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Running Smart Grid Control Software on Cloud Computing Architectures

Kenneth P. Birman, Lakshmi Ganesh, and Robbert van Renesse1


There are pressing economic as well as environmental arguments for the overhaul of the current
outdated power grid, and its replacement with a Smart Grid that integrates new kinds of green
power generating systems, monitors power use, and adapts consumption to match power costs and
system load. This paper identifies some of the computing needs for building this smart grid, and
examines the current computing infrastructure to see whether it can address these needs. Under
the assumption that the power community is not in a position to develop its own Internet or create
its own computing platforms from scratch, and hence must work with generally accepted standards
and commercially successful hardware and software platforms, we then ask to what extent these
existing options can be used to address the requirements of the smart grid. Our conclusions should
come as a wakeup call: many promising power management ideas demand scalability of a kind that
only cloud computing can offer, but also have additional requirements (real-time, consistency,
privacy, security, etc.) that cloud computing would not currently support. Some of these gaps will
not soon be filled by the cloud industry, for reasons stemming from underlying economic drivers
that have shaped the industry and will continue to do so. On the other hand, we don’t see this as a
looming catastrophe: a focused federal research program could create the needed scalability
solutions and then work with the cloud computing industry to transition the needed technologies
into standard cloud settings. We’ll argue that once these steps are taken, the solutions should be
sufficiently monetized to endure as long-term options because they are also of high likely value in
other settings such as cloud-based health-care, financial systems, and for other critical computing
infrastructure purposes.

1. Introduction: The Evolving Power Grid

The evolution of the power grid has been compared, unfavorably, with the evolution of modern
telephony; while Edison, one of the architects of the former, would recognize most components of
the current grid, Bell, the inventor of the latter, would find telephony unrecognizably advanced since
his time [40]. It is not surprising, then, that the power grid is under immense pressure today from
inability to scale to current demands, and is growing increasingly fragile, even as the repercussions
of power outages grow ever more serious. Upgrading to a smarter grid has escalated from being a
desirable vision, to an urgent imperative. Clearly, the computing industry will have a key role to play
in enabling the smart grid, and our goal in this paper is to evaluate its readiness, in its current state,
for supporting this vision.

Department of Computer Science, Cornell University, Ithaca NY 14853. This work was supported by
a grant from Lawrence Berkeley Laboratories. Emails {ken,lakshmi,rvr}



 Support for scalable real-time services. A real-time service will meet its timing
requirements even if some limited number of node (server) failures occurs. Today’s cloud
systems do support services that require rapid responses, but their response time can be
disrupted by transient Internet congestion events, or even a single server failure.

 Support for scalable, consistency guaranteed, fault-tolerant services. The term

consistency covers a range of cloud-hosted services that support database ACID guarantees,
state machine replication behavior, virtual synchrony, or other strong, formally specified
consistency models, up to some limited number of server failures. At the extreme of this
spectrum one finds Byzantine Fault Tolerance services, which can even tolerate
compromise (e.g. by a virus) of some service members. Today’s cloud computing systems
often “embrace inconsistency” [31][37], making it hard to implement a scalable
consistency-preserving service.

 Protection of Private Data. Current cloud platforms do such a poor job of protecting
private data that most cloud companies must remind their employees to “not be evil”.
Needed are protective mechanisms strong enough so that cloud systems could be
entrusted with sensitive data, even when competing power producers or consumers share
a single cloud data center.

 Highly Assured Internet Routing. In today’s Internet, consumers often experience brief
periods of loss of connectivity. However, research is underway on mechanisms for
providing secured multipath Internet routes from points of access to cloud services.
Duplicated, highly available routes will enable critical components of the future smart grid
to maintain connectivity with the cloud-hosted services on which they depend.

Figure 1: Summary of findings. A more technical list of specific research topics appears in Figure 6.

We shall start with a brief review to establish common terminology and background. For our
purposes here, the power grid can be understood in terms of three periods [34],[10]. The “early”
grid arose as the industry neared the end of an extended period of monopoly control. Power
systems were owned and operated by autonomous, vertically-integrated, regional entities that
generated power, bought and sold power to neighboring regions, and implemented proprietary
Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems. These systems mix hardware and
software. The hardware components collect status data (line frequency, phase angle, voltage, state
of fault-isolation relays, etc.), transmit this information to programs that clean the input of any bad
data, and then perform state estimation. Having computed the optimal system configuration, the
SCADA platform determines a control policy for the managed region, and then sends instructions to
actuators such as generator control systems, transmission lines with adjustable capacity and other
devices to increase or decrease power generation, increase or decrease power sharing with

neighboring regions, shed loads, etc. The SCADA system also plays key roles in preventing grid
collapse by shedding busses if regional security2 requires such an action.

The “restructuring” period began in the 1990’s and was triggered by a wave of regulatory reforms
aimed at increasing competitiveness [19]. Regional monopolies fragmented into power generating
companies, Independent System Operators (ISOs) responsible for long-distance power transmission
and grid safety, and exchanges in which power could be bought and sold somewhat in the manner of
other commodities (although the details of power auctions are specific to the industry, and the
difficulty of storing power also distances power markets from other kinds of commodity markets).
Small power producers entered the market, increasing competitive pressures in some regions.
Greater inter-regional connectivity emerged as transmission lines were built to facilitate transfer of
power from areas with less expensive power, or excess generating capacity into regions with more
costly power, or less capacity.

One side effect of deregulation was to create new economic pressures to optimize the grid,
matching line capacity to the pattern of use. Margins of excess power generating capacity, and
excess transmission capacity, narrowed significantly, hence the restructured grid operates much
nearer its security limits. SCADA systems play key roles, performing adjustments in real-time that
are vital for grid security. The cost of these systems can be substantial; even modest SCADA
product deployments often represent investments of tens or hundreds of millions of dollars, and
because federal regulatory policies require full redundancy, most such systems are fully replicated at
two locations, so that no single fault can result in a loss of control.

This review was prepared during the very first years of a new era in power production and delivery:
the dawn of the “smart” power grid. Inefficient power generation, unbalanced consumption
patterns that lead to underutilization of expensive infrastructure on the one hand, and severe
overload on the other, as well as urgent issues of national and global concern such as power system
security and climate change are all driving this evolution [40]. As the smart grid concept matures,
we’ll see dramatic growth in green power production: small production devices such as wind
turbines and solar panels or solar farms, which have fluctuating capacity outside of the control of
grid operators. Small companies that specialize in producing power under just certain conditions
(price regimes, certain times of the day, etc.) will become more and more common. Power
consumers are becoming more sophisticated about pricing, shifting consumption from peak periods
to off-peak periods; viewed at a global scale, this represents a potentially non-linear feedback
behavior. Electric vehicles are likely to become important over the coming decade, at least in dense
urban settings, and could shift a substantial new load into the grid, even as they decrease the
national demand for petroleum products. The operation of the grid itself will continue to grow in
complexity, because the effect of these changing modalities of generation and consumption will be
to further fragment the grid into smaller regions, but also to expand the higher level grid of long-
distance transmission lines. Clearly, a lot of work is required to transition from the 50-year-old
legacy grid of today to the smart grid of the future. Our purpose in this paper is to see how far the
computing industry is ready to meet the needs of this transition.

Security here is to mean the safety and stability of the power grid, rather than protection against malice.

