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Volume 6, Issue 10, October – 2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Challenges Facing by the Hospitality in India

*A. Satyanarayana Teja, Assistant Professor, KLEF (KL Deemed to be university), Vijayawada, vaddeswaram.
** Kalyan Sarkar, Assistant Professor, Lovely Professional University, Punjab, Jalandar

Abstract:- The main aim of the research paper is to 2.High Turnover Of Quality Workforce:
focus on the key challenges and the upcoming future Hospitality industry has found the difficult in retain the
trends of the hospitality industry. This study gives us the quality workforce even after giving training and
idea of the Indian hotel industry characteristics and development to the employees. Hotel industry needs
discusses the future expectation; challenges need to be professionals but they are very easily attract towards the
handled in an emerging global context and what will be better paying industry like retail, banking, aviation and
the impact on human resource development and much more service industry (parwar2012)
management. Due to the changes this paper discusses the
trends that will dominate the market and suggestions to 3.Hign guest expectations:
overcome the challenges which profit the industry. As the competition has been increased at both level
with in and outside the industry due to this guest expectation
Keywords:- New Trends, Hospitality Industry, Challenges. has increased. This results the hospitality facing the
challenges with short-term investment like new technology
I. INTRODUCTION infrastructure etc. which effects the long term business
This research analyze the challenges facing by the
hospitality industry. This industry plays the major role in the 4. New Technology Awareness:
service sector for economic development of the country as it As the technology is developing day-by-day.
is a revenue earner for the country in India hospitality Hospitality manager should be aware of the new technology
industry is facing many challenges which was identified as in the market up to date and should give awareness and
shortage of skilled employees, safety issues, quality training to their employees to work on the new technology.
workforce excess of room inventory, compounding cost,
employees burnout in hospitality industry, poor 5. Competition faced amongst various players:
organization, highly developed technology. This is the one of the industry which is facing the high
competition by arrival of new products, new players and
This research paper identifies the key areas of the new systems. the neighbor countries are also serving equally
hospitality industry for the development by focuses on by providing cheaper destination with better infrastructure.
updated market values sustainability, economic growth,
latest technological advances, advantages and dis- III. CONCLUSION
advantages of the new technology.
This research study has given the idea challenges that
Objective: the hospitality industry is facing in the India. As it is the
On the basis of review of literatures. This paper service industry it should focus on guest satisfaction by
identifies the challenges facing by the industry and also the keeping the employees updated knowledge and giving them
present situation of the industry. good training about the various stages of work.


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