swing of the left hand and arm.

In the "one-piece" takeaway the club, hands and arms are being set in motion by turning the
shoulders. This is what I call the "body propelling the hands and the arms". This is not a swing at all. It
is a stiff, locked movement which actually destroys totally the swing of the left hand and arm. It leads
to a lot of errors, as we shall see

Left - The hands and club are being moved by body action

Right - The correct way

Attempting to "hold the club low to the ground" in the takeaway is supposed to give a player a "wide
arc". In fact, it does the reverse. In trying to hold the club "low to the ground" the left arm reaches back
and down....and the left shoulder dips down with it. This brings about the collapse of the left side and a
downward.drop of the head. (see illustration). Again, any possibility of a left hand and arm swing is
destroyed. Now, with the arm swing blocked by the body, a player must look to his wrists to keep the
club-head moving. This early wrist break completely destroys any chance of a "wide arc".

This type of takeaway is extremely common. Try to understand it, and compare it with the correct

In the correct takeaway, the left shoulder, hand and arm SWINGS THE CLUB back from the ball. The
shoulders then begin to turn so that the swing can continue FREELY TO THE TOP. In this type of
movement the left shoulder does not dip down towards the ground. Why should it? The left hand and
arm is swinging freely from the shoulder and therefore the left shoulder MAINTAINS ITS HEIGHT
FROM THE GROUND more or less constant.

This type of takeaway swings the club smoothly into the correct
swing plane that we desire. Note again that there has been no
conscious attempt to "steer the club-head inside". it has moved
"inside" quite automatically and at the proper time. Indeed, where
else could it go?

A Typical Bad Takeaway

Here again, we see the incorrect takeaway described earlier, but from
a different angle. The turn of the shoulders is causing the movement of
the club. This is obvious. Notice how the left shoulder is dropping
down! Again I say this is not a is a "body heave" to set the
club in motion. Above all, notice that this type of takeaway creates and
entirely different takeaway line and leads to an entirely different swing
plane. This is bound to lead to complications at the top of the swing.

Left shoulder drop alters the swing plane

This type of takeaway action causes two other faults. As the

shoulder dips down the right leg straightens. Remember, I said
earlier the right leg MUST maintain its FLEXED position if a full,
correct turn is to be achieved.

Again as the left shoulder dips down, the right hip rises up as it
goes back. This is proof that the body is being rocked sideways,
rather than turning as it should.

In a correct turn, the right hip moves back, but it must not be
allowed to rise up. Like the left shoulder, it maintains a more or
less constant height from the ground. The flexed right leg makes
this possible.

I want to warn you again about "taking the club straight back from the ball" and taking the club back on
the "inside" As we have seen, in a correct takeaway the club swings quite automatically on to an
"inside path". No special effort is required to place it there.

It is very important to appreciate that a "correct" takeaway, a deliberate "inside" takeaway and a
"straight back" takeaway produce entirely different swing planes, and therefore different positions at
the top.

The illustrations show this point.

I say again, make no attempt to consciously take the club back on the "inside", and disregard advice
about taking the club "straight back" from the ball.

Both are wrong!

The Body Turn

The body turns simply to permit the left hand and arm swing to progress freely to the top.

A full body turn in the backswing is a must for good golf. It is often stated that a full turn is necessary
for power but we have already seen that this is a fallacy. Misleading advice about "coiled up power in
the body" and "winding up the body muscles in the backswing" merely encourages heaving with the
body during the entire swing.

A full turn is necessary so that the club can be placed into a position at the top from which it can move
down into the ball, along the intended line of flight.

But, it is not enough merely to turn the shoulders. the RIGHT SIDE OF THE BODY, from the hip to
shoulder, must be fully cleared to the rear to achieve the full turn that we desire. And as the right hip
goes back it MUST NOT BE ALLOWED TO RISE UP. if it does, the right leg is straightening.
Remember we said in Lesson 1 that the right leg remains flexed throughout the backswing.

And the left shoulder must not be allowed to DROP OR DIP. This is vital. Recall what we said about
the first movement of the takeaway. It was made by the left hand and arm...then the shoulders began
to turn. This movement does NOT call for a drop of the left shoulder. Quite the reverse. The left
shoulder must move across, maintaining a CONSTANT HEIGHT from the ground if a full left hand and
arm swing is to be achieved.

I mentioned the importance of fully clearing the right side. In order to do this most players will find it
necessary to slightly raise the left heel. A left foot that is glued to the ground is certainly going to inhibit
a full turn.... the consequences of which you already know!

This is how a correct body turn progresses. After the initial movement by the left hand and arm the
shoulders begin to turn. Then the right side of the body begins to clear to the rear (over a flexed right
leg) to assist the shoulder turn. Then the left heel rises so that the turning movement can be
completed. In other words the body turn in the backswing occurs from the top down in the sequence 1-
shoulders, 2- hips, 3- feet. Remember that, because the downswing occurs, logically in the reverse
order, namely, feet first, hip shift next and shoulders last.

Now that we understand the reason for the body turn and realise that it has nothing to do with
generating power, we can examine the mechanics of the turn in greater detail and really perfect the

In the next lesson I shall be discussing the role of the body.

Lesson 7
The Role Of The Body
I hope you have already grasped the importance of the swinging of the left hand and arm in the
golf swing. It is really astonishing that this simple truth has been overlooked in the long history
of intensive golf instruction.

As you will know, teachers and players alike have assumed that "power in the golf swing originates in
the body and is transmitted to the club via the hands". I consider this concept is profoundly incorrect
and requires correction. I will explain later why so many great players have advanced this mistaken
point of view. For the moment I simply ask you to accept that it is an incorrect analysis.

I am quite sure, after almost forty-five years of teaching and study that this concept has ruined
thousands upon thousands of golf swings...... and continues to arrest the progress of pro's and
amateurs alike.

So if power does not " originate in the body", what is the role of the body in the golf swing?

I have said that the swing of the left hand and arm is paramount in the golf action.. I stand by that. But
this swing cannot occur if the body turn is incorrect! therefore, the body must be trained to carry out
movements that make a FULL, FREE SWING OF THE LEFT HAND AND ARM possible.

