Development of Digital Village in Improving Public Services in Lamahu Village of Bone Bolango Regency

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Volume 6, Issue 10, October – 2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Development of Digital Village in Improving

Public Services in Lamahu Village of Bone
Bolango Regency
Zulfia Abdussamad Irawaty Igirisa
Lecturer in Faculty of Economics, Lecturer in Public Administration,
Department of management Gorontalo State University, Faculty of Economics, Gorontalo State University,
Gorontalo Province Gorontalo Province

Mohamad Kifli Djamalu Nazlia Dama

College , Faculty of Economics, College , Faculty of Economics,
Department of Management Gorontalo State University, Department of Management, Gorontalo State University,
Gorontalo Province Gorontalo Province

Abstract:- Advances in technology and information have I. INTRODUCTION

brought changes to people's living patterns, the impact
of which is expected to increase people's incomes. The issue of poverty will continue to be a problem that
Therefore, research is needed on The Development of will never go away in this world (Ishatono, I., & Raharjo, S.
Digital Villages in improving this public service in one of T, 2016). Today, the government has made poverty
the digital villages in Gorontalo Province. The goal to be alleviation efforts through various policies and programs
achieved through this research is (1) to find out how the designed to increase people's incomes. Government policies
development of digital villages in improving public are implemented by involving various leading sectors and
services, (2) to find out determinants in the development other relevant stakeholders. Aspects that need to be
of digital villages in Lamahu village of South Bulango considered one of them is human resources that have the
District of Bone Bolango Regency. ability to provide public services to the community.

The study uses a qualitative approach, where Good public service is believed to have an impact on
researchers want to collect data through observation, in- community satisfaction as a service recipient. Much of the
depth interviews and documentation. Data obtained literature on the quality of public service focuses on
through the research process will be conducted data administration (Nolte, I.M., Bushnell, A.M., &mews, M,
acquisition through data trianggulation methods, 2020). Therefore, government officials need to be provided
extension of observations and conducting focus group with appropriate public service facilities so as to provide
discussion so that valid data is expected to be obtained excellent services to the community. Facilities or facilities
and will be analyzed using data reduction techniques, and infrastructure as one of the conditions in improving the
data presentation and conclusion withdrawal. quality of public services wherever possible prepared by the
government. This effort can be found in Lamahu Village
The results showed that: 1). The development of digital which began to develop a digital system in conducting
villages in improving public services in Lamahu Village public service to its people. Some types of services carried
can be seen through: (a). The application of government out digitally since 2017 in Lamahu village include services
service systems with e-Government, (b) Community that use punic buttons on aspects of security and public
services in health and security aspects based on android, health. In addition, administrative services using the e-
and (c) Community empowerment by utilizing government system are designed to accelerate public
information technology. And 2). Determinant factors services to the community in Lamahu Village.
that determine the success of digital village development
in Lamahu Village include: (a). The level of public Digital village development is a concept of village
education, (b). Availability of access to information development by utilizing digital technology both in public
technology, and (c). There is support and commitment services and in regional development such as infrastructure,
from the government. information technology, communication, transportation,
zoning, irrigation and energy. With digital villages are
Keywords:- Digital Village, Public Service. expected to be able to reduce costs and improve public
services and the standard of living of villagers. But from the
results of initial observations researchers it turns out that the
development of digital villages in Lamahu Village has not
been maximal. Ideally all types of public services in Lamahu

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Volume 6, Issue 10, October – 2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Village have been done digitally. But the reality that found Public service is a state administrative activity in
services provided to the community has not used digital meeting the needs and interests of the public. Public service
systems, especially e-government services. Some services becomes a system built in government to meet the interests
carried out using panic button facilities such as security and of the people. Public service is the provision of services
health services have not been optimal. According to the provided to citizens in a good and professional manner
research team, this phenomenon is caused by various factors either services, goods or administrative as part of the needs
such as the ability of human resources or low society, the of the community. Good public service provides satisfaction
commitment of the apparatus in performing services and to the community for this service. In the delivery of services,
other aspects that also affect the non-maximum public it is the duty and responsibility of the government to provide
service by using this digital system. them professionally, accountablely and optimally. Optimal
service is the hope of all communities to create a better
II. LITERATURE REVIEW quality of service.

