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Fuelling a nation

a nationMozambique’s state-owned
distributor of petroleum products
continues to expand, both within
its home nation’s borders and
further across Southern Africa

written by: Will Daynes

research by: Abi Abagun

ecognised as the second largest
oil and gas firm in Southern
Africa, Petromoc, or Petróleos
de Moçambique to give it its
local name, was formed in 1999
and is Mozambique’s state-owned distributor
of petroleum products. Born out of the
transformation of the Mozambique National
Fuel Company, Petromoc today owns the
largest retail network in the country, one
that consists of 119 filling stations and supply
posts, and 300 local consumer positions.
The company owns and operates storage
facilities and pipelines found across all the
main Mozambican ports, with said storage
facilities including 19 inland and coastal
depots which boast a combined storage
capacity of around 500,000 cubic metres.
Petromoc markets fuels, oils, grease-
oils and lubricants for use in the country’s
major industry sectors, these being mining,
agriculture and maritime, and is also
able to provide customers with complete
technical support. The largest supplier of
fuel to Mozambique’s leading industrial
and commercial companies, Petromoc also
provides fuel to a host of neighbouring
countries such as Zambia, Zimbabwe,
Malawi and the DRC.
In total Petromoc is able to claim annual
sales of approximately 407,000 cubic metres
of petroleum products, 375,000 cubic metres
of which are distributed to Mozambique’s
domestic market, which equates to a
domestic market share of around 42 percent.
Meanwhile, some 33,000 cubic metres end
up being supplied within the company’s
foreign markets.

Intertek, a leading provider of quality testing, international test procedures, able to meet
inspection and safety services to a wide the demands of product certification.
range of industries around the world, has This new facility shall provide for increased
been awarded a Laboratory “Outsourcing” test capabilities able to meet local legislation
contract for provision of testing services at as well as adhering to “export” requirements
its Matola facility, Mozambique. At present to land-locked countries. Also included
Intertek provides Inspection & “Key” are opportunities in providing water &
Laboratory testing services to Petromoc microbiological testing by this facility.
from its terminals, viz: Matola; Beira & By virtue of providing services to Petromoc,
Nacala respectively. The Intertek / Petromoc Intertek shall provide independent services
Matola laboratory is to undergo a facelift. to third parties which shall remain in the
This will include, but not limited to, the re- strictest confidence and impartial by this
design of its present facility with upgraded facility. The laboratory shall operate on a
laboratory furniture, extraction systems, Gas 24/7/365 basis. It is Intertek’s vision to
supply, IT infrastructure, Specialized Testing acquire the ISO 9001 certification within
room, Controlled sample receipt facility & twelve months of the initial contract period.
sample retention store. Intertek is committed
to a significant investment in acquiring the E. [email protected]
latest testing equipment, in accordance with

Valued Quality. Delivered Our Organisation What we do
Environmental Services Testing
Government Services Inpsection
Commodities Certification
Analytical Services Auditing
Industrial Services Outsourcing
Minerals Services Advisory
Quality Assurance

Contact: Dawie du Plessis

Phone +258 23322658 | Fax +258 23324262
Email: [email protected] |

It will come as a surprise

to few that a company the Grindrod Fuelogic Mozambique (Pty) Ltd
Grindrod Fuelogic Mozambique (Pty) Ltd is proud to have
size of Petromoc comes
Petromoc as a shareholder.  Grindrod Fuelogic operations
blessed with significant are to be significantly expanded to meet Petromoc’s and the
infrastructure assets from oil industry’s needs, with the addition of 60 vehicles.  This
which all of its activities will provide for additional delivery capacity out of Maputo,
originate. These assets Beira and transport operations will be established in Nacala
include the Lingamo Oceanic and Pemba by mid- 2014. Expanded operations are to
Oil Terminal (IOL), the Beira include deliveries out of Mozambique into neighbouring
Oceanic Oil Terminal (IOB) countries.  Petromoc is key to our success in Mozambique.
and the Nacala Oceanic
Installation (ION).
Located in the port area of Matola city
and possessing san installed capacity of
412,000 cubic metres, the IOL facility covers
an area of 40 hectares and acts as one of the
gateways for the entry of petroleum products
into Mozambique. The largest facility of its
kind in the country the IOL is linked by
pipeline to the fuel terminal through which it
receive petroleum products from oil tankers.
It handles a range of products including
liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), petrol, aviation
fuel, kerosene, diesel, fuel oil, various grades
of bitumen, and lubricating oils and greases.
At present the IOL is undergoing work
that will reshape the complex, increasing
its operational capacity, modernising its

“Petromoc today
owns the largest
retail network
in the country”

loading gantries for rail

wagons and road tankers,
and implementing other
projects of importance
to improve operational
effectiveness. The success of
the IOL becomes ever more
important when taking into
account that it represents a
pilot facility for Petromoc’s
plans to develop an integrated
management system based
on the principles of quality,
environmental protection and occupational handling massive volumes of fuel thanks to
health and safety. its strategic location that makes it a gateway
Located in Munhava, the IOB may have for the distribution of petroleum products to
Transportes Lalgy LDA a smaller installed capacity, in this case
26,000 cubic metres, but it is responsible for
landlocked neighbouring countries. In order
to distribute fuel, and receive and backload