2. The Computational Needs of the Smart Grid

We present a few representative examples that show how large-scale computing must play a key
role in the smart power grid. In the next sections, we shall see whether current computing
platforms are well suited to play this role.

i. The smart home. In this vision, the home of the future might be equipped with a variety of
power use meters and monitoring devices, adapting behavior to match cost of power, load
on the grid, and activities of the residents. For example, a hot-water heater might heat
when power is cheap but allow water to cool when hot water is unlikely to be needed. A
washing machine might turn itself on when the cost of power drops sufficiently. Air
conditioning might time itself to match use patterns, power costs, and overall grid state.
Over time, one might imagine ways that a SCADA system could reach directly into the home,
for example to coordinate air conditioning or water heating cycles so that instead of being
random and uniform, they occur at times and in patterns convenient to the utility.
ii. Ultra-responsive SCADA for improved grid efficiency and security. In this area, the focus is
on improving the security margins for existing regional control systems (which, as noted
earlier, are running with slim margins today), and on developing new SCADA paradigms for
incorporating micro-power generation into the overall grid. One difficult issue is that the
power produced by a wind farm might not be consumed right next to that farm, yet we lack
grid control paradigms capable of dealing with the fluctuating production and relatively
unpredictable behavior of large numbers of small power generating systems. One recent
study Error! Reference source not found. suggested that to support such uses, it would be
necessary to create a new kind of grid-stat system, tracking status at a fine-grained level.
Such approaches are likely to have big benefits, hence future SCADA systems may need to
deal with orders of magnitude more information than current SCADA approaches handle.
iii. Wide area grid state estimation. Blackouts such as the NorthEast and Swiss/Italian
blackouts (both in 2003), originated with minor environmental events (line trips caused by
downed trees), but that snowballed through SCADA system confusions that in turn caused
operator errors (see “Northeast_Blackout_of_2003” and “2003_Italy_blackout" in
Wikipedia). Appealing though it may be to blame the humans, those operator errors may
have been difficult to avoid. They reflected the inability of regional operators to directly
observe the state of the broader power grids to which their regions are linked; lacking that
ability, a hodgepodge of guesswork and telephone calls are often the only way to figure out
what a neighboring power region is experiencing. Moreover, the ability to put a telephone
call through during a spreading crisis that involves loss of power over huge areas is clearly
not something one can necessarily count upon in any future system design. As the power
grid continues to fracture into smaller and smaller entities, this wide area control problem
will grow in importance, with ISOs and other operators needing to continuously track the
evolution of the state of the grid and, especially important, to sense abnormal events such
as bus trips or equipment failures. Data about power contracts might inform decisions,
hence the grid state really includes not just the data captured from sensors but also the
intent represented in the collection of power production and consumption contracts.

What are the computational needs implied by these kinds of examples?

i. Decentralization. Information currently captured and consumed in a single regional power

system will increasingly need to be visible to neighboring power systems and perhaps even
visible on a national scale. An interesting discussion of this topic appears in Error! Reference
source not found..
ii. Scalability. Every smart grid concept we’ve reviewed brings huge numbers of new
controllable entities to the table. In some ideas, every consumer’s home or office becomes
an independent point for potential SCADA control. In others, the homes and offices behave
autonomously but still must tap into dynamic data generated by the power provider, such as
pricing or load predictions. Other ideas integrate enormous numbers of small power
producing entities into the grid and require non-trivial control adjustments to keep the grid
stable. Thus scalability will be a key requirement – scalability of a kind that dwarfs what the
industry has done up to now, and demands a shift to new computational approaches
[25][26]Error! Reference source not found.[40].
iii. Time criticality. Some kinds of information need to be fresh. For example, studies have
shown that correct SCADA systems can malfunction when presented with stale data, and
some studies have even shown that SCADA systems operated over Internet standards like
the ubiquitous TCP/IP protocols can malfunction [25][26]Error! Reference source not
found.[12], because out-of-the-box TCP delays data for purposes of flow control and to
correct data loss. Future smart-grid solutions will demand real-time response even in the
presence of failures.
iv. Consistency. Some kinds of information will need to be consistent [5][6][7][8][25][19], in
the sense that if multiple devices are communicating with a SCADA system at the same time,
they should be receiving the same instructions, even if they happen to connect to the SCADA
system over different network paths that lead to different servers that provide the control
information. Notice that we’re not saying that control data must be computed in some sort
of radically new, decentralized manner: the SCADA computation itself could be localized, just
as today’s cloud systems often start with one copy of a video of an important news event.
But the key to scalability is to replicate data and computation, and consistency issues arise
when a client platform requests data from a service replica: is this really the most current
version of the control policy? Further, notice that consistency and real-time guarantees are
in some ways at odds. If we want to provide identical data to some set of clients, failures
may cause delays: we lose real-time guarantees of minimal delay. If we want minimal delay,
we run the risk that a lost packet or a sudden crash could leave some clients without the
most recent data.
v. Data Security. Several kinds of data mentioned above might be of interest to criminals,
terrorists, or entities seeking an edge in the power commodities market. Adequate
protection will be a critical requirement of future SCADA systems.
vi. Reliability. Power systems that lose their control layer, even briefly, are at grave risk of
damage or complete meltdown. Thus any SCADA solution for the future smart grid needs to
have high reliability.
vii. Ability to tolerate compromise. The most critical subsystems and services may need to
operate even while under attack by intruders, viruses, or when some servers are
malfunctioning. The technical term for this form of extreme reliability is Byzantine Fault

Tolerance; the area is a rich one and many solutions are known, but deployments are rare
and little is known about their scalability.

3. The Evolving Computing Industry: An Economic Story

We shall now describe the current state of the computing industry, and examine its ability to provide
the properties described above for the future smart grid. We begin by giving a brief history of the
computing industry and the economic drivers of its evolution. These same drivers are likely to
determine whether the power community can use current computing platforms for its needs, or not.

Prior to the late 1990’s, the computing industry was a world of client computers that received data
and instructions from servers. Client-server computing represented a relatively wrenching transition
from an even earlier model (mainframe computing), and the necessary architecture and tools were
slow to mature; in some sense, the excitement associated with the area anticipated the actual
quality of the technology by five to ten years. Yet the client-server architecture slowly gained
acceptance and became the basis of widely adopted standards, until finally, within the last decade or
so, software tools for creating these kinds of applications have made it possible for a typical
programmer to create and deploy such applications with relative ease.

Today, client-server computing is the norm, yet the power industry retains legacies from the
mainframe computing era. For example, SCADA systems use high performance computing (HPC)
techniques but play roles similar to SCADA solutions in older mainframe architectures, which
featured a big computer in the middle of a slaved network of sensors and actuators. This is in
contrast to cloud architectures, which take the client-server model and push it even further: the
client is now supported by multiple data centers, each of which might be composed of a vast
number of relatively simple servers, with second and even third tiers of support layered behind
them. But the issues are also social: power is a critical infrastructure sector – one that affects nearly
every other sector – and understandably, the power community is traditionally risk-averse and slow
in adopting new technology trends.

The computing industry has seen three recent technical epochs, each succeeding the prior one in as
little as five years. Looking first at the period up to around the centennial, we saw a game-changing
transition as the early Internet emerged, blossomed, briefly crashed (the .com boom and bust), and
then dramatically expanded again. That first boom and bust cycle could be called the early Internet
and was dominated by the emergence of web browsers and by human-oriented Internet enterprises.
The Internet architecture became universal during this period. Prior to the period in question, we
had a number of networking technologies, with some specialized ones used in settings such as
wireless networks, or in support of communications overlaid on power transmission lines. Many
power companies still use those old, specialized, communication technologies. But today, the
Internet architecture has become standard. This standardization is useful. For example modern
power companies visualize the status of sensors and actuators through small web pages that provide
quick access to parameter settings and controls. Software on those devices can be quickly and
easily patched by upgrading to new versions over the network. But these same capabilities have
also created the potential for unintended connectivity to the Internet as a whole. Attackers can
exploit these opportunities: we saw this in the widely publicized “Eligible Receiver” exercises, in
which the government demonstrated that a technically savvy but non-expert team could use publicly

available information to take control of power systems and inflict serious damage on transformers,
generators, and other critical equipment [39].

We now arrive at a period covering roughly the past five years, which witnessed a breathtaking
advance in the penetration and adoption of web technologies. Standardization around web
protocols and the ease of adding web interfaces even to older mainframe or client-server
applications meant that pretty much any computing entity could access any other computing entity,
be it hardware or software. Outsourcing boomed as companies in India, China, and elsewhere
competed to offer inexpensive software development services. Penetration of the Internet into the
public and private sector triggered explosive revenue growth in all forms of Internet advertising.
New computing platforms (mobile phones, tablet computers) began to displace traditional ones,
triggering a further boom associated with mobility and “app” computing models. Rarely have so
many changes been compressed into so short a period of time.

Perhaps most unsettling of all, completely new companies like Facebook and Google displaced well
established ones like IBM, HP, and Microsoft, seemingly overnight. One might reasonably argue that
the power industry should be immune to this sort of turmoil, yet the impact of restructuring has
caused an equal shakeup on the business side of the power community, even if the technical side
remains less impacted. And there is good reason to believe that this will soon change. For example,
the team that created Google is prominent among industry leaders promoting a smarter power grid.
It is hard to imagine them being content to do things in the usual ways.