Misuse of the body (an incorrect turn) destroys the capacity of the left hand and arm to swing.
Conversely, a correct body movement creates conditions for a full swing of the left hand and arm to
maximum leverage. The correct body movement and the left hand and arm swing are complimentary.
We cannot have one without the other.

Here is a point about which I am adamant. THE LEFT HAND AND ARM IS NOT PROPELLED BY
THE BODY AT ANY TIME IN THE SWING. or, putting it another way we don't turn the body in order to
move the hand and arm.

The left hand and arm swings the club, and the body turns in order to assist this swing and promote

The left hand and arm swings the club in the golf action. Body action must never hinder or worse still
TAKE OVER, the role of the left hand and arm. The body turns in a controlled manner, not to move the
left hand and arm ..... but to allow it to swing unrestricted in both the backswing and downswing. This
is what I mean when I talk of the body "responding".

I have made this point in some detail to answer crictics who suggest that I advocate a swing of the left
hand and arm alone, ignoring the contribution of the body in the swing.

If I have overstressed the role of the left hand and arm in the swing it is because the accent in current
golf teaching is very firmly on body action..... and particularly the assertion that body movement

causes the movement of the hands and the club.... alone accounts for the vast number of poor
golfers in the world today.

Resistance and counter forces

It is now time to refer to a matter of great importance in the golf

swing. It is the phenomenon of "resistance" or " counter forces"
in the golf action.

It is customary to talk of "the resistance of the hips to the turn of the

shoulders in the backswing". I have said there is no resistance in the
hips. Quite the contrary, the right hip and right side must be fully
cleared to the rear to assist a full shoulder turn. A full 45 degree turn
at the hips must take place.

I am more concerned with a sensation that takes place in the "up" and
"down" directions in a correct swing. It is this...

As the left hand and arm swings the club back and up in the
bckswing, there is a distinct feeling (particulalry in the knees and
feet) that the body is staying down. There is a downward
pressure through the feet.

This pressure of the feet into the ground increases the leverage developed by the left hand and arm
as it swings upward.

Once you let the body RISE UP as the left hand and arm SWING UP, the capacity for a free swing is
immediately destroyed.

We will encounter "resistance" again in the downswing, where it plays an important role.

Remember that any hint of "upward lift" or sway in the body during the backswing literally takes the
power out of the left hand and arm swing. You can try this movement without a club in your hand.
Swing the left hand and arm up, at the same time sensing that the body remains down. NEVER GO
WITH THE SWING of the left hand and arm.

This is yet another example of the body acting to assist the swing of the left hand and arm.

The flexed right leg

I said in Lesson 1 that the legs are flexed at address, and the right leg must remain flexed throughout
the backswing movement. This is a must for a correct body turn.

First, by maintaining a flexed right leg the head is held at a constant height from the ground during the
backswing. It does not bob up and down.

Next, the flexed right leg promotes a full and correct body turn. By remaining flexed and active the hip
and side can be fully cleared to the rear in the way we have been describing. Remember, during the
turn the right hip goes back, but it must not be allowed to rise up. If the right leg straightens during the
backswing a full hip and shoulder turn will be virtually impossible. Further, the head will tip over in the
direction of the target and the "shape" of the body turn is is the plane of the backswing.
If this happens the club is bound to be out of position at the top.

Finally, the flexed right leg steadies
the body and enables it to turn in
the right way. By turning correctly
the body makes possible a full, free
swing of the left hand and arm. If
the club is being moved by a body
sway or a heave, the arm swing is
destroyed. A correctly "shaped"
body movement promotes a full
and free left hand and arm swing.
Club head motion must be either
supplied by the body or left hand

The flexed right leg during the

backswing promotes the type of
turn that assists and promotes a
full swing of the left hand and arm.
The straight right leg destroys the
turn.... and with it the left hand and
arm swing.

Once the right leg has been correctly set at address the position remains virtually unchanged
throughout the swing. The body turn, in fact, takes place over the flexed right leg. By supporting the
swing in this manner sway is prevented and a real turn can take place.

Note that the right knee is inside the foot. It remians inside throughout the backswing. It must not be
allowed to wander out to the right during the turn. This is a sympton of the sway we are trying to avoid.

Neither is there a marked "weight shift" from the left foot to the right foot during the backswing. At the
completion of the backswing the weight is still more or less evenly distributed between the feet, just as
it was as address. Remembe what we said about raising the left heel? There, the weight was
transferred to the big toe joint of the left foot. It is the foot rolling movement which transfers most of the
weight to the right leg during the backswing... and I have already warned you against foot rolling and

In the backswing the weight is concentrated on the INSIDES of the balls of the feet. There is a slight
"knock kneed" feeling at all times, just as there was at address.

To develop and sense the "supporting" role of the flexed right leg in the backswing I often tell pupils to
place a golf ball under the outside of the right foot. This transfers the weight to the inside .... where it
should be... and the vital stabilising task of the right leg in the backswing becomes clear. Try it, and
note the firming effect it has on the backswing movement.

Why the left heel must rise

We have seen that a really full body turn is necessary to permit the club to reach a correct position at
the top of the swing. During the turn a player must make a special effort to clear the right side of the
body, from the hip to the shoulder, to the rear. This permits a full 90 degree turn of the shoulders.

In clearing the right side as I have described most players

will find it necessary to slightly raise the left heel off the
ground. This heel movement permits that little bit of extra
body turn which ensures that the club reaches a correct
position at the top. Only the most supple players are able
to execute a full body turn without raising the left heel.
Consequently I build this movement into the swings of my
pupils whether they feel the need for it or not.

Remember, in a full turn the hips move through 45

degrees and the shoulders through 90 degrees. Less than
this is simply not acceptable! This left heel movement
ensures that a full body turn will be achieved.