Where the road ends we carry on…

The company has a variety of transport of growth there is a huge and urgent need
options available to meet our clients’ needs for quality logistics service providers.
and respond to market requirements based The geography of the country (with the sea-
on an aggressive growth strategy and ports of Maputo, Beira and Nacala) coupled
continuously growing fleet which consists with the extremely limited rail infrastructure
of over 500 vehicles: makes road transport the only viable option
• Interlink side tippers to support the growth and development within
• Side and Back end tippers our country.Transportes Lalgy LDA is involved
• Fuel tankers in many of these projects which include (but
• Low-beds are not limited to): transport for infrastructure
• Superlinks and triaxles and construction projects in the coal and
• Earth moving equipment mining industry, gas products, regional
The reconstruction and new opportunities imports and exports.
within our country are creating a period of
unprecedented growth. To support this period E. [email protected]

Tel: 21 720 482/21 724 414; Cell: 258 82 303 5713/258 84 303 5317;
Fax: 258 720 452/258 724 298; Email: [email protected]
Avenida Uniao Africana, 4341 (Antiga Estrada Velha da Matola) Matola—Mocambique

407,000 m3
Petromoc’s annual sales
of petroleum products

calling oil tankers, the terminal relies upon

a powerful and modern loading gantry.
Meanwhile its link to the Mozambique-
Zimbabwe Pipeline Company pipeline
gives it a unique opportunity to pump
products into Zimbabwe.
The ION also holds a critically important
role for both the company and the country, in
that it is responsible for the supply of fuels to
the northern region of Mozambique. Linked the company to pump different petroleum
to the fuel terminal by a four kilometre products separately, thus improving their
long pipeline, also belonging to Petromoc, individual integrity and durability.
the ION is able to receive fuel products Designed to have a storage capacity
and undertake backloading operations. of 45,000 cubic metres, the ION is able to
Recently rehabilitated, the pipeline allows store petrol, kerosene, aviation fuel, diesel,
and lubricating oils and
greases. As well supplying
Enviroshore the domestic market, the
The close partnership between Petromoc and Enviroshore
terminal is also used as
provides specialist solution services to the oil, petroleum,
shipping and mining industries through the use of a gateway to landlocked
specialised organic waste processing, world-best practices nations such as Zambia
and state-of-the-art environmental technology. and Malawi.
We are focussed on creating a healthy environment for Of course, while the
our children, while providing meaningful and rewarding company’s facilities are
opportunities that improve the financial performance of huge importance, the
of our partners. work carried out across
Our vision is to be a world-class collaboration, and the
Petromoc’s operations would
principal partner of choice in the rehabilitation of onsite
storage clean-up, soil and groundwater remediation. not be possible without its workforce. When it comes
to its human resources

the company’s primary

© SGS Group Management SA – 2013 – All rights reserved - SGS is a registered trademark of

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sgs objective revolves around

SGS has been active in Mozambique since 1962, providing
being able to empower
services through its offices in Maputo, Beira and Nacala.
We are the leader in independent inspection, verification, human capital through
testing and certification services. the constant development
Providing trustable services to national and international of a skilled, dynamic and
Cargo safety and integrity is critical. You need the peace of mind that comes from knowing that wherever
your cargo is in the world, whichever transport route and vehicle it is contained in, best practice has been clients  like Imopetro, Petromoc, IPG, Vitol, BP, Shell, motivated work force.
adhered too. SGS experts check against current standards and regulations, ensuring all health and safety Trafigura and Glencore. SGS has established an expertise In its quest to motivate
requirements are met and that the right quantity and quality reaches the destination. Trust the integrity network including an ISO/IEC17025 accredited laboratories
of your cargo with SGS Inspection Services, for more information visit or contact and permanently mobilise
[email protected]. Solutions for Oil, Gas & Chemicals that go ON and ON and ON...
(OGC), and over 150 experts. its workforce for its
Regarding the Oil, Gas & Chemical sector (OGC); SGS
cause, Petromoc is in the
SGS Group Management SA

and cargo treatment services, sample management process of implementing

and outsourcing, calibration services, monitoring and a comprehensive Human
supervision of terminal and vessel operations (onshore and Resources Management
offshore), upstream services and collateral management. System. This will consist of
WWW.SGS.COM recruitment and selection,
training and development,
performance evaluation and
professional careers subsystems, as well as
wage administration regulations.
Outside of its internal structure, Petromoc
has also spent consideration amounts of time
and effort to extend what it describes as its
“brand of excellence” to the social, cultural
and environmental sectors. Aware of its
social responsibilities the company is always
striving to act as an agent for sustainable
human development, all the while retaining
full respect for environmental standards.
Petromoc’s social and environmental

The year that Petromoc was formed

responsibility programmes are structured

towards continuous and regular activities
that support cultural, social, sport, health and
environmental undertakings. The company’s
efforts have seen it sponsor various national
sporting programmes, initiate various
awareness campaigns against Malaria,
HIV and Poliomyelitis, and lend its support
to events related to the development of
Mozambique’s national culture and identity.
In aiding the educational needs of the
country, Petromoc has contributed towards
the rehabilitation of the Bagamoyo Primary
School and volunteered to cover the enrolment
fees of students who had dropped out due
to a lack of financial resources. Elsewhere
it was the company’s contributions that
saw equipment supplied for an IT room at
Liberdade Secondary School, while moves
were also made to involve senior staff
members in training activities and workshops
centred on the themes of corporate social
responsibility and combating HIV.
Such corporate social responsibility efforts
continue to form a core part of Petromoc’s
existence, while at the same time the company
remains as committed as ever to achieving
its strategic goals, these being regional
expansion, the maximisation of its logistics
network and the further diversification of its
energy portfolio by developing new products
and services that add value and stability to
the business.

For more information about

Petromoc visit:
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