Cloud computing, our primary focus in this paper, is an overarching term covering the technologies
that support the most recent five-years or so of the Internet, with different specific meanings for
different cloud operators. The term means different things to different cloud owner/operators, but
some form of cloud computing can be expected in any future Internet. A recent document laying
out a Federal Cloud Computing Strategy, drafted by the CIO of the United States government (Dr.
Vivek Kundra) recently called for spending about $20 billion of the $80 billion federal IT budget on
cloud computing initiatives [28] and urged all government agencies to develop Cloud-based
computing strategies. About a third of the cost would come from reductions in infrastructure cost
through data center consolidation.

The perspective that sheds the most light on the form that cloud computing takes today starts by
recognizing that cloud computing is an intelligent response to a highly monetized demand, shaped
by the economics of the sectors from which that demand emanated [8]. These systems guarantee
the properties needed to make money in these sectors; properties not required (or useful only in
less economically important applications) tend not to be.

What are these requirements? Perhaps the most important emerges from the pressure to aggregate
data in physically concentrated places. The rise of lightweight, mobile devices, and of clients who
routinely interact with multiple devices, shifts the emphasis from personal computing (email on the
user’s own machine, pictures in my private folder, etc.) towards data center hosting models, for
example Hotmail, Gmail, Flickr, and YouTube. Social networking sites gained in popularity, for
example Facebook, YouTube, Flickr, and Twitter; they revolve around sharing information: my data
and your data need to be in the same “place” if we’re to share and to network in a sharing-driven
manner. Moreover, because cloud platforms make money by performing search and placing

advertising, cloud providers routinely need to index these vast collections of data, creating pre-
computed tables that are used to rapidly personalize responses to queries.

Thus, cloud computing systems have exceptional capabilities for moving data from the Internet into
the cloud (web crawlers), indexing and searching that data (MapReduce [16], Chord [2], Dynamo
[17], etc.), managing files that might contain petabytes of information (BigTable [13], the Google File
System [20], Astrolabe[35]), coordinating actions (Chubby [12], Zookeeper [26], DryadLINQ [38]),
and implementing cloud-scale databases (PNUTS [15]). These are just a few of many examples.

Massive data sets are just one respect in which cloud systems are specialized in response to the
economics of the field. Massive data centers are expensive, and this creates a powerful incentive to
drive the costs down and to keep the data center as busy and efficient as possible. Accordingly, cost
factors such as management, power use, and other considerations have received enormous
attention [21]. Incentives can cut both ways: social networking sites are popular, hence cloud
computing tools for sharing are highly evolved; privacy is less popular, hence little is known about
protecting data once we move it into the cloud [29].

It should not be surprising that cloud computing has been shaped by the “hidden hand of the
market,” but it is important to reflect on the implications of this observation. The specific attributes
of the modern data center and its cloud computing tools are matched closely to the ways that
companies like Amazon, Microsoft, Google and Facebook use them: those kinds of companies
invested literally hundreds of billions of dollars to enable the capabilities with which they earn
revenue. Cloud computing emerged overnight, but not painlessly, and the capabilities we have
today reflect the urgent needs of the companies operating the cloud platforms.

How then will we deal with situations in which the power grid community needs a cloud capability
lacking in today’s platforms? Our market-based perspective argues for three possible answers. If
there is a clear reason that the capability is or will soon be central to an economically important
cloud computing application, a watch and wait approach would suffice. Sooner or later, the train
would come down the track. If a capability somehow would be costly to own and operate, even if it
were to exist, it might rapidly be abandoned and actively rejected by the community. We’ll see that
there is an instance of this nature associated with consistency. Here, only by finding a more effective
way to support the property could one hope to see it adopted in cloud settings (hence, using the
same economic metrics the community uses to make its own go/no-go decisions). Finally, there are
capabilities that the commercial cloud community would find valuable, but hasn’t needed so
urgently as to incentivize the community to actually create the needed technology. In such cases,
solving the problem in a useful prototype form might suffice to see it become part of the standards.

4. The Case for Hosting the Smart Grid on Cloud Computing Infrastructures

Cloud computing is of interest to the power community for several business reasons. Some parallel
the green energy considerations that have stimulated such dramatic change in the power industry:
cloud computing is a remarkably efficient and green way to achieve its capabilities. Others reflect
pricing: cloud computing turns out to be quite inexpensive in dollar terms, relative to older models
of computing. And still others are stories of robustness: by geographically replicating services,
companies like Google and Microsoft are achieving fraction of a second responsiveness for clients
worldwide, even when failures or regional power outages occur. Cloud systems can be managed

cheaply and in highly automated ways, and protected against attack more easily than traditional
systems [31]. Finally, cloud computing offers astonishing capacity and elasticity: a modern cloud
computing system is often hosted on a few data centers any one of which might have more
computing and storage and networking capacity than all of the world’s supercomputing centers
added together, and can often turn on a dime, redeploying services to accommodate instantaneous
load shifts. We shall enumerate some of the issues in the debate about using the cloud for building
the smart grid.

4.1. The Cloud Computing Scalability Advantage

The cloud and its transformation of the computing industry have resulted in the displacement of
previous key industry players like Intel, IBM, and Microsoft by new players like Google, Facebook,
and Amazon. Technology these new-age companies created is becoming irreversibly dominant for
any form of computing involving scalability: a term that can mean direct contact with large numbers
of sensors, actuators or customers, but can also refer to the ability of a technical solution to run on
large numbers of lightweight, inexpensive servers within a data center. Earlier generations of
approaches were often abandoned precisely because they scaled poorly. And this has critical
implications for the smart grid community, because it implies that to the extent that we launch a
smart grid development effort in the near term, and to the extent that the grid includes components
that will be operated at large scale, those elements will be built on the same platforms that are
supporting the Facebooks and Amazons of today’s computing world. In Figure 2 and Figure 3, we
look at the scalability needs of two scenarios representative of the future smart grid.

4.2. The Cloud Cost Advantage

The Smart Grid needs a national-scale, pervasive network that connects every electricity producer in
the market, from coal and nuclear plants to hydroelectric, solar, and wind farms, and small
independent producers, with every electricity consumer, from industrial manufacturing plants to
residences, and to every device plugged into the wall. This network should enable the
interconnected devices to exchange status information and control power generation and
consumption. The scale of such an undertaking is mind boggling. Yet, the key enabler, in the form of
the network itself, already exists. Indeed, the Internet already allows household refrigerators to
communicate with supermarkets and transact purchases [30]. It won’t be difficult to build
applications (“apps”) that inform the washing machine of the right time to run its load, based on
power pricing information from the appropriate generators. Whatever their weaknesses, the public
Internet and cloud offer such a strong cost advantage that the power community cannot realistically
ignore them in favor of building a private, dedicated network for the smart grid.

4.3. Migrating High Performance Computing (HPC) to the Cloud

We noted that SCADA systems are instances of “high performance computing” applications. It
therefore makes sense to ask how the cloud will impact HPC. Prior to the 1990s, HPC revolved
around special computing hardware with unique processing capabilities. These devices were simply
too expensive, and around 1990 gave way to massive parallelism. The shift represented a big step
backward for some kinds of users, because these new systems were inferior to the ones they
replaced for some kinds of computation. Yet like it or not, the economics of the marketplace tore
down the old model and installed the new one, and HPC users were forced to migrate. Today, even

Scenario one: National Scale Phasor Data Collection

A phasor is a complex number representing the magnitude and phase angle of a wave. Phasors are
measured at different locations at a synchronized time (within one microsecond of one another).
The required accuracy can be obtained from GPS. For 60 Hz systems, each Phasor Measurement
Unit (PMU) takes about 10 to 30 such measurements per second. The data from various (up to
about 60) PMUs is collected by a Phasor Data Concentrator (PDC) (transmitted over phone lines),
and then forwarded along a Wide Area Measurement System (WAMS) to a SCADA system. The
SCADA system must receive the data within 2 to 10 seconds.

parallel HPC systems face a similar situation. A single cloud computing data center might have
storage and computing capabilities tens or hundreds of times greater than all of the world’s

It has been suggested that as the future power grid becomes increasingly interconnected to
promote sharing so as to reduce wasted power and smooth the regional impact of erratic wind and
solar power generation, we will also expose the grid to rolling outages. A possible remedy is for the
regional operators to track the national grid by collecting phasor data locally and sharing it globally.
We now suggest that the scale of the resulting problem is similar to the scale of computational
challenges that motivated web search engines to move to the modern cloud computing model.