Another reason why I encourage the left heel movement is because it keeps the feet live and active.
This is vital for a correct backswing and downswing. If the feet are inactive, and the left is glued to the
ground the chances are that you will fail to make a full turn. a "resistance" will remain in the right side
of the body which will inhibit a full shoulder turn. Inevitably, the club is then "off line" at the top and an
out-to-in downswing path will result. THE FEET MUST REMAIN ACTIVE THROUGHOUT THE

A word of warning about overdoing this left heel movement! Some players raise the heel up far too
much during the turn.... tipping the foot up on the toe. This is both harmful and unnecessary. Players
who do this are lifting the body up during the backswing. This is wrong. You do not lift the body to raise
the left heel. (Remember what we have already said about lifting the body). As the left heel rises the
weight moves forward on the big toe joint and a slight forward movement of the left knee occurs. That
is all. The body must not be allowed to rise up as the left hand and arm swings the club to the top.
Rather, the body must stay down to permit maximum leverage for the hand and arm.

Thus, excessive movement of the left heel....and the liftiing up of the body associated with it....destroys
the left hand an arm swing and leads to misuse of the body. Superfluous movement in the backswing,
sideways swaying and heaving with the shoulders in the backswing also result. Unwanted movement
in the backswing usually leads to unwanted movement in the downswing.

Study the illustration on the right carefully, noting that the heel alone has risen slightly. The rest of the
foot is firmly in contact with the ground. I an not advocating an inward roll of the left foot! As the left
heel rises the weight moves forward on the big toe joint of the left foot. Thus, the left foot "breaks" at
the toe joints. This is not the same as rolling the foot inwards! Again , study the drawing carefully and
perfect this left foot movement. A correct foot movement promotes a correct "shape" in the body turn.
A bad foot movement ruins the shape of the turn.

Inward rolling of the left foot in the backswing is in fact
part and parcel of the down and round action that we are
trying to avoid. The left shoulder drop causes a sway to
the right, straightening the right leg... and the left foot
responds to this sway by rolling inwards. This body
movement is a rocking motion of the body rather than a
genuine turn.

If your turn is correct the left foot will "break" in the way I
have described. If you are merely rocking the body
sideways your left foot will roll inwards.

Check this foot movement and understand it.

Lesson 8
Top of the backswing analysis
We have said that the backswing is performed solely to place the club in a correct position at the top.
Now let us define what is "a correct position at the ", and why it is important.

First, let's recall that the shoulders are Fully

Turned through 90 degrees, the LEFT
SHOULDER has not dropped as it came
round to meet the chin, the RIGHT SIDE of
the body from the hip to shoulder has been
cleared to the rear, the hips have tuned
through 45 degrees, the RIGHT LEG is still
flexed and the left heel has risen slightly.

TOP. The shaft of the driver should now be horizontal to the ground, and parallel with the intended line
of flight. I said, about horizontal". With the fairway woods and the irons the shaft will not have gone
back quite as far. It will appear to be "laid off" as we say. This is simply due to the reduced wrist action
with these shorter clubs, which is perfectly natural. The point I want to stress is the shaft MUST be
parallel to the intended line of flight or "laid off " BEHIND THE HANDS as described above. The shaft
(of any club) must ON NO ACCOUNT point ACROSS the intended line of flight.....That is, to the right
of the target. This " across line" position at the top leads to endless complications in the downswing as
we shall see... and is in fact the result of an incorrect backswing. It is also unnecessary for the shaft of
the driver to dip below the horizontal. This is "overswinging", and leads to loss of control in the
downswing. The horizontal position is quite enough. Indeed, many top players don't swing this far
back, and are "laid off" at the top in the manner described.

What is meant by the "laid off" shaft and is it good technique?
Here is the completed backswing with a medium iron and a
Note that the shaft of the driver is horizontal to the ground and
parallel to the intended line of flight. The shaft of the iron
however, has stopped well short of the horizontal.... and
therefore appears to be "laid off" as we say. This is perfectly
The shaft of the driver reaches a near horizontal position simply
because of the additional wrist action that occurs naturally with
the longer clubs. The shorter distance shots are naturally more
"firm wristed". That alone accounts for the different positions of
the shaft.

It is important to realise that if the medium iron swing were to be completed the shaft would reach
exactly the same position as the shaft of the driver and the blade angles of both clubs would be
In short, both clubs are "on line" .... but one has gone back further than the other. Hence the laid off
shaft with the irons is entirely correct.
One final point. Many golfers are under the impression that the swings with irons and woods are
different.... or that there is less body turn with the medium irons. Both ideas are incorrect.

THE BASIC SWING ACTION WITH ALL CLUBS IS THE SAME. The amount of body turn with all
fairway clubs is also the same. The difference in the position of the shafts is accounted for SOLELY by
the additional natural wrist action employed when using the driver and the longer clubs.
Take care not to restrict your turn with the medium irons. If you do, you will not reach the correct
position at the top.

The Sure Test of a Correct Backswing

Below, left, is the same correct position from another viewpoint. I want you to notice the "shape" of the
player's body. The line down his back to his hip forms a CONVEX curve. The body curves slightly
away from the target. This CONVEX shape when the club is at the top of the backswing is common to
all good golfers.... and is in fact the result of a correct series of movements in the backswing.
Contrast it with the CONCAVE body shape, below right,.Here the players body curves towards the
target. This posture is the result of the incorrect body movement in the backswing. this CONCAVE
body shape when the club is at the top is perhaps the most common sight in golf, and is a sure sign of
an incorrect action.
Check your body shape in a mirror. If it is CONVEX you can be sure your turn is substantially correct.
If it is CONCAVE...well.... you have failed grasped what has gone before.

'Across line' at the top .... across line at impact

Here is the concave swing shape again, with the left shoulder drop, the straight right leg and a right
hip that has risen as it has gone back. This movement as we have seen puts the club shaft across the
line at the top.
The club-head, club shaft and hands are all out of plane at the top. From here, only an outside loop
(dotted line) down into the ball can result, leading to an impact cross the line of flight. A swing down
into the ball on the correct plane and line is virtually impossible without a major correction before the
downswing begins.
It is an utterly hopeless position to be in at the top, and can be traced directly back to an incorrect
takeaway, as we have seen.

Correct at the top ....'on line' for the downswing

The whole point about being "correct" at the top is that the club is now correctly positioned in the
desired plane. When the left hand and arm reverses direction into the downswing, the club will simply
swing down BEHIND THE HANDS while remaining in the same plane.
This will ensure a correct club line down into and along the intended line of flight.