a. Definition of Digital Village Development III. RESEARCH METHODS

Village development is intended as one of the efforts
made by the local government in improving public services This research is a qualitative descriptive study to
to the community. (Suyatna, R, 2019). With digital villages uncover phenomena that occur in the location of the study,
are expected to be able to reduce costs and improve public examine them in depth and analyze the results qualitatively
services and the standard of living of villagers. By so that conclusions can be drawn to the focus of the research
developing villages through the utilization of technology can studied. To collect data, interviews and observations of
reduce costs and improve performance or public services. In informants consisting of lamahu village officials and
addition, the village will be more advanced and independent, government, communities and related agencies, and
because the village will no longer depend on the local secondary data derived from research results, documents and
government and even the center. One of them is by utilizing related literature. The data obtained is analyzed using the
digital technology in public services to the community. Miles and Huberman Interactive model, which is an analysis
conducted in the form of three components, namely data
From the results of the preliminary study, it was found reduction, data presentation and verification / withdrawal of
that efforts to develop Digital Village in Lamahu Village of conclusions.
South Bulango Subdistrict had begun since 2017, utilizing
CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) funds from IV. RESULT AND DISCUSSION
Telkomsel. In addition, a Non-Governmental Organization
(NGO) in Gorontalo, the Elnino Centre, has played an active Public services carried out by the village government
role in building this Digital Village. Some of the facilities determine the satisfaction of the community towards the
built include the provision of free internet services for service of the village government. One aspect that needs to
citizens, the utilization of Panic Button, the use of CCTV be considered in improving public services is the efforts to
Cameras and command centers used to operate and control develop digital villages. The development of digital villages
digital systems in Lamahu Village. From several facilities is one of the very interesting phenomena to do in-depth
and types of services provided in this digital village, the research.
team focused on the study of the utilization of panic button
system. Panic Button is used to provide services and rapid 4.1 Development of Digital Village in improving public
access to the community related to several emergency services in Lahahu Village
conditions such as security and health.
a. Implementation of the system of government services
b. Concept of public service with E-Government
Etymologically, the large dictionary Indonesian says Advances in information technology and
service is "the effort to serve others". Service has a meaning communication systems in human life activities are also
that serves the people served. If serving, then it is actually experiencing changes that also have an impact on public
providing service / service in a professional and services. Likewise, public services carried out by the
proportionate manner. The form and manner of service is government give birth to fast, accurate and transparent
also part of the inseparable meaning of the service itself. public services. A number of innovations in improving
Service means serving earnestly to the person served to meet public services in the village contribute to the achievement
his needs and interests in order to provide satisfaction and of the level of community welfare. The implementation of
usefulness. the system of government services with E-Government both
centered up to the village level has brought changes in the
Service is "any activity that is profitable in a group or service system provided to the community. Along with the
entity, and offers satisfaction even if the results are not tied development of information technology which at this time
to a physical product. Furthermore, Sampara argues, service has developed rapidly in various sectors, it has an impact on
is an activity that occurs in direct interaction between one better support for access and processing of information to
person and others or machines physically, and provides public services. In this regard, government has a role in
customer satisfaction" While the term public comes from the generating policies and actions in each sector by utilizing
English meaning general, society, state. information technology in supporting the performance of

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Volume 6, Issue 10, October – 2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
public services (e-Government). To build efficient, knowledge and skills of the community and all the apparatus
transparent, accountable, and effective public services, the in Lamahu Village are very necessary to be done.
role of E-Government is essential to building good
governance. b. Availability of access to information technology
The availability of access to information technology is
The village as a unit of legal society that has territorial one of the conditions in the development of digital villages.
boundaries and is authorized to regulate government affairs In Lamahu Village this is managed through the Cetre
is inseparable from the provision of services (Nursetiawan, Command system which is an internet network control
I, 2020). The implementation of village government by center and digital system developed since 2017. The
utilizing information technology makes e-Village availability of access to information technology aims to
Government can be a vehicle for village government provide convenience for the community in obtaining public
accountability for the implementation of government, so that service systems.
it will create an independent, transparent and accountable
government. E-Government in village government is not The concept of digital villages is an effort to
only a matter of a village's website, but is an integrated implement government service systems, community
system by information technology so as to make the village services, and community empowerment based on the use of
government more efficient and transparent as mandated by information technology. This is characterized by the
the Village Law. provision of internet networks, wifi, CCTV and other
devices that can help the public in getting the best public
b. Community services on android-based health and services.
security aspects
The development of digital villages in Lamahu is b. There is support and commitment from the government.
characterized by the implementation of the Panic Button The management of information technology systems
System using android. This system provides services to the conducted through the Command Centre in Lamahu Village
community from health and safety aspects. The development requires support and commitment from the government. The
of digital villages aims to make it easier for people to obtain development of Lamahu digital village has been carried out
services. People just by pressing the panic button will be since 2017 with CSR funds of PT Telkomsel and NGO
integrated with both health and security service systems. Elnino Center. Funds are used to build facilities and
networks and devices needed to support the operation of the
c. Empowering the community by utilizing information Command Centre in Lamahu Village. The existence of this
technology fund is felt to be lacking so that the village government
Since the existence of regional autonomy, local through the Lamahu Village Fund Budget has allocated a
governments have the task of developing regional potential number of funds to finance operational activities and
as much as possible. Empowerment of rural communities is maintenance of the Command Centre system and its devices.
the key to the success of development in the area. The
village is empowered to be able to manage the potential of The commitment and support of the village
the village as much as possible. The effort was realized in government is one of the factors that determine the success
Law No. 6 of 2014 concerning villages as a form of in the development of digital villages in Lamahu. The
seriousness of the government empowering people in the village government showed serious commitment and attitude
village. The Government Program mentions that community in developing digital villages. In a policy commitment or
empowerment is a way to alleviate poverty. attitude of the implementer becomes one of the factors that
determine its success (Edward III). This commitment must
Community empowerment efforts are now starting to be accompanied by financial support for operational
be done by utilizing information technology. The activities and maintenance of the Command Centre system
development of digital villages with the provision of and all its devices so that the development of digital villages
information technology is carried out to maximize the is more optimal.
development of the potential owned by the village. Lamahu
Village as a digital village has made efforts to empower this V. CONCLUSION
community by providing access to information technology
for the entire community. Public services carried out by the village government
determine the satisfaction of the community towards the
4.2 Determinants that determine success in the service of the village government. One aspect that needs to
development of digital villages. be considered in improving public services is the efforts to
develop digital villages. A number of innovations in
a. Level of community education improving public services in the village contribute to the
The development of the digital village can be achievement of the level of community welfare. One model
influenced at least by several factors such as the level of of public service carried out by the government is service
community education. If their education is better, it will with the E-Government system. The implementation of
have an impact on improving people's ability to access and android-based public services to public health and safety
implement application systems used in the development of issues is needed in improving the delivery of services and
digital villages in Lamahu. Therefore, efforts to improve the community satisfaction. This condition can be improved by

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