Simple back-of-the-envelope-calculations lead to a cloud computing model: Today’s largest PMU

deployment has about 120 PMUs, but for the purposes outlined here, one could imagine a
deployment consisting of at least 10,000 PMUs. If we have 25 PMUs per PDC, then such a system
would require 400 PDCs. Each PDC would deliver 30 measurements per second. If a measurement
is 256 bytes in size (including magnitude, phase angle, timestamp, origin information, and perhaps a
digital signature to protect against tampering or other forms of data corruption), then each PDC
would deliver 25 x 256 x 30 = 192 KBytes/sec. The 400 PDCs combined would contribute about 77
Mbytes/sec, or about 615 Mbits/sec. The data would probably have to be shared on a national
scale with perhaps 25 regional SCADA systems, located throughout the country, hence the
aggregate data transmission volume would be approximately 15 Gbit/sec, more than the full
capacity of a state of the art optical network link today3.

While it would be feasible to build a semi-dedicated national-scale phasor-data Internet for this
purpose, operated solely for and by the power community, we posit that sharing the existing
infrastructure would be so much cheaper that it is nearly inevitable that the power community will
follow that path. Doing so leverages the huge investment underway in cloud computing systems to
distribute movies and Internet video; indeed, the data rates are actually “comparable” (a single
streamed HD DVD is about 40 Mbits/second). But it also forces us to ask what the implications of
monitoring and controlling the power grid “over” the Internet might be; these questions are at the
core of our study (we pose, but don’t actually answer them).

Figure 2: Tracking Phasor Data on a National Scale

The 10Gbit rate quoted is near the physical limits for a single optical network link operated over long
distances (as determined by the Shannon coding theory). But it is important to keep in mind that Internet
providers, having invested in optical networking capacity, can often run multiple side-by-side optical links on
the same physical path. Thus, the core Internet backbone runs at 40Gbits, and this is achieved using 4 side-
by-side 10Gbit optical links. Moreover, network providers often set aside dedicated bandwidth under business
arrangements with particular enterprises: Google or MSN, for example, or Netflix. Thus even if the future
power grid runs “over” the Internet, this does not imply that grid control traffic could be disrupted or
squeezed out by other kinds of public traffic.

Scenario Two: Power Aware Appliances in a Smart Home

According to the most recent US government census report, the United States had approximately
115 million households in 2010. Appliance ownership is widely but variably estimated. Reports on
the web suggest that more than 95% of all households have major kitchen equipment such as a
refrigerator and range, that 40 to 60% own a dishwasher, between 60 and 95% have a dedicated
washer and dryer, and that as many as 80% or more have their own hot water heaters (the quality
of these statistics may be erratic). These homes are heated, air conditioned, artificially lighted, and
contain many powered devices (TVs, radios, etc.). Some will soon own electric vehicles.

Such numbers make clear the tremendous opportunity for smart energy management in the home.
Current industry trends suggest the following mode: the consumer will probably gravitate towards
mobile phone “apps” that provide access to home energy management software, simply because
this model has recently gained so much commercial traction through wide adoption of devices such
as the iPhone, BlackBerry, and Android phones, all of which adopt this particular model; apps are
easy to build, easy to market, have remarkable market penetration, and are familiar to the end
user. As they evolve, power-aware apps will coordinate action to operate appliances in intelligent
ways that reduce end-user costs but also smooth out power demands, reduce load when the grid
comes under stress, etc.

Thus, one might imagine a homeowner who loads the dishwasher but doesn’t mind it running later,
needs hot water early in the morning (or perhaps in the evening; the pattern will vary but could be
learned on a per-household basis), etc. Ideally, the local power grid would wish to “schedule” these
tasks in a price-aware, capacity-aware, energy efficient manner.

In one popular vision the grid simply publishes varying prices, which devices track. But this
approach is poorly controlled: it is hard to know how many households will be responsive to price
variability, and while one could imagine a poorly subscribed service failing for lack of popularity,
one can also imagine the other extreme, in which a small price change drives a massive load shift
and actually destabilizes the grid. Some degree of “fine grained” control would be better.

Thus, we suspect that over time, a different model will emerge: utilities will be motivated to create
their own power management “apps” that offer beneficial pricing in exchange for direct grid control
over some of these tasks: the grid operator might, for example, schedule dishwashing and clothes
washing at times convenient to the grid, vary household heating to match patterns of use, heat
water for showers close to when that hot water will be needed, etc.

But these are cloud computing concepts: the iPhone, Blackberry, and Android are all so tightly
linked to the cloud that it is just not meaningful to imagine them operating in any other way.
Smarter homes can save power, but the applications enabling these steps must be designed to run
on cloud computing systems, which will necessarily handle sensitive data, be placed into life-critical
roles, and must be capable of digital “dialog” with the utility itself. All of these are the kinds of
issues that motivate our recommendation that the power community start now to think about how
such problems can be solved in a safe, trustworthy, and private manner.

Figure 3: Power-Aware Home Using Cloud-Hosted Power Management Applications (“Apps”)

supercomputing facilities combined. Naturally, this incentivizes the HPC community to look to the
cloud. Moreover, to the extent that HPC applications do migrate into the cloud, the community
willing to pay to use dedicated HPC (non-cloud HPC) shrinks. This leaves a smaller market and, over
time, represents a counter-incentive for industry investment in faster HPC systems. The trend is far
from clear today, but one can reasonably ask whether someday, HPC as we currently know it (on fast
parallel computers) will vanish in favor of some new HPC model more closely matched to the
properties of cloud computing data centers.

The big challenge for HPC in the cloud revolves around what some call the checkpoint barrier. The
issue is this: modern HPC tools aren’t designed to continue executions during failures. Instead, a
computation running on n nodes will typically stop and restart if one of the n fails. To ensure that
progress is made, periodic checkpoints are needed. As we scale an application up, it must
checkpoint more often to make progress. But checkpointing takes time. It should be clear that
there is a number of nodes beyond which all time will be spent checkpointing and hence no progress
can be made at all. On traditional HPC hardware platforms, the checkpoint barrier has not been
relevant: failure rates are low. But cloud computing systems often have relatively high rates of node
and storage server failures: having designed the systems to tolerate failures, it becomes a cost-
benefit optimization decision to decide whether to buy a more reliable, but more costly server, or to
buy a larger number of cheaper but less reliable ones. This then suggests that HPC in the current
form may not migrate easily to the cloud, and also that it may not be possible to just run today’s
standard SCADA algorithms on large numbers of nodes as the scale of the problems we confront
grows in response to the trends discussed earlier. New SCADA solutions may be needed in any case;
versions matched closely to the cloud model may be most cost-effective.

4.4. High Assurance Applications and the Cloud Computing Dilemma

The cloud was not designed for high-assurance applications, and therefore poses several challenges
for hosting a critical infrastructure service like the smart grid. One complicating factor is that many
of the cost-savings aspects of the cloud reflect forms of sharing: multiple companies (even
competitors) often share the same data center, so as to keep the servers more evenly loaded and to
amortize costs. Multiple applications invariably run in a single data center. Thus, whereas the
power community has always owned and operated its own proprietary technologies, successful
exploitation of the cloud will force the industry to learn to share. This is worrying, because there
have been episodes in which unscrupulous competition within the power industry has manifested
itself through corporate espionage, attempts to manipulate power pricing, etc. (ENRON being only
the most widely known example). Thus, for a shared computing infrastructure to succeed, it will
need to have ironclad barriers preventing concurrent users from seeing one-another’s data and
network traffic.

The network, indeed, would be a shared resource even if grid operators were to run private,
dedicated data centers. The problem here is that while one might imagine creating some form of
separate Internet specifically for power industry use, the costs of doing so appear to be prohibitive.
Meanwhile, the existing Internet has universal reach and is highly cost-effective. Clearly, just as the
cloud has inadequacies today, the existing Internet raises concerns because of its own deficiencies.
But rather than assuming that these rule out the use of the Internet for smart grid applications, we
should first ask if those deficiencies could somehow be fixed. If the Internet can be enhanced to

improve robustness (for example, with multiple routing paths), and if data is encrypted to safeguard
it against eavesdroppers (using different keys for different grid operators), it is entirely plausible that
the shared public Internet could emerge as the cheapest and most effective communication option
for the power grid. Indeed, so cost-effective is the public Internet that the grid seems certain to end
up using it even in its current inadequate form. Thus, it becomes necessary to undertake the
research that would eliminate the technical gaps.