The angle of the club-face at the
top is critical

If the grip is correct and there is no

wrist-rolling (or other errors) in the
takeaway and backswing, a correct
club-face (or blade angle) at the top of
the swing can be achieved. then,
when the club is returned to the ball in
the downswing it will be square, just
as it was at address.
However, if wrist-rolling does take
place during the takeaway and
backswing the blade angle at the top
is bound to be incorrect. It will be
either 'open' or 'shut'. Then the
corresponding amount of wrist-roll will
again be required in the downswing in
order to " square" up the blade at
impact. This precision and delicate
operation is obviously beyond the
capacity of most players. Further it is
an unnecessary complication that can
be avoided.

In a sound swing action the correct blade angle at the top is automatically achieved, ensuring sold,
square impact with the ball in the downswing. And this is what we want.

Below is the correct blade angles at the top with a driver and a short iron. actually.... the angles are
Identical. if the swing with the short iron were to progress further, placing the shaft at the same angle
as the driver, the leading edges of both clubs would be perfectly aligned.

Key to correct blade angle at the top

The angle of the club-face (or blade) at

the top is governed by the angle that
the back of the left hand makes with
the left forearm. At the top of the swing
the left wrist should be slightly
That is, the angle formed between the
back of the left hand and the forearm
should be about 30 degrees. This is
ideal! This wrist position will place the
club-face at the correct angle, namely
(a) with the leading edge of the club
VERTICAL or (b) inclined at an angle
of about 30 degrees to the vertical ....or
somewhere between these two. All
other angle at the top are incorrect and
will lead to inaccuracy and loss of


Here, the angle between the back

of the left hand and the forearm is
the wrist is far too "cupped" and the
club-face is consequently "open". I
call this a "concave position" of the
left wrist. It is extremely common
among handicap golfers and tends
to promote a slice.


Here is the opposite extreme ..... a

"convex" position of the left wrist.
Note how the hand is dropped
below the line of the forearm,
"shutting" the blade. This hand
action is

comparatively rare among handicappers, and tends to promote a "smoother" or a hook.

A Word of warning - you may see some top players employing this wrist position at the top. Don't be
tempted to copy them! these "shut-faced" players combine the wrist position with a special type of
body action in the downswing which enables them to return the club-face square at impact. without
this body action a monumental hook would result! Indeed, a hook is the constant enemy of all "shut-
faced" players. Don't flirt with this method!.


Here again is the correct left wrist position at the the top.... and the correct blade angle that goes with
it. A slightly "cupped" wrist and blade angle at about 30 degrees off the vertical. A correct grip, a
square face at address, a free swing of the left hand and arm (without wrist roll) in the backswing, and
a correct body turn combine to create this position.
A correct blade angle at the top coupled with a correct downswing movement will automatically

produce a DEAD SQUARE impact of club with the ball, which is the secret of long, accurate

Lesson 9
The cause, effect and cure of backswing
I am sometimes criticised for stressing the role of the left hand and arm at the expense of the
right hand. People have occasionally asked me if, in my view, the right hand has any role to
play in the golf swing? My answer is this....

The vast majority of golfers grossly over use the right hand in the swing. After all most golfers are right
handed and "right sided". They allow the strong right hand and side to dominate the swing.

This, as we shall see later is fatal.

It is the function of the left hand and arm that has been sadly neglected in golf teaching. I have merely
tried to redress the balance.

The right hand and arm never acts independently in the swing. Its proper role is one of co-ordination
with the left hand and arm. The hands should work together as a unit......with the left hand in

During the backswing the right arm and elbow are virtually passive, but the right had and wrist
contribute towards control of the clubface at all times.

It is when the right hand and arm resist and interfere with the free swing of the left hand and arm that
positional problems occur at the top leading to complications in the downswing. The flying right elbow
comes precisely because the right hand is overpowering the left in the swing.

Lady golfers, in particular, tend to be very right handed. Their left arms are, not unnaturally,
often weak. Hence they actually support the left hand and arm with the right hand at the top of
the swing.

The solution to this problem is simple. The left hand and arm must play the dominant role in the swing
at all times. If it does not, you have no alternative but to over employ the right hand,

The right hand can only dominate if the left hand and arm fails to play its controlling role.

One final word of warning.

Using clubs that are too heavy for you promotes misuse of the right hand.

We have said that the shaft of the driver at the top of the swing should be horizontal or slightly short of
horizontal. It is undesirable for the shaft to dip below the horizontal as this often leads to lack of control
in the down-swing. This unnecessarily "loose" swing is termed "overswing".

It is common for overswing to be attributed to "opening the hands at the top of the swing".

I do not entirely agree with this.

Admittedly the hands are opening.....but why?

All errors in the golf swing can be traced back to some cause. Nothing happens without a good

Overswing not only causes loss of control (and hence direction) in the downswing, but the excessive
wrist action with it means that a consistent length of shot with the same club is impossible,

To be accurate, and score low, a player must hit a consistent length with each club, especially the
irons. Overswing makes this virtually impossible.

To understand the causes of overswing, let's consider an incorrect takeaway again. Here it is with the
left shoulder drop.... and the CONCAVE body shape is appearing already. This is the result of holding
the club head low to the ground in the takeaway.

There is absolutely no swing of the left hand and arm at all!.

The left hand has gone back and down..... so the right forearm is directly above the left.... actually
resisting any possibility of a left arm swing.

Since the swing of the left hand and arm is effectively blocked both by the incorrect body movement
and the resisting right arm, the wrist must now break if the club-head is to keep moving. This is
precisely what happens. The wrists break too early... and too much.... actually destroying the "wide
arc" that "low to the ground" is supposed to produce.

This excessive wrist cocking accelerates the club-head to such an extent that the hands are literally
forced open as the club reaches the top. This opening of the hands is what causes overswing.

So we see that the hands DO NOT simply open at the top due to a loose grip as is so often stated.
They are forced open by an incorrect swing action which leads to excessive wrist action. So to cure
overswing we must first correct the swing action.

Overswing can be corrected simply by adopting the correct takeaway method which we have already
discussed. If the left hand and arm starts the backswing movement.....and the shoulders turn in order
to permit the left hand and arm to swing unrestricted to the top there is no reason for premature or
excessive wrist break to occur. It is as simple as that.

