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Ram Rahim & anr. v. Kumar

Facts of the case:

Kumar, resident of Devanahalli, who owned 10 acres of agricultural land

situated at Devanahalli, under Survey No.10/5 filed a suit numbered as
O.S.239/2010 before the Civil Judge (Jr. Dn.), Devanahalli, for
Declaration and Injunction against Neeraj on the ground that he is the
sole owner of the agricultural land in dispute. On receipt of summons,
Neeraj appeared before the said Court and engaged a lawyer to conduct
his case. Neeraj not only opposed the suit claim but also filed a counter
claim against Kumar for Declaration and injunction in respect of the said

The suit was decreed in favor of Kumar declaring him as the owner of 10
acres of agricultural land and restrained Neeraj from interfering with
peaceful enjoyment of the said agricultural property by Kumar.

Aggrieved by the judgment and decree in O.S.239/2010 Neeraj filed

Regular Appeal before the First Appellate Court. On receipt of Appeal
Notice, Kumar engaged Sri. Ram Rahim, a famous civil lawyer in
Devanahalli, to represent and argue his case before the Appellate Court.
Kumar paid Fifty Thousand rupees as initial fee to Sri. Ram Rahim.

When the Appeal was posted for hearing, Advocate representing Neeraj
argued the matter and completed his side. However, Sri Ram Rahim
sought several adjournments to argue on behalf of Kumar. He did not turn
up to argue even when it was posted for final argument.

The Appellate Court reversed the finding of the trial court and decreed
the counter claim of Neeraj in O.S.239/2010. The Appellate Court in its
judgment noted the absence of Respondent’s advocate (Sri. Ram Rahim)
during the course of argument and pointed out that the Court had no
assistance from Respondent’s Advocate in deciding the matter.

The judgment of the Appellate Court was death knell for Kumar as the
land in dispute was life line for him and his family.

Kumar enquired with his Advocate about his absence during hearing of
the Appeal but did not get a satisfactory answer. However, Sri. Ram
Rahim advised Kumar to file Second Appeal against the Judgment of the
First Appellate Court and referred the name of Sri. Ajathshatru. Kumar
followed his advice and engaged Sri. Ajathshatru for filing Second
Appeal and paid rupees One Lakh as initial fee.

Sri. Ajathshatru took his own time to file Second Appeal and by the time
Second Appeal was filed, the limitation period was over. Thereafter, he
filed Second Appeal along with an Application to condone the delay.

The Second Appellate Court dismissed the Appeal on the ground of

limitation period since no sufficient cause was shown for condoning the
delay. Sri. Ajathshatru advised Kumar to approach the Supreme Court.

Kumar virtually had no means to continue the litigation before the

Supreme Court as he had lost all the money in litigation. Neeraj spared no
time to execute the decree passed in his favor by the First Appellate Court
and took possession over the land in dispute.

Having lost agricultural land, which was life line for him and his family
due to inefficiency and negligence of his Advocates, Sri. Ram Rahim and
Sri. Ajathshatru , Kumar filed a case against them before the National
Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission (NCDRC), at New Delhi for
deficiency of service and claimed One crore rupees as compensation.

Kumar argued that there was ‘deficiency of service’ on the part of both
the Advocates who failed to pursue his case before the Appellate Courts
in an efficient and professional manner. He also contended that both the
advocates were highly negligent, one of them did not argue his case
before the first Appellate Court and the other advocate failed to file
Second Appeal in time before the High Court and got it dismissed at the
threshold, as result of which he had lost his property and means of
livelihood. On notice, both the advocates appeared and argued that,

advocates are immune from any legal action under the Consumer
Protection Act, 1986, as Kumar is not a ‘consumer’ under the Act and
their relationship as client and advocate is a ‘contract of personal service’
and not a ‘contract for personal service.’ They argued that they are
merely his agents and represented him in the Court and are Officers of the
Court and no legal action can be initiated for actions done in the course of
judicial proceeding. Further, it was argued that, it is for the Court to
decide the case on its merit and no advocate can guarantee the result.

The NCDRC, however, allowed the claim of Kumar holding that there
was ‘deficiency of service’ and awarded One crore rupees as
compensation and directed both the advocates to pay together the award
amount within two months from the date of the order.

The said Order created havoc among the legal fraternity and became
national news. Within two months of passing of this Order there were two
thousand cases filed against advocates across the country before
consumer forums for deficiency of service.

Both the advocates approached the Supreme Court against the award of
NCDRC and contended that among other things that the said award is
also in violation of Article 19 (1) (g) of the Constitution of India. The
Supreme Court issued stay against the operation, execution of the award.

Now the case is set for hearing before the Supreme Court.


1. Whether the Advocates fall within the provisions of the Consumer

Protection Act, 1986?

2. Whether the award is in violation of the fundamental right to

practice any profession, or to carry on any occupation as
contemplated under Article 19 (1) (g) of the Constitution of India?

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