We’ve discussed two aspects of the cloud in enough detail to illustrate the mindset with which one
approaches these kinds of problems, using a market-based perspective to understand why cloud
computing takes the form it does, and then using that same point of view to conceive of ways that
technical improvements might also become self-sustaining cloud computing options once created,
evaluated, and demonstrated in a convincing manner. But it is important to understand that these
were just two of many such issues. Let’s touch briefly on a few other important ones. Cloud
computing is also peculiar in its access control and privacy capabilities [18][27][33]. Google’s motto
is “Don’t be Evil”, because in the cloud, the providers all must be trusted; if Google (or any of its
thousands of employees) actually are evil, we may already be in a difficult situation. The cloud just
doesn’t have a serious notion of private data and, indeed, many in the industry have gone to lengths
to point out that in a detailed, technical, legally binding sense, terms like privacy are very much up in
the air today [33]. What precisely does it mean to ensure the privacy of an email, or a video, in a
world where people casually send unencrypted messages over the public network, or share details
of their personal histories with “friends” they know only as user-names on Facebook?

So extreme is this situation, and so pervasive the reach of the cloud, that it is already possible that
any technical remedy could be out of reach. At minimum, the law lags the technology [29]. An
editorial in the New York Times goes further, suggesting that the era of individual privacy may
already be over [27], a sobering thought for those who hope to live unobserved, private lives.

Today’s cloud technology is also weak in the area of reliability: the cloud is always up, but data
centers often suffer from brief episodes of amnesia, literally forgetting something as soon as they
learn it, and then (perhaps) rediscovering the lost information later. Sometimes, data is uploaded
into a cloud, promptly lost, and never rediscovered at all. This can lead to a number of forms of
inconsistency, a term used in the distributed computing community to refer to a system that violates
intuitive notions of server correctness in ways that reveal the presence of multiple server replicas
that are acting in uncoordinated ways, or using stale and incomplete data [4]. A consistency-
preserving guarantee would eliminate such issues, but today’s cloud systems manage well enough
with weak consistency (after all, how much consistency is really required for a search query, or to
play a video?) By imposing weak consistency as an industry standard, the cloud platforms become
simpler and hence cheaper to build and to manage. Thus, yet again, we see economic
considerations emerging as a primary determinant of what the cloud does and does not offer.

The issue goes well beyond service consistency. Cloud computing also places far greater emphasis
on the robustness of the data center as a whole than on the robustness of any of the hundreds of
thousands of servers it may have within it: data centers casually shut servers down if they seem to
be causing trouble. No reliability assumptions at all are made about client systems, in part because
viruses, worms, and other malware have hopelessly compromised the technologies we run on client
platforms. By some estimates [14][18], fully 80% of home computers are slaves in one or more

Botnets, basically seeming normal (maybe slow) to the owner yet actually under remote control by
shadowy forces, who can use the hijacked machines as armies in the Internet’s version of warfare
(for example, Estonia and Ukraine have both been taken off the network in recent years [14]), use
them as host sites for illicit materials, or simply harness them as sources for waves of spam. In his
fascinating analysis of the cyber-attack risks associated with network-based terrorism, Richard Clarke
discusses the risks to today’s power grid at some length [14]. In a nutshell, he shows that power
control systems are poorly secured and can be attacked via the Internet or, using public information,
attacked by cutting wires. Either outcome could be disastrous. Worst among his scenarios are
attacks that use “logic bombs” planted long ahead of the event; he conjectures that such threats
may already be widely disseminated in today’s power grid control systems.

Clearly, this situation will need to change. The smart grid will play a wide range of safety and life-
critical roles, and it is completely reasonable to invest more money to create a more robust
technology base. For example, it is possible to use automated code verification techniques to prove
that modest sized computing systems are correct. We can use hardware roots of trust to create
small systems that cannot be compromised by viruses. By composing such components, we can
create fully trustworthy applications. Such steps might not work for the full range of today’s cloud
computing uses (and might not be warranted for the cloud applications that run Twitter or
Facebook), but with targeted investment, the smart grid community can reach a point of being able
to create them and to deploy them into cloud environments.

To summarize, let’s again ask what cloud computing is “really about”. The past few pages should
make it clear that the term is really about many things: a great variety of assumptions that can seem
surprising, or even shocking, when stated explicitly. We have a model in which all data finds its way
into one or more massive storage systems, which are comprised of large numbers of individually
expendable servers and storage units. Cloud platforms always guarantee that the data center will be
operational, and try to keep the main applications running, but are far weaker in their guarantees for
individual data items, or individual computations. The cloud security and privacy guarantees are
particularly erratic, leaving room for cloud operators to be evil if they were to decide to do so, and
even leaving open the worry that in a cloud shared with one’s competitors, there might be a way for
the competition to spy on one’s proprietary data or control activities. Yet there seem to be few hard
technical reasons for these limitations: they stem more from economic considerations than from
science. Given the life-critical role of the power grid, some way of operating with strong guarantees
in all of these respects would be needed, at least for the grid and for other “safety critical” purposes.



 Inexpensive to own and operate. Economies of scale, sharing, and automation are
pervasive within cloud systems and central to the model.

 Emphasis on rapid response and scalability. Modern cloud computing systems are
designed to ensure that every request from the client to the cloud receives a timely
response, even if the response might be “incorrect”.

 Self-Managed, Power-Efficient, Self-Repairing. Cloud computing systems are astonishingly

green: they use power efficiently, keep machines busy, and dynamically adapt under all
sorts of stresses, including load surges, failures, upgrades/downgrades, etc.

 Weak Consistency Guarantees. The embrace of the CAP theorem (see Section 6.4) has
been used to justify a number of weak guarantees [31][37]. In a nutshell, most cloud
services are capable of using stale data to respond to requests and the client is expected to
deal with this. Cloud services are also unable to hide failures: the client must anticipate
sudden faults and should reissue requests or otherwise compensate to mask such events.

 Internet as a weak point. The modern Internet experiences a surprising number of brief
outages. Cloud computing systems are expected to ride them out. Multi-homing is offered
for the cloud but not the average client (a cloud can be addressed by two or more distinct
IP addresses), but we lack true multi-path routing options, so even with multi-homing,
some clients may experience long periods of disrupted connectivity.

Figure 4: Summary of Assurance Properties

5. Three styles of Power Computing

We now concretize the foregoing discussion by grouping smart grid computing into three loosely
defined categories. These are as follows:

i. Applications with weak requirements. Some applications have relatively relaxed needs.
For example, because it takes a long time to install new transmission lines, applications that
maintain maps of the physical infrastructure in a power delivery region will change relatively
rarely, much as road maps rarely change. They can be understood as systems that provide
guarantees but against easy constraints. Today’s cloud is well matched to these uses.
ii. Real-time applications. This group of applications needs extremely rapid communication,
for example to move sensor readings or SCADA control information fast enough to avoid
actions based on stale data. Some studies suggest that for many SCADA control policies,
even 50ms of excess delay relative to the minimum can be enough to result in incorrect
control decisions [23][25][1]. Today’s cloud is tuned to provide fast responses, but little
attention has been given to maintaining speed during failures of individual server nodes or
brief Internet connectivity disruptions.

iii. Applications with strong requirements. A final class of applications requires high assurance,
strong access control and security policy enforcement, privacy, fault-tolerance, consistent
behavior over collections of endpoints at which actions occur, or other kinds of properties.
We will argue that the applications in this class share common platform requirements, and
that those differ (are incomparable with) the platform properties needed for real-time
purposes [4][5][36][23]. Today’s cloud lacks the technology for hosting such applications.

We’ve argued that the cloud takes the form seen today for economic reasons. The industry has
boomed, and yet has been so focused on rolling out new competitively exciting technologies and
products that it has been limited by the relative dearth of superb engineers capable of creating and
deploying new possibilities. The smart grid would have a tough time competing head to head for the
same engineers who are focused on inventing the next Google, or the next iPad. However, by
tapping into the academic research community, it may be possible to bring some of the brightest
minds in the next generation of researchers to focus on these critical needs.

Figure 5 summarizes our observations. One primary conclusion is that quite a bit of research is
needed simply to clarify the choices we confront. Yet the broader picture is one in which a number
of significant technology gaps clearly exist. Our strong belief is that these gaps can be bridged, but
we also see strong evidence that today’s cloud developers and vendors have little incentive to do so
and, for that reason, that a watch-and-wait approach would not succeed.