If the arm doesn't swing the club, the wrists must break. Remember that!

The wrists, incidentally, break naturally at the top of the swing due to the momentum of the club-head.
hence, the shorter the shaft the less the club-head momentum..... and the less wrist break.

The amount of wrist break at the top will depend upon the club in use. Some wrist break occurs with
the driver. Much less with the medium irons, and virtually none with the short irons.

Firmness and control at the top is essential.. It comes from getting to the top in the correct way.


Good and Bad Backswings - A Comparison

We have already examined in detail the characteristics of a good backswing movement... and a bad
one. Now, we see them side by side to make a direct comparison. Visual comparisons are a powerful
aid to learning.

Once the picture of a good backswing movement is established firmly in the mind correct execution of
the movement becomes easier.

A full-length mirror is extremely useful for checking your body "shape".

A Bad Backswing

1. The start of a bad backswing. The body is propelling the

hands and arms. Note that the player's head has already
started to tip to the left. This is the first sure sign that the
body is doing the work.

2. The effort being made by
the body is now obvious.
The upper body is dipping
down to the left (bringing
about the left shoulder drop)
in order to move the hands
and arms. The right leg is
straight and the left foot is
beginning to roll inwards.

3. At the top the body

"shape" is CONCAVE.
The club shaft is "across
line" at the top (pointing to
the right of the target).
The physical effort
involved in this type of
"body swing" is quite
obvious. It can hardly be
termed a swing at all.

A Good Backswing

1. The left hand and arm has clearly
made the initial movement of the
takeaway. The shoulders are now
just starting to turn. This is the start
of a genuine body turn, and the left
shoulder has maintained its height
from the ground. The body is
responding to the arm swing in a
balanced, controlled manner.

2. The left hand and arm continues.... the shoulders continue to turn in
response. The head is still. The legs remain flexed. The right elbow is
passive and the arm is beginning to fold correctly behind the left arm.

3. The positioning movement is complete and the club is on-line for the downswing. The body has not
risen up with the has remained down as the flexed knees indicate. Note the full shoulder turn
and 45 degree hip turn. No tension or effort involved here. Just a fluid, "shaped" body movement
which has enabled the left hand and arm to swing uninterrupted to the top.

A Bad Swing Analysed

Now that we have seen how a correct backswing takes place let us examine the concepts and
movements that sabotage a correct action. By understanding these errors we can avoid them.

First, as we already know, POWER DOES NOT
ORIGINATE IN THE BODY. The body turn does
not cause the hands and arm and the clubhead
to move. The body turn does not occur to create
power. The backswing is NOT performed to
generate power.

These concepts may be widely held and handed

down from the "highest authority" .... but that
does not make them correct.

We are going to see what happens to the swing

when these are applied and then test our own
concepts against these old, false ideas.

Especially dangerous is the old cliché about

holding the clubhead low to the ground in the
takeaway. This is supposed to create a "wide
backswing arc", but in fact it does the opposite.

Equally untrue is the concept of "the one-piece takeaway".

According to this theory the shoulders, arms and hands "start back
together".... taking the club with them. Another way of saying that the
body propels the hands and arms!

This player thinks the backswing is for generating power. He employs

the "one-piece takeaway" and he heeds the advice that the "club-head
stays low to the ground in the takeaway". He also thinks that the
shoulder turn starts the swing.

Okay.... lets see what happens.

Power is uppermost in his mind so he grips the club like an axe. Fully
alerted for a massive effort his body lurches to one side to start the club-
head moving. The club has only moved a foot but already his swing is
ruined. This is NOT going to be a SWING at all.... it is a body heave with
wrist action added for additional force.

Now he thinks "low to the ground on the
takeaway". The left arm extends backwards
and downwards in obedience to the law. The
left shoulder dips down in response and the
head drops with it. There is no sign of a turn
yet, just a sideways rocking motion of the body!
His "wide arc swing" theory has produced a
king-sized sway. Note that the right leg is
already straight and the left foot has begun to
roll inwards (See what I mean about the left
foot roll and the sway being related?)

How about those arms and hands? Well, they're just hanging on to the club and going along for the
ride while the body does all the work. Obviously this body dip can't go on for forever or this chap will
break in half. That's not a joke! Most "body action" players wind up with back trouble.

When the body dip does stop, how will the club-head keep moving? The wrists take over... they will
break prematurely in an effort to keep the whole show moving. Whatever happened to that "wide arc"
that he was seeking? Now I ask you, did you ever see a top player make his takeaway like this? Yet
millions of average golfers do, and they're the people who buy the instructional books!

See what I mean about good and bad concepts?

He's made it to the top... but what

an effort! I call this a "coal-heaver's"
action. It involves the use of terrific
physical force to move the club that
weighs a few ounces! The body
swing is clearly wasted power. How
much easier and more productive to
just swing the left hand and arm!
The shoulders have turned at last...
after a fashion... but just look at his
body shape! I call this the "concave
bow".... hallmark of the body

Where can the club go from here..... into and along the intended line of flight? I doubt it very much.
Our "power man" has put the club up there with body action and he's sure to bring it down into the ball
by the same method.

We have here the classic condition for a shoulder-roller's out-to-in smother, or slice, or hook, orbital
shot, daisy cutter .... you name it, it's possible! Any shot, except a straight one. The odds against that
are enormous. That's why this poor fellow suffers so. He is the victim of bad advice. I feel sorry for him
because he is keen, he wants to play good golf, and he's tying himself up in knots. Is this really the
best that modern golf instruction can do for him?

By adopting correct concepts he could have a good action and be enjoying his golf, and employ a
tenth of the physical effort in the process.

The point I am trying to make is, he shouldn't be in this hopeless position in the first place.

This I submit, is the result of well meaning but incorrect advice. This dreadful position can be seen any
day, on any course or driving range. Why? Because the vast majority of players have read the same
books and are consequently operating on the SAME FALSE PRINCIPLES.

You never saw a top player in any of the positions illustrated here, and yet the concepts which most of
them advocate inevitably produce these results with amateur golfers!

The only conclusion that one can draw from this analysis is that the accepted concepts of the swing do
not produce the results they are intended to produce.

The swing must be seen in a different way. Not just for novelty, or to be controversial, but because
golfers deserve better... and because golf is great game.

After all, it was once thought that the sun moved around the earth. When that concept was reversed
and corrected, we found we could devise a coherent model of the solar system, and then the universe.

Oddly enough, if you reverse many of the "accepted truths" of established golf instruction you come
pretty close to the truth! The golf instructional scene is as mixed up as that!

Lesson 10
Direction and power, the purpose of the
The downswing is undoubtedly the most critical and misunderstood phase of the swing. It has
been the subject of more misleading advice than any other phase of the swing movement. I
intend to correct these errors, and replace them with concepts of the downswing that are both
simple and effective.

Essentially, the problem is this. Most players start the downswing by turning the shoulders.
Consequently they end up swinging across the intended line of flight from "out-to-in", with the
shoulders open at impact.

Why do they do this? Because, I submit, the traditional analysis of how the swing is performed tends
to produce this result!

A correct downswing movement must

result in a powerful swing into and along
the intended line of flight, through impact.
For this to be achieved the shoulders must
be square at impact, or better still,
fractionally "closed". Keep this in mind!

Hence we see that proper control of the

shoulders is the key to the correct downswing
movement. Indeed, we shall see that foot and
leg action in the downswing occurs largely to
keep the shoulders passive and under control
as the downswing takes place. Hence my
assertion that the downswing occurs from the
feet....up. I intend to explain this further.
For now, simply remember that without proper control of the shoulders both power and direction in the
downswing will surely be destroyed!

Three downswing faults to be avoided

(Errors that ruin club-line)

The sole purpose of the backswing is to correctly
position the club at the top. The left hand and arm has
swung the club up into position. In so doing it has
created the swing plane. Now the left hand and arm
must reverse its direction of swing....moving the hands
and club down into the ball. As it does this, the hands,
shaft and clubhead must remain on the same plane that
was created in the backswing.... and the hands must
lead the club-head down into the ball, conserving power
for a properly timed "release" at the ball.... and not
before! In short we must maintain a good "club-line"
down into the ball, and we must "release" the club-head
at the right time.

There are three common downswing errors which make this impossible...

1. Dominant right hand - club thrown forward over the hands.

Many pros and handicappers allow the right hand to

dominate the left as the downswing begins. Control has
been transferred from the left hand and arm entirely to the
right hand.

Consequently the right hand throws the club-head forward

over the left hand and arm.... completely destroying club-
line and releasing the club-head far too early.

The result. A weak, out-to-in impact!

Fault correction

Retain control in the left hand and arm throughout the

backswing and the downswing. The right hand will then
assume its correct role.

2. Turning the shoulders from the top - club moves to an 'outside' line and an out-to-in impact

Many golfers start down from the top by turning the shoulders.
This is brought about by failure to use the feet in the
downswing, an incorrect backswing, the desire to "hit" rather
than "swing", neglect of the left hand and arm swing and
various other errors - starting the downswing by turning the
hips is a major cause.

The effect is to take the club off the correct swing line, looping
it forward on to the "outside" line. The result is an across line
impact... the hallmark of the "hacker".

Again, this faulty downswing line brings about premature


Club moves to an 'outside' line and an out-to-in impact.

Fault correction

Swing the club down into the ball with the left hand and arm, maintaining the correct plane. This will
assist a correctly timed, properly directed release of power.

3. Throwing out from the top - a sure way to waste power

The third common downswing fault is "throwing" the club-

head out to the right as the downswing begins. This is in
fact a very early release of power. It is caused by over
anxiety to "hit" the ball, and is often associated with a very
fast swing.

By releasing the power early, the club-head overtakes the

hands before impact making for a weak shot.

It is quite possible to "throw out" from the top and yet

maintain a good line into the ball. However, since power
has been released early, it is almost certain that the point
of release will vary with each swing. Hence, shots with the
same club will vary in length as the point of "release"
varies. A caddie will find it difficult to club you correctly. In
short, throwing-out makes for

weak shots of variable length. It also causes hitting the ground before the ball is struck.

Fault correction

Maintain the club-head behind the hands on the way down. Allow the downward swing of the left and
arm to make the initial movement, then when the hands have been lowered to about hip-height,
release the clubhead. Not before!

The role of the right hand and arm in the downswing

Misuse of the right hand and arm is extremely common in the downswing. It can cause both loss of
line down into the ball and a premature release of power. Both errors are highly undesirable.

Hand and wrist always 'live'...arm and elbow passive until the

Some critics have suggested that I have stressed the role of the left
hand and arm at the expense of the right hand. I disagree. It is the
commanding role of the left hand and arm that has been neglected
in golf teaching, and most golfers over employ the right hand and
arm anyway!

I have already said the hands control the club at ALL times. The
hands work together while the left hand assumes the commanding
role. When we are talking about "hand control", we are speaking
mainly about the interaction between the fingers and wrists of the
hands. These are live and sensitive at all times.

From a correct position at the top of the swing, the left hand and arm swing downwards into the ball.
Meanwhile, both hands are contributing towards control of the club-head in the fingers and wrists.
However, the right arm and elbow are passive until the club descends to about hip height.
Then...when good club-line through the ball is assured, the hands are in position to safely "release"
the club-head into the ball.

If, through misuse of the right arm and elbow, the right hand is allowed to overpower the left before
release, power and direction is prejudiced. It then comes into the shot too early, interfering with the
guiding role of the left hand and arm....throwing the club off line.

The club is thrown forward, over the left arm to an outside line

As long as the left hand and arm remains in control, the right hand will play its proper
part... at the proper time.

It is essential to realise the shaft and club-head are maintained behind the hands
during the downswing. When so positioned, the hands sensing and anticipating the
release throughout the movement. When the downward swing of the left hand and
arm has brought the hands down into position for a final release of power into and
along the intended line of flight. It is at this point that the hands release the club-head
into the ball in a properly times delivery.

Premature use of the right hand both destroys a timed delivery (which is the secret of power) and
destroys the club line down into the ball, resulting in inaccurate and mis-hit shots.

A correctly timed delivery is, in the final analysis, what the golf swing is all about. Once the left hand
and arm has successfully made the line down into the ball, the hands take over for the final application
of power.