Fits current Poses Collects data Takes Requires Requires Needs to Must
cloud demanding at many actions at rapid real- strong protect protect
computing HPC locations many time consistency personal or against
model computing locations response proprietary attack
challenges data

Smart home Varies (1)  ? (3)

SCADA with
alternative     ? (3) ? (3)
Support for
wide-area      (2)
protection    
? (3)
Grid status
monitoring 
? (3) ? (3) (2)

(1) Some prototypical “smart home” systems operate by using small computing devices to poll cloud-hosted web sites that track
power pricing, then adapt actions accordingly. However not all proposed home-adaptation mechanisms are this simple; many
would require closer coordination and might not fit the current cloud model so closely.
(2) Concerns here include the risk that disclosure of too much information could give some producers opportunities to manipulate
pricing during transient generation shortages, and concerns that without publishing information about power system status it
may be hard to implement wide-area contracts, yet that same information could be used by terrorists to disrupt the grid.
(3) Further research required to answer the question.

Figure 5: Cloud-Hosted Smart Grid Applications: Summary of Assurance Requirements

6. Technical Analysis of Cloud Computing Options

Some technical questions need more justification than was offered in the preceding pages. This
section undertakes a slightly deeper analysis on a few particularly important issues. We reiterate
claims made earlier, but now offer a more specific explanation of precisely why these claims are
valid and what, if anything, might be done about the issues identified.

6.1. Rebooting a cloud-controlled smart grid

One place to start is with a question that many readers are no doubt puzzled by: the seeming
conundrum of implementing a smart grid control solution on top of an Internet that would be
incapable of functioning without power. How could one restart such a system in the event of a loss
of regional power? There are two basic elements to our response. First: geographic diversity. Cloud
computing makes it relatively easy to replicate control functionality at two or more locations that
operate far from one another and hence, if one is lost, the other can step in. As for the Internet, it
automatically reroutes around failures within a few minutes. Thus, for many kinds of plausible
outages that impact a SCADA system at one location, having a software backup at a modest distance
is sufficient: shipping photons is cheap and fast. In the Internet, nobody knows if their SCADA
system is running next door, or two states over. Geographic diversity is also interesting because, at
least for cloud operators, it offers an inexpensive way to obtain redundancy. Rather than building
dual systems, as occurs in many of today’s SCADA platforms for the existing power grid, one could
imagine cloud-hosted SCADA solutions that amortize costs in a similar manner to today’s major
cloud applications, and in this way halve the cost of deploying a fault-tolerant solution.

But one can imagine faults in which a remote SCADA platform would be inaccessible because the
wide-area network would be down, due to a lack of power to run its routers and switches. Thus, the
second part of the answer involves fail-safe designs. The smart grid will need to implement a safe,
“dumb” mode of operation that would be used when restarting after a regional outage and require
little or no fine-grained SCADA control. As the system comes back up, more sophisticated control
technologies could be phased back in. Thus, the seeming cycle of dependencies is broken: first, one
restores the power; next, the Internet; last, the more elaborate forms of smart behavior.

6.2. Adapting standard cloud solutions to support more demanding applications

We’ve repeatedly asserted that the cloud is cheap. But why is this the case, and to what extent do
the features of today’s cloud platforms relate to the lower cost of those platforms?

Cloud computing can be understood as an approach that starts with client-server computing as its
basis, and then scales it up dramatically – whereas server systems of the past might have run on 32
nodes, cloud systems often have hundreds of thousands of machines, each of which may have as
many as 8 to 16 computational cores. Thus a cloud computing system is a truly massive structure.
Some are as large as 4-5 football fields, packed so densely with computing and storage nodes that
machines are purchased by the container-truck load and the entire container is literally “plugged in”
as a unit. Yet as vast as these numbers may be, they are dwarfed by the even larger number of
client systems. Today, it is no exaggeration to say that every laptop, desktop, pad, and even mobile
telephone is a cloud-computing client system. Many have literally dozens of cloud applications
running at a time. Thus the cloud is a world of billions of end user systems linked, over the Internet,

to tens of millions of servers, residing in data centers that individually house perhaps hundreds of
thousands or millions of machines.

The cost advantage associated with this model relates to economies of scale. First, simply because
of their scale, cloud computing systems turn out to be remarkably inexpensive to own and operate
when compared with a small rack of servers such as one finds in most power industry control
centers. James Hamilton, in his widely cited blog at, has talked about the “cost
of a cloud.” He concludes that relative to other types of scalable infrastructure, the overall cost of
ownership is generally a factor of 10 to 15 lower when all costs are considered (human,
infrastructure, servers, power, software development, etc.). This is a dramatic advantage. Cloud
systems also run “hot”: with buildings packed with machines, rather than humans, the need for cool
temperatures is greatly reduced. The machines themselves are designed to tolerate these elevated
temperatures without an increased failure rate. The approach is to simply draw ambient air and
blow it through the data center, without any form of air conditioning. Interior temperatures of
100o+F are common, and there has been talk of running clouds at 120oF. Since cooling costs money,
such options can significantly reduce costs.

Furthermore, cloud systems often operate in places where labor costs and electric power costs are
cheap: if a large power consumer is close to the generator, the excess power needs associated with
transmission line loss are eliminated and the power itself becomes cheaper. Thus, one doesn’t find
these systems in the basement of the local bank; they would more often be situated near a dam on a
river in the Pacific Northwest. The developers reason that moving information (such as data from
the client computing system) to the cloud, computing in a remote place, and moving the results back
is a relatively cheap and fast option today, and the speed and growth trends of the Internet certainly
support the view that as time passes, this approach might even do better and better.

6.3. The Internet as a weak link

We’ve asserted that the Internet is “unreliable,” yet this may not make sense at first glance; all of us
have become dependent on a diversity of Internet-based mechanisms. Yet upon reflection, the
concern makes more sense: anyone who uses an Internet radio, or who owns a television adapter
that supports watching movies on demand, quickly realizes that while these technologies “usually”
are quite robust, “sometimes” outages do occur. The authors of this white paper own a number of
such technologies and have sometimes experienced multiple brief outages daily, some lasting just
seconds, and others perhaps minutes. Voice over IP telephony is a similar experience: users of
Skype think nothing of needing to try a call a few times before it goes through. Moreover, all of
these are consequences of mundane issues: studies reveal that the Internet glitches we’ve been
talking about are mostly triggered by operator error, brief load surges that cause congestion, or by
failures of the routers that support the network; a typical network route today passes through 30 or
more routers and when one goes offline, the Internet may need as much as 90 seconds to recover
full connectivity. Genuinely long Internet outages have occurred more rarely, but they do happen
from time to time, and the root causes can be surprising: in one event, an undersea cable got
severed off Egypt, and India experienced disrupted network connectivity for some several days [1].

When the Internet has actually come under attack, the situation is much worse. Experience with
outright attacks on the network is less limited than one might realize: recent events include so-called
distributed denial of service attacks that have taken entire small countries (such as Estonia) off the

network for weeks, disrupted government and military web sites, and harassed companies like
Google (when that company complained about China’s political policies recently). A wave of
intrusions into DoD classified systems resulted in the theft of what may have been terabytes of data
[14]. Researchers who have studied the problem have concluded that the Internet is really a very
fragile and trusting infrastructure, even when the most secure protocols are in use. The network
could be literally shut down, and there are many ways to do it; some entirely based on software that
can be launched from anywhere in the world (fortunately, complex software not yet in the hands of
terrorists); other attacks might deliberately target key components such as high-traffic optical
cables, using low-tech methods such as bolt cutters. Thus any system that becomes dependent
upon the Internet represents a kind of bet that the Internet itself will be up to the task.

Thus the Internet is one “weak link” in the cloud computing story. We tolerate this weak link when
we use our web phones to get directions to a good restaurant because glitches are so unimportant
in such situations. But if the future smart grid is to be controlled over a network, the question poses
itself: would this be the Internet, in a literal sense? Or some other network to be constructed in the
future? On this the answer is probably obvious: building a private Internet for the power grid would
be a hugely expensive proposition. The nation might well contemplate that option, but when the
day comes to make the decision, we are not likely to summon the political will to invest on the
needed scale. Moreover, that private Internet would become an extension of the public Internet the
moment that some enterprising hacker manages to compromise even a single machine that has an
Internet connection and also has a way to talk to the power network.