Power, conservation, release. A vital concept!

In the next lesson I describe the feeling of a correct downswing

Lesson 11
What you should feel at the top of the
I said in Lesson 2 that the left heel must rise to permit a full body turn in the backswing, and that I built
this left heel movement into the swings of my pupils whether they felt the need for it or not. I also said
that there was no marked transfer of weight to the right leg in the backswing.

The vital purpose of this left heel raising... and the consequent transfer of weight forward on
the big toe joint of the left foot is clearly sensed once we are at the top of the backswing.

We sense that the body is in perfect balance due to a system of control that originates in
the big toe joint of the left foot, passing diagonally up the body, to the shoulders .... and
finally to the hands.

The pressure felt on the inside of the left foot (under the big toe joint) is providing a base (a
"resistance") for the downward left arm leverage that is about to occur. Indeed, the free downward
swing of the left hand and arm cannot occur without it!

This upaward resistance is what creates potential power in the hands at the top of the swing.....power
that will be released at the correct time in the downswing. Hence we can say that.... Downward drive
plus upward resistance equals POWER. The raised left heel thus creates power in the hands at the

We not only sense the power in the hands, we also (thanks to the control imparted by correct use of
the left foot) sense that we can conserve and release that power at will.

For the first time in the swing movement we are aware of the potential power in the hands....and we
are conscious of the fact that we have the necessary control to "release" that power at the correct

Thus, the body poise at the top imparted by the correct use of the inside of the left foot makes us

1. Conscious of the potential power in the hands,

2. A sense of the need to conserve this power for the right place in the swing, and finally

3. We have a feeling of complete confidence that we can "release" this power at the right time and
place in the downswing...and thus we subconsciously sense exactly where that "release" point is!

This inate knowledge is what we are describing when we talk about "timing". It is not a "gift", or sixth is a feeling of control and certainty that arises out of a correct, series of body movements in
the backswing.

As the body movements are learned and acquired so too, this awareness of the potential power in the
hands, and the need to "release" this power at the correct time is developed.

Once sensed, the matter of timing the "release" of power in the downswing is merely arrived at by

Thousands of players, pro and amateur, go through their golfing lives with absolutely no sense of the
potential power in their hands at the top of the swing. Consequently, they have never anticipated the
next stage of the release of that power at the right time.

The progress of such players must inevitably be arrested at some stage, since they have no
awareness of the very essence of the swing...the phenomenon of a timed release of power with the

I stress again, this awareness, and the priceless technical bonuses that flow from it is acquired by a
shaped, controlled body turn in the backswing, and in particular the control and sensitivity that
originates in the big toe joint of the left foot when the hands are at the top of the swing.

Now that we have analysed in some detail exactly what we should feel at the top of the swing, we can
move on to consider exactly how the downswing is carried out.

We now undertsand the truth of what I have been stressing right from Lesson 1. The backswing has
nothing to do with generating power, hence it is smooth, unhurried and strain free.

We are merely positioning the hands, club and body correctly prior to the downswing.

Once correctly positioned (as a result of a correct series of movements) the hands automatically
acquire...or become "charged" with....potential power at the top.

As we sense this power at the top, the swing slows down. Indeed, the transition from the backswing to
downswing is the slowest part of the swing. This "slow down" at the top accentuates and amplifies the
feeling of conserved power that we have talked about earlier. We begin to anticipate the "release" but
at the same time we strongly sense the need to conserve that power for the final stages of the

Transition from backswing to downswing is the slowest

phase of the swing!

Now we realise that this feeling of power at the top depends

upon a passive, controlled backswing. If, by applying force, we
have sensed this power in the hands during the backswing
itself we would have "jumped the gun" and "charged" the
hands too soon. Hence, we would likewise "release" power too
soon in the downswing, and nothing on earth could prevent it.
In short, we would "lose our timing", hit from the top, throw the
shoulders into the shot and destroy the whole movement.

This impatience to "hit" is extremely common. It is a direct result of thinking about the backswing in
terms of "generating power". The backswing is then performed by body action rather that with a free
swing of the left hand and arm.

At the top we should have a clear sensation of the potential power in the hands and wrists.... and
equally a clear awareness that the hands and wrists are in control of the club.

Now, maintaining the shoulders in the fully turned position, we simply commence the downward
swing of the left hand and arm. That is how the downswing starts, and nothing could be simpler!

I stress again, the SHOULDERS
TURNED POSITION at the beginning
of the downswing! The same left foot
action that has "charged" the hands
with power is enabling us to control
the shoulders.

By keeping the shoulders fully turned

the left hand and arm can swing freely
from the left shoulder, taking the club-
head down into the ball on a club line
that will result in a swing into and
along the line of flight through impact.

Hold your shoulders in the fully turned position as the left hand and arm begins to swing
down... this ensures good club line through the ball

Once the shoulders turn.. even just a little.... at the beginning of the downswing two errors are bound
to result.

You will....

1. Destroy the club-line down into the ball by looping the club on to an "outside" path and

2. You will destroy the ability to swing the left hand and arm!

Here is an exercise you can do to prove these two statements for yourself.

Exercise 1 - Club-Line

Take the club in your hands and assume the correct top of the swing position. Now MAINTAINING
THE SHOULDERS IN THE FULLY TURNED POSITION swing the left hand and arm slowly down
noting that a correct line is automatically acheived. Repeat this several times.

Now go back to the top, and this time allow your shoulders to turn slightly as the laft hand and arm
swings down.

Note that the left hand and arm immediately moves to the "outside" downswing path which must result
in an out-to-in impact!

Thus, good club-line through the ball depends upon the stillness of the shoulders at the beginning of
the downswing.

Exercise 2 Separation

But there is a second result, which you may have sensed which is very subtle and equally important.
By allowing the shoulders to turn as the left hand and arm started down you actually destroyed the
capacity of the left hand and arm to swing! Did you feel that?

You took the "power" out of the arm.

Remember how, in the takeaway, the freedom of the left hand and arm to swing depended upon the
stillness of the shoulders and an abscence of sway? If you had swayed to the right as your left hand
and arm started back you would have diminished its swing capacity. We have exactly the same
situation here.