This is why we’ve concluded that the best hope is for a technical advance that would let us operate
applications that need a secure, reliable Internet over today’s less secure, less reliable one.
Achieving such a capability would entail improving handling of failures within today’s core Internet
routers (which often are built as clusters but can be slow to handle failures of even just a single
router component), and also offering enhanced options for building secure routes and for creating
redundant routes that share as few links as possible, so that if one route becomes disrupted or
overloaded, a second route might still be available. In addition, the power grid can make use of
leased connections to further improve reliability and performance.

6.4. Brewer’s CAP Conjecture and the Gilbert/Lynch CAP Theorem

We’ve discussed the relatively weak consistency properties offered by today’s cloud computing
platforms and even commented that cloud providers “embrace inconsistency” as a virtue [31][37].
Why is this the case, and can we hope to do anything about it? Cloud computing systems are so
massive (and yet built with such relatively “weak” computers) that the core challenge in building
cloud applications is to find ways to scale those applications up, so that the application (a term that
connotes a single thing) might actually be implemented by thousands or even tens of thousands of
computers, with the user’s requests vectored to an appropriate machine.

How can this form of scaling be accomplished? It turns out that the answer depends much on the
extent to which different user systems need to share data:

 At the easiest end of the spectrum we find what might be called “shared nothing”
applications. A good example would be the Amazon shopping web pages. As long as the
server my computer is communicating with has a reasonable approximation of the state of

the Amazon warehouse systems, it can give me reasonable answers to my queries. I won’t
notice if a product shows slightly different popularity answers to two identical queries
reaching different servers at the same time, and if the number of copies of a book is shown
as 3 in stock, but when I place my order suddenly changes to 1, or to 4, no great harm
occurs. Indeed, many of us have had the experience of Amazon filling a single order twice,
and a few have seen orders vanish entirely. All are manifestations of what is called “weak
consistency” by cloud developers: a model in which pretty good answers are considered to
be good enough. Interestingly, the computations underlying web search fall solidly into this
category – so much so that entire programming systems aimed at these kinds of computing
problems have become one of the hottest topics for contemporary research; examples
include MapReduce [16] and other similar systems, file systems such as Google’s GFS [20]
and the associated BigTable database layered on top of it [13], etc. These are systems
designed with loose coupling, asynchronous operation and weak consistency as fundamental
parts of their model.
 A slightly harder (but not much harder) problem arises in social networking sites like Twitter
or Facebook where groups of users share data, sometimes in real-time. Here, the trick turns
out to be to control the network routing protocols and the so-called Domain Name Service
(DNS) so that people who share data end up talking to the same server. While a server far
away might pull up the wrong version of a page, or be slow to report a Tweet, the users
talking to that single server would be unaware that the cloud has split its workload into
perhaps millions of distinct user groupings.
 Gaming and Virtual Reality systems such as Second Life are similar to this second category of
systems: as much as possible, groups of users are mapped to shared servers. Here, a greater
degree of sophistication is sometimes needed and computer gaming developers publish
extensively on their solutions: one doesn’t want to overload the server, and yet one does
want to support games with thousands of players. eBay faces a related challenge when an
auction draws a large number of bidders. Such systems often play small tricks: perhaps not
every bidder sees the identical bid sequence on a hotly contended-for item. As long as we
agree on the winner of the auction, the system is probably consistent enough.
 Hardest of all are applications that really can’t be broken up in these ways. Air Traffic
Control would be one example: while individual controllers do “own” portions of the air
space, because airplanes traverse many such portions in short periods of time, only an
approach that treats the whole airspace as a single place and shows data in a consistent
manner can possibly be safe. The “my account” portion of many web sites has a similar
flavor: Amazon may use tricks to improve performance while one shops, but when an actual
purchase occurs, their system locks down to a much more careful mode of operation.

The trade-offs between consistency and scalable performance are sometimes summarized using
what Eric Brewer has called the Consistency Availability and Partitioning (CAP) theorem [11].
Brewer, a researcher at UC Berkeley and co-founder of Inktomi, argued in a widely cited keynote talk
at PODC 2000 that to achieve high performance and for servers to be able to respond in an
uncoordinated, independent manner to requests they receive from independent clients, those
servers must weaken the consistency properties they offer. In effect, Brewer argues that weak
consistency scales well and strong consistency scales poorly. A formalization of CAP was later
proved under certain weak assumptions by MIT’s Gilbert and Lynch, but data centers can often make

stronger assumptions in practice, and consequently provide stronger properties. Moreover, there
are many definitions of consistency, and CAP is only a theorem for the specific definition that was
used in the proof. Thus CAP is something of a folk-theorem: a convenient paradigm that some data
centers cite as a reason for offering weak consistency guarantees (guarantees adequate for their
own needs, although inadequate for high assurance purposes), yet not a “law of nature” that cannot
be circumvented under any circumstances.

We believe that more investigation is needed into the scalability and robustness options that weaker
consistency models might offer. CAP holds under specific conditions; perhaps data centers can be
designed to invalidate those conditions most closely tied to the impossibility result. Hardware
assistance might be helpful, for example in supporting better forms of cloud security. Thus CAP
stands as an issue, but not one that should discourage further work.

6.5. Hidden Costs: Security Implications of Weak Consistency

Cloud security illustrates one of the dangers of casual acceptance of the CAP principles. We build
secure systems starting with specifying a security policy that the system is expected to obey.
Typically, these policies consist of rules and those rules are represented as a kind of database; the
data in the database gives the logical basis for making security decisions and also identifies the users
of the system and the categories of data. As the system runs, it can be thought of as proving
theorems: Joe is permitted to access Sally’s financial data because they are a couple; Sandra can do
so because she is Sally’s banker. John, Sally’s ex-husband, is not permitted to access those records.
The data evolves over time, and correct behavior of the system depends upon correct inference over
the current versions of the underlying rules and the underlying data.

Cloud systems have real difficulty with these forms of security, because the same embrace of weak
consistency that makes them so scalable also implies that data may often be stale or even outright
wrong when the system tries to operate on it. Perhaps some node will be slow to learn about Sally’s
divorce – maybe it will never learn of it. Cloud systems don’t provide absolute guarantees about
such things, on the whole, and this makes them easier to scale up. But it also makes them deeply –
perhaps fundamentally – untrustworthy.

The term “trustworthy” deliberately goes beyond security. Suppose that a smart grid control device
needs to handle some event: perhaps line cycles drop or increase slightly, or a current surge is
sensed. To coordinate the reaction appropriately, that device might consult with its cloud server.
But even if connectivity is not disrupted and the cloud server is running, we run into the risk that the
server instance that responds – perhaps one of a bank of instances that could number in the
thousands – might have stale data and hence respond in an incorrect manner. Thus it is entirely
possible for 99 servers to “know” about some new load on the grid, and yet for 1 server to be
unaware of this, or to have data that is incorrect (“inconsistent”) in a plethora of other ways.

Cloud systems are also quite casual about restarting servers even while they are actively handling
client requests – this, too, is part of the scalability model (it reduces the human cost of management,
because one doesn’t need to gracefully shut things down before restarting them or migrating them).
Thus our smart grid control device might find itself working off instructions that reflect faulty data,
or deprived of control in an abrupt, silent manner, or suddenly talking to a new controlling server
with no memory of the recent past.

7. Pretty Good is Sometimes Good Enough

Cloud computing is a world of very large scale systems in which most components are working
correctly even if a few are lagging behind, working with stale data, restarting after an unplanned and
sudden outage, or otherwise disrupted. Yet it is vital to realize that for many purposes these
properties are good enough. Facebook, Youtube, Yahoo, Amazon, Google, MSN Live – all are
examples of systems that host vast numbers of services that work perfectly well against this sort of
erratic model. Google’s difficulties repelling hacker attacks (apparently from China) do give pause;
this event illustrates the downside of the cloud model; it is actually quite hard for Google to secure
its systems for the same reasons we discussed earlier: security seems to be at odds with the
mechanisms that make those systems scalable. Moreover the cloud model would seem to create
loopholes that hackers can exploit (including the massive and remote nature of the cloud centers
themselves: ready targets for agents of foreign powers who might wish to intrude and introduce
virus or other undesired technical components).

The frustration for many in the field today is that we simply don’t know enough about what can be
solved in the standard cloud model. We also don’t know enough about mapping stronger models
onto cloud-like substrates or onto the Internet. Could the same hardware that runs the Internet not
host software that might have better network security and reliability characteristics? One would be
foolish to assert that this cannot be done. Could the same platforms we use in cloud settings not
support applications with stronger properties? Very possibly. We simply don’t know how to do so,
yet, in part for the reason just cited: Google, Microsoft, Yahoo, and others haven’t had much need to
do this, and so the huge investment that gave us the cloud hasn’t seen a corresponding investment
to create a highly assured cloud for mission-critical roles.

Moreover, one can turn the problem on its head and ask whether control of the future smart grid
actually requires consistency and coherency. Very possibly, one can control a smart grid in a manner
that relies on a “mostly consistent” behavior by huge numbers of relatively loosely coupled,
autonomous control agents. Perhaps centralized servers aren’t even needed or, if they are needed,
they don’t need to behave in a manner one would normally think of as reflecting central control –
terminology that already evokes the image of a single entity that makes the control decisions.

Finally, it is worthwhile to recognize that while the smart grid community may be confronting these
problems for its own reasons, the community is certainly not alone. A future work of increasingly
automated health care systems will surely have similar needs (imagine, for example, a substantial
community of elderly home-care diabetic patients who depend upon remote control of their insulin
pumps: the picture is comparable and the same concerns apply). Electronic medical health records
will demand a strong model, at least as far as security, privacy, and rapid accurate data reporting are
concerned. The same is true of banking systems, systems controlling infrastructure such as water or
traffic lights, and indeed a plethora of socially sensitive, critical applications and services. Cloud
computing beckons through its attractive price-point, but to benefit from that price point, we need
to learn to move applications with sensitive requirements onto the cloud.

8. A Research Agenda

This paper was written to expose a problem, but not to solve it. The problem, as we’ve now seen, is
that many of the most exciting ideas for the future smart grid presuppose models of computing that

have become outmoded and are being replaced by cloud computing. Others require a kind of
scalability that only cloud computing can offer. And even mundane ideas sometimes have failed to
grapple with the implications of an industry shift in which cloud computing has become a universal
answer to every need: a commodity standard that is sweeping all other standards to the side.
Familiar, successful computing models of the recent past may be the unsupported legacy challenges
of the near-term future.

Yet cloud computing, as we’ve shown, lacks key properties that power control and similar smart grid
functionality will need. These include security, consistency, real-time assurances, ways to protect
the privacy of sensitive data, and other needs.

A doom-and-gloom story would, at this point, predict catastrophe. But the authors of this survey
believe that every problem we’ve noted can probably be solved. The key is to incentivize
researchers to work on these problems. Somewhat astonishingly, that research is not occurring
today. With the exception of work on computer security, the government has largely pulled back
from funding what could be called “basic systems” research, and there are no major research
programs focused on highly assured cloud computing at NSF, DARPA, or other major government
research agencies today. In effect, we’re making a wager that industry will solve these problems on
its own. Yet as noted above, cloud computing systems are under at most modest economic
incentives to tackle these needs. They don’t impact the bottom line revenue stream in major ways,
and cloud computing has been shaped, up to now, by the revenue stream. To us this suggests that
such a wager might fail.

Accordingly, we recommend that the nation embark on a broad-reaching and multi-faceted research
effort. This effort would have elements specific to the smart electric power grid, but other elements
that are cross-cutting and that would seem equally beneficial in future medical systems, banking
systems, and a wide range of other application areas:

i. Quantify the kinds of guarantees that cloud computing solutions can offer. The goal of this
effort would be to create a scientific foundation for cloud computing, with the mathematical
and practical tools one associates with any scientifically rigorous foundation.
ii. Quantify the kinds of guarantees that are required for a new generation of smart grid
control paradigms. This effort would seek to develop new strategies for control of a smart
power grid, perhaps including such elements as decentralized control points and some
degree of autonomous local control for smaller devices such as home units that might adapt
their power consumption to better exploit off-peak power and reduce peak needs. It would
then look at various ways to implement those strategies on cloud platforms.
iii. Learn to reintroduce strong trust properties in cloud settings. Perhaps the conclusion from
these first efforts would be that today’s CAP-conjecture-based cloud is ideally suited to
some new style of weakly consistent control paradigm. But we may also find that some
applications simply require cloud applications that can scale well and be administered
cheaply, and yet that offer strong guarantees of security, consistency, availability, fault-
tolerance, etc. If so, it will be incumbent upon us to learn to host such applications in cloud
iv. Better quantify the possible attacks against a computer-controlled smart grid. We’ve seen
that energy producers might be motivated to manipulate power markets (cf. the Enron

situation of some years ago), and Clarke’s book points to the possibility of hackers or even
foreign powers that might single out the power grid as their target. Needed are a careful
analysis of the threats – all forms of threats – and a considered strategy for building systems
that might defend against such attacks.
v. Learn to build an Internet with better availability properties, even under attack. Today’s
Internet has one primary role: it needs to get the data from the sender to the receivers and
while reliability isn’t a need on a packet-by-packet basis, we are learning that reliability does
matter for “flows” that occur over longer periods of time. But the Internet isn’t reliable in
this second sense, and is easily attacked. We need to find ways to evolve the network to
have much higher reliability for packet flows that need stronger assurance properties, and to
do so even when the network comes under attack.
vi. Improve attack tolerance. If we are to build nationally critical infrastructures on the
Internet, the day may come when adversaries attack those infrastructures. Today, this
would result in serious disruption; tomorrow, as the dependencies enlarge, the results may
be devastating. Thus it is obligatory to learn to build attack-tolerant versions of the key
components of the future infrastructure. This is a tall order, but short of rejecting the
Internet and the cloud as inappropriate for critical use, there really is no alternative but to
find ways to secure what we build against major, deliberate, coordinated, sophisticated

It would not be honest to offer such a list without also observing that this is a tremendously
ambitious, difficult agenda. Saying that such-and-such a problem “must be solved” is easy;
estimating the time and resource needs to solve it is another matter. Worse still, the topics we’ve
listed aren’t typical of the areas receiving the most research energy and enthusiasm today.

A further observation, of a similar nature, is that computer security has been a source of frustration
for decades; we’ve made huge progress and yet the landscape has shifted beneath our feet in such a
way that the problems we’ve solved seem like issues that haven’t mattered in decades, while the
problems of the day seem far beyond reach. So to say that we need to “find a way” to create
trustworthy cloud computing applications is facile and perhaps unrealistic. It may be that we will
never reach a point at which computing can really be trusted in the senses required!

Yet it would also seem premature to give up. While there is a CAP theorem, we’ve commented that
it holds only under very weak assumptions and there is no hard-and-fast reason that data centers
can’t make stronger assumptions. For this reason, CAP is more of a folk theorem: those who wish to
build weakly consistent systems use CAP to justify their approach, elevating it to the status of a
theorem perhaps as much to justify their own endorsement of weak properties as for any
mathematically rigorous reason. Meanwhile, the theory community points to the theorem as an
impossibility result, seemingly unaware that many cloud systems wouldn’t match the assumptions
used in proving the result, and hence aren’t “bound” by it. And this same comment could be made in
a much broader way: There is little concrete evidence that the obstacles to highly assured cloud
computing are even all that hard. Perhaps all that is needed is new, talented minds and new kinds of
applications, such as the smart grid, to help motivate the work and to ground it in reality. Lack of
funding has impeded this entire area for almost a decade (triggered by a DARPA pull-back under the
Bush administration). Thus, with more resources, an exciting and important problem, and perhaps
some really bright young researchers, it may actually be possible to move mountains.

Summary of Highest Priority Research Topics

1. Quantify the kinds of guarantees that cloud computing solutions can offer.

2. Quantify the kinds of guarantees that are required for a new generation of smart grid
control paradigms.

3. Learn to reintroduce strong trust properties in cloud settings.

4. Better quantify the possible attacks against a computer-controlled smart grid.

5. Learn to build an Internet with better availability properties.

6. Improve attack tolerance.

Figure 6: Summary of the most urgent research topics

9. Conclusions

The smart grid challenges us today: creating it could be the first and perhaps most important step
towards a future of dramatically improved energy efficiency and flexibility. The Internet and the
Cloud Computing model around which it has coalesced appear to be natural partners in this
undertaking, representing the culmination of decades of work on high-productivity, low-cost
computing in a distributed model. But only if the gap between the needs of the smart grid and the
properties of the cloud can be bridged can these apparent opportunities be safely realized.


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