The shoulders must remain still (in the fully turned position) to allow the swing of the left hand and arm
to take place.

Move these shoulders, even a fraction, and you diminish the capacity of the left hand and arm to

This ability of the left hand and arm to swing indendent of the shoulders I call "separation".

Here is an exercise to develop this.

Take and club and assume the correct top of the swing position. Now, keeping the shoulders fully
turned, start the left hand and arm slowly downward into the ball. When the left hand and arm has
moved downward for a distance of about a foot to eighteen inches...STOP.... and return it to the top
again. Repeat this downward movement several times, keeping the shoulders in the fully turned

What do you feel? You sense, perhaps for the first time, that the left hand and arm is not propelled
downward by the shoulders and body action. It swings freely down quite independently of the

This is what must happen in the correct downswing. Once the downward swing of the left hand and
arm is under way, the body reacts to this swing (we are about to describe this action) in what I
describe as the "lateral shift". However, it is vital to realise that the body reacts to the downward swing.
The body does not cause the downward movement of the left hand and arm.

Repeat this "separation" exercise often. It is the vital foundation of a correct downswing movement.
Once perfected, the basis for a sound and powerful downswing is laid.

Again, we must guard against starting the downswing with the body action... and that is what is
happening if the shoulders are allowed to turn. Body propulsion and a free left hand and arm swing
cannot exist together.

It must be either one or the other.

Hence, if the shoulders turn at the commencement of the downswing the free left hand and arm swing
is destroyed. And, if the left hand and arm is not making the downward swing into the ball a correctly
timed release of power is impossible!

In the next lesson I will show you how to check your follow through

Lesson 12
Club-face check at the finish - how to
monitor every shot

We have traced through the entire downswing

sequence. At the finish of your swing the body should
be perfectly balanced with the chest squarely facing the
target, and the hands alongside the head at about the
level of the left ear. The arms are entirely free of
tension, with both elbows pointing downward. the
forearms thus resemble the two sides of a narrow-
based triangle....not precisely vertical, but definately not
splayed out.

Control of this finish is held from the waistline and the

firm left leg. The right knee alongside the left and the
right foot is up on the toe. This too is contributing to

Checking your swing

From this position, allow the hands to drop to hip level, bringing the shaft of the club to an angle of
about 45 degrees to the ground. Now check that the face of the club is still square. That is, the leading
edge of the club face or blade should be vertical when viewed by the player.

If it is off vertical, to either right or left, wrist rolling has taken place through the ball either at or after
impact. If the leading edge is off vertcial to the left, the hands have rolled the face into a closed
position. If it is off vertical to the right the hands have opened the face.

Note that I said at or after impact. Why be concerned about what happens after impact?

The answer is that if the face is coming out of alignment after impact it is only a matter of time before it
happens pre-impact. Further, errors of face alignment at or after impact can be sufficient to effect
accuracy just that little bit.

The important thing is that the face MUST BE SQUARE AT FINISH. If is coming out of alignment you
must discover where and when.

If the face is not square at the finish check your position at the top that was outlined in Lesson 3.

The finish revels a great deal. Generally speaking, a good player is flattish on the backswing and
upright in the finish. the poor player is upright in the backswing and flat in the finish. The former has

achieved a club-line through the ball. The latter has not. His club has moved across the line of flight
through impact, from out to in, which is evident in his type of finish. THE FINISH REVEALS HOW

Here is an absolutely vital exercise that every golfer must master.

Everything in this course of instruction depends on your ability to do
this exercise to perfection.

Its purpose is simple. It is designed to eliminate...once and for all....

the dreadful "concave" body shape (illustrated) which is the cause
of all that is bad in the golf swing.

This exercise can be performed anywhere, as you do not need a

club in your hands to do it. Indeed if you cannot do it without a club,
you certainly will never master it with a club.

Every professional golf teacher should insist that this exercise is

mastered by novices before they ever actually swing a club. If they
did it would save months of hard work. Experienced players too,
should be introduced to it immediately. This exercise, more than
anything else, has enable me to transform players in less than two
years to championship and international class.

It contains the very essence of a correct swing movement. It

absolutely MUST be mastered if you are to become a good golfer.

Most players as we have described earlier in this course of instruction allow their bodies to rise up in
the backswing as the club swings to the top. Again, in the downswing, they tend to move the club
down from the top with "body propulsion".....rotating the shoulders through the ball as they do. They
end up with a flat "round" type of finish with the shaft of the club pointing to the left of target.

The exercise

Adopt the normal adress position with the left shoulder slightly higher than the right one, grasp the
extended left arm around the wrist with the right hand. Now perform the backswing by swinging the left
hand and arm to the top of the backswing.

Be sure to make a free swing with the left shoulder "up". but keep your weight "down" as the left hand
and arm swing up. Feel the left arm is swinging to MAXIMUM leverage.

This will help you to sense that the body turns to permit a free swing of the left hand and arm.

You will also feel the need to raise the left heel in order to achieve maximum lverage. Remember, the
left foot must "break" at the toe joints. There must be NO inward roll of the left foot. And feel the right
knee remains flexed, just as it was at the address.

Performing this exerecise makes us realise that a responsive and perfectly balanced body enables the
left hand and arm to swing fully and freely. It also places the arms in a correct position at the top.

At the top, the shoulders are fully turned and remain so as the downswing begins. We now swing the
left hand and arm down into the ball, noting that the lateral shift occurs as a result of this downward

As the left hand enters the "release area" the right foot and knee "kicks in" to the shot.

The left hand and arm then moves into and along the intended line of flight through impact, causing
the shoulders to turn AFTER IMPACT to allow the left hand and arm to swing freely up into the finish.

In short this exercise contains the essence of the entire swing movement and can be performed
anywhere without a golf club. It reinforces all the points that I have been making about a correct swing

Perform this exercise often standing in front of a mirror. Compare your body position with these
illustrated and make sure you have every detail perfect. Repeat the exercise until it becomes

Above all, it teaches you to perform the body turn without allowing the body to asume that "concave"
shape. If you cannot achieve a correct "convex" body shape without a club in your hands, you certainly
will not be able to do it with a club!


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